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51 |
A New Stare at Old Problem of Attrition & Retention
-B. V. S. S. Subbarao ; Dr. M. Veerabhadra Rao
Employee retention has become a major concern for organizations of any nature. Employee attrition is a costly dilemma for all organizations. In one of the survey it was found that 90% of those firms surveyed said it was more difficult to retain talented individuals than it was several years before. Therefore, it is imperative that organizations and managers recognize that retention must be a continuing HR emphasis and a significant responsibility for all supervisors and managers. That is the reason which calls for investigation and research in the field. This article explores the challenges of retaining employees, the reasons and prime factors for employee attrition and some retention strategies. As companies usually think that giving a hike in salary to retain employees will solve a problem but this however is no longer helpful in solving the problem. The main objective of this paper was to find the reasons of employee turnover in the professional institution and another objective of the research was to study the strategies to be employed, which should be adopted by the professional institutions to retain their employees. Through this article we wish to bring out other reasons that makes employee quit an organization and focus on the pragmatic, innovative and effective attrition management strategies in order to retain talent in the organization. Read More...
Human Resource management |
India |
202-205 |
52 |
Analysis and Optimization of IC Engine Connecting Rod
-Sahil Sharma
The main motto of this study is to analyse and optimize the Connecting Rod. In this paper, we come to know about the Connecting Rod in the better way. There is the parameter that has been defined in this section such as how it works in an engine, the chemistry of a Connecting Rod, Connecting Rod in a science. There is also a literature review in which research work of different researchers has been included. Also, the main motto of their research is how the efficiency & performance of an engine is improved. This can be achieved with the help of the optimization technique. Many of the researchers have reduces the size & weight of the Connecting Rod and determine their results. They have used different 3-D models. They were working with the software such as PROE, ANSYS, and CATIA. Optimization is basically the situation in which best outcome is used in order to improve the system whether it is efficiency or performance. Read More...
M. Tech in Mechanical Engineering Design |
India |
206-209 |
53 |
A General Review Paper on Mycoviruses
-Naresh Kumar
Mycoviruses are very significant viruses, which are found to be infecting fungi. These Mycoviruses require the living cells of their hosts for replicate like the plant and animal viruses. The genome of Mycoviruses mostly consist of double stranded RNA (dsRNA) and least of Mycoviruses genome consist of positive, single stranded RNA (-ssRNA). Moreover, DNA Mycoviruses have been reported recently. These viruses have been detected in almost all fungal phylum but still most of the Mycoviruses remain unknown. Mycoviruses are important in a sense that they mostly remain silent and rarely develop symptom in their hosts. Some Mycoviruses have been reported which are causing irregular growth, abnormal pigmentation and some are involved in changing their host sexual reproduction. For the management of Plant diseases, the importance of Mycoviruses arises because of their most significant effect that is they reduced virulence of their host. Technically the reduced virulence is called hypovirulence. This hypovirulence phenomena has increased importance of Mycoviruses because it has the potential to reduce the crop losses and forests caused by their hosts which are plant pathogenic fungi. In this review, I explore different aspects and importance of Mycoviruses. Read More...
Agricultural Sciences |
India |
210-213 |
54 |
Review on Various Analysis on Green Building
-W Sai Deepak ; A Varaprasad; P Sandeep Panigrahi
After agriculture, Construction industry is the second largest industry in India, there is a need of understanding the usage of natural resources and climatic impact being done in construction industry from the recent years. So Green building concept is rapidly emerging concept in the field of construction. The present study is concerned with the review of study on green building and its applications in today world in constructional practises. The parameters like water conservation, optimum day lighting, green materials were studied. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
214-215 |
55 |
Study of Effect of Automated Curing on Mass Concreting
-Raghvendra Raghuvanshi ; Rajesh Joshi
When fresh concrete is poured during the construction of large homogeneous structures, the heat generated due to hydration of cement present is considered. This heat generated is non-uniform in nature and highly depends on composition of cement. Volume change occur due to increasing temperature at early age of concrete. Thermal gradients are produced when the heat generated due to hydration reaction of cement is dissipated through the concrete to the surrounding environment, the lowest temperature occurs at the exposed surface and the highest temperature at the interior part of the concrete. Since the high temperature interior wants to expand it creates tensile stresses at the surface of the concrete. Since the tensile strength of concrete is not fully developed these tensile stresses may surpass the early age tensile strength of concrete and can produce cracks. New automated curing system for mass concrete has been developed to improve the quality of concrete structure and to save construction time and cost. The principle of this method is that the machine-controlled water circulation system of heated hardening water. Applied hardening water on the surface of mass concrete keeps the temperature distinction between centre and surface of the structure below the edge of specification. Mock-up test and field application have been conducted to investigate the performance of this system. In the results, new automated curing system reduced the chance of thermal crack occurrence and improved quality of the concrete structure as well. In this dissertation, 1m3 concrete cube of M40 grade is casted to check thermal stress and thermal cracks, along with 18, 150 mm * 150 mm * 150 mm concrete cube is also casted to check its compressive strength. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
216-218 |
56 |
Design and Development of Fatigue Test Setup for Composite Laminate
-Akshay B. Gite ; Rushikesh V. Ashtekar; Vikram T. Nikam; Prof N. S. Kulkarni
Fatigue results in failure materials subjected to completely reversed or cyclic loading. An important consideration for design is ultimate strength of the epoxy glass-fiber composite laminate. Hand Lay-up technique was employed for composite fabrication of Epoxy and E-Glass Fiber. Epoxy resin and hardener were mixed using the ratio of 2:1 parts by weight. The entire setup includes motor, gearbox, cam and shaft assembly, springs, plates, grippers, flat needle roller bearings, sliding channel. The tension fatigue test of composite specimen is measured by applying constant frequency of 3Hz. Moreover the specimen and design considerations are as per ASTM standards. Unidirectional glass-fiber epoxy specimens with 0°, 45°, and 90° are used as samples for test. For demonstration of machine functionality, the measured results of few test have been compared with numerical methodology. This types of machines are very expensive hence simplicity and overall cost are important considerations in this system. Read More...
