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451 |
Effect of Air EN-Training Admixture on Strength of Pervious Concrete
-Ketan Mahesh Vaygankar ; Rushikesh Rajaram Rawade; Saurabh Dilip Todmal; Amol Uttam Salve; Ram Haribhau Kakade
Pervious concrete is a new concept in which no fine aggregate used during casting. Pervious concrete is a mixture of cement, coarse aggregate and water. There is no use of fine aggregate or sand due to which water percolate through concrete. This new concrete is used to construct walkways, tennis yard to percolate water through concrete and increase the water table. But only disadvantages of pervious concrete is that it have less strength due to no use of fine aggregate or sand. It have high porosity is attained by high interconnected void content. Pervious concrete have 15% to 20% void content. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1800-1801 |
452 |
Harmonics Drawn by Nonlinear Load: Causes, Effects and Mitigation using Passive and Active Filters
-Shubham Umate ; Dr. Vandana Kulkarni (Dheodhar)
Industrialization, Globalization and domestic loads are increasing day by day, due to which power required for all this is also increasing. In order to fulfill this requirement, numbers of sources are used to generate the required power. Some sources generate DC. For connecting them with the grid several types of converters are used. Usage of power electronic devices results in various problems regarding power quality in the system. Maintaining standard power quality is also important, therefore in this paper we are highlighting the major concern on one of the crucial power quality factor named Harmonics, with its causes, major effects and some mitigation techniques. Read More...
Electrical Power System |
India |
1802-1805 |
453 |
Self Compacting Concrete
-Ayush ; Nitu Balhara
Self-compacting concrete is a highly flow able form of concrete that spreads into the form without the necessity for mechanical vibration. Self-compacting concrete is a non-segregating concrete that is positioned by means of its own weight. The importance of self-compacting concrete is that maintains all concrete’s durability and characteristics, meeting estimated performance requirements. In certain cases the addition of super plasticizers and viscosity modifier are added to the mix, reducing bleeding and segregation. Concrete that separates loses strength and results in honeycombed parts next to the formwork. A well designed Self compacting concrete mix does not separate, it has high deformability and superb stability characteristics. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1806-1807 |
454 |
A Novel Comparative Study of Nanoparticles and EGR in DI CI Engine Fuelled by Biodiesels
-Manish Langhe ; Satyashil Mohite; Amol Moharkar; Shubham Dhumal; C. Srinidhi
Increasing energy demands, depletion of fossil fuels and stringent emission norm surged the scientific community to search for alternate fuels such as biodiesel for diesel engine applications which bridge the gap between demand and energy source for automotive sector. The quench of man’s desire of alternate fuel for current diesel engine and stringent emission norms of internal combustion engine are a challenging task that are brought in deep thought. Bio-fuels like ethanol and bio-diesel being environment friendly, will help us to conform to the stricter emission norms. International experience has demonstrated the advantages of using ethanol and methanol as automotive fuel. Since blends below 10% of ethanol do not present any problem and reduce harmful emission. The gases emitted by petrol and diesel driven vehicles have an adverse effect on the environment and human health. There is universal acceptance of the need for reducing such emissions. Biodiesel is one of the promising substitute source of energy fuel in the transportation sector due to rapid depletion of petroleum reserves on one side and increased energy demand as well as environmental pollution hazards on the other side, metal based additives along with the variations in physio-chemical properties, and its effect on performance and emission aspects. Read More...
