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201 |
Modeling of Hybrid Power Generation System
-Bhushan Lanjewar ; Prof. Nagmanaj Pathan; Umakant Pandhari Deogade
Renewable energy sources have become a popular alternative electrical energy source where power generation in conventional ways is not practical. In the last few years the photovoltaic and wind power generation have been increased significantly. In this paper work presents, proposed a hybrid energy system which combines both solar panel and wind turbine generator as an alternative for conventional source of electrical energy like thermal and hydro power generation. A simple control technique which is also cost effective has been proposed to track the operating point at which maximum power can be coerced from the PV system and wind turbine generator system under continuously changing environmental conditions. The entire hybrid system is described given along with comprehensive analysis of PV array and wind turbine that discover the feasibility of the system. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
778-780 |
202 |
Emotion Recognition on Twitter using a Unison Model
-G. SreenathReddy ; M. Chandrakala; M. SatishKumar
Despite recent successes of deep learning in many fields of natural language processing, previous studies of emotion recognition on Twitter mainly focused on the use of lexicons and simple classifiers on bag-of-words models. In this paper whether we can improve their performance using deep learning and it is considered as the central question of the study. To this end, we exploit hash tags to create three large emotion-labeled data sets corresponding to different classifications of emotions. We then compare the performance of several word and character-based recurrent and convolutional neural networks with the performance on bag-of-words and latent semantic indexing models. By using this study we also investigate the transferability of the final hidden state representations between different classifications of emotions, and whether it is possible for predicting all of them using a shared representation to build a unison model. We show that recurrent neural networks, especially character-based ones, can improve over bag-of-words and latent semantic indexing models. The newly proposed training heuristic produces a unison model with performance comparable to that of the three single models even though the transfer capabilities of these models are poor. Read More...
Computer Applications |
India |
781-784 |
203 |
Risk Analysis in Construction Projects
-Dr. K. Vidhya ; C. Thangamani
The construction industry is subject to more risk and uncertainty than any other industry. Most of the participants experience risks in cost and time over runs and many times fail to meet quality standards and operational requirements. Therefore the need to increase the understanding of risk management. In this project, the qualitative analysis of all types of risks except financial and economical risks in the construction projects is done by Risk factor and priority model. The industry has shifted from risk transfer to risk reduction, current risk management systems are inadequate to manage project risks, and lack of joint risk management mechanisms is the key barrier to adequate risk management. SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) software is used for statistical analysis of the data collected from respondents. The general methodology of this study relies largely on the survey questionnaire which was collected from the local building contractors of different sizes by mail or by personnel meeting. A thorough literature review is initially conducted to identify the risk factors that affect the performance of construction industry as a whole. The survey questionnaire is designed to problem the cross-sectional behavioral pattern of construction risks in construction industry. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
785-787 |
204 |
Experimental Investigation on Molar Concentration of Sodium Hydroxide Solutions on Silica and Geopolymer Concrete
-Mr. M. Dewakar ; Mr. R. Deepak
Generally Portland cement is used as a binding material in concrete which liberates large amount of CO2 while manufacturing. Hence there is an urgent need for proper attention and to minimize their impact on the sustainability of our living environment. In this study fly ash is fully replaced for cement and it is chemically activated by a high-alkaline solution. Another Artificial material called as Silica sand is used as the fine aggregate instead of river sand. Alkaline solution is the mixture of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and sodium silicate ( Na2Sio3 ), which is used increase the binding property in concrete between the coarse aggregates and fine aggregates and other unreacted materials in mixture. The strength of the geopolymer concrete depends upon the molar raio of the alkaline solution. In this study concrete grade of M30 and Alkaline solution of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and sodium silicate (Na2Sio3) of molarity 8M and 12M are used. The silica sand is replaced as fine aggregate ratios of 25%, 50% and 100%. The mechanical properties, Non destructive test (NDT) and durability tests are compared between the 8M and 12M molarity concentrations on 7, 14 and 28days results. The specimens are cured for 28 days at ambient room temperature. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
788-789 |
205 |
A Review of Current Trends in Sustainable Manufacturing
-Ahmad Khusairy Hakiim Bin Abdul Azim
Sustainable manufacturing is the creation of manufactured products through economically-sound processes that minimize negative environmental impacts while conserving energy and natural resources. Sustainable manufacturing also enhances employee, community, and product safety. In this paper, the main focus are on the review of tools and technology respecting on the simulation technology where it has been a significant tool for improving manufacturing operations with the measures and studies at the three basic elemental levels involved; environmental, economic and social. Read More...
