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101 |
64 X 64 Bit High Speed Floating Point Multiplier using Urdhva Triyagbhyam Algorithm
-Dharshna L ; Deepthi V
In VLSI systems like microprocessors and application specific DSP architectures, the arithmetic operation which is extensively used is “Multiplicationâ€. This paper proposes an efficient method for IEEE 754 floating point multiplication which gives a better implementation in terms of delay and power. The overall performance of most of the systems is determined by the multipliers. The power efficient, faster and low area multiplier design decides the performance of the system. The speed of operation is increased compared with carry save Multiplier. Multiplication is the most time consuming operation. For this fast method of multiplication based on ancient Indian Vedic mathematics is used. Among various method of multiplication Urdhva Tiryagbhyam (Vedic mathematics) algorithm is used and multiplication is for 64 x 64 bits. It enables parallel generation of intermediate products, eliminates unwanted multiplication steps with zeros. This design using Urdhva Tiryagbhyam sutra exhibits less combinational delay, high speed and power utilization. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
379-382 |
102 |
Power Up gradation of Renewable Energy Sources by using Interleaved Boost Converter
-Dipak Kadve ; Eknath Yadav; Manish Yadav; Chandrashekhar Malviya; Dinesh Dhakad
As the time is passing out our demand of energy is rising irrespective of the time. In this case the best option to go toward the renewable power generating sources. Among the all power generating sources the solar power generating sources are top on the list. For increasing the output of this sources we need a suitable boost converter. Interleaved boost converter is one of such convertor which consist of several identical boost convertor connected in parallel and controlled by interleaved method, which has some switching frequency and phase shift. The advantages of using IBC over conventional boost converter are increased efficiency, improved reliability, reduced current peak value and these converter cells have good current sharing characteristics. The proposed method provides the increased output voltage along with efficiency. Read More...
Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
India |
383-384 |
103 |
Experimental Study of Evaporative Cooling System
-Vivek Kumar ; Neeraj Saraswat
Cooling towers are either used for evaporation of water to get rid of heat and for cooling the operating close to the wet-bulb air temperature or within the loop case. Dry-Cooling towers rely solely on air to cool the working fluid near the dry-bulb air temperature. Applications commonly included are cooling of circulated water utilized by in Oil-Refinery, Chemical-plant, Power-station and Building-cooling. Industrial cooling tower can be utilized for removal heat from many source namely machineries or heating process materials. Large industrial towers primarily used for removal heat from circulated water system in Power-plant system, Food Processing plants, and Semiconductor plants for Industrial facilities. Read More...
Thermal Engineering |
India |
385-388 |
104 |
IoT Based Water Flow Monitoring for Apartments
-Ramachandran ; Pranesh; Hari Keerthi
This project mainly focuses on the monitoring of water flow in each house in the apartment. The usage of water becomes more lenient in apartments. These challenges arise due to high population, less water resources etc. The scarcity of water mainly occurs due to wastage and lenient usage, so it should be monitored in real time for new approach in IoT based water flow monitoring has been projected. In this, the amount of water consumed in each house will be calculated and then stored in the database. Hence the ultimate motto is to let people aware of their water usage. Read More...
Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
India |
389-391 |
105 |
Criminal Identification using Raspberry Pi
-Sahil Sharma ; Shubham Dave; Vivek Pandey
This paper presents a real time face recognition using an automated surveillance camera. The proposed system consists of 4 steps, including (1) training of real time images (2) face detection using Haar-classifier (3) comparison of trained real time images with images from the surveillance camera (4) result based on the comparison. An important application of interest is automated surveillance, where the objective is to recognize people who are on a watch list. The aspiration of this paper is to compare an image with several images which has been already trained. In this paper, this system represents a methodology for face detection robustly in real time environment. Haar cascading is one of the algorithms for face detection. Here system uses Haar like classifiers to track faces on OpenCV platform. The accuracy of the face recognition is very high. The system can successfully recognize more than one face which is useful for quickly searching suspected persons as the computation time is very low. In India, we have a system for recognizing citizen called Aadhaar. If system uses this as a citizenship database, it can differentiate between citizen and foreigner and further investigate whether the identified person is criminal or not. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
392-394 |
106 |
A Study of Mechanical Properties of TIG Welded Dissimilar Joint of Mild Steel and Stainless Steel 316
-Sriram C ; Ramesh M; Gokul R; Ponmurugan M
The present work is to research the dissimilar welding of Mild steel and 316 stainless steel. Tungsten inert gas welding with identical parameters and procedures was used to carry out single V grooved butt welding. The use of 316 stainless steel and mild steel has been increased noticeably in building up of railway wagons and modern boilers in where is want corrosion resistance areas and mechanical properties (Toughness, Hardness, Tensile Strength) of the weld. This paper discussed dissimilar weld of Mild steel and 316 Stainless steel using TIG using required Parameters and to evaluate the Mechanical Properties. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
395-397 |
107 |
Design of a Pressurized Air Bearing
-Iandrajit Anandrao Thakare ; Harshal Nashikrao Mate; S. M. Pimpalgaonkar; Akshay Dilip Harane
High speed applications are common in machine tools, rocket engines, turbo-chargers, dental applications and high power density electric blocks. One of the major problems associated with high speed machines is frequent bearing failures. This is primarily because of the large number of cyclic loading the conventional bearing has to withstand. Gas bearings on the other hand are contact less bearings where the fluid film formed bears all the load and is continuously expelled out the system. This theoretically makes them completely wear free and renders them with a life of more than 15-20 years. In this project we design, simulate, fabricate and experimentally validate a pressurized gas bearing system for high speed flywheel energy storage system. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
398-399 |
108 |
Agrarian Distress in India
-Anjali Sharma
Agriculture is the primary sector of Indian economy as 70%of the population directly or indirectly depends on agriculture sector for their survival. The success of Green revolution has made a marvellous impact on Indian economy by making it self-sufficient in the production of food grains. Although there are modern methods and tools for agriculture production but the Indian farmers are not does not seems to be satisfied. Low income of farmers is the major reason for the farmer’s agrarian distress. Every year over 15964 farmers commit suicide, 10% of all suicides in India are farmers suicides. A report by National Crime Records Bureau states that 45 farmers commit suicide every day in India. Recently farmers across India marched to Nations Capital to register under Government’s notice. Therefore this paper focuses on the reasons for Farmers agrarian distress based on the secondary data available and a way forward. Read More...
Economics |
India |
400-402 |
109 |
A Review On Cyber Security Challenges In Smart Grid System
-Asst Prof. B.L.Lingaraddi ; Asst Prof. V.S.Reshmi
The Smart Grid is the innovativeness of the electricity system. A smart grid altercates from the conventional grid in that it readies two-way communication of electricity data, instead of one-way flow. Smart grids ratify real-time data collection niggling electricity supply and demand towards the transmission and distribution process, making monitoring, generation, consumption and maintenance more effective. The role of the grid is to provide omnipresent communication capability for collecting data from sensors and meters and provide congruent information to support multiple activities such as affirming grid stability, detecting and resolving aberrations, forecasting load, and overseeing demand response [7]. Although smart grid expresses various problems of the traditional grid, it faces a number of security confrontations like Physical attacks, cyber-attacks or natural disasters are major nameable form of threats to Smart Grid s deployment which could lead to infrastructural failure, blackouts, energy theft, customer privacy breach, endangered safety of operating personnel, etc. so in this paper we study on security challenges and solutions in Smart grid System. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
403-405 |
110 |
Experimental Study on Replacement of Coarse Aggregate Partially By Recycled Broken Brick Aggregate
-Lavanya Punnam ; Yenugula Soni; Tamma Usha Gowri Akhileswari; Korada Lakshman
