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51 |
Prediction of Crop Rate and Shelf Life Calculation
-Vedashree K ; Manisha S; Madhu R Kumar; Lakshmishree D N; Mrs. Sangeetha. G. M.
Nowadays in agriculture industry we have good reference in crop field. Effective growth and improved field is necessary and important. In this field farmers need manual monitoring system. This system will help humans until the crop is improved. But in manual monitoring system will not offer the precise results invariably, and this one is time taking method too, therefore for that we had like one good software system to detect the crops and there shelf life also. For this need we have proposed one new technology to satisfy the process. Here we are using some of the image processing technologies and algorithms. We will implement the system like it will detect the crop shelf life. The specified algorithms are used to detect these things. Those are we use k-means clustering technique to cluster the images. Then images will classify into the one of the classes using K nearest neighbors algorithm. Here we can train the dataset image to detect the shelf life. Our experimental results are satisfied with the accuracy. It will give maximum possible results. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
210-214 |
52 |
Image Encryption using Blowfish Algorithm
-Anuj Kumar Singh ; Santosh Kumar Sahani; Ravi Saroj; Manish Prajapati
In recent years, with the wide development in communications networks and applied the e-government in most field depending on the internet and its technologies, with the development in the hackers ability to intruder the communication channels. Security is a major concern while sending and receiving sensitive data over web. Cryptography aims to protect the content of digital image during transmission and to be able to recover its content in receiver’s side with sufficient level of accuracy. In the area of multimedia, an image has become important medium of communication, they are used in many fields such as medical science, military; they are stored or transfer through network, security of such image data is important. This paper is aimed to design and develop a method to address this problem. The proposed method is based on Blowfish algorithm with enhanced features. It has been enhanced with confusion and diffusion method to strengthen the security of image. Our proposed model gives two layers of security for secret data, which fully satisfy the basic key factors of information security system that includes: Confidentiality, Authenticity, Integrity and Non – Repudiation. The proposed encryption Algorithm in this study has been tested on some images and showed good results. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
215-217 |
53 |
Analysis of Aluminium Honeycomb Material for Internal Walls of Building
-Hrushikesh K. Wagh ; Paras A. Sonawane; Akshay S. Undare; Shrikant M. Darade
Aluminium Honeycomb Material Design is the process of designing of the wall for replacing the conventional wall to the aluminium honeycomb wall. It is refers to the process of Design and Analysis of Aluminium honeycomb material for the internal wall. In this paper, the technique presented is replacement of conventional wall to this wall. The design of wall is doing by using the Catia software and analysis by Ansys software. The calculation is doing by using some formulae. The wall have a good strength, high impact resistance, high durability, and it give the require strength in minimum thickness also this wall is portable. The wall has another properties like fire resistance, corrosion resistance, & Sustain very large amount of load. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
218-219 |
54 |
Design of Two Wheeler Chassis
-Prof. Chavan P. B. ; Dham Rushikesh Milind; Dixit Kaustubh Vinayak; Talwar Pratik Baburao; Divate Akash Jeevan
The purpose of this project is to investigate ways of simplifying chassis calculations, models currently being used for verification into something that can be used iteratively during design. The goal of this project is to present a recommendation on how to approach using finite element analysis when designing chassis frames. The main purpose of any research is to find the flaws of previous process and create something new which is more developed to a high degree of complexity and highly advanced. There can be other methodologies to design, but there is always a need of improvement. Numbers of new materials are introduced. There are many materials which can replace conventional materials and can be more beneficial. So there is need to test and verify more beneficial processes. This paper contains the work done by the other researchers and our own simulation work. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
220-223 |
55 |
Protection and Controlling of Three Phase Induction Motor by Electronic Soft Starter
-Gund Priyanka Namdeo ; Waghmare Rohini Angad; Mahurkar Komal Dattatray; Tale Archana Arun; Prof. Kazi K. N.
The project is designed to provide a soft and smooth start for 3 phase induction motor. The three phase induction motor during the initial starting condition draws much higher current than its rated capacity and the motor reaches its full speed. Due to this results in mechanical jerk and high electrical stress on the windings of the motor. Results Sometimes the windings may get burnt. The induction motor should start smoothly and it reaches the speed for safer operation. This project is designed to give a soft start to the induction motor based on the TRAIC firing triggered by heavily delayed firing angle during starting and then reducing the delay till it reaches zero voltage triggering. This results in low voltage during start and the gradually to full voltage. Thus the motor starts slowly and then slowly picks up to full speed. This project consists of a three TRAIC, two for each phase, the output of which is connected to a direct 3 phase induction motor. The charging and discharging of capacitor is interfaced to comparator results delayed in firing pulse during start and then gradually reduces the delay and motor runs at full speed. Further the project can be enhanced by using TRAIC in place of SCRs with PWM control to reduce harmonic distortions offered in various electronic devices like TRAIC triggering mechanism. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
224-226 |
56 |
An Experimental Investigation on Effect of Partial Replacement of Cement by Silica Fume and Sand by Stone Dust in Concrete
-Rakesh Chandra Chouhan ; Dr. J. N. Vyas
The development of concrete technology can decrease the use of natural resources and energy sources and lessen the burden of pollutants on environment. The major benefit of supplementary cementitious material is their ability to return certain amount of cement and still capable to present cementitious property, as a result reducing the cost of using Portland Pozzolana cement. The waste materials which can be used as additional cementitious material like fly ash, silica fume, blast furnace, stone dust etc. From all these waste material the most successful cementitious material is silica fume and stone dust because it improves the strength and durability of concrete to such level that recent design rules also identify for the addition of silica fume and stone dust for design of high strength concrete. Silica fume is also known as micro silica; it is used as an artificial pozzolanic super plasticizer. Stone dust is a waste material obtained from crusher plants. It has potential to be used as partial replacement of natural river sand in concrete. Use of stone dust in concrete not only improves the quality of concrete but also conserve the natural river sand for future generations. Substitution of normal sand by stone dust will serve both solid waste minimization and waste recovery. To reduce the amount of cement and sand in concrete supplementary material are used. Silica fume and stone dust are most popular material used in the concrete to improve its compressive, flexural, split tensile strength and also increase its durability. For this purpose silica fume is partially replaced by 0%, 5%, 7.5%, 10%, 12.5% and 15% by the weight of cement and stone dust is partially replaced by 0%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30% by the weight of sand. The design mix proportion of 1:1.55:3.44 at water cement ratio of 0.50 were used for M20 grade of concrete. Various tests were conducted in the research which showed the results of the above percentage for the time period of 3, 7 and 28 days curing as a substitution of cement by silica fume and sand by stone dust on compressive strength, flexural strength, split tensile strength and durability. The results show the maximum increase in strength of concrete occurred when 10% & 20% and 12.5% & 25% cement and sand replacement was done with silica fume and stone dust. Read More...