Malaysia |
790-794 |
206 |
Data Leakage Detection using Semantic Analysis
-Suraj S Panchakshari ; Supreetha S; Sanjay U K; Rohit N K; Sharath B S
Among the various organizations in the world data leakage is a growing insider threat. As the volume of the documents can increase efficaciously with time the structuring of data becomes complicated. These enormous amounts of Data must be thoroughly checked in this era of Big Data. The existing automata-based string co-ordinated algorithms are illogical for identifying transformed data. The mixed approach will aid to the protection of the DLP system aptly by identifying the delicate through semantic analysis and clustering. Experimental results show that the proposed method can detect data leaks of transformed and fresh data fast and efficiently. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
795-798 |
207 |
Credit Card Fraud Detection
-Prof. Mamatha A ; Shubham Chauhan; Subhalaxmi Panda; Suraj Abhishek
The Problem of Financial fraud is growing with far consequences in the financial industry and while many techniques have been discovered. Data mining has been applied successfully to automate analysis of huge volumes of complex data in financing the databases. For the detection of credit card fraud in online transactions, data mining has played a salient role in it. Fraud detection in credit card is a problem in field of data mining, It has becomes a challenging due to two major reasons–first, the profiles of normal and fraudulent behaviours change frequently and secondly due to reason that credit card fraud data sets are highly skewed. The paper digs-in and checks the performance of Decision tree, Random Forest, SVM and logistic regression on highly skewed credit card fraud data. Dataset of credit card transactions is sourced from European cardholders containing 284,786 transactions. These techniques are applied on the raw and pre-processed data. The performance of the above techniques is evaluated based on its accuracy, sensitivity, specificity and precision. And then the paper discusses about how to detect the fraud using Random Forest. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
799-801 |
208 |
Experimental Study on Concrete by using Recycled Coarse Aggregate with Partial Replacement of GGBS as Cement
-Mr. M. Harikrishnan ; Mr. P. Deepan
Concrete is a composite material composed of coarse aggregate bonded together with a fluid cement that hardens over time. Most concretes used are lime-based concretes such as Portland cement concrete or concretes made with other hydraulic cements, such as cement fondue. However, asphalt concrete, which is frequently used for road surfaces, is also a type of concrete, where the cement material is bitumen, and polymer concretes are sometimes used where the cementing material is a polymer. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
802-804 |
209 |
Experimental Study on Ceramic Tiles Waste in Concrete Replacing of Coarse Aggregate
-Mr. P. Deepan ; Mr. S. Sathish
Concrete is a composite material composed of coarse aggregate bonded together with a fluid cement that hardens over time. Most concretes used are lime-based concretes such as Portland cement concrete or concretes made with other hydraulic cements, such as cement fondue. However, asphalt concrete, which is frequently used for road surfaces, is also a type of concrete, where the cement material is bitumen, and polymer concretes are sometimes used where the cementing material is a polIn construction industry the broken stones are highly used to produce concrete, it results to mining rock surfaces and hill zones to procuring coarse aggregate for the purpose of concreting the structures, to reduce the detoritation of nature. In this project we utlise ceramic waste to replace the aggregate in concrete. Clay minerals become highly reactive when they are heat incinerated at temperatures between 600-900°C and then ground to cement fineness. They are mainly formed by siliceous and aluminous compounds. The loss of water due to thermal treatments causes destruction of their crystalline structure, and they are converted into unstable amorphous state, If they are mixed with calcium hydroxide and water, they undergo pozzolanic reaction and form compounds with enhanced strength and durability. Therefore, they have a potential to be used in mortar and concrete. In this project, a wide range of parameters of concrete containing waste ceramics are used as replacing agent of coarse aggregate. Ceramic waste is one of the most active research areas that encompass a number of disciplines including civil engineering and construction materials. Ceramic waste powder is settled by sedimentation and then dumped away which results in environmental pollution, in addition to forming dust in summer and threatening both agriculture and public health. Therefore, utilization of the ceramic waste powder in various industrial sectors especially the construction, agriculture, glass and paper industries would help to protect the environment. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
805-807 |
210 |
Detection of Pneumonia using Convolutional Neural Network
-Sneha Malav ; Suriya Prakash J; Rajeshwari S; Rashmi; Vinaya R
Pneumonia accounts for over 15% of all deaths of children under 5 years old internationally. In 2015, 920,000 children under the age of 5 died from the disease. Pneumonia is one of the leading causes of death in developing countries like India too. While common, accurately diagnosing pneumonia is a tall order. The general procedure will require highly qualified doctors to diagnose chest x-rays and confirmation through the patients clinical records, vital signs and laboratory exams. However, there are many other reasons which makes the diagnosis of pneumonia very complicated such as bleeding, fluid overload, volume loss, lung cancer, or post-radiation or surgical changes. Other factor to detect pneumonia is the fluid in the pleural space which appears as increased opacity on the lung x-rays. By making the comparison of the x-rays taken at different time points and identifying the correlation clinical symptoms and records are helpful for the diagnosis of pneumonia. X-rays are the most commonly performed diagnostic imaging study. The other factors like depth of inspiration and the positioning of the patient can change the appearance of the x-rays, complicating interpretation further. In developing countries like India there is a lack of infrastructure and medical experts in rural areas to provide the diagnosis of such diseases. Thus there is a necessity of an automated system that can detect pneumonia. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
808-812 |
211 |
Experimental Study on Fiber Reinforced Concrete with Partical Replacement to Cement by Flyash and Metakaolin
-Dr. K. Vidhya ; R. Y. Abinaya
Concrete is largely used due to the abundance of raw material, low manufacturing and maintenance cost, excellence in compression, corrosion aspects, versatility in forming various shapes and its unlimited structural applications in combination with steel reinforcement. However, the cement industry is also highly energy intensive, and the emission of carbon dioxide during cement manufacturing has created enormous environmental concerns. There has also been an increase in the number of incidents where concrete structures experienced severe deterioration in extreme environments. All these factors have contributed pressures to reduce cement consumption and to intensify research in exploring the possibilities of enhancing strength, durability and corrosion reduction through the use of pozzolonas as supplementary cementing materials. Fibre reinforced concrete (FRC) is a fibre reinforcing cementitious concrete composite, and by adding discrete short fibres randomly in concrete it exhibits many substantially improved engineering properties. The main aim of the project is in reducing the cement consumption by adding materials having cementitious properties and determine the mechanical properties of concrete (M30 grade) using different combinations of metakaolin and Fly ash with steel fibres. Metakaolin is a quality enhancing pozzolan for concrete. It is manufactured from kaolin which makes the concrete more durable and ecofriendly. In the present investigation mechanical properties of concrete containing both Fly ash and Metakaolin at various combinations are studied. For the various combinations of Fly ash and Metakaolin, cubes cylindrical and prism specimens are casted with 1% of fibres and the compression strength, split tensile strength and flexural strength test results are obtained and compared with the conventional mix having 1% fibres. It is thereby suggested that utilization of these cementitious materials in concrete will reduce the requirement for cement thereby marching towards green construction. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
813-816 |
212 |
A Survey on Data Leakage Detection
-Suraj S Panchakshari ; Supreetha S; Sanjay U K; Rohit N K; Sharath B S
Among organizations and individuals leakage of data is a growing insider threat. Just as the volume of documents increase efficaciously over time and the structure of data becomes complicated over time. These huge amounts of data must be checked in this big data era. The current automata-based string coordinating algorithms are illogical for identifying modified data leaks, as of its daunting complexity when designing the appropriate regular expressions. The different approaches are taken to help in appreciating the protection of the Data Leakage effectively by identifying the sensitive data through text document or word document that may contain highly sensitive data. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
817-818 |
213 |
Impact of GST on Construction Projects in Amravati Region.