India |
1808-1811 |
455 |
Ill Health Condition Prediciton using IOT and Machine Learning
-Sarthak Bhale ; Dnyaneshwar Misal; Akshay Patil; Suraj Kule; Prof. R. M. Kedar
Keeping vigil on health parameters on a daily basis is a cumbersome task and it needs a lot of efforts and time. Even visiting the doctor on a daily basis is also needed more financial backups. Monitoring of the health parameters is carried by the many systems and gadgets like smart watches, Wearable devices and sensors. These devices and gadgets more oftenly stored these data over the fixed period of time as their primary memory are limited, so they have hardly any scope for prediction of health conditions. So to think behind this point, this paper uses Internet of things through which the data is collected about the patients from sensors at the server end. The Server is equipped with the finest machine learning algorithm like K means clustering and Artificial neural networks to predict the future health conditions of the patients or users. Proposed model uses some parameters like systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, body temperature, blood sugar level and pulse rate. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1812-1816 |
456 |
Wildlife Monitoring, Virtual Fencing with Deforestation Notification
-Suraj DN ; Supreeth SK; Vishnu AR; Vishruth V Sastry; Srinidhi Kulkarni
India has been identified as an ecological blackspot where half of the wildlife is vulnerable to extinction. This is caused due to the destruction of forest areas for farming, logging and construction of new cities and towns. This is forcing the animals to move out of their habitat and into human establishments, which is causing problems to both animals and humans. Recent advancements in sensor technology has the potential to revolutionize our understanding of the natural and man-made environment by providing fine grained spatio-temporal data (moving object databases and real time locating system). Physical barriers cause physical damage to animals which can sometimes lead to death of the very animals we are trying to protect. This can be prevented by using virtual fencing which is a lifesaving improvement from the existing system. This project implements a sensor network, designed to track the location of the animals in sanctuaries and national park without hurting the animals. Forest fire and deforestation (or any illegal activities in the forest) can also be monitored through this system and it helps us preventing the destruction of wildlife. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1817-1821 |
457 |
Prediction of Users Stress Related Health Problems using Social Networks
-Arya G Roy
The health problems that would arise are identified. Stress a non-clinical condition of a person that changes with his/her environments. Its an emotional response of every person. Stress can cause good as well as bad effects on every users. Today’s stress shows its negative effect on everyone. Every person is stressed, so the need to reduce or identify the stress is vital part. Social networks influences each and every one today. The best way that people relaxes is by using social networks. They find new friends, communicate with them, share their emotions also. A users mood condition can be easily determined by monitoring his profile. A hybrid model that combines the CNN and FGM is used to determine the stress state of users. By determining the stress levels, prediction of the health problems that would arise are identified. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1822-1825 |
458 |
Experimental and Characteristics of High Performance Concrete
-Mr. A. Ramachandran ; Mr. M. Dewakar
Mineral admixtures such as ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBS), fly ash and silica fume are commonly used in concrete because they improve durability and reduce porosity as well as improve the interface with the aggregate. The lower cement requirement leads to a reduction for CO2 generated by the production of Portland cement. One among these special concretes is the GGBS concrete which is emerging as one of the new generation construction materials in producing high strength and performance concrete for special structures. Our task is to enhance the strength, durability and reduce the cost than the convention. The use of admixture is not only to increase the durability but also to obtain concrete with desired characteristics such as high compressive strength, high workability and high performance concrete al concrete .The experimental work is carried out to investigate the optimum percentage of GGBS to replace cement effectively. An attempt is made to replace cement with GGBS with an interval of 0,25% ,50% and silica fume by constant proportion for minimum grade concrete i.e., M30 and is tested for fresh and hardened properties to identify the optimum percentage of GGBS. Concrete mixtures were produced, tested Compression test to know the strength of the concrete at different replacement percentages and also determine chloride attack test and sulphate attack test. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1826-1828 |
