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451 |
Land Registry using Blockchain
-Lopaben Patel ; Preyashkumar Patel; Mayank Patel; Yashkumar Panchal
Digitalization and the development of new information technology (IT) is one of the strongest aspects of change in society. The technology called “blockchain†is one of the foremost talked concerning technologies in recent years, both within the IT community, but also within the financial services industry. So, in this article we are going to talk about Land registry system using blockchain. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1701-1702 |
452 |
Automatic Wall Painting Machine
-Mangesh Kondhalkar ; Pradeep Gadhave; Nikhil Gaikwad; Sanchit Khandilkar; Adhil Shaikh
Painting is an repetitive process and the paint contain chemical which is hazardous for human, due to this the painting can be done by automatically. In this paper the design of an automatic wall painting machine is described which consisting a lead screw, four guide bar, four wheel, rack and pinion, motor. The design objective is model having low weight, low cost and simple. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1703-1705 |
453 |
Exam Monitoring System
-Jay Shah ; Priyanka Gantayat; Manjiri Dolas; Parth Zatakia; Chintal Gala
The project aim is to monitor the exam using LAN by implementing such a software which enables the admin to receive alert as pop up message if client is performing any practical exam and tries to access any website on google chrome. The admin is able to carry out operations which are capable to monitor whole of the network, sitting on one chair by viewing remote desk, passing messages to remote system and is also able to shut down the system by performing remote aborting operations. This project is to provide the maximum details about the activities of the users to the administrator on his/her screen. The administrator can view the static image of client s desktop and then he/she could send warning messages to the user to stop that operation immediately. Even then if client do not Stops, then administrator has the facility to abort the system remotely or restart the system whenever necessary top passing messages to remote system and is also able to shut down the system by performing remote aborting operations. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
1706-1709 |
454 |
Study of Classification Algorithm using WEKA Tool
-Sudharshanan. S ; Navin Kumar. S; Ram prathap. K; Prathap .M
An important tool in many areas of research and industry is data mining. Increasingly companies & organizations are interested in applying to increase the value added by their data collections systems by using data mining tools. Data mining is more important in the hospitality industry. As medical records systems are more standardized and commonplace, due to unanalyzed data quantity increased. Considered the prevalence of Breast cancer among women the study is aimed at finding out the characteristics that determine the breast cancer affected person and to track the maximum number of women suffering from breast cancer with some population using WEKA tool. In this paper the classification of data will be is breast cancer patient data set of breast cancer patients is developed by collecting data from hospital repository consists of 286 instances with 10 different attributes. To classify this data and the data is evaluated by using WEKA TOOL with 10-fold cross validation and the results are to be compared. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
1710-1713 |
455 |
Drowsiness Detection System using Image Processing
-Jyoti Parmar ; Dr. Lalit Kaushal
This paper presents a design of a unique solution to detect the drowsiness of the driver in real time based on the eyes conditions. Many approaches have been used to address this issue in the past. But this paper presents a simple algorithmic solution with minimal hardware requirement. Under the controlled environment, the proposed system operates successfully to produce results with approximately 90% accuracy. The system goes to use a webcam to capture a series of images. These captured images can be stored in our system as separate frames. Frame is formed in the form of input to face the input detection software. In words, our essential attribute (eye) is extracted from the image. (Working individually) On each eye, the system establishes a condition and suggests specific frames with the same eye conditions that can be registered. The results of these images can be taken as input to achieve the level of drowsiness of the driver in any fixed position while driving a vehicle. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1714-1716 |
456 |
Decision Making for Purchase/Rental of Road Construction Equipment Based on Productivity and Owning & Operating Cost
-Patel Shashank Bharatbhai ; Pooja Gohil
Construction equipment is one of the biggest investments carried out in construction industry. Almost 15-30% of total project cost has been accounted towards plants and Machinery. First literature review has been made and then data will be collected for finding per hour owning & operating cost and renting cost and based on productivity decision will be made for purchase or renting of equipment. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1717-1720 |
457 |
Image Encryption and Decryption System using Modified AES
-A HemPrakash ; Mr S Muni Kumar
Information insurance is the manner towards protecting important records from debasement, good deal or misfortune. The importance of statistics guarantee increments as the measure of data made and placed away continues on growing at uncommon fees. There is also little resistance for downtime that can make it difficult to get to vital records. Subsequently, a great piece of an information protection device is ensuring that facts can be re-established hastily after any debasement or misfortune. Shielding statistics from trade off and making certain information protection are other key components of statistics guarantee. Protection and Security of facts is essential in records stockpiling and transmission. In order to anchor the statistics, extraordinary facts concealing strategies and encryption of photographs is finished. Picture Encryption should be viable utilizing specific symmetric and awry key calculations. Yet, it is found that symmetric key calculation is lots faster and less disturbing to actualize and required much less dealing with pressure as assessment with deviated key calculation. In this paper, we wreck down the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), and we encompass a key stream generator (A5/1, W7) to AES to assure enhancing the encryption execution; for the most element for photos portrayed by reduced entropy. The utilization of the 2 systems has been stated for check functions. Point by way of point outcomes as some distance as protection exam and execution are given. Similar research with conventional encryption calculations is established the prevalence of the adjusted calculation. Read More...