M.Tech in Machine Design |
India |
219-221 |
57 |
A Review Paper on to Study Effects of Critical Clauses in Contract of Construction Projects to Avoid Delay in Projects
-Aishwarya Bajeerao Khochage ; Prof. G. N Kanade; Prof. A. B. Patil
These days the biggest problem which construction industry is greatly suffering is the "DELAY in Construction Projects". Which further responsible for cost overrun of the construction projects. This research paper presents the work that is to be done to avoid delays and hence methodology to find factors causing delays. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
222-223 |
58 |
Pressure Dependence, Propellant composition, Particle Size and Effect of Catalyst on Burn Rate Study of AP-HTPB, AP- PVC and AN-HTPB based Composite Solid Propellants
-Aniket Manash ; Rahul Kumar; Prabin Kumar
In the present investigation, an effort has been made to study pressure dependence, propellant composition, particle size and effect of catalyst on the burn rate of AP and AN based composite solid propellant. The variation of oxidizer has been made 70%, 75% and 80% based on earlier experience of the loading of PVC and HTPB on the physical and combustion characteristics of AP and AN based composite solid propellants. The particle size of the oxidizer in the present formulation is taken to be 44 μm and 149 μm respectively. The bimodal AP and AN are taken with mess size 150 and 300.The reason for taking this formulation is to compare the burning rate of the selected propellant and hence finding the best propellant. Read More...
Aerospace Engineering |
India |
224-229 |
59 |
Recapitulation on Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger
-B. Anupriyadharshini ; S. Aravind Kannan; R. S. Shiva Ranjani; M. Sridharan
Heat exchanger is one among promising thermal device in which heat transfer takes place between high temperature and low temperature fluid. Among various classifications of heat exchangers, specific major focus was shown by researchers with indirect contact type heat exchangers. Still numerous research works were under progress with such type of heat exchangers. In this study a short review on shell and tube type heat exchangers, an indirect contact type is discussed. Such reviews are based on design of heat exchangers, methods to improve effectiveness, selection of heat transfer fluid, mass flow rate, area occupied by heat exchanger etc. In addition methods to improve rate of heat transfer with optimized input parameters were also highlighted. Read More...
M-Tech(thermal power engineering) |
India |
230-232 |
60 |
An Experimental Investigation on Effect of Nano Silica Addition on Mechanical Properties of Blended Cement Concrete
-G. Anusha ; K. Jayachandra; B. Bala Krishna
Concrete is the most common material for construction. The total production depends upon the cement content only. Due to the usage, large amount of cement produces increasing the CO2 emissions, to reduce the cement percentage in concrete mixes the nano silica (nSiO2) is used as the replacement of the cement. Nowadays is mainly focusing on the basic science of cementitious material at atomic or nano level. Further, researches are continuing to improve the sustainability and durability of concrete and it has the mechanical properties and significant increment in cementitious material. This paper summarizes the effect of nano silica addition on mechanical properties of concrete. It provides the current development of application of nano-silica in motor and concrete by using Ordinary Portland Cement and Blended Cement. The nano silica is available in 10-50 nm as particle size. The 17nm particle size is used for the whole project. This paper aim is to study the mechanical properties of the specimen using the nano silica by replacement of the cement. The ratio in weight of the nano cement with respect to normal cement. The mortar specimen size is 70.6x70.6x70.6 mm. The concrete cube size is 150 x 150 x 150 mm was maintained and water cement ratio 0.40 was maintained throughout the project. The 0%, 1.5%, 3.5%, 5.5% and 7.5% of nano silica should be replaced with weight of the cement. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
233-237 |
61 |
Solid Waste Management in Vadange Villages
-Mayur Chandrashekhar Chavan ; Mr. S. M. Bhosale; Mr. A. A. Kulkarni
Waste generation, collection, transportation, segregation, recovery and recycle, disposal this are the key factor in the waste management system in order to reduce and reuse the solid waste in rural and urban areas. It includes disposal of solid waste in cost effective manner, using waste to energy sanitary techniques, composting of organic waste and, land fill technique. In this paper we have studied solid waste management in Vadange village near Kolhapur. The predominance of open dumping and the absence of reliable data regarding generation and characterization of waste has created a difficult situation for rural local bodies responsible for managing solid waste generated in the village composting. Most common practice of waste processing is uncontrolled dumping which causes pollution. If the wastes are disposed in an uncontrolled manner these may cause adverse impact on public health & environment. Therefore, the solid wastages are still a major problem in this rural area. To overcome these problems, we have proposed to Recycling, Waste to energy, Composting this method and give to plan of proper collection system of Vadange village. Read More...
Environment Engineering |
India |
238-245 |
62 |
Design and Implementation of Mobile Banking
-M S Nirmala
The project initially explains the identification of different problems faced by the Indian public sector banks and some private sector banks like ICICI and HDFC banks in their websites through analysis of their mobile/normal web pages. In subsequent to this, recommendations are proposed to overcome these issues and in order to do so a mobile framework has been proposed and designed which takes cares of these issues. The implementation of designed framework is presented briefly in the later section. The project work is concluded with advantages of the designed framework and future works to be done in order to improve the framework and embed extra features to it, thus increasing its usability at different levels. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
246-250 |
63 |
Area-Efficient and Minimal Power Constituted on Shift Register using Pulsed Latches
-Juweria Begum ; Immidisetty Venkata Prakash
The Shift Register is another type of sequential logic circuit that can be used for the storage or the transfer of data in the form of binary numbers. A power-efficient shift register utilizing a new flip-flop with a pulse-triggered structure is presented in this paper. The proposed flip-flop has features of high performance and low power. The key idea was to design in various performance aspects provide a signal feed through from input source to the internal node of the latch, which would facilitate extra driving to shorten the transition time and enhance both power and speed performance. The design was intelligently achieved by employing a simple pass transistor. The proposed design successfully solves the long discharging path problem in conventional explicit type pulse-triggered FF (P-FF) designs and achieves better speed and power performance. Based on post-layout simulation results using CMOS 90-nm technology. The best power-delay-product performance in seven FF designs under comparison. Its maximum power saving against rival designs is up to 37.4%.Compared with the conventional transmission gate-based FF design. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
251-255 |
64 |
Performance Evaluation of Heat Pipe using Tio2 - CUO Nanofluiod
-Ms Nilam Ramchandra Karpe ; Dr. J. A. Hole
The project work investigate thermal performance of heat pipe is carried out with using hybrid nanofluid, which is the combination of TiO2 and CuO with DI water. And compare it with the result of single nanofluid in heat pipe. The TiO2 is no toxic, easily available with great dispersion stability and CuO gives the maximum thermal conductivity. So the performance of these two with combination as hybrid Nano fluid in heat pipe will carried out. The heat pipe is very effective tool used for the heat transport as well as cooling purpose. Heat Pipe gives better performance and the rate of heat transfer enhancing by enhancing the thermal conductivity of working fluid. Result gives the higher thermal conductivity decrease the thermal resistance and improves the heat transport capacity of heat pipe. Read More...