459 |
A Review Paper on-MQTT Based Centric System for Energy Measurement, Monitoring and Control
-Varsha Singh
This paper grants an overview of Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocol which is light weight. In the prototype, we attempt to instrument MQTT on ESP8266, a WiFi based development board. Sensors and actuators are connected to ESP8266 and a Mosquitto based MQTT broker is established for remote monitoring and control. On the other hand, this paper analyses the development of the Internet of Things (IoT) and proposes an Energy Management System (EMS) for Industrial automation based on IoT. The required appropriate technologies including cloud computing, MQ Telemetry Transport (MQTT). Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1829-1832 |
460 |
Secure Key Storage using Encrypted Negative Password
-Ms. V. Varalakshmi
secure password storage is very much important thing for the systems which are based on password authentication. Because of the simplicity and efficiency it has been widely used. In ourframework, first, the received plain password from a client is hashed through a cryptographic hash function (e.g., SHA-256).Then, the hashed password is converted into a negative password.Finally, the negative password is encrypted into an encrypted negative Password (abbreviated as ENP) using a symmetric-key algorithm (e.g., AES), and multi iteration encryption could be employed to further improve security. The algorithm complexity analyses and comparisons show that the ENP could resist lookup table attack and provide stronger password protection under dictionary attack. It is worthmentioning that the ENP does not introduce extra elements (e.g., salt). Besides this, the ENP could still resist precomputation attacks. Most importantly, the ENP is the first password protection scheme that combines the cryptographic hash function, the negative password and the symmetric-key algorithm, without the need for additional information except the plain password. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1833-1837 |
461 |
Segway Hoverboard using Two Supporting Wheel
-Priyank Girishkumar Soni ; Prof. D. S. Pawar; Labhesh Sampat Pawar; Dhananjay Bapusaheb Thete; Ananta Arun Shinde
The emission caused by internal combustion vehicle is increasing day to day and also the traffic due to automobiles in urban areas has risen tremendously over the years. Traffic congestion increases the vehicle emissions and decreases the ambient air quality. There can be no immediate solution to this issue but an alternate solution for the conventional personnel transport is Personal Electrical Vehicle. The transition from the conventional to fully electrical vehicles will be a slow process but it is possible. This project is focused on developing a Personal Electrical Vehicle which will be useful for short distance travel. Most people use the vehicle for shorter distance (i.e. 10kms), this Personal Electrical Vehicle will widen the means of travel for such short distances. This will also have a direct impact on the fuel scarcity, which has led to the raise in the fuel prices over the decade. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1838-1841 |
462 |
Emerging Trends and Applications in Fire Extinguishing Agents 2019
-Abhishek G. Ghumare ; Gauri S. Bhand; Suresh D. Chavhan; Ankita A. Lolge
Emerging rapid urbanization in India, industrial growth and failure of implementation of basic fire safety laws. The foremost menace for industries now is ignition and fire hazards. Water is incompatible with classes of fire. After the implementation residue is left by water while extinguishing fire. Water is not compatible with electric type class E fires as well as water cannot be used in environment where fragile electric appliances are involved Thus there is demand for new extinguishers and new extinguishers are developed each day .The type of fire extinguisher termed as clean agents as per the national fire protection association are proving to be more efficient and exhibit more compatibility with all the classes of fire. These new agents exhibit much more effectiveness and are capable of extinguishing fire in initial stages with very less concentration of clean agents in comparison to water. Halons showed more compatibility with the different classes of fire and were the successful fire extinguisher but as it had high Ozone Depleting Potential (ODP) and Global Warming Potential (GWP), halons were banned due to its adverse effect on environment. Research on various halon replacement is going on but ideal replacement on halon is not found yet. So there is need of comparing the various fire extinguisher available in the market on the basis of their compatibility on all classes of fire and as well as factors such as global warming potential ,ozone depletion potential and their effect on human health. Read More...
