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401 |
Providing Priority for Emergency Vehicles by Traffic Clearance using Image Processing
-Sandhya S U ; Vinutha M S; Rajesh R; Sridevi; Arun KUmar M N
Vehicular travel is increasing in everywhere as more people are travelling across the country, and this increase in the number of vehicle on the road especially during the weekends has led to congestion at road inter sections thereby increasing time wasting of the people at the road, chaos by the pedestrians crossing the junction and most at times leads to accidents. The ambulance path it will be cleared in advance by using high technology and also presently the clearance of the heavy traffic is done using the siren of the ambulance or police cars. This paper presents a microcontroller based traffic light control system that has the ability to control any type of junction based on traffic density and providing priority for the emergency vehicle such as ambulance. It employed camera placed on each traffic signal pole to detect the presence and absence of vehicles and reacts accordingly, the controlling device (R5F100LE Microcontroller) that monitor the output and switches the LEDs (Red, Yellow or Green light) in a particular sequence based on the program loaded into it to control and provides the priority to the emergency vehicle. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1588-1591 |
402 |
Exact Identification of Point-On-Wave Inception and Recovery Instants of Voltage Sags and Swells
-T. Kiran Kumar Reddy ; A. V. Sai Prasad; B. Mahesh Reddy; B. Madhu Sudan Reddy; Dr. I. Chandra
Power quality disrupting impacts normally found in power structures have been inspected for an impressive time allotment, achieving different figurings for perceiving the events that impact the voltage or possibly current waveforms[1]. Regardless, a great deal of disturbances are not ostensibly unmistakable in the unrefined waveforms, especially trading errands. These events must be recognized through an elective part, for instance, unforeseen assortments in the rms voltage profile. This paper breaks down the systems for the most part used for distinguishing power quality agitating impacts in the waveform or rms voltage profile regions and perceives their hindrances [2],[3],[4]. Along these lines, a novel development change discoverer is proposed subject to a modified center channel and rms voltage slant regards to overcome the deficiencies of the present procedures. The sufficiency of the proposed methodology is assessed by applying it to both reenacted and field data. This evaluation shows that the technique recognizes all trading events with no false-positives for the datasets under examination of Voltage Sags and Swells. Voltage hangs and swells happen normally in power systems; regardless, choosing the range of these events is not immediate [5],[6].Seven strategies for assessing the beginning and recovery centers (and in this way, the range) of voltage records and swells are checked: anxious rms voltage, waveform envelope, discrete wavelet change, missing voltage, dq transformation, numerical structure, and zenith pointer. Each procedure has its own one of a kind characteristics and deficiencies; regardless, no one methodology tackles all conditions. An algorithmic method to manage choosing initiation and recovery centers is proposed. Such approach uses one procedure in mix with various techniques subject to the event qualities[7]. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1592-1596 |
403 |
Application of Regression Analysis and Artificial Nueral Network in Construction Project
-Anjana T
Project can be defined as a sequence of unique, complex, and attached activities having one goal or purpose and that must be completed by a specific time, within budget, and according to specification. Success of construction projects depends mainly on success of performance of a project. Project performance is predicted mainly based on the four performance metrics i.e., schedule and quality performance. This study is carried out to identify the factors affecting the performance of construction project and their significance on the schedule, and quality performance. The next objective of this research is to develop regression models and neural network models to predict schedule performance and quality performance. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1597-1599 |
404 |
Emusic: An Emotion Based Music Player using Microsoft Face API
-Gaurav Sudarshan ; Pavan Kumar K; Karthik M M; Sathya M P; Vidyarani H J
Music is a significant entertainment medium. With progression of innovation, the advancement of manual work has picked up a great deal of consideration. As of now, there are numerous customary music players that expect tunes to be physically chosen and sorted out. Client, need to make and refresh play-list for every state of mind, which is tedious. A portion of the music players have propelled highlights like giving verses and prescribing comparative tunes dependent on the vocalist or type. Albeit a portion of these highlights are pleasant for client, there is space to improve in the automation with regards to music players. Choosing melodies consequently and sorting out these dependent on the clients state of mind gives clients a superior encounter. This can be accomplished through the system reacting to the users emotion, saving time that would have been spent entering information manually. Feelings can be communicated through motions, discourse, outward appearances, and so on. For the framework to comprehend a clients temperament, we utilize outward appearance using the cell phones camera, we can catch the clients outward appearance. There are numerous feeling acknowledgment frameworks which take caught picture as information and decide the feeling. For this application, we are utilizing Microsoft API SDK for acknowledgment of feeling. The framework incorporates a novel calculation [EMO-algorithm] that sorts out tunes dependent on the clients feelings and inclinations. This calculation recommends clients melodies to play dependent on their feeling. Read More...
India |
1600-1603 |
405 |
Research Paper on the Waste Plastics Pavement Road
-Irfan Ahmed ; Manish Kesharwani
As we know that today waste of plastics is increased too much in our universe. It generally consists of waste plastics materials such as carry bags disposal and pet bottles etc which are collected from a dump or a garbage. but before construction of a waste plastics road we have to clean dried well. When we melt these waste plastics in a hot bitumen it melts an oily and after that we coated segregate and the mixture which is form then laid on the road surface in the form of tar. Plastics road are completely differ from other road which are a very hard surface and have a long life. they have a better resistance and do not absorb water and have better flexibility which results in less rutting and no need to repair .The surface of the road is smooth and have lower maintance as compared to other. Traffic is also increasing day by day in which of our road in fracture is about used over 60% of total good and 85% of passenger. By increasing the strength and durability of roads it is free from economic pollution and safe .The main objective of these research paper is to cost reduce and have to increase strength property and durability. Read More...
