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101 |
Investigation of Various Modulation Techniques for Underwater Communication
-Sonu Nagar ; Ranjan Kumar Singh; Dinesh Kumar
In underwater wireless optical communication system we use various different modulation techniques and compare their performances by taking realistic system parameter into account. Particularly we compare the performance of modulation technique such as on-off keying, pulse position modulation, pulse width modulation and digital pulse interval modulation. When we use PIN or an avalanche photodiode at the receiving end, we discuss the compatibility e of these modulation techniques to the underwater optical channel by considering implementation aspects. Because of more power efficiency and its cost effectiveness, optical communication has become more important in these days for communication. Since a few years back, optical communication is considered as an attractive transmission technique for underwater Wireless sensor network (UWSN). Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
451-453 |
102 |
Green Concrete using Waste Materials
-Shivashankar B C ; Basavakiran
Concrete which is made from concrete wastes that are eco-friendly are called as “Green concreteâ€. Green Concrete is a term given to a concrete that has had extra steps taken in the mix design and placement to insure a sustainable structure and a long life cycle with a low maintenance surface. The objective of this project is to make green concrete with the use of waste materials such as fly ash, artificial manufactured sand, Brick powder and FOSROC CONPLAST SP 430 DIS. Both compression strength and tensile strength are carried on concrete blocks. The conventional concrete, for replacement of cement instead of partial cement 80% fly ash 20%, for replacement of cement instead of partial cement 85%, fly ash 15% added concrete slump values are 92mm, 89.5mm, and 87mm respectively. The density of conventional concrete, For replacement of cement instead of partial cement 80% fly ash 20%, For replacement of cement instead of partial cement 85%. Fly ash 15% added to concrete 2222.22kg/m3,1866.66kg/m3 and 1911.11kg/m3 results are respectively. The 7,14 and 28 days compressive strength test results gives the low compressive strength of the green concrete compare to conventional concrete. Overall results have seen compressive strength, tensile strength and density of concrete considerable low. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
454-457 |
103 |
Multiband Microstrip Patch Antenna with DGS Testing in Anechoic Chamber
-Narayan Singh Chouhan ; Gunjan Sahay; Aabhas Mathur; Hemant Dhabhai
In this paper a designed multiple band fractal antenna with diffracted ground structure (DGS) is tested. This antenna fabricated at the vary compact size of 15*24 mm2. This antenna designed on HFSS and simulated. In result this antenna gives multiband frequency of C-band, Ku-band & K-band. Antenna tested using VNA in anechoic chamber. Anechoic chamber gave accurate results. The Sn parameters comparison of software and hardware simulation also concluded in this paper. The return loss hardware gives 39.99dB.Furthumore discussion will be done in the following paper. Read More...
Digital Communication Engineering |
India |
458-462 |
104 |
Effect of Fish Scales on Workability of Concrete in Rigid Pavements
-D. S. Aravind Varma ; S Naveen Kumar
The Processing of fish results to enormous amounts of garbage. It is estimated that fish processing waste after filleting accounts for approximately 65% of the total fish weight. About 35% of the absolute fish weight stays as waste as skins and bones during arrangement of fish filets. In India fish production is about 95.7 lakhs of tonnes out of which 7.34 lakhs of tonnes of fish scale is produced every year but unutilized. The present work an attempt has been made to develop, explore and design the likelihood of usage of labeo rohitha fish scales as pieces or short fibers in concrete as an additive. The workability of different percentages was determined .These concrete fish scale composite has several useful conclusions have been arrived at. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
463-467 |
105 |
Design and Implementation of Hybrid Technique using EDFA, SOA and Raman Optical Amplifiers
-Sehajpreet Kaur ; Atul Mahajan
The optical amplifiers are used in optical communication in order to improve the performance of the system in terms of gain spectrum, noise figure and bandwidth. This study represents the implementation of the proposed optical amplifiers. The amplifiers such as EDFA, SOA and RAMAN are used in this work. To achieve the better performance, the hybridization of the amplifiers is done in the following manner i.e. EDFA-SOA-EDFA and EDFA-RAMAN. The proposed hybrid amplifiers are simulated by using the WDM system with various range of frequency i.e. from 190.5THz to 193THz with the frequency spacing of 50 Hz. A dual port WDM analyzer is installed to analyze the gain of the signals in proposed work over various ranges of frequencies. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