By for the most common coarse aggregate used in concrete is obtained from natural rock, the type of rock suitable for concrete making is not available everywhere. In Tripura a northern-eastern state of India brick aggregate concrete are used conventionally for ordinary concrete due to scarcity of aggregate from natural source. Due to advancement of concrete technology and to fulfill the durability requirement it is necessary to use standard concrete. The stone aggregate is used; cost of construction has been sky rocked as there is transported from other states. Due to lack of availability of stone aggregate in Bangladesh, most of the old structures are constructed with brick chips as coarse aggregate, therefore the recycled aggregate investigated in the study is different from the recycled aggregate investigated in other countries which are mostly made of stone chips. The properties of recycled aggregate, such as specific gravity, absorption capacity were tested water-to-cement ratio 0.4 and 0.45 concrete specimens were tested at 7 and 28 days compressive strength. This paper presents an experimental investigation on the properties of concrete obtained by replacing stone aggregate (partly) crushed clay-brick. In this study, the coarse aggregate was partially replaced (5%, 7.5%, 10%, 20% and 30%) by brick aggregate as replacement of stone aggregate. Different relations for determination of compressive strength. Admixture Mapie is used to increase the workability, and compressive strength of concrete. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
406-408 |
111 |
Behavior of Coupled Shear Wall with Damper in High Rise Building
-Chetna Sahu ; Bhavesh Kumar Jha
The reinforced concrete shear wall is used in seismic prone zone to counter lateral forces & they are most appropriate structural component in high rise building. It provide the stiffness and strength during earthquake but the coupled shear wall gives more stiffness and strength and it is outstanding structure to resist gravity loads. The behavior of coupled shear wall is regulated by the coupling beam. The outcome of the above structure can be increased by providing a damper. Here a viscous damper has been used for the analysis along with the coupled shear wall. This study mainly focuses on the analysis and design of coupled shear wall with and without damper. Time history method is used for dynamic analysis. Parameters like storey drift, storey displacement, storey stiffness, storey shear and base shear of a structure are determined by using ETABS software. The comparative study of the above parameters for the models that is bare frame, shear wall, coupled shear wall without damper and coupled shear wall with damper have also been studied. In this study we found the coupled shear wall with damper reduces the response of structure like storey drift and displacement etc and increase the storey stiffness of the structure. The scope of present work is to study the effect of seismic loading on placement of coupled shear wall in building at different position of damper. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
409-413 |
112 |
Solar Based Domestic Refrigeration System using Peltier Module
-Bhagyashri Pramod Dongare ; Damini Gadde; Prof.A.B. Halmare
Now a day, we have many difficulty such as many energy crisis and environment degradation due to the rising CO2 emission and ozone layer depletion has become the primarily examine to both developed and developing countries. Our project make use of the solar energy for its operation. Solar refrigeration using Peltier module is joining be one of the most cost effective, dirt-free and environment friendly systems. Cooling can be done in a single system which is possible due to the peltier effect. This paper does not need any kind of refrigerant and mechanical gadget like compressor, prime mover, etc for its working. The main purpose by this method is to provide refrigeration system to the remote areas where power supply is not possible. Solar-powered Refrigeration system that eliminates burning crude oil and reliance on an electric grid .This study mainly focus on Direct current (DC) vapour compression coolings system, connected to a solar photovoltaic cell based compressor less Refrigerator via novel electronic controls . this environmental friendly system is ideally for use in domestic purpose as well as business purpose. The plan of solar powered refrigerator required minimum temaperatures upto five degree celcius. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
414-415 |
113 |
A Study on Factors Affecting Mobile Phone Buying Behavior With Reference To Smart Phones among Consumers in Coimbatore City
-Dhivin Mahendran ; Yeshwanth Vetrivel; Dr.V.B Mathipurani; Dr.D.Divya Prabha; Mr.S.Selvakrishna
Hot-selling Android and iPhones have already conquered the consumer market, and with users becoming accustomed to those devices, more people want to use them for work. In the competitive environment where every second day a new technological advancement takes places and the two cell phone giants Android and iOS are pushing themselves every now and then to achieve excellence in their product. Today Android’s percentage share in the market is increasing at an increasing rate. The main objective of the study is to analyse the brand perception towards Android were 110 samples was used to collect the data and percentage analysis and weighted average were used as tool to analyse the data and the conclusion is that the customer mostly prefer smart phones for their user friendly atmosphere while using the phone and if the companies tries to satisfy their customers further then the profit and market share can be increased in future period of time. Read More...
