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251 |
Solar based Water Carrier
-Mohan Kumar HS ; Karthik BR ; Uday KG; Bharath K; Mr TB Dayananda
Seventy six million people in India lack access to an improved water source, putting them at risk for waterborne diseases. Exacerbating the problem of poor water quality is inequitable access. Out of 29 Indian states, only seven have achieved full coverage of protected water source for their villages. Large segments of the population don’t have access to improved water sources at all, and are forced to travel long distances in search of clean water, or purchase it from vendors at exorbitant prices. This is the problem wello wheel is tackling. Interestingly, their first sale was in Rajasthan, where tribal village leaders negotiated the purchase of their first rough water wheel prototype in exchange for locally-woven camel hair rugs. After validating the product, they worked with local manufacturers to fabricate the products. Wello looks at itself as a design venture which builds innovative products for the rural market. Read More...
India |
972-973 |
252 |
Sharing Drive with Choosing Destination using Androidphone
-Miss. Yele Sonali Nana ; Prof. J. N. Mali; Miss Jadhav Shilpa Vitthal; Miss Taware Pooja Vasant
Drive sharing is expected to significantly help in reducing traffic congestion and pollution in cities by enabling drivers to share their cars with travelers with similar itineraries and time schedules.Car sharing is a collective transportation model based on shared use of private cars. The \The objective of car sharing is to reduce the number of cars in use by grouping people. By exploiting car sharing model, it can significantly reduce congestion, fuel consumption, air pollution, parking demands, and commuting costs. In the proposed system passenger as well as the driver. In passenger can request for a private or shared ride. If driver accept that ride and next nearest passenger request for the ride but his route is different from a current route, then that ride also suggests to the driver to boost the income.\ Haversine algorithm used in to calculate the distance from target point to origin point. k-nearest neighbors algorithm used to find out nearest passengers. In the proposed system, we try to solve car sharing problem and develop a prototype of a car-sharing system to realize car sharing based on Smartphone platform and Google Map API. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
974-976 |
253 |
Use of FRP Composite in Bridge Deck
-Saurabh Bhoyar ; Saurabh Rokade; Mrunali Yalkar; Swapnil Mane
The aim of this paper is to present the state of the art in the use of FRP composites in bridge engineering with the focus on hybrid and all-composite structures. The paper will present the basic information about use of FRP in bridge deck. Composites, including the structural behavior of FRP material in place of traditional ,definition, description of the components, mechanical properties and general areas of application. Then, it will focus on modernization of construction techniques , describing manufacturing processes relevant to civil engineering applications like bridge deck systems, as well as its feasibility study in Indian market,. And it will compare the properties of FRP composites with those of traditional materials. Finite element analysis (ANSYS 19.2) is utilized to assess the overall structural behavior of the bridge under different load effects. The results show that a considerable reduction in stresses due to the light weight of the deck and composite action between FRP decks and steel girders can be obtained. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
977-979 |
254 |
Online Vendor Meal Service
-Barge Komal Shankar ; Kumbhar Gauri Ramesh; Narute Shilpa; Barge Ashwini
Online ordering meals is in recent years with the development of network technology, a new form of dining. Although the online ordering system has entered people’s lives, but are not mature enough, still has great room for development. Therefore study how to marketing online ordering system is a very necessary research. In our project, from the marketing to analysis the online order meals system to find the appeared problems in the rapid development. The proposed system here is Vendor module by which the we are trying to aggregate the mess out there at particular location area make them operate online and provide them a common android application platform. Just to increase the customer base for a particular mess, and increase in total revenue .Vendor Module able to display menu, all order. Under the service type, the list of orders placed by customers are visible to the vendor. Feed menu section will allow vendor to add his available products to his service. Vendor can fill the food quantity, items, price and if any notice can added. Also vendor will allow to keep his food service ON/OFF. Provides flexibility to customers to choose in between variety of food from number of mess available online. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
980-983 |
255 |
IOT Based Energy Meter Billing and Monitoring System
-Jagtap Shrikrishna Sudhakar ; Kanade Munjaji Balasaheb; Karande Rushikesh Angad; Prof. D. K. Shende
The Internet of Things is a system of consistently developing physical items, (for example, associated gadgets and shrewd gadgets), inserted with hardware, programming, sensors and system network that empowers these articles to gather and trade information. IoT is regularly utilized for keen home, information obtaining, brilliant vitality observing, modern mechanization, and an assortment of stages. This venture portrays the engineering of an Internet of things-based Energy Monitoring System in the power framework. The objective of this venture is to imagine and screen the power utilization online on an advanced cell utilizing portable application by coordinating savvy plugs, sensors, Internet of Things (IoT) gadgets and GATEWAY which empowers the correspondence between the different keen fittings and the web server facilitating the checking framework application, in this manner encouraging the client to act appropriately to spare power or to give the solid power supply by utilizing Renewable Energy Sources. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
984-986 |
256 |
An Approach for High Capacity RDH in Encrypted Image using Cryptography
-Jadhav Indrayani B. ; Rokade Prakash P.; Shaikh Reshma R.; Naikwadi Bhagyashri R.; Chavan Archana B
Recently a lot of attention is paid to reversible data activity (RDH) in encrypted pictures, since it maintain the excellent property that the first cowl is losslessly recovered when embedded knowledge is extracted whereas protective the image content is confidentiality. All previous ways insert knowledge by reversibly vacating area from the encrypted pictures, which may be subject to some errors on knowledge extraction and/or image restoration. During this paper, we have a tendency to propose a completely unique technique by reserving room before cryptography with a conventional RDH algorithmic rule, and thus it is simple for hider to reversibly insert data in the encrypted image. The projected technique are able to do real reversibility, that is, knowledge extraction and image recovery area unit free of any error. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