Master of Computer Application |
India |
1721-1725 |
458 |
Real Time Android Based Notice Board
-Vikas Shantilal Raskar ; Prof. Vishal Patil; Kshitij Rane; Pramod Sawant; Niket Patil
Notice Board is primary thing in any institution or public utility places like bus stations, railway stations, colleges, malls, etc. But sticking various notices day to day is a difficult process. A separate person is required to take care of this notices display. This project is about advanced smart notice board by the help of android phone. The project aims at designing a LCD Monitor based message display controlled from an Android mobile phone. The proposed system makes use of wireless technology to communicate from Android phone to Raspberry Pi display board. The system has a provision for giving message through text. Raspberry pi provides the remote access to the LCD display for any kind of changes in messages. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
1726-1727 |
459 |
Road Accident Prevention System using Data Mining Technique
-Prof. Sachin B. Avaghade ; Neha Rajendra Nayakawadi; Prachi Devanand Kolekar; Swati Anand Ghadage; Avani Harakhchand Shaha
The increase in automobiles and road facility especially in developing cities in India has resulted in an increasing the number of accidents which most of them are avoidable with some primary precautions. Road Accident Prevention System is providing guideline for drivers so that possible accident will not take place in real time. The accident prevention system provides an android application through which user will interact with system. When any user is found near to dangerous location, he will be notified with audio precaution message. The precaution message is created with the help of dataset containing all previous data regarding incident, there actual location and causes due to that incident in past. The KNN algorithm is used to find the near location with any record of incident from the dataset. Since the prevention system is providing necessary precautions before entering into the accidental area the possibility of actual accident is reduced. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1728-1733 |
460 |
Real Time GPS Vehicle Tracking System
-Shyam Ramkrushna Tarke ; Sumit Kothekar; Rajkiran Tagde; Shubham Urkude; Shubham Patode
Currently almost of the public having an own vehicle, theft is happening on parking and sometimes driving insecurity places. The safe of vehicles is extremely essential for public vehicles. The Global Positioning System (GPS) is being used for fleet management, stolen vehicle recovery, surveillance and mapping. This paper, designing and implementation a real time GPS tracker system using Arduino. When user sends SMS on the number which is registered on the GPS-GSM shield attached to Arduino then user receives the location coordinates and data will get stored continuously on SD card at the same time. This work has significant application for vehicle security, salesman tracking and private driver. This is more secured, reliable and low cost. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
1734-1737 |
461 |
A Study on Electricity Generation in India from Ocean Energy
-Bharat Ratan Pratap
Ocean covers almost 71% surface of the earth with wide range of energy in it. In India, there is tremendous scope for the ocean energy form the ocean because India has a long coastline of about 7500 km and many Iceland in Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea. Ocean energy also referred as Marine energy is the energy bear by ocean waves, tides, temperature differences and salinity. This paper presents an overview of ocean energy in India as a renewable source of energy. It describes the resources and technology used to capture the ocean energy. Ocean energy is the greenest economic important future energy resources in India with minimal carbon emission and also put a prominent role in economic growth in remote and coastal areas where cost of the electricity supply is very high. Ocean energy can be extracted by Tides and Waves which is procreate with the gravitational force between earth and moon and partly between earth and sun. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1738-1741 |
462 |
Study on Strength Characteristics of Cohesive Soil using Lime Precipitation Technique
-Pooja M Vijay ; Dr. Usha Thomas
Lime is being extensively used for the stabilization of clay soil in spite of the associated difficulties. Increase in strength and control of swell-shrink potentials suffer from certain difficulties and drawbacks in clay soil deposits by direct mixing of lime. The present study showed that sequential permeation of calcium chloride and sodium hydroxide solutions with clay soil resulted in the in situ precipitation of lime in the soil mass. Laboratory-scale model tests substantiated the efficiency of lime precipitation in stabilizing clay soil. Testing of soil were done as a model study and a strength profile was established which showed that strength increases with depth of soil mass. Settlement and swelling pressure of lime precipitated soil was found to be minimum at that depth where higher strength is observed. Read More...
Geo Technical Engineering |
India |
1742-1745 |
463 |
Vertical Slip Formwork
-Kishan Prajapati ; Kalsaria Pramit; Pasi Satish; Nitish Tiwari; Kachare Jitendra
The slip forming technique was in use by the early 20th century for building silos and grain elevators. James MacDonald, of MacDonald Engineering of Chicago was the pioneer in utilising slip form concrete for construction. His concept of placing circular bins in clusters was patented, with photographs and illustrations, contained in a 1907 book, "The Design of Walls, Bins, and Grain Elevators". In 1910, MacDonald published a paper "Moving Forms for Reinforced Concrete Storage Bins," describing the use of moulds for moving forms, using jacks and concrete to form a continuous structure without joints or seams. This paper details the concept and procedure for creating slip form concrete structures. On May 24, 1917, a patent was issued to James MacDonald of Chicago, "for a device to move and elevate a concrete form in a vertical plane". Honolulu, Hawaii, in 1969. Another shear wall supported structure was the Casa Del Mar Condominium on Key Biscayne, Miami, FL in 1970.From the 1950s, the vertical technique was adapted to mining head frames, ventilation structures, below grade shaft lining, theme and communication tower construction; high rise office building cores; shear wall supported apartment buildings; tapered stacks and hydro intake structures, etc. It is used for structures which would otherwise not be possible, such as the separate legs of the Troll A deep sea oil drilling platform which stands on the sea floor in water about 1000 feet (300 m) deep, has an overall height of 472 meters (1,549 ft), weighs 656,000 tons, and has the distinction of being the tallest structure ever moved (towed) by mankind. In addition to the typical silos and shear walls and cores in buildings, the system is used for lining underground shafts and surge tanks in hydroelectric generating facilities. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1746-1749 |
464 |
Android M-Shopping using NFC Tags
-Vivek Anand ; Qumais Sayed; Aaditya Sikarwar; Faizan Khan
We present a method to create an Android based M-commerce application using NFC. Basic requirement is that Mobile Devices should support NFC technology. NFC means for Near Field Communication technology i.e., a short-range, high frequency, low bandwidth radio technology that offers transferring data within few centimeters. In conventional shopping method, the customer has to physically pick up the products to be purchased and pay cash or credit/debit cards with them to make payments. The application mentioned here would read the NFC tag(s) of the item(s) & add it to the shopping cart in our application. It would also provide methods to alter the quantity of product/s purchased and edit the cart. Along with this the customer would be notified about the current offers within the store. The customer then is supposed to go to the billing counter and tap on the system available with the officials and all the products in our cart will be displayed on the vendor’s system. Payment could be made through cash or online using existing payment methods. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1750-1751 |