-Kashyap Telmore ; Rahul Wankhade
Introduction of Goods & Service Tax has made large scale changes in the working pattern of all the sectors of Indian Economy. The Construction Sector, often known as an “unorganized sector†has been hit by it the most as in construction sector, there are large number of activities involved, a big budget is put up initially, knowledge regarding the document management as well as the management of financial aspects is not done as per the required terms. Often there are shortcuts taken to deal with the tax enhancing activities, which is making the construction industry prone to the bad effects of GST on its working and is regularizing the unorganized sector. There are myths that construction sector is facing a slow down due to GST, there is a rise in the cost of materials, machinery as well as man power due to GST, but the actual scenario is being studied by taking an existing building if construction as per the old system of taxation and if the same is constructed as per the GST regime. The difference in the cost is calculated on unit basis to check the effects of GST on Construction Sector. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
819-822 |
214 |
Analysing the Use of Auto Claved Aereated Concrete Block used In Residential Construction Project
-Mr. I. Gokul Ram Chandra ; Mr. S. Manishankar
The project includes the analysis, design and estimates of structure, comparing between autoclave aerated concrete and conventional brick in the form of steel consumptions. Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC) is a lightweight concrete building material cut into masonry blocks or formed larger planks and panels. This work compares reinforced concrete design using autoclave aerated concrete and conventional brick as a construction material, as the weight of autoclave aerated concrete is much lesser than the conventional brick, using this the weight of infill wall on beams, columns, footings can be reduced if conventional bricks replace by AAC block and simultaneously reinforced steel can be saved. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
823-825 |
215 |
Mapping of Areas of Open Dumping using GIS
-Dolly Tyagi ; Anshu Jindal; Shubham Sharma
Solid waste dumping is a hectic problem in urban and developing areas due to shortage of land for the purpose. The main objective of this study was to select potential areas for suitable solid waste dumping for our city. GIS, RS (remote sensing) are powerful tools which can effectively be applied during the planning phase of solid waste management in order to avoid adverse catastrophes in future. We are making an app in which the user will give us the location and a Geo-tagged photo of the garbage around him. When we get the location and the photos, we will analyze the dump size and group the dump size. The images are show in dashboard with the help of colors like most dumped was showed by red color, moderate by blue color, less dumped by green color. We will not directly forward the request to Nagar palika. First we will ensure that the request is not fake. To ensure that Nagar palika does not get the fake news, we will pass that problem to higher authorities or Nagar Palika, when we get 20 to 30 request from the same location. After that the suitable actions will take by the authorities. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
826-827 |
216 |
Atmospheric Water Generator
-Amith A ; Charan P V; Darshan M H; Jaiprasad S S; Yogesh N
Sometimes the terrible water scarcity creates a serious problems. Despite the fact that water covers more than two third of the earth’s surface yet at the same time fresh water which can be utilized for drinking stays rare. The main objective of this project is to create a product that is able to produce safe and clean drinking water while only using air and energy. The problem of thesis concerns the nature, technology and process of the actual extraction. The point of the project is to make a versatile gadget using thermoelectric cooler that can be utilized to meet the drinking water prerequisites. The gadget will first consolidate water available in the air and after that purification unit can be introduced to this gadget for fresh drinking water. A solar powered AWG system is built using a TE cooler, solar panels heat exchange unit and digital control unit. Using solar panels with Peltier cooler is more productive as far as effectiveness, and its power utilization and its voltage is effectively controllable. The system is self-powered and can be used in costal and hilly areas to produce water from surrounding humid air. We expect that the water output from AWG depends on the amount of relative humidity of the atmosphere. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
826-827 |
217 |
Making of Lightweight Concrete by using EPS Beads as Replacement of Coarse Aggregate
-Vandale Amar Diliprao ; Waghmare Prasad Bhausaheb; Tambe Vikas Machhindra; Kute Vaibhav Balasaheb
The expanded polystyrene is one of the most widely use plastic, the scale being several billion kilograms per year. The use of expanded polystyrene in construction has lot of advantages compare with the use of conventional material which results in sustainable future. EPS is used as lightweight weight aggregate to produce lightweight concrete with unit weight less than 1000 kg/m3 which make it as light weight concrete. Coarse aggregate is a major contributor for heavy weight of concrete as replacing it with EPS Beads result in the reduction of the density of concrete. The Expanded polystyrene beads are the material which substitutes in the place of coarse aggregate. The concrete consist of 10%, 25% 50% and fully replace by volume of coarse aggregate. The cubes were tested at 3d, 7d and 28d of curing. The main objective of this investigation to study the properties, such as density, compressive strength, water absorption and splitting tensile strength of lightweight Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) beads concrete. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
828-832 |
218 |
Pedal Operated Reversible Plough
-Prof. Mahesh P. Kolhe ; Aditya Manoj Pandagale; Sagar Sanjay Bankar; Shubham Navnath Sase; Aadesh Jalindar Dokhe
In old days the soil cultivation is done by the man operated and animal operated plough. Because of the poor technology, lack of money. But in now day’s due to adrupt changes and development the plough is made easy with the agricultural equipment’s. There are two types of plough which are used to cultivation of soil these are reversible and non-reversible. That can be operated by hydraulic and lever operated. But cost is more and also it is difficult to operate. The primary purpose of plough is to turn over the supper layer of the soil, bringing fresh nutrients to the surface, while during weeds and the remains of previous crops and allowing them to break down. Our survey in the regard in several ploughs, revealed the facts that mostly sometime consuming methods were adopted in ploughing. Now the project has mainly concentrated on this difficulty, and hence a suitable device has been designed. Such that the soil can be easily ploughed. The fabrication part of it has been considered with utmost care for its simplicity and economy, such that this can be accommodated as one of the essentials tool in farming and hence we are going to develop the pedal operated reversible plough. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
833-835 |
219 |
Design and Analysis of Heat Exchanger for Maximum Heat Transfer Rate
-Sandesh Kumar ; Vikas Patel; Anurag Kumar Pandey; Rohit Kumar; Ashutosh Mishra
Heat exchanger as the name indicates it transfers heat from one fluid to another which are at different temperatures. Heat exchangers are devices built for efficient heat transfer from one fluid to another and are widely used in engineering processes. Some examples are intercoolers, pre-heaters, boilers and condensers in power plants. The heat transfer efficiency depends on both design of heat exchanger and property of working fluid. Some important design parameters such as the pitch ratio, tube length, and tube layer as well as baffle spacing. In this project, the heat transfer efficiency is improved by implementing the full baffle design and travel tube design and analyzing it through CFD flow simulation to find the approximate heat transfer rates. From the simulation results the optimum baffle design and travel tube design for maximum heat transfer rate is identified. Also this project deals with find the suitable fluid for maximum heat transfer rate. Read More...
