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401 |
A Novel Approach for Reassigning Virtual Machines in IaaS Cloud System
-Manibharathi .K ; Sruthi .H; Nanthini .R; Dr. R. Bhavani
Reassignment of virtual machines into clusters is a fundamental endeavor for the considerable organization of cloud resources since it authoritatively impacts the execution of the Service Provider arrange. In this paper, an approach to manage the issue of reassigning virtual machines in IAAS Clouds was proposed. The outstanding A* algorithm is used to handle this masterminding issue by two algorithms, called Direct Move Heuristic (DMH) and Iterative Direct Move Heuristic (IDMH), to associate the space limitation of the A* algorithm. The primary tests ponder thinks about minimal estimated issue illustrations. It hopes to show the relevance of the delineated showing and reviews the capability of the proposed counts. The second preliminary inspect bases on broad evaluated issue events. It reviews the adaptability execution of the IDMH heuristic. Our obtained exhibit an average adaptability execution on issue cases with up to 800 virtual machines. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1516-1518 |
402 |
All in One News Paper in Android Development
-Aniket Yadav ; Santosh Divekar; Sakshi Deshmukh; Parshuram Shinde; Sarthak Gumpekar
This paper aims to provide an overview of the contents and design of the all newspapers. Majority of the newspapers use Blog, RSS and Facebook to connect with their readers. An online newspaper service providing project. In this software system users may register as users to read newspapers online. Once they register they may pay via dummy credit cards and get access to reading newspapers online for a month. Each user has an account and is charged monthly. He can read newspapers online or download daily newspapers in pdf format. The software system can also be used on mobile phones to download and read pdf newspapers in their smartphones. The online newspaper system also consists of an admin login to view and process various user data and accounts on the system. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1519-1522 |
403 |
Listening Dumb through Tactile Sign Language by using Image Processing
-Shivani Pimpalkar ; Shubham Chauragade; Indrayani Tembhe; Sushmita Sonbarse; Jyotsana Gawai
Communications between blind, deaf, dumb, and a normal people have always been a hard task. Approximately 10 billion people in the world are blind, deaf and dumb. The communication between a blind and normal people is to be a serious problem. This project mainly addresses to facilitated blind, deaf and dumb person’s life. By this project blind deaf and dumb people can communicate with the normal people. Throughout the world blind people use the hearing senses to detect. But this is possible to understand who have enough good sense to detect. To recover this problem, we developed the system for blind, dumb and deaf people. Read More...
Electronics Engineering |
India |
1523-1524 |
404 |
Erasure Coding Technique for Data Replication in HDFS
-P. Haritha ; Mrs. C. Hemavathy
The Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) component of Apache Hadoop helps in distributed storage of big data with a cluster of commodity hardware. HDFS ensures availability of data by replicating data to different nodes. However, the replication policy of HDFS does not consider the popularity of data. The popularity of the files tends to change over time. Hence, maintaining a fixed replication factor will affect the storage efficiency of HDFS. In this paper we propose an efficient dynamic data replication management system, which consider the popularity of files stored in HDFS before replication. This strategy dynamically classifies the files to hot data or cold data based on its popularity and increases the replica of hot data by applying erasure coding for cold data. The experiment results show that the proposed method effectively reduces the storage utilization up to 40% without affecting the availability and fault tolerance in HDFS. Read More...
Computer Applications |
India |
1525-1528 |
405 |
Studies on Application of Solar Water Heating System Assisted Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger for Pasteurization of Milk: A Comprehensive Review
-Tejash Patel ; Romil Patel
The present investigation is aimed to evaluate the performance of solar water heated shell and tube heat exchanger, to develop milk pasteurization system using solar heated water and to assess the chemical and microbial qualities of pasteurized milk prepared using solar heated water. Due to use of fossil fuels for the human activities found significant effect on environment as well as human health. The researchers from all around the world are searching for sustainable solution through non-conventional sources of energy like solar energy, windenergy, biomass energy, tidal energy etc. Among all renewable sources of energy, solar energy is very popular. Pasteurization is a process of heating and then rapidly cooling of food or liquid for the purpose of killing of bacteria. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1529-1531 |
406 |
Used of Catalytic Converter for Automotive Exhaust Emission
-Swapnil Wasnik ; Abhishek Yadav; Prof. Bhushan Mahajan
In today’s world. Air pollution generated from mobile sources is containing the pollutants which are hydrocarbons (hc), carbon monoxide (co), and nitrogen gases (nox). These air pollutants ar harmful to plants and animals, as well as creature. Number of alternative technologies is used to reduce the harmful emission like improvement in engine design, fuel pre-treatment, use of alternative fuels, fuel additives, exhaust treatment or better tuning of the combustion process etc. among all the types of technologies use of catalytic converters is the best way to control automotive exhaust emissions. This review paper discusses the need to control engine emissions & used of catalytic converter to reduce the emission levels of the engine. As well as review paper discusses about history of catalytic convertor, types of catalytic convertor, limitation of catalytic convertor and also achievements of catalytic convertor. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1532-1534 |
407 |
Design and Fabrication of Poultry Egg Incubator
-Utkarsh Tirpude ; Swanand Mane; Pratik Gaikwad; Saurabh Mangalkar; Vyankatesh Umredkar
There are noticeable requirements for egg incubators around the world in view of numerous elements. Egg incubation is a technology that provides opportunity for farmers to produce chicks from egg without the consent of the mother hen; it is also one of the ways of transforming eggs to chicks. Eggs have been incubated by artificial means for thousands of years. An automatic incubator needs to control several parameters i.e. temperature, humidity, ventilation and movement. The aim was to produce a low cost incubator and increase the production of chicks for small and medium scale poultry farmers. Read More...
