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351 |
The Effect of Floating Column in RCC Building: A Review
-Arun Kumar ; Ankur Kumar; Ashfak Ahamad
In the recent time in India the floating column is the great concept of civil engineering and architecture engineering life. Floating column is a vertical member which is put on the beam and this beam does not transfer the load directly to the foundations. In this paper we prepare the model of G+3 building plan in the STAAD Pro V8i software and analysis the effect of floating column in the RCC building. Floating column acts as a point load on the beam and this beam transfers the load to the other columns below it. It is widely used in the construction of the underground parking which helps to smooth parking in the multi storey building. The figure show the floating column which rest on the beam and this beam transfer the load the other column below it as shown in figure. In this paper analysis of the floating column in the RCC building after including all the dead load ,live load earthquake load and load combination and then find out the number and types of reinforcement required and quantity of concrete required for the particular building plans and finally check the building is safe or not. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1330-1333 |
352 |
A Comparative Study of Bridge Super Structure with & without Footpath of Two Lane by Varying Cross Girders
-K. Naga Samhitha ; K. Geyashree; D. Praveen; M. Chandrasekhar; Ch. Sri Varma
The unprecedented and rapid growth of bridge design practices & concrete construction in developed & developing countries is the driving force. Analysis & Design of Bridge Super Structure for Reinforced Concrete I-section has been carried out as per IRC 112-2011 “Concrete Road Bridges (Plain, Reinforced & Prestressed)†which is based on limit state method. Now-a-days the processing power & storage capacity of computers has increased by a factor of over 1000 & analysis software has improved greatly in sophistication and ease of use. Inspite of the increases in computing power, bridge deck analysis methods have not changed and Grillage Analysis remains the standard procedure for the most bridges deck. In this study has been carried for RCC I-girder for two lane carriageway width as per IRC specifications. The study also carried for the consideration of with & without footpath loads on bridge deck. Determination of quantity of materials for RCC super structure will be carried out. For the analysis, study is carried using STAAD Pro software and design excel sheets will be develop as per IRC recommendations. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1334-1338 |
353 |
Auto Parking System
-Mane Rajanee Ranjit ; Mulani Jinnat Rahimtulla; Deshmukh Monesh Shankar; Patil Ajita Prashant
Now a days problem of car parking is occurring in big cities. Sometimes we have to pay for parking or want to give a key to guard to park the car and sometimes people avoid bringing their own car with them because of car parking issue. To overcome this problem, our proposed prototype system of "Auto parking system" will be useful to eliminate unnecessary time conception to find empty slot in car parking field and also it will park the car automatically. We are planning to use different advanced techniques like IoT and Google etc. By using advanced techniques a voice command is giving to car then it will park itself to the nearest parking slot. We are planning to implement the system with minimum time and moderate efficiency. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
1339-1342 |
354 |
Implementation of KMP Algorithm for Multi-Pattern Matching Based on Double Hash using Data Set
-K S Sabiha ; C Yamini
In this paper, we are discussing the count for multi configuration organizing used for checking a given course of action of tokens. The proposed KMP estimation moreover supports parallel precedents in a given substance and besides reduces the amount of relationships which is progressively favored and time beneficial over various figurings, for instance, BM2 and KR counts. Single precedent organizing estimation can simply discover the circumstance of on model string in the each match, yet multi configuration planning figuring can discover the zone of various precedent strings in an organizing system. Twofold hashing is a crash settling strategy in Open Addressed Hash tables. Twofold hashing uses applying a second hash capacity to key when an impact happens. Read More...
Software Engineering |
India |
1343-1345 |
355 |
Energy Efficient Brushless Direct Current Motor Based Leaf Collector
-P. Sethupathi ; D. Devika; M. Dheeba Dharsaan; S. Gokul Kumar
A massive amount of leaves is shedded from the trees in parks and gardens. Cleaning of these leaves is a major task and it becomes more difficult especially in the autumn season. The conventional cleaning process is done by persons using brooms, fanrakes etc. It requires more manpower and consumes more time in cleaning the shedded leaves. Hence an equipment is needed for cleaning the leaves which is generally known as a vacuum cleaner. In conventional vacuum cleaners universal motor is used to drive the suction fan. Universal motor has some disadvantages like low efficiency, sparking due to presence of commutator and brushes, noise pollution etc. The concept of the project is to replace the universal motor with a Brushless DC motor (BLDC) in leaf collectors and thus to overcome the disadvantages of universal motor and to have a better and efficient cleaning process. These leaf collectors can be used in home gardens, hospitals, educational institutions as well as in the industries. Read More...