Health,Safety and Environment Engineering |
India |
1842-1845 |
463 |
Future Movie Rating Prediction using Machine Learning
-Akshata More ; Sukanya Ladi; Gayatri Sinnarkar; Prathamesh Shilarkhane
The aim of this paper is to implement a system that predicts the movie rating using machine learning. The system helps in predicting the numerical movie ratings, based on some factors associated with movies with previous watched movie records for user satisfaction. The Support vector machine technique is used for predicting numerical movie ratings, based on the attributes of a movie, such as actors, directors, budget and language. The IMDB data from past movies is used for prediction. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1846-1848 |
464 |
Smart Jacket for Military Applications
-Ravindra Eklarker ; Sonia Thakur; Shivani; Akhil Vaibhav Dwivedi; Divakar Gahlot
This research work aims to propose and implement a Smart Jacket for the soldiers posted at high altitudes like Siachen Glaciers, Kargil, Leh etc. Smart Jacket is a tech controlled jacket which automatically gets heated by sensing the body temperature. If the temperature is below body temperature it will start to heat the jacket and stops heating when required temperature is gained. Soldiers can also control the heating process by their convenience using button. Heating pads installed in jacket is powered up with rechargeable batteries. To power up the battery we are installing piezoelectric sensor in the shoes, so that footsteps will generate power. We are adding GPS system to the jacket to keep track on the soldiers. Smart Jacket is a low cost, energy efficient and light weight jacket. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1849-1851 |
465 |
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle using Reinforcement Learning
-Utkrisht Sharma
The project is based on building an AI based Drone using IOT which would help in taking smart decisions on the bases of smart predictions through multiple sensors which would be reducing the daily workload by scheduling our daily activities.It will also be build to measure the flight path taken by the drone which would be happening through Artificial Intelligence. The project is based on building an AI based Drone using IOT which would help in taking smart decisions on the bases of smart predictions through multiple sensors which would be reducing the daily workload by scheduling our daily activities. It will also be build to measure the flight path taken by the drone which would be happening through Artificial Intelligence.
Short Comings: Weaponized AI drones can cause destruction to great amount autonomously without need of people. Hence it is dangerous if AI technology based devices including drones are put in wrong hands. As we have seen with smartphones, AI powered drones can make human beings depend on AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology and hence will slowly decrease their mental capabilities.
Innovations: AI-driven technologies are emerging to help society work more efficiently, and this technology can address monitoring areas. IOT robots are poised to become a highly valued application of AI in any sector be it medical industry, military facilities etc. Drone innovation is to find the best application of “sense and avoid†technology to use in UAV drones. Which in turn, will make available new opportunities to companies and individuals with ideas on different ways to use this technology, while at the same time meeting the approval of FFA regulations
Computer Science |
India |
1852-1857 |
466 |
Physico-Chemical Characterization of Krishna River Water, Vijayawada, Krishna District
-U Krishna Sainath ; L. Kranthi; T. Jahnavi; P. Bala Shanmukha; S. Krusheel Reddy
The quality of water is an important criterion for evaluating the suitability of water for Drinking and Domestic purpose. For this purpose the ground water samples are collected and subjected for a comprehensive physio–chemical analysis. The parameters such as pH, Electrical Conductivity, Alkalinity, Total hardness, Total Dissolved Solids, dissolved oxygen, Turbidity, Biological Oxygen Demand, Chemical Oxygen Demand, calcium, magnesium, fluorides, sulphate, chloride, nitrate, and iron, are analysed and the results are to be compared against drinking quality standards laid by World Health Organization. The study releaved the significant increase in the TDS, Electrical conductivity & Total Hardness. Due to this degradation and consequent consumption of polluted water putslivehoods at risk. More over this study may help other regions in understanding the potential threats to their ground water resources. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1858-1861 |
467 |
Generation of Electricity through Speed Breaker Mechanism
-Jitendra D G ; Manish B; Neelam Byrathna Gowda; Manjunath D A; Nagarathna H S
Electricity is a very important factor for mankind. there are different mechanisms to generate electricity. We are trying to generate electricity through a speed breaker mechanism by using a rack pinion method, with the help of high friction springs. This is a very effective method for generating electricity because the mechanism is very convenient compared to all other methods. We can easily design it near the toll plaza, parking lots, etc. The Rack and Pinion mechanism provides the rotation of dc generator, this generates the electricity. Rack and Pinion is cost effective and easy to implement. The electricity from this mechanism can used for smart cities street lights system and other purposes. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1862-1865 |
468 |
Pedal Operated Potato Chips Maker Machine
-Mr. Zarekar S. V. ; Mr. Shelke D. V. ; Mr. Pathan E. C.; Mr. Turakane A. V.