Heat Power Engineering |
India |
256-258 |
65 |
Efficient Model to Incorporate Rating and Trust Data for Recommendation
-Nedunuri Jasmine Nirmala Varsha ; A. Krishna Mohan
Propose a novel Domain-sensitive Recommendation algorithm assisted with assigned user item subgroup analysis, which integrates rating prediction and domain detection into a unified framework. A Trust SVD model, trust based matrix factorization technique is used for Recommendation system. Trust SVD (Singular Value Decomposition) integrates multiple information sources into the recommendation model in order to reduce well known problems Data Sparsity and Cold start Problems and their degradation recommendation performance. An Analysis of social trust data from four real-world data sets suggests only explicit ratings and doesn't specifies implicit rating values. In this Recommendation model both Explicit and implicit rating values are taken into consideration. Trust SVD model therefore builds on top of State-of-the-art algorithm, Trust SVD++ (which uses explicit and implicit influence of item ratings), by further incorporating both explicit and implicit influence of trusted and trusting users on the prediction of items for an active user. The proposed technique is the first to extend Trust SVD++ with social trust information. Here Propose a Trust SVD model to learn a trust aware personalized ranking method with multi-faceted trust relations for implicit feedback. It reconstruct the observed rating data with learned latent factor representations of both users and items, with which those unobserved ratings to users and items can be predicted directly. Recommender systems have been widely used to provide users with high-quality personalized recommendations from large volume of choices. Robust and accurate recommendations are important in e-commerce operations. Read More...
M.Tech Computer Science |
India |
259-264 |
66 |
Modification of Steady Rest for NCL25 Lathe Machine
-Patel Malav Sanjaykumar
Steady rests are auxiliary support used in turning as well as boring work to prevent it from being bent by the impact of the cutting forces. Steady rest grip, pinpoint and sustenance the workpiece held by a lathe chuck. Steady rest typically consist of three hydraulically or pneumatically operated jaws which are altered to concentrically support a job about its outer periphery. Steady rest can also mount for good benefit on most types of lathes for internal turning, cantering, boring etc. The steady rest supports the bar to be turned with three adjustable centres for appropriate work to be done. As a result, it absorbs good amount of shock, which emitted by bending forces. In industry, I observed that work on steady rest plays a major role on overall time. Thus, in this project the effort being made to re-design exiting steady rest in order to reduce lead time for client, which would allow them to accomplish their target in lesser time. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
265-266 |
67 |
Comparative Study of Applications of Cr Principle in Maximum Power Point Tracking of Solar PV Array
-Amit Chouksey ; Dr. S. S. Awasthi; Dr. S. K. Singh
The investigations on the photovoltaic (PV) control age are widely expanding, since it is considered as a basically endless and comprehensively accessible vitality asset. In any case, the yield intensity of the photovoltaic modules relies upon sun oriented radiation and temperature of the sun oriented cells. Thusly, to augment the productivity of the sustainable power source framework, it is important to track the most extreme power purpose of the PV exhibit and influence the cluster to work close it. Greatest power task is a testing issue, since it requires that the framework stack is equipped for utilizing all power accessible from the PV framework constantly. The I-V normal for the heap must meet the focal point of most extreme power focuses on the I-V qualities of the PV exhibit for fluctuating insolation and temperature levels. Fluffy Cognitive Networks (FCN) have been proposed as an operational augmentation of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCM), which work in persistent connection with the framework they depict and might be utilized to control it. In this section FCN is utilized to build a most extreme power point tracker (MPPT), which may work in participation with a fluffy MPPT controller. The proposed conspire outflanks other existing MPPT plans of the writing giving great most extreme power activity of any PV exhibit under various conditions, for example, changing insolation and temperature. Additionally it can adjust to various changes that may occur amid the existence cycle of the PV module, for example, a demolished cell of the PV exhibit. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
267-270 |
68 |
Inter-State Differentials of Demographic Indicators and Vital Rates in India
-V. Saravanakumar ; Dr. C. Sivapragasam
India has achieved MDG goals only in certain states and the performance of EAG states is poor. Rural urban differentials still exist throughout the country, the prevalence of inter-state and inter district variations has to be eliminated through innovative measures and monitoring mechanism. The latest published reports of Government of India were used for collecting secondary data based on rural and urban vital rates and demographic indicators. The main objective of this paper is to analyse the inter-state differentials existed among EAG, non EAG states and Union Territories in India. Analysis based on index revealed that the performances of EAG states, namely Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh are very low in both rural and urban areas. Regarding non EAG states, rural and urban performance of Arunachal Pradesh and Maharashtra is low whereas, Goa, Tripura and West Bengal's performances both in rural and urban areas are high. Gujarat, Haryana, HP, J&K and Punjab have low performance in urban areas but have medium performance in rural areas. Read More...
social science |
India |
271-273 |
69 |
Fatigue Stress Analysis of Helical Compression Spring, A Study
-Keshav Prasad Patel ; Shiv Kumar Rathore
The objective of this review paper is to provide the information about the fatigue stress for the helical compression spring. Springs are mechanical shock absorber system. The researchers throughout the years have given various research methods such as Theoretical, Numerical, Analytical and Experimental. We usually prefer the Theoretical, Numerical and Analytical FEA methods. This study says Finite Element analysis is the best method for numerical solution calculating the fatigue stress, life cycle and shear stress of helical compression spring. This present work will be beneficiary for the design of helical spring design against fatigue analysis. Read More...