465 |
URL Based Phishing Detection System using Machine Learning
-Prof. Prashant Rathod ; Usama Khatri; Kinjol Shah; Aparnabharti Pradhan; Malikarjun Sarsambe
Phishing is one of the most potentially disruptive actions that can be performed on the Internet. Intellectual property and other pertinent business information could potentially be at risk if a user falls for a phishing attack. The most common way of carrying out a phishing attack is through email. The adversary sends an email with a link to a fraudulent site to lure consumers into divulging their confidential information. While such attacks may be easily identifiable for those well-versed in technology, it may be difficult for the typical Internet user to spot a fraudulent email. The emphasis of this research is to detect phishing attempts within emails. To date, various phishing detection algorithms, mostly based on the blacklists, have been reported to produce promising results. Yet, the phishing crime rates are not likely to decline as the cybercriminals devise new tricks to avoid those phishing filters. Since the early non-text based approaches do not address the text content of the email that actually deludes users, this paper proposes a text-based phishing detection algorithm. In particular, this research focuses on improving upon the previously published text-based approach. The algorithm in the previous work analyzes the body text in an email to detect whether the email message asks the user to do some action such as clicking on the link that directs the user to a fraudulent website. This work expanded the text analysis portion of that algorithm, which performed poorly in catching phishing emails. The modified algorithm generated considerably higher results in filtering out malicious emails than the original algorithm did; but the rate of text incorrectly identified as phishing, which is the FPR, was slightly worse. To address the FP problem, a statistical approach was adopted and the method ameliorated the FPR while minimizing the decrease in the phishing detection accuracy. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1752-1757 |
466 |
Implementing an OBD-II Module for Real-Time Vehicle Monitoring with the Help of Internet of Things
-Srinath Iyer ; Bhavesh Nathwani; Sourabh Roy; Aradhana Manekar
Though the era of self-driving cars is upon us, intelligent driving can never overtake safe and cautious driving. We present a module that wirelessly transmits real-time vehicle sensor data from vehicles OBD-2 port to the mobile application of the user. The driving behaviour that are monitored are the ones that influence the likelihood of the driver crashing (for example, speed) or the severity of the crash (for example, seat belt use). These are proxies for crash and injury risk and monitoring a driver’s propensity to indulge in such behaviour enables the technology to calculate a risk rating for that driver. The proposed system can determine driver location, speed and set a threshold for the same. The module transmits data relating to vehicle sensor failure, high-fuel consumption and high coolant temperature alert generation etc. to the users smart phone. The vehicle owners can get the results through the Android application in the form of notifications. Alerts generated by the vehicle due to undesirable situations are sent to them. This setup can be used commercially by cab company owners to monitor the condition of their cars and their drivers performance. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
1758-1760 |
467 |
Design and Simulation of Thyristor Control Heater
-Nimesh Rajendra Shimpi ; Ranjit Rajak; Ankur Rana; Arpita Patel
In recent times the problem of the precise control of the temperature of liquid flowing through a tank containing a heater is one which is important and familiar in the process-control industry. When the heater is electrical the thyristor is a natural choice for the main controller. A simple and novel method of triggering the thyristors is described in which the power dissipated in the heater is a linear function of the control signal. The method is compared with the conventional non-linear and linearized arrangements and its electronic implementation is described. A 50 Watt model has been designed. With the same basic circuitry but with more powerful gating circuits the arrangement could be used to control very large powers. Read More...
| EE(Power System) |
India |
1761-1763 |
468 |
Smart Energy Metering using Voice Alert & RF Based Data Collection
-Kishan Korat ; Padmani Vikrant; Patel Parth; Patel Parthesh; Megha Panicker
In present days’ analog meters are used at homes and other places for measuring electricity reading. In such cases, human errors and other situations are there which will be payable by the consumer. So we thinking about this type of difficulties faced by consumers as well as the electricity board. So our project on this type of difficulties in which we shall modify the existing meter into an automatic meter. In this meter mainly two parts are there (1) Transmitting part which transmits the data and (2) Receiving part which receives the data from the transmitter. This meter reduces the human error, save time and other such things. In this addition of Arduino, RF serial data link, 1231 Text to speech module, LDR sensor. With the help of this meter, a meter reader who takes the reading could not take the reading manually. Instead of this meter reader walk out near the meter and reading will be automatically received by a receiver and then that person transfers data in own computers to generate e bill. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1764-1767 |
469 |
Incorporating Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain in Smart Grid Energy Systems
-Dr Jaimala Gambhir ; Satyam Bhatti; Manmohan Singh
Smart grid is like a revolution for the electrical sector and is an emerging field in the power industry. Many advanced techniques such as GIS, outage management systems (OMS), SAP CRM, distribution automation (DA), distribution management systems (DMS) and automated meter reading (AMR) help to integrate Artificial Intelligence and Power Electronics in the grid. Self-healing is quite a new concept in the power industry which helps the utilities to detect outages before the outages actually reach to the consumers. As far as renewable energy production is concerned, wind energy is the highest power producer but solar, biomass and small hydropower are also now present in significant amounts. With the help of power electronics, we are able to control the active and reactive power output voltage and speed of a squirrel cage induction motor quite efficiently. Some drawbacks of the Indian grid in the present scenario are that we import 80% of our oil and 50% of our gas requirements from other Gulf countries. The high transmission and distribution losses are another concern for the Indian grid systems because the losses are approximately 23% compared to 5-8% in other countries. India is trying to migrate to a transmission voltage of 1200 kV for enhancing the transmission capability of the line. India currently has an installed generation capacity of around 335 GW and a smart grid for transmission of this energy can provide a complete transformation to the Indian power scenario. This can solve the problem of un-electrified homes in India which are around 17% of the total number of homes. Supergrid have been the main topic of fervent research in which the grid carries both electricity and hydrogen. Conduction of electricity is very high and hydrogen is available to be used for energy storage or any other useful purpose.[1]. Read More...