468-472 |
106 |
An Experimental Analysis of Mechanical Tensile Properties on Polylactic Acid and Polylactic Acid with Carbon Fiber in a FDM Fabricated Part by 3D Printer
-Arjun Ram Prajapat ; Sharad Srivastava; Praveen Saraswat
Rapid prototyping (RP) is one of the most popular additive manufacturing methods. It is invariably used in connotation with 3-D printing which permits fast fabrication (printing) of complex parts by layerwise addition of material. Some major advantages that RP technology offers include reduction in printing time and cost, less human intervention and consequently shorter product development cycles. Among the different commercially viable RP techniques, Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) is one of the most commonly used RP techniques. The FDM method forms three-dimensional objects directly from computer generated solid or surface models with the help of filamentous materials which are conveyed precisely in a heated nozzle. The potential for parts of parts that can be created using FDM is enormously high. Major reason for this is the large number of customized input variables that a user can define before the start of printing process. Layer thickness and raster angle can be considered as one of the important process parameters during formation of components by FDM. PLA and PLA composite (PLA+CARBON FIBER) have been considered. For these materials, a comprehensive experimentation has been done to analyze the effect of two process parameters, namely layer thickness and raster angle on three response variables, test specimens for, tensile strength Further, the relative effects of layer thickness and raster angle have been determined using ANOVA on the aforesaid mechanical properties and conclusions have been made. The findings of this work can prove beneficial to practitioners and researchers working in the RP based technology and various related areas which include space satellites, marine engineering components, household appliances etc. Read More...
India |
473-478 |
107 |
Static and Dynamic Analysis of High Rise Steel Structures with various Lateral Load Resisting System
-Gopi.K ; Rashmi.G
In the present Study, the high-rise buildings are modelled with different structural systems. The models are 6 nos. ETABS 2015 is used for the analysis. The lateral load resisting systems such as diagrid, outrigger, bracing and belt truss are used in the present models. The equivalent static and time history analysis is carried out to find out the response. Results are tabulated and compared with all the models. The responses are plotted. Concluding that the diagrid structure proven to be suitable for more than 45-60 storey building from the results. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
479-484 |
108 |
Correlation between Specific Gravity, Water Absorption and other Physical Properties of Different Coarse Aggregates
-Pankaj Joshi ; Raj Kumar; Rajeev Kumar
Concrete is the chief construction material used across the world and plays an important role in the development of a country. It is used in all types of civil engineering works, including infrastructure, low and high-rise buildings, defense installations, environment protection and local/domestic developments. Concrete is essentially composed of cement, coarse & fine aggregates, water and admixture(s). Among these, coarse aggregate is the major part in concrete. Generally, the coarse aggregate is treated as an inert material and only its physical properties like shape, size, water absorption and specific gravity are studied. Whereas, as we increase the quality of mortar mix, the strength of coarse aggregate also comes into picture. In this paper, all physical properties are discussed namely Specific Gravity, Aggregate Impact value (%), Aggregate Abrasion Loss (%), Aggregate crushing Value(%), Soundness Loss(%) 5 cycles in Na2SO4 solution and Water Absorption (%) tests. Specific gravity or relative density of coarse aggregate effect all other properties to some extent. Different correlations have been developed between specific gravity, water absorption and other physical properties in this paper. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
485-488 |
109 |
Mode Shift Behaviour Study for Metro Rail: A Case Study in Indore City
-Tarun Gupta ; V. Tare
Indore is one of fastest growing city in India with 20.81 % urbanization rate. This will leads to increase registered vehicles in the city. Private vehicles as 2 Wheeler, Cars increased tremendously which is the cause of increasing traffic congestion, accidents, inadequate parking space and air pollution. Earlier study concern for only Private Vehicles rather than adopting both Public and Private Vehicles simultaneously. The prime object of this study is to find out the number of commuters that will adopt Metro service in Indore city by leaving there Private vehicles and public mode of transportation. The data is collected and grouped into three majors study as Socio-economic Study, Travel Trips study and Mode Shift study. SPSS software is used for the analysis of the survey data, Logit Model is used to find out the Probability. Data is taken out from the Questionnaire distributed along study area in Indore City. Impact Analysis also performed by increasing the petrol price and another by increasing the speed of Metro Rail. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