India |
1346-1348 |
356 |
A Smart City Adaptive Lighting System
-Pravin R. Ambade ; Shubham A. Dongre; Sushil C. Basine; Ashwini F. Kokate
Today electricity may be a major concern worldwide and most of the facility generation stations area unit supported typical fuels like coal however we have got restricted sources of those nonrenewable fuels. So as to minimize the dependence on these sources, we have to move on to new and renewable sources like solar and wind, etc. However proper usage of electricity could also is one of the effective tools for saving the conventional fuels. Street lights are one of the most crucial parts for public lighting systems which consume major part of the generated electricity. The conventional or manual controlled street lighting system has demerits like high power consumption, high cost and absence of effective monitoring system. This paper describes an energy economical approach of Good Street lighting system, which can mechanically management the shift and intensity of street lights supported encompassing intensity level. Basically a smart street lighting system could be a versatile street lighting system. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1349-1351 |
357 |
Providing Security using Fragmentation and Replication
-Radhika M ; Priya Dharshini .K; Monisha .S; Jasmine Gilda
Security becomes the major issue while we provide our data to the third party administrator like cloud. Data retrieval becomes a greater risk as a result of attack on the nodes within the cloud. Hence, there is an urge for greater security measures for protecting data and also performance has to be taken into account. A new concept called division and replication of data in the cloud for optimal performance and security(DROPS) has been introduced. Here, a file is divided into fragments and replicates the fragmented data over the cloud nodes. Only a single fragment is stored in each node that helps to make sure that no significant information is retrieved in the case of a successful attack. Nodes storing the fragments are separated using T-coloring to prohibit an intruder of guessing the locations of the fragments. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1352-1355 |
358 |
Lightweight Shareable Mobile Health Care System using Cloud
-Sana Nasar M ; Uma E S
Mobile health care system has emerged as a new patient central model that permits real-time collection of patient information, aggregation of those information and encrypt them, and then the encrypted information is uploaded to the cloud for storage and access by health care employees and researchers. However, efficient and scalable sharing of encrypted information has been a challenging drawback. This approach propose a light-weight sharable secure mobile health care system within which patient information are encrypted end-to-end from a patients mobile device to information users. It allows efficient fine-grained access management of encrypted information, supports tracing of traitors who sell their search and access privileges for financial gain, chatbox for doctor-patient interaction and allows on-demand user revocation. It is light-weight within the sense that it drops most of the serious cryptographic computations to the cloud whereas the light-weight operations are performed solely at the end user devices. It additionally conduct in depth experiments in order access the systems performance. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1356-1359 |
359 |
Optimization of Job Shop Scheduling Algorithm by using B-B Technique
-P Haritha ; Dr K Venkataramana
As an extension of the classical job look scheduling problem, the flexible job shop scheduling problem plays an important role in real production systems. The problem complication has increased along with the increase in the complication of operations and product-mix. To unravel this problem, various outlooks are developed incorporating distinct event simulation methodology. The scope and the purpose of this gift a survey that covers most of the solving techniques of Job look scheduling problem. A classification of this performance has been proposed traditional Techniques and Advanced Techniques. The traditional techniques to solve JSS could not fully satisfy the world competition and fast changing in customer requirements. Read More...
Software Engineering |
India |
1360-1363 |
360 |
Patient Monitoring in Ambulance by using Internet Protocol
-R. Kuralarasi ; S. Kalieswari; N. Kanimozhi; S. Guganesh
The core technologies of IOT developments in healthcare system where an innovative system to puts forward a smart patient health monitoring system that uses Sensors to monitor the patient health in ambulance setup condition and uses internet to monitor the health conditions in display to a particular person. Our system uses temperature, ECG and heartbeat Sensing to keep monitor of patient health. The sensors are connected to an ARDUINO to track the status which is in turn interfaced LCD display. Thus may save lives on time, with this ambulance lifting method is used that provides vehicle setup like up and down motion at any traffic area which is useful to quickly recovering the patient to a hospital. Read More...
Communication Systems |
India |
1364-1367 |
361 |
Review on Experimental Investigation of Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient of Nanofluid using Twisted Tape in Circular Duct
-Ankosh M. Hattimare ; Shubham M. Narnaware; Jitendra S. Pachbhai; Swarup Y. Vaidhye; Vikas D. Vaidhe
This review is mainly on investigation of heat transfer coefficient of nanofluids containing Al2O3 Nanoparticles. Also compound techniques of heat transfer used to increase heat transfer coefficient of nanofluids. In these investigation combination of two passive techniques of heat transfer is being performed for the evaluation of heat transfer coefficient of nanofluids, namely Swirl flow device and Additives for liquid. For these purpose the Twisted Tapes use as Swirl Flow devices and nanoparticles are Al2O3 used as additives to the fluid. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1368-1370 |
362 |
Filter Outlet Pressure Based Drip Irrigation System
-A. Monicka ; P. Mohana Vignesh; K. Karthi; T. Vignesh Kumar; Dr. M. Sivachitra
Drip irrigation is a type of micro-irrigation system where it is probable to save water and nutrients by allowing water to drip slowly to the roots of the plants. Water is incredibly precious to all living beings in addition to plants, trees.The major amount of fresh water is utilized by the agricultural industry for irrigation. In drip irrigation, the water need to be maintained at the constant level which aids in the survival of the plant i.e the water can spread to the roots by going drop by drop.On the other hand, if there is insufficient water, then, the plants may die due to lack of water. Hence there arises a need for the farmer to maintain the water content on the field.The Microcontroller based drip irrigation mechanism, a real time feedback control system is usedfor monitoring and controlling all the activities of drip irrigation system. This system reduces runoff, less watering, saturated soils, avoid irrigating at the wrong time of the day. It improves crop yield and helps in time saving.A filter outlet pressure based drip irrigation system has been implemented in small version and microcontroller is used for ON&OFF of the motor through relay circuit using water flow sensor. Read More...
