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301 |
Plant Disease Detection using Image Processing and Feature Extraction Technique
-Shraddha Pandey ; Shailendra Kumar Singh
Identification of the plant diseases is the key to preventing the losses in the yield and quantity of the agricultural product. The studies of the plant diseases mean the studies of visually observable patterns seen on the plant. Health monitoring and disease detection on plant is very critical for sustainable agriculture. It is very difficult to monitor the plant diseases manually. It requires tremendous amount of work, expertize in the plant diseases, and also require the excessive processing time. Hence, image processing is used for the detection of plant diseases. Disease detection involves the steps like image acquisition, image pre-processing, image segmentation, feature extraction and classification. This paper discussed the methods used for the detection of plant diseases using their leaves images. This paper also discussed some segmentation and feature extraction algorithm used in the plant disease detection. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1239-1242 |
302 |
Ranking Based Recommendation using Online Social Users Data
-Nivas Patil ; Prof. Vanita Raut
Social voting system is a new segment in online casual networks. This is helpful in providing correct recommendations with the help of factors like social trust etc. Here we propose Matrix factorization (MF) and nearest neighbor-based recommender framework which will help the factors of user activities and also compare them with the peer reviewers, to provide an accurate recommendation. Through investigation with real social voting traces, we test that social network and group affiliation information can automatically improve the accuracy of popularity-based voting recommendation, and social network information control group affiliation information in NN-based methodology. We likewise inspect that social and gathering data is significantly more important to the cold user than to heavy users. In our experiments, simple meta path-based nearest-neighbor (NN) models outperform computation-intensive MF models in hot-voting recommendation, while users interest for cold votings can be better mined by MF models. We further propose a hybrid recommender systems (RS), bagging different single methodology to achieve the best top-k hit rate. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1243-1247 |
303 |
Time Delay Compensator Design for Wide-Area Power System Stabilizer to Damp Out the Inter-Area Oscillations
-Dushyant Singh Tomar ; Govind Prasad Pandiya
Power system networks are continues subjected to faults and disturbances. These disturbances could be small or severe in nature and trigger electro-mechanical oscillations due to relative motion between the rotors of synchronous machines. These oscillations can be classified as intra-plant, local plant, inter-area and torsional oscillations. Although adequate damping for all these oscillations is important, but inter-area modes are of major concern as they are difficult to control and may affect group of generators or generating plants and may result in sub-optimal power flows and inefficient operation of the grids. The low frequency oscillations in the power system network especially the inter-area oscillations (0.1 to 1 Hz) is the key factor that influence the stable operation of interconnected grids and limits the transmission capacity of large-scale power system. This dissertation deals with the stability problems of a power system with signal time delay. The usage of remote signals obtained from a wide-area measurement system (WAMS) introduces time delays to a wide-area Power System Stabilizer (PSS), which would degrade system damping and even cause instability. In this dissertation, design a delay-dependent Wide-area Power System Stabilizer (WPSS) to damp-out the inter-area oscillations in a large scale power system. The controlled signal obtained by geometric approach is used as a control input for the proposed damping controller to damp out the inter-area oscillations. Some simulations results on Kundur Two-Area Four Machine system show that the proposed controller effectively damp-out the inter-area oscillations. Read More...
Electrical Power System |
India |
1248-1251 |
304 |
A General Approach on Facial Feature Extraction and Face Attributes
-Pramod T L
Facial feature extraction is method to recognise the nose, mouth, eyes and other components present in the human face. These components are very important in face recognition, face matching, expression recognition, classification and face tracking. Facial recognition system detects and returns the information regarding visual content with confidence scores in human face from digital image or frames from video source. To determine the series of human face attributes various methodologies and algorithms are proposed and developed. Facial Recognition results include both visual biometrics and wearables around the face like headphones, eye glass, hat and mask. The system accepts image as input and processes it with either cloud based dataset or local capabilities. It then extracts more than twenty seven facial information which includes gender, mood, visual age, smile expression, face orientation, colour, picture quality and many more. This metadata can be used in many realtime applications such as biometric security, mobile camera technology for face filters and animoji, photo database services and social media profile moderations with content analysis. Hence all these methods are accessible by automated systems. Digital image will be processed to identify the facial landmarks along with information presents and returns the accurate attributes scores. This paper present brief study on facial feature extraction methods and attributes. Mentioned attributes are obtained from Microsoft FaceAPI, FacePlusPlus Cognitive Service Face++API and AmazonWebService Rekognition. Read More...