M.Tech in Structural Engineering |
India |
227-233 |
57 |
A Review Paper on Optimization of Process Parameters on Laser Beam Cutting Machining
-Pandya Nilesh Pankajbhai ; Vikrant Mahajan; Gautam S Parmar; Kiran Patoliya; Nairut M Shah
Laser cutting of medium density fibreboard (MDF) is a complicated process and the selection of the process parameters combinations is essential to get the highest quality of the cut section. This paper presents laser cutting of MDF based on design of experiments (DOE). CO2 laser was used to cut three thicknesses 4, 6 and 9 mm of MDF panels. In this process 4mm thickness to be cut. The process factors investigated are: laser power, cutting speed. In this work, cutting quality was evaluated by measuring, kerf width, surface Roughness. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) was carried out for study the effect of process parameters on process performance. In addition mathematical models have also been developed for response parameter. Properties of the machined surface have been examined by surface roughness tester. For the different values of the two input parameters developed L9 orthogonal array by taguchi method. The effect of each factor on the quality measures was determined and special graphs were drawn for this purpose. The optimal cutting combinations were presented in favours of high quality process output and in favours of low cutting cost. Read More...
advance manufacturing system |
India |
234-237 |
58 |
Face Detection and Recognition using Raspberry Pi
-Kaveri Ramesh Dabhade ; Rajul Jha; Abhishek Yadav; Nichenametla Sai Krisshnaa; Rohit Kumar
Like a unique mark look framework, face recognition innovation can help law implementation offices in recognizing suspects or finding missing people. Face recognition is a profoundly proficient and exact device in investigation process. With the accessibility of the Nano gadgets, for example, Raspberry Pi. In this paper, a Raspberry Pi and cloud helped face recognition structure is proposed. A small portable camera put on door or wall to catch the picture, which is passed to Raspberry Pi for face discovery and acknowledgment. The proposed technique is executed on Raspberry Pi 3 demonstrate in Python 3 and OpenCV. Trial results approve the proficiency of the proposed technique in precise discovery of faces contrasted with cutting edge face location and acknowledgment strategies, and check its viability for upgrading law implementation benefits in keen urban areas. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
238-242 |
59 |
A Fault Detection and Classification in Distribution Network by using Continuous Wavelet Transform
-Sonal Suhane ; Shirish Kumar Jain; Abhishek Kumar Gupta
This Paper goes for recognizing and characterizing the power framework transmission line shortcomings. To manage the issue of an amazingly enormous informational collection with various issue circumstances, the methodology uses Discrete Wavelet Transform for location. Power transmission and appropriation lines are the crucial connections that accomplish the fundamental congruity of administration of electrical capacity to the end clients. Transmission lines associate the producing stations and burden focuses. As the producing stations are far from the heap focuses they keep running more than several kilometers. Consequently, the odds of deficiency happening in transmission lines are high. Since deficiencies can destabilize the power framework they should be separated right away. Shortcoming investigation is significant issue in power framework building all together that to clear blames rapidly and reestablishes power supply as quickly as time permits with least intrusion. The proposed model depends on a mix of the impedance figuring and the Continuous Wavelet Transformation (CWT) technique to recognize the unsettling influence alongside separation of Fault event. MATLAB/Simulink is utilized to produce deficiency flag and check the accuracy of the calculation. Reenactment results uncover that the exhibition of the proposed issue discovery marker is promising. Read More...
India |
243-246 |
60 |
Supermarket Management System
-Patil Trupti Rajendra ; Shivkanya Vijay Patil; Dimpal Sanjay Patil; Suvarna Arun Patil; Prof. S H Shaikh
This paper super market management system is using the purpose of inventory management. It uses sale and purchase inventory into stock. This software will help retailer for managing the various types of inventory to his/her customer. This app will help the user to work in a more effective and efficient environment the retailer has been recording the customer information in the past and even in the present through their personal manual efforts. And indeed, it consumes their considerable time and energy that could be utilized in the better productive activities. This increasing customer Strength, the task of managing information of each individual customer is indeed a weighty task. When the product is purchase it should automatically update the stock level in database i .e the total item is 100 and 10 item is purchased ,then the stock will be automatically updated to 90, when the item ID is entered it will automatically display the item details and total amount will be generated and the bill has been printed. The project "supermarket management system" is developed with the objective of making the system consistent, easier, fast, and more helpful. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
247-248 |
61 |
Data Mining for Frequent Pattern Discovery using Apriori Algorithm
-Shailesh Shevalkar ; Akash Gandhale
We live in a fast changing digital world. In today’s age we expect the sellers to tell us what we might want to purchase. Most of us rely on popular website’s like Amazon’s recommendation system to but stuff. This gives the seller an interesting opportunity to increase their sales. If a seller can tell us what we might be interested in to buy, it doesn’t only improves their sales, but also the customer experience and life time value. On the other hand, seller is unable to predict the next purchase or our shopping behaviour, the customer or we might not go back to their store or website. In this paper, we will be implementing one such popular algorithm called Apriori algorithm with NoSQL Database that enables us to predict the shopping behaviour of customers to know the items that are bought together frequently. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
249-252 |
62 |
Design and Analysis of Linear Fresnel Reflector for Water Heating
-Amol Prakash Ahire ; Aditya Babasaheb Andhare; Mayur Balasaheb Shinde; Dilip Borse
This paper presents a new method for the optimisation of the mirror element spacing arrangement and operating temperature of linear Fresnel reflectors (LFR). The specific objective is to maximise available power output (i.e. energy) and operational hours whilst minimising cost. The method is described in detail and compared to an existing design method prominent in the literature. Many applications of thermal energy, both in industrial and power sectors require medium temperatures ranging from 50°C to 70°C. These applications include industrial process heat, refrigeration, air-conditioning and power generation using organic fluids. The flat plate solar collectors are suitable for low temperature applications maximum up to 80oC In this paper efforts are being made to design a rooftop linear Fresnel reflector (LFR) system. This paper discusses the design of a rooftop LFR module that is suitable to meet the medium temperature requirements, easy to produce and install like flat plate collector. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