489-492 |
110 |
IoT Based Smart Energy Meter Design and Implementation
-Koustav Kumar Mondal
With the advent of the Internet and computational era, not only is there an opportunity to send and receive data between people, but also between devices without human control over it. This is known as the notion of Internet of Things (IoTs) that can be used to solve the increasing problem of power/energy management. To overcome human errors, manual labor and cost reduction in energy consumption with more effectiveness for the power management scheme, we concentrate in this article on the energy surveillance of IoT in particular. The suggested design is to introduce a very low price wireless sensor network and protocol for intelligent energy and web applications capable of reading the device automatically and sending the information to power users to view their present energy meter reading. Using this scheme will make consumers conscious of the use of electricity in their home to decrease energy wastage and consumption costs. The ESP8266 WiFi module will be integrated with the 16-bit ADC, AC current sensor and the TCP / IP protocol will be implemented for communication between the meter and the web application. The experimental findings indicate that the implemented scheme performs very well with accuracy and for very inexpensive-building automatic energy meter reading it is possible to integrate in practical applications. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
493-496 |
111 |
A Content Based Image Retrieval for Human Brain Tumor by using MR Images
-Karumajji N D Malleswari ; Parasurama
CBIR is the technique by that one scans for comparative pictures with regards to the substance of the comparative picture, similar to shading, surface, shape, at that point forward. A strategy system with effectiveness recovering pictures from a gathering by similitude. The recovery relies upon extricating the worthy trademark amounts portraying the predetermined substance of pictures. Moreover, fitting questioning, coordinating, arrangement are required, The Project describes methodology of C.B.I.R. applied to images of medical field to differentiate them between normal and abnormal medical images based on feature extraction a n d clustering the abnormal images to detect two certain abnormalities: Multiple Sclerosis(M.S.) and Tumoral images to classify database. Read More...
Signal Processing |
India |
497-500 |
112 |
Stability Analysis for Hydro Generators and DFIG based System
-Akshay Kumar
Shunt FACTS devices offer highest benefit when placed at the centre on a long length transmission line [68] and off-centre location on a long transmission line [12]. When these FACTS devices along with PSS are used with the hybrid power system i.e. with hydro and wind generators, it gives comparatively better results when compared to system without these devices. Read More...
India |
501-503 |
113 |
Wind Analysis of Stadium
-Mirza Faisal Baig ; Kanchala Nanchari; Khaja Musaddiquddin Muqeet
In this growing world, as civil engineer one needs to be fully aware of structural elements and the safety parameters before and during the execution of project. As an outcome to this an attempt has been made to learn the process of analysis and design of multistory building using Limit state method. This project focuses on Analysis and Design of Stadium. The design, using Limit State Method is taken up. In the limit state of collapse, the strength and stability of structure is ensured. The guidelines being followed are as per IS 456:2000 and IS 800:2007. The present project deals with the Analysis and Design of stadium of G+2 Floors proposed. All the structural elements are designed as per codal provision ETABS features contains powerful graphical interface with modeling, analytical, and design procedures. It is quick and very easy for simple structures. It can handle the largest and most complex building models. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
504-512 |
114 |
Review on Reduction of Electrode Wear in Electrical Discharge Machining
-Gopal R ; N. Kannan; M. Vijayakumar; K. Thirunavukkarasu
EDM is one of the most efficient manufacturing processes and is used to achieve highly accurate production. It is a non-contact thermal energy process used to machine electrically conductive components irrespective of the material’s mechanical properties. Maintaining the accuracy in machining is very critical as there is significant wear in electrode. Also, it increases the cost and time involved in reworking the electrode. So, the reduction of electrode wear is much important. This paper summarizes the research works that has been done to reduce the electrode wear. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