Computer Applications |
India |
1252-1254 |
305 |
Smart Agriculture System
-Mr. Ranjan V ; Akshatha H; Anusha Mannajji; Megha S; Pratiksha P P
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a typical example that is rapidly growing in the world of modern wireless telecommunication. It refers to a wireless network between objects. Internet of Things refers to the concept that the Internet is no longer just a global network for people to communicate with one another using computers, but it is also a platform for devices to communicate electronically with the world around them. Agriculture is the main occupation in India. Indias two-third of population is directly or indirectly dependent on agriculture. Agriculture’s performance has a substantial impact on the economy of our country. The agricultural productivity may be harmed mainly because of the problems like unplanned irrigation, intruder attacks. In agriculture, irrigation system plays an important role in getting the good yield. Traditional method of irrigation system is done manually which causes wastage of water. Crops may also be destroyed by the predators attack which leads to production loss. The solution to this problem is making agriculture smart by using automation and IoT technologies. Hence this project aims at modernizing the current traditional methods of agriculture by making use of smart irrigation system by taking intelligent decisions based on the accurate ï¬eld data. The intruders problem can be overcome by monitoring the ï¬eld and threatening the intruder. These can be made happened by using various sensors, GSM modem, Wi-Fi with microcontrollers. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1255-1262 |
306 |
IoT Based Mid-Day Meal Monitoring System
-Kaustubh Deshpande ; Prof. Santosh V Lavate; Snehal R Jadhav; Swarali Nirbhavane
This project is to build Mid-Day Meal Monitoring System for the purpose of Monitoring and Automation of Food Distribution System using Raspberry pi. Public distribution system i.e. Mid-Day Meal Distribution System is one of the issues that involves corruption and illegal smuggling of goods. In this paper we propose the concept of replacing manual work/job causing these irregularities in public distribution system (Mid-Day Meal distribution system in India) by automated system which can be installed at the Schools with ease. In this automated system, we replace the conventional System by Automated Distribution Using Raspberry pi. Proposed system also uses Fingerprint Sensing for users authentication. Using such a system, Government would have all required control/monitoring over the transactions at Schools. To involve Government in the process we proposed connecting the system at Schools to a central database (provided by Govt.) via Webpage through IOT database and GSM Modem - RS232-SIM900A. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
1263-1265 |
307 |
Effect of Addition of NaOH and Fly Ash on Compressive Strength of Concrete
-Shiv Kumar Sahu ; Dr. P.K. Gupta; Dr. M.K. Gupta
Energy saving in building technology is among the most critical problems in the world. Thus it is a need to develop sustainable alternatives to conventional concrete utilizing more environmental friendly materials. One of the possibilities to work out is the usage of using alkaline solution of sodium hydroxide this paper presents effect of addition of NaOH on compressive strength of concrete with crusher sand, aggregate and Portland cement was the concentration of sodium hydroxide is varied from 8M to 12M. Concentration of 12M NaOH promotes the best properties of concrete by achieving the greatest compressive strength. Test was conducted for the period of 1 day, 3 day, 7 day and 28 days respectively. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1266-1269 |
308 |
Impact of Different Accelerating Admixtures and Accelerated Curing Conditions on Strength of Concrete
-Shiv Kumar Sahu ; Dr. P.K. Gupta; Dr. M.K. Gupta
The present experimental work explains the combined effect of a accelerator method of curing and chemical in the strength development of concrete. Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) was used to produce concrete mixtures. Concrete mixtures were designed as per the guidelines of IS 10262:2009. Compressive strength of standard cube specimens (150 mm) at early and later- age, cured with water were studied. Performance of accelerator at a given age of concrete was assessed based on the maximum percentage increase in the compressive strength. The strength of control mix cured with water is taken as reference. Among various types of chemical admixtures, Non Chloride Accelerator Admixture (NCA) is chosen. The non-chloride accelerator admixture is added with normal mix of the concrete in the nominal dosage and the effects are studied. 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.2% of non-chloride accelerators were mixed with M20 grade of concrete. The optimum level of high early development strength was analyzed. Average efficiency of the curing compound for the given age was calculated as the ratio of average compressive strength of concrete cured with NCA to that cured with water. The test results revealed that, the type of curing affected the optimum performance of accelerator in concrete mixtures. Average efficiency of the curing compound was found to be more at early- age of the concrete mixtures. Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) generally known as caustic soda are used as water proofing compound. NaOH and cement is used to seal the leakage in RCC water tank, within one hour of application it forms a solid watertight compound and its strengths are also more than the normal cement. The additive chemical in concrete mixture will increase the hydroxyl ions, which increases its performance. Fibre reinforce polymers (Recron-3S)reinforcing the microstructure of the concrete which increase the strength of concrete .another technique to get the early strength is accelerated curing condition .if we add both the techniques definitely the higher strength would be achieved at short period. Use of calcium chloride (CaCl2) accelerates the hydration process in concrete due to the calcium react with silica. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1270-1274 |
309 |
Low Cost Palm Vein Recognition using Near Infrared Light and NOIR Camera using Raspberry Pi
-Priya D. Dhabarde ; Prof. kamal S. Kashyap
Palm vein recognition is type of biometric recognition, which offer highest security among other methods available in market. This paper presents review of a palm vein recognition method that uses exposing palm to near infrared light and capturing palm vein pattern. The veins are least probable to counter faked as these are internal organs compared to other biometric method which depends on external human features. Implementation of system with low cost and readily available parts are researched and implemented to find accuracy. Database is created for training and tested with test data using the same system. Experimental results provided satisfactory result and performance despite having low cost of implementation. Read More...
India |
1275-1277 |