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101 |
Design and Fabrication of Low Cost Biogas Digester using Poultry Waste and Pig Manure
-Ganesan Venkatachalam
The huge waste loads generated by the animals in farms have made animal waste treatment a critical issue. Proper treatment is required to avert the adverse effects of these wastes on water quality, public health, and air quality. This project assessed the feasibility of anaerobic co-digestion of the smell nuisance producing, poultry waste and pig manure and evaluated the optimum biogas production by comparing these two substrates in different mixing ratios at different atmospheric temperatures in three mini biogas plants for 26 days. Based on the optimum biogas production, a low cost biogas digester of 1 m3 size is designed and fabricated which will help the pig farmers especially who lease the land for pig farming who have to move from one place to another after their prescribed period of leasing and the biogas production performance from this is analyzed for 30 days. Read More...
chemistry |
India |
433-435 |
102 |
A Study on Musculoskeletal Problem among Youth of Nepal
-Shivendra Marik Yadav ; Dr. Akanksha Singh; Dr. Neena Gupta
Musculoskeletal problem (MSP) are defined as problem affecting the muscles and joints, including back pain, repetitive strain injuries, spinal disorders, sprains, dislocations and fractures. Present studies of Youth have shown that musculoskeletal (MS) pains are often experienced at several body sites. The multiple sites of pain has been observed that its proportional lead to poor health such as functional disability and health-related quality of life (HRQoL).This studies indicate that working in an asymmetrical position may be more likely to cause more upper and lower body musculoskeletal symptom. Many factors contributing to work related problem, such as working posture, physical and psychological characteristics, incorrect technique, fatigue, work type and intensity of work load and lifestyle choice.
Objective— To determine factors contributing for musculoskeletal problem among youth of Nepal.
Research Methodology— This study was a cross-sectional study has been carried out in selected wards of Ramnagar Mirchaiya Municipality of Siraha District Nepal. 284 respondents were selected through random sampling methods from 4 wards, where youth was selected as the respondents. Data was collected by face to face interview. The collected data was compiled and coded in SPSS software. Analysis and interpretation of data was done in diagrammatic form, table and the tested significance was done by using appropriate statistical test
Result— The results of the study showed that 54.9% per cent of respondents were from 18-28 years of age. Among the respondents (N=284) about 97.2% of the respondents suffering musculoskeletal problems from working in an asymmetrical position in different awkward posture on musculoskeletal problems
Conclusion— Lack of knowledge regarding musculoskeletal problem, sitting posture while working, over work load during working hours.
health science |
India |
436-438 |
103 |
Hybrid Image Steganography using Least Significant Bit and Dynamic Programming
-Ankita Singh ; Chandradatta Verma
Data hiding process in which the Stego data is embedded on the host data according to some rules and at the receiving end the stego data is recovered with or without some distortion. Robustness, fidelity and payload capacity measure the parameters to guage the performance of steganographic system. There is invariably a trade-off between payload capability and output image quality. This paper projected a hybrid technique to extend payload capability whereas maintaining image quality additionally as increase fidelity of steganographic system. Relationship between neighboring pixels is calculated according to pixel potential that is named as energy. Dynamic programming is employed to calculate cost supported energy. This cost and energy is employed to pick out pixels randomly using dynamic programming. The input data is then embedded on designated component supported human sensory system parameters thence increase payload capability whereas maintaining image quality. Projected technique is simulated and mean sq. error and peak signal to noise magnitude relation is calculated. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
439-443 |
104 |
Numerical Investigation of Transient Flow Past a Cylinder using SST k-ω Formulation
-Ashish Kumar Mishra ; Amit Kumar; Brijendra Yadav
Unsteady flow around bluff bodies is an area of great research for scientist for several years. Flows around buildings, chimneys are examples where the fluid is in motion. Atmospheric dispersion of pollutants around bluff bodies has intensified the need to understand wake behavior. The vortex shedding frequency depends on different aspects of the flow field such as the end conditions, blockage ratio of the flow passage. In the present study, the fluid flow and heat transfer from a two-dimensional circular cylinder is considered in the unsteady flow regime. In particular, the effect of Reynolds number on drag and lift coefficients, Strouhal number circular cylinder are investigated for Reynolds number range: Re = 50-100 for the unconfined unsteady cross-flow. The results are presented in the form of streamlines, pressure distribution, monitored velocity, Lift and drag coefficient and Strouhal number. The present work has benefits for better understanding the flow past obstacles and the associated flow-induced vibration. Read More...
India |
444-448 |
105 |
A Review on Numerical Investigation of Transient Flow Past a Cylinder using SST k-ω Formulation
-Ashish Kumar Mishra ; Amit Kumar; Brijendra Yadav
Flow around a circular cylinder is a fundamental fluid mechanics problem of practical importance. It is more complex when bodies that still keep in their external flow properties the combinations of the flow properties of simpler bodies like flat plates, cylinders, ellipses. The dynamic characteristics of the pressure and velocity fields of unsteady incompressible laminar and turbulent wakes behind a circular cylinder are reviewed. Several engineering applications including offshore structures, bridge piers, and pipelines can be modelled as cylinders. The aim of this study is to describe flow around a cylinder based on simulations done by various researchers. Read More...