987-989 |
257 |
Tax Fraud Detection using Graph based Approach
-Kartik A. Damdhar ; Harshal D. Mahajan; Piraji S. Trimukhe; R. S. Badodekar
A tax is the source of government funding. The purpose of tax is to increase revenue to fund government. The money paid by taxpayers in taxes goes to many places. It is used to paying the salaries of government workers, tax money also help to support common resources, such as police and firefighters. Tax money helps to ensure the roads you travel on are safe and well-maintained. Taxes fund public libraries and parks. Tax evasion is increased so tax evasion detection is very important in current status to avoid loss of government funding. Taxpayers are required to store and update, on an annual basis, a set of documents and information relating to international transactions or specified domestic transactions. In recent work on tax evasion detection is done but it is not effective some drawbacks are there. This article gives an introduction to related work done in tax evasion detection and describes the methods of tax evasion. Auditing is very important to find out tax evasion, and data mining techniques are applied to select record for audit, also data mining techniques are applied in tax evasion detection. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
990-993 |
258 |
Mycorrhizosphere- Unveiling the Hidden Life via Metagenomics
-Shanky Bhat
In a wide range of terrestrial ecosystems, different symbiotic mycorrhizal associations between plants and fungi occur, almost ubiquitously. Historically, these have chiefly been considered within the slightly narrow perspective of their effects on the uptake of dissolved mineral nutrients by distinct plants. Mycorrhizal fungi connect their plant hosts to the heterogeneously dispersed nutrients required for their growth, permitting the flow of energy-rich compounds required for nutrient mobilization whilst concurrently providing conduits for the translocation of mobilized products back to their hosts. In addition to growing the nutrient absorptive surface area of their host plant root systems, the extra radical mycelium of mycorrhizal fungi delivers a direct pathway for translocation of photosynthetically derived carbon to microsites in the soil and a huge surface area for interaction with other micro-organisms. With phylogenetic surveys of soil ecosystems it has been known that the number of prokaryotic species in a single soil sample exceeds the known cultured prokaryotes. The soil environment is a plentiful yet under-characterized source of genetic diversity that has countless potential to enrich our understanding of soil microbial ecology and provide bioactive compounds and enzymes useful to human society. The complete functioning and regulation of these mycorrhizosphere processes is still poorly understood but current progress and the metagenomic studies are reviewed. Read More...
Environmental Science & Technology |
India |
994-1001 |
259 |
A Review Paper on Highway Pavement Failure and Their Maintenance Kota - Borkhera Road
-Kunj Bihari Verma ; Manish Kesharwani
As we know that about 35% of total road in kota city are in very bad conditions the types of failures on the road such as water bleeding, edge cracking, rutting extra and some others also such as over loading of vehicles, traffic jam, accident of vehicles and many bad drainage systems. which make dis comfortable for the passengers in travel time. for maintenance use of the appropriate design structure of the highway. we have to avoid unnecessary congestion which make the road to damage. The highway maintenance include surface maintenance, traffic service, bridge maintenance and drainage maintenance extra. Today we are not using the new ideas for a maintenance of road for giving more strength, we are using low quality materials for maintenance in pavement road that in case more failure in road. The purpose of this study is to identify common defects of cracks and defects in kota city road and use good suitable maintenance process. I selected 10km of road for study. This survey has been explored for several reasons of cracking and the failure of many different types of pavement. Read More...
India |
1002-1007 |
260 |
Comparative Study of Multi-Storied Building with and without Shear Wall using Staad Pro
-Mohammad Usama Ansari
As the world move towards the implementation of performance based engineering philosophies in seismic design of civil engineering structure, new seismic design provisions required structural engineers to perform both linear and nonlinear analysis for the design of structures. Now a day’s lot of research work is going on in static nonlinear analysis. In recent decades, shear walls structures are the most appropriate structural forms, which have caused the height of concrete buildings to be soared. Shear wall is a structural element used to resist horizontal forces parallel to the plane of the wall. Shear wall are specially designed structural walls included in the buildings to resist horizontal forces .They are mainly flexural members and usually provided in high rise building to avoid the total collapse of the high rise buildings under seismic forces. In the present work, eleven storey building 5 bay of 6m in longitudinal direction and 5 bays of 4m in transverse direction have been modeled using software STAADPRO for earthquake V zone in India. Different location and variation in thickness of shear wall are considered for studying their effectiveness in resisting lateral forces. The behaviour of building components have examined and compared in this work. Seismic characteristics in terms of displacement, story drift, and column forces have been compared with various models. From the result we conclude that, the present of shear wall at corner location with high thickness tremendously affect the seismic behavior of building. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1008-1010 |
261 |
A Review on Design of MICRO-STRIP Low Pass Filter for Wireless Application
-Shraddha Ashok Jadhav ; Swati Misal; Abhilasha Mishra; Anita Murugkar
Microwave Filters used to select or Confine RF/Microwave frequency signals with a designated specific spectral limits. Rapid growth in microwave and millimeter wave technologies leads to increasing demands of such filters. The highly desirable performances are a sharp cut off characteristic and a wide stop band. Conventional design of microstrip low pass filters basically involves either the use of shunt stubs or the stepped impedance network, which is a high-low impedance transmission line. A novel study describing review of techniques used to design a lumped element low pass filter into microstrip line network, which is normalized in terms of frequency range and impedance. Read More...