India |
1371-1372 |
363 |
Cognitive Technology for Various Applications
-Indumathi .G ; Kanimozhi .M; Athithya Janani .A
Our aim is to overcome the problems faced by human in day-to-day life and in reducing the burden of humans, so this technology is used as a substitute, further the results of some well-known experiments shows that its denying human reasoning, so the wrong design and assumptions in these experiments are analysed and discussed in this chapter, and further techniques are been implemented to support cognitive radio technology. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1373-1377 |
364 |
Literature Survey on Polypropylene Sandwich Composite Slab
-G R Iyappan ; N. Arunprakash
In this paper, experimental and analytical studies on the flexural behaviour of Concrete Sandwich Composite slabs were reported. Single point flexure test on three slabs varying in core elements such as providing horizontal and vertical polypropylene sheets to the slab panel. The dimensions of the slabs are 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.15 m. These slabs are casted using self-compacting concrete. The experimental tests include the testing of panels under static loading. Load is applied using a 500kN hydraulic jack. Linear voltage displacement transducers with 50 mm gauge range are used to measure the transverse deflections. The test results includes the ultimate load-bearing capacity, load-deflection profiles, typical modes of failure and cracking patterns under constantly increasing the loads were discussed. The experimental and analytical results are compared and reported. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
1378-1380 |
365 |
An Efficient Data Cleansing by Duplication Record Detection Algorithm
-R Janardhan Naidu ; Ms. I. Madhavi Latha
Many industries and businesses have huge amount of data stored in different databases. In this fast world, it is necessary that data operations on the database are carried out smoothly and efficiently. However, to access the useful information that can help in decision making for industries and businesses, it is necessary to integrate large dataset. In existing system, DCS++ algorithm is used. It is very difficult to analyzed or understand. To improve this limitation and improve their performance we are use proposed system. In this proposed system, we are use Record Detection Algorithm. In record detection algorithms are classified into three types. They are knowledge based techniques, probabilistic techniques, and empirical techniques. Knowledge based algorithms demand training and the use of that training and reasoning skills in order to perform detection. Probabilistic algorithms are based on geometric and probability methods that are Bayesian networks, anticipation maximization and data clustering. Empirical algorithms consist on sorting, blocking and windowing methods. Here mainly blocking and windowing is used. By this accuracy are increases and efficiency and the performance of this system will be increased? Read More...
Master of Computer Application |
India |
1381-1384 |
366 |
Fabrication of Smart Therapy Wheelchair with Bed cum Stretcher
-Om Rajesh Bhure ; Yurop S. Meshram; Anmol N. Ilamkar; Madhur G. Sakharwade; Ms. Reena Mjumdare
We all have seen the wheel chair that normally the patients or the handicapped people use, it needs someone to push or the person on the chair has to apply force directly on the wheels which make him tired and strained and if the patient want to go to the table he has to get down and shift to other chair. Thus to eliminate these problems of a patient or a handicapped person we have designed a therapy wheel chair. Mobility of physically disabled persons is a concerning social issue now a days. Various wheelchairs are commonly available for disabled people as a mode of transportation. Our aim is to fabricate a low cost therapy wheel chair for the patient to facilitate the disabled patient’s mobility and to provide novel medical equipment for use in the Indian hospitals. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1385-1387 |
367 |
Fuzzy Logic based Automatic Green House Monitoring System using Arduino & Labview
-Kumari Sweety ; Pradeep Singh Yadav
Greenhouse forms an important part of the agriculture in India specially in chhattisgarh Existing system is difficult to maintain the plant growth so, there is a need of automation in greenhouse. Automatic controlling of the environmental factors such as temperature, light intensity and soil moisture using arduino board and labview is proposed in this system. These parameters play a vital role in the proper growth of crops. Here the constant temperature is maintained frequently by turning ON & OFF the light & fan. Temperature and soil moisture is controlled using arduino board and graphical user interface monitored and controlled using LabView. The purpose of this work is to design a labour free, sensor based greenhouse monitoring & controlling system which is fully automated. The output signal is generated from different sensors, which in turn sent to the for appropriate action. This results in proper growth of different plants in greenhouse. an automated environmental control system for a prototype greenhouse system using embedded systems technology. Efficiency and performance of AEC algorithm technique and the results of these has compared to one of the existing technique. He simulation result provides an exact idea for temperature, humidity, and water output for the prescribed agricultural field. The advantages of applying FLC are increasing Irrigation Efficiency, increasing the type of crop and harvest, in addition saving the electrical power. In this method the greenhouse effect using growth of different crops depend upon environment and crops growth condition. All condition set automatic using fuzzy logic all sensors are connected to arduino board and sensor value and analysis using labview and automatically take decision using fuzzy logic to control the greenhouse effect to help growth of crops and controlling fan, light and water using set of rule in fuzzy logic input of temperature humidity and soil moisture condition. Read More...
fuzzy logic |
India |
1388-1395 |
368 |
A Survey on Compression Methods of Lossless and Lossy Data
-M Surya Kiran ; C Yamini
Compression is constructed into a broad vary of technologies like storage systems, databases in operation systems and package applications. It refers to the method of reducing the amount knowledge|of information wont to represent the content while not to a fault reducing the standed of the first data. Their main purpose is to cut back the quantity of bits needed to store and/or transmit digital media in price effective manner. There square measure variety of information compression techniques used and that they are often categorised as lossless and lossy compression ways. during this paper we tend to created associate degree tried to debate regarding a number of the overall ideas of compression rule virtimization lossless and lossy ways of compression. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
1396-1399 |
369 |
Android Controlled Arduino Based Robot Car
-Asmita Patil ; Sagar Gurav; Prajwal Waghmare; Zeeshan Shaikh; Usama Shaikh
The aim of our project is to design a Mobile Remote Control Robar. The working is based on Android OS, Adriano micro-controller, motor drivers, a Bluetooth module. Adriano is an open-source prototyping platform. This is a very simple remote control car, with an Adriano and Bluetooth module. The idea is to first code the entire working using our previous knowledge of programming. The code will then be simulated on software and later be interfaced with the hardware. The controlling remote can be any smart device with android. All the controls of the vehicle will be on the app on that device. We chose this for our major project as robotics has become a major part of our everyday lifestyle and also have a wide scope in the engineering field. It plays a vital role in the development of new technology. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1400-1402 |
370 |
Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Silica Powder / Mica Filler Reinforced Epoxy Composite
-S. Palanisamy ; K. Nandhakumar; P. Kathiresan; K. Karthi
Fibre reinforced polymer composites are used in a variety of application because of their advantages such as relatively low cost of production, easy to fabricate and superior strength compared to polymer resins. Reinforcement in polymer is either synthetic or natural. Synthetic fibre like glass, carbon etc. has high specific strength but their fields of application are limited due to higher cost of production. Recently there is an increase interest in natural fibre based composites due to the above said advantages. In this connection an investigation is carried out to make better utilization of silica powder for making value added products. The objective of the present research work is to study the physical and mechanical behaviour of silica powder and Mica filler reinforced epoxy based hybrid composites. The effect of reinforcement on mechanical properties like tensile strength, compression, hardness of composites and impact strength are studied. Read More...