This project relates to the design and fabrication of design and development of pedal operated potato chips making machine .This is technology that may develop as an alternative to the electrically operated stationary machine with high efficiency and portability .The project is related to the Potato chips processing unit .current activities include analysis as well as experimental work .After analysis this project has developed what quantity and what kind of row material is required to produce potato chips. Under experimental work the project deals with the proper functioning of the machine. The machine is run by person seated on a seat provided, operating the pedal which connects the machine with a chain drive to the different unit of machine, and the machine start producing the required food items such as potato chips .The main purpose of the machine is not only to eliminate the usage of electricity .The project is portable and consumes less floor area. This project is a welcome edition and a new concept where we thought this as an ideal replacement for the electrically operated stationary machines. Read More...
Bechlore of engineering in mechanical |
India |
1866-1868 |
469 |
IoT based Environmental Impact Analysis System
-Neha S ; Amrutha N R; Chandana E P; Neha Singhal
The typical method for monitoring the water and air quality was a time-consuming process and required a lot of man power; it was a complex procedure to install the monitoring stations along the networks with a heavy budget along with the maintenance cost. Also getting the accurate value of the tested water by sitting water quality monitoring stations and labs using WIQ is highly impossible whereas the developed model can fetch precisely accurate values. The IoT model will be deployed in the water bodies once for a lifetime until the external factors act and destroy the model. The use of different sensors along with the microcontroller is made to detect the pollution and the toxicant nature of the environment; it also helps with flood detection by sending an alert message to the user devices when there are greater differences in the water level. The data analysed by the model will be sent to the Amazon cloud which can be viewed in real-time on user devices such as laptops or phones. Based on the appreciation of these sensors, we determine the air and water standards and whether water can be used for agricultural, industrial, societal or any other purpose. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
1869-1872 |
470 |
Secure Data Transfer using Video Steganography
-Prof. Syed Salim ; Sandeep M S; Chethan J B; Twinkle J N; Yoshith M J
Data security has turned into the territory of concern on account of across the board utilization of correspondence medium over the web. The information when experiences the web may turn into a casualty of the programmers, who can take, alter and abuse the data. In this way, it is important to exchange the information with most extreme security. Steganography is one such answer for this issue. Steganography is specialty of ensuring the data through inserting the information in the video or sound or picture. The video-based steganography can be utilized as one video record, which comprising of a few edges of pictures. In this way, this will be more verified than some other sight and sound documents. In this undertaking, mix of cryptography and steganography are utilized for information stowing away in video cuts. Arbitrary edge choice, pixel swapping and encryption of message have been done to improve the security of the mystery data, which goes under the front of video cuts. The technique is additionally ready to oblige expansive measure of information in video. In this venture the video record is of any arrangement, system of steganography utilized is LSB (Least significant bit) and method of information encryption is BlowFish Algorithm. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
1873-1875 |
471 |
Study of Plate Type Heat Exchanger with Alternate Pipe Arrangement
-Upendra Khare ; Mr. Manoj Sharma; Sanjay Singh Azad
This paper is an endeavour to examine the idea of laws of thermodynamics and heat exchanging process. The heat exchanger is a gadget which complies with the thermodynamic laws for exchanging heat and temperature starting with one substance then onto the next. In most recent couple of decades, the innovation utilized as a part of heat exchanger are customary and less effective. Be that as it may, progression in innovation has given new plans of heat exchanger. Plate-fin heat exchanger is being used in control plants and other thermal plants these days. These heat exchangers are comprised of ridged plates which increment its proficiency and execution when contrasted with shell and tube heat exchanger. Plate heat exchangers can be effectively gathered and part. Due to which examination, support, and cleaning are simple. Because of essence of shear rates and shear stresses, high turbulence, auxiliary stream and blending and plate corrugation design in plate type heat exchangers fouling is diminished around 10 to 25% when contrasted with shell and tube exchangers heat transfer. In this heat exchanger erosion factor is less because of rectangular shape plate and it is more effective. Read More...