Chemical Engineering |
India |
836-838 |
220 |
LEACH-TLCH Protocol for Network Lifetime Enhancement
-Nikita Nandkumar Redekar ; Prof. S. S. Nagtilak
There are many roles of sensors in Wireless Sensor Network. These roles are to sense data, to collect data from neighbouring nodes, to process this data and forward processed data to the other sensor nodes or to base station. For these processes energy consumption takes place. The energy consumption is higher in transmitting stage as compared to sensing data stage, collecting data stage and processing the data stage. The transmission power required is directly depends on the distance between the sender nodes and receiving nodes. Paper consists of implementation of LEACH and LEACH-TLCH protocol. In this paper, a comparative network life time analysis is done in between the Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) and its variant protocol LEACH-TLCH protocol based on different parameters. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
839-842 |
221 |
Optimization of Cost & Duration by using Network Compression Technique
-Rohan R. Naik ; Mahendra N. Shamnani; Pramod B. Ghadge; Onkar K. Chothe; Pravin J. Gorde
Time & Cost are the important factors considered in any construction project. Time & Cost overruns has been a major issue in many Indian Construction project [1]. The successful execution of construction projects & keeping them within prescribed schedule & Cost is very important for effective time & cost performance. This Technique can reduce the time required for construction of fully planned building. It helps to determine the building cost slightly increase in cost corresponding decrease in time required. The study findings highlight the significant factors and some recommendations are given to control time and cost overruns in Indian construction Industry [2]. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
843-846 |
222 |
Research on Improving the Fuel Consumption of Conventional Powertrain Vehicle by using a Kinetic Energy Recovery System
-Duong Tuan Tung
The braking process is an energy conversion from kinetic energy into heating energy that can cause damage for parts of the braking system. However, for the safety reason, the mechanical brake system must be used. This study will design, calculate and control the kinetic energy recovery system based on the conventional powertrain vehicle. The simulation model is controlled by a combination of Matlab Simulink and CarSim softwares with standard driving cycles. Based on the simulation results, the energy recovered during the deceleration vehicle is calculated. The results of this study will be fundamental for calculating the optimization of recovery energy and improving the fuel economy of the vehicle when equipped with an energy recovery system. Read More...
Automotive Engineering |
Viet Nam |
847-852 |
223 |
Efficient Scheduling and Allocation of Task in Hybrid Cloud Resources
-S. Rohini ; S.Sureshu
The combination of two or more cloud infrastructures such as public, private and community clouds is represented as Hybrid cloud. Each cloud has its unique entities but for the reason of application and data portability these are bound together through technologies. Scheduling task in hybrid cloud is an difficult process because each tasks are linearly dependent, stochastic, compute-intensive, should be completed before deadline and should processed on elastic and distributed cloud resources. Therefore efficient task scheduling algorithm should be needed to schedule arriving task to respective VMs. Dynamic event scheduling algorithm is utilized for efficient task scheduling periodically based on new arriving task by greedy method. Similarly, VMs idle time is slots and identified by monitoring VMs usage and allocated to newly arrived task. Another major issue faced in hybrid cloud is absence of secure data transaction, hence enabling secure data transaction through ABE (Attribute Based Encryption) between client and server. Therefore our system achieved better result for efficient task scheduling in hybrid cloud. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
853-856 |
224 |
Malicious URL Detection by Feature Extraction and Machine Learning
-Onkar Kiran Sawant ; Aishwarya Sunil Kochale; Priyanka Satish Jagtap; Akshata Prakash Nanaware
Fraud website or malicious URLs are one of the most common and least defended security threats today. We present an approach which uses text processing techniques to analyze text and detect inappropriate statements which are indicative of phishing attacks and also uses machine learning features for detection of phishing URLs. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
857-859 |
225 |
Efficient Heart Disease Prediction with Suggestion using Feature Selection and IE
-P. Muthamil ; Mrs.S.Lalitha
By current technology development, detection of disease can be done through analysis of datasets through data mining. More number of diseases has been accurately identified through mining process and in advance technique such as machine learning. In our propose heart disease has been detected through mining in accurate way. There is wealth of data available within the health care system. However, there is lack of effective tools to discover hidden relationships and trends in data. Advanced data mining techniques can help remedial situations. In existing system a prototype using data mining techniques mainly Naïve Bayes and WAC (Weighted Associated Classifier) has been utilized. In our proposed Support Vector Machine (SVM) and information extraction algorithm is utilized for efficient detection of heart disease and intimating current condition of patient through machine learning technique. The dataset is composed of important factors such as age, sex, diabetic, height, weight, blood pressure, cholesterol, fasting blood sugar, hypertension, other disease. Hence this system indicates whether patient had a risk of heart disease or not with suggestion in efficient way. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
860-863 |
226 |
Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Solar PV System for UAV
-Palpandi A ; Dr. V. Prasanna Moorthy
Solar photovoltaic cell is the smallest unit of solar (PV) system. It converts light energy into electrical energy is termed as photovoltaic effect. In Modeling of PV system designers have great challenge to predict the expected power output under different environmental conditions. This paper present an analysis of PV module, based on the single diode model with series and shunt resistance. One diode equivalent circuit is employed in order to I-V and P-V characteristics of a 250 W solar module. The electrical model parameters of solar (PV) such as photocurrent, saturation current, series resistance, shunt resistance, diode ideality factor were constructed by simulations. The expected environmental output may results in decrease of output current and voltage due to the increase in the temperature of the solar PV panel. In order to track maximum power point tracking (MPPT) technique under varying insulation and shading conditions is used. PV arrays may be shaded by neighboring buildings power lines, trees, clouds, birds, grass. Due to the effect of partial shading on PV system characteristics and efficiency for different shading conditions and temperatures. Its characteristics and efficiency was experimentally found. The maximum power point of solar cells can be used on solar UAVs. The performance of the solar PV panel is analyzed by mathematical model for a solar photovoltaic cell using MATLAB R2014a. Read More...
