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1 |
Application of Hybrid Hydrodynamic Cavitation in Dye Intermediate Waste Water Treatment
-Unnat Shah
Wastewater discharge from industrial units containing newer and refractory chemicals is a significant problem for conventional treatment plants. The release of this toxic wastewater into the natural environment is not only hazardous to aquatic life but also creates significant environmental concerns. Conventional wastewater treatment methods like adsorption on activated carbon, extraction, and chemical oxidation have limitations such as limited applicability. Hydrodynamic cavitation has emerged as promising technology for COD reduction as it does not require chemicals and sludge generation is also very less in this process. This process results in sudden drop and increase of pressure in a liquid, which creates cavities and bubbles followed by sudden and violent collapse. Hydrodynamic cavitation has application potential in wastewater treatment, but sometimes it is also difficult to obtain satisfactory treatment efficiency by using hydrodynamic cavitation alone. In these situations, the process could be supplemented by other advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) to generate more oxidizing agents. Hydrodynamic cavitation treatment removal efficiency enhanced by adding oxidizing agent like H2O2, FeSO4, Chlorine etc. & it is also known as hybrid hydrodynamic cavitation. A study was undertaken for effect Hybrid hydrodynamic cavitation for degradation of pollutant from Dye intermediate waste water by & chlorine gas was used in hydrodynamic cavitation. Study shows that with the use of chlorine in hybrid hydrodynamic cavitation, 74.15 % removal in COD & 84.06% removal in colour from dye intermediate wastewater is observed. Read More...
Environmental Engineering |
India |
1-3 |
2 |
Assessment of Pothole and Accuracy of Selected Method
-Chinmay Yadav ; Hrishikesh Shinde; Prachi Shinde; Sneha Sude
Road distress like cracks, potholes and settlement of sub-grade is rising due to climatic variations such as heavy rains, cyclic changes in temperature because of global warming and use of conventional method for road construction. India is having a significant concern in this segment. The conventional road surface management systems are becoming impaired in front of traffic density and condition of roads, which is weakening day by day. Compared to previous years in India, the year 2017 has 50% hike in number of road accidents occurring due pothole related issues. Lot of research is been done for repair of potholes but is lacking in its application. It is prominent and essential to develop techniques with rapid pothole detection having significant accuracy and in minimum expense. India is a vast country with more than 55 lacks kilometres of road networks and it is not at all feasible to access pothole damaged roads without a relevant technology. In this study efforts are been taken to implement remote sensing and GIS techniques in rapid pothole detection and their volume calculation. Data collection for case study is done using ODK Collect and analysed in QGIS software for pothole detection; while for cost optimization, volume is been calculated measured depth and calculated area in Auto CAD software. The information extracted by application of remote sensing and GIS will not only ensure the time-saving pothole detection but also can achieve cost optimization through optimum budget estimation of repair materials. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
4-7 |
3 |
Morse Code for High Level Security for Cloud Storage
-Rutuja Kadam ; Hemant Shinde; Shradha Kokil; Gayatri Narayankar
Morse code is designed to be read by humans without a decoding device, making it useful for sending automated digital data in voice channels.[4] Cloud computing offers utility -oriented IT services to users. Cloud computing provides us cheaper, faster, flexible, efficient environment. Cloud computing provides multitudinous benefits to both service provider and customer.[2] Due to various advancements many companies are migrating to cloud environment. However, the security of cloud computing has been a challenging one. For increased security, the recommended approach is to combine two or more methods processes, the DNA sequences are used with Morse code and zigzag pattern, for encoding scheme. Use of Morse code and Zigzag pattern makes the attacker much harder to steal original data. Furthermore, the proposed scheme is implemented and the accuracy of encryption and decryption of data is verified.[5] Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
8-12 |
4 |
Application of Waste Plastic and Foundry Sand in Concrete Blocks
-Saurabh Vijay Pise ; Akshay T. Gadhave; Akash S. Vitkar; Junaid A. Sayyed; Shivkumar Hallale
Environmental concerns arising from the over-dredging of sand have led to restrictions on its extraction across India, with direct economic impacts on concrete construction. A suitable environmentally friendly alternative to sand must be found to match the huge demand from the concrete construction industry. At the same time, waste plastic is rarely recycled in India, with as much as 40% left in landfill. The dumping of such materials which degrade at extremely low rates meaning they persist in the environment is a long-term environmental concern. To tackle both issues, it is proposed to process waste plastic to create a partial replacement for fine sand in a novel mix for structural concrete. Plastic waste and its low recycling rate make a significant impact towards the pollution of the environment. Generation of waste foundry sand as by-product of metal casting industries causes environmental problems because of its improper disposal. The parameters such as slump, compressive strength, flexural strength, splitting tensile strength and elastic modulus with replacement of plastic waste and Foundry sand has to be study. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
13-17 |
5 |
Online Auction System
-Manasi Bhamare ; Manasi P Bhamare; Arati Chame; Gaurav More; Prof. Amol Rindhe
An Online Auction System has two parts- customer interface and admin interface. Customer Panel permits a customer to upload a product for sale and bid on a particular product to buy. This system presents an online display of category wised products they want to sell or bid. There is an admin panel by which an admin can control the whole bidding system. Admin can approve products by the categories and also can control the registered customers. There is fixed delivery policy. After finishing the bidding process there is a notify system to notify the sellers and bidders. This is a fully dynamic system which can be easily operated by the users. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
18-21 |
6 |
Third Party Public Auditing Scheme for Storage
-Priyanka Prabhakar Koli ; Priyanka P Koli; Megha S Karosiya; Damini Pandurang Kangate; Sonu R Rathod
Cloud storage is one of the service provided by Cloud computing in which data is maintained, managed, backed up remotely and made available to users over a network (typically the Internet). The user is concerned about the integrity of data stored in the cloud as the user’s data can be attacked or modified by outside attacker. Therefore, a new concept called data auditing is introduced which check the integrity of data with the help of an entity called Third Party Auditor (TPA). The purpose of this work is to develop an auditing scheme which is secure, efficient to use and possess the capabilities such as privacy preserving, public auditing, maintaining the data integrity along with confidentiality. Thus the new auditing scheme has been developed by considering all these requirements. It consist of three entities: data owner, TPA and cloud server. The data owner performs various operations such as splitting the file to blocks, encrypting them, generating a hash value for each, concatenating it and generating a signature on it. The TPA performs the main role of data integrity check. It performs activities like generating hash value for encrypted blocks received from cloud server, concatenating them and generates signature on it. It later compares both the signatures to verify whether the data stored on cloud is tampered or not. It verifies the integrity of data on demand of the users. The cloud server is used only to save the encrypted blocks of data. This proposed auditing scheme make use of Cipher algorithm for encryption and AES algorithm for digital signature calculation. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
22-27 |
7 |
Security and Privacy Preserving of Shared Data on Cloud
-Rudresh Waladaunki ; Prof. Azra Nasreen
Cloud computing is a prominent emerging data interactive prototype, which helps in storing data online over cloud servers. The vital objective of cloud computing is to ensure the services provided by group of networked elements need not be individually managed or addressed by users. Instead, the entire provider-managed suite of software and hardware can be thought of as a nebulous cloud. To provide privacy and security to data of individual users is obvious but to share the data between group of users along with ensuring privacy and security is a challenging task. Since in organizations, data sharing may be a collaborative approach, thus sharing of the data becomes more important to achieve the goals. Providing security to data over the cloud becomes hectic as data may be accessed by group members. Therefore, the need is to focus on the authentication provided to access data. Cloud security refers to a wide variety of technologies, applications, policies and controls utilized to protect data, applications, virtualized IP, services, and the analogous infrastructure of cloud computing. To overcome the issue of privacy and authentication, data access permissions are assigned. This project is focused towards the data access permissions based on public or private data. If the data is private, then it is cryptographically handled as the file is encrypted before it gets uploaded to cloud server and for authorized user it gets decrypted and downloaded upon OTP validation. The encryption and decryption algorithms are the enhancement of hill-cipher algorithm. This enhancement is based on time taken to encrypt the data with respect to size of the file. Hence the accuracy and efficiency of these algorithms are found to be higher than the legacy hill-cipher algorithms. Read More...