civil engineering |
India |
1605-1607 |
406 |
LoRa Network for Smart Presence of Ambulance Locating System
-Nityananda.Vishwanatha.Gouda ; Manu S; Ganesh H; Amarnath; Vidyashree C
The rapid development of innovation and foundation has made our lives simpler. The appearance of innovation has additionally expanded the traffic dangers and street mishaps occur regularly which causes enormous death tool and property due to the poor crisis offices. Our task will give an ideal answer for this downside. Inclusion incorporates emergency rescue vehicle transportations (counting hold up time treatment at the scene) by an authorised emergency vehicle administration from the area of the unexpected ailment or damage, to the closest hospital where emergency wellbeing administration can be performed. For this reason we have actualized a viable emergency vehicle frame work by utilizing GPS, GSM, and alongside the Lora gadget innovation. Alongside this the traffic is additionally cleared in the course that the emergency vehicle is voyaging, for this to happen the GPS area of the mishap vehicle is sent to the closest medical hospital then they will advise the traffic cell to clear the route. In this proposed venture the best possible encouraged hospital are coordinated to the emergency vehicle. Treatment at the scene (paramedic administration) without rescue vehicle transportation. Hold up related with secured emergency vehicle transportation. To an emergency hospital that gives a required larger amount of consideration that was not accessible at the first medical hospital. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1608-1611 |
407 |
Automatic Gutter Cleaning Machine
-Yash A. Kanoje ; Punam R. Deshmukh; Gayatri S. Ughade; Vinayak R. Pophale; Prof. Ashish S. Deshmukh
Water is a basic necessity of humans & all living beings. There is plenty of water on earth but that is not suitable for human use. Clean water is more important if used for some purpose. The impurities is present in water can cause hazardous & disease. As long as the draining system is considered as the function of main drainage system is to collect, transport & disposed of the water through an outlet. Impurities in drainage water can be only like empty bottles, polythene bags, papers etc. this impurities present in drainage water can causes blockage or drainage system can be cleaned time to time manually or such a system can be designed that will automatically throughout wastage & will keep the water clean this project is designed to keep clean the drainage system and help the smooth working of the system. This project automatically cleans the water automatically clean the water in the drainage system is time any wastage appears and this form and efficient & easy way of cleaning the drainage system and preventing the blockage. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1612-1615 |
408 |
Review on Different Types of Insert
-Prof. Pratiksha Mohan Age ; Sagar Chandrakant Hate
Heat exchangers are commonly used in almost all areas of industrial activities on the basis of heat transfer mechanism. The heat transfer mechanism is enhanced by using various parameter like using different shape of inserts, any nanofluids as working medium etc. Therefore by considering the enhancement of heat transfer rate, decrease the size and cost of heat exchanger, used of any swirl device as inserts is best method. This research work acclaims that want to reviews experimental researches done on this passive method in recent years. This paper is studied at turbulent flow region on the basis of heat transfer enhancement ratio, friction factor and overall enhancement ratio. Read More...
India |
1616-1623 |
409 |
Influence Tracker using Sementic Analysis
-Lande Bhakti Dadabhau ; Dhobale Madhuri Pandurang; Nighot Rutuja Dattatray; Wagh Rupali Kailas
The problem of increasing influence spread has been widely studied in social networks, because of its extreme number of applications in determining critical topics in a social network for information dissemination. In survey, all the method are static in nature, which are designed for social networks with a constant set of links. However, no of forms of social interactions are flexible in nature, with relatively short periods of interaction. Any influence spread may happen only during the period of interaction, and the probability of spread is a function of the corresponding interaction time. In such cases, it may be useful to consider the influential nodes based on the run time interaction patterns. Alternatively, one may wish to find the most likely starting points for a given infection pattern. We will propose methods which can be used both for reduction of information spread, as well as the backward tracing of the source of influence spread. The LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation), Sentiment Analysis and greedy algorithms are used. We will present practical results implement the effectiveness of our approach on a number of real data sets. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1624-1625 |
410 |
A Semantic Machine Learning Approach to Automatic PPT Generation
-Kajal Shamrao Thorat ; Supriya Sunil Rawade; Krutika Ramchandra Phage; Rohini V Agawane
In todays world as the size and complexities of the documents are increasing it becomes very difficult to extract the important points from the multiple documents in a given stipulated time. Natural language Processing (NLP) is playing a vital role in this, where it extracts the important feature from each of the sentences and they are framed together to yield best semantic data. This research article mainly concentrates on yielding the semantic presentation slides for the given input of multiple documents of type pdf, text and MSword. Some methodologies are existed to concentrate on yielding automatic PowerPoint presentation files based on the given input of documents. Most of the research technique do suffer from the matter of precision of the obtained slides. So this research article throws some light on automatic power point presentation generation technique by extracting some NLP features and then by using Random forest technique model provides accurate desired slides. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1626-1630 |
411 |
Comparison of Materials for Crankshaft in ANSYS by using FEM Tool
-Mr. Gurvinder Singh ; Mrs. Shivali Singla; Mr. Gursham Lal
Crankshaft is one of the vital components for the effective and precise working of Internal Combustion engine with the complex geometry; which converts the reciprocating displacement of the piston to a rotary motion. The crankshaft consists of three parts i.e. crank pin, crank web and shaft. In the present work, I have done a crankshaft analysis to choose the best material for the crankshaft. Firstly, I have prepared a crankshaft model in the CAD software SOLIDWORKS and them SOLIDWORKS file saved ion the STEP format because ANSYS software can only read the STEP file format. In the ANSYS software 3.5 MPa load apply on the crankshaft for analysis, three-time analysis is done of the crankshaft load was the same for three times but the material was changed. The three material used in this research from the survey is Aluminium Alloy, Alloy Steel, Structural Steel. Mainly two factors are found out stress and deformation for material comparison. Tetrahedron meshing method is used for the crankshaft meshing. After meshing the nodes of the crankshaft are 5664 and elements are 3118. Both the Rear and front main bearing journal are kept fixed and load is applied on the upper face of the main bearing journal. In the end, I have found out that if stress is the main factor for crankshaft failure then Aluminium Alloy is the best material for the crankshaft because in this material less stress produced as compared to the other materials. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1631-1635 |
412 |
Simulation and Experimental Evaluation of Multi Point Incremental Forming on Titanium Grade 2 Sheet
-Arun A S ; Dr. C. Raju; K A Selvarajan
Incremental forming has great potential applications since it can be used in small batch production process and rapid prototyping applications. There are many advantageous effects when we implementing incremental forming over conventional forming techniques. Due to the implementation of CNC human effort can be reduced and also the process can be easily automated. Incremental forming does not use any dedicated die for the manufacturing of desired shapes. Here in this paper detailed explanation of how the strain become predicted when we carry out multi point incremental forming process by Abaqus explicit solver and it became compared with the experimental result. For the experimental process MPIF tool is used which has 6 number of balls and is used to decrease the processing time and improving accuracy. Read More...