Materials Engineering |
India |
1403-1407 |
371 |
Internal Intrusion Detection System
-Komal S Gaikwad ; Harsha Satish Bhujbal
Currently, most laptop systems use user IDs and passwords because the login patterns to manifest users. However, many folks share their login patterns with co-workers and request these co-workers to help co-tasks, thereby making the pattern as one of the weakest points of computer security. Insider attackers, the valid users of a system who attack the system internally, are hard to detect since most intrusion detection systems and ï¬rewalls identify and isolate malicious behaviours launched from the skin world of the system solely. In addition, some studies claimed that analysing system calls (SCs) generated by commands can identify these commands, with which to accurately detect attacks, and attack patterns are the features of an attack. Therefore, in this paper, a security system, named the Internal Intrusion Detection and Protection System (IIDPS), is proposed to detect insider attacks at SC level by using data mining and forensic techniques. The IIDPS creates users’ personal proï¬les to keep track of users’ usage habits as their forensic features and determines whether a valid login user is the account holder or not by scrutiny his/her current laptop usage behaviours with the patterns collected within the account holder’s personal proï¬le. The experimental results demonstrate that the IIDPS’s user identiï¬cation accuracy is ninety four.29%, whereas the response time is less than 0.45 s, implying that it can prevent a protected system from insider attacks effectively and efï¬ciently. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1408-1410 |
372 |
Factors Causing Delay and Methodology of Ranking for Residential Projects
-P. M. Maske ; Miss. A. K. Suryawanshi; Miss. S. S. Salunkhe; Miss. P. V. Gadade; Miss. S. M. More
The construction sector in India is a significant indicator of the expansion, as it creates investment opportunities across various related sectors. Delay in construction projects is considered one of the most accepted problems causing a multitude of negative effects on the projects as well as parties engaged with it. Delay of construction project can be defined as the late completion of the work in comparison with planned schedule or contract schedule. Projects can be delayed due to number of reasons that may be due to the client, contractor, acts of God or a third party. They may occur early or later in the projects development. Delays can be minimizes only when their cause are identified. The objective of this study was to identify the major causes of delays, the effects of delays, finding importance of each delay factors using Relative Importance Index and Importance Index value method. This study was carried out based on review literature and questionnaire survey. The dissertation presents the results of a questionnaire survey conducted to identify and evaluate the Relative Importance Index and Importance Index value of the significant factors contributing to delay. Respondents of this survey included personal from consultants and contractors involved in various groups. The report also suggests minimization of the identified delays. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1411-1415 |
373 |
Comparative Study of Doubled Pipe Heat Exchanger and Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger
-Lava K R ; Mahadeva Gouda; Gyanappa; Riyaz Ahmed; Kallayya
Heat exchanger using Nano fluid is a device in which the heat transfer takes place by using Nano fluid. In this the working fluid is Nano fluid. Nano fluid is made by the suspending Nano particles in the fluid like water, ethylene glycol and oil, hydrocarbons, fluorocarbons etc. Heat transfer is the exchange of thermal energy between physical systems. The rate of heat transfer is dependent on the temperatures of the systems and the properties of the intervening medium through which the heat is transferred. The three fundamental modes of heat transfer are conduction, convection and radiation. Heat transfer, the flow of energy in the form of heat, is a process by which a system changes its internal energy, hence is vital use in applications of the First Law of Thermodynamics. The direction of heat transfer is from a region of high temperature to another region of lower temperature, and is governed by the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Heat transfer changes the internal energy of the systems from which and to which the energy is transferred. Read More...
India |
1416-1419 |
374 |
Two Handed Gesture Recognition system based on Indian Sign Languages
-Mr. Aakash Ghodke ; Mr. Sanket Kadam; Sumitra Sadhukhan
This paper is based primarily on the recognition of sign language in which deaf and dumb people can communicate with normal people. It contains image recognition, color segmentation, epipolar image and some technique for 3D image mapping. Also in this paper of Hand gesture recognition of Indian sign language software we come up with an advance system for human hand gesture recognition by 3D image recognition technique typically focuses on the idea to help deaf and dumb people to communicate with normal people. The extended potential of this system can be implemented at public places where deaf dumb people need to connect with normal people to convey there message or as simple as to order a coffee. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1420-1423 |
375 |
Utilization of Jute and Coir as Geobag
-Sunu Anna John ; Binil Gopinath
Geobags are soil containers that are made of either woven or non-woven synthetic geotextile such as polypropylene, polyethylene materials. In this project natural geotextiles such as coir and jute are used to determine the best materials used in geobag preparation. Geobags are commonly applicable in coastal protection structures, erosion control, embankment filling etc. Hanging bag test is conducted for determining the dewatering capacity of geotextile and surcharge loading was given at the top of the geobag for 15days inorder to remove the water from the soil and UCC test was done to determine strength of the filler material. The strength was found to be increased as load increases. Read More...