India |
449-452 |
106 |
Artificial Neural Network Approach for Predicting the Performance of Centrifugal Pump
-Sourabh Soni ; Amit Kumar; Gaurav Chauhan
In this work, centrifugal pump is analysed by using a single-stage end suction centrifugal pump. Two main components of a centrifugal pump are the impeller and the casing. The impeller is a rotating component and the casing is a stationary component. In centrifugal pump, water exits radially, while water enters axially through the impeller eyes. The pump casing is to guide the liquid to the impeller, converts the high velocity kinetic energy of the flow from the impeller discharge into pressure. A mean of centrifugal pump impeller is passed out and analysed to get the best performance point. The design and performance analysis of centrifugal pump impeller are chosen because pump is the most useful mechanical Roto dynamic machine in fluid works which is widely used in domestic, irrigation, industry, large plants and river water pumping system. Also this work aims to model a pump using neural networks and to investigate their performance in predicting its pressure head and shaft power. All the ANN models are trained, validated and tested which predicted the pressure head and shaft power with acceptable accuracy. Read More...
India |
453-458 |
107 |
Comparative Study of R.C.C and Steel Concrete Composite Structures
-Patel Dhruv Sharadbhai ; Adnan Iqbal; Dr. Pankaj Singh
Steel concrete composite construction has gained wide acceptance worldwide as an alternative to pure steel and pure concrete construction. The use of steel in construction industry is very low in India compared to many developing countries. There is a great potential for increasing the volume of steel in construction, especially in the current development needs India and not using steel as an alternative construction material and not using it where it is economical is a heavy loss for the country. In this paper study of Four various multi-storeyed commercial buildings i.e. G+12, G+16, G+20, G+24 are analysed by using STAAD-Pro software. Where design and cost estimation is carried out using MS-Excel programming and from obtained result comparison can be made between R.C.C and composite structure. Read More...
structural engineering |
India |
459-464 |
108 |
A Review on Artificial Neural Network Approach for Predicting the Performance of Centrifugal Pump
-Sourabh Soni ; Amit Kumar; Gaurav Chauhan
In this work, centrifugal pump is analysed by using a single-stage end suction centrifugal pump. Two main components of a centrifugal pump are the impeller and the casing. The impeller is a rotating component and the casing is a stationary component. In centrifugal pump, water exits radially, while water enters axially through the impeller eyes. The pump casing is to guide the liquid to the impeller, converts the high velocity kinetic energy of the flow from the impeller discharge into pressure. A mean of centrifugal pump impeller is passed out and analysed to get the best performance point. The design and performance analysis of centrifugal pump impeller are chosen because pump is the most useful mechanical Rotodynamic machine in fluid works which is widely used in domestic, irrigation, industry, large plants and river water pumping system. Also this work aims to model a pump using neural networks and to investigate their performance in predicting its pressure head and shaft power. All the ANN models are trained, validated and tested which predicted the pressure head and shaft power with acceptable accuracy. Read More...
India |
465-470 |
109 |
Industrial Fire Fighting System using IoT
-K. Dhanalakshmi
Firefighting is the act of extinguishing fires. A firefighter suppresses and extinguishes fires to prevent loss of life, and/or destruction of property and the environment. Firefighter may provide many other valuable services to the community they serve, such as emergency medical services. Firefighter techniques and specialized areas of expertise. Some of the specialized area of fire and rescue. One of the major hazards associated with firefighting operation is the toxic environment created by combusting materials. A fire can be extinguished by water. "one alarm", "all hands", "two alarm" "three alarm" (or higher) fires. we present the different techniques we had been already used to detect fire. Some of those techniques include fire detection using image processing and sensors, fire detection using CCTV technology, Fire detection information was transmitting by using IoT system. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
471-473 |
110 |
An Economic Analysis on Integrated Farming System Model of Burakocha Village in Angara Block of Ranchi District, Jharkhand
-Aditi Khan ; Arunava Sengupta
The study of "An Economic Analysis on Integrated Farming System Model of Burakocha village in Angara block of Ranchi District, Jharkhand" was conducted in January 2018 to June 2018. For collecting the data different methods were adopted like quantitative (survey- personal interview) and qualitative (observation, case study) and PRA also. Through the survey, it was known that more than half of the villagers were literate but education standard was very poor. Farmers of this village practiced organic agriculture, besides they were also involved in lac cultivation. They also reared livestock. In this village, most of the 72% farmers were of small and marginal categories with land holding below 2.5 acres. Five major farming systems were documented and their economic analysis was undertaken. The most popular farming system of the study area was FS1 (A+H1+H2+L+G+Powith B: C at 3.15. But from the study, it was established that most effective farming system in this area for the farmers was FS5 (A+H1+H2+L). This farming system generated the highest B: C of 3.38. Villagers were interested in new governmental schemes and were interested to accept new farm production technologies.Divyayan Krishi Vigyan Kendra (DKVK) intervened in the year 2017 and transformed it to organic village with a well-planned implementation strategy. Their farming income was low because of improper water and pest management, lack of marketing facilities and use of low-quality seed. It was necessary to overcome these hurdles and also to make the farmers adopt the best and most profitable farming system model for a strategy on sustainable livelihood through increased farm income. Read More...
social science |
India |
474-477 |
111 |
Evaluation of Quality of Service (QoS) of LrPAN, Wi-Fi and Wi-MAX
-Deepak Kumar ; Anurag Kumar
This paper presents the QoS Requirement of Wi-MAX technology. In this paper Wi-MAX Technology working around a metropolitan area. It used to creating the WMANs. It also called 802.16e IEEE Standard and Wireless MAN. It increased the wireless network capability for communicate between one device to other devices. It covered entire city with wireless network. Its frequency rate is 2.5 GHz. It also works on voice and video calling connectivity. It provides the data rat up to 70 mbps speed for longer distances. Wi-MAX is much faster technology for broadband connection. The Result showed how different factors such as throughput, Delay and PDR might affect the performance of Wi-MAX. The Simulation input parameter is node length and output parameter End to End delay, PDR, Jitter and throughput were captured the data Performed in this paper. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
478-482 |
112 |
CFD Analysis of Shell and Serpentine Heat Exchanger using CuO/Water Nano Fluid
-Ritesh Kumar Sahu ; Mr. Sarad Chandrakar
The serpentine tube in tube arrangement is very effective for various applications such as heat exchangers and chemical reactors. The serpentine tube in tube arrangement can provide large heat transfer area occupying lesser space with high heat transfer coefficients. The heat exchanger geometry contains one serpentine tube of outer diameter 30 mm and shell of diameter 200 mm, shape of tube is serpentine and heat exchanger is analyzed by using nano fluids like CuO/water. ANSYS CFX solver has been used for CFD analysis using the CAD model developed in Creo 2 software. The changes in temperature profiles in each of the cases are taken into consideration for calculating effectiveness of heat exchanger. The turbulence model used for CFD analysis is k-epsilon. Read More...