M Tech. in Manufacturing and Automation |
India |
1636-1640 |
413 |
IoT based Underground Cable Fault
-D. G. Wankhade ; S. A. Gomase; S. G. Dharmale
Fault location model for underground power cable using NodeMCU on IOT with google firebase as backend. The aim of project to get the alert of the fault occurrence and determine the distance of underground cable fault from base station in Km on an anroid application over the intrest in real time. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
1641-1645 |
414 |
Eye Blink to Voice and Home Automation: Assisting System for Paralysed
-Apeksha B ; Vidyarani H J; Sahana Sagar H S; Kavya V; Sowmya Shree S
This project is a smart which is specially designed for MND patients. The concept of this system is to apply eye movement to communicate with the caretaker and to control the appliances. This system comprises of methods like face detection, eye detection, eye tracking, conversion of blink to voice and blink to home automation. The image processing module consist of webcam and the eye movement image is captured and transmitted to Raspberry Pi microcontroller for processing with OpenCV to derive the coordinate of eye ball. The system enables the patients to communicate with caretaker using blink patterns-sequences of long and short blinks which are interpreted as semiotic voice messages. The system proposed comprises of methods like face detection, eye detection, eye tracking, conversion of blink to voice and blink to home automation. The image processing module consist of webcam and the eye movement image is captured and transmitted to Raspberry Pi microcontroller for processing with OpenCV to derive the coordinate of eye ball. The system enables communication using blink patterns-sequences of long and short blinks which are interpreted as semiotic voice messages. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
1646-1651 |
415 |
Genetic Algorithm based Optimal Power Dispatch
-B Balaki ; K Yasoda
Optimization is a technique used for finding the best option among number of possible choices that are feasible solutions in a power system. Genetic algorithm is capable of being applied to an extremely wide range of problems. It is used to solve and analyze the optimal flow dispatch problem. The objective of the thesis is to minimize the power loss and generator fuel cost with greater efficiency and to give accurate results in optimal power flow problem. Economic power dispatch plays a major role in order to prove secure and economic operation in the power system. In this project, genetic algorithm is used to solve the optimal reactive power dispatch for a power system using MATLAB toolbox. The proposed method minimizes the active power loss in a standard IEEE 30 bus system. Read More...
India |
1652-1658 |
416 |
Comprehensive Analysis of Rotor Eccentric Fault in Squirrel Cage Induction Motor - A Review
-Shekkhawat Narendra M
Induction motors are the back bone of today’s industries. In addition to that squirrel cage induction motors are most used induction motors in todays world. The most common faults occurs in induction motors are mechanical faults in which Eccentric fault represents considerable part. This paper consists of modelling of three phase cage induction motor under the impetration of eccentric fault. A review of Winding Function Approach and Finite Element Method based modelling approach is done to obtain current signature of the motor. The comparison of most common methods is done which used for the modelling of eccentric fault. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1659-1666 |
417 |
Optimized Design of Multi-Storey R.C.C Building in ETABS
-Akshay Sanjay Thakur
ETABS is computer software which provides a variety of modelling, analysing, designing practice processes for civil engineering infrastructure & nowadays ETABS is widely used in India to analyse & design various types of frame structures. In this regards, this paper presents to provide the simplest way to analyse & design a frame structure in ETABS & to provide an economical section which will get by design which reduces the cost of construction of the R.C.C. Building & it is mainly achieving by the use of computer software rather than manual conventional designing methods so, that it is important to aware the engineers use designing software which helps them to model, analyse & design the structure in the easiest way with optimization. The present work was carried out on G+12 Storey residential building. modelling, analysis & design of the frame structure with a shear wall is done by using software package ETABS, for the design of structure dead loads, live loads, wind loads & earthquake loads are considered & limit state method is adopting for the analysis, here the design is in confirmation with IS 456:2000. The principal objective of this paper is to aware Civil-Structural Engineers to adopt the simplest way to design a residential or a commercial building in ETABS. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1667-1669 |
418 |
Permeability Study on Prefabricated Geosynthetic Clay Liners
-Akhil. A. Khan
Landfill site is a site for the disposal of waste materials It is the most common method of organized waste disposal and remain so in many places around the world The three most important problems with landfill are toxins, leachate and greenhouse gases. Geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs) represent a relatively new technology currently gaining acceptance as a barrier system in municipal solid waste landfill applications. Alternative technologies are allowed, however GCL technology offers some unique advantages over conventional bottom liners and covers. Geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs) have gained widespread popularity as a substitute for compacted clay liners in cover systems and composite bottom liners. They are being investigated intensively, especially in regard to their permeability characteristics. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1670-1673 |
419 |
Performance Analysis of Air-Cooled Steam Condenser for Various Tube Heat Exchanger Configuration
-Gaurav Prashant Mulik ; Prof. Sanjay Ranade; Mr. Mahesh Kulkarni
Air-Cooled Steam Condenser is a heat exchanger consisting of an array of finned tube bundles. It consists of a primary heat exchanger, where major heat transfer takes place and secondary heat exchanger (dephlegmator) which is used to remove non-condensable from the system. The performance of an Air-Cooled Steam Condenser is influenced by the configuration of the finned tube bundles. It is significant to understand the mechanism of such influences to select the optimized configuration of the finned tube bundles. In this study Air-Cooled Steam Condenser is designed under two ambient conditions and for various finned tube bundle configuration. Finned tube bundle configuration means the number of tubes per bundle, fin density of tubes in each row, type of fins, length of the tubes and diameter of the tubes. The design calculations are targeted to a fixed power consumption for various configurations so that the relevant comparison is made for heat transfer area and flooding. The results show that flooding is intense in the lower ambient conditions hence heat duty distribution between primary heat exchanger and secondary heat exchanger is adjusted. Read More...