India |
864-868 |
227 |
Analytical Research on Implementation of Precast Concrete Technology in Mass Construction
-Sunil Chauhan ; Prof. Ganesh Sharma; Prof. Deepak Yadav
Housing is the basic need of every human being. At the outset there was mud. Primitive houses were built simply of mud & straw blocks heated in the sun. The Romans were the pioneers in construction technology to experiment blending of lime and volcanic rock to create sublime and awe-inspiring structure like Pantheon in Rome, still the largest unreinforced concrete dome on the planet. Use of precast in construction is not new. Ancient Romans made the use of moulds to cast their mind-boggling system of tunnels & aqueducts. With ever increasing demand for housing, a need to automate and modernize the construction industry was deemed. In the present scenario, engineering and architectural innovation & improvisation has enabled the construction world to explore the neo-arena of precast technology. Innovation & development is not creating something new, but redefining the existing thing in a modern way. The construction industry discarded the load bearing structure owing to its limitations and to match the demand of housing. This favoured the adaptation of reinforced concrete framed structure to make construction more reliable and faster. But, to fulfill the growing market aspirations, precast technology is the next possible solution. Precast technology offers precedence over conventional framed construction with regards to speed, durability, modularity, quality control, efficiency, automation, aesthetics, affordability, accuracy, optimization, and low maintenance. Most of us have played with Lego toys as a child. We can envision the future of construction just the same. With Precast, we can envisage a sustainable, speedy, sturdy, safe and stylish future for the construction industry. Precast holds the key to success, in achievement of "Housing for all" by the year 2022. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
869-873 |
228 |
Refrigeration from Engine Exhaust by Peltier Effect
-Vishak S ; Abin B; Devanunni J; Jithin Raj R; Ajith G
The conventional refrigeration system uses heavier components and higher electricity to produce the cooling effect. The introduction of Peltier modules can simply overcome the above mentioned issues. Peltier effect can be used for both the cooling effect production and the electricity production. This paper says about a thermo-electrical refrigerator works by the current produced by the Peltier effect using the heat from engine exhaust. The electricity is produced by fitting a Peltier module attached with heat sinks at both cooling and heating sides on the engine exhaust manifold. The current thus produced is stored in a battery and then applied to a Peltier module. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
874-876 |
229 |
Person Re-Identification by Deep Learning
-Srishti ; Saksham Singh
Existing person re-identification (re-id) methods depend mostly on single-scale appearance information. This not only ignores the potentially useful explicit information of various scales, but neglects the chance of mining the implicit correlated complementary advantages across scales. In this work, we demonstrate the benefits of learning multi-scale person appearance features using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) by aiming to jointly learn discriminative scale-specific features and maximise multi-scale feature fusion selections in image pyramid inputs. Specifically, we formulate a novel Deep Pyramid Feature Learning (DPFL) CNN architecture for multi-scale appearance feature fusion optimised simultaneously by concurrent per-scale re-id losses and interactive cross-scale consensus regularisation in a closed-loop design. Extensive comparative evaluations demonstrate the re-id advantages of the proposed DPFL model over a wide range of state-of-the-art re-id methods. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
877-879 |
230 |
Design and Development of a Briquetting Machine for Bagasse and Sawdust along with Testing of Its Calorific Value
-Rupesh Jadhav ; Shreyas Desai; Tushar Deore; Shrutika Dhabre
Global warming and ever increasing pollution is one of the biggest concerns today, and people are always in search of alternatives of fuel and waste recycling methods. Briquetting is one of the best methods used to protect earth from problems caused by chemical and harmful gases emitted in the environment by fuel sources and careless dumping of waste. In this work, the mixtures of bagasse and sawdust were prepared as briquettes. The briquettes were prepared from bagasse and sawdust with varying composition of corn starch. Biomass briquettes are a renewable source of energy and avoid adding fossils carbon to the atmosphere. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
880-882 |
231 |
Comparative Study of Scheduling in Primavera and M.S.Project
-Shubhashree Deshmukh ; Prof. A. B. Ranit
Planning and scheduling are important task in construction projects. In this project comparison of two commonly used programs, i.e., Primavera software and Microsoft (MS) Project software, was undertaken. For planning and scheduling work huge amount of paperwork is required, which makes the management very burdensome. These problems can be solved using project management software which helps to give a planned approach to planning. This analysis was done because of their comparable technical features and to evaluate on the basis of the function to manage the project. Each software had many benefits; however Primavera scored better than MS Project on the overall rating. MS Project also scored best in terms of easy to use. In this study, a case of Residential building has been taken to display how proper planning and scheduling is done using Primavera and MS project. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
883-888 |
232 |
Hydro Power Plant
-Vandana Srivastava ; Ruhil Bhardwaj; Ashish Singhal
In India, many people from rural area or isolated area or where distribution of electricity is not possible are not getting facility of electricity and we all know that how electricity is important in our daily life. Also India said in Action plan that is submitted to the UN climate body, UNFCCC, that 40 percent of its electricity in 2030 from “Non fossil fuel based sources†like solar, wind or hydropower. To minimize this problem Indian government keen to install small hydro projects in various potential sites. The main aim of this paper is to give the details of total potential projects and sites for small hydro projects in India which include developed, under developing and to be developed. This review provides the No. of Sites and Capacities in different States of India. Also take out critical issues facing by Investors, Stake holders, Agencies, etc. For development of the Small Hydro Power projects, Government gives Incentives/Subsidies to the Govt. / Private sector. It gives the details of financial support given by Govt. of India. This article also gives the details of Greenhouse gas (GHG) emission by various resources. Read More...