Electrical Power System |
India |
1768-1773 |
470 |
A Survey on Fire Detection in Surveillance Video based on CNN
-Jinsha C J ; Shejina N M
The embedded processing have enabled the vision based systems to detect fire during surveillance based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs).The proposed method for a cost-effective fire detection CNN architecture for surveillance videos. The model is inspired for GoogleNet architecture. Its computational complexity and suitability for the intended problem compared to other computationally networks. To balance the efficiency and accuracy. The nature of the problems and fire data. The Experimental results helpful for fire datasets reveal the effectiveness of the proposed framework and its suitability for fire detection in CCTV surveillance systems compared to other fire detection methods. Read More...
M. Tech in Computer Network Engineering |
India |
1774-1777 |
471 |
Suitability of Kaolinite Flyash Mixture as a Liner Material
-Greeshma B S ; Rani V
Use of sanitary landfills for waste containment is one of the oldest and most pop-ular waste disposal technique. The landfill liner is designed to isolate the waste from the soil beneath to minimize the passage of leachate into the Groundwater. . Usually compacted liner materials consist of soil rich in clay minerals for their low hydraulic conductivity. This study is an attempt to assess the use of a waste material, fly ash( as a potential liner material by mixing it with kaolinite in various percentages ranging from 2-20%. fly ash is non-plastic and possess very low shrinkage. With the addition of kaolinite in the mixture, the plasticity is expected to increase and the fly ash is expected to reduce the swelling and shrinkage, pre-venting formation of any cracks. Due to its swelling properties, kaolinite in the mixture is expected to act as a self-sealing, low permeability hydraulic barrier. To determine the viability of fly ash- kaolinite mixture as a liner material, the mixture was compacted at its optimum moisture content and maximum dry density and laboratory tests were conducted to obtain the various geotechnical parameters such as plasticity, shrinkage, permeability, free swell index, c, and unconfined compressive strength. It was found that a compacted mixture of kaolinite with fly ash with the percent of kaolinite in the mixture between 12-20% had the required hydraulic conductivity and strength properties to be used as a liner material. Read More...
Geo Technical Engineering |
India |
1778-1779 |
472 |
Security Cloud Data Communication by using DES Algorithm
-B. Chandana ; Dr. K. Venkatramana
Cryptography is required to confirm the understanding strategies correspondence. This examination executes Two fish cryptographic computation utilizing library Chilkat Encryption ActiveX Ms. Noticeable normal. Two fish chip away at a rectangular of plain-content including 128 bits. There are three phases in Two fish computation, the underlying advance is parcel enter bit into 4 segments, the 2d step was completed XOR challenge between bit commitment with a key, and the third step setting up the ability bits in a few times Feistel get ready. To rouse the usage of the coding in Ms. Visual typical we use Chilkat Encryption ActiveX. This examination using deft techniques with stages: plan, structure, code, test, and release. Two fish estimation utilization making utilization of Ms. Noticeable essential and library Chilkat Encryption ActiveX may likewise be used to assert the learning. The data win to be mixed or unscrambled and irreversible. The product can likewise be performed to keep up the privateness of the expertise when transmitted over the web. The pace encryption technique need two or multiple times longer than the interpreting. Normal of time in encryption approach need zero,365 second, while disentangling method need zero,0936 2d. Read More...
Computer Applications |
India |
1780-1783 |
473 |
Planning of Wind-Solar-Battery Hybrid Power Plant
-Kunal Dhawan ; Md. Amirul Rehman
As the conventional sources used for generating electrical energy are continuously depleting, while the load demand is showing no sign of slowing down. It is important and necessity of the time to work on non-conventional, renewable resources, which have both potential to fulfill the demand and are in abundance of supply. Hence the main objective if this paper is to design and purpose a hybrid solar-wind-battery power plant which can meet the load demand, and also give some methods for calculating the optimal sizing and proportion of the renewable resources and electrical storage system. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1784-1785 |
474 |
Phosphors for Fluorescent Lamp Applications
-J. Jeyabuvaneswari ; Dr. A. John Peter
A green-emitting phosphor CaMoO4 co-doped by Tb3+ was fabricated by solid-state metathesis reaction route for the first time. X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) analysis revealed that pure CaMoO4 was obtained .Under excitation of UV light, these CaMoO4:x Tb3+phosphors showed a strong emission band centered at 547 nm (green) which corresponds to 5D4→7F5 transition of Tb3+. Analysis of the emission spectra with different Tb3+ concentrations revealed that the optimum dopant concentration for CaMoO4: x Tb3+phosphors are about 8 mol% of Tb3+. All properties show that CaMoO4: x Tb3+is a very appropriate green–emitting phosphor for fluorescent lamp applications. Read More...
India |
1786-1787 |
475 |
Smart Car Parking using IoT
-Samrudhi Prabhulkar ; Jyoti Patil; Manoshi Sankhe; Sahil Rathod
The Smart Car Parking Using IoT project aims at making car parking, time efficient and software based system. The project uses sensors or cameras to detect free and occupied spots in the covered as well as open parking areas respectively. The sensors also update the Parking Sensor Data Management (PSDM) server about the free and occupied spots. The PSDM server maintains a database of the whole parking system. The user scans a QR code provided by the parking system to connect the Parking Allocation Route Management (PARM) server. The PARM server collects data of empty spots from database and allocates a spot for the user. The user can navigate to the free spot using the navigation application connected to the PARM server. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
1788-1790 |
476 |
Parallel Network File Systems for Authenticated Key Exchange Protocols
-S. KoushikReddy ; S. Munikumar
There are sever a issues within the covered many-to-sever a correspondence of key foundation. The concept of difficulty while expansive scale appropriated report frameworks supporting parallel access to various capacity gadgets. The primary goal is to concentrate on the existing web well known for such file frameworks, i.E., parallel Network File System Technique (pNFS), which makes use to set up parallel session keys among clients and capacity devices. The audit of the present day primarily based conference demonstrates that it has numerous impediments. A metadata server encouraging key change among the customers and the ability gadgets has overwhelming closing project handy that confines the adaptability of the conference and moreover these conventions do not give ahead mystery. The metadata server produces itself all of the session keys that are applied among the customers and capability gadgets, and this obviously prompts key escrow. In this paper, proposed an collection of approval key swapping conventions which can be meant to deal with the above problems. This demonstrates these conventions are fit for diminishing the top notch task handy of the metadata server and simultaneously helping ahead thriller and escrow-freeness. This requires just a little portion of multiplied calculation overhead at the patron. Read More...