| in Heat Power Engineer |
India |
1674-1677 |
420 |
Disease Prediction using Big Data
-Akash Jamgade ; Prof. S. D. Zade
Big data is growing exponentially, and along with that is the technology and new algorithms being developed. With the accumulation of big data, Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence are getting implemented into newer spheres. One of the fields in the sphere is Healthcare and Biomedical. Early disease prediction, patient care, and community services can be made possible using this accumulation of big data, with the help of Machine Learning. Though predicting diseases using Machine Learning can be implemented, but the accuracy of prediction is reduced due to incomplete medical data. Moreover different regions have different chronic diseases depending on the geographical conditions and community, an outbreak of disease. To overcome the problem of incomplete data, an approach of the latent factor model is used to reconstruct the missing data. In this paper, we propose a k-mean algorithm with the help of structured and unstructured data directly from hospital and research institutes. None of the existing work is focused on both data types in the field of medical big data analytics. Compared to several previous prediction algorithms, our prediction algorithm has the prediction accuracy of approximately 95%. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1678-1679 |
421 |
Android and GPS Applications using Salesperson Tracking
-Kharmale Akshay Kisan ; Said Shubhangi K.; Dumbre Swapnil Ulhas
Enterprise Resource Planning is a framework utilized for dealing with the majority of the assets possessed by the organization, business exercises, and data used to make a decent business process. One of the modules in the ERP is deals and dissemination. Deals and dissemination is a module that handles the deal and conveyance products to clients to accomplish their business objective. And GPS Proposed application, the area of the client is followed utilizing Global Positioning System (GPS). The primary usefulness of this innovation is to give area data using a portable application we are broadcasting the clients areas to favored contacts chosen by the client, at normal time interims by this process we can guarantee that the client is going on track in his movement. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1680-1684 |
422 |
Solid Waste Management- A Review
-Sagar Chinchghare
Solid Waste Management is a complex task which requires appropriate organizational capacity and cooperation between numerous stakeholders in the private and public sectors. Although it is essential to public health and environmental protection, solid waste management in most cities of developing countries is highly unsatisfactory. If it is not handled carefully the problem of Solid Waste will multiply and will become a disaster for the world. To resolve this issue, cities and their citizens should join together to create sustainable lifestyles and an ecological civilization in which people and environment coexist in harmony. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1685-1687 |
423 |
Automated System for Instruments Calibration
-Wavhale Kanchan Chintaman ; Ms. Jore Priyanka Ankush; Ms.Talekar Komal Madhukar; Prof. Kharti Anand Ashok
The system for checking and calibrating measuring instruments. The system is based on calibrating instruments and generates certificates. The system actually provides the required sensitivity, tractability and accuracy of the instrument of the operating platform. This system is use for improve the accuracy of the existing manual system. Calibration of measuring instruments has two factors. It checks the accuracy of the instrument and it determines the traceability of the measurement instruments and also generate the report which is provided by the calibration expert, which captured error and calibrate the instrument on the basis of error. The qualities of the system were confirmed by the results obtained from the experiments done. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1688-1690 |
424 |
Forecasting of Walmart Sales
-Shashi Gowda R ; Dr. M N Veena
The capacity to foresee information precisely is very profitable in a huge range of spaces, for example, stocks, deals, climate or even games. Displayed here is the investigation and usage of a few group characterization calculations utilized on deals information, comprising of week after week retail deals numbers from various divisions in Walmart retail outlets everywhere throughout the United States of America. The models executed for forecast are Random Forest, Gradient Boosting and Extremely Randomized Trees (Extra Trees) Classifiers. The hyperparameters of each model were changed to acquire the best Mean Absolute Error (MAE) esteem and R2 score. The quantity of estimators hyperparameter, which determines the quantity of choice trees utilized in the model, assumes an especially significant job in the assessment of the MAE esteem and R2 score and is managed in a mindful way. A similar investigation of the three calculations is performed to demonstrate he best calculation and the hyperparameter values from an optimistic standpoint results are gotten. Read More...
India |
1691-1694 |
425 |
Optimization of Flyash Content for Manufacturing of Light Weight Blocks
-Sonbhadre Shubham Vasantrao ; Sherkar Shweta Rajendra; Bhosle Abhijeet Ashok; Mustapure Yogesh Sunil
In this study Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) in granulated form with fly ash are taken under consideration to manufacture the light weight masonry blocks. It’s a novel concept of using EPS (granulated form) as an addition of raw material for the production of light weight fly ash based masonry blocks. The innovative application of moderate volume EPS (granulated form) in reducing the density of the composite material proved to improve the engineering properties of the material. An extensive experimental investigation has been carried out to represent the varied engineering properties of the material consisting of fly ash and EPS (granulated form). There is reduction in unit weight and compressive strength with the addition of EPS granules, however, with the mixing of small percentage of admixture like cement the light weight material can enhance the strength in addition to improve overall properties. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1695-1697 |
426 |
Secure Cloud Storage
-Sonu Sharma ; Shahbaz Khan; Deepesh Singh; Ajay Kumar Maurya
As an emerging technology and business paradigm, Cloud Computing has taken commercial computing by storm. Cloud computing platforms provide easy access to a companys high-performance computing and storage infrastructure through web services. We consider the problem of building a secure cloud storage service on top of a public cloud infrastructure where the service provider is not completely trusted by the customer. We describe, at a high level, several architectures that combine recent and non-standard cryptographic primitives in order to achieve our goal. We survey the benefits such architecture would provide to both customers and service providers and give an overview of recent advances in cryptography motivated specifically by cloud storage. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1698-1701 |
427 |
Performance of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger using Flow Divider Dimpled Type Baffles
-Sagar Nagade ; Narayan Sane; Suhas Jagtap
In present work experimentation of shell and tube heat exchanger containing flow divider dimpled and without dimpled type baffles, at different mass flow rate (i.e. 4 (0.07kg/s), 6 (0.1kg/s), 8 (0.13kg/s), and 10 lpm (0.17kg/s)) has been conducted to determine pressure drop and heat transfer coefficient for shell side fluid. The more work had already been done on the heat exchanger performance. The heat exchanger performance enhanced by introducing new innovative baffles i.e. flow divider dimpled type baffles. In addition, the comparative study of shell and tube heat exchanger with flow divider dimpled and without dimpled type baffles were studied. Water is used for both shell and tubes as a working fluid. Based on the experimental result it has been establishing that the percentage increase in pressure drop and heat transfer coefficient for shell side is better in a heat exchanger with flow divider dimpled type baffles than without dimpled type baffles. The percentage increase in heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop for 4, 6, 8 and 10 lpm flow rates of shell side fluid was found to be 18%, 22%, 25%, and 33% and pressure drop 30%, 20%, 17% and 30% more in a heat exchanger with flow divider dimpled type baffles. Read More...