Geo Technical Engineering |
India |
1424-1426 |
376 |
Modelling and Comparative Analysis of Anti-Lock Braking System(ABS) Control Strategies for Motorcycle based on MATLAB/Simulink
-Shaikh Aamir Imtiyaz ; Brij Bandhu Singh
As the dependency of Electronic content is increasing in the automobile sector for safety purpose and performance requirements. For safety considerations, ABS (Anti-Lock Braking System) is an active feature for most of the vehicles. ABS is mainly used to stop vehicle without wheel locking and decreases stopping distance with minimum time period. ABS System having an ECU (Electronic control Unit) which maintain the slip on the basis of wheel and vehicle dynamics and control the fluid pressure in brake calliper for effective braking. This paper mainly focuses on modelling and simulation based control methodology using half wheel model of vehicle. Simulation model contains a vehicle dynamics model, wheel dynamics model, slip model, sliding mode optimizer and brake actuator model which all makes close loop feedback control system which increases braking performance of the motorcycle. PID controller including with sliding mode optimizer controls longitudinal slip, brake torque and stopping distance of the motorcycle. Comparison results of the motorcycle without ABS control system and with ABS control system are generated using MATLAB/Simulink platform. Read More...
Mtech(Mechatronics) |
India |
1427-1430 |
377 |
A Secure Node Management Distributed Services Model for RSU Supported VANET
-Amrita Rawat ; Prof. Arun Jhapate
Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANETs) is a sub class network of Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANETs). It has similar behavior as MANETs but different in mobility of nodes and their nodes speed. The mobility of nodes in VANETs organized in fixed pattern and speed of nodes is very high. Basically here VANETs vehicles can communicate to other vehicles directly or via intermediate fixed architectures. Most of time on highway or rural area the density of vehicles varies a lot and if any vehicle wants communicate with other vehicle directly may faces many problems. To overcome these problems the intermediate infrastructure needs to pay a very important role. In this thesis we analysis the performance of different placement strategies called DSR, AODV protocols which are traditional ones used to provide infrastructure based relays which is called as RSU (Radio Station Unit) with mobile vehicle nodes, which has been implemented using our proposed algorithm called Secure Node Management (SNM) to find that the case when RSUs are placed at both side of road with increasing mobile vehicle nodes has better performance in comparison to other. The simulation is done by using NS2 Simulator. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1431-1435 |
378 |
A Survey Paper on Distributed Service Approaches over RSU Based VANET Communication System
-Amrita Rawat ; Arun Jhapate
In the Era of Wireless Communication system we knew the importance of VANET with RSU where adopt various user oriented application for different purpose , in this way one can utilize VANET for reducing accidents and crimes can be tracked through the VANET in more appropriate way with more accuracy , other the other hand one can also make vehicle communication more easier , proper and fair for all the time and everywhere , the introduction of VANET can provide much better solution for the challenges raised behind complex vehicle communication system , in order to get analyses different aspect of VANET system which has been proposed over last long decades need to be get investigate for more proper solution with less complex communication , this paper present an investigation survey to present a report for the implementation and ingestion of new trends and techniques. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1436-1439 |
379 |
New Generation Smart Electrical Hybrid Street Light with Security and Maintenance Alert
-Vrushabh Prakash Bhalekar ; Sandip S. Panchbhai; Rajat K. Uprikar; Vrushabh P. Bhalekar; Abhishek P. Goswami
This paper aims at coming up with and execution the advanced development in energy saving of street lights and dominant. This project provides the automatic switching facility that makes project sensible. It suggests that once any drawback occurred with battery then it automatically switch to thermal supply. This paper provide the most effective solution for wastage of electrical power. Also the manual operation of the street lighting system is totally eliminated. In this paper for battery security we provide the sensor surface mount Magnetic Contacts with Terminals. In this project we provide a parallel connection to street lights in the common circuitry (battery & solar-plate) is use and because of that circuitry the installation cost of street light is reduces. The microcontroller 8051 is employed as brain to regulate the street light system, for developing the software and to program the microcontroller 8051 we used embedded c. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1440-1442 |
380 |
Four Way Hacksaw Machine
-Yogesh Bhuwaneshwar Bhure ; Vishal P. Hadge; Taisan K. Hatwar; Zikesh D. Madankar; Prof. Santosh P. Alone
It is needed to machine the spherical or sq. rod on totally different completely different} machines to form different machine elements like shaft, bolts and screws etc. for a production there is have to be compelled to cut the stuff into variety of items and this can be conventionally perform on an influence hack saw or easy hack saw machine which consume more time. To achieve this process within a less time the Four-way hack saw is developed. This project proposes the model of four means hacksaw machine that is in a position to chop four items (may be of same or totally different material) at the same time with a very less time consumption. The model using ac motor for its operation. Conversion of movement of ac motor into reciprocal motion is obtained by using eccentric cam. This model will perform a cutting operation on four totally dependableness and compatibility. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1443-1446 |
381 |
Application of I-Function in Boundary Value Problems
-Sunil Kumar Sondhiya
In the paper first we evaluate an integral involving I-function of one variable and then we make its application to solve two boundary value problem on (1)heat conduction in bar (2)deflection of vibrating string under certain conditions. Read More...