M. Tech in Computer Network Engineering |
India |
28-31 |
8 |
Passive in Situ Remediation of Contaminated Ground Water using Permeable Reactive Barrier
-Chirag Bhimani ; Dhwani Joshi
Groundwater contamination due to heavy metals, either from natural sources or anthropogenic sources, has become a major concern for the authorities these days. Industrial activities with inadequate and improper water treatment, and then leaching of the same into the water body, make the ground water contaminated and harmful to consume. Passive remediation is one of the recent treatments introduced to counter this problem as it is low in cost but an effective technique. After being widely acknowledged and through research conducted, the most suitable remediation technique found is the permeable reactive barriers (PRBs). PRB is defined as an in situ permeable treatment zone filled with reactive materials, designed to intercept and remediate a contaminant plume under natural hydraulic gradients. There have been many findings made from PRB which can be used to remove contaminants such as heavy metal, chlorinated solvents, carbonates and aromatic hydrocarbons. The most crucial criteria in making a successful PRB is the reactive media used to remove contaminants. The current paper presents an overview of the PRB selective medias that have been used and also the unresolved issue on the long-term performance of PRB. This inexpensive but effective technique is crucial as a sustainable technology in order to treat the drainage before it enters water tables to prevent water pollution and can be used as an alternative raw water source. Read More...
Environmental Science & Technology |
India |
32-38 |
9 |
Stop Word Removal of English Text Documents Based on Finite Automata
-Shraddha Kishor Bhirud ; Shraddha K. Bhirud; Komal D. Bhagvat; Atul P. Marathe; Jaypal A. Rajput
In IR(information retrieval systems), Web Mining, Artiï¬cial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Text Summarization, Text and Data Analytic systems, optimization of text data becomes very important. One of the preprocessing step is stop word removal. Some extremely common words which would appear to be of little value in helping select documents matching a user need are excluded. These words are called stop words. In the Information era, optimization of processes for Information Retrieval, Text Summarization, Text and Data Analytic systems becomes utmost important. Therefore in order to achieve accuracy, extraction of redundant words with low or no semantic meaning must be ï¬ltered out. Such words are known as stopwords. Stopwords list has been developed for languages like Sanskrit, Chinese, Arabic, Hindi, etc. Stopword list is also available for English language. A large number of available works on stop word removal techniques are based on manual stop word lists. An efficient stop word removal technique is required. In this paper, we are proposing a stop word removal algorithm for English Languages. Which is using the concept of a Finite Automata (DFA). Then pattern matching technique is applied and the matched patterns, which is a stop word, is removed from the document. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
39-42 |
10 |
Comparative Analysis of RIPv2, EIGRP and OSPF Protocols for Wired Network Technology
-Hekmatullah Sahil ; Miss. Ayushi Nainwal
Computer networks are a system of interconnected computers for sharing digital information by selecting the best routes between any two nodes which based on the routing protocol. There are many types of routing protocols which can be dynamic or static, as well as distance – vector or link – state. In this project, there are three typical types of routing protocol chose to simulate which are Routing Information Protocol (RIP), Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), and Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP). RIP is one of the oldest distances – vector routing protocols and uses `next - hop` as it’s metric. OSPF is a routing protocol for internet protocol networks. OSPF builds a database of routes to its neighbors and using an algorithm to calculate the best possible path. EIGRP is a hybrid between link – state and advanced distance – vector routing protocol that is used on a computer network to help automate routing decisions and configuration. EIGRP is the fastest router convergence among the three protocols. Detailed descriptions of these routing protocols are provided later in this project. We are using Riverbed to simulate RIP, OSPF and EIGRP in order to compare their simulation results and compare performance. We aim to analyze the performance of these three protocols such as their router convergence or convergence duration in order to determine the best routing protocol for a given network topology There have been a large number of static and dynamic routing protocols available but choice of the right protocol for routing is dependent on which routing protocol is best according to various parameters like delay, bandwidth, load, MTU(minimum transmission unit)and packet round trip time and reliability. Through this paper we define and understand the concepts of routing and routing protocol by comparing, analyzing the performance these three protocols such as (RIPv1), (EIGRP) and (OSPF) in computer network system which deal with packet route networks and wired networks and coding for these protocol done in packet tracer and show the result in the chart. Read More...