M.E in Industrial Design |
India |
1535-1538 |
408 |
Customer Choice Based Web Page Searching by using Page Rank Algorithm
-Petteti Reddy Mahesh ; C. Yamini
The importance of a Web page is an inherently subjective matter, which depends on the readers interests, knowledge and attitudes. But there is still much that can be said objectively about the relative importance of Web pages. This paper describes Page Rank, a method for rating Web pages objectively and mechanically, effectively measuring the human interest and attention devoted to them. We compare Page Rank to an idealized random Web surfer. We show how to efficiency compute Page Rank for large numbers of pages. And, we show how to apply Page Rank to search and to user navigation. Read More...
Software Engineering |
India |
1539-1542 |
409 |
Arduino based Google Assistant Robot
-Prashant Hari Patil ; Sanket Mhatre; Kunal Kharat; Mahesh Suryawanshi; Prof M. J. Salunkhe
Nowadays technology is progressing day by day to a next level every day. Further towards technology we have introduced Wi-Fi controlled robot using google assistant as our contribution in this digital era. This Wi-Fi controlled robot will be seen as beneficial in different aspect of fields such as it will do works of human immensely easier than before by giving just one command through google assistant in our phones. The project is basically based on a robot which is controlled with the help of google assistant. One should command google assistant to move the robot. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
1543-1545 |
410 |
Wireless Industrial Automation using PLC and Designing HMI Panel
-Kurnella Spandana ; Karnati Bindu Madhuri; Nallapaneni Naga Manasa; Kodali Sai Jagathi; Gaddam Santhi Sree
In today’s industrial automated world, programmable logic controllers are the most dominant type of automatic controllers. And so engineers are trying to develop the best to increase the abilities of programmable controllers to maximize the outcome. Our project is to combine both IoT with Industrial automation in order to increase ease of controlling and monitoring remotely, reduce cost and increase data accuracy. We will connect arduino to PLC S7 1200 and using NodeMCU we are giving instructions to the arduino wirelessly and according to the commands received PLC performs the operations. We are controlling Distribution station to demonstrate the effectiveness of our idea. To control the station in the field we are designing a HMI panel and add security to it. Using this plan of action we can convert the present day wired communication with the PLC to a wireless one. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1546-1548 |
411 |
Anti-Theft Mobile Tracking System
-Shubham Mahadeo Naik ; Abhishek Nighojkar; Avish Patil; Prashant Ghodke; A. N. Gedam
Firstly the GPS continuously takes input data from the satellite and stores the latitude and longitude. With the facility of propose system we can track our mobile. In propose system if we want to track mobile location then we need to send a message to our device, by which it gets activated. Once application gets activated it takes the current latitude and longitude positions values from the GPS and sends a mail to the registered email id. Propose system could be used to track children current location. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1549-1551 |
412 |
Influence of Sawdust in Clay as a Landfill Liner
-Nithya Nayakam ; Gayathri S
A landfill liner is the component of landfill that serves as a barrier system to minimize contaminant migration from the landfill to ground water table. This report investigates how the application of sawdust influences the geotechnical properties of bentonite in order to determine its suitability for use as landfill-liner. A series of laboratory tests were conducted on unstabilized and stabilized clay in order to determine the effects of various proportions of sawdust (1,2,3,…,6% ) on the stabilisation. Results show that liquid limit, plastic limit and maximum dry unit weight of the soil decreased with increasing sawdust content while the optimum moisture content and hydraulic conductivity increased with increasing sawdust content. The stabilization of the bentonite with ≤ 5% sawdust content was recommended for use as landfill liners, as they meet the liner requirements. Read More...
Geo Technical Engineering |
India |
1552-1554 |
413 |
Bluetooth Based Home Automation using Arduino
-Nitesh B. Nagdeve ; Komal Kumbhalkar; Inikesh Mankar; Niraj Hatwar; Rita S. Rawate
The word automation is automatic control of operating devices with minimal or reduced human efforts. Influence of wireless technology is growing day by day. In today’s world, wireless technology doing significant role in the automation. It means automation makes technology free from human interruption. Home automation is one of the technology emerging these days. To make it more effective and efficient, cost is reduced by low cost communication technology like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi. Bluetooth is wireless technology to use in home automation. It is no operational cost technique, common in use and working in range up to 100 meters . Bluetooth which is mainly used for data exchange, add new features to smartphones. With help of android application we are able to connect and control household appliances and provide security to handicapped, old people. The idea of paper is to control home appliances like lights, fan. It also provides home security and emergency alerts to be activated. It is possible to save energy by auto off lights at night time. Smoke detector can detect smoke or gas leak condition, causing alerts to user on their smartphone. Our home automation works smartly by providing increased quality of life, and comforts to users. Technology is a never ending process. To be able to design a product using the current technology that will be beneficial to the lives of others is a huge contribution to the community. This paper presents the design and implementation of a low cost but yet flexible and secure cell phone based home automation system. The design is based on a stand alone Arduino BT board and the home appliances are connected to the input/ output ports of this board via relays. The communication between the cell phone and the Arduino BT board is wireless. This system is designed to be low cost and scalable allowing variety of devices to be controlled with minimum changes to its core. Password protection is being used to only allow authorised users from accessing the appliances at home. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