Electrical Power System |
India |
889-894 |
233 |
Handling Virtual ATM through Face Detection and Recognition
-Srushti Hembade ; Megha Mawa; Poonam Rathode; Ritika Ware
As we know almost of all automated teller machines are working through the magnetic strip cards or auto digital chips. If the customer of the bank who owns the debit card or credit card is not able to perform any transaction on its loss. To tackle this kind of situation ATM machine can be power to perform the transaction based on the fingerprint of the customer or face recognition. Fingerprint recognition is having some issues like if the person is handicapped, then he/she cannot be able to use the facility. So the best solution for this is to handle the ATM through face recognition without adding any burden for the hardware of the ATM machine. So to enhance the process of automated teller machine proposed system puts forward an idea of the operating teller machine using face recognition and authentication to identify the customer using Adaboost algorithm. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
895-897 |
234 |
Experiment Investigation for Strength of Concrete by using Glass Fiber
-Vajid Ali
The effect of glass fibre on flexural strength, split-tensile strength and compressive strength was studied for different fibre content on M-20 grade concrete designed as per IS 10262.The maximum size of aggregates used was 20mm. To study the effect on compressive strength, flexural strength, split-tensile strength 6 cubes, 6 prisms and 6 cylinders in one set is casted and tested After that a practical application of GFRC in the form of cement concrete tiles was taken into consideration and no special technique was used to produce these tiles. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
898-899 |
235 |
A Survey on Recommendation System for Property Search using Content Based Filtering Method
-Arpitha P M ; Janhavi V
Recommendation systems in e-commerce have become essential tools to help businesses increase their sales and also to achieve customer requirements. But in the existing system, we don’t have any such e-commerce application which connects user requirements and real estate businesses. So here, we are trying to develop such platform which will assist prospective buyers in determining the choice of property product they want to buy, with the help of content based filtering method. In this project, we are trying to develop that type of web-based recommendation system in choosing a property which provides property information based on user behavior by searching advertising content previously searched by the user. Each time the user selects the contents of the ad to display, this information will be stored into the database to be processed further in order to provide a recommendation. This system will present the same product recommendation, in accordance to the profile / criteria and preference of the prospective buyer. Therefore, the recommendation system will assist prospective buyers in determining the choice of property product they want to buy, and this process can be provided by the recommendation system in a short time. Read More...
M.Tech in Computer Science And Engineering |
India |
900-903 |
236 |
D-STATCOM Control for a 100 KW Solar Photovoltaic Grid-Connected System
-Deepika Rana ; Birinderjit Singh Kalyan
This paper investigates on study of stability for a 100 kW Solar Photovoltaic (SPV) grid connected system using Distributed Static Compensator (D-STATCOM) control. The proposed D-STATCOM control works as compensating reactive power source, which decreases the voltage variation on distribution side of proposed system. In addition, an isolated DC-DC converter has been implemented in conjunction with three-phase DC-AC Voltage Source Converter (VSC) in double-stage grid connected system operating at unity power factor. Especially, an Integral Regulator (IR) type of Incremental Conductance (IC) Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) technique has been implemented, which controls output voltage of SPV array and derives maximum power from SPV array under changing atmospheric circumstances. Furthermore, the proposed MPPT technique has been proven highly converging in tracking of maximum power, and maintains a constant DC link voltage by altering modulation index of converter. For the duration of the faulted conditions at grid side, the resulting balanced waveforms at Point of Common Coupling (PCC) have been obtained. Additionally, harmonic study carried demonstrates the role of D-STATCOM in the reduction of harmonics and DC offset at utility side providing a stable steady-state and transient response. In order to authorize the proposed system, the Matlab simulations have been performed to show the effectiveness of D-STATCOM control in proposed double- stage SPV grid connected system. Read More...
India |
904-913 |
237 |
IoT Based Energy Meter Monitoring with Power Theft Detection and Control
-Monica S Prakash ; Nalini S; Chaithra S; Jayalakshmi B; Niriksha T V
This paper is based on Microchip ATMEGA328P microcontroller-based design and implementation of energy meter using IoT. The main objective of this paper is to reduce errors in electrical billing due to human involvement and also easy detection of power theft [2]. The energy meter is connected to Arduino Uno through LDR (Light Dependent Resistor). The main meter and the sub meter readings are read by the Arduino and the difference is evaluated. If there is no difference in readings between main meter and sub energy meter then it is working in normal condition indicating that no power theft has occurred. The theft status is determined by the differences in the readings of two meters and it will be displayed on the LCD display and the whole power supply connection will be disconnected. It is the proposed solution for the present energy crisis for the Indian economy. People can get to know their energy consumption using mobiles and laptops [4]. This technology reduces time and energy in the lives of people easier. The proposed technology presented in this paper helps to reduce the loss of power and helps in generating accurate bills also to reduce the human intervention. Read More...