India |
483-486 |
113 |
Study of Rail Profile before & After Straightening in Bhilai Steel Plant
-Oscar Tandi ; Hrishabh Singh; Jayant Kumar Sahu
Conventionally the production of rail track comprises of forming process in which rail is manufactured by rolling, During the process bloom is being passed by several passes and stages, To get an appropriate desired profile of rail section as per requirement. So basically in “Universal Rolling Mill†and “Rail & Structural Mill†of Bhilai Steel Plant there we face some common Issues related to Quality of product during manufacturing process I.e. Rejection of Rail (Some Common Reasons are as follows): Due to uneven Symmetry, Due to Surface Roughness, Un-appropriate or out of tolerances, Defect caused by more Scaling on surface, Development of Fracture in Rail, Internal Defects, Shrinkage of hot rail profile. All the above are which directly affect production parameters and lead to increase in the production time, cost and the material wastage. This paper is about the study and analyse of the defect parameters and the cause of defects occurs during Rail rolling technique and also to provide the correction measures in Roll profile to maintain and improve the Quality of product which is being manufactured in Inline rolling process. Read More...
M.Tech Production Engg. |
India |
487-490 |
114 |
Effects of in Process Parameters of Investment Casting in Production
-Abhishek Chandrakar ; Avnish Panigrahi
Investment casting process, also known as lost wax process, is utilized when complex detail, undercuts or non-machinable features and accurate parts are desired. It begins with a wax pattern which is an exact replica of the as cast part. So the properties of the wax patterns are ultimately passed on to the castings. The confirmation tests with optimal levels of process parameters are carried out to illustrate the efficacy of the proposed method. Using Taguchi method the optimisation is done. This optimization results revealed that a overall improvement in the quality of the castings and hence in production, the rejection rate is reduced causing more profit to the organisation with greater surface finish & limited dimensional tolerances. Read More...
M.Tech Production Engg. |
India |
491-494 |
115 |
Study of Numerical Simulation & Investigation of Micro-scale Hydrogen & Methene Diffusion Flame
-Tanumoy Banerjee ; Dr. Nripen Mondal
In this project Characteristics of micro-scale hydrogen diffusion flames produced by sub-millimetre diameter (d=0.2 & d=0.48 mm) are analysed & numerically simulated using ANSYS FLUENT v16.Simultaneous, temporally and spatially found out point measurements of temperature, major species concentrations (O2, N2, H2O, and H2), and absolute hydroxyl radical concentration (OH) are made in the micro flames for the first time. The calculated characteristic features and properties indicate that the buoyancy effect is minor while the flames are in the convection–diffusion controlled regime because of low Peclet number. Also, the effect of Peclet number on the flame shape is minor as the flame is in the convection–diffusion controlled regime. Comparisons of measured mean temperature, major species & OH mass fraction for d=0.2 & 0.48 mm with calculated radial profile are made at x=0.1 , 1 , 2 mm along the flame. where, 'x'= Axial height of the flame from the burner surface. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
495-499 |
116 |
Simulation of Maximizing the Thrust with Maximization of Nozzle Divergent Section
-Mr. N. Vairamuthu ; Mr. T. Anbarasan; S. Preethi; P. Martin Raj
The Rocket nozzle is a device which is used to exhaust the gas for propulse the rocket forward and used to control the rate of flow, speed, direction and pressure of stream that exhaust through it. The various type of nozzle is used for rockets depending on the mission requirement. This project contains analysis over a convergent divergent nozzle with reduction of divergent section of a nozzle to perform thrust augumentation process. The aim of this project is to increase thrust and reduction of divergent section of a nozzle. Also, the various contours of nozzle like Cell Equiangle skew, Cell Reynolds number, Pressure, Velocity, Mach Number, and above are calculated at each type of mesh using CFD analysis software ANSYS Fluent. Read More...
Aeronautical Engineering |
India |
500-502 |
117 |
Study of Coconut Based Biofuel/Biodiesel
-Patel Satyavrat P
Current research towards usage of diesel engines and reducing fossils fuels. There has been a worldwide interest in searching for alternatives to petroleum-derived fuels due to their depletion as well as due to the concern for the environment. The study done on one of the promising diesel alternative i.e. coconut oil is described. Read More...
India |
503-505 |
118 |
A Comprehensive Report on Failure Analysis of Lathe Gears
-Mahendra Prasad ; Kinshuk Verma
In this article an comprehensive report has been presented from the conventional gear failure occurred in lathe gar system. It has been seen that in a lathe performing any operation, the transmission of power is a form the gear train system plays a crucial role. If this system not been analysed or proper maintenance has been carried out this may lead to critical failure and ultimately affect the overall production. To verify this failure various researches has been conduction to optimize the gear train system experimental and computationally by researchers are presented in details. Read More...