1555-1558 |
414 |
Review: Design Dynamically Fuzzy Logic Controller for Green House System using LabView
-Kumari Sweety ; Pradeep Singh Yadav
Tomato Crop Greenhouse climate control is the most important concern in the domain of agriculture in chhattisgarh. By monitoring soil moisture, temperature and relative humidity and by taking into consideration the other parameters like plant root depth, soil texture and water storage capacity of soil, plant water use capabilities one can make good harvest of tomato and also in achieving high yield. The work presented here brings out the potential advantages of applying FLC technique for Greenhouse climate control which included Irrigation These parameters play a vital role in the proper growth of crops. Here the constant temperature is maintained frequently by turning ON & OFF the light & fan. Temperature and soil moisture is controlled using arduino board and graphical user interface monitored and controlled using LabView. The purpose of this work is to design a labour free, sensor based greenhouse monitoring & controlling system which is fully automated. The output signal is generated from different sensors, which in turn sent to the for appropriate action. This results in proper growth of different plants in greenhouse. an automated environmental control system for a prototype greenhouse system using embedded systems technology. Efficiency and performance of AEC algorithm technique and the results of these has compared to one of the existing technique. he simulation result provides an exact idea for temperature, humidity, and water output for the prescribed agricultural field. The advantages of applying FLC are increasing Irrigation Efficiency, increasing the type of crop and harvest, in addition saving the electrical power. In this method the greenhouse effect using growth of different crops depend upon environment and crops growth condition. All condition set automatic using fuzzy logic all sensors are connected to arduino board and sensor value and analysis using labview and automatically take decision using fuzzy logic to control the greenhouse effect to help growth of crops and controlling fan, light and water using set of rule in fuzzy logic input of temperature humidity and soil moisture condition. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
1559-1564 |
415 |
User Profiling Based on Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Data
-Dr. G Ramesh ; R. Abirami; S. Padmavathy; G. Nandhini Devi
Nowadays candidates are typically victimising the net searches, social networking websites, associate degreed social media to seek out their appropriate jobs where choosing an apt candidate with same set of skills is turning into a difficult task for the recruiters. We measure the practicability of exploitation of twitter knowledge to boost the effectiveness of a recruitment system, particularly for resume classification by using social network analysis methodology. So, the concept of SOCIAL MEDIA ANALYSIS (TWITTER DATA) is recommended to extract the personal data of a candidate to examine the differences depending on the intended use of twitter and their degrees of friendship between twitter and real world friends. Uses text classification to predict personality based on tweets tweeted by users. By analyzing users interactions, probability of polarity (tweets, reactions or emotions) is determined. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
1565-1567 |
416 |
Design and Fabrication of Automatically Driven Sand Sieving Machine
-Prof. P. R. Gajbhiye ; Rahul Pache; Rupesh Khode; Prashant Gawalkar; Vicky Chaple
Construction of buildings requires sand as an important ingredient Sand is used at different stages in construction right from the foundation to the finishing work i.e. plaster. This sand is needs to be screened properly for various stages in construction, i.e. size of sand for construction work is slightly coarse whereas that used for plaster work is fine. Conventionally screening is normally done manually using fixed screens or machines. This manual process time consuming and laborious takes a lot of time and cost. It is also observed that the conventional machine prove of no or little help as the sand needs to be manually transported and material handling takes place twice to get different sizes of sand. These processes are carried out manually. Sieving of sand is carried out using rectangular mesh which is inclined at certain angle. This causes a relative motion between the particles and the sieve. Depending on their size the individual particles either pass through the sieve mesh or retained on the sieve surface. There are different machines that are being used for sand sieving processes. In our project the process will takes place automatically. Thus the time consumed during the whole process of preparing the concrete is reduced. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1568-1570 |
417 |
CNG Status Indicator with Security
-Leena Dilip Khaparde ; Nayan Khaire; Payal Makde; Shweta Mandpe; Mr. O. G. Hastak
The vehicles using gas instead of fuel like petrol, diesel having the problem of Gas leakage and that is one of the big problem with gas functioning vehicles like CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) in buses, cars etc .One of the contraceptive methods to stop accidents associated with the gas leakage is to install a gas leakage detection device at vulnerable places. In this research, An alert is provided to the user, sending an SMS to the programmed mobile number, produces the alarm, displays the gas leakage detection on LCD, and open the windows of the vehicle automatically after gas leakage. This research mainly focuses on security as Cases of gas related fire has been on the rise and this can be avoided using a gas leakage detection system and thus the need for development of a CNG STATUS INDICATOR WITH SECURITY. This research enables development of a high accurate and fast response detection system.