other |
India |
43-48 |
11 |
MobiDoc-A Smart Healthcare System using QR Code Strategy
-Varun U. Chikhale ; Pooja B. Kate; Sonali R. Gaikwad; Kanchan S. Gulankar; Prof. A. M. Jagtap
Medical data are an ever growing source of information generated from hospitals consisting of patient records in the form of hard copies which can be made easier and convenient by using QR code of the patient details. Our aim is to build a Health-care Portal system which will provide the features like clinical management, patient records, disease prediction and generate QR code for every patient as per there updated disease information. We are designing an Android application which will be beneficial for peoples to help other peoples who are suffering from incident like accident as well as doctor recommendation. It will help us to save the accidental person and to maintain medical information about user. Project is design for medical help. The accident detection system design to inform the police control room or any other emergency calling system about the accident. The application designed reacts to positive detection by sending details about the accident through either e-mail or SMS to pre-deï¬ned destinations, immediately followed by a showing nearby hospitals and police stations to the emergency services. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
49-52 |
12 |
Offline Mobile Tracking and Women Security
-Ruchira Jangam ; Aditya Saundar; Pratiksha Gunjal; Harshit Choudhary; Prof. A. M Jagtap
According to the reports of World Health Organization, NCRB social government organization 35%Women all over the world face a lot of unethical physical harassment publicly places like railway bus stands, foot methods etc. so propose system is useful in such things. Propose system offer mobile security feature that takes an image of anyone World Health Organization inputs a phones parole incorrectly 3 times or further. Its intent is to help people with stolen phones grab a shot of the criminal, maybe to help phone owner. It works taciturnly. The app uses the front-facing camera to snap a picture of the snoop and email it to you. There area unit several places like Hospitals, petrol pumps, Universities, corporate offices etc. wherever it is clearly mentioned, "KEEP YOUR MOBILE PHONES SILENT!!" over and over individuals forget to change the mobile to the "Silent Mode" which is not possible every time like during an important meeting, lectures etc. This application automatically changes user profile as per location. With the help of propose system user can get any contact from his/her mobile, user can start mobile information and track location by sending specific SMS and point is user can access them from anywhere at any time. Read More...
India |
53-56 |
13 |
Current Trends In Aquaculture Production
-S Selvaraj
The present paper highlights the recent development in aquaculture production in India. Recent FAO data indicate that world aquaculture production includes 80 million tonnes of farmed food fish with major contribution continuing from Chinese carps and tilapia. In shellfish production, major contributors include whiteleg shrimp and cupped oysters production. Asia accounts for more than 85 percent of world aquaculture production, and the major producers include China, India, Indonesia, Vietnam and Bangladesh. The three Indian major carps contribute bulk of the Indian aquaculture production. In recent years, cage culture of marine fish has been promoted in India. Globally, an increase in the availability of genomic information of farmed fish and technological advancement in the aquaculture production systems are likely to contribute in the aquaculture development in India. Read More...
Agricultural Sciences |
India |
57-59 |
14 |
Design Improvements of Theo Janson Mechanism
-Hitesh Rana ; Nilam Soni; Bharat Gajera
The purpose of this work is to contribute to the area of mechanism design and optimization of a single-degree-of-freedom leg mechanism. The leg mechanism is considered to be very energy efficient especially when walking on rough terrains. Furthermore, the mechanism requires very simple controls since a single actuator is required to drive the leg. In this work parametric study is carried out and best combination of linkages is recommended. Gait analysis is performed to study the walking pattern and improve the stability of the mechanism. In addition, effort is given to increase the length of path of contact with ground and it is found that it increases about 23% by attaching one extension link at the end of leg. Read More...
Robotics |
India |
60-62 |
15 |
Face Detection using Machine Learning Method
-Rupika ; Shalini; Kirti Bhatia
Face Recognition is an exciting task in the field of machine learning. Various techniques and methods have been used to solve the problem of face recognition. In this paper, we have shown that how K Nearest Neighbors algorithm along with Principal Component Analysis can be used to recognize a face efficiently. K nearest neighbor algorithm is a non parametric learning algorithm that works on target values of K nearest data points of the query point and finalize the value of the query point. PCA uses the concept of Eigen vectors. An Eigen vector represents an image. PCA finds K Eigen vectors corresponds to K higher Eigen values. So PCA algorithm is an efficient method for feature extraction in face recognition. Implementation is done using python programming language. This paper shows the effect of combination of above mentioned technologies and their edge cutting results. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
63-65 |
16 |
Data Analysis and Data Representation using Python
-Rupika ; Shalini; Kirti Bhatia
Data analysis and data visualization is the requirement of todays organization. Data science is a field that relates to data cleansing, preparation and analysis. Data science algorithms are used in many industries like Internet searches, Digital Advertisements, Travelling, Healthcare, Gaming, Financial services etc. There are various applications in todays world where data analysis and data visualization is required. Data science can solve the problems like classification, identifying anomalies, to quantify, finding way of organization, decision making issues etc. In this paper, we have shown how python is useful and acts as a key to solve such problems. In addition to python, there are also some other platforms which are used to solve a task completely based on data science. Here we have focused on python and it is packages that are highly useful for data science based problems. We have shown how python can be used for data analysis and data visualization. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
66-68 |
17 |
Optimization of Process Parameters on Laser Beam Cutting Machining
-Pandya Nilesh Pankajbhai ; Vikrant Mahajan; Gautam S Parmar; Kiran Patoliya; Nairut M Shah
Laser cutting of medium density fibreboard (MDF) is a complicated process and the selection of the process parameters combinations is essential to get the highest quality of the cut section. This paper presents laser cutting of MDF based on design of experiments (DOE). CO2 laser was used to cut three thicknesses 4, 6 and 9 mm of MDF panels. In this process 4mm thickness to be cut. The process factors investigated are: laser power, cutting speed. In this work, cutting quality was evaluated by measuring, kerf width, surface Roughness. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) was carried out for study the effect of process parameters on process performance. In addition mathematical models have also been developed for response parameter. Properties of the machined surface have been examined by surface roughness tester. For the different values of the two input parameters developed L9 orthogonal array by taguchi method. The surface roughness of MDF material is measure with the surface roughness tester SJ-410 to measure accurate value of roughness. To measure kerf width of digital vernier calliper used. The effect of each factor on the quality measures was determined and special graphs were drawn for this purpose. The optimal cutting combinations were presented in favours of high quality process output and in favours of low cutting cost. Read More...
advance manufacturing system |
India |
69-73 |
18 |
Identify Depression using Machine Learning & Image Processing
-Bhosale Pooja H. ; Ghadage Madhuri Y.; Kanse Manisha R.; Mhamane Sarojini S.