| in Electronics & Telecommunication |
India |
1011-1017 |
262 |
Wireless Multipurpose Agri Robot
-Shwetha M ; Nisarga S Shetty; Nisarga V; Pooja Gundagadagi; Prathiksha S J
The main aim of this paper is to design a robot which automates the basic agricultural functions like ploughing, seeding, levelling which helps in increasing the accuracy, productivity, efficiency and decreases the human labour and time consumption. This proposed model will also detect the diseased leaf using image processing. The designed robot will operate on either manual mode or auto-mode. In manual mode, robot monitoring can be done through ZigBee communication. GSM is also used to notify the farmer regarding the status of robot. Arduino acts as a heart of the model. Soil moisture sensor and water pump is also included. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1018-1020 |
263 |
Improve Performance of Cloud Computing by using Fog Computing
-Shrikant Manikarao Mahindrakar
Early years of digitization the use of big data, cloud computing for storing the data, securing the data has become the traditional method. In Data storing the cloud is capable but it cannot handle the large set of data with three V s i.e. velocity, variety, and volume. To handle the huge data the new technology is introduced in IoT i.e. Fog Computing. Fog computing is specially used to reduce the computational load of cloud computing. fog computing is the extension of cloud computing. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1021-1023 |
264 |
Significance of Ethanol Blended Biodiesel Powered Diesel Engine
-Shrikrushna B. Dhakne ; Aditya Deshmukh; Tohid Pathan; Rahul Dimbar; C. Srinidhi
In recent years, energy consumption is increasing due to increase in the demand for the energy due to industrialization and increase in number of automobiles. This leads to depletion of fossil fuels and hence researchers concentrate on alternative fuels which reduce the engine emission and are environmentally friendly. This leads to biodiesel produced from non-edible as an immediate substitute to the fossil diesel. In this work, we used Kenaf oil for the production of the biodiesel as it has considerable potential for the production of the biodiesel. In this work, biodiesel was produced from the Kenaf oil using transesterification and we found that the properties of the biodiesel are close to diesel.The engine performance with higher biodiesel blend is not comparable to the diesel due to higher viscosity and lower volatility of the biodiesel. Hence, in this work, we have used ethanol as an additive to improve the combustion and flow properties of the biodiesel blend. The engine tests were carried out and the performance parameters like BTE, BSFC, ME were analyzed. Emission of CO, CO2, and NOx is examined through experimentation. These parameters are checked for the blends B10, B15, B20.Performance characteristic of blends having different percentage of ethanol additive are experimented. From this work, we conclude that the ethanol can be used as an additive to improve the performance of the engine operated with B20blend. Read More...
mechanical engineering |
India |
1024-1029 |
265 |
Automatic Customised Solar Grass Cutter
-Aman Mishra ; Abhishek Kumar; Anand Kumar; Mohd. Tarique Rehman; Prof. Abhishek Saxena
This paper describes about how technology goes too far as this Solar Grass Cutter will cut the grass according to the design you have given through mobile. In todays era, Automation is very important part of invention. In past days, there is use of manually operated grass lawn movers to cut the grass. This will damage our environment by air pollution as they use petrol and also there is loss of energy too. Due to the continuous increase in the cost of fuel and effect of emission of gases from the burnt fuel into the atmosphere, this necessitated the use of the abundant solar energy from the sun as a source of power to drive a grass cutter. This machine is deal with design of solar powered grass cutter comprises of D.C. geared motor, a rechargeable battery, a stainless steel blade, solar panel, and a control switch. The main thing in this is ATMEGA 328PU Controller. After the one process or in between the process of cutting the battery recharges through the solar charging controller. There are different types of sensors are been used in this such as IR sensor, UV sensor etc. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1030-1032 |
266 |
Impact of Climate Change on Groundwater
-Ramesh Chandra ; Sani Kumar; Bhaskar Mishra; Sumit Prajapati; Asutosh Mishra
Climate change poses uncertainties to the supply and management of water resources. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates that the global mean surface temperature has increased 0.6 ± 0.2 oC since 1861, and predicts an increase of 2 to 4 oC over the next 100 years. Temperature increases also affect the hydrologic cycle by directly increasing evaporation of available surface water and vegetation transpiration. Consequently, these changes can influence precipitation amounts, timings and intensity rates, and indirectly impact the flux and storage of water in surface and subsurface reservoirs (i.e., lakes, soil moisture, groundwater). In addition, there may be other associated impacts, such as sea water intrusion, water quality deterioration, potable water shortage, etc. While climate change affects surface water resources directly through changes in the major long-term climate variables such as air temperature, precipitation, and evapotranspiration, the relationship between the changing climate variables and groundwater is more complicated and poorly understood. The greater variability in rainfall could mean more frequent and prolonged periods of high or low groundwater levels, and saline intrusion in coastal aquifers due to sea level rise and resource reduction. Groundwater resources are related to climate change through the direct interaction with surface water resources, such as lakes and rivers, and indirectly through the recharge process. The direct effect of climate change on groundwater resources depends upon the change in the volume and distribution of groundwater recharge. Therefore, quantifying the impact of climate change on groundwater resources requires not only reliable forecasting of changes in the major climatic variables, but also accurate estimation of groundwater recharge. A number of Global Climate Models (GCM) are available for understanding climate and projecting climate change. There is a need to downscale GCM on a basin scale and couple them with relevant hydrological models considering all components of the hydrological cycle. Output of these coupled models such as quantification of the groundwater recharge will help in taking appropriate adaptation strategies due to the impact of climate change. This paper presents the status of research studies carried out at national and international level to quantify the impacts of climate change on groundwater resources and recommends direction for carrying out the R&D studies to assess the impact of climate change on groundwater resources in the context of Indian conditions. Read More...
Chemical Engineering |
India |
1033-1042 |
267 |
Analyzing Social Media Data in Sectors Like Education using Data Mining Technique
-Shelke Nikita M ; Shinde Vaishnavi P; Bhavsar Vinita P; Somvanshi Snehal D; Shelke Nikita M
The upcoming method in studying analytic and institutional data mining is on analyzing structured data taken from program management systems, or controlled online studying environments to inform educational decision-making. However, there is no proper method found to mine and analyze student posted messages from uncontrolled spaces on the social web sites with the clear goal of understanding students learning experiences. Data Mining is defined as extracting the knowledge from the huge data. This information can be used for any of the applications such as Market Analysis, Fraud Detection, Customer Retention, etc.The research goals of this study are to demonstrate a workflow of social media data for decision making in educational sectors, integrating both qualitative analysis and large scale data mining techniques and to explorestudents informal conversations on platform like Twitter, in order to understand issues and problems encountered. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1043-1045 |
268 |
Manufacturing Process of Urea by Snamprogetti
-Sandesh Kumar ; Rohit Kumar; Vikas Patel; Shubhash Sharma; Ashutosh Mishra
Urea is in many ways the most convenient form for fixed nitrogen. It has the highest nitrogen content available in solid fertilizer (46%). It is easy to produce as prills or granules and easily transported in bulk or bags with no explosive hazard. It leaves no salt residue after use on crops. It specific gravity 1.335,decomposes on boiling and in fairly soluble in water. The principle raw materials required for this purpose are NH3 and CO2.two reactions are involves in manufacture in urea. First, ammonium carbamate is formed under pressure by reaction between CO2 and NH3.