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
1571-1572 |
418 |
Design and Fabrication of Multipurpose Pedal Operated Crusher Machine
-Nobel Anantrao Karadbhuje ; Amit L. Meshram; Ashish D. Chopade; Ankit G. Dongre; Mritunjay A. Singh
Our main objective is to grind the chili and convert it into chili powder using manual power. The project starts with the chain and sprocket mechanism. Bicycle is provided to transmit rotary motion between two shafts where gears are unsuitable or to impart linear motion to a rod. The pinion gear in sprocket mechanism provides the rotary motion to rod. This rod incorporates a spur gear of 110 teeth connected with pinion gear of 20 teeth to provide the maximum rotary motion to another rod. This gives rotation motion to fly wheel of approx. 10kg. According to law of motion the fly wheel will rotates with high speed comparatively the force provided to sprocket mechanism because the weight and momentum of the fly wheel is more. This rod ends with the clutch for the transmission of power (and therefore usually motion) from one component (the driving member) to another (the driven member) when engaged, but can be disengaged. This clutch when engaged provides motion to another pinion gear which is in contact with spur gear. The rod connected with the spur gear provides rotary motion to cams which is a mechanical linkage used especially in transforming rotary motion into linear motion or vice-versa. It is often a part of a cylinder shaft that strikes a lever at one or more points on its circular path. This cam is used to deliver pulses of power to a steam hammer. This cylindrical hammer moves up and down and helps to crush the chilly. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1573-1576 |
419 |
A Review Paper on Massive Data Analytics, Challenges & Technologies
-Mrs Jyoti Sharma ; Miss. Neelam Sharma
In recent years, the web application and communication have seen loads of development and name within the field of data Technology. These web applications and communication area unit regularly generating the massive size, totally different selection and with some real trouble some varied structure information referred to as massive information. As a consequence, we have a tendency to area unit currently within the era of large automatic information assortment, consistently getting several measurements, not knowing that one are going to be relevant to the development of interest. As an example, E-commerce transactions embrace activities like on-line shopping for, marketing or finance. So they generate the information that area unit high in dimensional and sophisticated in structure. The standard information storage techniques are not up to store and analyses those big volume of information. Several analyzers do their research in spatiality reduction of the large information for effective and higher analytics report and information mental image. Hence, the aim of the survey paper is to produce the summary of the large information analytics, issues, challenges and numerous technologies connected with massive information. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1577-1584 |
420 |
Foot Step Power Generation using Piezoelectric Sensor
-Piyush P. Charmode ; Yougesh T. Ingle; Komal R. Raut; Kajol R. Lingayat; Jayant M. Ninawe
In day todays life the utilization of power turns to be necessary for each work The paper proposes a novel technique for the creation of power utilizing piezoelectric sensors kept along the footpaths which can ready to charge the battery and ready to supply the force at whatever time of our prerequisite. The footstep power generation technique through piezoelectric sensors produces electrical force by changing mechanical energy of the development of individuals on the floor to electrical energy. The benefits of piezoelectric force generation framework is that it is sheltered and secure to utilize, it does not make any issue or distress for the general population strolling through footpath, and it is absolutely chance free strategy. Footstep power generation technique has mechanical part and in addition electrical part, however the electrical and mechanical losses are negligible. This framework additionally has the ability to store the electrical force away battery. The power produced by this technique can be utilized for helping up the road lights, additionally for activity reason, sign boards of streets. At long last the force which will be abandoned can be given to national grid for power reason. Read More...
Electronics Engineering |
India |
1585-1588 |
421 |
Literature Survey on Stainless Steel Wire Mesh Reinforced Concrete Slab
-R. Guru Prasath ; G. R. Iyappan
In this paper, experimental and analytical study on the flexural behaviour of stainless steel wire mesh RC slabs were reported. Single point flexure test on four slabs is conducted and the wire mesh is impregnated in different layers with providing constant cover of about 20mm respectively. The dimensions of the slabs are 0.75 x 0.75 x 0.1m. These slabs are casted using self-compacting concrete. The experimental tests include the testing of panels under static loading. Load is applied using a 500kN hydraulic jack. Linear voltage displacement transducers with 50 mm gauge range are used to measure the transverse deflections. The test results includes the ultimate load-bearing capacity, load-deflection profiles, typical modes of failure and cracking patterns under constantly increasing the loads were discussed. The experimental and analytical results are compared and reported. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
1589-1593 |
422 |
Partial Replacement of Sand by Tyre Chips as Alternative Backfill Material
-Venikrishna L V ; Nisha N P
Disposal of industrial waste is a major problem facing by the present world. The efficient means of their disposal would be the reuse of these waste in construction industry. Sand tyre chip (STC) mixtures can be used in many geotechnical applications. The reuse of scrap tyres in STC mixture can effectively address the growing environmental concerns and at the same time provide solutions to geotechnical problems associated with low shear strength. This study investigates the suitability of mixtures of sand and tyre chips to be used as alternative backfill material in retaining wall applications. Backfill mix is prepared by adding various percentages of shredded tyre to sand and different laboratory tests are to be conducted to determine the initial properties. The low unit weight of tyre imparts the advantage to be used as the light weight fill. A model load test was conducted to study the settlement and facing displacement under vertical load. Read More...
Geo Technical Engineering |
India |
1594-1596 |
423 |
IoT based Street Light Controller and Energy Monitoring System
-Mr. Nishant Sahadev Kuperkar ; Prof. Swati S. Patil; Mr. Paresh Yashwant Mali; Mr. Sanket Mukundraj Shilwant; Ms. Pooja Manohar Dalal
This paper introduces a wireless street light control system and energy monitoring based on IoT. It detects on/off control of street lights and monitoring of energy on IoT platform. Street lights will work according to the brightness of light present at particular moment and presence of vehicles on streets. Energy is monitored on IoT platform AdafruitIO. This will display the power usage graphically and shows meter readings on adafruitIO page. Our aim is to control street lights from remote location and monitor meter readings on IoT, hence reducing the manpower. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
1597-1599 |
424 |
Securing Land Document in Bank by using Identity Based MRSA Technique
-S Sravani ; Dr K Venkataramana
Identity-based public key encryption provides easy introduction of public key cryptography by allowing an entitys public key to be extract from an arbitrary identiï¬cation value, such as name or email address. The main practical benefit of identity-based cryptography is in greatly decreased the need for, and reliance on, public key certiï¬cates. Although some interesting identity-based techniques are developed in the past, none are compatible with favored public key encryption algorithms (such as El Gamal and RSA). This limits the advantage of identity-based cryptography as a shift step to full-blown public key cryptography. Furthermore, it is fundamentally difficult to reconcile one grained revocation with identity-based cryptography. Mediate RSA . Neither the user nor the SEM will cheat each other since every cryptographic operation (signature or decryption) need both parties. MRSA permits quick and new-grained manage of users security privileges. However, MRSA still relies on conventional public key certiï¬cates to store and transmit public keys. During this, we tend to present IB-MRSA, an easy variant of MRSA that combines identity-based and mediated cryptography Infrastructures. Read More...