Human emotions are an important part of our life. We express our feelings through emotions. When a person is sad, then the person causes a stress. But when that stress goes more than a week then such a condition called as a depression. Depression is caused due to the people live at fast life structure and cause pressure in their workplace, family etc. The aim of review paper speciï¬cally gives the methods for recognition of face, classiï¬cation techniques for detection of different face parts like eyes, lips etc. By using this techniques and algorithm one can collect the database for depression analysis. Hence with the help of techniques and algorithms described in paper, it is easy to detect the depression without the physical presence of doctors. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
74-76 |
19 |
PLC and Sensors Based Protection and Fault Detection of Induction Motor
-Tushar Ashok Shinde ; Ankit S. Jain; Shubham Vadje; Sandip Dhikale; Atul Palkhede
Problems that arise with the working of an AC induction motor is common these days if left unmonitored. Here a protection system is implemented using which we monitor the working of an AC induction motor during normal conditions and trip conditions. If any problems become evident due to faults that normally happen in the motor like stator faults, rotor faults, bearing faults, eccentricity faults etc., we can either vary the input voltage and current to bring the motor back to normal condition or we can shut down the motor before damaging the stator and rotor components of the motor to point from which recovery is not possible, thus avoiding unexpected failure of the motor and preventing an entire industrial from shutting down all of a sudden which can be dangerous to the people working in the vicinity and helps save unforeseen expenditure that may result from the above mentioned problems. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
77-78 |
20 |
Machine Learning Approach to Efficient Phishing Detection
-Prerna Kapse ; Radhika Bangar; Mayuri Lohar; Snehal Kumavat; Rajendra Deshmukh
Phishing is a kind of cyber-attack in which perpetrators use spoofed emails and fraudulent web-sites to allure unsuspecting online users into giving up personal information. This project views phishing problem holistically by examining various research works and their countermeasures, and how to increase detection. It composes of studies which focus on dataset gathering, pre-processing, features extraction and dataset division in order to make the dataset suitable for the classification process. Phishing creates high rates of damage to internet user. The proposed system introduces a new end-host based anti-phishing algorithm, can also be called as Link Guard, by utilizing the generic characteristics of the hyperlinks in phishing attacks. These characteristics are derived by analyzing the phishing data archive provided by the Anti-Phishing Working Group. Various algorithm used for detection and defence are studied such as Naive Bayes, SVM and C0.5. The selection of the best algorithm to be implemented is based on the precision and accuracy of the algorithm in detecting the spoofed email/website effectively and protecting users privacy and liability. The propose system also discusses the effective use of Machine Learning approach in detecting the Phishing websites/ Mails that overcomes drawbacks of previously proposed And till Nonimplemented system. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
79-82 |
21 |
An Approach to Enhance the Architecture of Public Cloud System
-Pankaj ; Shalini; Kirti Bhatia
Cloud computing is a way of computing, where most of our data is stored in the cloud, i.e., the Internet. Cloud computing systems reduce the need for advanced hardware on the client side. In the paper, we will discuss the methods that will be used in the user friendly Interface for the development of "Custom interface for AWS public cloud communication". Through this interface user(s) can create machines on AWS Public Cloud using AWS API. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
83-88 |
22 |
Methodology to Empower Accessing of Infrastructure in Cloud System
-Pankaj ; Shalini; Kirti Bhatia
Today there is so much buzz around cloud computing. Almost all the companies, organizations and own group parties are using cloud these days. In this paper, we will mention the present scenario of cloud computing and also simplified a problem faced by the user while accessing Amazon Web Services (AWS) – a public cloud. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
89-92 |
23 |
Pipe Inspection Robot
-Sharad Rawat ; Shivanshu Ranjan; Shubham Tiwari; Shubham Singh; Rohit Jain
Pipelines are used to transport various contents like drinking water, crude oil, sewage, radioactive materials all around the world. Pipelines are prone to damage by corrosion, cracking and potential design flaws, they require regular visual inspection, so we make a pipe inspection robot. We created a robot used for in-pipe inspection, it is a true wireless robot. Hydraulic action, camera, lights and movement of the robot is controlled by a microcontroller system to make it a wireless robot. The mechanism used involves a hollow cylindrical base on which three frame link mechanism is attached. DC Motors are attached to the wheels to achieve the drive required. The microcontroller system comprises of an arduino UNO, Bluetooth module and a motor driver. The camera is mounted on the top of the assembly and is used for visual inspection. Through visual inspection detection of cracks, buckle, corrosion, pitting and many other flaws can be detected. Read More...
India |
93-97 |
24 |
Manufacturing of Bricks using WTP Sludge
-Deore Sanket Bapusaheb ; Thokal Pankaj Bhausaheb; Galphade Vaibhav M; Satare Sagar B; Kulkarni V. R.
In this paper different type of benefits, process and main function of Manufacturing of Bricks Using WTP Sludge is discussed. Increased environmental awareness among people exerts high pressure on water production industry for safe disposal of residues generated in water treatment plants. To study if the sludge which has similar properties of that of soil can be used to replace clay in brick manufacturing. This paper reports the use of sludge as new and non-conventional construction materials as an alternative means of sludge disposal. Due to the similar mineralogical composition of clay and water treatment plant sludge, this study focused on the reuse of sludge in clay brick production. The use of sludge as partial substitute for clay in brick manufacturing. In this studied that sludge percentage is varied from zero to fifty percentage by weight. Parameters such as compressive strength and water absorption are studies. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
98-100 |
25 |
IoT based Home Automation using Android
-Mr. Vijay Shantaram Rikame ; Mr. Ganesh Sunil Rokade; Mr. Rushikesh Dinkar Aher; Mr. Mitesh Kailas Buwa; Prof. Tushar Pandhi
Todays world has seen rapid and lucent spread of Android Devices. Any system, thus, developed which has support of the ubiquitous Android enabled devices will be much appreciated. Our project is based on this idea along with the much-needed Automation System interfaced with the Android Systems. We have harnessed the easy to-understand Android GUI to a constructive work whereby we see to it that the IPNF is automated and energy is saved. This makes our class intelligent enough to save electricity, which I s the need of an hour. We have elucidated this idea into realization with the help of Wi-Fi technology, which really offers easy and really much awaited Home Automation Systems (HASs). This system has an upper hand from other similar developments made with the technologies such as Bluetooth since it works on Wi-Fi. Thus we have offered a scalable and cost-effective Home Automation Systems (HASs). Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
101-103 |
26 |
Booster Ride Sharing with Neighbours
-Katale Pratiksha Suresh ; Dhavale Nikita Avinash; Kuchik Ashwini Shantaram; Raut Manjushri V.