513-516 |
115 |
Review Cloud Based Monitoring System for Health Care using Internet of Things
-Shubham Dilipappa Gorte
Internet of Things (IoT) envisions a future in which anything/anyone/any service can be linked by means of appropriate information and communication technologies which will bring technological revolution in the fields of domestics, smart homes, healthcare systems, goods monitoring and logistics. This project presents the applications of IoT and addresses some essential parameters and characteristics of each of the applications of IoT. In this project, we have deeply explored the role of IoT in healthcare to observer the following parameter such as heart pulse rate, body pressure, temperature and posture delivery and its technological aspects that make it a reality and examine the possibility of diagnosing patients health. A cloud based conceptual framework has been proposed which will be beneficial to the healthcare industry implementing IoT healthcare solutions with the help of android application. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
517-520 |
116 |
Seismic Evaluation of RC Multi Storey Bare Frame Buildings with and without Irregularities
-Sadab Abdulsattar Shaikh ; Saddam Husain Masali
The seismic performance of building with irregular distribution of mass, stiffness, and strength along the height may be significantly different from that of regular buildings. Design codes prohibit construction or recommend special seismic design of such buildings depending on the level of irregularity and site hazard. It is generally believed that the regular buildings have a dominant fundamental mode participation in their seismic response and as the irregularity increases the contribution of higher mode increases. In this present study attempts to check the correlation between regular and irregular buildings, in this study 12 models of different measurements are made regular and irregular in plan and elevation using ETABS software. Parameters such as base shear, storey drift, lateral displacements are studied by linear static analysis to ascertain the overall capacity of the considered RC framed building and building performance level under server seismic zone III are studied by Equivalent static method and Response spectrum method. Read More...
M.Tech in Structural Engineering |
India |
521-524 |
117 |
The Precast Concrete Facade Panels with Fiber Glass Additives Production in Construction Sector
-Abdulgader Mohamed Ahmed BERRANI ; Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Hakan ÇAĞLAR; Dr. Arzu ÇAĞLAR
Change and development in todays technology is evident in every field, and the construction sector has made great progress in parallel with these developments and took its place in this development. For better quality and cost-effectiveness, a mixture of different precast and cast-in-place elements is used to meet different design requirements. Using precast concrete components predominantly, field operations are greatly reduced and a safer working environment is provided. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
Turkey |
525-533 |
118 |
Review on Application of Thermal Barrier Coatings in IC Engines
-Aditya Baghel ; Santosh Sahu
This paper presents study of various researchers on application of thermal barrier coating over various engine components. In the internal combustion engine, most of the heat generated during combustion process is absorbed by the piston by the direct heat loss. Thus, this reduces the indicated power and in turns the performance of internal combustion engine. The application of thermal barrier coatings helps to reduce these thermal losses. Researchers have used both numerical and experimental methods to determine effect of thermal barrier coating on reduction of heat losses and thus improving efficiency of engine. Read More...
Cad/Cam Engineering |
India |
534-537 |
119 |
Image Retrieval using Combination of Color & Shape
-Kode Satya ; Parasurama
In this Paper we proposed a calculation which fuses each of the three highlights, for example, shading, shape to give the focal points of various different calculations to improve the precision and execution of recovery of pictures. The precision of HSV color space based shading histogram based coordinating gives better recovery result. The speed of shape based recovery can been handed by considering surmised shape instead of the precise shape. The element coordinating methodology depends on the Canberra separation. This methodology recovers or searches advanced pictures from mammoth databases abuse the substance of the picture themselves or syntactic picture choices without human contribution. To help picture recovery, procedures from measurements, design acknowledgment, signal procedure, and mechanized vision are conveyed regularly. Various terms utilized reciprocally for CBIR by picture content (QBIC) and substance based visual data recovery (CBVIR). Read More...