India |
1876-1878 |
472 |
The Role of Decentralization Principle in Sustainable Development Process: A Study of India
-Mohammed A. H. Al-Sharafi ; Dr. Nishikant C. Dhande; Dr. Aniket Muley
The principle of Decentralization is considered as the main mechanism that works as the base for the good governance. In its turn, good governance can be presented as the perfect base to achieve a sustainable development strategy. This paper is a part of a field study aims to explore and investigate the reality of the sustainable development management in India. The topic of decentralization is an important element of the study. The primary objective is to investigate and explore the extent and the level of adopting the decentralization principle, as a required principle to achieve sustainable development, in the managerial activities in India. Read More...
Management science |
India |
1879-1883 |
473 |
5 Pen PC Technology
-Murge Manmath Rudrappa
"5 Pen PC Technology" is a recent discovery in the field of pen computing. Pen computing is a field that outlines computer like user interface that makes use of pen like devices that will be convenient to use in comparison to contemporary systems (such as laptops, desktops etc.).[1] P-ISM ("Pen-style Personal Networking Gadget Package"), which is nothing but the new discovery, which is under developing, stage by NEC Corporation. 5 Pen PC Technology is a gadget package including five functions: a pen-style cellular phone with a handwriting data input function, virtual keyboard, a very small projector, camera scanner, and personal ID key with cashless pass function. P-ISMs are connected with one another through short -range wireless technology.[1] Pen –style Personal Networking Gadget is computers in the shape of different pens each having a function of its own and when combined together give us the usage of a full – blown compute.[3] Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1884-1886 |
474 |
Diabetic Retinopathy Detection From Fundus Images
-Varadambika A ; Jucy Vareed
Eye is one of the most important organ for sense of sight. It will be very difficult to do our daily activities if we have no vision capability. Diabetic retinopathy is one of the eye disease that is caused due to prolonged diabetes. The increased glucose level in the blood will damage the retinal blood vessels and can cause many complications like retinal detachment, blindness and so on. Hence, it is necessary to detect as well as diagnose DR at the earliest stage. Diabetic retinopathy has mainly four stages known as mild, moderate, severe and proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Different symptoms will be observed in each of these stages and the efficient detection of these symptoms can diagnose DR. The project aims to develop a system which is capable of detecting the presence of diabetic retinopathy as well as its different stages by using the technique of convolutional neural network. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1887-1891 |
475 |
Scalability Analysis of Request Scheduling in Cloud Computing
-B P Sowmya ; Dharmesh U
Fast headway of circulated processing frameworks empowers complex administrations in remote registering bunches. Enormous applications with huge scale and divergent attributes likewise make high prerequisites for processing frameworks. Distributed computing gives a progression of novel ways to deal with fulfill new patterns and needs. Nonetheless, some versatility issues must be tended to in the solicitation booking procedure and few investigations have been directed to take care of these issues. Along these lines, this examination explores the adaptability of the solicitation booking process in distributed computing. We give a hypothetical meaning of the versatility of this procedure. By displaying the planning server as a stochastic preemptive need line, we direct a far reaching hypothetical and numerical examination of the versatility metric under various structures and different condition setups. The correlation what is more, decision are relied upon to reveal insight into the future structure and arrangement of the solicitation booking process in distributed computing. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
1892-1894 |
476 |
Assessment of Determinants of Alcoholism among Youths Aged 19-35 Years in Ruiru Sub-County, Kiambu County, Kenya
-Mary Mumbi Kaganjo ; Dr. Esther Ndonga; Joseph Muchiri