Car sharing is expected to significantly help in reducing traffic and pollution in cities by enabling drivers to share their cars with users with similar itineraries and time schedules. A number of car sharing matching services have been designed in order to efficiently find successful ride matches in a given pool of drivers and passengers. Car sharing is a collective transportation model based on shared use of private cars. The objective of car sharing is to reduce the number of cars in use by grouping people. By exploiting car sharing model, it can significantly reduce congestion, fuel consumption, air pollution, parking demands and commuting costs. In system if driver accept that ride and next nearest passenger request for ride but his route is different than current route then that ride also suggest to driver to boost the income. System can reduce the time to find clients and allow an automated way to pay taxi costs. We, thus propose Haversine and C4.5 algorithm to search nearest neighbors and search alternative path by analyzing the mobility dataset of the passengers. Propose system is not only beneficial to individual participants but also has significant social benefits. By sharing vehicles, we could reduce congestion, fuel consumption, Pollution, save parking space and also save money. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
104-107 |
27 |
Advanced School Bus Transportation System
-Kalpesh Kailas Ushir ; Balaji Sahebrao Kakade; Sahil Shashikant Kandi; Prof. Mayur Raut
Smart instruction is one key part of brilliant urban communities. Shrewd training is frequently considered as utilizing PCs in the study halls. Notwithstanding, there are numerous elements outside the study hall that can affect a kids nature of training. One key factor in numerous nations is the quality and the measure of time a kid spends in school transport every day to drive to and from their School. This experience has been to a great extent overlooked. In any case, as of now accessible GSM innovations, it is conceivable to manufacture frameworks that can give total permeability into this part of a youngsters life. This paper displays the structure and execution of an IoT-based framework that permits guardians, schools and administrative bodies to follow the states of solace and security inside a school transport in a continuous way. The proposed framework legitimately interfaces with the transport utilizing the OBD/CAN interface and passes on these parameters to a focal server utilizing 3G/4G availability and the MQTT convention. An assortment of reports for a different partner for transport solace, wellbeing and participation are then created from this constant information giving total permeability into conditions inside each school transport. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
108-111 |
28 |
Smart Toll and Penalty Collection System using QR-Code
-Shingare Puja Dadu ; Sonawane Madhuri Pradip
In some countries like India need a significant improvement in infrastructure such as Roads or Highways. Construction of these highways is a costly affair, which can’t be invested by the government alone. Normally Public private partnerships are made to construct such a huge projects. The investment on these projects can be regained by collecting toll from the passengers who use the roads. The toll collection system, especially in India faces some problems such as long queue lines, escaping from toll plazas etc. These systems can service only 300 vehicles per hour, and if more than that number of vehicles arrives at that plaza, server traffic jams may occur. With the increase in the number of vehicles on road, there has been a marked increase in the number of crimes involving vehicle theft. In spite of several stringent laws being in place and security measures taken by car manufacturers, thieves still find a way to remain one step ahead and vehicle theft is still among one of the most reported crimes worldwide. Due to the expensive nature of motor vehicles, there is ample incentive for petty thieves to attempt thefts. To solve both problems we propose QR Code base toll collection system. QR Code is generated at the time of registration of vehicle in this proposed system. On toll collection booth we collect toll as well as identify vehicle is stolen or not. Second module is to give easy work to traffic police to collect penalty through qr code. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
112-114 |
29 |
Experimental Analysis of the Flax Reinforced Composites
-Umesh Bharambe ; K. K. Chaudhari
Active vibration damping using piezoelectric materials integrated with structural systems has found widespread use in engineering applications. Current vibration suppression systems usually consist of piezoelectric extension actuators bonded to the surface or embedded within the structure. The use of piezoelectric shear actuators/sensors has been proposed as an alternative, where the electric field is applied perpendicular to the direction of polarization to cause shear deformation of the material. The study first gives the influences of the actuator placement and size on the response of the smart plate and determines the maximum admissible piezoelectric actuation voltage. Based on this model, the optimal sensor locations are found and actual smart plate is produced. The experimental results of that smart plate are then used in the determination of a single input single output system model. Read More...
M. Tech in Mechanical Engineering Design |
India |
115-120 |
30 |
-Nikhil B P ; Madhura Arun; Nisarga G; Ashwani Kumar Singh; Satish B Basapur
Augmented reality application applications annotate real world with computer generated graphics. They make the surrounding environment interactive by overlaying
Digital 3D models or some plain text information over and around the tangible objects in its radius. The Augmented Reality Mobile Application “Envision†is a customized application for the Department of Information Science and Engineering of Dr.Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bangalore- 560 056.It is an attempt to engage students of the department in a digital environment by giving them an opportunity to interact with the teacher, know more about the Systems of the laboratories, know more about the Weekly updates regarding the latest technologies and learn more through a digital medium being Augmented Reality. Read More...
Computer Science and Information Technology |
India |
121-123 |
31 |
Fluid Flow Analysis between Rotating and Fixed Disc by Simulation and Validated Experimentally in Hydro Viscous Drive
-Bhumik J. Patel ; Prof. Akash Raiyani; Prof. Dipesh N. Patel
To design this system, the analysis of velocity, pressure and temperature distribution in the gap between hydro viscous drive friction discs is important. In this work, there are two dics – one fixed and other one is rotating and fluid flows between two discs for measuring the velocity of it at constant speed of rotating by using the experimentally setup. This results compare with the simulation result for the same data which shows improve velocity of fluid by experimentally setup than simulative result. Also measure velocity on various types of dics which is used in hydro viscous drive system i.e. cocentric circular slotted disc or radially slotted disc. In present work, it is found that increase in speed increases the fluid velocity. Increase in speed from 100rpm to 200rpm for flat surface disc and water as a fluid, the overall increase in fluid velocity is 45.78% while for oil as a fluid, the overall increase is 39.86%.For disc with concentric circular slots and water as a fluid, the overall increase in fluid velocity is 44.2% while oil as a fluid, it is 44.29%.And for radially slotted disc and water as a fluid, the overall increase in fluid velocity is 41.91%,while for oil as a fluid, it is 51.29%. The experimental results shows that increase of gap from 5 mm to15 mm contribute into increase the velocity. The overall increment for flat surface disc when water is used as a fluid, is 47.42%, while oil as a fluid, it is 29.51%.Similarly for disc with concentric circular slots, overall increase in velocity when water as a fluid is 51%, while oil as a fluid, it is 22.92%.And in case of radially slotted disc overall increase in velocity, when water as a fluid is 47.74%, while oil as a fluid, it is33.06%. The results infers that among three surface geometries, the flat surface geometry gives comparatively higher velocity and followed by concentric circle slot geometry and radial slot geometry. For 5mm gap and water as a fluid, the overall decrease in velocity is 21.14%, while for oil as a fluid, it is 18.07%.Similarly for 10mm gap and water as a fluid, overall decrease in velocity is 26.89%, while for oil, it is 21.64%.And in case of 15mm gap, when water is used as a fluid, overall decrease in velocity is 21.06%, while for oil as a fluid, it is 17.08%. Read More...