253-256 |
63 |
E-Parking System Based on Resource Allocation and Reservation Review
-Ms. Shubhangi Satav ; Ms. Priyanka Singh; Ms. Bhagyashri Shitole; Prof. Parinita Chate
We propose a futuristic "E-Parking" system for an urban environment. The systems allocate and reserves an optimal parking space based on the drivers cost function that combines nearest to destination and parking cost. It also allows the customers to view the parking status. The system is developed because the problem of congestion and collision of the vehicle in parking area is increases day by day with population. Therefore the project aimed at solving such problems by designing a web based system that will enable the customers to make a reservation or booking of available parking space before one hour prior to his expected arrival. The customer can pre-book a slot in the area he desires if it is available. The proposed project is a smart online parking booking system that provides customers an easy way of reserving a parking space online using web portal. Customers can view various parking spaces and select nearby or specific area of their choice to view whether space is available or not. If the booking space is available, then customers can book it for specific time slot this system provides an additional feature of cancelling the bookings. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
257-259 |
64 |
1-D Transient Thermal Analysis by Finite Difference Methods (Unsteady Heat Transfer)
-Khizeruddin Mohd
Retro rocket motor is used for stage separation of missiles and rockets. The retro motor hardware design generally carried out with metals. Retro motors are widely used to generate reverse thrust to impart a desired stabilized forced to separate spent and ongoing stages. The working principle of Retro motor is mainly Newton’s 2nd and 3rd laws. Retro motors are non-air breathing propulsion class i.e., then don’t require oxygen from the atmosphere for combustion of the fuel which is stored in the retro motor. Hot gases are generated during the firing of retro motor. The hot gases are at a temperature of â“2000K. The thermal analysis has been carried out to study the effect of hot gases on the retro rocket motor case. Transient thermal analysis has been carried out to predict the temperature distribution across the casing thickness for the retro rocket motor for an operating duration of 1.5 seconds. Transient heat conduction analysis based on the finite difference method is used applying the known boundary conditions. The motor casing experiences convective heat transfer due to the turbulent flow of the gases. The outer surface of the retro motor is assumed to be insulated for a conservative design. The temperature on the motor casing have been predicted using transient thermal analysis. Finite difference method was employed to study the temperature variation across the motor casing thickness. Based on the stability criteria, time intervals were calculated for Fo=0.5, 0.4, 0.3 and solved to determine the temperature variation across motor casing. Comparison of implicit and explicit-finite difference method, depending upon the stability criteria of Fourier number limitation- increment and decrement of time and spatial intervals is carried out. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
260-263 |
65 |
Smart IoT Based Gas LPG Leakage Detector and Controller with Booking Automisation
-Vikrant Singh ; Ashish Tiwari; Shivam Singh
There have been many incidents like explosions and fire due to LPG gas leakage. Such incidents can cause dangerous effects if the leakage is not detected at an early stage. IOT based LPG leakage detection system is a project which will help in determining gas leakage in the surrounding and send data to an IOT module. For which a gas sensor like mq-6 is used to detect the level of gas in the atmosphere. Again by which physical things can communicate with the help of sensors, electronics, software, and connectivity. These systems do not require any human interaction and same is the case with IOT based gas detection system, it does not require human attention. Relays and servo motors are used for safety purposes which can help remove gas particles from surrounding by turning off gas and light in room and open up the exhaust. There are many cases in which people do not get to know about their gas quantity left in the cylinder this problem is also considered in the project and using gsm module and load cell we can easily detect and get notified about the quantity of gas left and when to replace the cylinder. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
264-266 |
66 |
IoT Based Monitoring System and Parallel Operation of Transformer
-Aman Chainpure ; Rohit Jadhav; Shyamsundar Karkande; Sandesh Pawar
Distribution transformers are one of the most important elements of electrical power system. Transformer is a device which is continuously working In order to improve the efficiency of the transmission system. The present paper proposes continuous online monitoring of distribution transformer using IoT (Internet of Things). The internet of things connects the unconnected things. Previously the things that weren’t accessible have been made accessible because of it. The transformer is subjected to various faults such as Over-voltage, Over-current etc. All these faults are persistently monitored throughout by the Arduino which regularly sends the health information of the Transformer via the Wi-Fi module. This data can be accessed from anywhere in the world by an Android application. So the maintenance of the distribution transformer can be successfully implemented by the use of this project ideology. We are using Arduino controller and sensors to sense temperature, voltage and current from the output of the transformer. LCD display will show live voltage, current and temperature values. It will act as a Dashboard. IoT (Internet of Things) module is used for monitoring purpose from anywhere over internet. If there is a change in the values of predefined controller following operations will take place. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
267-270 |
67 |
Adsorption of Sugars from their Aqueous Solutions by Activated Silica
-Anita Suman
A commercial active silica was tested as an adsorbent for the adsorption of sugars from their aqueous solutions. The optimum conditions for maximum adsorption in terms of shaking time, amount of the adsorbent and concentration of the adsorbate were investigated. The adsorption data fitted the Langmuir isotherm equation in the whole range of concentrations studied. The adsorption of glucose, fructose and sucrose at selected conditions was also studied. Read More...