India |
1447-1448 |
382 |
Efficient Traffic Scheduling and Congestion Control Mechanism in Wireless Networks
-J. Gautam ; R. R. Divyalakshmi; B. M. Ishwarya; K. S. Aashika
Major challenge in the hyper speed networks is to handle the traffic along with the congestion to control which arises because of number of reasons. Congestion on network leads to data transmission delay along with loss of data, increased transmission time and performance of the channel. In this project the potential of packet scheduling as a means to control traffic and improve performance has been proposed. The limitation of existing traffic scheduling algorithm Weighted Round Robin (WRR) and Deficit Weighted Round Robin(DWRR) has been addressed by proposing a new hybrid algorithm called as Efficient Traffic Scheduling Algorithm which ensures the reliable packet transfer between two parties. This proposed algorithm improves the Quality of Service by focusing on three parameters such as Packet drop ratio, Throughput, Time delay. Using this queuing model that take into account the nature of traffic, we draw a practical conclusions about the expected gains and limits of scheduling. Read More...
Computer Science and Information Technology |
India |
1449-1452 |
383 |
Automatic Driving Robot Simulation in MATLAB with Hardware
-Shivani Dongre ; Onkar Wanjari; Nidhi Tangselwar; Sourabh Tipramwar; Prof. Vivek Mahawadiwar
Obstacle avoidance is one of the most important phase of mobile robotics. Without it, robot movement would be very confining and breakable. This project proposes robotic vehicle that has an intelligence built in it such that it directs itself whenever an obstacle comes in its path. So to protect the robot from any physical harm. This can be design to build an obstacle avoidance robotic vehicle using ultrasonic sensors for its motion. A micro-controller (AT mega 328P) is used to achieve the desired operation. An ultrasonic sensor is used to determine any obstacle ahead of it and sends a command to the micro-controller. Depending on the input signal received, the micro-controller redirects the robot to move in an alternate direction by actuating the motors which are interfaced to it through a motor driver. Read More...
Electronics Engineering |
India |
1453-1456 |
384 |
Driver Drowsiness Detection System
-Paritosh Fuse ; B. V. Rohit; Manoj Pothuri; Ashok Sharma
Injuries in road accidents are globally recognized as a major public health problem. Road accidents are one of the largest causes of deaths, disabilities and hospitalization. Distracted drivers are prone to severe car accidents. Distraction can be caused by driving under the influence of alcohol, exhaustion due to continuous driving etc. This paper proposes a vision-based system to monitor drivers eyes and to detect driver drowsiness in real-time. If the driver appears to be heavy-eyed, an alarm is played to alert the driver. As an additional feature when the driver is found to be drowsy, the system will send a message to the IoT server informing about drivers status. Our system attained above 85% accuracy for all tested scenarios. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1457-1461 |
385 |
Hybrid Approach by using Attribute based Encryption in Cloud
-Ch. Keerthana ; Mrs. C. Hemavathy
In disbursed computing there is dilemma related with entire existence of cloud understanding. For ability three primary materials of expertise is information secrecy, information trustworthiness and accessibility. Expertise encryption is utilized for privacy. Right now, after this encryption know-how is shipped to capacity. Presently, after the customer provides its key than the expertise is opened. Along these traces to offer patron established security manipulate to cloud provider is the foremost goal of this exertion and will also be entire with the aid of Homomorphic encryption. Key administration is an additional quandary due to the fact the customer is not grasp to oversee keys. The purchaser has confronted such issues. To build up a safety engineering and execute patron situated privacy device for potential in allotted computing and check customary security arrangements and distinguish their great issues in which most likely talking execution will get corrupted. We will execute homomorphic encryption using expanded KP-ABE framework to accomplish information classification. Read More...
Computer Applications |
India |
1461-1463 |
386 |
Integrating ICT in Language Teaching
-Bhavna Singh ; Dr. Ritu Shekhar
The present era is an age of digital natives where the young minds are evolved acquiring the technology as naturally as they acquire their native language. Technology is widely administered and acclaimed in every sphere of life. Education is one such important field where technology has taken the lead above all. Today, diverse set of tools are used in the schools across the globe to achieve predetermined objectives in teaching. Information and Communication Technology has become so important and inseparable in education that in the absence of it teaching and learning cannot be imagined to exist. To maintain upkeep with the learner and teaching –learning system today, it is a prerequisite for teachers to know how to match with the tech-savvy minds. This paper tries to highlight the potential benefits of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as a powerful tool for the teaching of English Language and its vital role and relevance in the present day learning system and the way it has brought revolutionary improvements in language teaching. Read More...
Education |
India |
1464-1466 |
387 |
Time Sensitive Data Stream on Frequent Patterns in Data Mining
-P. Anitha ; I. Madhavilatha
Mining frequent item sets through static Databases has been extensively studied and used and is always considered a highly challenging works. For this reason it is interesting to extend it to data streams field. In the streaming case, the frequent patterns data mining has much more information to track and much greater complexity to data manage data. Infrequent items can become frequent later on and hence it cannot be ignored. The output structure or unstructured needs to be dynamically increased or incremented to reflect the revolves evolution of item set frequencies over in the time. In this paper, we study this problem and to specifically to the methodology of data mining time-sensitive data streams. An existing or viewing algorithm by increasing the temporal accuracy is too cheque it in thread discarding the out-of-date data by adding a new method is called to the "Shaking Point". We presented as well as some experiments illustrating the time and space required. Read More...