Alcohol in Africa is mainly reserved for ceremonial occasions. Over the last few decades, alcohol in Kenya has become prevalent beverage, mainly due to expansion of breweries across the country. Alcohol dependence among youths has been alarming in Kenya where it cripples both the health of an individual and society as whole. It was estimated that about 1.2% of the Kenyans were binge drinkers while majority were youths who are below 35 years comprising 80% of the Kenya’s population where the same age group is either in college or in workforce. In Ruiru Sub-county alcohol dependence and alcohol abuse has been increasing leading to economic instability. Lack of knowledge on the consequences of alcohol, false beliefs that alcohol facilitates social need, violating laws and regulations for proper social life, family habits among others may be the root cause of being alcohol dependence among young adults. The need to socialize, to have fun and belong to social peer group were the reasons why youths involves themselves in alcohol drinking behaviors. Alcohol-attributable deaths worldwide claims 3.3 million people every year where 25% of those deaths occur in youths aged 20-39 years. Since there was no current data on alcohol dependence of the youths aged 19-35 years, the study therefore intends to assess whether there is an association between socio-economic factors and the risk of being alcohol dependence, whether the youths have knowledge on impacts of excessive drinking, youths attitudes towards their drinking behavior, risk perceptions on why they drink alcohol, the number of alcohol-attributable deaths and hospitalization in Ruiru sub-County, Kiambu County, Kenya. The study was a cross-sectional study involving both quantitative and qualitative surveys. A pilot study was conducted and regular meetings with the research leader and research assistants to check out the validity and reliability of data collection instruments. 320 respondents who positively answered at least 3-5 drinking problems of both genders and 32 key informants were interviewed. Self-administered structured questionnaires with the youths, face to face interviews with key informants and focus group discussions respectively was used to collect data. (SPSS) version 24 which yielded frequency tables, percentages, charts and Chi Square Test was used to analyze data. The study results revealed that there was an association between socio-economic factors and youths being alcohol dependence. Youths sometimes worry about their drinking habits and were aware that different alcohols vary in strength, excessive use of alcohol can lead to unhealthy effects, amount they consume can be addictive and their drinking habits is negatively affecting others. Their friends plays major role in influencing them to drink alcohol while in most instances they drink with them to socialize, have fun and reduce stress. No alcohol-attributable deaths recorded while the outpatients were 126 due alcohol related illnesses from January to June 2018 in Ruiru Sub-County level 4 hospital. The study recommends that measures and policies to regulate prices of alcoholic drinks in retail outlets should be initiated by the authorities and introduce health promotion programs for youths. Youths should adopt good habits that reflects what they want to be in future and be encouraged to involve themselves in recreation activities. Other stakeholders should take part in promoting public health programs while local government and community should form supporting networks through mobilization. Read More...
Population Studies and Demography |
Kenya |
1895-1901 |
477 |
Survey of Generic Framework That Integrates Semantic Information
-Payal Patidar ; Mr. Mohit Jain
This web log contains lot of information so it is preprocessed before modeling. The web log file is preprocessed and converted into the sequence of user web navigation sessions. The web navigation session is the sequence of web page navigated by a user during time window. The user navigation session is finally modeled through a model. Once the user navigation model is ready, the mining task can be performed for finding the interesting pattern. Modeling of web log is the essential task in web usage mining. The prediction accuracy can be achieved through a modeling the web log with an accurate model to improve the performance of the servers, caching is used where the frequently accessed pages are stored in proxy server caches. Pre-fetching of web pages is the new research area which when used with caching greatly increases the performance. In this paper, a better algorithm for predicting the web pages is proposed. Clustering of web users according to their location using clustering is done and then each cluster is mined using FP-Growth algorithm to find the association rules and predict the pages to be pre- fetched for storing in cache. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1902-1905 |
478 |
Smart Ordering System(SOS)
-Nishtha Baria ; Royson Pinto; Aaditya Boradia; Glanith Monteiro