Human Resource management |
India |
416-419 |
114 |
Home Automation through Voice Recognition
-Shrinidhi Sanjay Chintamani ; Susmita Choure; Sakshi Akarshe; Samiksha Khopade; Renuka Anami
The main objective of this project is to develop a home automation system using an Arduino board with Bluetooth being remotely controlled by any Android OS smart phone. As technology is advancing, modern houses are getting smarter. Modern houses are gradually shifting from conventional switches to centralized control system, involving remote controlled switches. Presently, conventional wall switches located in different parts of the house make it difficult for the user to go near them to operate. Even more it becomes more difficult for the elderly or physically handicapped people to implement. Remote controlled home automation system provides a most modern solution with smartphones. In order to achieve this, a Bluetooth module is interfaced to the Arduino board at the receiver end while on the transmitter end, a GUI application on the cell phone sends ON/OFF commands to the receiver where loads are connected. Touching the specified location on the GUI, the loads can be turned ON/OFF remotely through this technology. The loads are operated by Arduino board through opto- isolators and thyristors using triacs. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
420-421 |
115 |
Cloud Computing and Its Importance
-Nikhil Mishra ; Harendra saini; Abhay purohit
The concept of the cloud computing is important and becoming popular day by day due to its characteristics such as low cost storage, access of data at anywhere and at any time and also provide the easy maintenance of data. We can have access of the data from anywhere through the connected device in an easy and efficient manner. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
422-423 |
116 |
Enhance Properties of Concrete using Fly Ash or Coconut Fiber for Paving
-Narayan Nayma ; Barun Kumar; Abhay Kumar Jha
Saravana Raja Mohan, and co-workers carried out experiment investigation to evaluate the properties of fly ash based coconut fiber composite cement was replaced with five percentages (10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, & 30%) of class C fly ash. Four percentages of coconut fibers (0.15, 0.3, 0.45 & 0.60%) having 40mm length were used. The fly ash based coconut fiber reinforced concrete shows a better performance than ordinary concrete. Read More...
Engineering |
India |
424-425 |
117 |
Health Welfare Monitoring System in Car for Driver
-Prarthana Pralhad More ; Harshada Vijay Mungale; Snehal Netaji More; V.A.Suryvanshi
As per survey 2 lacks accident causes due to health issues of driver also in many situations the family members or the ambulance and police authority is not informed in time. This result in delaying the help reached to the person suffered due to health consciousness. The purpose of the project is to find the vehicle where it is and locate the vehicle by means of sending a message using a system which is placed inside of vehicle system Most of the times we may not be able to find accident location because we don’t know where accident will happen. To avoid this we are going to implement system which will sense health parameters like pulse, blood pressure, temperature of driver. This system uses ATmega328 controller temperature sensor ultrasonic and IR sensor blood pressure and pulse sensor GSM-GPS module etc. According to sensor inputs if it exceeds certain range fed to the controller when any health issue occurs GSM module sends the message or call to authorized person and ambulance and car shifts to automatic driving mode for some period and at appropriate place car will stop by detecting object and indicating alarm simultaneously. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
426-428 |
118 |
Green Treatment of Wastewater Management in Jharkhand
-Dr.Ritushree Narayan
The term, wetland which comprise of various types of ground water ranging from ponds, river mouth area and beaches, flood to tidal mud-flats, contribute an imperative function to insure quality of water for human beings and the full range of flora and fauna .Wetlands endow with fresh water for agriculture, farm animals and domestic consumption, and enhance the ground water levels which are under massive strain of over-exploitation. It should be preserved so that it may capitulate the furthermost uninterrupted benefit to present generations while maintaining its potential to meet the desires of the future generations. The near cost zones and fresh water lakes, swamps and rivers are main sources of fish production for the developing world, and fish also keep ecosystems running, as it’s not just people who like them as food, but also for many itinerant birds which eat the fish which nourish and procreate in wetlands. Artificial Constructed wetlands are mostly used in location with warm environmental condition, while in cold environmental condition conditions, low-level temperatures effect in reduced treatment efficiency. Read More...