Software Engineering |
India |
1600-1603 |
425 |
Design and Analysis of Shredder Machine for Waste Management
-Ramprasad Balasaheb Madake ; Nilesh Mahendra Lokhande; Shivam Mahendra Sonawane; Shamrao Baburao Devale; V. K. Kulloli
Fertilizers are necessity of farmers. With the use of synthetic fertilizers land fields get damaged and also it is costlier. Organic compost is a better option for synthetic fertilizers. Designed shredder machine for chopping agricultural waste and convert it into powder. This chopped powder is used to prepare the compost. A Concept was developed with reference of four different shredder machine and operating processes. Concept was developed considering the safety factor users operating environment and maintenance. The machine consists of three-phase 1.5 HP motor, spur gear, bearings, structural frame, cutter and two shafts. Twenty eight cutters are mounted on two shafts, which rotate parallel driven by a spur gear. The power from the electrical motor is transmitted to cutter shaft through a chain drive. Cut is made inside the chopping house due to the effect of tensile, friction, and impact effect in chopping process. The garbage gets chopped and powder is collected at the bottom. Read More...
Bechlore of engineering in mechanical |
India |
1604-1607 |
426 |
Steady State Thermal Analysis of Various Cylindrical Pin-Fin Configurations
-P. Sathishkumar
In this paper, the various cylindrical pin-fin configurations are analysed for its thermal performance using Ansys software in which the application of steady state thermal analysis. Usually, the pin-fin thermal analysis was taken under one of the thermal materials named Aluminium (Al). The 3D solid modelling was done by using the creo parametric which was published comes with the Parametric Technology Corporation (PTC). The solid modelling was converted into the general format and imported geometry was analysed. The Finite Element Method is used in meshing concept to subdividing the domain. Then the material properties are imported through Engineering Data from Ansys. Calculation of Temperature analysis and heat flux was done by developing the setup with the Convection heat transfer coefficient and temperature over the model. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1608-1611 |
427 |
Smart IoT Street Light Controller
-Harshal Wanjari ; Dhananjay Bhugaonkar; Devansh Hirani; Ankita Wankhede
The street lighting is one of the largest energy expenses for a city. An intelligent street lighting system can cut municipal street lighting costs as much as 50% - 70%. An intelligent street lighting system is a system that adjusts light output based on usage and occupancy, i.e., automating classification of pedestrian versus cyclist, versus automotive. The proposed system of automated streetlight management system using IOT aims at the conservation of energy by reducing electricity wastage as well as to reduce the manpower. Streetlights are the elemental part of any city since it facilitates better night visions, secure roads, and exposure to public areas but it consumes a quite large proportion of electricity. In the manual streetlight system, lights are powered from sunset to sunrise with maximum intensity even when there is sufficient light available. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
1612-1614 |
428 |
Solar Power Fencing System using GSM
-Sanjay Gautam ; Shubham S. Nannaware; Sonam A. Dhawale; Mrunali I. Bandebuche; Lekram Bahekar
Asian country, with very vast agricultural lands has completely different crops. But few crops are destroyed due to animals that’s why a protection is needed to avoid wasting the crops from animal. Solar Fencing Perimeter Protection is the need of modern-day to the growing security threat in denying, detection whereas having the inbuilt capability to serve as deterrent. In this project, we design and implement Fencing Perimeter Protection for agriculture. . It works on Solar Energy with backup facility to run uninterruptedly during the nights as well as cloudy days. When any object is touched by fencing then immediately controller sends the message to the authorized person through the GSM modem, and it is interfaced with the controller. At the same time buzzer and light will on. . Solar Powered Fence is scientific Fen. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
1615-1617 |
429 |
Incense Stick Powder Mixing Machine
-S. B. Belkar ; Belkhede Akash P.; Garad Shubham B.; Sakhare Suresh G.; Tekam Rajat S.
Incense sticks known as agarbattis in Asian country, are getting internationally referred to as a ritual product used for religious purpose manufacturing fragrance for aromatherapy and meditation. The agarbatti employees in Asian country lack economical tools and education to develop higher suggests that of process agarbattis. The current manual mixing processes are physically exhausting and time demanding to complete. This project focuses on providing a better means of mixing the raw materials involving in making incense sticks. In-depth study was dispensed victimisation many methodologies as well as personal interview, observation, and visit. The data was collected and analyzed victimisation QFD, to pick the characteristics of combine, varieties of materials, manufacturing processes. The final concept was selected by participatory and weighted ranking method to show the problems faced by the manual labours in this industry. Capturing form associated shape of rugged product in an economical manner, a time period full scale epitome was develop for changing manual combining method to semi-automatic combining, that helps in reducing the mixing time successfully from 5Min to 2Min per Kg. Through the success of the look tiny scale small enterprises are ready to generate additional revenue with inflated production, creating more opportunity in manufacturing agarbattis in rural India. Read More...
India |
1618-1620 |
430 |
Cloud Based Platform for MSBTE Model Answers
-Ms. A A Shirode ; Siddhant Sunil Mahadik; Aniket Vitthal Mane; Shreyas Ajay Pawar
Students during exam period needs huge amount of reference of Model Answers provided by MSBTE. Students tend to download these papers and study from them. Booklet is a potential application which will provide you a platform which will help students to access these Model Answers Papers whenever they need without having to download them. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1621-1623 |
431 |
Fog Computing and Internet of Things
-D. Thamaraiselvi
Fog Computing extends the Cloud Computing paradigm to the edge of the network, thus enabling a new breed of applications and services. Denning characteristics of the Fog are: a) Low latency and location awareness; b) Wide-spread geographical distribution; c) Mobility; d) Very large number of nodes, e) Predominant role of wireless access, f) Strong presence of streaming and real time applications, g) Het-erogeneity. In this paper we argue that the above characteristics make the Fog the appropriate platform for a number of critical Internet of Things (IoT) services and applications, namely, Connected Vehicle, Smart Grid , Smart Cities, and, in general, Wireless Sensors and Actuators Net-works (WSANs). Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1624-1626 |
432 |
Experimental Investigation on AWJC Parameter during Machining of Inconel 718 with using Grey Relational Analysis
-Mr. Ronak Y. Raval ; Prof. Navneet S. Yadav
This Review Paper describes effects of Abrasive water jet cutting on various materials by varying process parameters. Abrasive Water jet cutting is a non- conventional machining. The development of material such as composites and advanced ceramics has a variety of manufacturing challenges. These materials cannot be cut by conventional machining. The high pressure abrasive water jet with abrasive additives called abrasive water jet machine(AWJM). The most important parameters which are directly effecting on cutting performance are traverse speed, hydraulic pressure, abrasive flow rate, standoff distance, and abrasive type, and response parameters which are generally required to improve like surface roughness and depth of cut, MRR. Read More...