Signal Processing |
India |
538-542 |
120 |
Study of Surface Mechanical Properties of Electrode Posited, Shot Peened Copper Coating on Mild Steel Substrate
-Murugesh M G
In this experimental work, thin film of copper coating were prepared from the Copper Sulphate bath with the aid of Electrolyte Deposition process over a cold rolled mild steel plate and mild steel round rod substrate. In this experimental process different parameters such as voltage, agitation speed and time of deposition were considered. Electrolyte deposition done before and after the shot peening process. After the electrolyte process the shot peening were done on the electrolyte deposition specimens and normal mild steel specimens. Fatigue test was conducted by the R R Moore bending test instrument under the pay load of 150 kg. Tensile test was conducted by using Universal Testing Machine. The micro hardness of the specimens were examined in the Vickers micro hardness tester under the pay load of 2 kgf. The surface morphologies of the specimens were investigated with Scanning Electron Microscopic analyzer. The surface roughness of the specimens were examined by the Tally Surf Gauge instrument. Read More...
M. Tech Mechanical Engineering Design |
India |
543-554 |
121 |
Formulation of Time Period for Gravity Dam
-Sisira Aravindan ; Abhilasha P. S.
Gravity dams are solid structures that maintain their stability against design loads from the geometric shape, mass and strength of the concrete. The catastrophic consequences on life and property resulting from failure of large dams have led engineers to design and built these structures to resist failure with no or only minor damages. In this aspect, stability analysis plays a major role and hence the stability of dam has to be analyzed properly. The study focuses mainly on the formulation of time period for gravity dams. Each time it is not possible to calculate the natural time periods through modal analysis. In order to simplify the problem, a relation between natural time period, height and base width is formulated. Inorder to get emperical formula for natural time period, a family of concrete gravity dam with varying height, base-width and side slope is analyzed using finite element software ANSYS. Dams are modeled with 2-D plane strain elements. A regression analysis is carried out on the modal properties obtained from the finite element analysis in order to develop empirical relation between time period, height and base width. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
555-557 |
122 |
A 2x1 Dual Band MIMO Antenna using Partially Extended Ground for Wireless Applications
-Dimple Sujawat ; Aabhas Mathur; Hemant Dhabhai
The paper proposed 2 × 1 MIMO antenna is designed for S band and C band applications. S-Band (2-4GHz) and C-Band (4-8 GHz) C band of microwaves spectrum, which can be used for Bluetooth, WLAN, WiMAX and other wireless services. The Antenna operating at the 2 resonant frequencies 2.37 GHz and 5.60 GHz. The proposed design uses different techniques like partial ground, Circular Slot in patch and Partially Extended Ground (PEG) on low cost FR4 dielectric substrate with loss tangent 0.02. The dimension of the proposed MIMO antenna is of the size 35.39 x 50.18 mm2 .The proposed MIMO covers 2.1-2.5 GHz and 5.4 -5.9 GHz frequency bands. A linearly polarized dual-band MIMO antenna resonate at 2.37 GHz and 5.60 GHz frequencies is connected to both ends of the partial ground to reduce mutual coupling between radiators. The mutual coupling is reduced using partially extended ground. The antenna parameters such as return loss, VSWR, Envelope Correlation Coefficient (ECC), Isolation and gain are in good agreement with the requirements. The designing and simulation have been performed using CST (Computer Simulation Technology). Read More...