M. Tech Mechanical Engineering Design |
India |
274-278 |
70 |
Design of Two Stage High Gain Differential Amplifier using 45nm Technology
-Kiran B. Admane ; Dr. M. B. Mali
Operational amplifier is a building block of an analog electronic. Now more number of application are using in their product. A Two stage differential amplifier Dual input and single ended output opamp is designed for high gain, high bandwidth, and for high noise immunity. This design have DC gain of 40dB, Phase Margin=57.8810, ICMR (+) =0.8v, ICMR (-) =0.8v, load capacitance ≤100fF. Vdd =1.1v. These specifications designed in the cadence virtuoso in 45nm technology. Read More...
VLSI & Embedded Systems |
India |
279-281 |
71 |
Comparative Study on the Monetary Value of R.C. Structure with CLC Blocks and Burnt Clay Bricks
-Selvakumar T
A building could be defined as an enclosed structure designed for human occupancy. Constructions work have been seen in almost all over the countries. In the construction industry, as there is an increase in material cost, there is a need to find more cost saving alternative materials, so as to maintain the cost of construction which can be afforded by people. In the inventing of burnt clay bricks, smoke exhibited at an extent and also some toxic gases evolve which will be harmful to an environment. So as to overcome with all the issues, Cellular lightweight concrete blocks have been used which is more economical and eco-friendly. This project present an analysis and comparison of G+3 residential building by using Cellular lightweight concrete blocks at the replacement of burnt clay bricks. Analysis is made by using burnt clay bricks and Cellular lightweight concrete blocks for different densities. Overall modelling and analysis was done by using STAAD-Provi8 software. By using cellular lightweight blocks the overall cost of construction will be reduced and it will ensure the safety and economical condition in earthquake forces also. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
282-286 |
72 |
Water Level Monitoring and Management
-Pravin Rajaram Gulave ; Prashant Sampat Kale
In this paper we introduce the nation of water level monitoring and management within the context of electrical conductivity of the water. More specifically, we investigate the microcontroller based water level sensing and controlling in a wire and wireless environment. Water level management approach would help in reducing the home power consumption and as well as water overflow. Furthermore it can indicate the amount of water in the tank by the use of water level sensor and LED light display. As the water level rises or falls, different circuits in the controller send different signals. These signals are used to switch ON or OFF the motor pump as per our requirements. This research has successfully provided an improvement on existing water level controllers by its use of calibrated circuit to indicate the water level. Read More...
Chemical Engineering |
India |
287-291 |
73 |
Design, Analysis and Manufacturing of Go-Kart
-Akshay Ashok Shilimkar ; Mayur Khedekar; Pratik Magar
The goal of paper is to design & analyse a racing vehicle (Go-Kart) to withstand all contours of tractions in all types of weather without damage. The objective for the team is to design and analyse a racing vehicle powered by a petrol engine. The vehicle must be safe, portable, easy to maintain. It should be able to negotiate with all the tractive forces without damage. Thus the frame design against failure becomes ethical. Typical capabilities on basis of which these vehicles are judged are maximum speed and acceleration. As weight is critical in a vehicle powered by a small engine, a balanced use of solid modelling and Finite Element Analysis (FEA) software is extremely useful in addition to conventional analysis. The following paper outlines the design and analysis of the Go-Kart chassis and other sub-systems design. It will cover the design constraints like material selection, initial design, and structural analysis. It will finally cover the results of the actual real world usage of the vehicle. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
292-296 |
74 |
Interline Dynamic Voltage Restorer Technique Used to Eliminate and Mitigate Total Harmonic Distortion
-Amit Kumar ; Simranjeet Singh
Nowadays, various issues related to bad quality of generated power come across the distribution system. Some of the examples that represent the poor quality of power are poor power factor, load connected with three phases remain unbalanced, voltage dip and distortion because of introduction of harmonics in the signal. In order to produce reliable distribution power quality, DVR and IDVR can be implemented in the network. It implements the voltage boosting technique by connecting the solid state switches in the parallel to compensate the voltage dips in the network. The author focuses to the issue of harmonic distortion in DVR and IDVR, in order to perform Harmon is distortion mitigation; this study introduces a proposal technique in which the IDVR is implemented. The objective of applying IDVR is to replace the traditional DVR. As the IDVR comprises of two or more DVRs and it is found to be quite capable to handle the sensitive load. In this manner the voltage sag can be mitigated. The proposed models are also defined by the author. Read More...
| EE(Power System) |
India |
297-300 |
75 |
A Flip Flop on the Dual Edge & Minimal Power Constituted on Feed of Signal
-Achyuth Achar C ; Immidisetty Venkata Prakash
In this paper a low-power double-edge triggered static flip-flop (DETSFF) suitable for low-power and high performance applications is presented. The designed DETFF is verified at GPDK 180nm-1.8V CMOS technology. Comparison with some of the latest DETFFs shows that the proposed DETSFF can achieve the lowest power consumption, lowest clock to Q delay and thus Power-delay-product (PDP). Moreover, the proposed DETSFF comprises of only 15 transistors hence requires lesser number of transistors and thus requires lesser overall silicon area. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
301-304 |
76 |
Structural Performance Improvement of Plummer Block with Composite Material using Ansys Static Structural
-Kuldeep Dashore ; Dr. S. S. Chouhan; Prof. Ranjeet Kumar
In this article we have done static structural analysis of a Plummer block or pedestal bearing with the help of Ansys static structural tool. The material used for a Plummer block are generally cast iron for cap and block & structural steel or stainless steel for other parts such as upper and lower braces, nut and bolts. In this structural analysis we have made a 3d model of Plummer block with the help of Catia V5 and then analysed in Ansys structural tool for strength analysis, firstly we done analysis with original material of Plummer block (grey cast iron for cap and block & structural steel for other parts such as nut, bolts and braces) and then replaced the material of cap and block by a composite material which is namely as alumina saffil. The results concluded the optimum values of total deformation, equivalent stress and elastic strain. These results showed greater strength of the Plummer block with composite material alumina saffil compared to original material grey cast iron. Read More...