M-Tech(thermal power engineering) |
India |
1702-1704 |
428 |
Comparison of Mechanical Characteristics of Friction Stir Welded Joints of AA2195 Al-Li Alloy with AA2219
-Allan George ; Dr. Baiju Sasidharan; Sathish Chandra Kumar
Friction stir welding is a solid state process of joining that utilises a non consumable tool for joining two work pieces. It utilises the heat produced by friction between the rotating tool and the work piece materials . Speed of the tool(rpm), feed(mm/min) and force(kgf) are taken as the input parameters while ultimate tensile strength(MPa) is taken as the output parameter. The tool material used is QRO90 (oil hardened steel) as it has high toughness and fatigue resistance. The workpiece material used is AA2195 Al-Li alloy because of its lower density and high strength compared to other aluminium alloys. Non destructive testing methods like Phased array ultrasonic testing, Die penetrant test and X-Ray radiography tests were done to identify various defects like porosity and hot cracks. Tensile test was performed to determine the strength of the specimen. A comparative study of friction stir welded joint of AA2195 Al-Li alloy is done with friction stir welded joint of AA 2219. It was found that AA2195 Al-Li alloy offered greater ultimate tensile strength, besides being less denser as compared to friction stir welded joint of AA2219. Read More...
M Tech. in Manufacturing and Automation |
India |
1705-1708 |
429 |
Smart LPG Kit
-Bhushan Sayaji Tonde ; Gopal Prakash Apotikar; Ajay Shrirangrao Bingewad; Prof. R. B. Kakkeri
In todays world use of LPG is increasing with development of various industries like automotive, food, petrochemical, iron and steel industries and it is also widely used in households. Conditions being different at different places there are chances of a gas leakage in rough as well as steady conditions. There is no security in case of gas leakage. It is very hazardous when an LPG gas leakage occurs in any domestic usage, chemical industry, petroleum industry & other applications. This system provides automatic switching off of gas regulator when a gas leakage is detected by the system. Additional feature of this system includes automatic gas booking when the gas reduces to a specific low value (threshold value), This paper explains about the most common problem experienced in our day- to- day lifes that is regarding GAS container going empty. We bring this paper to give information about the decreasing weight of the gas in the container, and to place a gas order using IOT. Also One new Innovative Idea is trying to implement "Automatic Cooking System". In this system using IOT Technology, we are given commands to system for cook the food or also warm/steam the food. This commands are given to that system using our Smartphone. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
1709-1712 |
430 |
Refactoring System for Java Source Code
-Ratodyasinh Parmar ; Akash Mishra; Shimona Dubey; Vasudha Bhandari; Ms. Sarika Bobde
Now a days due to the massive growth of online available open source codes and easily available help from the search engines tempts software developers to incorporate these codes into their softwares. Most of the times this is the reason for the code rotting, unhealthy dependencies between classes or packages, bad allocation of class responsibilities, over weight methods or classes, duplicated code, and many other varieties of confusion and clutter. Because of this, unwanted time and space complexities arises which eventually makes the software to work in below estimated level. This is actually the serious problem in the software industry and may play a vital role in software malfunctioning and other vulnerabilities. So as a tiny step towards this proposed model put forwards an idea of software code refactoring using graph dependency and Decision making techniques. The proposed model handles the complex coding structure related to Data members and member functions of the Java programming language efficiently. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1713-1717 |
431 |
FSSW of Polycarbonate Sheets using Conventional Drilling Machine
-Mithun George ; Dr. Baiju Sasidharan
Friction stir spot welds are made by applying pressure using a rotating tool onto the top surface of two sheets that overlap each other to create a lap joint. Due to the frictional heat and the high pressure created by the rotating tool, it plasticize the workpiece material. This paper discuss on the friction stir spot welding of polycarbonate sheets of 3mm thickness, using a conventional drilling machine with process parameters as dwell time, waiting time and tool rotational speed. A stainless steel tool of shoulder diameter 20mm, pin diameter 5mm and pin length 4mm is used to make these FSSW joints. By varying these parameters using a 3x3 full factorial design, a total of 27 lap joints by FSSW of polycarbonate sheets have been made. Studies have been conducted to evaluate the influence of process parameters on the shear strength of FSSW lap joints. Optimal process parameters for maximum shear strength are found out from shear strength test. Optimization of process parameters using Taguchi method and grey relational analysis are also done. It is seen that the shear strength of the FSSW joint obtained with the optimal process parameters are found to near the tensile strength of the polycarbonate sheet. Read More...
M Tech. in Manufacturing and Automation |
India |
1718-1722 |
432 |
A Review on Double Pipe Heat Exchanger with Straight and Helical Fins
-Munna Kumar ; Amit Kumar
The plate fin-and-tube heat exchangers are widely used in variety of industrial applications, particularly in the heating, air-conditioning and refrigeration, HVAC industries. In most cases the working fluid is liquid on the tube side exchanging heat with a gas, usually air. It is seen that the performance of heat exchangers can be greatly increased with the use of unconventionally shaped flow passages such as plain, perforated offset strip, louvered, wavy, vortex generator and pin. The current study is focused on wavy-fin. The wavy surface can lengthen the path of airflow and cause better airflow mixing. In order to design better heat exchangers and come up with efficient designs, a thorough understanding of the flow of air in these channels is required. Read More...
India |
1723-1725 |
433 |
Thermal Performance Analysis of Double Pipe Heat Exchangers with Straight and Helical Fins
-Munna Kumar ; Amit Kumar
In this work, the thermo hydraulic performance of a proposed design of an air-to-water double pipe heat exchanger with helical fins on the annulus gas side, is numerically studied. Three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations are performed, using the FLUENT software in order to investigate the gas side fluid flow, turbulence, heat transfer, and power consumption for different configurations of the heat exchanger. CFD performance analysis is conducted under turbulent flow conditions for configurations with helical fins. The numerical model is first verified against experimental data available in the literature, for a double-pipe heat exchanger with longitudinal fins. Then, longitudinal fins are considered as a reference configuration and a comparative analysis of the thermo hydraulic performances of the different helical fin configurations and the reference configuration is conducted. The flow field characteristics of the helical fin configurations are clearly demonstrated and discussed. Key design parameters such as the heat transfer coefficient, pressure drop, and thermal performance enhancement factor are evaluated to predict the overall performance of the heat exchangers. Read More...