Computer Applications |
India |
1791-1793 |
477 |
A-TIG Process and Mechanism-Review Paper
-Abinaya .S ; Dhanesh Kant Verma; Noorullah .D; Sundararaj .P
Tungsten inert gas welding process is mainly used in industries mainly for high quality and good appearance. Low depth of penetration (DOP) is achieved during single pass. To achieve required high DOP, speed of welding should be reduced thus productivity reduces significantly. To overcome this disadvantage, Activated Tungsten Inert Gas (A-TIG) Welding is found. In this method flux is coated over the surface of the joint before welding which increases the depth of penetration and reducing weld bead width by two mechanisms marangoni convection and arc constriction. This paper represents a review on ATIG welding process and its mechanism. Read More...
India |
1794-1796 |
478 |
Data Mining Approach to Estimate the Association with Organized Cyber Attacks and National Security
-Aayisha Beevi Syed Abdul ; Bhavya Bharath
The cyber security solutions are built to handle the cyber threats that are raised from various sources. The cyber attacks make an impact on the national security through the economical damages. The crime-as-a-service (CaaS) is a criminal business model that underpins the cybercrime underground. The cybercrime underground economy is investigated by taking a data analytics approach from a design science perspective. The data mining approach is employed for analyzing the cybercrime underground. The CaaS and Crimeware are defined with different parameters. The associated classification model is built for the cyber attack and national security impact analysis process. The application model is developed with the classification scheme to evaluate the cyber attacks and its economical impact on the national security problems. The cybercrime underground economy is analyzed with large data set obtained from the online hacking community. The framework provides useful practical insights to practitioners by suggesting guidelines as to how governments and organizations in all industries can prepare for attacks by the cybercrime underground. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1797-1800 |
479 |
Review on Impact of Adverse Effect of Led on Human Health
-Harshit Singodiya ; Arpit Khandelwal
By reviewing the recently available data there is no evidence found for the adverse impact of LED emission on human life by daily use (lights and screen display) by the normal people with keeping the benefits of LED lighting. There is some evidence available that when exposed to light in late hours of the day, inclusive of LED lights or display screen, may have a serious impact on our circadian system, although there is not enough evidence that can prove that this disturbance of the circadian rhythm leads to harmful effects on human health. It is observed that Children have comparatively high sensitivity to blue light although the emission might not be so harmful, radiations ranging in between 400nm to 500nm which are used in toys appears very dazzling and can cause photochemical retinopathy, which is a serious issue for children up to 3 years, old people also experience discomfort when exposed to rich blue light. Due to temporal light modulation (flickering) in some LED has potential health concern at a frequency about 100hz and above. Since the use of LED is still gradually increasing, so its important to monitor the adverse impact on human life from a long time exposure to LED. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1801-1805 |
480 |
Enhancement of Output Voltage of Solar Plant using MPPT and PID in Boost Converter
-Abhaya Saxena ; Prof. Pragati Priya
Proportional integral derivative controllers are widely used in industrial processes because of their simplicity and effectiveness for linear and nonlinear systems. The PID controller is the most suitable for the human decision-making mechanism, providing the operation of an electronic system with decisions of experts. In addition, using the PID controller for a nonlinear system allows for a reduction of uncertain effects in the system control. In this study, a proportional integral derivative controller and a PID logic controller are designed and compared for a single-axis solar tracking system using an Atmel microcontroller. According to the angle of solar energy, a s olar panel is oriented to the side where light intensity is greatest by being designed for the related supervisory controllers. Thus, the aim is to increase the energy obtained from solar panels by providing the specular reflection of the sun’s rays to a solar panel. At the same time, a maximum efficient processing system has been determined by taking account of two controllers for the designed. [1]. Read More...