In today’s urban lifestyle, where in there is prominence of nuclear families with both partners working, managing daily household chores is a humongous task-both in terms of effort and time. So in this paper, we have proposed a system that will have enormous effect on the consumer’s daily routine. System will be providing a web application interface where they can order their daily essentials from SOS. In this web application there will be certain stores whose products will be displayed. User can easily choose the item of his need and click on buy. Those commodities will be delivered to the locker by SOS boys. Besides, the locker system will be based on two categories, one will be system location wise, and in which people requiring our services will have certain centers areawise and the other type will be society based wherein the lockers will be built in in the complex by the builder, so people buying homes in those complexes will have their own lockers in their own building. Moreover, the lockers which are location based will have soft key. Thus the system will provide hassle free shopping at the ease of user. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
1906-1909 |
479 |
IoT Based Water Monitoring System
-Daniel Anto ; Reshma Francis; Reshma Roy; Rilty Tony; Reshma Thomas
The effective and economic system of water quality monitoring is the robust implementation of impure water. Water source is necessary and an important factor in agricultural and farm production and is a key of our quality as well. Drinking water could be terribly precious for all people as water utilities face additional challenges. Different ways are used to monitor in the real time water quality. Monitoring water levels of a water source, such as storage tank or bore well etc. are important today. In order to make the safe distribution of water is done, it should be monitored in real time for a new approach in IoT based water quality has been projected. The water quality observation is monitored by using a pH sensor which measure the temperature and the pH level of the water and the level of water. This paper proposes a prototype system design, implementation and outline of required tools and technologies to develop Internet of Things (IoT) based water level observance system which can be implemented in future smart villages in India. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1910-1913 |
480 |
Stability and Control of Quadcopter
-Avali Banerjee ; Tanusri Roy; Titas Ghosh; Stuti Ghosh; Srijoni Malakar
This project presents a systematic approach towards the stability analysis and control of a real dynamic system. A very interesting mechatronics platform, namely, quadrotor helicopter, which is a highly nonlinear and cross-coupled dynamic system and poses challenges for many classical control techniques, has been considered as a candidate system to illustrate the proposed control law. A novel methodology has been presented to analyze the stability of the nonlinear system by using Lyapunov- Krasovskii method and stabilize the system by implementing the control law. Lyapunov-Krasovskii method for analyzing the stability offers distinct advantages over other control methods. PD and PID control law have been implemented to stabilize the system and produce satisfactory results. Therefore, PD and PID controller can make quadcopter approaching the stationary state. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1914-1918 |
481 |
Thermal Analysis of Helical Coil Radiator using Nano Fluids
-Dipesh Joshi ; Jaideep Sharma
For an effective engine cooling system it is necessary to have good radiator functioning. In order to improve effectiveness of car radiator, application of nano fluids as coolant is contemplated in this research. The CAD model of car radiator is developed using Creo 2.0 software and CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) analysis is conducted using ANSYS CFX software. The nano fluids used for analysis are Al2O3/water and CuO/water. The results obtained are compared with water by determining rate of heat transfer obtained for different fluids using temperature difference values from CFD results. Read More...
India |
1919-1923 |
482 |
Deep Learning and Neural Network Based Gesture Recognition for Paralytic Patients
-Siddhant Jain ; Shubham Gera; Varun Goel
An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is a data handling worldview that is motivated by the way organic sensory systems, for example, the cerebrum, process data. The crucial element of this network is the novel structure of the data handling framework. It is made out of an expansive number of extremely interconnected processing components (neurons) working as one to tackle explicit issues. ANNs, similar to individuals, learn by precedent. An ANN is designed for a particular application, for example, pattern recognition or data characterization, through a learning procedure. Learning in natural frameworks includes changes in accordance with the conjunction associations that exist between the neurons. This is valid for ANNs also. This paper gives an overview of Artificial Neural Networks, working and preparing of ANN just as how an ANN can be utilized to the undertaking of hand gesture recognition explicitly for incapacitated and distinctively-able individuals. Read More...
Computer Science and Information Technology |
India |
1924-1930 |