CO2 + 2NH3→NH2COONH4 ∆H=-37.4Kcal
This highly exothermic reaction is followed by an endothermic decomposition of ammonium carbamate.
Various processes are;
-Snampogetti ammonia stripping process.
-Steami carbon CO2 Stripping process
-Once through urea process
-Mitsui toatsu total recycle urea process.
Chemical Engineering |
India |
1046-1047 |
269 |
Review on Production of Citric Acid through Solid-State Fermentation on Sugarcane Bagasse
-Deepak Kumar Patel ; Brijesh Kumar Singh; Ashutosh Mishra; Ramesh Chandra Patel; Shivangi Nigam
For citric acid production four isolates of Aspergillus Niger ( viz CA16,14/20,HB3 and 318) were used. Sugarcane bagasse was used as a substrate and sucrose solution used as a moistening agent. The highest citric acid production was obtained when 10 ml of 14% sucrose solution was used as moistening agent. For 11 days fermentation for all isolates of Aspergillus Niger. Read More...
Chemical Engineering |
India |
1048-1051 |
270 |
Analysis of Cryptocurrency
-Monica Uttamchandani ; Prof. Prakash Kene
This paper identifiedthe understanding of cryptocurrencies including bitcoin and the blockchain. This paper provides a primer on the basics of Bitcoin and discusses the existent narratives about the technology’s potential to facilitate remittances, financial inclusion, cooperative structures and even micro-insurance systems. Due to the fast developments in bitcoins it needed to understand the factors that influence its value formation. At present the value of bitcoin is $7 million of notional value and more than $ 60 million value changes every day. The current active wallets of cryptocurrency are estimated around 6-11 million. The currency exists in 2009 and was accepted as a legal instrument for making payment by various countries. In june 2011 WikiLeaks accept bitcoins for donations. Later it became popular after master card, visa, PayPal. Read More...
Master of Computer Application |
India |
1052-1056 |
271 |
Study of Performance of Solar Photovoltaic Installations
-Nasim Bano ; Dr. Syed Hasan Saeed; Imran Ullah Khan; Saif Ahmad; Manoj Kumar
Renewable energy source are turning out to be most exceptionally well known and they are getting interest in most of the commonly utilization in power sector in recent decades. The energy generated using solar photovoltaic (PV) array system is an interesting example of a pollution free sustainable power source for robust applications with minimum amount of maintenance as compared to other sources. Because of the utilizing such PV solar panels as a suitable and sustainable power resource components of PV system array such as an inverter turn out to be broadly utilized for this reason and keeping in mind the final goal is to improve the desired amount of maximum power from PV solar plants. Recently distinctive strategies are utilized to accomplish the final output power as a result it has turned into an extremely extensive to use diverse technique to accomplish desired value of the maximum power from PV solar plants. The fundamental objective of this thesis is to present an approach such that the the usage of a photovoltaic system solar plants installed at integral university campus and to measure the output performance of this solar plant system in terms analysis of the system life cycle solar radiation data of thes PV solar plants will be used to gauge and observe the yearly energy yield using MATLAB programming. The performance ratio of this PV system is also calculated based on the measured output power and the radiation intensity. Read More...
Advanced Electronics and Communication Engineering |
India |
1057-1061 |
272 |
Automatic Diopter-Adjustable Spectacle for Presbyopia Correction
-Aniket A. Kamat
A large number of the population suffer from presbyopia. Presbyopia is an ophthalmic disease in which the person is not able to focus on near objects due to the hardening of the natural lens. In this paper, I have demonstrated an electromechanical spectacle which changes the diopter power as per the sight distance. The spectacle contains lead screw sliding mechanism and a pair of a concave and convex lens. When the wearer changes the sight, a distance sensor mounted on the spectacle measures a new sight distance and micro-stepper motor moves as per the algorithm and as a result, effective diopter power changes. The presented spectacle design can be used as an alternative for multifocal and progressive lenses. Read More...
Electronics Engineering |
India |
1062-1065 |
273 |
Investigative Study of Hydraulic Conductivity at Deonar Dumping Yard
-Dabhi Jagrutiben ; Abhay Shelar
The city of Mumbai is located in western India and is the capital of the State of Maharashtra. Mumbai and its neighboring suburbs, together constituting the Greater Mumbai Metropolitan area, inhabits more than 20.7 million people on an area total of 437.71 square kilometers. Due to growth in population, industrialization & urbanization, the generation of solid waste has increased frighteningly. In these research paper analytical study of hydraulic conductivity of Deonar dumping, yard has been carried out with the help of falling head method and using Darcys equation. The hydraulic conductivity of municipal solid waste ranged from 4.73 x 10 -4 to 5.12 x 10 -4cm/s in Deonar dumping yard. Read More...
Environment Engineering |
India |
1066-1069 |
274 |
Numerical Analysis of Turbulent Flow and Convection Heat Transfer
-Nand Kishore Yadav ; Devesh Kumar
This paper describes about numerical analysis of turbulent flow in a tube, the variation of turbulent intensity, surface heat transfer coefficient and other parameter with Reynolds number is analyzed using standard k epsilon model of turbulent flow, it is assumed that tube is fully insulated, heat transfer parameters are hugely influenced by turbulence. Read More...