India |
1806-1810 |
481 |
Dynamic Analysis of Tall RCC Framed Structure
-Manjula. M ; A. Rajkohila
In civil engineering, an understanding of structural dynamics is important in the design and retrofit of structures to withstand severe dynamic loading from earthquakes, hurricanes, and strong winds, or to identify the occurrence and location of damage within an existing structure. Structural analysis comprises the set of physical laws and mathematics required to study and predicts the behaviour of structures. To perform an accurate analysis a structural engineer must determine such information as structural loads, geometry, support conditions, and materials properties. The results of such an analysis typically include support reactions, stresses and displacements. This information is then compared to criteria that indicate the conditions of failure. Advanced structural analysis may examine dynamic response, stability and non-linear behavior. The aim of design is the achievement of an acceptable probability that structures being designed will perform satisfactorily during their intended life. With an appropriate degree of safety, they should sustain all the loads and deformations of normal construction and use and have adequate durability and adequate resistance to the effects of seismic and wind. Structure and structural elements shall normally be designed by Limit State Method. Account should be taken of accepted theories, experiment and experience and the need to design for durability. Design, including design for durability, construction and use in service should be considered as a whole. The design of the building is dependent upon the minimum requirements as prescribed in the Indian Standard Codes. The minimum requirements pertaining to the structural safety of buildings are being covered by way of laying down minimum design loads which have to be assumed for dead loads, imposed loads, and other external loads like wind and earthquake loads, the structure would be required to bear. Strict conformity to loading standards recommended in this code, it is hoped, will not only ensure the structural safety of the buildings which are being designed. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1811-1814 |
482 |
Utilization of Marble Powder and Recron Fibre in Concrete
-Abhishek Kumar Singh ; Ajeet Saxena; K G Kirar
In the present research, influences of marble powder waste and recron fibre (polypropylene fibre) with variable percentages are investigated and compressive strength of various mix has been evaluated through laboratory testing of fresh and hardened concrete blocks after 7 days, 14 days and 28 days of curing for testing the condition of prepared concrete through compressive test. From experimental results it has been observed that, if recron fiber is used in concrete up to 2% of weight of cement, the compressive strength is maximum at 10% addition of marble dust powder, and after than adding extra percentage of fiber and MDP strength is starts to decrease. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1815-1816 |
483 |
Design and Fabrication of Speed Breaker Mechanism for Electric Power Generation
-Nikhil Kamble ; Mukul Bandbuche; Prashant Meshram; Vinod Suple
In current scenario electricity is the basic need of human life. From last few decades there is increase population of India so there is lot of consumption of electrical energy that’s why fossil fuel will get exhausted in future. We need to find out alternative method for generation of electricity .the objective of this project is to design a setup that leads to generating electricity which is wasted when the vehicles passes over a speed breaker. This generated energy is economical and pollution free. The experimental setup is design which contains springs, bearings, flywheel, shaft, guide ways, pan, chain and sprocket, dynamo, bulb. The working principle is based on law of energy i.e. kinetic energy of moving vehicle can be converted into mechanical energy and this mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy. When force is applied on pan spring get compressed therefore this rotate the chain drive arrangement that’s rotation of chain drive will rotates shaft which is coupled with dynamo. Therefore by using this arrangement sufficient energy can be generated to meet various daily requirements. The energy which is generated in this setup is use in lighting the bulb. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1817-1819 |
484 |
Comparative Study between RPC and RRPC
-Vikash Mishra ; Subhanshu Kumar; Tamaghna Mukherjee; Aditya Kumar Sinha; Pranjal Kumar
Theoretical the point of this venture is to do near examination on Reactive Powder cement and Recycled Reactive Powder concrete based on Experimental examination on quality properties. The initial step of this task is to portray the material property of RPC and RRPC blend. The blend extent recommended by CSIR-SERC, Chennai, was taken into contemplations for setting up the blend. Blend plan of RPC and RRPC is finished by utilizing IS 10262:2009.By considering Mix structure first we set up the RPC and RRPC solid shapes and barrels without steel fibers. After throwing stage the solid ought to be relieved with typical restoring for 7 days and 28 days then after we do the quality testing to see the similar after effect of both RPC and RRPC. After relative investigation on both we discover which one gives great quality and execution and furthermore we discover why we go for RRPC rather than RPC. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1820-1822 |
485 |
CFD Analysis of Flow Field and Stress Analysis of Cell Stack on PEM- Based Hydrogen Generator
-Dr. S. Navaneethakrishnan ; Dr. V. Sivabharathi; C. Chelladurai
The Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell (PEFC) is becoming an interesting power source in various fields, from portable units to large stationary power systems. Such fuel cells require pure hydrogen and which can be provided by the electrolysis of water. PEM based Electrolyser has many advantages and provides fuel cell grade hydrogen. The scale up of flow field geometry from the lab scale single cell to bench scale stack gives performance losses due to fluid dynamic changes due to the scaling up. CFD analysis will be of helpful to prevent the reduction of performance in the stack. The performance of the cell also depends on the bipolar plate material and the compactness of the stack. Stress analysis using software may be useful to improve the performance of the stack. In the present work the effect of flow plate geometry, width, and thickness on the economical fabrication, utilization and fluid flow through the plate were studied. The effect of shape of the fluid flow channels on the performance of the electrolyzers and the pressure losses in the fluid flow channels were studied using CFD software. Titanium, Aluminum, Copper and Stainless Steel were considered as bipolar plates for the study. The dimension of the current lead plates with the above materials for 1Nm3/hr capacity Electrolyser is designed and the suitability of the materials was analyzed. Stress analysis for the Electrolyser with various current lead plates were carried out using Ansys software. Read More...
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) |
India |
1823-1828 |
486 |
Flexible Bumper Controlled Automotive Braking System
-Prof. R. L. Kadu ; Dhoot Pushkaraj S.; Dighe Swapnil S.; Dighe Mayur B.; Gholap Saurabh V.
Accident is the major problem in the World. Accidents are increasing day by day. Accidents occurred due to inefficiency of driver to apply a brake at right time. Accidents also occur because of poor quality of roads. This accidents are prevented by using a system named as ‘Flexible bumper controlled automotive braking system.’ This system consist of pneumatic system and controlled unit. In this system controlling is done automatically by using proximity sensor or IR sensor and relay coil. It further actuates pneumatic cylinders which results in braking and bumper movements. Hence it is referred as pneumatic braking system with pneumatic bumper protection. This system having two mechanism in which sensor is use to sense the speed and position of front vehicle and another one is flexible bumper which is attached to the braking system. Sensor transmit signal to controlled unit. It further transmit to solenoid valve and pneumatic cylinder is operated and at same time brake is applied and vehicle stop. Read More...