advance manufacturing system |
India |
1627-1629 |
433 |
Finite Elemental Analysis of Industrial Structure using Cold Formed Steel
-Jitendra Sarve ; J. P. Gupta; Vinay Kumar
Increasing world population and natural resource limitations has led to a growing demand for more efficient structural systems to achieve a sustainable economy and society. Cold-formed steel CFS) Structural systems are increasingly adopted as primary or secondary structural members in modern building construction because of their light weight, speed of construction, recyclability, and sustainability. The pre-engineered steel building system construction has great advantages to the single storey buildings, practical and efficient alternative to conventional buildings, the System representing one central model within multiple disciplines. Pre-engineered building creates and maintains in real time multidimensional, data rich views through a project support is currently being implemented by Staad pro software packages for design and engineering. In this research work we will design Industry using analysis tool SAP 2000 and use Novel cold formed steel structure and compare it with general steel available in Indian market. Here we will compare both in terms of strength and weight of structure with bolted and welded connections. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1630-1633 |
434 |
Data Sharing using Key Aggregate in Cloud Storage
-A Sowranika Devi ; Mrs. I Madhavilatha
Distributed storage is a capacity of data on-line in cloud that is available from various and associated assets. Distributed storage is the capacity that offers keen openness and constancy, tough security, catastrophe recuperation, and most reduced cost. Distributed storage certainly has critical common sense for example safely, imparting data to other people, with incredible effectiveness. New public key cryptography is presented that is named as Key aggregate cryptosystem (KAC). Key-aggregate cryptography system yield steady size ciphertexts with the goal that dependable surrender of decoding rights for a readied cluster of ciphertexts is attainable. Any arrangement of mystery keys might be mass made and structure a solitary key that includes intensity of all the keys being mass formed. This blend key might be sent to the others over a verified channel, and remaining encoded records are immaculate and stay secret. The framework can possibly use verified utilization of cloud framework. Read More...
Master of Computer Application |
India |
1634-1638 |
435 |
Design of Surveillance Based Quadcopter using Arduino
-Viren Bhagwan Wadhel ; Mrs. Anjali Hemant Tiple; Harshada Santosh Sawant; Tejaswita Tanu Sawant; Suvidha Sitaram Sawant
In this growing world with hugh increase in the technology there is equal development in automobiles which creates traffic leading to some pollution, traffic jamming and air pollution. So it take maximum than required time to reach from one point of place to another, thus we must look forward to some airplanes. Our Quadcopter is one of flying module used to lift the materials from one point of distance to another in least time also can be used for surveillance and security techniques. At industrial level use applications, this Quadcopter is made using flight controlling board module which comes with programmed Arduino nano light controller board and balanced gyroscope module for balancing the flight for smaller applications. It cost is effective and useful method. To built the Quadcopter efficient and fighter for small stage applications this project of module is proposed, which design a Quadcopter using Arduino Nano board. It has wide and many application like Quadcopter mounted with smart wireless camera that could be used for surveillance and security of wide and large areas such as forest, army base surroundings etc. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
1639-1641 |
436 |
Design and Development of Special Purpose Machine for Rod End
-K. K. Powar ; Akshay Avalkar; Rushikesh Bhilawade; Shashikant Chavan; Yashodip Chougule
A special purpose machines are new improvement for manufacturing industry. This is new approach to increase the productivity. These are futures of manufacturing industry lies in reducing production time, improving the performance and consistency in production. There are several types of special purpose machines i.e. semiautomatic and automatic. Compared with general purpose machines, special purpose machine has faster rate of production in less time. Special purpose machines are designed and manufactured as per customer requirements. Special purpose machines have more accuracy and less rejection of job than general purpose machines. These are useful in mass production. Read More...
Bechlore of engineering in mechanical |
India |
1642-1645 |
437 |
A New DWT-Based Random Image Encryption Approach for a Novel Color Image
-J. Antonet Navani Rani ; X. M. Binisha
Image encryption has been an attractive research field in recent years. A new lossless color image encryption algorithm is proposed based on discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and the chaotic tenting map(CTM).The plain-image is first transformed into the frequency domain by DWT. Then the image sub-bands are shuffled by using the key streams generated from CTM and the plain-image. Finally, the image frequencies are transformed back to the spatial domain by using inverse DWT (IDWT). Thus the cipher-image is obtained. The experimental results demonstrate that our presented method is simple, effective, secure and lossless. Read More...