M. Tech in Mechanical Engineering Design |
India |
305-308 |
77 |
Project Planning from Bidding to Foundation Completion using MS Project
-Umang Gangil ; Asso. Prof. A. K. Dwivedi; Dr. Manoj Trivedi
Construction planning is very important task to successful and smooth completion of construction work especially when construction is very critical. In previous days, it has been done either by manually using pen & paper or by using MS Excel sheets. With the advancement of technologies, automated tools come in market like MS project. MS project is very easy to use automation software where construction planning and project management becomes very easy. MS project takes the requirement from user and automatically create its graphical charts, cash flow models, timeline model and resource sheets etc. In our work, construction planning starting from bidding for the contract to laying down foundation is planned using MS project. It has been found that the graphical views of MS project tool makes analysis of the task and status of working very easy and smooth. Read More...
M.E. (Construction Technology & Management) |
India |
309-315 |
78 |
Plasmatron IC Engine
-T. Praveen ; A. Perumal; S. Parthiparaj; K. Kaviyarasu; A. Periyasamy
These systems include a foundation of hydrocarbon petroleum which is supplied to a plasma Tron which reforms the petroleum into a H2 rich gas. An internal combustion engine is connected to receive the hydrogen rich gas from plasma Tron. Plasma boosts partial oxidation reaction that reforms hydrocarbon fuels into H2-rich gas. In case of SI engines large reductions in emissions are possible by operation under lean conditions. The accumulation of hydrogen Increases flame speed and extends the lean limit of SI engine. The tests were performed H2 produced by the plasma boosted fuel converter with gasoline. A one hundred crinkle lessening in NOx due to very lean action was obtained under certain conditions. In engines the use of the individual plasma facilitate forceful non catalytic adaptation of diesel fuel into H2 rich gas with hydrogen yields that could be sufficient for NOx trap regeneration applications. The combination of plasma Tron and internal combustion engine results in lower exhaust engines for about 80% to 90%. This paper discusses the status of plasma Tron diesel fuel reformers. Read More...
India |
316-319 |
79 |
Application of Classification Algorithms on Predicting the Outcome of Bank Marketing
-Aarya Vardhan Reddy Paakaala ; Sai Gautam Mandapati
In the current world, direct marketing has become an effective tool to promote the products and services directly to the customers who are interested in them. Consequently, it has generated a widespread popularity among enterprises to research about it comprehensively. There are numerous factors which affect the demand for a product or a service. Several factors include the changes in customer's preferences, technological advancements, and price and income levels. Our objective is to provide how classification algorithms could be used to predict the outcome of a direct bank marketing strategy which would help the enterprises understand the mindset of the customers. We mainly focus on the K-NN classifier and Naive Bayes classifier and divert into other classification algorithms such as logistic regression, decision tree, and random forest. Several parameters are given as an input for the classification algorithms to get a detailed overview and accurate values of the predictions. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
320-323 |
80 |
Analyzing and Optimizing of Various Parameters in Turning Process by Taguchi Method
-Vijayendra Kumar ; Pankaj Yadav; Mohammad Arbaz; Ajeet Kumar
The aim of this experiment is to optimize the various properties of our metal EN9. It is a medium carbon steel. Optimum machining parameters of turning operations are greatly influenced with concern along with manufacturing environment. However, some properties may be altered for the purpose of making the material more reliable and commercial. In this report of the experiment, we shall discuss about the mechanical, chemical and physical properties of our specimen. The machining is being done by High Speed Steel (HSS) having consecutive values. There are also some more tests have been performed, such as Surface Roughness Test, SEM Test. Though SEM, the micro-structure of all the three tools at various magnifications have been done in order to study the structure of our tool more precisely. In this report file, we will also calculate the error associated with SR and MRR. Though optimizing, it will also get easier for one to opt for optimum value for automation and implementation of our Computer Integrated System. This report also discuss about advantages, disadvantages, applications and future scope of our work. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
324-330 |
81 |
The Lubricating Ability, Properties and Applications of Ionic Liquids
-J. Sunil ; G. John Berlamen
Friction and wear become the most dominant factors affecting the efficiency of industrial production sector. The development of advanced lubricants and lubricant additives to reduce the friction and wear failures will lead to vital economic and environmental benefits. Recently, ionic liquids received good attention as potential and environmentally-friendly alternate lubricants and lubricant additives. The ionic liquids exhibit enhanced performance in terms of corrosion, viscosity and temperature dependent characteristic and thermal and hydrolysis stabilities. In this study, applications and properties of ionic liquids are discussed. Read More...
Engineering |
India |
331-332 |
82 |
Effect of Silica Fume on Steel Slag Concrete
-Arukonda Suchithra ; Sai Krishna; Sidhartha; T. Shiva Prashanth
Concrete is the most versatile construction material because it can be designed to withstand the harshest environments while taking on the most inspirational forms. Engineers are continually pushing the limits to improve its performance with the help of innovative chemical admixtures and supplementary cementations materials. Nowadays, most concrete mixture contains supplementary cementitious material which forms part of the cementitious component. These materials are majority by-products from other processes. The main benefits of SCMs are their ability to replace certain amount of cement and still able to display cementitious property, thus reducing the cost of using Portland cement. The fast growth in internalisation has resulted in tons and tons of by product or waste materials, which can be used as SCMs such as fly ash, silica fume, ground granulated blast furnace slag, steel slag etc. The use of these by-products not only helps to utilize these waste materials but also enhances the properties of concrete in fresh and hydrated states. Slag cement and fly ash are the two most common SCMs used in concrete. Most concrete produced today includes one or both of these materials. For this reason their properties are frequently compared to each other by mix designers seeking to optimize concrete mixtures. Perhaps the most successful SCM is silica fume because it improves both strength and durability of concrete to such extent that modern design rules call for the addition of silica fume for design of high strength concrete. To design high strength concrete good quality aggregates is also required. Steel slag is an industrial by product obtained from the steel manufacturing industry. This can be used as aggregate in concrete. It is currently used as aggregate in hot mix asphalt surface applications, but there is a need for some additional work to determine the feasibility of utilizing this industrial by product more wisely as a replacement for both fine and coarse aggregates in a conventional concrete mixture. Replacing all or some portion of natural aggregates with steel slag would lead to considerable environmental benefits. Steel slag aggregate generally exhibit a propensity to expand because of the presence of free lime and magnesium oxides hence steel slag aggregates are not used in concrete making. Proper weathering treatment and use of pozzolanic materials like silica fume with steel slag is reported to reduce the expansion of the concrete. However, all these materials have certain shortfalls but a proper combination of them can compensate each other's drawbacks which may result in a good matrix product with enhance overall quality. Read More...