India |
1726-1730 |
434 |
Retinal Disorder Detection Using Image Processing and Machine Learning
-Swaroop. M. G ; Dr. M. N. Veena
Diabetes happens when the pancreas neglects to emit enough insulin, gradually influencing the retina of the human eye, prompting diabetic retinopathy. The veins in the retina get adjusted and have variation from the norm. Exudates are discharged, miniaturized scale aneurysms and hemorrhages happen in the retina. The appearance of these highlights speaks to the level of seriousness of the illness. Early location of diabetic retinopathy plays a real job in the accomplishment of such infection treatment. The fundamental challenge is to separate exudates which are comparative in shading property and size of the optic plate, and after that small scale aneurysms are comparable in shading and vicinity with veins. The primary goal of the paper is to build up a PC helped recognition framework to discover the variation from the norm of retinal imaging and recognizes the nearness of irregularity highlights from retinal fundus pictures. There is not many existing examination works have been experienced by applying AI procedures, however existing methodologies have not accomplished a decent precision of identification and they have not yielded effective execution in diverse datasets. The proposed technique is to upgrade the picture and channel the clamor, distinguish vein and recognize the optic circle, remove the exudates and miniaturized scale aneurysms, separate the highlights and characterize various phases of diabetic retinopathy into gentle, moderate, extreme non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR) and proliferative Diabetic retinopathy (PDR) by utilizing proposed AI strategies. The expected yield of proposed work in this paper will be a starter structure and pilot model advancement. Read More...
Image processing |
India |
1731-1734 |
435 |
Structural Analysis and Optimization of Car Chassis
-Sanraj Bagadi ; Prof. Dr. S. S. Shinde
Automotive chassis is a French word that was initially used to represent the basic structure. It is a skeletal frame on which various mechanical parts like engine, tires, axle assemblies, brakes, steering etc. are bolted. It gives strength and stability to the vehicle under different conditions. Automobile chassis is usually made of light sheet metal or composite plastics. It provides strength needed for supporting vehicular components and payload placed upon it. Automotive chassis or automobile chassis helps keep an automobile rigid, stiff and unbending. It ensures low levels of noise, vibrations and harshness throughout the automobile. Automobile chassis without the wheels and other engine parts is called frame. Automobile frames provide strength and flexibility to the automobile. The backbone of any automobile, it is the supporting frame to which the body of an engine, axle assemblies are affixed. Tie bars that are essential parts of automotive frames are fasteners that bind different auto parts together. Automotive frames are basically manufactured from steel. Aluminium is another raw material that has increasingly become popular for manufacturing these auto frames. In an automobile, front frame is a set of metal parts that forms the frame work which also supports the front wheels. In this project we are working on a chassis of the car. The chassis of the car is having more weight. Hence the weight will be reduced and the low loading components of chassis will be studied and thus they will be eliminated of geometrically optimised according to requirement. The study of chassis having low loading components supports will be reduced. Read More...
Finite Element Analysis (FEA, CAE) |
India |
1735-1739 |
436 |
Wireless Home Automation System using Zigbee
-Aastha Jain ; Dhruvesh Shah; Arbaz Khan
With the advancement of technology and increase in the demand of automation, it has become very important to have a system that can reduce human efforts and thus make life easier. Our system does the same by controlling various appliances. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1740-1743 |
437 |
Modeling of Elastic Ring for Artery using COMSOL Multiphysics
-Soundarya M ; Thanmayi L; Gowtham N; Muzammil Pasha; Namratha Dcruz
Microelectromechanical System (MEMS) is a technology defined as miniaturized mechanical and electromechanical elements in micro meter scale that are made using the techniques of micro fabrication. MEMS devices are generally in the range of 100mm to 10 nm. It is the combination of mechanical and electrical functions on the same chip. This MEMS model explains the use of a model to design an implanted blood pressure monitoring system through simulations in COMSOL Multiphysics. This measurement system needs to have a minimal blood contact to reduce the thrombus formation, bleeding and avoid vessel occlusion, which are associated with conventional catheter-tip-based technique. The model employs an elastic sensing cuff, wrapped around the artery section, made of silicone filed with bio-compatible fluid with an immersed MEMS pressure sensor. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1744-1746 |
438 |
Project Tool Management
-Prof. K M Sowmyashree ; Nisarga K. L
Overseeing and controlling the last year undertakings of understudies utilizing manual or customary procedure is a dull activity. The principle point of this venture is to make a robotized framework for dealing with every one of the exercises of undertakings. Task the executives framework is a framework for overseeing, controlling, observing the last year activities of understudies. It is an electronic entrance or application which is valuable for understudies, venture organizer and task manage. Right off the bat every one of the understudies need to enroll into the framework utilizing enlistment structure. At that point enrolled understudies can login into the framework utilizing their id and secret key to get verified. At the point when the understudies login to the framework, at that point they will shape the gatherings by their own. Essentially, venture control needs to login into the framework utilizing their id and secret phrase. PMS additionally enables the gathering of the understudies to give at any rate three undertaking areas and afterward framework will consequently appoint the advisers for the gathering of understudies. Venture organizer is principle part of the framework which will allot various undertakings to the understudies. Venture organizer and undertaking guide is co-ordinate with one another. Contingent on the various parameters, the work is doled out by the facilitator and the advancement diagram of the gathering is made. For making progress diagram we are utilizing a work breakdown structure (WBS). Contingent upon advancement graphs the imprints will naturally get appointed for specific gathering of the understudies. Catchphrases - Hashmap, Project the executives, Project checking, Project modules. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
1747-1749 |
439 |
Discovery of Fault in Transmission Lines using Different Technologies
-D. Preethi ; L. Harshitha; M. Meghana; E. Krishan Vamsi; D. Subhitha