chemistry |
India |
271-273 |
68 |
Road Power Generation by using Rack and Pinion Mechanism
-Ms. Changuna Kamble ; Ms. Apurva Jagtap; Ms. Prajakta Patil; Ms. Snehal Samudre; Prof. Mrs. S. Jain
Energy is the primary need for survival of all organisms in the universe. Everything what happens in the surrounding is the expression of flow of energy in one of the forms. But in this fast moving world, population is increasing day by day and the conventional energy sources are lessening. The extensive usage of energy has resulted in an energy crisis over the few years. Therefore to overcome this problem we need to implement the techniques of optimal utilization of conventional sources for conservation of energy. Lots of energy is generated when vehicle passes over it. We can tap the energy generated and produce power by using the speed breaker as power generating unit. The kinetic energy of the moving vehicles can be converted into mechanical energy of the shaft through rack and pinion mechanism. Then, this mechanical energy will be converted to electrical energy using generator which will be saved with the use of a battery. The energy we save during the day light can be used in the night time for lighting street lights. Therefore, by using this arrangement we can save lot of energy which can be used for the fulfilment of future demands. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
274-276 |
69 |
IoT based Design and Implementation of Information System for Ship
-Pranali Chandrakant Gund ; Renuka Dadasaheb Kehdkar; Smita Dadabhau Dhawale
The main aim of this paper is to avoid accident of ship using information system designed and implemented by IOT. Raspberry Pi 3 is use as main controller and embedded web server for information access system. Arduino UNO R3 is use to interface the Raspberry Pi with GPS. We suppose to develop a web page using PHP show in all sensor parameters/safety alerts/GPS coordinate of a ship. Sensor like waterproof temperature sensor DS18B20, MQ135, ADXL345 are used for safety measures. GPS is use to track ship at any time/anywhere using information access system. This will ensure not only safety of ship but also the people travelling through ship. This integrated system will be a real time operating system. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
277-278 |
70 |
Common Man Water Filter
-Dambule Shailesh Subhash ; Kasar Aditya Vijay; Pakhale Kalpesh Sanjay; Marne Dhiraj Dagadu; Dr. Ashok B More
In the wake of widespread fluoride occurrence in groundwater, the incidence of endemic fluorosis across the country is alarming. In the year 2009, the Central Ground Water Board and Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission reported 218 and 229 districts to be affected with high fluoride content in groundwater, particularly in the states of Assam, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Rajasthan and some districts of Maharashtra with over 50% districts affected. This has become a critical hazard giving rise to both dental and skeletal fluorosis, such as mottled teeth (brown / yellow stained, discoloured and chalky white patches on teeth), sporadic pain on joints, osteosclerosis of pelvis and vertebral spine, crippling deformities, etc. The removal of excess fluoride is cumbersome and an expensive process. At present, methods being generally used to treat or remove fluorides include chemical precipitation with alum and lime, activated alumina, ion exchange process, electrolysis and reverse osmosis. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
279-280 |
71 |
Modeling and Analysis of Wave Spring Compare with Coiled Spring for Same Parameters
-Nirav Prajapati ; Pravinkumar Suthar
Wave springs are precise flat wire compression springs that fit into assemblies that other springs cannot since the overall lengths and operating heights of Wave springs are lower than those of conventional round Wire springs, they will often reduce the size of an assembly by as much as 50%. of course, this will also reduce the part weight and raw material cost of every spring produced. Wave springs operate as load bearing devices. They take up play and compensate for dimensional variations within assemblies. A virtually unlimited range of forces can be produced whereby loads build either gradually or abruptly to reach a predetermined working height. This establishes a precise spring rate in which load is proportional to deflection. Functional requirements are necessary for both dynamic and static spring applications. Special performance characteristics are individually built into each spring to satisfy a variety of precise operating conditions. Typically, a wave spring will occupy an externally small area for the amount of work it performs. The use of this product is demanded, but not limited to tight axial and radial space constraints. In this paper, a three dimensional finite element (FE) model for shock absorber spring is proposed. The present work deals the structural analysis for modelling the structural behaviour of wave springs. The design of spring in suspension system is very important. In this work a wave type of spring is designed and a 3D model is created using Pro/Engineer. The model is also changed by changing the length of the spring. Structural analysis has been conducted on the wave spring by varying the spring composite material such as SANDVIK 11R51 & SANDVIK 9RU10.Both are strip steel. For this analysis, loads are considered as bike weight, single person and two persons. Structural analysis is done to validate the strength. The present study makes an attempt to compare the results for selecting best material for springs. Read More...
Automobile Engineering |
India |
281-285 |
72 |
Design and Fabrication of Multi Purpose Machine
-Lahare Saurabh Navnath ; Prof. P. R. Nale; Pawar Gaurav Bhaskar; Mhaske Abhijeet Babasaheb
The concept of Design and Fabrication Multi Operational Mechanical Machine is conceived for production based industries. Industries are basically meant for production of usually goods and services at low production cost. Today in this world every task have been made quicker and easier by making use of technology advancement but this advancement also demand huge investment and expenditure. Every industry tries to achieve high productivity maintaining the quality and standard of product at low average cost. We have developed conceptual model of machine which would be capable of performing different operation simultaneously at high efficiency. The machine proposed in this project can perform task like Drilling, Cutting and Grinding at one work station. It also reduces the cost of installing three different machine perform each task and reduces the movement of work and operator. It will also improve the efficiency and reduce cost of project. Read More...
Bechlore of engineering in mechanical |
India |
286-287 |
73 |
Unique Identity Management and Authentication using Homomorphic Signature in Mobile Cloud Computing
-Rajshri Bhagwan Chaudhari ; Pooja P. Bangali; Jayashree M. Mahajan; Neha P. Mahajan
Mobile Cloud Computing, for short MCC, is a service model that integrates both mobile and cloud computing into one service. In mobile cloud computing, the security is important. Moreover, encryption method such as RSA and Diffie Hellman cryptosystem fails against the attacks launched by quantum computer. The purpose of this system is to design and implement a framework that employs unique authentication method that relies on third party identification which is required to accurately identify and authenticate real user in order to reduce the risk of uncover confidential data to unauthorized party in Mobile Cloud Computing, MCC. Cloud computing is a service provided for user to store and process their data online instead of local device. Mobile Cloud computing which an extension of the cloud is computing service allows user to remotely access their data and services that are being uploaded to the cloud beforehand in any place and any time as long as they have internet connection in their personal mobile device. Hence, Homomorphic Signature scheme is introduced along with the Identity Management (IDM) server into the mobile cloud computing in order to address this issue by applying implicit authentication method to differentiate between the genuine and non-genuine user which allows system to authenticate the clients accurately. The details of the framework will be further explained later in this paper, where the user will be authenticated with IDM as medium and no password is used throughout the authentication process, allowing the client to be safely authenticated at the end of the process. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
288-290 |
74 |
An Efficient Method for Data Hiding into an Image using Histogram Shifting
-Mili Mary Varghese ; Smitha Nayak
In the field of data hiding, many people have proposed feasible solutions. However, considering the visual quality and embedding rate of images, more improvements are needed. In this paper, histogram shift is used to realize data hiding of JPEG images. The secret message bits are embedded in the high-frequency coefficients to ensure a higher embedding rate, and the high-frequency coefficients are obtained by histogram distribution. The optimal threshold is used to select a Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) coefficient sub-block that is suitable to embed the secret message, and further improve the visual quality of the target image. Experiments show that our solution is significantly better than the most advanced technology in terms of embedding rate and visual quality. Read More...