India |
333-336 |
83 |
Evaluation of Clustering Algorithms on Absenteeism at Work Dataset
-Aarya Vardhan Reddy Paakaala ; Sai Saran Macha; Kumara Saketh Mudigonda
In our modern life, thousands of terabytes of data is created. Each tuple of the data has certain features which differentiate them from other tuples. In order to have efficient access and have a proper understanding of the data, we need to group them based on certain features. Clustering is a machine learning procedure which provides efficient algorithms for this purpose. In our paper, we have taken a real-world dataset named Absenteeism at work dataset. Our objective is to apply certain clustering algorithms on the real world dataset to understand the mechanism of the algorithms. This would help us group the real world modern data into certain clusters which would help us identify them effectively based on their features. We have used four clustering algorithms namely K- Means, Affinity Propagation, Hierarchical Clustering (Agglomerative), and DBSCAN. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
337-342 |
84 |
Improvement on Strength of Cement Mortar with Addition of Ureolytic Microorganism
-Sunita Sahu ; Shashwati Soumya Pradhan
The cementing properties of materials are responsible for the sustainability of any structure. In the present study gives a layout of the improvement of durability of a structure by introducing an ureolytic bacteria. The bacteria which are capable of CaCO3 production in a common metabolic process are called as Ureolytic bacteria. The Ureolytic bacteria having a special quality for healing the crack and can strengthen the structure to make it more durable. Different tests have conducted like consistency and initial setting time are done to discover the impact of bacterial arrangement on cement. Tests such as compressive strength and sorptivity test are utilized as a part of the present examination to recognize the variety in the mechanical properties of cement mortar. The UV- spectrophotometer is use to know the wave-length of the absorbance from that the beer Lamber's law can be verified i.e. concentration is directly proportional to wave length. The bacteria which are introduced in the mortar by replacing the water with the bacterial solution can gives low sorptivity and high compressive strength at a particular range which has been founded during the investigation. Read More...
M.Tech in Structural Engineering |
India |
343-346 |
85 |
Synthesis, Characterization and Antibacterial Studies of Some Schiff Bases Synthesized by an Ecoefficient Method
-Merajuddin ; Gulrez Nizami
For the synthesis of Schiff bases, most productive method is used, green method. In this method, natural fruits juice are used as biocatalyst and shows environmental friendly properties. In green method of synthesis product is obtained in high quantity. It is very well known that when carbonyl compound reacts with primary amine, Schiff base is formed, which is widely used in the medicinal field. The objective of the work is to synthesize the two Schiff bases, named N-benzylidene aniline and N-benzylidene urea, both were synthesized when benzaldehyde reacted with aniline and urea each separately, produced high quantities of yields in the presence of tamarind water and Lemon juice and vice -versa through green method and to study the effects of amount of biocatalysts on yields produced. It was observed that when low amount of bio catalyst is used the quantity of yields increase but in the higher amount of bio-catalyst quantity of yields decrease. The synthesized Schiff bases were characterized by, mass spectrum and IR spectrum and followed by the studies of antibacterial properties. Read More...
chemistry |
India |
347-350 |
86 |
A Study on the Sampling of Drosophila Melanogaster under Various Environmental Conditions
-Madappa M. B. ; Sushmitha H. S.; Dr. Balasubramanian Sathyamurthy
Usually insects have a very low life span of about a few days. When it comes to Drosophila species, life span is around 12-14 days. Life cycle of drosophila takes place in three stages. All these three stages take place in two days of the development of the flies. On the 5th day of the development, pupa is formed. Pupa is completely developed into an adult within 7 days. Sexual dimorphism and morphological differences within the species can be seen in the adult stage. Sampling of the flies is done in the adult stage. A chemical named methyl farnesoate plays a dual role in regulating Drosophila metamorphosis. Flies were collected in the laboratories and in the canteen using rava-jaggery medium. This media was kept open in two conical flasks in the laboratory for two days. The captured flies were sampled considering the sex, eye shape, and eye colour and wing shape. After sampling, it was found that, males were more in number as compared to females at optimum room temperature without exposure of direct sunlight with no mutants. At optimum room temperature with exposure to direct sunlight, females were more in number as compared to males with no mutants and at optimum room temperature with exposure of direct sunlight along with food waste, the ratio of males and females were almost equal with one vestigial winged mutant. Read More...
Biochemistry |
India |
351-358 |
87 |
Effect of Pitch on the Design of Pre Engineered Building Shed Structure
-Gourav Jhanji ; Dr. J N Vyas
Pre-Engineered Steel Buildings uses a combination of built-up sections, hot rolled sections and cold formed elements which provide the basic steel frame work with a choice of single skin sheeting with added insulation or insulated sandwich panels for roofing and wall cladding. The concept is designed to provide a complete building envelope system which is air tight, energy efficient, optimum in weight and cost. These Pre-Engineered Steel Buildings can be fitted with different structural accessories including mezzanine floors, canopies, interior partitions, crane systems etc. The building is made water-tight by use of special mastic beads, filler strips and trims. For pre-engineering steel building apart from conventional structural sections such as angle, Tee, I sections etc. Other tubular and box section are also in vogue presently. For large span industrial structure a parametric study is done taking conventional tubular and box rectangular sections in the present work. The effect of rise to span ratio, its effect on cost is studied. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
359-362 |
88 |
Analysis of Stresses Induced in Connecting Rod of Two Wheeler Engine
-Mithilesh Kumar
The purpose of the connecting Rod to transfer Energy from Piston to Crankshaft. The Connecting Rod designed by using modelling software PRO E. In modelling the time spent in producing the complex 3-D models and the risk involved in design and manufacturing process can be easily minimised. So the modelling of the Connecting rod is made by using PRO E. Later this PRO E model is imported to ANSYS for analysis work. ANSYS software is the latest used for simulating the different forces, pressure acting on the component and also for calculating and viewing the results. A solver mode in ANSYS software calculates the stresses, deflections, bending moments and their relations without manual interventions, reduces the time compared with the method of mathematical calculations by a human. ANSYS static analysis work is carried out by considered two different materials namely aluminium and Stainless steel and their relative performances have been observed respectively. In this paper by observing the results of both the material Aluminium 2024 with tungsten carbide is suggested as best material. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
363-370 |
89 |
A Review on Fem Modelling of Cantilever Beam
-Sumit Suresh Patil ; Ankit Suresh Patil
During the last few decades, intense research on the detection of crack using the vibration based techniques has been done and various approaches have been developed by researchers. In the present paper, detection of the crack presence on the surface of beam-type structural element using natural frequency is presented. First two natural frequencies of the cracked beam have been obtained experimentally and used for detection of crack location and size. Detected crack locations and size are compared with the actual results and found to be in good agreement. Also, the effect of the crack location and the crack depth on the natural frequency is presented. Crack hinders the optimum performance of a machine. Presently most of the failures encountered by machines are due to material fatigue. Therefore crack detection and localization is the main topic of discussion for various researchers across the globe. The dynamic behaviour of a whole structure is affected due to the presence of a crack as the stiffness of that structural element is altered. The cracks in the structure change the frequencies, amplitudes of free vibration and dynamic stability areas to an inevitable extent. So a diagnosis of the changes allows the experimenter to identify the cracks without aborting the system applications. The effect of an open crack on the modal parameters of the cantilever beam subjected to free vibration is analysed and the results obtained from the numerical method i.e. finite element method (FEM) and the experimental method are compared. It is concluded that results obtained from experiment have a very good agreement with the results obtained from FEM and the structure vibrates with more frequency in the presence of a crack away from the fixed end. Read More...