India |
1829-1830 |
487 |
Validating M-commerce Application with Different MG2V Techniques
-Pratik Giri ; Shivam Rai; Prof. V. R. Surjuse
Mobile Commerce is an evolving area of e-Commerce, where users can interact with the service providers through a mobile and wireless network using mobile devices for information retrieval and transaction processing. In this android application there are simple and easy way to sell your car and also buy it from here there will be just few simple steps for selling and buying the car so that a normal smartphone user does not have go through complicated stuff to sell or buy a car this application also ensures fairness Transparency and security to the users As these are most important factors so it will bring a good user experience find best deals for your car and easily too Spoofing is avoided by data validation using machine learning and OTP authentication for verifying user. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1831-1832 |
488 |
IoT Based Intelligent Medical System
-Rekha Sharma ; Vishal Tiwari; Rishabh Singh; Priyank Singh
Nowadays, a promising trend in aid is to exercise routine medical checks and different health care services from hospital to the home centric. With that patients get health care more easily specially in case of emergencies. Moreover, hospitals can reduce their burden by shifting the possible and easy tasks to home environment. One major advantage is reduction in expenditure. If the right medicines are taken at the right time, there are less chances that the condition of the patient getting worse. For the elderly people, ensuring that they take the right medicine at right time is a great challenge. There are chances that they may forget to take their medicines on time. So poor medication adherence is a major problem for the patient and medicine provider. A modern healthcare IOT platform with an intelligent medical box along with sensor for health monitoring. Healthcare service using Internet of Things have great potential in medical field. When we researched we found out that about 60% of people above 60 years have poor record of medical history. The major reason for these was not adapting proper medication. An intelligent home-based smart medical box which can monitor health of patient by keeping track of medicine taken and also lets doctor to see the patients medical history over internet. The major reason is to bring medical field and technology field closer and make something innovative to reduce the current medical problem. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1833-1835 |
489 |
Clustering and Classification Based Approach for Emotion Analysis in Online Social Network Data
-T. Mahalakshmi ; L. Sankara Maheswari
Social media plays a significant role in explore opinions and emotions of the users based on the day-to-day activities. The data mining techniques for social media data analysis and emotion mining based analysis are ranging from unsupervised to semi supervised and supervised learning methods. Mining of social network data about users opinion and emotion is necessary to understand the users behaviour and mentality. This research work proposed hybrid data mining approach using K-Means clustering and Naive Bayes classification techniques to analyse the emotions in the tweets. In the reprocessing phase, K-Means clustering process performed in the tweet emotion data set using Euclidean distance as distance function. The clustered data classified in the classification phase using Naïve Bayes classifier with 10 fold cross validation. Emotion type and cluster attributes used as the class variables to classify the clustered tweet emotion data. The experimental results shows Naïve Bayes classification in cluster data produces higher accuracy than the classification of tweet emotion data set without clustering. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
1836-1839 |
490 |
Seismic Evaluation of the Historical Building using Pushover Analysis in SAP2000
-Quaid Ansari ; Hitesh Kodwani
As India is a place of historical divine, here structure of 18th century also exist in a safe and static condition without much failure in there stability. In this study we are selecting a historical monumental (mahal) building, collecting its dimensional data, material property, sectional details and strength to model the same structure of same aspects in Sap2000 and to Assign Non linear static analysis to check stability criteria and resistivity of an old structure.
In this study, I will analyze a historical building located at islamnagar Bhopal M.P. to determine the critical section of the monument after determining its strength, applying pushover analysis method using analysis tool SAP2000 considering seismic data of Bhopal region. In this study it is concluded that in the analysis of historical monument using analysis tool SAP2000 and assigning pushover method we concluded that brick masonary section is critical one and need to be retrofitted to resist any natural calamity.
Civil Engineering |
India |
1840-1844 |
491 |
Design & Development of Strip Straightening Machine
-Krishna Jadhav ; Aditya Jivrak; Akshay Langhe; Abhijeet Joshi
In these paper straightening process for wheel rim for various vehicle like Hondas, Suzuki ,etc .it can reduce various factor which is an economical for industry .now a days roller straightening process are widely using various industries. It is an economical as well as effective process straightening is one of the most important operation which is perform of straightening machine. Straightening is non cutting operation a roller straightening process is metal forming technique to increases the geometrical quality of strip such as straightness and flatness .sometime straightening process is done by manually in industry by hammering process but it is difficult job. So now days automated process are done in industries straightening process in which curve length is change or transfer in to straight length. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1845-1846 |
492 |
Securing Digital Data Transfer by using SHA Algorithm
-B Bhuvaneswari ; C Hemavathy
The Digital Communication is growing quickly. The security is much of the time required for the information. In this paper, we propose another framework by utilizing of SHA Algorithm. SHA algorithm is a methodology for guaranteeing information and exchanges utilizing codes so those for whom the information is normal can examine and process it. In this way, first the document information is changed over into figure content utilizing AES calculation of Cryptography. This transformation is called Encryption. In this transformation some keys are produced consequently, those are called as mystery keys. This procedure can give greater security to the information. On the off chance that an approved client needs to see the record information, at that point the client can download the document by utilizing the mystery key. The figure content can changed over into the plain content. This procedure is called as Decryption. In our proposed framework, the information must be shielded. Read More...
Computer Applications |
India |
1847-1850 |
493 |
Smart Railway Platform for People in Railway Junction
-Radha P ; Madhan T
The Primary objective of Automatic Railway Bridge System is to help the physically Challenged Passenger to move from one Platform to another. Crossing the railway track inside the railway station is very difficult. But it is quite difficult to the handicapped and aged persons to cross the railway track without the help of others. In this paper the agents make use of a set of resources - train characteristics, driving rules and information about other trains - to generate their action policy. The proposed system uses the train time for opening and closing of bridges. It also confirms the presence of the train using a sensor which is placed at a certain distance away from the platform. The RUNE technical solution is based on GNSS receivers: navigation data will come from GPS with differential EGNOS corrections (European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service) to enable autonomous and reliable determination of train position, velocity under practically all environmental conditions. While persons try to cross platform by avoiding the over bridge there is chance for the accidents. This can be avoided by using this technique and very helpful for disabled person. Read More...