Computer Science and Information Technology |
India |
291-297 |
75 |
Green IT- An Approach to Use Technology Eco-Friendly
-Suman Maini
Green computing is the concept of utilizing the computers and its devices in an ecological way. Green processing is the earth mindful and eco-accommodating utilization of PCs and their assets. In more extensive terms, it is likewise characterized as the investigation of structuring, designing, assembling, utilizing and discarding figuring gadgets in a manner that lessens their ecological effect. Green computing has gained the attention from the environmental organizations by last several years. The advancement in the technology has not only resulted in the fast calculations but it has also harmful impacts on the environment. This study is all about to make responsible use of the computers and its related resources and technology by going green. It also focuses on reducing the consumption of power and the use of hardware. Read More...
Computer Applications |
India |
298-300 |
76 |
An Experimental Investigation of Glass Fiber Reinforced Hybrid Composite Automotive Drive Shaft
-Neel Shah ; Abhigyanam Mishra
Nowadays, a composite material is used as replacement of the conventional materials in Automobile industries because of high strength to light weight properties, which reduces the overall vehicle weight without compromising the strength and reliability. Composite materials with higher specific stiffness, low weight, high damping capacity have greater torque capacity than conventional drive shaft. The advanced composite materials such as carbon and glass with epoxy resin are widely used because of their high specific strength and high specific modulus. The aim of this work is to replace the conventional steel driveshaft of automobiles with an appropriate composite driveshaft. Study also includes the preparation of composite shaft in single piece for overall weight reduction, whereas the conventional drive shafts are made in two pieces for reducing the bending natural frequency. In this approach, optimum designed drive shaft finite element model will be prepared in finite element commercial software ANSYS. The static, free vibration and Tensional buckling analysis will be done which are very much essential for rotating elements like drive shafts. Experiment also conducted on instrument to measure the mechanical properties of composite shaft. Read More...
India |
301-305 |
77 |
Traffic Noise Investigation for Regression Analysis Percentile at Different Sound Levels (L10) (L50) (L90)
-Mr. Jaskaran Singh ; Dr. S. P. Nigam
Traffic noise is a typical area of conflict between individual mobility needs and legitimate societal aspirations for quieter lifestyles. With millions of Indian citizens suffering from unacceptable levels of noise, much of it caused by the transport sector as a whole – there is a clear need for India to take a driving role in promoting targeted legislation for progress. Traffic noise from highways creates problems for surrounding areas, especially when there are high traffic volumes and high speeds. In India, the transportation sector is growing rapidly and number of vehicles on Indian roads is increasing at a very fast rate. This has led to overcrowded roads and pollution. So, a need is being felt to develop a noise prediction model suitable for Indian conditions. The noise measurement descriptors recorded were Leq, L10, L50 and L90. Sound level meter (CESVA SC 310) was used for these measurements. The noise parameters measured were traffic volume for near side, traffic volume for far side, mean speed on near side and mean speed on far side. The Correlation regression analysis applied for traffic noise modeling in the present study. In regression analysis, the values of R2 were above 0.70 for all descriptors and the percentage error varied between ±5%. In the Correlation test, the most impacting factors affecting sound descriptors were found and ranked in order. Read More...
M.E in Production Enginerring |
India |
306-309 |
78 |
Development of High Strength Concrete using Quarry Dust as Fine Aggregate
-Vickey ; Abhishek Arya
High strength and high performance concretes square measure being wide used today everywhere the planet
.In developed countries, use of high strength concrete in structures these days has resulted in each technical and economic benefits. In high strength concrete, it is necessary to scale back the water-cement quantitative relation and that normally will increase the cement content. To beat low workability drawback, totally different varieties of pozzolanic mineral admixtures and super softener square measure used to bring home the bacon the specified workability. At identical time, scarceness of concrete constituents and their value square measure increasing day by day stern the promotion of utilization of appropriate waste materials as alternatives. Notably, substitute to traditional sand in concrete square measure given prime importance due to many social, environmental, economic and budget orienting issues. The present work deals with the event of quarry dirt concrete with total replacement of conventional sand with quarry dirt and also the study is formed with systematic approach with sequential steps.