India |
124-126 |
32 |
A Study Performance Evaluation of Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor and its Modification
-Gumalwad Sandeep Maroti ; Holkar Prasad Manikrao; Jadhav Nikhil Anantrao; Jawale Prajwal Vasantrao; Khedkar Krushna Shankar
In recent years, an increasing interest in biofilm processes for the treatment of municipal and industrial wastewaters has been observed. One of the growing biofilm technologies is the Moving-bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR), which has been successfully established in the market. A great number of large-scale wastewater treatment plants along with many other smaller treatment installations around the world make use of the MBBR concept. The development of the MBBR process was based on the central idea of obtaining, in a single system, the best characteristics of the activated sludge and biofilm processes. With the biomass immobilized on a free-support media, solids retention in the biological reactor is enhanced. This chapter covers the principle of the MBBR operation, the biofilm carriers employed in such systems, the key operational aspects and a broad range of applications of this technology. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
127-130 |
33 |
Automated Car Parking System using PLC and SCADA System
-Vinay Prashant Kate ; Sayali More; Pranjali Kulkarni; Suyasha Hole
PLC or Programmable logic controller is used to control system using specific functions. Basic PLC functions such as timing, sequencing, controlling and relaying are implemented. The scope of this project is to control the car parking using PLC and HMI application. The system is able to sense the presence of the vehicles standing at the main car parking gate using through beam sensor and it is counted using limit switch. These through beam sensors give their output to the PLC (programmable logic controller). Due to lack of parking spaces and skilled labour, there is a global shift towards the automatic car parking system to calculate accurate space available for car. In practical situations sensors (Through beam sensor) are used to detect presence of vehicles in a parking slot which send an interrupt signal to the control unit. In PLC the status of the sensors will be checked and certain logical operations are performed to decide which slot is to be serviced. Using PLC ladder programming we interface CPU with PLC through communication and protocols and serial to USB converter. Required components for the project includes PLC, PLC software, sensor (through beam), HMI. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
131-133 |
34 |
Study of Interior Beam Column Joint under Seismic Effect
-Prof. Aniket. V. Nemade ; Ganesh. D. Bhosale; Tushar. V. Choramale; Shubham. M. Dhembare
Performance of Beam-column joint is matter of concern in the modern ductile design of building. Especially under the earthquake loading this is more susceptible to damage. Brittle nature failure is responsible for devastating damages. Since 1970s this area is focused by researchers. But still due to versatile nature of the joints core behavior, the problem still needs attention. The earthquake forces in beam-column joint during earthquake may cause cracks and failure, when not designed and detailed properly. In present work, the study of interior beam column joint is studied for seismic effect. The response spectrum method is used for analysis of building. The high rise building (100 m) is analyzed in ETABs. Parameters is studied along with ductility, stiffness, energy dissipation, vulnerability index are studied. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
134-136 |
35 |
Energy and Exergy Analysis of a Thermal Power Plant
-Ankit Kumar Chaturvedi ; Abhishek Gupta; Amay Tiwari; Arpit Sachan; Prof. Om Prakash Umaro
Increasing demand of power has made keen interest of study to improve the efficiency of power plant. The energy assessment must be made through the energy quantity as well as the quality. But the usual energy analysis evaluates the energy generally on its quantity only. However, the exergy analysis assesses the energy on quantity as well as the quality. The aim of the exergy analysis is to identify the magnitudes and the locations of real energy losses, in order to improve the existing systems, processes or components. This project carried out energy and exergy analyses of a Vijayawada Thermal Power Plant (VTPS) in order to evaluate the energetic and exergetic efficiencies and irreversibilities of units, sections and the overall system. In this study exergy analysis for different components of a 210 MW thermal power plant has been performed and the results show that the exergy destruction is more in the Low Pressure Turbine. Exergetic efficiency is compared with the thermal efficiency. Comparison of energy and exergy loss where the useful energy is loss is identified and improve the efficiency of component by making the necessary arrangements to the system components. Read More...
mechanical engineering |
India |
137-140 |
36 |
BIM Solution for Ease of Working on Projects (SS & BS)
-Muthiyan Hitesh Subhash ; Jadhav Sahil Shivaji; Kalpund Swara Milind; Shaikh Najma Murtuza; Prof. Waghmare A. A.
