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In todays run-of-the-mill world, not everyone can hire servants for their pets, but it is not possible for them to take care of them all the time and to take care of their food and drink on time-to-time, so we have made a device that will serve food to them on the time which is set by owner. The work is about pet feeding machine automatically for a daily minimum period of time of eight hours when all people of nuclear family members are busy at work for the survival in the metro cities and other cities. The pets of home can get food after an interval of half hours and the same can be monitored and the owner of the pet always tension free about the feeding of the pet especially dogs and cats when they are busy at work. The food for pet has been kept inside a box while leaving home. The food would be served to the pets automatically up to a certain quantity only when time will come. It is an excellent idea to protect the pets from starving whenever no one is at home and all are busy with their scheduled routine works and job at office or in business. The cost of a care taking a pet has been reduced down due to the launching of such machine in the market. Such idea is being globally getting popular due to automatic system.
Shrawan Singh and Aditya Gaikwad. "Automatic Pet Feeder." International Journal for Scientific Research and Development 7.7 (2019): 669-670.
The prime focus of researcher during the past few decades is Human Safety in vehicles. Every year many children died inside the car due to heatstroke. Each summer in the US 35 to 40 children died after being left alone inside the car. Many car manufacturing companies have not implemented any safety alert system that could prevent these fatal from happening. There are many baby alert system available in the market but they are inconsistent and unreliable. We need a system which is very effective and efficient. That reminds parents/caretakers of their forgotten child. Our aim is to provide a system that alerts parents /caretakers about heatstroke inside the car and to avoid the death of children occurring due to heatstroke.
Sujeet Yadav and Muhammed Rehan Shaikh. "Heat Stroke Detection in Vehicles." International Journal for Scientific Research and Development 7.7 (2019): 671-673.
This Research paper focus on Wireless Ad Hoc networks, it is application, it is types and some issues related to security also. A wireless ad hoc network is a decentralised type of wireless network. The decentralised nature makes them suitable for variety of applications where central nodes can’t be relied on and may improve the scalability of network compared to wireless managed networks. In these the nodes are moving from one place to another while moving the new node may get join to these network and can leave at any time (Which is known as dynamic mobility). In window operating systems, ad-hoc is use as a mode of communication which allows the computers to communicate with each other without a use of routers. So it is known as ad-hoc as it does not rely on pre-existing infrastructure, such as router.
Anshuman Vijendra Singh Rathore. "Wireless Ad Hoc Networks." International Journal for Scientific Research and Development 7.7 (2019): 674-676.
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