Digital Communication Engineering |
India |
562-564 |
123 |
E Health Agriculture Monitoring System through WSN
-Akansha Tiwari ; Vinay Jain
The water level required by each soil type varies tremendously. The improper maintenance of water in agriculture leads to water scarcity. The farmers working in the farm lands are solely dependent on the rain, river and bore wells for irrigation of the land. Along with that scorching summers threatens our planet every year, our farmers are unable to cultivate our traditional crops at their suitable seasons.. Temperature dependence of crop depends on whether that crop belong to “wet harvesting crops†or “dry harvesting cropsâ€. Wet harvesting crops are those crops which depends on temperature or season, also they can be grown throughout the year. Hence with change in temperature, their water requirement changes Soil water level can be manipulated and accordingly irrigation can be done which can save a huge water that applied in the field in surplus amount. This research focuses on the design of a prototype using WSN to provide complete automation for the irrigation process In this modern era of agriculture the farm lands have water-pumps, drip irrigation system, but also manual controlling by farmers is required to turn the pump on/off whenever needed. In the proposed work WSN is used together to provide complete automation to the irrigation process. Sensor module includes Soil moisture sensor, temperature sensor and rainfall sensor. Selection of fields and the soil is done using WSN. Once the data is fed to the system the system follows the same configuration to water the soil. Water level of soil is maintained by switching on/off of pumps. Instead of calculating water requirement by different soils, the value obtained by the researchers in their researches is directly taken as threshold value for this prototype. The main aim of this prototype is to continuously monitor soil water level and irrigate the fields in proper duration with the exact required amount of water. Water requirement of soil varies with the type of soil. WSN is used to automatically water the soil in the required quantity. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
565-569 |
124 |
Seismic Analysis and Design of RC Framed (G+10) building using ETABS Software Package
-C Prudhviraj Chouhan ; P. Abhilash
This scenario represent the construction analysis of G+10 RC framed building in a pollution less areas and also for eco-friendly environment with the consideration of seismic forces along with different load combinations as well, people also focusing on the rural areas to be developed in several regions around the country in this era, as up to this the developing rural regions also fall under different seismic zones in India. So, the importance of analysis of a structural behaviour of different elements in this type of structure is utmost essential, so as to eradicate the failures. This could be achieved here by using recent Structural design software package of ETABS under the conditions on wind and earthquake parameters. The title as†Seismic analysis and design of Rc framed (G+10) building using ETABS Software package. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
570-573 |
125 |
Analytical Evaluation of Operational Characteristics of a Mid-Plate Adjustable Capacitive Transducer
-Nwozor Obinna Eugene ; Olumoko Olayinka Eric
In this work, the functional principles of capacitive transducer is revealed with attention on the transduction effect of the device using two parallel plates at both ends. A movable plate at the middle of the device is incorporated by which the electrostatic field within the two extreme plates is adjusted to determine the operational consequence of the mid-plate movement. The two existing voltages due to the two end plates and the moving plate are deduced in relation to the existing parameters of the device. A graphical results are obtained and properly evaluated in attempt to ascertain the basic characteristics under which the operational capability of the three – plate capacitive transduction can be improved for adequate operational result of the equipment. Read More...
Nigeria |
574-578 |
126 |
Wireless Sensor Network for the Real Time Fault Detection of Motor Arrays
-Neelam Soni ; Vinay Kumar Jain
Energy monitoring and fault diagnostics are critical for industrial motor systems to maintain safety, reliability, efficiency, and uptime. Accurate monitoring and estimation of energy usage condition of motor systems enable proper actions at various levels to be taken to improve the overall system efficiency for energy savings. Early detection of motor system failures through fault diagnostics and prognostics allows appropriate maintenance to be scheduled proactively to prevent catastrophic motor failures, avoiding expensive economic losses associated with process downtime caused by motor failures. The advances in wireless communications and highly integrated electronics have enabled the implementation of low cost, low-power, and multifunctional sensors and actuators. The deployment of large numbers of these sensors and actuators resulted in the development of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). The collaborative operation of WSNs brings significant advantages over traditional sensing, including flexibility, high fidelity, self-organization, aggregated intelligence via parallel processing, low cost, and rapid deployment. These unique features make WSNs a promising platform for online and remote implementations of energy monitoring and fault diagnostic systems. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
579-583 |
127 |
Agriculture and Sectoral Inter-linkage in Times of Globalization-A Critical Evaluation
-Abhigayan Adhikary ; Priyanka Mazumder; Amrita Basu; Dipanjan Mitra
The aim of this paper is to describe a static, dual economic model which is open at the same time. We attempt to explain the nature of sectoral inter-linkage in a dual economy in light of globalization and liberalization and put forward a simple framework discussing agricultural-industrial inter-linkage in an open economy. We have considered the situation where the industrial production is demand driven and food prices adjust to clear the market. The main objective of the paper is to show that better performance of the agricultural sector has a strong positive effect in generating growth and employment in the industrial sector.