M-Tech(thermal power engineering) |
India |
1070-1073 |
275 |
Blockchain - Cipher Block Chaining - A New Big Evolution to Change
-Pritam Padhye ; Niraj Palkar; Rehan Sayed; Shivsagar Gondil
Cipher block chain is made of operation for a block cipher with a cipher key. Cipher block chaining uses a technique what is called as an initialization vector of certain length generally of six, it is a chain formation so to decrypt a block we will need the hash code of the previous block and this goes on to the very first block of the chain. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1074-1076 |
276 |
Advanced Oxidation by Hydrogen Peroxide and Hydrodynamic Cavitation
-Parth Bharatkumar Patel ; Darshil Jha; Pradnya Tikhe
Reduction of chemical oxygen demand is important as it reduces the dissolved oxygen present in water bodies thus reducing the health of the water body and harms the aquatic life. Part one contains reduction of cod by using Hydrogen Peroxide and part two contains reduction of cod by using hydrodynamic cavitation. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1077-1078 |
277 |
Types of Harmonics in Induction Machine Drive and their Mitigation Techniques
-Avinash R. Waghmare ; Vandana Kulkarni
Nowadays in many industries, variable frequency and variable speed motors are used according to load and consumer demand. So, it is important to change the speed of a motor for achieving load characteristics, for that to control the speed of a motor different types of electric drives are used due to their versatile qualities. Squirrel cage induction motor is mostly used in industries for a motion control system and many other industrial applications. Nonlinear loads act as a source of harmonics and they are responsible for many nuisances. Nonlinear loads are responsible for increasing harmonics in an induction motor. This paper contains examine of the impact of harmonics on induction motor performance and on power factor. This paper also discusses the reduction of harmonics using filters and prescribed method to the improvement of power factor. It also gives the introduction about harmonics injection method which is used to control the harmonic current. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1079-1082 |
278 |
Wind Turbine and Solar Operated Electric Car
-Samadhan Ganpatrao Jadhav ; Sudarshan Martande; Akshay Wangade; Dnyaneshwar Gebad; Sushant Gadekar
Energy and environmental issues are among the most important problems of public concern. Wind and solar energy may be one of the alternative solutions to overcome energy shortage and to reduce greenhouse gaseous emission. Using electric cars in cities can significantly improve the air quality there. Through our analyses and modeling on the basis of the National Centers for Environment Prediction data we confirm that the amount of usable solar and wind energy far exceeds the worlds total energy demand, considering the feasibility of the technology being used. Storing the surplus solar and wind energy and then releasing this surplus on demand is an important approach to maintaining uninterrupted solarâ€andwindâ€generated electricity. This approach requires us to be aware of the available solar and wind energy in advance in order to manage their storage. Solar and wind energy depends on weather conditions and we know weather forecasting. This implies that solar and wind energy is predictable. In this article, we demonstrate how solar and wind energy can be forecasted. We provide a web tool that can be used by all to arrive at solar and wind energy amount at any location in the world. Read More...
mechanical engineering |
India |
1083-1085 |
279 |
IoT in Agriculture
-Nanda M B ; Sharath C
Agriculture plays vital role in the development of agricultural country like India. Issues concerning agriculture can be solved using smart agriculture by modernizing the current traditional methods of agriculture. Internet of Things (IoT) plays a vital role in smart agriculture. With the advent of Internet of Things (IoT) and industrialization, the development of Information Technology (IT) has led to various studies not only in industry but also in agriculture. Traditional agriculture is transmuting into smart agriculture due to the distinction of the Internet of Things (IoT). A remote-controlled vehicle functions on both automatic and manual modes, for various agriculture processes like spraying, cutting, weeding etc. The controller keeps monitoring the temperature, humidity, soil condition through sensors using Arduino board and in case of any discrepancy send a SMS notification as well as a notification on the application developed for the same to the farmer’s smartphone using Wi-Fi/3G/4G and accordingly supplies water to the field. Low-cost and low-power are the key factors to make any IoT network useful and acceptable to the farmers. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1086-1089 |
280 |
Study on Knowledge, Practice and Barrier Regarding Cervical Cancer in Saptari District, Nepal
-Shrawan Kumar Yadav ; Dr. Neena Gupta; Dr. Akanksha Singh; Narendra Raj Pant
Background: Cervical cancer is a cancer arising from the cervix, it is due to the abnormal growth of cells that have the ability to invade or spared to other parts of the body. Objective: To determine the knowledge among respondents. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study design was used to collect data from 195 women. Each woman was selected from Gynecology OPD-Patient Department of Hospital situated in the study area. Data was collected by using interview schedule. Data was analyzed by using SPSS version 2016 and interpreted in terms of descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: Out of 195 women, a maximum 61.5% respondent belongs to age group 30-39 years and 97.43% respondents followed Hinduism. Only 41.53% respondents were found literate and 59.4% were housewife. As per the findings, only 14.4% had knowledge about cervical cancer whereas maximum 81.5 % of respondents have no any idea about cancer is preventable. Only education level of women was statistically significant with level of knowledge regarding cervical cancer screening. Conclusion: Considerable proportions of women have inadequate knowledge regarding cervical cancer, its prevention and screening. Therefore cervical cancer screening health camps and awareness program should be conducted at community level for women to increase the level of knowledge and practice regarding cervical cancer screening. Read More...