M-Tech in Mechanical CAD-CAM |
India |
506-510 |
119 |
Security Authentication and Access provisioning of Cloud Service Consumers using subscribed user Identity in Federated Clouds
-Gyan Singh Sujawat ; Jitendra Singh Chohan; Kapil Raj Dhaybhai
Currently, consumers are not feel con dent about their data or information that they are access or to store on the cloud server regarding to cloud security. In-addition to this, the cloud Cloud Service Consumers are get fed up on the current authentication steps. This paper tries to discuss on the Security Authentication and access provision of the Cloud Service Consumers in Federated clouds using Subscribed user identity. On the cloud service consumer's authentication process, User Identity Verification Module serves as a cloud broker to minimize the work overloads on the central cloud federation management system. Read More...
Software Engineering |
India |
511-514 |
120 |
Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate by using Green Concrete Materials
-A. Malliha
Green concrete is a revolutionary topic in the history of concrete industry. This was first invented in Denmark in the year 1998. Green concrete has nothing to do with color. It is a concept of thinking environment into concrete considering every aspect from raw materials manufacture over mixture design to structural design, construction, and service life. This paper summarizes the various efforts underway to improve the environmental friendliness of concrete to make it suitable as a "Green Building" material. Foremost and most successful in this regard is the use suitable substitutes for Portland cement, especially those that are byproducts of industrial processes, like fly ash, ground granulated blast furnace slag, and silica fume. Also efforts to use suitable recycled materials as substitutes for concrete aggregate are gaining in importance, such as recycled concrete aggregate, post-consumer glass, tires, etc. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
515-519 |
121 |
Artificial Intelligence & Robotics
-Aditya Sunil Kanvinde ; Sushant Lagade; Akshay Khade
The Artificial Intelligence and Robotics although addressing in similar problems. The two fields interact profitably in the area of building intelligent agents; this inter action has resulted in important developments in the area of vision and phased action. Recent advancements of technologies, including computation, robotics, machine learning communication, and miniaturization technologies, brings us closer to futuristic visions of compassionate intelligent devices. The missing element is a basic understanding of how to relate human functions (physiological, physical, and cognitive) to the design of intelligent devices and systems that aid and interact with people. Robotics is the branch of technology that deals with the design, construction, operation and application of robots and computer systems for their control sensory feedback, and information processing. Read More...
Artificial intelligence |
India |
520-521 |
122 |
Performance of Pervious Concrete Using Sewage Sludge Ash with Different Sizes of Coarse Aggregate
-Jaswanth J ; Lokesh S; Shruthi RP
India is a developing country and we can observe that there is rapid growth of the infrastructure due to which the earth surface is covered by buildings, roads etc. Because of that the groundwater is depleting. This can be recharged if the precipitated water is allowed to substrata of the soil, this can be done by using Pervious concrete. Pervious concrete is a special type of concrete that has high infiltration rates. It allows water to pass through it directly and reduces the runoff on the site. It is having more merits than demerits when compared with normal concrete. Hence the introduction to Pervious Concrete Pavements in place of normal pavements came into existence to collect the rain water from the surface. The aim at this project is to study the performance of pervious concrete using sewage sludge Ash (waste product) as replacement to cement along with different gradations of coarse aggregates. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
522-526 |
123 |
Bio-Diesel (Oil Extraction, Cultivation, & Seed Cake for Various Type of Edible Oil Seeds.)
-Virendra Kumar Patel
India is the largest producer of oilseeds in the world and the oilseed sector occupies an important position in the country's economy. The country accounts for 12-15 per cent of global oilseeds area, 6-7 per cent of vegetable oils production, and 9-10 per cent of the total edible oils consumption. The area and production under the nine oilseeds was 26.11 million ha and 24.88 Mt, respectively in 2009-10, whereas the total edible oil production in the country stood at 6.17 Mt in 2009-10. As per the fourth advance estimates for 2010-11, the production of total nine oilseed crops is 31.10 Mt, which is a quantum jump over previous year’s production. Oilseeds area and output are concentrated in the central and southern parts of India, mainly in the states of Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. In India, edible oil consumption has been growing steadily over the years. From around 5 Mt in 1990-91, the aggregate consumption of edible oils has gone up to 14 Mt in 2009-10. Groundnut, rapeseed-mustard, soybean and palm oil account for around 60 per cent of the edible oils consumed in the country. In rural and urban India consumption of all edible oils per month increased from 0.37 kg and 0.56 kg respectively, in 1993-94 to 0.64 kg and 0.82 kg in 2009-10. This translates into an increase of 72 per cent and 46 per cent, respectively, among rural and urban households. The edible oils requirement of the country has been projected at 16.34 Mt in 2016-17 and 20.36 Mt in 2020-21, i.e. at the end of 12th Plan and 13th Plan, respectively. The fundamental advantage of biodiesel is that it can be depicted as 'carbon impartial'. This implies the fuel creates no net yield of carbon as carbon dioxide (CO2). This impact happens in light of the fact that when the oil crop develops it assimilates the same measure of CO2 as is discharged when the fuel is combusted. Read More...
India |
527-533 |
124 |
Green Lightweight High Grade Concrete-A Review
-Rajesh Parshad ; Shubham Aggarwal
The purpose of this study is to understand the benefits, properties, characteristics and impact of Lightweight high-grade concrete on the environment. According to many seismologists during the earthquake buildings are the main reason behind the loss of human lives. The earthquake forces that influence the structures and buildings are directly proportional to the mass of such structures and buildings. Therefore, to reduce the seismic risk reduction in the mass of the building is of utmost importance. One of the ways to reduce the mass and a dead load of structure or building is to use lightweight concrete in construction. Lightweight concrete reduces the dead load, cost of construction and also provide the equal or more strength than conventional concrete. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
534-536 |
125 |
Literature Study on Current Reading Models
-S. Joseph Arokia Raj
This paper purposes to analysis the three types of interpreting models. It is also anticipated to discover the different forms of reading approaches and the approaches that are used in educating students in these Strategies. Concentrations also given on how to manage skills with problems faced on reading comprehension. Reading is an art of attaining knowledge and understanding the meaning of a piece of literature and the implications through analysis. These are certain ways that would be favorable for teachers, stakeholders and Students of English. Parents and Pre-school teachers should support the child gaining knowledge good habits to be prepared enough to capture the reading skills. The teachers should be aware of what kind of writings he/she is offering to his/her Students. It should be realistic or easy Conferring to the learners' levels, desires and ages. Read More...