India |
584-588 |
128 |
Performance Evaluation of 11-Level Cascaded H-Bridge Inverter with Reduced Component Count
-Kaushal Kishor Thakur ; Vinay Pathak
In the proposed work a reduced count CHBMLI is designed using total eight number of switches and three DC voltage sources to generate a 11 level multilevel inverter. The implementation of the proposed topology is carried out for various level shifted sinusoidal carrier based PWM techniques. The performance analysis of the proposed topology is evaluated for resistive, inductive and induction motor load. The THD analysis has been done for the various loading and it is found that the proposed topology has better harmonic characteristics as compared to the conventional topologies. Read More...
India |
589-593 |
129 |
Depression Detection using Sentiment Analysis
-Pranjal Girish Mahajan ; Tushar B Kute
Twitter sentiment analysis is an application of sentiment analysis on data from Twitter (tweets), in order to extract sentiments conveyed by the user. Several studies carried out have shown the correlation between social media and depression. We aim at contributing to the research on depression detection using Sentiment analysis. We have pre-processed the data, applied feature extraction and feature selection. Thereafter, we measured the performance of two machine learning algorithms: Naive Bayes and Logistic Regression. The results of this study showed that Logistic Regression has outperformed Naive Bayes with accuracy 82.26%. Read More...
Artificial intelligence |
India |
594-597 |
130 |
Performance Analysis of AWS EC2 Instances & Google Compute Engine VM Instances
-Archit Jain ; Harshita Jain
Cloud Computing provides an effective platform for executing large-scale and complex workflow applications with a pay-as-you-go model. This paper provides the survey of comparative detail of both instances (servers) deployed on AWS (Amazon web services) & GCP (Google Cloud Platform) with some configuration tools and try to observe minor differences of using Amazon Web Services EC2 Bitnami word-press images as well as Google Compute Engine VM Instance tooling in general website deployment & development. Bitnami has partnered with AWS and Google to make WordPress available in the Amazon Web Services & Google Cloud Platform. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
598-602 |
131 |
Real Time Health Monitoring System using LabView
-Pooja Mandle ; Shailendra Kumar Singh
Nowadays the lifestyle of human being is changing day by day due to daily routine of whole schedule. It is necessary for individuals to know their heart rate become of the fact that cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the world, especially in developing countries. Heart rate or pulse and body temperature monitoring are very important parameters of human body. Doctors are use various kind of medical apparatus like thermometer for checking fever or body temperature, BP monitor for blood pressure measurement and heart rate monitor for heart rate measurement. In this proposed project a hardware which monitors heart beat and body temperature a human being through wired and wireless circuit using LABVIEW, with at mega 328 controller. The design of a simple, low-cost microcontroller based heart rate measuring device with seven segment display output. The method that has been used to measure heart rate in this project is widely known as photoplethysmography (PPG). The constructed device can be used to find out the heart rate and body temperature of a person and on analyze reading using existing software (LABVIEW). Here a heartbeat and temperature sensor module which senses the heart beat and temperature upon putting a finger on the sensor are used. It then processes on real-time the information to determine some heart rate and body temperature. This proposed heart rate measuring (HRM) and body temperature device is economical and user friendly. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
603-606 |
132 |
Seismic Response of RC Structure with and without Floating Column
-Alok N ; Ms. Usha K N
In recent times, multi-storey buildings in urban cities are required to have column free space due to shortage of space, population and also for aesthetic and functional requirements. For this buildings are provided with floating columns at one or more storey. These floating columns are highly disadvantageous in a building built in seismically active areas. The earthquake forces that are developed at different floor levels in a building need to be carried down along the height to the ground by the shortest path. Deviation or discontinuity in this load transfer path results in poor performance of the building. In the study the critical position of floating column will be analyzed for G+10 and G+15 RC buildings for zone II and zone V. Also the effect of size of beams and columns carrying the load of floating column has been assessed. The response of building such as storey drift, storey displacement and storey shear will be used to evaluate the results obtained using ETABS software. Read More...