M.E Communication Systems |
India |
1646-1651 |
438 |
A Review Paper on Research Work Done In Hardfacing of Stellite-6 Alloy
-Gowrishankari .L ; Dr. B. Shanmugarajan; Dr. B. Anandavel; Sundararaj .P
Stellite 6 is a most widely used Cobalt based super alloy in industries, due to its outstanding behavior against high temperature oxidation and excellent wear resistance. Stellite 6 is a very versatile material that is used for hardfacing of various component parts for applications requiring wear resistance. It is a mixture of cobalt and other elements like nickel, chromium, tungsten, carbon and molybdenum. Chromium is added to form carbides and to provide strength to the cobalt matrix as well as to enhance the resistance against corrosion and oxidation. Tungsten and molybdenum have large atomic sizes and give additional strength to the matrix. They also form hard brittle carbides. Nickel is added to increase the ductility. The microstructure of Stellite 6 contains hard M7C3 carbides in interdendritic regions in both as-cast and as welded conditions. Stellite 6 cobalt base alloys consist of complex carbides in an alloy matrix. Their exceptional wear resistance is due mainly to the unique inherent characteristics of the hard carbide phase dispersed in a CoCr alloy matrix. Stellite 6 is the most widely used of the wear resistant cobalt based alloys and exhibits good all-round performance. Read More...
M.E in Production Enginerring |
India |
1652-1654 |
439 |
Comparative Analysis of Displacement and Deflection in RCC Building for Different Seismic Zones
-R. S. Bute ; Amit Borkar; Akshay Bisen; Shubham Balekaramkar
The main aim of the project is to compare the earthquake resistance structure in different seismic zones by adopting parameters like displacement of column and deflection in beam by using STAAD-PRO. The structure is analysis for worst load cases. The objective of the project is to obtaining the correlation between parameters like displacement of column and deflection of beam and results of different parameters are plotted in the form of graph. The behavior of the structure according to different seismic zone was analyzed. Analysis of G+3 building by referring IS codes i.e IS: 456 : 2000, IS : 1893 (part I) : 2016, IS : 875 (part II) : 1987 and comparison between the normal load cases i.e DL, LL, EQX, EQZ. Live load are taken from IS codes. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1655-1657 |
440 |
Optimization of Machining Parameters in Turning Operation of Bronze Metal for MRR & Hardness
-Samreen Siddique
In most of the production industries mostly the number of components is manufactured by the Metal removal turning. Centre lathe is a general purpose machine which is mostly used in most of industries and large amount of work is carried on it. First pilot experiments were done on the work piece using random values and then from those pilot experiments the suitable values of these parameters were selected. On the basis of observations from the pilot experiments three values of Cutting speed 220,330,440, three values of feed 1, 1.5, 2 and three values of Depth of cut 1, 2, 3 were chosen. L9 orthogonal array performed using these values. It is concluded that for MRR be maximum factor Cutting speed has to be at high level 3, Feed has to be at high level 2 & D.O.C has to be at high level 3. It is concluded that for hardness to be maximum Cutting speed has to be at level 2, Feed has to be at high level 3 & D.O.C has to be at level 2. Read More...
India |
1658-1660 |
441 |
Gesture Control Surveillance Robot (GESBOT)
-Karthikeyan J ; Birose Begam A; Jothimani R; Mythili M
This paper proposes a method to controlling a wireless robot (GESBOT) for surveillance using gesture control. Wireless controlled robots are playing a vital role in automation across all the sectors and very useful in many applications like military, construction, autonomous car, medical, manufacturing, etc. The GESBOT proposed the implementation of smart surveillance monitoring system using raspberry pi. We have developed gesture controlled robot by using accelerometer and Arduino UNO. In this research we have used hand motion to move the robot, which can follow the commands made by hand gestures. A transmitting device is used in hand which contains accelerometer and RF Transmitter. This will transmit command to GESBOT, so that it can do the required task like moving forward, backward, turn right, turn left and stop. The GESBOT uses wireless technology and acts as a spy tool for the places where human feels difficult to go and it also used to detect the relative direction of human movement. The raspberry pi camera is used to monitor and capture images and also feeds live video. The pi cam initiates recording when the motion is sensed. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
1661-1664 |
442 |
Online Printing Access for Business Utility using Android
-Devika Atul Galia ; Ankita Vinod Babshetye; Kajalba Pradeepsing Sodha; Dhanashri Vijay Bagul; Jaya Amit Zalte
The project purpose is to implement a new printing system. The target of project is to deploy a new mobile printing application that provide print services anywhere and everywhere. The application is an android base application which is user friendly as well. The main aim of the project is to provide print services to travellers who are at some unknown location. A printer with Android connectivity can really simplify printing tasks allowing user to print directly from Android mobile devices quickly and efficiently. A traveller who is unaware of the nearby printing shops at some unknown location can make use of this application. By registering into the application the user will create its login id and password, after that the system will fetch the location of the user and will find all the nearby printers registered with the application and provide it to user. User can choose the printer accordingly and can upload the document. Once the printing is done user will be notified and can collect the documents accordingly. The security of the confidential document will also be preserved, When user prints document, user gets option for security of data. If user chooses security of data then user has to enter user name with password. At the printer side, job will be held on printer till the user unlocks the document through password. With this technique user will not only be aware about security solutions but also user will secure data. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1665-1671 |
443 |
Evaluate Road Improvement Measures for Urban Road
-Rohan V. Devdhar
The traffic of an urban area increases rapidly due to the growth in population and vehicle ownership. With the advancement in transportation and urbanisation, traffic congestion has become the main socio-economic problem in urban as well as rural areas in developing countries. Careful and balanced management is required for this increased traffic problems. The urban road of India generally carries the heterogeneous traffic which is the combination of various types of vehicles like cars, buses, motor cycles, trucks, auto rickshaws, carts, etc. These all vehicles have different size, speed, load carrying capacities or passenger capacities, etc. which affect the traffic flow. The variation in carriageway width is common especially in developing countries. This study deals with study area located near to Radhe square (kudasan) connecting infocity and Gandhinagar city in south, kudasan village in north, chiloda highway and dholakua village in west and adalaj sargasan highway in east. The main objective is to survey the study area and to find out the actual reason for the traffic congestion and to give necessary suggestions for solving the problems. Read More...