Civil Engineering |
India |
310-311 |
79 |
Strength and Workability of Cement Mortar with Manufactured Sand
-Naveen ; Sandeep Pannu
Natural watercourse sand is wide used as fine aggregates in preparation of standard cement mortar because of extraction in excess, natural sand has become a scarce material and it is to be preserved. Factory-made sand (M-sand) has terribly high potential to replace the natural sand in preparation of cement mortar. This analysis paper presents a study on replacement of natural sand in cement mortar by M-sand at completely different percentages. Strength and workability characteristics of 1:6 cement mortar victimization natural sand and M-sand as fine combination at varied replacement levels were evaluated and compared. The workability of the cement mortar will increase with the rise in M-sand content up to bound level, whereas the strength will increase with the rise of manufactured sand. Thus M-sand are often counseled for the replacement of natural watercourse sand in cement mortar. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
312-313 |
80 |
Behavior of Steel Reinforcement in Reinforced Concrete RCC Structures Subjected to Fire
-Neeraj Kumar ; Nitu Balhara
The deterioration of the mechanical properties of yield strength and modulus of elasticity is considered as the primary element affecting the performance of steel structures under fire. In this study, hot-rolled S220 and S420 reinforcement steel rebars were subjected to high temperatures to investigate the fire performance of these materials. It is aimed to determine the remaining mechanical properties of steel rebars after elevated temperatures. Steels were subjected to 20, 100, 200, 300, 500, 800 and 950 ∘C temperatures for 3 hours and tensile tests were carried out. Effect of temperature on mechanical behavior of S220 and S420 were determined. All mechanical properties were reduced due to the temperature increase of the steel rebars. It is seen that mechanical properties of S420 steel was influenced more than S220 steel at elevated temperatures. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
314-316 |
81 |
Durability of Fly Ash-Based Geopolymer Concrete
-Vikash ; Naveen Hooda
Geopolymer is a green cementitious material and has excellent mechanical properties, low energy in its production and emits less carbon dioxide. In this paper, the effect of silica fume on durability properties of fly ash based geopolymer concrete have been investigated by immersing the cubes in 2% sulphuric acid and 5% sodium chloride solutions. The resistance of specimens to chemical attack was evaluated visually, measuring change in the weights and percent losses in compressive strength at different intervals of time. A control mix was also cast as M40 with ordinary Portland cement concrete for comparison. Percent losses in compressive strengths in the case of control (M40) and GPC3 in 2% H2SO4 at 90 d were found 36 and 8%. Percent losses in compressive strengths in the case of control (M40) and GPC3 in 5% NaCl at 90 d were 18% and about 0%.Thus the resistance of geopolymer concrete incorporating silica fume in sulphuric acid and chloride solution was significantly higher than that of the control. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
317-319 |
82 |
An Experimental Investigation on Usage of Crushed Laterite as Partial Replacement for Coarse Aggregate in GGBS Incorporated Concrete
-Impa K A ; Sachin K C
Civil Engineering sector is the second largest contributor for the Indias GDP. It is expanding at a faster phase due to large scale infrastructure works. The rapid development in the sector has led to exploitation of natural materials which are needed for the inevitable part of construction sector - Concrete. Concrete is consuming huge quantity of coarse aggregate which is depleting the natural resource. It is the call of the day to find the alternative for coarse aggregate as the same sourse used as raw material in the production of M-sand which is substitute for river sand. Because of great demand, pollution and high energy consumption due to crushing of natural stone there is need to find alternative. This research is focusing on one such natural alternative which is available in excess in the Western and Eastern Ghats of the sub-continent – Laterite. Laterite is a natural rock which is generally cut into blocks to be used as construction material. From studies it is evident that, by extraction of these stones, there is positive impact on the environment, hence it is eco-friendly. As one ton cement production emits almost the same amount of carbon di oxide into the atmosphere, lots of research has been carried out to obtain optimum replacement to cement. By studies, 25% of cement has been replaced by Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS) in the convention Mix itself. Laterite fines are replaced to conventional coarse aggregate at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 & 30 % by weight and its effects on the properties of concrete are depicted in this research. It is any attempt to find a natural alternative coarse aggregate for the sustainable development. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
320-323 |
83 |
Self Healing Concrete
-Amit Sheoran ; Nitu Balhara
Crack formation is extremely common development in concrete structure that permits the water and completely different sort of chemical into the concrete through the cracks and reduces their sturdiness, strength and that additionally have an effect on the reinforcement once it comes to bear with water, carbon dioxide and different chemicals. For repairing the cracks developed within the concrete, it needs regular maintenance and special kind of treatment which is able to be terribly expansive. So, to beat from this downside autonomous self-healing mechanism is introduced within the concrete that helps to repair the cracks by manufacturing calcium carbonate crystals that block the small cracks and pores within the concrete. The choice of the bacterium was according to their survival within the alcalescent atmosphere like B. Pasteurii, Bacillus Globigii and B. Spharicus that are mainly used for the experiments by completely different researchers for his or her study. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
324-325 |
84 |
Smart Energy Meter
-Nagraj Ullagaddi
In modern era every human being is unaware of the electricity bills and the electricity consumption. In order to create awareness of the electricity consumption here is the project which deals with the fundamental method of not wasting much of the electricity. Basically in every electricity bill there will be three slabs on which the net amount of the electricity bill is formulated. There will be fixed amount for each slab hence three fixed amount for corresponding three slabs. For the first slab the cost of each unit will be less as the utililisation of the current units crosses the first slab then the corresponding cost of each unit for the second slab will be little more than the first slab and hence the third slab will have the higher cost for every unit than the second slab. So once after the electric meter crosses the first slab readings by using GSM modem it will be helpful to send the message to authorized owner saying that the first slab has been crossed so unutilized lights, fans or any other electrical equipments which are turned on can be switched off so that unutilized electricity which is running throughout the time can be saved and hence one can lead to the better future of the world by saving energy and money. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
326-329 |
85 |
MATLAB-Simulink Simulation of Permanent Magnet DC Motor
-Priyanka Jayaramraju ; Yogita N Potdar
This paper presents the bond-graph model for the DC motor with permanent magnets. Permanent magnets are the magneto mechanical elements with interesting feature like friction and lubrication free operation, low maintenance and long life. In this work a bond graph model of rotor and stator arrangement is modelled. As this arrangement also acts like DC motor. And then the model is been converted into MATLAB-SIMULINK as simulation tool. The study for this was carried out and the results showed the stable behaviour. Read More...