Environmental Science & Technology |
India |
429-431 |
119 |
Evaluation of Antibacterial Activity of Natural Dyed and Fragrance Finish on Modal Fabric
-P.Nithya ; R.Divya; Dr.V.Maheshwari
The textile industries play a major role in the discharge of wastewater in the form of dyestuff and chemical substrates. The wastewater will be polluting the land resources and degrade the water surface layer, to overcome that alternative method of natural dyeing was used. Many peoples will suffer due to the presence of chemical substances in the material. So the naturally available herbs are used for the study to avoid skin irritation. In the present study, teak leaves are used to dye the textiles. During dyeing, the brown shades were observed. The plant is used in the treatment of urinary discharge, bronchitis, cold and headache. The various phytoconstituents isolated from which has been reported to antimicrobial Activity, anti-tumor activity, etc. It causes less toxicity and generally exhibits better biodegradability and compatibility with the environment. Modal is called a cellulosic man-made fabric, essentially a variety of rayon. Modal is a registered trademark of Lensing AG Groups. It is more water-absorbent than cotton. The natural dye can be absorbed more quickly than cotton fabrics. The aromatic finish is used to enhance the value of the product. The study indicates that almost all variables showed their performance and to evaluate the efficacy of the plant for its antibacterial activity. Read More...
PhD Scholar, Costume Design and Fashion |
India |
432-434 |
120 |
Aqua Agency Portal and Android Application
-Apurva A. Matekar ; Harshada Ghadge; Pooja Molawade; Amit Rajmane; Vrushali Pawar
The project entitled “Aqua Agency Service Portal and Android Applicationâ€. This project is developed using JSP and Android as Frontend. For backend MySQL Server is used. In early, Organization use systems but they do not provide good services to the customers. Customer satisfaction is important for every organization; either they are service sector or the privet sector. The principal of organizations is to increase profits and to reduce cost of their product. When there is growth in the sales of product then profit related to that product is also increased that may also affect to the cost of the product. We develop aqua phoenix agency service portal for the admin and android application for their supervisors and workers. This portal will perform various operations that will affect to both supervisor and worker. Primary work is performed by the admin which are registering complaints, maintain the data which related to their agency and so on. Supervisor and workers perform operations under the admin. Basically the worker is the technician who performs actual work. Aqua Phoenix Agency is now been located in prime industrial complex at SATARA MIDC with high end production facility. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
435-437 |
121 |
Collision Avoidance and Crack Detection on Rail Track
-Subhiksha K ; Savitha G; Priyadharshini M; Shalini P
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) have been employed in a wide range of applications due to the low-cost and ease of installation features. Few of its important applications are in road safety, highways field, Rail track maintenance field etc. The instant detection of collisions with the guardrails will allow to minimize the consequences of an accident or disaster. In a collision detection, all the intervention mechanisms in emergency aid and support to victims can be triggered, allowing a fast response by the emergency and rescue teams. At the same time, the security procedures are activated in order to inform in real time prior to arrive. In this context, wireless sensors have been employed in order to monitor and report the conditions of the rail tracks. Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) is implemented for conveying the message regarding the rail tracks to the concerned person with Global Positioning System (GPS) used for tracking the location where the problem arises along with an Automatic Speed Control Mechanism of adjusting the speed using motor controlled by relay. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
438-442 |
122 |
Malware Detection in Android Apps
-Nishad Sunil Mantaprasad ; Mishra Vinay; Prof. Ankit Sanghavi; Dubey Shivam Rakesh
Android is the leading market in the world and we can easily say that it is one of the fast growing technologies which influence lots of users all over the world. But due to its popularity & huge crowd it became the main targeting center for the attacker. To solve this problem there are many methods being used such as Anti-virus to find the malware in the app which match the signature of the app with its signature stored in its database which is also bypassed by the attacker by using new tactics. There is a security check done by the play store to stop the uploading of malicious applications into it. But the truth is that there are a lot of malicious applications available in the Play Store even after the security check. We use machine learning to classify whether an application is benign or malware. The static analysis is mainly focused on the manifest.xml file of an Android application and the dynamic analysis will be based on the actions it will be triggering while running on a mobile device. Our approach is to design an app which is truly based on the tensor flow model. Huge collection of dataset is used to perform static analysis of an app. In order to detect malware in the app which is miserably loaded by the user in their smartphone from the external sources. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