Computer Applications |
India |
1467-1470 |
388 |
Design and Analysis of Wheelchair Lifting Mechanism for Public Bus
-Waibhaw Meshram ; Parag Narkhede; Sejal Ambade; Shubham Meshram; Sushil Bhokre
The project’s aim is to create a mechanism that will facilitate the transportation of people with disabilities in bus. This will encourage the integration of disabled people in the community and will also consist a technical challenge for the design. In this project the lifting mechanism in which the platform is lift vertically with the help of scissor mechanism. The main objective of the use of scissor mechanism is to reach the desire height or level. Now a day many disable people, old people and wheelchair have face the problem for getting on or off from the bus. This lifting mechanism will be help full for those disable people. The required data for the design of lifting mechanism will be collected from the bus such as ground clearance and chassis distance etc. with the help of measuring device. This study deals with the design and development of lifting mechanism used to lift wheelchair. In this project we will be creating CAD model of the mechanism and performing FEA on mechanism it will assist us to know the stresses and displacement. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1471-1474 |
389 |
A Comprehensive Report on the Thermal, Static and Dynamic Behavior of Spline Shaft
-Rabish Kumar ; Nitish Kumar
In the area of machining technology, lathe operation are is considered as one of the most significant conventional machining process where by means of spline shaft effective machining power can be achieved to transmit power from one source to another source to machine any component in order remove material. Spline shaft are widely been used in the field of industrial and automotive applications for power transmission. Now a day, due to advancement in designs of spline shaft critical failure in spline shaft can be overcome. For this, various materials, alloyed material, as well as composite material are used. This In this paper a comprehensive review has been presented which shows the noteworthy contribution of various researchers in improving the technology of Spline shaft. Read More...
India |
1475-1479 |
390 |
Spidy Floor Cleaner
-Parag Mule ; Ashish Katre; Anil Bare; Nilesh Kale; Vishal Dwivedi
Spidy floor cleaner is a system that enable cleaning of floor by using highly stabilized and rapidly functionalized electronic and mechanical control system .In an Ancient ,floor was clean by manually operated mode .In current project work target to used automatic floor cleaner for large floor in household purposes as well as in offices and in colleges . All hardware and software operations are controlled by ATmega328 microcontroller. This system can perform sweeping and mopping task.IR sensor is used for obstacle detection and automatic water sprayer system is used .There are five motors are used, two motors for wheels, one for roller brush and two motors are front wheel adjustment .RF module is used to transmit and receive information between the cleaning system .The whole circuit is work on 12v battery. Read More...
mechanical engineering |
India |
1480-1481 |
391 |
A Design of Filter-Based KDD Algorithm to Implement IDS
-M. VijayKumar ; Ms C. Yamini
Redundant and inappropriate capabilities in statistics have prompted a long-term problem in community site visitors type. These features not only gradual down the system modern classification however also save you a classifier from making correct choices, especially when coping with big data. In this paper, we recommend a mutual records based set of rules that analytically selects the highest quality feature for category. This mutual data primarily based function choice set of rules can manage linearly and nonlinearly structured records capabilities. Its effectiveness is evaluated inside the instances contemporary community intrusion detection. An Intrusion Detection machine (IDS), named Least rectangular aid Vector machine primarily based IDS (LSSVM-IDS), is built the use of the capabilities decided on by our proposed function selection algorithm. The overall performance trendy LSSVM-IDS is evaluated using three intrusion detection assessment datasets, specifically KDD Cup 99, NSL-KDD and Kyoto 2006+ dataset. The assessment results show that our feature choice algorithm contributes extra critical features for LSSVM-IDS to achieve higher accuracy and lower computational value compared with the KDD techniques. Read More...
Software Engineering |
India |
1482-1486 |
392 |
Efficient Method of Securing Personal Health Record and Sharing in the Cloud
-Karthick .A ; Manikandan .N; Dhineshkumar .V ; Savitha .K
Now a day, every process is done based on internet. Each data transaction is held through it with the major support of cloud environment. Cloud is an emerging technology and its application are enhancing day by day due to be various advantages. We can access our data from anywhere at any time. The major issue we faced in cloud environment is security. According to current technology development, health monitoring is held through smart a device which leads to storing of health reports in cloud. As we discussed before security is a major issue therefore our proposed system focuses on securing health reports in cloud environment with more privacy. Initially patient will upload their personal details inorder to create an account and then doctor will handle the report. Whenever patient meets doctor he will generate a random key using Random Key Generator to doctor when doctor is an authorized user he can download the file in encrypted format. In order to open particular file respective file encryption key is needed to decrypt it. Therefore patient health reports will be stored in secure way in cloud by Attribute based encryption (ABE) and without user knowledge even doctor could not access the file. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1487-1490 |
393 |
Improvement of Sandy Soil by Plastic Bottle Strips
-Yogeshwarsinh Ajitsinh Chauhan ; Mauni N. Modi
In this present study sandy soil was collected from Sabarmati River bank. The shear strength of normal sand and sand with plastic proportion was carried out and compare to each. The plastic wastes were collected in the form of waste water bottles, which cutting in the strip form with dimension 15mm by 25mm. This plastic strips were mix with soil in proportion of 0%, 0.15%, 0.25%, 0.50%.For investigate shear strength of a sample Box Shear Test was carried. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1491-1492 |
394 |
Analysis of Mechanical Properties of Abaca & Ramie Composite Material
-M. Ravindran ; V. Aravind; R. Balaji; S. Deepan Raj; T. Dhivakar
This present experimental study evaluated the on mechanical properties of Abaca, Ramie & Epoxy composites. Samples of different volume fractions of natural fiber reinforced composites were fabricated by Compression moulding technique and investigated their mechanical properties like tensile strength, Impact Strength and Water absorption test. Specimens were cut from the fabricated laminate according to the ASTM standards for different experiments. The work of this experimental study has been carried out to determine the mechanical properties due to the effect of Abaca and Ramie fibers orientations whose volume fraction are 17.5%, 35%, 65% .The results of this study indicate the orientation (0% , 35%,65%) volume fraction shows the better mechanical properties compare than(35%,0%,65%) & (17.5%,17.5%,65% ) fiber. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1493-1495 |
395 |
Brain Signal Analysis and Automation using Neurosky
-Saurabh Gangadhar Gaiky ; Saklsham J. Kantharia; Saurabh R. Barve; Dr. Rahul A. Burange
This article presents a motion control system to help severely disabled people to operate an auxiliary appliance using eye-blink bioelectric signal measured by a single channel dry electrode on the forehead. Using the data recorded from the brain the Brain Computer Interface (BCI) processes it and performs the pre-assigned task. LabView serves as the brain computer interface and the raw data accumulation is done by Mindwave Mobile 2. By using this proposed scheme it is possible to build an effective interface between human brain and machine by cutting the cost amount by significant margin. Read More...