M.Tech in Machine Design |
India |
330-333 |
86 |
Automatic Detection and Notification of Potholes to Aid Driver
-Pooja Daphal ; Komal Gardi; Priyanka Salke; Prof. Kanchan Pradhan
Most of the countries are in the race of Development. India is also in the same race. In the Development of India, road transportation contributing the lion’s share. In India among the three transportation systems, Road transportation is mostly used transportation system. This is the reason behind increased number of vehicles in last recent years. With the number of vehicles, accidents also increased. The main reason behind this accident is Road condition. So it is necessary to maintain roads in order to save the lives. Proposed system will monitor the road condition and will detect the potholes. The detected pothole information will be provided to the driver and also to the government. So that the driver can take a preventive action to avoid pothole. And government will use this information for the maintenance of road condition. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
334-336 |
87 |
Devanagari Script Based Captcha using Voice Recognition
-Ravi Kumar ; Priyam Singh; Ashok Kumar Shriwastawa; Shiv Shakti Pandey; Shiv Kishan Dubey
Speech recognition technology is one from the fast growing engineering technologies. It has a number of applications in different areas and provides potential benefits. Nearly 20 % people of the world are suffering from various disabilities; many of them are blind or unable to use their hands effectively. The speech recognition systems in those particular cases provide a significant help to them, so that they can share information with people by operating computer through voice input CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) is a computer-generated test that humans can pass but current computer systems cannot. CAPTCHA provide a method for automatically distinguishing a human from a computer program, and therefore can protect Web services from abuse by so-called bots. Recently the CAPTCHA test has changed somewhat. Now you are presented with nine small pictures and you must click all that match a specific instruction. All the pictures that contain a storefront for instance. The basic principle remains the same though bots cannot accurately analyse the picture, so they cannot fool the system. The problem is that computers are getting smarter. Artificial Intelligence and machine learning technologies means that bots can teach themselves how to analyse images and identify the letters hidden in them. They can even accurately identify elements in images, allowing them to circumvent newer CAPTCHA systems. Most CAPTCHA consist of distorted images, usually text, for which a user must provide some description. Unfortunately, visual CAPTCHA limit access to the millions of visually impaired people using the Web. The Audio/Voice based CAPTCHA was created to solve this accessibility issue. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
337-340 |
88 |
Megnetic Braking System
-Aman Aziz ; Aman Mishra; Chandan Gupta; Abhishekh Gupta
The paper centres around Mechanical Braking System which utilises magnetic power to stop the rotating wheel. Mechanical braking system or Magnetic Braking system is the economic braking system which guarantee to last long as compared to other braking system due to its contact less braking. This is also called contactless braking. Majority of braking system are based on principle of dissipation of kinetic energy to heat energy. This method has major drawback which must be replaced with a more reliable braking system. Mechanical braking system is quick response, does not heat up and maintenance free. Magnetic field induced eddy current which opposes the cause of its generation is the basic principle of this braking system. This project can also be named as Eddy- Current Braking System. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
341-343 |
89 |
Determination of Compressive Strength of Concrete Structures through In-Situ Testing
-Rahul Pandey ; Pratiksha Malviya
Several in-situ and laboratory methods such as compression testing machine, rebound hammer, ultrasonic pulse velocity method and other NDT methods are available for determining the strength and other properties of concrete. Methods like rebound hammer and ultrasonic pulse velocity, are comparatively simple to perform observe the readings. In the present research, a correlation is developed between in-situ results and crushing strength of concrete structures. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
344-346 |
90 |
Impact of Fire on Reinforced Concrete Structure
-Neeraj Kumar ; Nitu Balhara
Cement concrete can be an advanced mixture of varied materials. Behavior of concrete depends on its mix proportions and constituents once it is subjected to elevated temperatures. Principal effects as a result of elevated temperatures area unit loss in compressive strength, loss in weight or mass, modification in color and sprawl of concrete. The experimental results of ancient concrete and high strength concrete subjected elevated temperatures at 100°C, 300°C, 600°C, and 900°C and completely different cooling regimes viz. air cooling, water quenching on completely different grade of concrete area unit according during this paper. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
347-348 |
91 |
Structural Health Monitoring
-Naveen ; Sandeep Pannu
This Paper initial provides a summary of structural health monitoring (SHM) beside elements of an entire observation style. These elements area unit related to basic information wants, technology wants and additionally socio-organizational challenges for applications especially within the space of civil infrastructure systems. A prospering SHM design needs addressing every of those issues with associate degree integrated approach providing varied varieties of application eventualities for call making. During this Paper, explicit stress is given to knowledge analysis and interpretation as a really vital facet of SHM implementation. a number of the data analysis strategies area unit given with the goal of illustrating explicit engineering applications and desires. Vital issues for SHM knowledge analysis and interpretations area unit mentioned in terms of system characterization, sensing, knowledge quality, presentation and higher cognitive process. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
349-350 |
92 |
Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Beams when Partially Exposed to Fire
-Vikash ; Naveen Hooda
This paper presents a study that investigates the impact of various face exposures: totally and partly on the behavior of traditional strength concrete (RC) concrete beams once exposed to fireplace. Six concrete beams of traditional strength were tested in flexure once one hour normal fireplace exposure, followed by a typical cooling section. The results show that cooling section is important in achieving most temperature in RC beams. The various face exposures and concrete strengths considerably have an effect on the load initially cracking, serviceableness deflection and failure altered once fireplace exposure. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
351-352 |
93 |
Strength and Durability Characteristics of Concrete by using Nano silica
-Vickey ; Abhishek Arya
Concrete is one in the entire worlds most generally used construction material. The term concrete refers to a combination of aggregates, typically sand, and either gravel or crushed stone, command along by a binder of building material paste. This paste is often created of cement and water. Cement is made worldwide annually with fast increase in demand. the assembly of such cement includes huge energy consumption and gas emission to setting. Thence it is necessary to introduce a replacement technology to develop various binders. Victimization applied science for manufacturing nano cement is also thought-about as a possible approach. The nanomaterials square measure principally wont to enhance numerous physio-chemical properties of the cementations materials like crack resistance, corrosion resistance, enduringness and compressive strength. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
353-354 |
94 |
The Accessibility, Affordability and Availability of Health Care Services at Govindpuri Slum Area of South Delhi
-Kabir Najeeb ; Rakhi Ahuja; Dhiraj Kumar Singh
Background: In spite of numerous government intervention programs to bring about changes in the health care delivery system throughout India, still there are numerous challenges that need to be overcome as many people still do not have access to primary health care services to cater for their health challenges, especially the slum dwellers, who are largely low income earners.
Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted during Jan 2019- May 2019 among 200 persons residing in Govindpuri slum area of South Delhi. A structured questionnaire comprising of both open and closed ended questions was used as a tool for data collection and was analyzed using Microsoft Office Excel and valid inferences were drawn.