India |
914-916 |
238 |
Response and Motion Performance of Offshore 5MW NREL Wind Turbine Platforms Based on Lakshadweep Costal Ocean State
-Nithinraj M R ; Sankaranarayanan
The demand of electrical energy is getting higher around the world every other passing day and India is no such exception. With limited non-renewable resources of energy to generate electricity, India is slowly shifting its focus towards renewable resources of energy like solar and wind to produce electricity. Here in this project we majority focuses on the design and response of the floater platforms which carry 5MW wind turbines as floating entity. A major breakthrough in the offshore wind turbine research is the introduction of mini TLP’s which are very much small and cost effective than normal TLP’s for wind extraction purposes. ANSYS AQWA a commercial suite of hydrodynamic programs, which is widely used in the offshore industry is adopted in this project to execute the Hydrostatic and hydrodynamic analysis. Lakshadweep locality is selected within two latitudes and longitudes latitudinal and longitudinal extent are selected according to similar ocean floor depth without much undulation in bathymetric data. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
917-919 |
239 |
Effective Heart Disease Prediction using Machine Learning
-Madhukesh D ; Manish Kumar Giri; Nitesh Jaiswal; Nirmith S Rai; Chaithra
Heart Disease is a major cause of death in recent times. Diagnosis of heart disease is a difficult task in the real world. Prediction of heart disease is a major challenge faced by doctors these days especially when it comes to accuracy. So, there is a need for better technology to overcome this problem and that is where machine learning techniques play a very important role. Algorithms play a significant role in prediction and data exploration. The healthcare industry collects a huge amount of data which is very useful in machine learning. With a growing population, the doctors and experts are not available in proper proportion, and also since heart disease symptoms are not significant and thus are often neglected. The main aim of this research is predicting the heart disease risk level of the patients using machine learning. Comparison of various Machine learning algorithms, choosing the suitable algorithm and creating a centralized system for user and admin login and view data. Results with the risk level and suggestions for nearest doctors is provided. This project can be extended for the prediction of various other diseases. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
920-924 |
240 |
Strengthening and Retrofitting of RC Beams using Metal Wire Mesh
-S. P. Pooja Shanmathy ; P. Balamurugan
Large number of structures constructed in the past using older design codes are structurally unsafe. Replacement of deficient elements of structures are not acceptable because of huge cost and time consuming, strengthening can be suggested. Strengthening is the process of upgrading structure to improve performance under existing loads or to increase the strength of structural members to carry additional loads. In the situation to rectify distress in buildings and making it more suitable for intended use with enhancement of strength, Retrofitting can be suggested. Retrofitting is the process of modifying existing equipment or structures with additional or new components or members. Most commonly used techniques for strengthening and retrofitting is jacketing, bonding with external plates and wrapping. In order to replace uneconomical materials like CFRP, GFRP an attempt has been taken to replace them by metal wire mesh. This paper focuses on the usage of metal wire mesh for strengthening and retrofitting of concrete cylinders. M30 grade concrete is used in the investigation. Initial Tests on materials are carried out. The fresh and hardened property of concrete is also found. The enhancement in properties of cylinder due to the introduction of metal wire mesh is also studied. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
925-927 |
241 |
A Smart System for Voting with Secure Data Identification using Cryptography
-Shilpa M ; Bhuvanashree V
A Smart Voting System (SVS) is a highly secured, biometric authentication system along with OTP based verification system which is used to improve the voting process during election. Further the vote casted by a user is encrypted before storing in database. SVS utilizes Aadhar number of users for identification and verification of voter. With smart voting system, voter can cast their vote with mobile phone and avoid all kind of queues at polling booth. At first the user must punch in his Aadhar number in the SVS, it then utilizes the Aadhar number to authenticate the user through OTP which will be received on their registered Aadhar linked mobile number. People without Smart phones can vote through SVS with an additional step of authentication through highly sophisticated Aadhar based biometric authentication. Smart Voting System successfully allows people to vote using smart phones thus reduces the queues piled up at polling booth. Also, it provides a highly reliable biometric authentication mechanism for people who do not want vote using smart phones thus prevent electoral fraud. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
928-931 |
242 |
Flexible AC Transmission System using TCR
-Patel Ikram ; Shaikh Amin; Baga Abdullah; Ansari Faiz Ali; Prof. Juned Shaikh
Modern electrical power systems are being expanded continuously and are upgraded to cater the want of ever growing electrical power demand. However in recent years, electrical energy developers have faced both the financial difficulties as well as the environmental difficulties in expanding the power generation and transmission. These situations have forced power designers to look for advanced techniques system to enhance controllability, stability, and power transfer capability of ac transmission systems which are FACTS devices used to control power flow in the transmission grid to relieve congestion and limit loop flows. FACTS using Thyristor Controlled Reactance is thus used either when charging the transmission line or when there is very low load at the receiving end. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
932-934 |
243 |
Effect of Recession and Demonetization on Construction Industry
-Miss Priyanka Rajkumar Tiwari ; Prof. A. B. Ranit
This dissertation report presents the work related to the effect of recession and demonetization on construction industry. In India, construction is the second largest industry after agriculture. Construction output as % of GDP is 7.2% .35 million people which are 16% of working population in India work in construction industry. The financial and economic crisis has affected many sectors, and also the construction sector. Economic downturns generally disrupt the employment landscape and lead to economic restructuring. This study aims to study the consequences of economic slowdown on construction industry and to analyze various strategic initiatives taken by different construction firms to combat such times and to come out with remedial tactics in the form of conclusion which can be referred by construction firms to sail smoothly in the grave situation of economic downturn. The questionnaire is prepared based on the factors affected, that were obtained from the literature survey. The questionnaire consists of totally 24 questions. Questionnaire was distributed to various construction companies through mail and in personal and the responses were recorded and analyzed. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
935-937 |
244 |
Image Mosaicing by Corner Detection for Aerial Images
-Ms. Gunjan Gole ; Dr. Sanjay Chouhan
In today’s era where digital image processing is being extensively used in numerous areas like aerial imaging, video processing & data hiding etc. Image mosaicing is an arena which is also evolving at a fast stride. It is the method of integration split images that are acquired by scanning different parts of a single large image with certain part of overlying section to produce a solo and comprehensive image. It is nothing but linking of two or more images and making a new and wide area image. In this paper, the process of feature detection is discussed using Harris Corner Detection technique, which is our method of choice because of its advantages like consistency of detection, localization, stability, and low convolution. Application of Image Mosaicing is used here for Aerial images. Read More...