English |
India |
537-539 |
126 |
Enhancement of Power Quality using D-STATCOM in Distribution Network
-Mr. Manjappa. N ; Mr. Parvejahmad
D-STATCOM (Distribution Static Compensator) is Used for the control of Power Quality issues under unbalance occurred due to various faults and loads in distribution system. This paper addresses the modelling and analysis of custom power controllers, power electronic-based equipment aimed at improving the quality and reliability of power supply in distribution networks using DSTATCOM. A new control scheme with PWM based technology has been proposed, that only requires voltage measurements and the operation of the proposed control scheme is presented for DSTATCOM. Simulations and their result analysis are carried out in MATLAB/SIMULINK with this control scheme for two proposed systems. Read More...
India |
540-543 |
127 |
Torsional Analysis of Castellated Beam with Stiffener using Indian Standard Code
-Mr. Onkar Tukaram Sahane ; Prof. A. J. Mehetre
Castellated Beam is a name commonly used for type of expanded beam. It is made by expanding a standard rolled section in a manner which creates a regular pattern of holes in the web. This expansion of web of a beam results in increase in lever arm, thus ultimately increase in the moment of resistance without increase in weight of the beam. Furthermore the holes created in the web portion of a beam can be used for the passing of service lines. These beams has high strength to weight ratio. Generally most of the steel structures are designed for bending and not for torsion. But many times situations do come when these beams are subjected to torsional loading. In this paper a castellated beam is designed as per the Indian standard code based methodology. A three basic opening shapes namely Hexagon, Sinusoid and Diamond are subjected to torsional loading and there performance under torsional loading is studied. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
544-548 |
128 |
Introduction to IOT and Its Research Directions
-Mayank Raj Gupta ; Ankit Kumar; Syeda Ayesha
Many research groups are now heavily pursuing topics that contribute to the Internet of Things (IoT). Nowadays, as sensing, actuation, conversation, and manage end up being even extra state-of-the-art and ubiquitous, there's a big overlap in these groups. More understanding among the human groups are recommended to understand IOT. This paper focuses towards research direction in IOT. To provide a foundation for discussing open research issues in IoT, a vision for a way IoT should alternate the arena within the remote future is first presented. Then, four research topics are taken into consideration and problem inside these subjects which are mentioned are studied. Read More...
Internet of things (IoT) |
India |
549-551 |
129 |
Experimentation on Twist Carrying Capacity of Castellated Beam
-Warade Akshay Ramesh ; Prof. A. J. Mehetre
Castellated beams are those beams which has openings in its web portion. Castellated beams are fabricated by cutting the web of hot rolled steel I section into zigzag pattern and thereafter re-joining it over one another. Use of castellated beams is become popular now days due to its advantageous structural applications. Steel is the material of choice for design because it is inherently ductile and flexible. ASTM stands for American Society for Testing and Materials over 12,000 ASTM standards operate globally. They improve the lives of millions every day combined with our innovative business services, ASTM standards enhance performance and help everyone have confidence in the things they buy and use. ASTM standards use to find out torsional moment capacity carried by given beam after castellation. The study of performance is based on angle of twist, torsional moment carrying capacity of castellated beam sections like diamond, rectangular opening. From experimental results, it is concluded that torsional moment carrying capacity of diamond opening is more as compared to rectangular opening. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
552-555 |
130 |
Comparative Study of Percentage of Infill in Additive Manufacturing for Thermoforming Mold
-Sushil Shankar Naikwadi ; Prof. G. M. Lonare; Prof. Sagar Dharmadhikari
The paper represents design and 3D Print a mold by using Additive manufacturing process. The main objective of the paper is to 3D Print and calculates the strength of the mold (Infill 50% & 100%) and compares these molds with each other. The Reverse engineering is used to calculate the design parameters and 3D Modeling can be done using Solidworks 2018 software. ANSYS WORKBENCH 18.0 is used to calculate the strength of the mold. ABS Plus filament is considered for manufacturing of mold. After FEA analysis of both the Molds, the results show that the mold of infill 100% gives high strength when applying the vacuum pressure on the mold compared to the mold of infill 50%. From the analysis results, we can also conclude that the infill of 100% 3D Printed mold can manufacture 30 to 35 parts easily without any dimension failure. Read More...
M.E. Product Design and Development (Mechanical) |
India |
556-559 |
131 |
Application of Additive Manufacturing in Thermoforming Mold Design
-Sushil Shankar Naikwadi ; Prof. G. M. Lonare; Prof. Sagar Dharmadhikari
Molds used for the production of Plastic parts in Plastic processing industries are made from Metals or Aluminium. These Molds are not suitable for low run application because of its high initial cost and large delivery time. The literature review shows that till date Additive Manufacturing finding its application in inserts in injection molding and Availability of high-temperature filaments can help to extend its application in mold design. The objective of this project work is to design and 3D Print a mold by using Additive manufacturing process. Reverse engineering is used to calculate the design parameters and 3D Modeling can be done using Solidworks 2018 software. ANSYS WORKBENCH 18.0 is used to calculate the strength of the mold. ABS Plus filament is considered for manufacturing of mold. Results show that the additive manufacturing method helps to develop the Mold in low manufacturing cost with the good strength and finish. And the result also shows that the Additive Manufacturing is best suited for low run injection molding and it also reduces the product development time in R&D. Read More...