Results: 91% of the respondents claimed that the distance from their homes to health care facilities was either not trekkable or very far which denotes lack of Accessibility. 97% of the respondents earn less than Rs.15, 000 monthly, out of which 91% requires a means of transport to health care facilities, thus it can be said that health care services are relatively unaffordable to them. Only 9% of the respondents claimed the distance between their homes and the health care facilities was trekkable, which denotes lack of Availability of Health care facilities in the area.
Conclusions: The study revealed that Govindpuri slum area is lacking the Accessibility, Affordability and Availability of healthcare services like it is the case in other slum areas, and so there is the urgent need for government intervention to improve health care delivery in slum areas.
health science |
India |
355-359 |
95 |
Concrete Made of Reused Material
-Amit Sheoran ; Nitu Balhara
Construction industry uses Portland cement that is understood to be a significant contributor to the greenhouse gas emissions and environmental harm. Incorporation of business wastes like razed recent concrete, oxide fume (SF) and ash (FA) as supplementary cementing materials (SCMs) may end in a considerable reduction of the general greenhouse gas footprint of the ultimate concrete product. However, use of those supplementary materials in housing industry particularly within the creating of concrete is extremely difficult. vital analysis efforts square measure needed to check the engineering properties of concrete incorporating such industrial wastes. gift analysis is a trial to check the properties of concrete incorporating industrial wastes like razed concrete, SF and FA. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
360-362 |
96 |
Vibration Analysis of Exhaust System
-Sujay A Patil ; Praveen Mirji
The Paper deals with the vibrational study of the exhaust system with the concept of CAE. The vibrations of exhaust system are due to the engine excitation, braking, and mainly due to the road excitation. The modal analysis is carried out to find the natural frequencies and the mode shapes. & the behaviour of the mode shapes is also studied. The shell and solid elements are used to get better results in modal frequency domain. Further frequency response is carried out by this vibration amplitude of exhaust system (displacement vs frequency graph) were obtained, for different positions on the exhaust system. The exhaust system is modelled using Catia, hypermesh for discretise and Abaqus as solver. The main methodology taken here to find the maximum amplitude for various frequencies at different positions on Exhaust system. After identification of the max displacement (amplitude) the mode shapes were studied/analysed to identify better hanger location. Read More...
M.Tech in Machine Design |
India |
363-366 |
97 |
Analysis and Diagnosis of Glaucoma
-Samantha Cardoso ; Samson Pereira; Craig Furtado; Raheel Shaikh; Chirag L. C
Glaucoma is a disease which damages the optic nerve, the part of the eye which carries theimages in the form of electrical impulses to the brain, and leads to loss of vision. It is causeddue to the immense increase in the intraocular pressure in which rate of secretion of the ciliary body is unbalanced to the rate of drainage in the drainage canal. Depending on how the pressure rises, glaucoma is classified as Open angle and Angle-closure glaucoma. At later stages of life, glaucoma carmot be treated due to severe damage to the optic nerve as disease prolongs, therefore, early stages of glaucoma detection are necessary. Manual detection of glaucoma is difficult and very sensitive, which depends on the specialist. The present work provides an image processing technique for prediction of glaucoma. Preprocessing is performed on the retinal fundus image by eliminating the blood vessels in the retinal fundus image to equalize the irregularities present in the image. Feature extraction is done by evaluating cup to disc ratio using ellipse fitting algorithm and color component analysis technique is applied on the input retinal fundus image to determine to evaluate the area of cup to disc which determines abnormal image. Classification is done using Bayes classifier to isolate glaucomatous images from healthy images. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
367-370 |
98 |
Poly Vinylalcohol Zinc Oxide Nanocomposite Membranes for Fuel Cell Applications
-Mallikarjunagoouda Patil ; Akshata B. Kirasur; Pavitra H. Katti; Laxmibai P. Rathod; Bhagyashree S. Sajjan
Proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells operate at comparatively low temperatures (<80ºC or <175ºF), offer quick start-up times, and require only hydrogen and oxygen to operate. PEM systems provide significant technical and cost advantages compared to competing solutions. Proton exchange membranes (PEMs) are the key components in fuel cell system. The researchers have focused to reach the proton exchange membrane with high proton conductivity, low electronic conductivity, low permeability to fuel, low electro osmotic drag coefficient, good chemical/thermal stability, good mechanical properties and low cost. These are classified into the “iron triangle†of performance, durability, and cost. Current PEMFC technology is based on expensive perflourinated proton-exchange membranes (PEMs) that operate effectively only under fully hydrated conditions. In requirement of the energy generation, small steps have been attempted by means of synthesizing the proton exchange membranes. Poly vinylalcohol and ZnO mixed matrix membranes were prepared in laboratory and measured for fuel cell applications. Read More...
chemistry |
India |
371-376 |
99 |
Performance Evaluation of Inventory Management in Manufacturing Company
-Sanjeet Bhayre ; Bikas Kumar Gupta; Trilok Mishra
Inventory management is concerned with the efficient management of stock to achieve an optimum level of inventory in the firm‘s working capital. Inventory is divided into three major types: raw materials, semi-finished goods and finished goods. The aim of this work is to examine the effect a well-managed inventory has in a manufacturing company Muscan Aircon Enterprises, Bhopal. To enhance the performance of inventory management in an organization. This study we focus on optimizing inventory management in the improvement of supply chain management. Reducing inventory is considered one of the most important aspects of inventory management. But in practice, low inventory level is not always a good solution. Manufacturers need to maintain the right amount of inventory at the right level. Read More...
India |
377-383 |
100 |
Smart Traffic Signal System
-Aparna A. Ugale ; Vrushali V. Kondhalkar; Shweta B. Mundhe; Monika R. Ghogare; Pratiksha M. Mathapati
The Density Based Signal Management in traffic system is to clarify traffic congestion problem which is a big problem in many various modern cities, and many population face this problem. For that, In our project we designed the framework for dynamic traffic light control system, and the automatic traffic light control system, developed the model with codes to help build the system. Generally, each traffic light on Smart Signal System an intersection is assigned set signal time. This is possible to propose dynamically time-based coordination schemes where a green signal time of the traffic lights is assigned base on the present conditions of vehicle density in that traffic. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
384-386 |