Transmission of power through overhead transmission lines is a generally utilized technique for power transmission starting with one area then onto the next. So as to decrease harm of transmission line because of deficiency, solid, rapid, touchy and reliable assurance framework is an essential necessity of the present interconnected power framework. Segregation among various sorts of shortcomings on the transmission lines is accomplished by use of transformative programming tools. This work present current differential assurance of transmission line for recognition of issue and improvement in affectability because of versatile control of limiting district in a present differential plane. Further shortcoming area calculation dependent on synchronized voltage phasors just has been displayed. The area of the flaw must be recognized for recuperation from the disappointment. Subsequent to extricating helpful highlights from the deliberate sign, a choice of issue or no deficiency on any stage or numerous periods of a transmission line is completed utilizing three SVM classifiers. The ground identification task is completed by a proposed ground file. Gaussian outspread premise piece work (RBF) has been utilized, and exhibitions of classifiers have been assessed dependent on issue characterization precision. These preprocessed signals are prepared with SVM. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1750-1754 |
440 |
Study on the Partial Replacement of Pulverised Plastic as Fine Aggregate in Rigid Pavements
-Er. Neeraj Kumar ; Vakkar; Dr. R. K. Gupta
The Indian concrete industry is today consuming millions of tonnes of concrete every year and it is expected to increase further in upcoming years. All the materials required to produce such huge quantities of concrete come from the earth’s crust, thus depleting its resources every year creating ecological strains. On the other hand, human activities on earth produce solid wastes in considerable quantities including industrial wastes, agricultural wastes and other wastes from rural and urban societies. Disposal of such solid wastes involves economic issues as well as ecological and environmental considerations. The plastic is one of the recent engineering materials which have appeared in the market all over the world. Some varieties of naturally occurring thermoplastics were known to Egyptians and Romans who extracted and used these plastics for various purposes. Plastics were used in bath and sink units, corrugated and plain sheets, floor tiles, joint less flooring, paints and varnishes and wall tiles. There has been a steep rise in the production of plastics in last 30 to 40 years. Major part of total waste is plastic products, which deserves special attention on account of non- biodegradable property which is creating a lot of problems in the environment. There is however now increase in awareness regarding the utilization of plastic as a useful building material in our country. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1755-1756 |
441 |
Modelling of Single Point Incremental Forming Process for Al6061 Sheets using Artificial Neural Network
-Rajeev R ; Dr. C. Raju
Single Point Incremental Forming (SPIF) process is a dieless forming process with promise for prototyping and manufacturing of low production runs. This paper presents a model of Al6061 sheet Single Point Incremental Forming process using Artificial Neural Network(ANN). The parameters used for modelling are tool diameter, feed rate, spindle speed, vertical step depth and sheet thickness. Forming time, Formability and Spring back are the answers to the modelling. The technique of supervised machine learning is used to create an ANN model for SPIF the model created is tested and verified with another experiment with different set of process parameter values. Read More...
M.Tech in Manufacturing and Automation |
India |
1761-1764 |
442 |
A Study on Earthquake Resistant Building
-Prateek Singh ; Avinash Singh
An earthquake is the vibration, sometimes violent to the earth’s surface that follows a release of energy in the earth’s crust. This energy can be generated by a sudden dislocation of segments of the crust, by a volcanic eruption or even by a manmade explosion. The dislocation of the crust causes most destructive earthquakes. The crust may first bend and then the stresses exceed the strength of rocks, they break. In the process of breaking, vibrations called seismic waves are generated. These waves travel outward from the source of the earthquake along the surface and through the earth at varying speeds depending on the material through which they move. These waves can cause disasters on the earth’s surface. Whenever a building project is prepared and designed, the first and the most important aspect of design is to know the zone to which this structure is likely to rest. Depending upon these, precautionary measures in structural design calculation are considered and structure can be constructed with sufficient amount of resistance to earthquake forces. Various measures to be adopted are explained pointwise, giving emphasis to increase earthquake resistance of buildings. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1765-1768 |
443 |
Comparative Study of RFID Technique and Conventional Method
-Amit Mutkule ; H A Ambre
Material management is a vital function for improving productivity in construction projects. The management of materials should be considered at all the phases of the construction process and throughout the construction and production periods. The control of materials is a very important and vital subject for every company and should be handled effectively for the successful completion of a project. Materials account for a big part of products and project costs. The cost represented by materials fluctuates and may comprise between 20-50% of the total project cost and sometimes more. Some studies concluded that materials account more than 60% of the total project cost. Many construction projects apply manual methods, not only for the tracking of materials, but also for materials management as a whole and this involves various techniques and this leads to the problematic situations with many human errors. So a study is made to handle the material on site by Rfid method and cost and time parameter is considered to compare with conventional methods. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1769-1773 |
444 |
Water Pressure Monitoring and Alram System using IoT
-Monish. M ; Dr. Veena M. N
A large number of the scaffolds in urban areas based on the waterway are liable to disintegration as their lifetime is terminated however they are still being used. They are risky to connect clients. Because of substantial heap of vehicles, high water level or weight, overwhelming downpours these extensions may get breakdown which thusly prompts debacle. In this way, these scaffolds require persistent checking. So we are proposing a framework which comprises of a water level weight and water stream rate sensor, water level point contact sensor, Wi-Fi module, and Arduino microcontroller. Read More...