India |
1090-1093 |
281 |
Data Breach Detection
-Arathi P ; Pooja G; Pooja S; Priyadarshini B; Sowmya R P
Data Leakage is a serious threat in information security among organizations. Sensitive data is useful, confidential data in organizations which includes personal, client information, finance, economical status of organization, other business information. Data breach happens when such confidential information is let out by insiders of the organization to the outside world which causes immense loss to the organization. It may include sharing of emails, messages, files, forms etc. The company’s data is shared to various shareholders as well, thus this data has to maintained such that data loss does not happen. This increases the risk of data leakage. There are a number of methods proposed to detect data leakage. In this paper, we discuss few very significant data leakage detection mechanisms. We discuss the types, causes of data leakage and preventive approaches as well. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1094-1096 |
282 |
Smell Detection and Automatic Flushing System
-Darshana Valvi ; Ujwala Mitkari; Kajal Shinde; Payal Khobragade
Today water is a scarce & precious commodity and it is emerging as a demand everywhere. Most of the water is wasted when people do not turn off the flush after use out of laziness or negligence. People leave water running, which consumes 13 -16ltrs of water for every flush. Moreover, sometimes people leave the urinals unflushed, which creates bad odour and unpleasant environment, thus affecting the health of the people using it. An efficient solution to this problem is the use of urinals with automatic flush controller fitted with sensors that controls the wastage of water and provides a hygienic [1] environment near the urinals thereby reducing the risk of diseases. Our mission is to recommend this technique in public institutions and colleges in order to have economical water system. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1097-1099 |
283 |
Analyse and Classify Rural Area Engineering Students Twitter Posts using Data Mining Technique
-Sambhaji Daji Rane
Students informal conversations on social media such as Twitter and Whatsapp, are useful for understand their learning experiences, and feelings. Data from such social media environments can provide valuable information about students learning system. Collecting and analyzing data from such media can be difficult task. However, the large scale of data required to automatic data analysis techniques for classify twitter data. Proposed new system is to combination of qualitative analysis and large-scale data mining techniques. This system focuses on engineering students Twitter posts which are collected from rural area engineering colleges to understand issues and problems in their learning. First conduct a qualitative analysis using ML studio on tweets collected from engineering colleges using term #DStudents problems, engineering Problem, Aluminisuggestions and lady Engineer. Collected tweets are related to engineering students’ college life. In proposed system used a multi-label classification algorithm to classify tweets reflecting students’ problems such as soft skill issues, heavy study load, lack of social engagement, and sleep problems. Read More...
Computer Science and Information Technology |
India |
1100-1104 |
284 |
Study on Design of Heat Integrated Multiple Effect Evaporator System
-Rohit Kumar Yadav ; Rishabh Katiyar; Sandeep Kr. Gupta; Ashutosh Mishra; Shivangi Nigam
Evaporators can minimize the production of regulated waste residues, and increase the potential for recovering valuable materials from those wastes. Multiple-effect evaporators (MEEs) are common to industries that concentrate different products, regenerate solvents, or separate solid-liquid mixtures. Process integration can help to choose the best configuration of MEE in order to achieve a more efficient process in the sense of energy use. Economic evaluation to optimize the number of flash tanks is carried out for seven effect evaporator system. The two different types of configuration of vapor bleeding are considered and comparison of both configurations is done. Considering the optimum number of flash tanks and the best configuration of vapor bleeding, a system was designed. Read More...
Chemical Engineering |
India |
1105-1108 |
285 |
Evaluation of Seismic Effect Reduction Techniques using SAP
-Afreen ; Vidyashree D
The design of any structure has been constantly updating with many innovations in structural engineering field. Even though the consequences of seismic force are unchanged, many seismic retrofitting measures have come into existence which can minimize the seismic effect. Some of those methods are utilized in this research work to study the behavior of buildings during Earthquake. As a matter of fact all the methods perform a similar task i.e. minimizing the vibrations of the building caused due to the earthquake by inducing enough amount of damping onto the building. The intention of this research work is to evaluate the efficiency of these methods and thereby declare the extent of seismic effect reduction for the design conditions and zone chosen. The methods considered for this study include the installation of Shear walls and Bracings. The efficiency of each method will be expressed through the building response under the seismic effect. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
1109-1113 |
286 |
Comparative Study on GFRC and SFRC
-Janjire Laxman Vijay ; Prof. Kumbhar G. J.; Prof. Shirsath M. N.
Fibers are generally used to strengthening and also to crack resistance of concrete. In this project work, I am going to carry out test on the steel fiber and glass fiber to check the influence of fiber strength of concrete. According various research papers, it has been found that only study on steel fiber or glass fiber but not show which is most useful. Due to this experimental project work carry out. Present day various fiber are used in construction for various purpose. This research should provide optimum % fiber addition in concrete. In general construction steel reinforcement are used but we can also add some % fiber in concrete for Additional strength and less crack development. This experimental study show the comparative of steel fiber and glass fiber strength with various % fiber used in concrete. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
1114-1117 |
287 |
Design and Calculation of a Liquid Nitrogen Storage Vessel using ASME Code
-Chandra Shekhar ; Rajesh Kaushik
In this work study has been conducted and design of cryogenic storage wall for liquid nitrogen storage vessel using ASME code is prepared. The design mainly concerned with two chambers mounted concentrically out of which one experiences internal pressure and other experiences external pressure with proper fixture and connecting arrangements. The operating pressure is 0.1 MPa for both inside nitrogen storage vessel and outside vacuum jacketed vessel. The present work explores the proper design guidelines for the design of storage vessel which can which can withstand the differential pressure with minimum heat loss using ASME codes and standards. ASME Boiler & Pressure vessel code (ASME Sec VIII, Div-1, Edition 2010, Addenda 2011) has been used for the design of the vessel and materials are selected as per ASME Sec II Part A & D (M), Edition 2010. The connecting pipes are designed as per the ASME B 36.10. Finite Element Analysis and experimental testing have been carried out for validation. Read More...