M.Tech in Structural Engineering |
India |
607-613 |
133 |
Content-Based Image Repossession using Attribute Extraction with ANN Algorithm
-S. Vanathi
CBIR or Content Based Image repossession is the repossession of images based on visual features such as colour, texture and contour. Three image features are proposed to index an image, namely, color feature, shape and bit pattern, which are generated directly from the images related to an uncertainty image from a large set of distinct Database fixed data streams without performing the decoding process. Experimental results show that the proposed method is proficient than the block truncation coding image search systems and the other earlier methods. The proposed scheme is not only suited for image solidity, because of its simplicity. The query image features are extracted and it compared with cluster after that display the comparable images. The proposed idea is to apply the artificial neural network techniques to increase the accuracy of image retrieval. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
614-616 |
134 |
Intensification of Network Security in Open flow Erection using Software Defined Networking
Software defined networking is a computer networking by using an open flow protocol. To provide a security measure in an opensec in Software Defined Networking (SDN) atmosphere for mischievous node reacts to a opensec protocol. In this the communication between the switch and controller and requested node in a network. Main objective is to give priorities on the basis of trust level, then according to that it will handle the request. And to keep the control plane in running state efficiently even when suffering from data-to-control plane saturation by assigning less timeout value for the flow rule in peak time. The secondary objective is to differentiate between counterfeit packet request from normal packet request and it handles the data-to-control plane saturation. The performance metric is evaluated by using the number of packet loss and its time taken for its communication. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
617-621 |
135 |
Laboratory Assessment of use of Industrial Waste (Marble Dust Powder) as a Stabilizer for Black Cotton Soil in Pavement Surface
-Tarun Ahirwar ; J. P. Tegar
Black cotton soils were stabilized with the various proportion of Marble Dust Powder i.e. at 0,5,10, 15, 20&25 %. Marble Dust Powder possesses no plasticity. Plasticity index of clay Marble Dust Powder mixes decreases with increase in Marble Dust Powder content. The liquid limit and plastic limit of the soil-Marble Dust Powder mixture varied with the changing Marble Dust Powder content. Plasticity index values were computed from these experiments, which showed a consistent decreasing pattern with the increase of Marble Dust Powder content. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
622-624 |
136 |
Performance Evaluation of Functional Mechanism/Principles of Inductance Transducer
-Olumoko Olayinka Eric ; Nwozor Obinna Eugene
In this work effort is geared toward evaluation of functional characteristics of inductive transduction with consideration on inductive transducer as the major principal device. The operational mechanism of the component was critically evaluated with intensive inspection of the inductance uniqueness of the major components with which the transducer is composed. The electrical behavior of the transducer was modeled and analysed to reveal the inherent constituting variables upon which the functionality of the device is based with a graphical illustration that divulges the operational interdependency of these variable. This was adequately investigated to disclose the operational contribution of the parameters with respect to practical effectiveness of the inductance transducer. Read More...
Electrical And Computer Engineering |
Nigeria |
625-628 |
137 |
Aramid Improves Tribological Characteristic of Polymers
-Radhe Shyam Bhaskar
Aramid is a great composite and very tough man-made fiber. The structure-property correlation and the application areas of these fibres arc reviewed. Adding of aramid fibers are characterized by their superior thermal properties, resistance to chemicals and outstanding mechanical properties, high tensile strength, high heat resistance less wear tear, less abrasive etc. properties. It is most useful material for making their products are so useful i.e. heat resistance clothes, flak jackets and helmets for armed forces etc. This paper presents the influence of the matrix on tribological properties of composites having 10% aramid fibers. Polyamide (Relamid) and PBT (Crastin) were used as matrix. The short aramid fibers (Teijin) were approximately 200...250 µm in length and 10 µm in diameter, with expended extremities due to manufacturing process. Tests were done on block-on-ring tribotester on a BRUKER-CETR®.UTM 2 system. SEM images help identify wear mechanisms and pointed out the different behavior of the two matrixes. Adding aramid fibers into a matrix of either PA or PBT makes the resulting blends have better tribological characteristics: the wear is much lower, the friction coefficient slightly increases, but remaining in an acceptable range for actual applications as compared with the neat polymers. PBT + 10% wt aramid fibers had the lowest wear versus a slightly higher coefficient of friction as compared to that of PBT, for the tested regimes. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
629-634 |