Finite Element Analysis ( CAE- Computer Aided Engineering) |
India |
371-378 |
90 |
BIW Welding Fixture
-Puneet ; Mr. Jagmail Singh
A new approach to automatic modular fixture planning is provided. The strategy identifies the entire place plan candidates of a piece-piece making use of linkage mechanism idea and excludes the infeasible location plan candidates via evaluating their accessibility and fixture-ability. With the exceeding requirement for the automotive industry and plan according to the market every year there are change occur in the model of a car. At every year to compete in market a new model or change in features to be done and that will affect the assembly line and which cause a modification and a new fixture design requirement. To avoid this time taking process a modular fixture design generated by linking mechanism. By which it will be easy to make changes in future. Read More...
Industrial Engineering |
India |
379-383 |
91 |
Aerodynamic Analysis of Blended Wing Body
-Mr. B. Rahul ; Mr. T. Anbarasan; Ms. I. Hayathun Nisha; Ms. R. Divya
The purpose of this study is to examine the drag reduction by conducting aerodynamics analysis on Blended Wing Body (BWB) aircraft. The BWB is the configuration where the wing and fuselage are blended together, which results in a hybrid flying wing shape. This configuration shows promise in terms of improved aerodynamic efficiency over conventional configuration. The Blended Wing Body aircraft is more advantageous compared to the modern conventional aircraft. The main aim of this paper is to optimize the BWB aircraft to reduce the induced drag formed at the wing tips and also to increase the lift of an aircraft. Optimization of the existing model by fixing the smart winglets and conventional winglets at the BWB wing tips. Read More...
Aeronautical Engineering |
India |
384-387 |
92 |
Improvements of Water Temperature in Solar Parabolic Water Heater
-Rahul Vadher ; Falgun Adroja
Solar thermal system is important energy for us because of its gain energy free from atmosphere. Solar energy is a non-polluting energy and also play important role for global warming effect. India is a most favourable country for this energy and in India, Gujarat and Rajasthan have the potential for wide spread application of parabolic through solar collator to harness the solar energy. In solar water heater normally temperature is 80°C during mid-day. When high rises building has a solar water heater system on terrace so heat losses in pipe for below side floor because of very long length of pipe. Below side floor has not get good temperature during morning and cloudy days. In order to maximize temperature heat transfer in receiver tube need to be augmented. In past research using a technique like inserting porous media, twisted tap, Design parabolic collector etc. in this research review paper solar parabolic collator use with some changes in receiver tube. Iron net insert into the receiver tube for reduced pressure drop. This experiment occurring at Rajkot (Gujarat-India). Read More...
India |
388-391 |
93 |
Evaluation of Connecting Rods of Different Materials used in 4S-SI Engines
-Nirmal Kumar Patidar ; Dr. Aditya Pratap Singh; Asst. Prof. Shantanu Roy
In present scenario internal combustion engines play crucial role in energy saving, and in this context, importance of connecting rod cannot be overlooked. Considering these facts, present research is devoted to the investigations of connecting rods using different materials. For this purpose connecting rod of an automobile was chosen and static and modal analysis on the rod was carried out. The selected materials were stainless steel, cast iron, Aluminum Alloy 7075, High Strength Carbon Fiber, Al fly ash silicon composite, and AISI 4340 Steel alloy material. Modal analysis governs the suitability of all the materials for the applications. For the purpose of model development CATIA software was used, and analysis was done on ANSYS 14.0 software. Read More...
India |
392-397 |
94 |
A Technical Review: Design and Fabricated of Air Engine
-Lecturer Dipesh B Lad
In the Current energy scenario the fossil fuel sources are fast depleting and their combustion products are causing global environmental problems. So it is inevitable to shift towards the use of renewable energy resources which in turn will reduce pollution and saves fossil fuels. Air Powered Engine is an alternative technology which uses compressed air to run the engine and thus eliminates the use of fossil fuels. Exhaust temperature of it will be slightly less than atmospheric temperature (i.e. 20-25°C) and thus helps in controlling global warming and reducing temperature rise caused due to other means. As we are going to convert the already existing conventional engine into an air powered one, this new technology is easy to adapt. Another benefit is that it uses air as fuel which is available abundantly in atmosphere. Today fossil fuels are widely used as a source of energy in various different fields like power plants, internal & external combustion engines, as heat source in manufacturing industries, etc. But its stock is very limited and due to this tremendous use, fossil fuels are depleting at faster rate. So, in this world of energy crisis, it is inevitable to develop alternative technologies to use renewable energy sources, so that fossil fuels can be conserved. One of the major fields in which fossil fuels are used is Internal Combustion Engine. An alternative of IC Engine is "Air Powered Engine". It is an engine which will use compressed air to run the engine. It is cheap as it uses air as fuel, which is available abundantly in atmosphere. For this project we required some basic information related to our project for this purpose we make this project report. So we are going to make Air Powered Engine. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
398-400 |
95 |
Analysis and Optimization of EN36C Alloy Steel on Wire Electrical Discharge Machine (EDM) by Taguchi Method
-Ajeet Kumar ; Manoj Patel
EDM is a non-touching and automatic machining process for commonly used very hard metals machining which are impossible to machine with conventional machining type methods. This paper represents the results of experiment works carried out in Electrical Discharge Machine in other words EDM of EN 36C Steel using copper electrode in different diameter like 04mm, 0.6mm and 0.8mm with same lengths of each 1 inch. The machining process was carried out at three different supplies levels peak current (Ip) 3Amp, 4Amp and 5Amp, pulse-on time (Ton) 100 micro sec, 200 micro sec and 300 micro sec and pulse-off time (Toff) 15 micro sec, 30 micro sec and 45 micro sec and their influence on surface roughness (SR), material removal rate (MRR) and tool wear rate (TWR). Read More...