M.Tech in Machine Design |
India |
1118-1122 |
288 |
Mitigation of Voltage SAG by using Shunt Active Power Filter
-Raypure Ambadas Bhiwaji ; Prof. Alka Thakur
Powеr quality problеm is an occurrеncе manifеstеd as a nonstandard voltagе, currеnt or frеquеncy that rеsults in failurе of еnd usе еquipmеnts. onе of thе major problеm in powеr quality is voltagе sag. To improvе thе powеr quality, custom powеr dеvicеs arе usеd. Thе custom powеr dеvicе usеd hеrе is SAPF(Shunt active power filter) is rolе to compеnsatе load voltagе during thе diffеrеnt fault conditions likе voltagе sag, singlе linе to ground ,doublе linе to ground faults .In this work, PI controllеr and discrеtе PWM pulsе gеnеrator arе usеd for thе control purposе. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1123-1126 |
289 |
Review on Design, Optimization and Control of Crude Oil Distillation
-Gourav Gagan ; Rajesh Chauhan; Prashant Kumar; Subhash Sharma ; Ashutosh Mishra
This paper presents a comprehensive review of various traditional systems of crude oil distillation column design, modeling, simulation, optimization and control methods. Artificial neural network (ANN), fuzzy logic (FL) and genetic algorithm (GA) framework were chosen as the best methodologies for design, optimization and control of crude oil distillation column. It was discovered that many past researchers used rigorous simulations which led to convergence problems that were time consuming. The use of dynamic mathematical models was also challenging as these models were also time dependent. The proposed methodologies use back-propagation algorithm to replace the convergence problem using error minimal method. Read More...
Chemical Engineering |
India |
1127-1129 |
290 |
Experimental Study on Fibre Reinforced High Strength Reactive Powder Concrete
-Dr. K. Vidhya ; M. Geetha
This study shows the experimental study on high strength reactive powder concrete using available materials specifically silica fume, silica powder and ordinary Portland cement. The curing cycles are employed only under normal water curing. The maximum cube compressive strength obtained in 28 day is 87 N/mm2 using steel fibres. In Further, split tensile test and flexure testing is also conducted and the results are tabulated. The reactive powder concrete is then used in flexure beam, the ultimate load obtained was 90 kN followed by maximum deflection is 9.3mm and stiffness is 8.7 kN/mm which is effective for the structural purposes. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1130-1132 |
291 |
Thermal and DC Conductivity Study on Polyanilinine/ Nife2O4 Nano Composites
-Dr. S. A. M. N Quadri ; Prof. Md Nasir Ali; Md Azharuddin; Altamash Ali; Dr. Jakeer Husain
Polyaniline–NiFe2O4 nanocomposites (PANI–NiFe2O4) with different contents of NiFe2O4 were prepared via in situ chemical oxidation polymerization, while the nanoparticles nickel ferrite were synthesized by sol–gel method. The prepared samples were characterized using some techniques such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Moreover, the electrical conductivity and sensor properties of the nanocomposites were investigated. The SEM images of the composites showed different aggregations for the different nickel ferrite contents. while the thermal analyses indicated an increase in the composites stability for samples with higher NiFe2O4 nanoparticles contents. The electrical conductivity of PANI–NiFe2O4 nanocomposite was found to increase with the rise in NiFe2O4 nanoparticle content, probably due to the polaron/bipolaron formation. Read More...
Nanotechnology |
India |
1133-1135 |
292 |
Use of Rice Husk Ash as Partial Replacement with Cement In Concrete
-Dipak Hulaji Muknar ; Madhav Patil; Mahesh Narawade; Prashant Jogdand; Devanand Rathod
The optimized RHA, by controlled burn or grinding, has been used as a pozzolanic material in cement and concrete. Using it provides several advantages, such as improved strength and durability properties, and environmental benefits related to the disposal of waste materials and to reduced carbon dioxide emissions. Up to now, little research has been done to investigate the use of RHA as supplementary material in cement and concrete production .The main objective of this work is to study the suitability of the rice husk ash as a pozzolanic material for cement replacement in concrete. However it is expected that the use of rice husk ash in concrete improve the strength properties of concrete. Also it is an attempt made to develop the concrete using rice husk ash as a source material for partial replacement of cement, which satisfies the structural properties of concrete like compressive strength. From the entire experimental work & studies it is concluded that mix M20 with the replacement of 20% is the best combination among all mixes, which gives the maximum compressive strength. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1136-1138 |
293 |
A Green Layout on Plastic Disposal and Money Crediting System Cultivating Digital India
-Saisruthi P S ; Saraswathi M
The solid waste problem is one of the most severe environmental issues. Other issues that have received extensive public attention are the haze and air emissions. These anthropogenic sources are generated from indiscriminate dumping of toxic and hazardous wastes, which has raised the sensitive issues both in terms of quantity and quality. Since the use of plastics is constantly increasing in our day-to-day life, there is no proper waste disposal for plastics. So we propose a system where the plastics are detected using image processing technique and it process by checking whether the placed item is plastic and classifying the plastic type as bottle, polythene covers and other plastic materials. The plastic is then automatically collected using dustbin mechanism. This simultaneously checks the user data with the kept RFID tag of user. This RFID tag helps to get the user details and money will be credited to account linked with user only if placed item is plastic and also depending on the plastic type the amount is credited. This automated money crediting technique creates an awareness among public on plastic disposal. This promotes the digital India as the money is credited directly to account of the user. Read More...
Application based system |
India |
1139-1143 |
294 |
E-Voting using Finger Print Recognition and Digital Signature
-Rahimullah Niazai ; Kumari Archana
Using the decade old election system to collect votes from the citizens is no longer considered efficient due to the various recurring errors. So time has arrived that the paper based primordial voting system which has already proven itself an inefficient and slow procedure is changed immediately. The system that is being followed currently, from data collection procedure to counting of the votes is a manual process. Here we are proposing an automated electronic voting system. For the voter registration and authentication processes which are performed on the system, the voter is expected to have his or her fingerprints captured and the minutiae extracted that is stored on the database. This is done to prevent the occurrence of multiple registrations or identity. Thus, during the authentication period, voters are expected to undergo a matching verification of their fingerprint samples against the values stored in the database which is identified through the use of a unique voter identification number assigned during registration. The election commission authority is authorized to access the details but they aren’t authorized for modifying or changing the details. Modification of the voters’ information requires the fingerprint of the particular voter. This paper provides a secure approach for online voting system using the concept of encryption trough RSA and digital signature. So the system will help to minimize the corruption done by others, and hopefully corruption may be diminished at some point of time. In this system Voter will select his/her preferable candidate by providing his or her opinion on a touch screen where all candidates’ voting sign is displayed. Four layered network system will be used here for sending the votes from client to the main database there are three application server, and a client. Among them one application server will work as dispatcher. The encrypted votes will be sent from the client to the dispatcher through an application server and this layer will send those votes to main database through another application server. They will be counted there automatically which will take lesser time than the manual system. So the result will be faster, more accurate and reliable. Read More...