M.E. Product Design and Development (Mechanical) |
India |
560-563 |
132 |
Study on the Effect of Process Parameters of Similar Metals Friction Welding 15CDV6 Alloy Steel to Predict Tensile Strength using RSM
-D. Raji Reddy ; G. Chandra Mohan Reddy; P. Laxminarayana; G. Madhusudhan Reddy
Friction welding is a relatively new joining process it is a solid state joining process the joints are formed by utilizing the heat generated by friction. This paper discusses the importance of tensile strength in friction welded components with respect to the process parameters. The process parameters considered in this research work are friction force, Forge force, rotational speed and burn-off length for the 15CDV6 alloy steel. The effect of process parameters on tensile strength is optimized to establish the weld quality applying the response surface methodology (RSM.). The regression model generated by response surface methodology successfully optimizing the tensile strength. The friction force, rotational speed and burn-off are the significant parameters influencing the tensile strength of the joint. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
564-570 |
133 |
Design and Optimization of Hybrid Vehicle
-Dinesh Gavit ; Shubham Agine; Saad Alware; Aniket Jaltare
Hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) were introduced in response to rising environmental challenges facing the automobile sector. HEVs combine the beneï¬ts of electric vehicles and conventional internal combustion engine vehicles, integrating an electrical system (a battery and an electric motor) with an engine to provide improved fuel economy and reduced emissions, while maintaining satisfied driving range. By comparison with conventional HEVs, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) have larger battery storage systems and can be fully charged via an external electric power source such as the electrical grid of the three primary PHEV architectures, power-split architectures tend to provide greater efficiencies than parallel or series systems. Thus, in this research project, the problem of optimizing the component sizes of a power-split PHEV was addressed in an effort to exploit the flexibility of this powertrain system and further improve the vehicle's fuel economy. Autonomy software was used to develop a vehicle model, which was then applied to formulate an optimization problem for which the main objective is to minimize fuel consumption over standard driving cycles. The design variables considered were: the engine’s maximum power, the number of battery cells and the electric motor's maximum power. The genetic algorithm approach was employed to solve the optimization problem for various drive cycles and an acceptable reduction in fuel consumption was achieved thorough the sizing process. The model was validated against a Maples model. This research project successfully delivered a framework that integrates an autonomy PHEV model and genetic algorithm optimization and can be used to address any HEV parameter optimization problem, with any objective, constraints, design variables and optimization parameters. Read More...
India |
571-574 |
134 |
A Review on Saponins
-Dr. D V Surya Prakash ; Prashant Sharma; Vinayak Sharma; Sujat Birda; Jitendra S
Saponins are natural plant glycosides and phytochemicals which possess a wide range of pharmacological properties. Chemically saponins are based on a Steroid. These are serving as anti-feedants in the plants. So it protects the plant from the microbes. Some plant saponins are playing a role character for enhancement of nutrient absorption. These are used as food ingredients and dietary supplements. The action of saponins is played on the endocrine systems, cardiovascular, central nervous systems and other miscellaneous. Read More...
Biotechnology |
India |
575-576 |
135 |
Optimal Allocation and Capacity Determination of Multiple Distributed Generation in Distributed Network for Loss Reduction using Genetic Algorithm
-Monika Joshi ; Dr. Samina Elyas Mubeen
Many strategies have been proposed to decide the premiere region and capacities of dispensed technology (DG) units to reach the bottom value or price for machine system losses. In this take a look at, the aggregate of analytical and genetic set of rules methods is used for most beneficial allocation of more than one DGs in a distribution community to decrease the machine losses. This aggregate ensures the convergence accuracy and pace in more than one DG unit’s allocation. In this study, the DGs active electricity, energy component, and region are simultaneously taken into consideration during distribution network losses minimization. The application will dictate handiest the most DG electricity era if the DG is set up through DG owner. However, both of the scale and the location of DG may be determined by using the application if the DG is set up with the aid of it. The proposed technique is implemented to 33-bus test distribution systems. Simulation consequences show that the proposed method outcomes in lower losses compared with the other methods. Read More...
India |
577-582 |
136 |
A Survey on Smart Energy Meter System
-Mathew P John ; Ashok Babu
The need to improve the energy efficiency in homes, buildings and to provide accurate revenue to the supplier has aroused the necessity of automated meters in today's world. The consumers need to be more aware of their own energy consumption and the supplier needs to have a proper balance between the energy supplied and the revenue received. For facilitating an autonomous monitoring of electricity consumption requires a metering platform for the recording and processing of electrical data. The emergence of IoT along with the advancements in communication field, has offered the chance to establish energy efficient smart devices, systems and cities. A module for allowing the measuring and monitoring of the electric power consumption of an individual appliances is developed for the purpose of enhancing the day to day life by giving accurate measurements to both consumer and servicer, for both optimum energy consumption and correct billing of the said consumption. In this paper specified survey on several Smart Energy Meter systems, the difference in utility, cost and usability is discussed. Read More...
M.Tech in Computer Science And Engineering |
India |
583-584 |
137 |
A Review on Quality Circle Approach to Maintenance Cycle of Decanter Centrifuge
-Chaitanya ; Jitender Panchal; Manpreet Singh Kreer
In this modern competitive world one can get a lead of his competitor by maximizing the profit percent either by increasing the production volume or by reducing the cost of production. In the FMCG industry the one who has the ability to minimize the variable cost is always on the leading edge in the competition. Quality circle is not the only best method to improve the maintenance cost but can be an effective one if applied in the correct manner by focusing on the problem identification and solution part. Read More...