In this paper different type of benefits, process and main function of Building Information Modeling is discussed. This is basically consisting of estimation, costing, time required, design & planning. It also consisting of LOD; LOD means "Level of Development". In which combination of Level of Geometry and Level of Dimensions takes place which facilitate easy work flow. Different models are provided in BIM likely 3D, 4D, 5D, and so on. By providing models BIM can produce much better results to work with ease on site. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
141-144 |
37 |
Supply Chain Management
-Chirag Ghodke ; Harshita Ambre
Supply-chain management has been defined as the "design, planning, execution, control, and monitoring of supply chain activities with the objective of creating net value, building a competitive infrastructure, leveraging worldwide logistics, synchronizing supply with demand and measuring performance globally. Management of materials and information flows are key strategic priorities for construction companies. A good performance in these areas can provide them with significant benefits and allow the adding of greater value for clients. The market of the construction company is mostly local and highly volatile. The long durability of the construction “product†contributes to the volatility. The product specification process before the customer order arrives shows different degrees of specifications: engineer to order, modify to order, configure to order, select a variant. A construction company only executes a small part of the project by its own personnel and capacity. This is a way of risk spreading and risk mitigation and to compensate for an unstable market. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
145-154 |
38 |
Smart Renting of Cars Based on IoT
-Srivatsa Ransubhe ; Gauri Shewale; Aishwarya Gire; Shweta Bhadale; Prof. Amrin Sheikh
Tour for User as the name goes is an advance yet highly promising system helping a tourist or any user to get accurate and best data in no time. This Application acts as a Tour Guide giving out outputs to the user for Nearest Available Car like AC and NON AC. The System is highly reliable as it uses Google map API which are very accurate for User Tracking and same goes for the User to travel his Ride. Owner will Display his car whenever he didn’t required to use as well as Track his car using GPS Tracking System and check the speed .The User has options to select for the places he wants to visit for instance with all Details of Car; the system will ask whether he is searching for the current locality or some other place. The System is very flexible in changing places and makes use of Google maps to display places if the user wishes to within particular distance mentioned by the user considering a fence of geo locations. We are going to implement smart car monitoring system for user and owner .In this paper owner will display his car on our application with all details and he will track his car by using GPS Tracking system. In our application user role is he will get a nearest available car. If parking slot are empty then it will park the Auto car. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
155-159 |
39 |
Nano Concrete
-Ayush ; Nitu Balhara
Everything on Earth is formed from atoms—the food we have a tendency to eat, the garments we have a tendency to wear, the buildings and homes we have a tendency to board, and our own bodies. Engineering science is associate rising field of science associated with the understanding and management of matter at the Nano scale, i.e., at dimensions between just about one and one hundred nm. Nano-technology is one among the foremost active analysis areas that has wide applications in most the fields like natural philosophy, bio-mechanics, coatings, engineering and construction materials. Nano scale particles do not seem to be new in either nature or science. Matter will exhibit uncommon physical, chemical, and biological properties at the Nano scale, differing in necessary ways in which from the properties of bulk materials and single atoms or molecules. They will become a lot of with chemicals reactive or mirror lightweight higher or amendment color as their size or structure is altered. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
160-162 |
40 |
Evaluation of Histogram Equalisation and Reversible Data Hiding Method with Image Contrast Improvement
-Reshma Pathan ; Naziya Pathan; Ankur Shrivastav
Reversible data hiding (RDH) is a special kind of data hiding technique which can exactly recover the cover image from the stego image after extracting the hidden data. Recently, Wu et al. proposed a novel RDH method with contrast enhancement (RDH-CE). RDH-CE achieved a good effect in improving visual quality especially for poorly illustrated images. In Wu s method, however, the PSNR of stego image is relatively low and embedding performance is largely influenced by the histogram distribution of cover image. Since PSNR is still considered as one of the most important metrics for evaluating the RDH performance, this paper presents a reliable RDH method based on adaptive histogram shifting for gray-scale images to improve the PSNR of stego image while maintaining the good effect of the contrast enhancement obtained by RDH-CE. The proposed method has been applied to two image sets and compared with the previous methods. For image quality assessment, the PSNR, SSIM and three no-reference metrics have been adopted in performance evaluation. The experimental results have clearly shown that better visual quality can be achieved with the proposed method. Besides recovering the original images, extra data can be hidden into the contrast-enhanced images and correctly extracted. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
163-166 |
41 |
Women Security System using IoT
-Ashlesha S. Phalke ; Dr. V. M. Deshmukh; R. A. Kale
Nowadays in the present global situation, the important in every woman’s mind, the ever rising increase of issues on women harassment in recent past is mostly about her safety and security the only thought haunting every girl is when they will be able to move freely on the streets day and night hours without worrying about their safety. This paper suggests a new viewpoint to use technology for women safety. "848 Indian Women Are Harassed, Raped, Killed Every Day!!" That is a way beyond HUGE number! The Womens Security System using IOT gives an idea which changes the way everyone thinks about women safety. A day when media shows more of women’s achievements rather than harassment, it is a feat achieved! Since it ca not respond properly in critical situations, the need for a device which automatically senses and rescues the victim is the scheme of idea explains in this paper. Read More...
Internet of things (IoT) |
India |
167-169 |
42 |
A Study on Transient Analysis of Bridge Deck Slab under the Action of Moving Load
-Chinmay Thakur ; Sumit Pahwa
Present study includes the modal and transient analysis of bridge deck slab subjected to moving load by using ANSYS software. The modal analysis results are compared with previous literature and close for solution. The parametric study is in form of deflection, stress and strain for variation of models dimension. The study reveals that Finite Element Method can be applicable and reliable tool for analysis of bridge deck slab. The aim of this study is to evaluate the damage of the selected deck slab and evaluating the cracking and crushing of deck under cyclic wheel loads. Nonlinear analysis of structural element using ANSYS Workbench is carried out. Read More...
M.Tech in Structural Engineering |
India |
170-173 |
43 |
Power Quality Improvement In Distribution Network using D-STATCOM
-Nilesh Suresh Dadhe ; Dr. V. A. Kulkarni(Deodhar)
This paper discusses a different scheme to diminish the power quality problem associated with the distribution system. nowadays there is a large number of power electronics and semiconductor-based machinery and apparatus will create power quality problems like flicker, sag, swell, voltage drop, voltage rise, harmonics, THD etc. the D-STACOM manly use in 33 kV distribution network at the load end where load current changes continuously. A level of exertion of rely upon the power factor of the load connected to the system.[5] Hence D-STACOM manly connected near the fluctuating load or source. For the reference voltage and current calculation, different strategies are used now a day. Read More...
Electrical Power System |
India |
174-176 |
44 |
Fracture Mechanics of Concrete using Recycled Concrete Aggregate
-Supekar Mohini G ; Faisal Sayed S; Gulam Hazeque A; Gerange Smita T; Prof. Kanawade B. D.