India |
1144-1148 |
295 |
A Survey on Smart Health Predicting System with IoT
-Sarthak Bhale ; Dnyaneshwar Misal; Akshay Patil; Suraj Kule; Prof. R. M. Kedar
As the human life step towards the modern lifestyle all the sectors of life become more and more advanced, Health care is not spared from this. Internet of things actually plays vital role into this paradigm as it helps to collect and process the data from the wearable devices of patients. Many existing systems are there where these data is been monitored manually or by loosely coupled systems which yields less accurate results in prediction. The proposed system develops an application for the hospitals, users etc. to predict the health of users using ANN which is powered with K-means clustering along with the Random Forest Algorithm. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1149-1150 |
296 |
Overview of Robotic Process Automation and Tools
-Narendra Pal Singh Rathore
This paper aims to provide a brief knowledge of Robotic process automation. RPA is very high demanding technology in near future. The paper included introduction of different tools for RPA and emphasis on UiPath tool. Also cover the user interface and simple application example has covered in this paper. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1151-1152 |
297 |
Virtual Reality based Human Mouse
-Prathibha C ; Mohankumar V; Niveditha Bhat; Kumudini G; Meghana K
The growth in areas of Virtual Reality have seen tremendous improvements in the previous couple of decades. The prime idea behind all of the VR applications is mainly to streamline the experience of using new technological devices by providing a virtual environment to the user, giving them a sense of literally manipulating the device’s data through human actions. This project undertaken aims at making use of this concept to provide with an easier working platform for the disabled in operating a computer. For a person who has lost his fingers, palm or forearm, or is born with such a condition, it is physically impossible to operate a conventional mouse. As a solution to this problem, we have developed a compact system that would essentially perform the operations of a mouse without using one. The purpose of this system is to provide mouse inputs to the system by human actions. It makes use of an IR sensor to detect eye blinks which acts as an input for the double click operation, and a tri-axis MEMS accelerometer to detect hand movements that makes cursor to move on the required computer screen. With the design of a comfortable end product, this technology can overcome the said problem. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1153-1156 |
298 |
A Study on Pattern of Infant Health Care in Baitadi District of Nepal
-Rajendra Prasad Bhatt ; Dr. Neena Gupta; Dr. Akanksha Singh
Background: Infant health is an important indicator of the countrys socioeconomic development and quality of life. It can also help identify children who may be at higher risk of death and lead to strategies to reduce this risk, such as promoting birth spacing. Which presents information on levels, trends, and differentials in prenatal, neonatal, infant, and under-5 mortality rates, it also examines bio demographic factors and fertility behaviors that increase mortality risks for infants and children. This study was based on the primary data obtained from field survey Objective: To determine the knowledge and practice regarding infant health care among mothers. Materials and Methods: A descriptive study design was carried out with the sample of 280 mothers having less than 12 months old Child interviewed in Four Wards of Dasharathchand Municipality Baitadi district. Chi-square test was used to find out the significance of Infants Health care, its knowledge and practice. Result: Respondents were highly aware for the interval of exclusive breastfeeding 43.6%, colostrums feeding 71.1%, Approximately half of respondents 45.7% had knowledge regarding umbilicus cord care practice, approximately 60% respondents initiate breastfeeding within one hour after birth, 58.9% respondents had given first bath after 24 hours of birth, more than 42.9% mother give other food item than breast milk under six months and 99.3% babies was found fully immunized. Conclusion: study findings conclude that there was a significant gap between knowledge and practice on infants health care. Read More...
India |
1157-1160 |
299 |
Design, Fabrication & Testing of Braking System & Wheel Hubs of FSAE Vehicle
-Amey Shinde ; Pramod More; Sanjay Lohar
The following project encompasses the Design of 2019 Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering And Technology FSAE vehicle braking system and wheel hubs. The objective of the system is to convert the kinetic energy of the vehicle into thermal energy, allowing the vehicle to decelerate optimally and safely using a hydraulic braking system. The results and findings of the proceeding report rendered a symmetrical front and unsymmetrical rear braking system. An optimized pedal box was designed consisting of three pedals, (throttle, brake and clutch), twelve mounting tabs for the three pedals and master cylinders, and two electrical sensors supports (one for the inertia switch and the other for the emergency stop switch). The pedal box was optimized for minimal mass and satisfied the design criteria (later defined in the text). Later custom brake disc and hubs were designed based on the optimal material choice, after analyzing thermal effects. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1161-1167 |
300 |
Improvement of Power System Stability in Wind Generation by using Fact Devices
-Sangale Pooja Vijay ; Mr. Pawan C. Tapre; Mr. Amit M. Solanki
This project is established predictive power control strategy which is used to improve stability of power system. This has been done presence of wind farm based double fed induction generator using static series synchronous compensator & super capacitor energy storage system. In our proposed system super capacitor energy storage system used to control active power in grid side converter and SSSC is used to reduce the low frequency oscillations. SCESS is composed of a capacitor bank and a dual switch DC/DC converter which is connected to DFIG through the DC link. In this method, it is used to control the active and reactive power of the Rotor Side Converter [RSC] as well as damping controller design for SCESS and SSSC. For improving the power system stability, an SSSC is used, which is a modern power quality FACTS device that employs a voltage source converter connected in series to a transmission line through a transformer. The Model Predictive Control (MPC) is used, which will predict the future value of the system in order to increase the damping ratio of the system. Thus, the system has been simulated and tested on Matlab software. Read More...
Electrical Power System |
India |
1168-1170 |