India |
585-586 |
138 |
Study of the Thermal Flux Exchanged in the Near Field by Two Parallel Bodies for a Thermophotovoltatic Application
-Waly Diallo ; Moulaye Diagne; Nacire Mbengue; Omar. A. Niasse; Bassirou BA
Fluctuating electrodynamics is the key to solving near-field radiation heat transfer problems, since it allows the calculation of thermal emission from Maxwell equations that can otherwise describe the absorption, diffusion, and the propagation of electromagnetic waves. Heat radiation at the nanoscale is a field of research that has attracted a lot of attention in the last decade. The work we have done focuses on the heat flux obtained between two bodies parallel to the nanoscale. We have studied the maximum flux under ideal conditions and the actual flux as a function of the distance between the two bodies in thermal change. Read More...
Energy |
Senegal |
587-590 |
139 |
External Quantum Efficiency of a ZnO / CdTe Solar Cell: Effects of Space Charge Zones, Diffusion Length and Recombination Rate, Calculated by the Dielectric Function Method
-Moulaye Diagne ; Waly Diallo; Nacire Mbengue; F. Dia; Omar. A. Niasse
The quantum efficiency of the ZnO / CdTe solar cell is studied by a simulation through this article. Thus, for the calculation of this efficiency, the absorption coefficients of the two semiconductors are used. Their expressions are given by the dielectric function ε. The effect of space charge area thicknesses, diffusion length and recombination rate explain the appearance of the quantum efficiency of the ZnO / CdTe solar cell. This allows us the different values that must be given, in order to optimize our solar cell. Read More...
Senegal |
591-594 |
140 |
Theoretical Study on a Far-Field Thermophotovoltaic Device based on InGaAsSb
-Waly Diallo ; Moulaye Diagne; Nacire Mbengue; Omar. A. Niasse; Bassirou BA
Because of their excellent conversion efficiency, thermophotovoltaic cells (TPV) are now very attractive. Research shows that these yields outperform those of photovoltaic cells. TPV cells are irradiated with infrared waves. So they require low gap materials. The InGaAsSb is a highly coveted candidate because of its gap which is 0.53 eV unlike silicon which is 1.1 eV. We took silicon carbide as an emitter because its emission spectrum is compatible with the absorption spectrum of InGaAsSb. Our study allowed us to know the electric power obtained taking into account the parameters established in [76]. However, parasitic and optical factors are an obstacle to a good conversion efficiency. Read More...
Energy |
Senegal |
595-598 |
141 |
Detection of Gear Tooth Defects by using MATLAB & FEA Technique - Review
-Bhushan J. Vispute ; Prof. Rajesh. R. Borse; Prof. R. Y. Patil
In gearboxes, load fluctuations on the gearbox and gear defects are two major sources of vibration. Further, at times, measurement of vibration in the gearbox is not easy because of the inaccessibility in mounting the vibration transducers. Vibration analysis techniques are used for detection of fault in gear system, fluctuation in gear load such as a method for monitoring the evolution of gear faults based on the newly developed time- frequency analysis through FEA, in which analysis is carried out with the decomposed current signal to trace the sidebands of the high frequencies of vibration,. It is also helpful tool for health monitoring of gears. Acoustic signal can be used effectively along vibration signal to detect the various local faults in gearboxes using the wavelet transform technique. Two commonly encountered local faults, tooth breakage and tooth crack were simulated. In fault simulating, two very similar models of worn gear have been considered with partial difference for evaluating the preciseness of the proposed algorithm. Moreover, the processing of vibration signals has become much more difficult because a full-of-oil complex gearbox system has been considered to record raw vibration signals. Raw vibration signals were segmented into the signals recorded during one complete revolution of the input shaft using tachometer information and then synchronized using piecewise cubic hermit interpolation to construct the sample signals with the same length. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
599-604 |
142 |
Smart Car Prototype to Avoid Rear End Car Collision
-Rishy Lorance ; Ashok Babu
The number of vehicles expanded exponentially within the world in day by day. Expanding the number of vehicles cause increasing the number of passing due to car mishap which is bigger in number compared to the passing caused by sick wellbeing. Most of the car mischance happen due to rear end collision of vehicle, more than 50 or 60 % rate of mishaps detailed within the world due to rear end collision. Existing studies about rear end collision avoidance are limited to the physiological response of car drivers and use only buzzer warning or deceleration of vehicles due to braking and display the breaking intensity. These are the safety measures to maintain a strategic distance from the rear end car collision ,but it isn't admission on the genuine time circumstances may be driver and traveller gotten to be panic. Driver and traveller security is major concerns of automobiles system. In these paper we propose a effective framework to avoid the rear end collision of vehicles utilizing ultrasonic sensors. Ultrasonic sensors naturally calculate the distance of vehicle and obstacles within the front end, and automatically stop the vehicle if it is critical region. The vehicle will naturally begin until it is in secure run or else obstacles will be cleared from the rear end. The proposed strategy make a comparative study on the existing framework based on its performance. Read More...
M.Tech in Computer Science And Engineering |
India |
605-611 |
143 |
Smart Environment Monitoring System
-Neeraja P ; Dr. R. Vijayakumar
Global warming, and the subsequent environment problems that have aroused in recent years have prompted the need for monitoring our environment. While weather as part of the environment has always played an important role in everyday life. In a person's life, weather forecasting is an important factor for a number of reasons like it saves lives and it helps when things like natural disaster occurs such as floods, tornadoes, hurricanes etc. Weather forecasting can predict such natural disasters, when they are imminent. Environment monitoring, and the subsequent weather monitoring, involves many determining factors like temperature, humidity, wind velocity (speed and direction), luminosity, solar radiation, gaseous pollution etc. Especially Sun burn and Carbon emissions stand out the most in case of environment monitoring. Many weather monitoring systems has been developed and some of them are analyzed in depth in terms of usability, affordability, accessibility etc. Read More...