India |
1672-1673 |
444 |
Conventional Sources of Energy in India
-Mohammad Asad ; Aman Shrivastava; Anuj Jain; Prakhar Jain; Prince Jain
Most of the power generation in India is carried out by conventional energy sources, coal and mineral oil-based power plants which contribute heavily to greenhouse gases emission. This focuses the solution of the energy crisis on judicious utilization of abundant renewable energy resources. This paper reviews the renewable energy scenario of India. It begins by describing the importance of renewable energy and its advantages over fossil fuels. It gives an overview of the renewable energies in India while evaluating the current status and the deployment of each of these technologies to date in India. It also reviews the multi-criteria assessment of different renewable energy and draws out vital conclusions. It is based on the secondary information collected from various mass media including internet, various reports and other International Institutions. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1674-1677 |
445 |
Safeway for Sugarcane using IoT : Indian Agriculture
-Anuradha Badage
Agriculture is the back bone of India. Nearly 70% of population lives in rural or the remote area that is with lack of all basic facilities. Here is an attempt to provide the safety way to transfer crops from source to the destination where it will be processed. Solar street light in rural area has huge impact as it provides reliable outdoor lighting which improves the living condition by providing safety to rural people. The proposed concept talks about making the road lights as "things" of IoT. By using Solar panels, microcontroller and PIR sensors and LoRa technology, automated road lights can be made as Smart Road Lights which reduces the risk of travels. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1678-1680 |
446 |
Implementation of Condition Monitoring System and Its Implications
-Hariharasudhan J ; E. Soundrapandian; S. Dhivakar; A. K. Jayaprasanth
In earlier time the machine condition has not been monitored. This leads to the breakdown of machines/machine parts at the early stages. It resulted in unpredicted plant breakdown that cause production loss. The maintenance scope was restricted to electricity, mechanics or greasing. The prediction or prevention does not exist. The gradual development of condition monitoring system (CMS) helps in monitoring the machine condition periodically with the help of preventive and predictive maintenance. The evaluation of modern industrial revolution results to the automation. In industrial revolution 4.0, the machines are completely automated, reliable with machine safety and provides workers education and skills with social economic factors. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1681-1683 |
447 |
A Secure Data Transmission in MPEG Format by using AES Video Data Encryption Technique
-R. Hariprakash Reddy ; Dr. K. Venkataramana
MPEG video stream is kind of totally different from ancient matter knowledge as a result of interface dependencies exist in MPEG video. Special MPEG video encoding algorithms square measure needed attributable to their special characteristics, like cryptography structure, great amount of information and period of time constraints. We gift a period of time MPEG video encoding algorithmic program supported AES that is quick enough to satisfy the period of time necessities. Read More...
Master of Computer Application |
India |
1684-1687 |
448 |
A Study on Strength Characteristics of Cohesive Soil Stabilized with Nano Materials
-Arya Vijayan ; Mrs. Veena Vijayan .L
Cohesive soils are extensively distributed worldwide and are a source of great damage to infrastructure and buildings. In order to minimize the undesirable properties and make them suitable for construction purposes, many new approaches are now being developed to improve the strength of cohesive soils. Addition of nano materials is the recently developed innovative idea in the field of soil improvement. Addition of nano particles results in the manipulation of matter on atomic and molecular level. This study deals with the feasibility of stabilising cohesive soil with nano particles. Nano magnesium was mixed with soil at different concentrations (0.25 %, 0.5%, 0.75% and 1%) and the effect on various engineering properties were determined. Read More...
Geo Technical Engineering |
India |
1688-1691 |
449 |
Multi Bio-Metric Authentication using Finger Vein and Palm Print
-Mr. S. Ilankumaran ; T. D. Soniya Mai; S. Umamalini
Today world advances in the field of information technology also make information security an inseparable part of it. Bio-metric systems are widely used in access control and security based applications. To provide better security for all endorsement system we use modalities for biometric authentication to authenticate by finger vein and palm print. We capture finger vein using Near InfraRed (NIR) camera through light transmission methodologies, and we capture palm print using optical scanner that use CCD sensor and CMOS sensor. A small set of data of the images has been established for algorithm testing and evaluation. ROI segmentation is done for both Finger Vein (FV) image and Palm Print (PP) image separately, Normalization is done after segmentation. For the feature extraction, Competitive Matching Code (C2 code) is used. This authentication system is well suited for backing system when comparing with the other authentication system and it provides better result on EER, FRR (Equal Error Rate, False Rejection Rate) and Total Processing Time. Read More...
biometrics |
India |
1692-1695 |
450 |
A Systematic Review of Existing Methodologies, Tools, Materials and EM Solvers used in Design of MIMO Antennas for Wireless Applications
-Ashish A. Jadhav ; Prof. Mahesh. S. Mathpati; Dr. Nagashettappa Biradar
This article presents brief review of the articles reported by various researchers in the field of MIMO antenna design for wireless applications. Different tools and techniques adapted for design of MIMO antenna are described in this paper. Comparison of various methodologies of antenna design and different software tools used for simulation is done to propose powerful techniques to proceed in the field of Microstrip Patch Antenna design for implementation of MIMO systems. Antenna system with high data rate, high gain, wider bandwidth, improved signal quality, higher spectral efficiency, reduced mutual coupling, low cost and small size is the need of today’s wireless communication engineering. Hence, overall objectives of this article is to summarize and study different shapes of MIMO antennas and compare different parameters of various designs of antenna such as Mutual coupling, Resonating Frequency, VSWR, Bandwidth, Data rate, Efficiency, Gain and Return Loss. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1696-1700 |