Electronics Engineering |
India |
1496-1498 |
396 |
Optimization of MIG Welding Parameters to Control Quality of Welding
-Ankur Malviya ; Shiena Shekhar
In the manufacturing industries welding plays a significant role and such industries require experienced manpower. Since to join metals and to have joints such that it can bear mechanical stresses with respect to the norms of industry standards and to have such welding joints industries requires greater control during the process. The welders play an important role and it again a problem to have sufficient qualitative manpower to obtain the desired process from them. Since MIG welding is popular in automotive and structural sectors so it is required to have to control the process of welding. In MIG welding there are number of input parameters used to control the welding process and so it is required to check and control its input parameters to get weld of desired qualities. In this paper we have discussed the optimization process for input parameters with respect to the quality of welding so that it can be greater help for welders to have control on the output quality of welding. Read More...
Manufacturing Engineering |
India |
1499-1502 |
397 |
Design and Development of Semi-Automatic High Story Glass Cleaning Mechanism
-Pravin P Shinde ; Mr. Mahantesh D Kiranagi; Mr. Prathamesh R Ghate; Mr. Shivakumar G Billur; Sunil R Chavan
Due to the development of construction technology, there is a considerable increase in the number of skyscrapers in the world. Accordingly, there are rapid growing requests about maintenance systems such as cleaning, painting, and monitoring the processes of facade in high-rise buildings. However, it is extremely dangerous working the walls of high-rise buildings, and crashes from buildings have accounted for large proportion of constructional accidents. For the last decade, interest in developing robots for cleaning and maintenance in facade of high-rise buildings has continuously increased. The use of semiautomatic glass cleaning mechanism systems can be expected to reduce accidents and decrease labor costs. In this paper, we propose a new kind of cleaning mechanism. We have designed and manufactured various cleaning tools for different types of facades with economic commercialization. The cleaning cycle, size, and intensity will be determined by economic constraints as well. The final goals are to design and manufacture semi-automatic high story glass cleaning mechanism that can clean facades efficiently and rapidly even in dangerous places. The cleaning tool systems consist of nozzles, brush rollers, and squeezers. Furthermore, these tools and robots perform each process utilizing the systems of built-in guide types and gondola types for building glass cleaning. The performance of the proposed cleaning tools is evaluated experimentally; however additional study should be necessary for safer and more stable commercialization. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1503-1505 |
398 |
Performance Evaluation of Power Line Communication Channels with OFDM System
-Namrata Bhandari ; Vikas Raghuwanshi; L. C. Patidar; Rakesh Patidar; Jaydeep Sharma
The main aim of this paper is to design an OFDM modem for powerline-based communication in order to propose and examine a novel approach in comparing the different modulation order, different modulation type, and application of Forward Error Correction (FEC) scheme. This is an attempt to understand and recognise the most suitable technique for the transmission of message or image within a communication system. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1506-1509 |
399 |
Automatic Inspection System using Image Processing
-Minal C. Hedalkar ; Akshay P. Netake; Rhuturaj L. Gandharkar; Arti Gore
In manufacturing industries products are often manufactured in large quantities. These products that are manufactured go through quality control process to assess whether the product is properly manufactured or not. Often this quality control process is done manually by workers. This makes the quality control process slow and less accurate as humans take more time to assess the product and cannot find out small details easily. To solve this problem we can use image processing techniques. In this proposed system the products moving on the conveyor belt in manufacturing industries will be assessed for quality using various image processing techniques. An image of a product of ideal quality will be stored in the system. As a newly manufactured product is moving on the conveyor belt a camera will take its picture and compare it with the image of the product of ideal quality which is stored in the system. If the product matches with the stored image in the system, the product will be allowed to move forward on the conveyor belt and if it does not match with the stored image in the system, it will give an alert of defective product and will be discarded. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1510-1512 |
400 |
FEM Analysis of Lead Screw
-Anand Goroba Mate ; Prof. Gaur A. V.
The lead screw or the power screws are the most common examples of threaded members. Lead screws are used as a linkage or power transmitting element of machine with the different ranges of loads. Lead screws provide higher level of design freedom. The lead screws are under tensile or compressive forces as well as torque. The number of geometrical, material parameters affects the stresses developed in screw. In this paper we analyze a lead screw TR90 manufactured by LHP, Solapur, first by analytically and then using FEA software. Read More...
India |
1513-1515 |