M.Tech in Computer Science And Engineering |
India |
612-613 |
144 |
CVD Patient Monitoring System using IoT
-Suryamol K S ; Chinju K
In Internet of Things (IoT), devices gather and directly share information with each other and the cloud, making it possible to collect, record and analyse new data streams faster and more accurately. IoT offers a great promise in the field of e-healthcare. IoT based e-Health schemes, which allow the monitoring and acquisition of patients' data remotely, in real time, and enable enhanced medical services and treatments. Here we would like to prepare a survey on Cardio Vascular Disease (CVD) Patient Monitoring system, an IoT based health care system to allow real-time monitoring of ECG signals for a patient with CVD, and to predict their location. This aims to improve the quality of life for the patient with cardio problems. Read More...
M.Tech in Computer Science And Engineering |
India |
614-615 |
145 |
Image Deblurring by using the Measurement of Whiteness Level
-Devika Sahu ; Avinash Dhole
One of the major problems in the field of photography is ablur. The blur in the image is obtained by the disturbance in the setting of the camera or due to the motion of the things to be captured and noise added to the image. This artifact becomes very crucial nowadays in the field of photography. There is various work has already been done by the researcher and lots of work is still in progress. But, the restoring of the image into its original state are still a big problem. In this paper, we proposed a method, in which the blur can be removed by using whiteness measurement of the image captured or stored. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
616-619 |
146 |
Improvement in Maintenance of Scroll of Decanter Centrifuge Machine to Improve the Average Life
-Chaitanya ; Jitender Panchal; Manpreet Singh Kreer
Lots of work has been done on the design, maintenance and other problems encountered during the operation of the Decanter Centrifuge. It is a Mechanical rotating equipment used for separating dispersed solids from the dispersed solutions. The machine is generally used in Cement Company, sugar mills, distilleries, coal mines, wine manufacturing, breweries etc. The study is based on three Humboltz, Germany made decanters used in a 120 KL grain based distillery plant located near Ambala district (Oasis Commercials Pvt. Ltd.). There were numbers of efforts made to increase the life of the scroll and the other operating parts starting from the main line feed pipe. Then there was some modification made in the design of the scroll and the data was observed to before and after to notice the changes (if any). Then there was a the decision making for the usage of the type of the hard facing material applied on the screw conveyor (scroll) and it was done by comparing the different jobs with the different hard facing materials both in lab and in the actual working condition. The decision was then took by comparing the performance of each job and keeping economical aspect into consideration. The study and observation helped a lot to improve the working condition and the life of the scroll to a considerable range. Read More...
India |
620-623 |
147 |
Hadooop and Cloud Computing
-Jyoti Singh
Hadoop is distributed processing framework that manages data processing and storage for big data applications running in clustered systems. It is allows data to be stored in distributed format to be run in parallel. The cloud is well suited to provide the big data computation power required for the processing of these large parallel data sets. Cloud has the ability to provide the flexible and agile computing platform required for big data, as well as the ability to call on massive amounts of computing power (to be able to scale as needed).It is efficient, and it automatic distributes the data and work across the machines and in turn, utilizes the underlying parallelism of the CPU cores. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
624-626 |
148 |
ERP Implementation and Management
-R. Vasanthi ; Idhayadhulla
The corporate competitive environment is being liberalized and globalized, therefore organizations, especially packaging industry, need greater interaction between their stakeholders. Organizations face to is the business functions in an organization. Thus, the business experienced to implement ERP systems. ERP projects have not been effective enough and hence have been unable to achieve all the results envisaged. Depth understanding about the benefits of ERP implementation is needed to ensure the successful system implementation. Determine and classify the benefits of ERP system implementation in dry food packaging industry. Research comprised of three phases: ERP system implementation from the current literatures, categorize them into strategic, tactical and operational benefits in each business functions in an organization. These ERP benefits are summarized in this paper as a research finding to assist the managers in implementing ERP system successfully. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
627-629 |
149 |
Stacking Different Machine Learning Models to Improve the Performance
-Vipul Rana
Stacking different learning models have been given a better output in the terms of the accuracy and the performance. There are majorly 3 types of machine learning algorithm they are supervised learning, unsupervised learning and Reinforcement learning. But the third type is not much considered the only first two are used for the classification and processing of the data. Just defining in one line I will say supervised learning is where the data is already known and the processing is done on a whole dataset. In unsupervised learning model is the training of the Ai algorithm on the unlabelled and non-classified data. These learning models and model stacking are now a days used for classification and also for image and voice recognition. Stacking provides us with high accuracy output but it is restricted if the data is not diverse or the models generate similar output. This paper presents the method to tackle this problem that is by stacking the to machine learning models that is stacking unsupervised learning with supervised learning. By these method the accuracy, recall and precision increases which is useful when working on a huge data set or the real time data set. Read More...
Artificial intelligence |
India |
630-632 |
150 |
Network Intrusion Detection Systems using Pattern Matching Algorithm
-K. Nithya ; M. Lakshmipriya
Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) recognized powerful tools identifying, deterring deflecting malicious attacks in network. Every intrusion detection system is ability to through packets and identify content matches known attacks. In this paper, common algorithms are examined of Network Processor which is intended used in Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS). Afterword, the suitable algorithm for Network processor is chosen which combine string matching Native algorithms because these algorithms processor. Read More...
Computer Science and Information Technology |
India |
633-639 |