Worldwide, cities generate about 1.3 billion Tonnes of solid waste per year. Building materials account for about half of all materials used and about half the solid waste generated worldwide. The waste, generated in the construction, maintenance, repair and disposal phases of a building, is called Construction and Demolition (C&D) Waste. Management of C&D waste is a problem faced not only in India but by the global community and quantum of waste produced occupies a huge fraction of the total solid waste generation by mass. Furthermore, a continued environmental awareness instigates the pressure for reuse of construction materials instead of classifying them as waste materials. Using construction waste material as an aggregate for developing new concrete product is technically viable and may, in some circumstances, be environmentally beneficial. The recent government initiative to stop sand mining insists the need to recycle, reuse and substitute natural aggregates in order to ensure environmental sustainability. This research work aims at making one such experiment where recycled aggregates are produced from C&D waste thus paves a way, for the effective management of concrete debris. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
177-179 |
45 |
A Application Model of Health Care System to Discover Fraud using Machine Learning Algorithm
-Keval B. Randive ; Mayuresh R. Bodake; Keval B. Randive
In many advanced countries like USA, Europe and many more, including India is providing health insurance facility for their citizens. In this facility a patient need not to give any kind of upfront fees to the Doctor to get the desired services. After having the services doctor will claim his fees with the Insurance Company with all the details of the services provided to the patient. Here some Doctor may fall in greed and they may charge excess than that of actual charges, which is actually a fraud which gives rise to unethical practices. Some methodologies are existed to estimate the fraud claims raised by the Doctors at the health insurance service providers end. But it is always the question of a precision is raised. So as a tiny step towards this to improve the accuracy this paper proposes an idea of using the concept of Machine learning like K- Nearest Neighbor and Artificial Intelligence. This process is powered with Entropy Analysis and Logistic Regression. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
180-184 |
46 |
Comparative Study and Cost Analysis of Green Building and Conventional Building (Case Study) - A Review
-Aditya Mundhe ; R. D. Shinde; V. S. Limaye
Conventional buildings have major environmental impacts during their life inclusive of their construction phases. Resources such as ground cover, forests, water, and energy are dwindling to give way to buildings. Resource-intensive materials provide structure to a building and landscaping adds beauty to it, in turn using up water and pesticides to maintain it. Several building processes and occupant functions generate large amounts of waste, which can be recycled for use or can be reused directly. Buildings are thus one of the major pollutants that affect urban air quality and contribute to climate change. Hence, the need to design a green building, the essence of which is to address all these issues in an integrated and scientific manner. A green building depletes the natural resources to a minimum during its construction and operation. The aim of this project is to give the importance of green building design is to minimize the demand on non-renewable resources, maximize the utilization efficiency of these resources when in use, and maximize the reuse, recycling, and utilization of renewable resources. The study is focused on maximizing the use of efficient building materials and construction practices; optimizes the use of on-site sources; uses minimum energy to power itself; uses efficient equipment to meet its lighting, air conditioning, and other needs; maximizes the use of renewable sources of energy; uses efficient waste and water management practices; and provides comfortable and hygienic indoor working conditions. A green rated building and its features are selected for comparison with conventional type of building features which gives us the user benefit comparison and in some context of cost variations. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
185-187 |
47 |
Effect of Traffic Congestion and Proper Solution for Karad City
-Miss. Madhavi Jalindar Karande ; Mr. Kanade G. N.; Mr. Patil A. B.
This study aimed to analyze traffic congestion and proper solution of road networks. The speed performance index was adopted to evaluate the existing road network conditions of congestion, then road segment and network congestion indexes were introduced to respectively measure the congestion levels of urban road segment and network. . The effect of traffic congestion on the study area are Waste of time, Delay movement, Accident, Inability to forecast travel time, Fuel consumption, Road rage and environmental pollution. Based on these analyses the proposed congestion indexes can well assess the traffic congestion conditions of urban road networks, more importantly, such an assessment study provides traffic control and management agencies an accurate and clear understanding of operation status of traffic networks. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
188-192 |
48 |
A Review on Rular Postman Problem for Optimizing System through Nearest Neighbour Algorithm
-Waseem Ahmad ; Zulfikar Ali Ansari; Aliza Raza Rizvi
The paper is generalized new version of travelling salesman problem that is rural postman problem in this the packet delivery in road network is formulated as rural postman problem where the driver (i.e. the salesman) receives road (i.e. edge) blockage messages. The postman which are used to delivered mail to instance place. Each postman start from main location at different time every day. The postman pickup mail or application from start location to the instance place in many different routes and return back the start location in at specific time, starting from early morning until the end of official working hours, on following condition. (1). Every location will be visited once in each route. (2) The capacity of each postman is enough for all application including the each route. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
193-198 |
49 |
On Page & Off Page SEO Optimization of a Job Portal Website on Google Search Engine
-Guddu Kumar ; Vishal Kumar Jaiswal; Raj Kumar Paul
PageRank is the technique used by Google to decide importance of page on the web. It considers all received links to a page as votes for PageRank. But if these votes from different sources weighted equally, this will main to wrong result. Thus, votes from different sources are weighted according to PageRank of voting page and number of links that voting page contains. Internet is the term which is known by everyone in this world. It is the fastest growing sector. All of us are consumer of it either as commerce, industry & individual. Search engine optimization is a technique which is used in the internet. We can say that it is a process of finding our desired result. Google is one of the known search engine. How can any web page on Google and how to rank your page with the help of tools and show your page on any search engine on the Internet such as Google, Bing, yahoo, and ask and some search engines Also, there are some search engines that also show their page in the search results page of the website on these search engines, so we use search engine optimization? We all use it in our daily life, how it works, without this knowledge. In this paper, we study how search engine optimization awakens and which tools are used and based on which algorithm it is based on. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
199-204 |
50 |
Disease Pronenesss Prediciton through IoT and ANN
-Vithal Waghmode ; Abhishek Srivastava; Ankit Lokhande; Tushar Shinde; Niyamat Ujloomwale
As the human life march towards the modern amenities, all the sectors of life become more and more advanced, Health care is not spared from this. The revolutionary health care predictions actually brings more relief for elderly or bedridden patients. Internet of things actually plays a vital role in this paradigm as it helps to collect and process the data from the wearable devices for patients. This data often transferred to the server though the wireless communication. Many existing systems are there where these data are being monitored manually or by loosely coupled systems which yields less accurate results in a prediction. To get the impression of sensors proposed model deploys a simulation environment so that data like sensors can be generated in the regular environment based on medical facts and also some parameters are captured by the real time pulse sensors. These collected data is synchronized to the prediction server in the said interval to predict the disease. To predict the disease proneness proposed model uses the Fuzzy C Means clustering and Artificial Neural network to yield the best possible prediction. Read More...
health science |
India |
205-209 |