India |
401-409 |
96 |
Osmotic Power Generation and It's Scope in India
-Sagar Subhash Jaid ; Pranit Subhash Kokane
Water, energy and environmental issues are on top list of world problems. Energy is needed for augmenting our water resources. During the past decade, global climate change challenges and the world's growing demand for energy have brought the need for more renewable energy to top of the international community's agenda. We can't continue using handful of our energy sources we gain energy from today. Therefore, it is necessary to find other ways of generating energy. The need of new energy sources has led to a number of subtitles, some better than others. It has been known for centuries that mixing freshwater and seawater release energy. Osmotic power's excellent environment performance and carbon dioxide free power production will qualify for green certificates and other supportive policy measures for renewable energy. The estimated energy cost is commensurable and competitive with other renewable energy sources. For the commercial power companies and technology suppliers, Osmotic Power represents an agreeable new business potential. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
410-413 |
97 |
Development of Business Model for Providing Machine Repairing Services as Aggrigator
-Vaibhav P. Rajam ; Dr. M. R. Nagare
The project targets to avail maintaining & repairing services of various types of machines to customers; cost effectively through a user-friendly IT platform. In this phase, the scope of the project is to study all maintenance and repairing issues of Commercial deep freezer as well as Refrigerator. Regarding with these issues the study of their costs (with the organized uniform structure), listing the required spare parts for repairing and listing of suppliers of spare parts. As a Service provider, we will be working as an aggregator between the Customer and freelancer Technicians. Aggregator in the sense similar concept of companies like Ola, Uber, OYO rooms etc. but as the study of spare parts and supplier is concerned, the execution is totally different. As IT platform is concerned, in scope of this Project; Mobile android applications for both Customers and Technician as well as the ERP (as web application) which will be used to handle the operations in the background is to be developed. Further in the phase of operations, to maintain the quality of our services and also to add more technicians to our services paid training & a certification course will be provided. Read More...
M- Tech in Project Management |
India |
414-416 |
98 |
Image Edge Detection Methods and Problems: A Review
-Mohammad Irfan ; Prof. Neeta Nathani
Edge detection s one of the important parameter of image processing it basically help with preserving the image quality when image is either interpolating (enhance pixels) or decimating (compression/reduce pixels), if edges are clear and detected it can be preserve and if not the output image after image processing will not be a good quality image and image processing is in use almost in every area like Modern communication, Medical image processing, Mobile phones, graphics card etc. From the above discussion it is been clear that edge detection is one of the critical part of image processing but the question arise here is that the available methods are good or improvements required, answer is yes there are methods of edge detection which works good but not for all type of images, some methods like Canny, Roberts and Prewitt, works better for the images having high intensity and high frequencies in other hand Sobel works better for low intensity and low frequency images. Proposed work has better solution which provides edge detection for the high and low frequency/ intensity images with modified Thresholding and combination of sobel and canny Edge detection. Feature extraction is a classic problem image processing. Edges are often detected using integer-order differential operators. Hence proposed edge detection method is working in frequency and time domain parallel. Read More...
Image processing |
India |
417-419 |
99 |
Effect of Different Shapes of Perforation in Discontinuous Helical TurBulator on Heat Transfer Enhancement
-Aditya Dwivedi ; Prashant Sharma
Heat exchangers are used to transfer heat from one medium to another. Heat transfer depends on different process parameters of heat exchanger in which different types of turbulators were used inside the heat exchanger to increase the turbulence. Turbulators are used to increase the performance of heat exchanger, here in this work it uses discontinuous helical perforated turbulators at different Reynolds number to increase the performance of heat exchanger. For analysing the effect of different perforated turbulator here it considered three different types of perforated discontinuous helical turbulator that is rectangular, triangular and circular at 25 degree inclination angle. Here it calculate the value of Nusselt number, friction factor and thermal performance at different Reynolds number. Through analysis it is found that the discontinuous helical turbulator with triangular perforation shows maximum heat transfer. Read More...
India |
420-426 |
100 |
Assessment of Heavy Metals Content and Physico-Chemical Parameters of Underground Water of District Rampur
-Farman Ali ; Dr Gulrez Nizami; Rahila Shauqut; Merajuddin; Nida Tanveer
All over the world, polluted water is the dominant cause for the water born diseases. These diseases lead to the continuity in sickness and mortality all around the world. So it is compulsory that the water we are drinking should be safe from the biological and chemical pollution. So we made a standard level test to calculate the contamination of the water. In which the ground water samples have been collected from the different places of the city Rampur district area of Uttar Pradesh. In the test, we analyzed the pH, total alkalinity, chloride, total dissolved solids, electrical conductivity, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, dissolved oxygen, BOD, COD, and total hardness. The pH value of the studied area ranges between 7.9 to 7.51 indicating that the ground water is not alkaline. The total alkalinity is varied in the range from 122 to 282 mg/l which is well within the limit prescribed by BIS. The TDS value found from 292 to 588 mg/l. The range of hardness of water found from 26 to 42 ppm which was found to be within the desired limit according to BIS. Read More...
Environmental Science & Technology |
India |
427-429 |