Internet of things (IoT) |
India |
1774-1781 |
445 |
A New Method for Symmetric Key Encryption using Plaintext Key Pair Split (Pi,Ki) Algorithm
-Agrim Aggarwal ; Sanchit Singhal
Cloud Computing is the new-generation architecture of the IT enterprise, and IT applications. Cloud storage lets users to remotely store their data and use cloud applications, services without the requirement of local hardware and software, anytime and anywhere, i.e. on-demand. In cloud, the data is transferred between the server and the client, and high transmission speeds is an important aspect in networking. As with the advent of any new technology, its security and efficiency is considered, cloud security is the current big-thing in IT Industry all across the world. This research paper provides a method for hiding, protecting and securing the data without affecting the network layers; from unauthorized access to the server. In comparison to traditional solutions, where IT services are under physical, logical and personnel controls, in Cloud Computing the application software and data is moved to large data centres, where the management of software, services and data may not be secure and private, thus posing many new security challenges which have not been well understood. In this paper we compare and survey different security issues to cloud and different cryptographic algorithms adoptable for better security in the cloud. Cryptography is defined as the science and study of secret writing, that concerns the ways in which communications and data can be encoded to prevent disclosure of their contents through eavesdropping or message interception, using codes, ciphers and other methods, so that only intended people can see the real message. We propose the design and implementation of a new symmetric key algorithm. The algorithm functions by encrypting the plaintext file, using the password of the file as key. The plaintext and key are split in equal numbers and shift cipher is applied to each block of the plaintext. This new algorithm can be considered as a hybrid approach to its precursors. Most of the existing and proposed algorithms encounter problems such as lack of robustness, privacy concerns and addition of time to packet delay to maintain the security on the communication channel between the terminals. In this paper, the security features were enhanced and upgraded to maintain high security on communication channels by increasing the difficulty for attacker to recognize, understand a pattern and speed of the encryption/decryption scheme. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
1782-1783 |
446 |
Minimising Penalty in Industrial Power Consumption by using APFC Unit and Maximum Demand Controller
-Mayur Sanjay Chaudhari ; Dnyaneshwar Namdev Shekokar; Pratik Kishor Dattu; Viviyan Vikas Bunkar; Ms. Bhagyashri Patil
The objective of paper is to minimizing the penalty of industries by improvement of power factor and maximum demand controller. In first method the industries used various load continuously running condition because of this the inductive load increases. So the power factor of system get reduces due to effect of inductive reactive power but the electricity board having standard limit regarding power factor value and if power factor of system reduces below the specified limit than electricity board charge penalty to industrial consumer .This penalty of industries is reduce by designing automatic power factor correction (APFC) unit. In second method in India, electricity demand is greater than the generation of power. Many industrial organization and various institutions used lot of power from grid but fail to utilize it in an efficient and economical way. In many case consumers draw excess of power than there sanctioned demand. They consumers pay the penalty to electricity board. Electrical energy can be utilized in proper way by using maximum demand controller. This paper illustrates how the maximum demand monitored and controlled using microcontroller. A prototype is designed we have to considering the various load and priority wise load switching is controller by the microcontroller in order to maintain the desired maximum demand. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1784-1786 |
447 |
Protection from Low-Rate DDOS(Distributed Denial of Service) using Identity Algorithm
-Khan Altab Mohd. Rauf ; Vimmi Porinchu
The modern internet technology has many gateways where attackers can access the service through number of devices. In this generation there is lots of attack involved in data theft or server crash. The DDos attacks are generated in low level which has been identified as negligible but has higher impact in the performance. When the Distributed Denial of Service attack is performed for bringing the target down by the attacker, is considered as a Low Rate Distribution of Service and it is difficult to specify the legalized traffic and malicious traffic. In this research a new identity algorithm is implemented to stop the Low-rate DDOS attacks. The identity algorithm identifies whether the number of entry of user cross more than five times to the same sever, then the user will be mark as an attacker .The proposed algorithm generates higher efficient result in the mitigation of low rate DDos attacks and improves the network performance. Read More...
Computer Applications |
India |
1787-1788 |
448 |
VOT-EL: Three Tier Secured State-of-the-Art EVM Design using Pragmatic Fingerprint Detection Annexed with NFC Enabled Voter -ID Card
-Manjushree A ; Lavanya N; Manasa B M
As India is the largest democratic country in the world elections are considered to be the milestones of our country. among the prominent leaders, a representative has to be chosen to run the country, public affairs and amendments. The tiresome and the most responsible task is to maintain transparency in the electoral process. Violent free elections is one of the most critical tasks in the today’s state of society, which requires a lot of manual power and hence the cost so that to ensure elections are conducted in a fair manner. Privacy also plays a major role now a day. But recently it is seen that some influenced people are indulging themselves in malpractices like bogus voting, tampering votes and casting more than one vote thus posing a problem in polling results and the actual verdict given by the people. Classical voting system requires a lot of manual labor, cost, misinterpretation of voters and mistakes during the tally of votes. This paper proposes a new electronic voting machine design for election legitimacy and provides an inexpensive solution based on biometrics system along with the inclusion of face recognition and near-far field communication technology. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1789-1791 |
449 |
Review of Ecommerce Website & Shopping Card Development with Secure Payment Gateway
-Jaiganesh Kalbande ; Ashwini Tikle
Since arrival of the Internet, new networking technology and protocols the world is becoming more interconnected. Due to easy to use Ecommerce online transactions, users count has grown drastically since last few years. Online frauds has been reporting more, as more number of websites are getting start their business online due to easy facility of transmitting information. The exchange of data to be highly secure with a wide spectrum of e-commerce (B2B/B2C), online banking, financial trading and other business specific applications require facilitating secure communications of the data through authentication, encryption of data, and decryption on other end. Ensuring Security for customer is now a major concern at network, Protocol which is now most commonly used protocol for ecommerce online business over the internet is nothing but Sockets Layer (SSL). Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols grown to become backbone of the security of the Web and Internet today. Network attacks for many systems including mobile and desktop applications are prevented by SSL/TLS protocols. Read More...
M. Tech. in Software Systems |
India |
1792-1794 |
450 |
Design and Working of a Compact Heat Exchanger
-Naveen Sharma
Minimized warmth exchangers are a standout amongst the most basic segments of numerous cryogenic parts; they are portrayed by a high warmth exchange surface territory per unit volume of the exchanger. The warmth exchangers having surface region thickness (β) more noteworthy than 700 m2/m3 in possibly at least one sides of two-stream or multi stream heat exchanger is called as a smaller warmth exchanger. Plate balance heat exchanger is a sort of minimal warmth exchanger which is generally utilized in autos, cryogenics, space applications and compound businesses. The plate blade heat exchangers are for the most part utilized for the nitrogen liquefiers, so they should be very proficient in light of the fact that no fluid nitrogen is delivered, if the adequacy of warmth exchanger is under 87%. So it ends up important to test the adequacy of these warmth exchangers before placing them in to activity. Read More...
M. Tech in Mechanical Engineering Design |
India |
1795-1799 |