India |
1851-1853 |
494 |
Design and Analysis of Material Handling Device for Farm Workers, Vegetable Vendors and Labours- A Review
-Aditya Pannase ; Sushil Kumar Singh
Farmers, labours and workers in India carry heavy load over the head since from long time. A material handling or a load handling device is made so that the load carried by the farmers over the head is distributed with shoulder. But this available devices is not more enough in case of implementation so, the devices are not in use. Vegetable vendors, labours, Workers usually carry heavy overhead load due to this there is a chances of medical injuries like neck pain, back pain, muscle pain and lower back pain etc. So the target is to design a material handling device by the use of this device Vegetable vendors, labours, Workers or any user can carry heavy overhead load without any health issues. Read More...
Cad/Cam Engineering |
India |
1854-1856 |
495 |
Scan & Drive
-Rahul Balraj Sirisilla ; Aditya Shetye; Neel Tapesh Dave; Akshay Loke
Recently we have noticed that there is a huge congestion that is escalating at the toll plaza on the expressways and highways. These toll plaza mostly uses the traditional way of issuing toll ticket which causes a heavy traffic of vehicles on the road. In the traditional way of issuing ticket manual ways are used because of which lot of time is wasted of the travelers. To avoid such problems we are developing the android application which will make easier for the travelers to get the toll ticket without wasting any time. This application which will display the toll price of different toll plaza and if your visiting through that toll plaza you just need to make a payment online. After your payment a QR code will be given to you and while visiting at toll plaza you just need to scan the QR code. QR code generated will be unique for each transaction made by the traveler. Read More...
Application based system |
India |
1857-1859 |
496 |
Chronic Kidney Disease Prediction using K-Means Algorithm
-D Charan ; Mr. G. Ananthanath
The procedure of finding hidden and unidentified patterns and trends in big datasets, extracting information from them and building predictive models is defined as data mining. In other word, it’s the process of the collection and exploration of data sets and building models by huge data stores to expose previously unknown outlines. Healthcare management is one of the areas which is using machine learning techniques broadly for different obejectives. Chronic kindney disease is agrowing disease in recent years and many researches are being done to predict its progression and classify the datasets based on related features. In this paper, we focus on applying different machine learning classification algorithm to a dataset with 400 observations and 24 attributes for diagnosis tree, linear regression, super vector machine and neural network. Read More...
Software Engineering |
India |
1860-1862 |
497 |
Challenging issues in Implementing Mobile Cloud Computing for Mobile Applications
-Anugith M A ; Sivaranjani J; Sowndharya A R
Mobile computing is the future technology which makes the world inside our hand. It means what happen around the world will be at our fingertip. It makes the communication so easier within entire world. In recent years the Mobile Could Computing (MCC) transform the internet as computing infrastructure. There are many mobile computing apps like Google Map, Gmail, and Facebook. The mentioned applications uses Software as a Service model. In this paper the definition of a model for Mobile Cloud Computing and its implementation. Here we also investigate most critical issues to be solved and point-out further for future research directions. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
1863-1866 |
498 |
Metamorphic Virus: Analysis and Detection
-Rutuja Vijay Dukhande ; Tejashree Madhukar Nawale; Aparna Bhaskar Chaudhary; Prerana Avinash Naik
Metamorphic viruses transform their code as they propagate, thus evading detection by static signature-based virus scanners, while keeping their functionality. They use code obfuscation techniques to challenge deeper static analysis. With the growing numbers of personal computer users the need for good malware detection techniques has been increasing with considerable rate. The aim of this project is to build Metamorphic Virus Detection (MVD) application to detect metamorphic virus. The report begins with the study of in-depth analysis of metamorphic viruses is presented. At the end of the report, performance of the technique implemented as well effectiveness evaluated. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1867-1869 |
499 |
A Light Weight Data Sharing in Data Mining NY Intrusion Detection System in Cloud Computing
-N. Uma Maheswari ; Mr. J. S. Ananda Kumar
With the ubiquity of distributed computing, cell phones can store/recover individual information from anyplace whenever. Thusly, the information security issue in portable cloud turns out to be increasingly serious and forestalls further improvement of versatile cloud. There are considerable investigations that have been directed to improve the cloud security. In any case, a large portion of them are not material for versatile cloud since cell phones just have restricted figuring assets and power. Arrangements with low computational overhead are in extraordinary requirement for portable cloud applications. In this paper, we propose a lightweight information Intrusion conspire (LDSS) for information mining in IDS portable distributed computing. It embraces CP-ABE, an entrance control innovation utilized in ordinary cloud condition, however changes the structure of access control tree to make it reasonable for versatile cloud situations. LDSS moves a huge part of the computational concentrated access control tree change in CP-ABE from cell phones to outside intermediary servers. Moreover, to decrease the client renouncement cost, it acquaints property portrayal fields with actualize sluggish disavowal, which is a prickly issue in program based CP-ABE frameworks. The test results demonstrate that LDSS can successfully lessen the overhead on the cell phone side when clients are sharing information in portable cloud conditions. Read More...
Software Engineering |
India |
1870-1873 |
500 |
OSN Based Federated Identity Management System
-Sanket Thorat ; Megha Sawardekar; Suraj Yadav; Kaushik Rane
With the increasing popularity of the Online Social Networking sites, Users will find it difficult to maintain different user id and password for different online accounts. So our proposed system will help such users or customer to have a single user id and password so it will be easier for the user to remember only one credentials. Thus, the are other benefits of our system is that no fraud sign in will be done by the attackers as better authentication than previous systems, will be provided by the proposed system which will help user to keep their data and account safe. After every login the user will get notification to their mobile number or on Gmail mail-id. Better and efficient encryption algorithm will be used to encrypt the users private data which will increase the security of the personal data. Admin will also be able to monitor accounts of the different users on OSN. Thus, it requires less time to create account on other sites by providing minimal details. It also promotes the idea of single user having single user id that is Single-Sign-On (SSO) feature which is the property of Access Control. Thus, it will help from the unauthorized usage of online account for their purpose. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
1874-1877 |