Digital Communication Engineering |
India |
938-942 |
245 |
Classifying Arecanuts and Detecting Disease using HSV Colour Model in Image Processing
-Neha Yadav ; Sahana P; Manu Kumar M; Samarth Shivananda Hegde
India is the place that is known for agribusiness and Arecanut having the scientific name Areca catechu L. is one of the significant commercial crop in India. In this paper computer vision strategies are created utilizing picture handling procedures to recognize contaminated and non-contaminated nuts and classify non- contaminated nuts into boilable nuts (BN) and non-boilable nuts (NBN). Farmers experiences a few handling methods before it is prepared for commercial use. Generally the post gathering forms like diagnosing of arecanut and after that grouping of non-tainted into boilable and non-boilable class is done physically. Farmers face numerous issues amid these post-gathering preparing of arecanut as these manual procedures devour a great deal of time and furthermore human resource. The proposed methodology uses image Processing to diagnose and classify the arecanuts into boilable and non-boilable class. The methodology includes six steps: 1. Image Filtering and enhancement 2. Segmentation 3. RGB to HSV conversion 4. Masking 5. Disease detection 6. Classification. All these processes are implemented using Raspberry pi module. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
943-946 |
246 |
Effect of Steel Fibers in Concrete
-Anoop Kumar Nigam ; Mr. Ayush Bharadwaj
Historically, much effort has been spent improving the performance of concrete structures. Flexural, compressive, shear strength, ductility, and other properties have been the focus of many researchers who have tested concretes with added steel and other materials to improve the behavior of concrete. The concept of adding fibers to improve brittle material behavior is very old. For example, Mesopotamians used straw to reinforce sun baked bricks. This ancient technology is used to improve concrete characteristics. Plain concrete acquire a very low tensile strength and limited ductility and little resistance to cracking internal micro cracks are inherently present in the concrete and its deprived tensile strength is due to the propagation of such micro cracks eventually leading to brittle fracture of concrete, and so to enhance the performance of concrete steel fibers are added to the concrete to gain required strength. The steel fibers are generally used as a resistance of cracking and strengthen of concrete, in this study hooked end steel fibers of length 30mm with thickness of 0.5mm diameter is used. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
947-949 |
247 |
Impact of Demographic Profile on the Adoption of Online Shopping
-Madhu Kulhar ; Dr. Ruby Jain
The internet has created a fundamental impact on people’s life by everyday communications and transactions. It is considered the fastest growing mode used for shopping. Internet shopping is also referred to like online shopping or e-shopping. Nowadays, e-shopping is a boon as it saves a lot of time which is being spent on shopping in crowded markets. This growing phenomenon attracts researchers worldwide to investigate the factors affecting the adoption of this new mode of shopping. The paper investigates the literature to find out the impact of demographic characteristics which influence the choice of the shopping channel. In doing so, this paper conducts a systematic review of the literature to identify and analyze the demographic factors that influence customers’ willingness to purchase online. The findings of this review reveal that age, gender, education, occupation, and marital status have an impact on the choice of the shopping channel. The key factor that influences customers’ choice for a shopping channel is age and it leaves a big impact. The younger generations easily adapt innovative ways of shopping like online shopping. Read More...
Home Science |
India |
950-958 |
248 |
Utilization of Waste for Manufacturing of Construction Material by using Foaming Agent
-Pattewar Manik Hemant ; Mane Monika Ramdas; Raut Prajakta Rajendra; Karpe Govind Motiram
Fly ash brick can be extensively used in all building construction activities. Since fly ash is being accumulated as waste material in large quantity near thermal power plant and creating serious environmental pollution problem. The objectives of this project is to investigate low cost and light weight fly ash brick using various raw material like unprocessed fly ash, lime, dust, etc. To study the use of 5combined concept of AAC and CLC block for manufacturing of fly ash brick. Instead of using standard construction material, this study deals with use of raw waste material with cost effectiveness. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
959-965 |
249 |
Experimental and Computational Analysis of Blended Wing Body (BWB)
-Akshay Suyawanshi ; Rushikesh Shastri; Tommy Kamgo; Nikhil Patil
air transportation is increased between major cities very rapidly. But the conventional aircraft is not satisfying our needs today. The fuel efficiency and noise reduction have become the two biggest challenges for aircraft manufacturers. Now it is a desire to create an environment-friendly aircraft that is aerodynamically efficient and capable of conveying a large number of passengers. The space engineers come up with the solution of an above problem as Blended Wing Body having a new design of aircraft along with the solution for the above problems. Blended Wing Body is offering significant performance advantages over modern, conventional, transonic transports, Aerodynamic problem unique to this class of airplane are investigated with the aim of designing an aerodynamically viable BWB configuration. we have discussed the development of BWB from the view of design challenges that system architects and engineers faced during the design process, the architecting heuristics employed and the rationale for a design decision. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
966-967 |
250 |
Intelligent Parking Space Detection System
-Shivani Raj ; Mrs. Asha K N; Shraddha Shrenik Kuppanatte; Shubham Sharma; Mrs. Asha Rani K P
The increasing range of vehicles on the road alongside the direction of obtainable car parking zone ends up in the parking connected issues additionally as accrued hold up in urban areas. Thus it is extremely needed to develop an automatic good parking management system that might facilitate the driving force to seek out some appropriate car parking zone for his/her vehicle terribly quickly. Although ample quantity of analysis works on the event of good parking system exist in literature, however most of them have not self-addressed the matter of period detection of improper parking and automatic collection of parking charges. In this paper, a prototype of internet-of-thing based E-parking system is proposed. The planned E-parking system uses associate degree integrated element known as timer to handle the above- mentioned problems additionally on offer good parking management throughout town. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
968-971 |