443-445 |
123 |
The Complexity For Realizing Transmission For 2*2 MIMO Channel by V-Blast Techniques
-Zainab Hannan ; Achint Chugh
The idea of using multiple receive and multiple transmit antennas has emerged as one of the most significant technical breakthroughs in modern wireless communications. Theoretical studies and initial prototyping of these MIMO systems have shown order of magnitude spectral efficiency improvements in communications. As a result, MIMO is considered a key technology for improving the throughput of future wireless broadband data systems MIMO is the use of multiple antennas at both the transmitter and receiver to improve communication performance. It is one of several forms of smart antenna technology. MIMO technology has attracted attention in wireless communications, because it offers significant increases in data throughput and link range without requiring additional bandwidth or transmit power. This is achieved by higher spectral efficiency and link reliability or diversity (reduced fading).Spatial multiplexing is a transmission technique in MIMO wireless communication to transmit independent and separately encoded data signals, so called streams, from each of the multiple transmit antennas. Therefore, the space dimension is reused, or multiplexed, more than one time. What mainly makes MIMO systems interesting is their potential ability to achieve an increase in system capacity or in link reliability without requiring additional transmission power or bandwidth (Goldsmith, 2005). In this paper, we focus on different receivers for 2x2 MIMO channel. Read More...
Digital Communication Engineering |
India |
446-450 |
124 |
Impact of Electric Vehicle Charging Station on Distribution Grid with Preferable Solutions
-Shivani Garg ; Sandeep Soni; Subhash Chandra Swami; Sabir Khathat; Sunny Verma
This study represents the impact of electric vehicles on environment and on distribution grid. The growth of electric vehicles (EV) in the market has a potential to increase the risk of the distribution grid as the electric vehicle owners may charge the electric vehicle battery on demand which may causes unexpected power quality problems. This paper proposed many ways for reducing the load on distribution grid by using electric vehicle battery as energy storage system that can reduce the impact of home photovoltaic systems and using renewable energy as a source for charging, will reduce load on local grid. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
451-452 |
125 |
Knowledge Based Engineering and Its Application in Engineering: A Review
-Swanand Sudhir Pachpore ; Manoj Botre; Ratnakar R Ghorpade; Pradeep V Jadhav
Purpose: The use of Engineering tools and integrated systems prior to actual prototyping of end product is essential to reduce overall cost component. In democratic countries like India, a new kind of system will certainly help to directly enhance the abilities of fresher graduates. It is a dire need of today’s India to come up with knowledge based Engineering system which will be a platform to have a systematic and convergent way to get a new design of product at hand. The intent of this paper to summarize & exhibit important aspects of Knowledge Based Engineering (KBE) in with respect to benefits, criteria and application in Engineering.
Design/Methodology/Approach: The review of Knowledge based Engineering is based on 64 papers selected based upon the methodologies adopted for modelling and implementation of interface in the field of engineering published from 1989 to till date in academic databases namely Science Direct, Emerald, Taylor & Francis Journals and articles published in international conference proceedings, and some of the paid journal articles, etc. with ‘Knowledge Based Engineering’ and ‘Module Based Learning’ as keywords.
Finding: Through the literature review, this paper brings up the analysis of aforementioned aspect of methodologies adopted in implementation of KBE system in engineering and benefits received by optimizing the work time, cost and improving the efficiency of change in engineering process.
Research Limitations/implications: The literature on practical difficulties for implementation of KBE system and tradeoff between benefits and risk associated with KBE are seldom available.
Originality/Value: This paper presents a literature review on three crucial aspects namely benefits, applications to various fields, methods of implementation in Knowledge Based Engineering. These are identified according to their level of importance. The main contribution of this paper is to draw together three above mentioned important aspects of Knowledge Based Engineering.
Engineering |
India |
453-463 |
126 |
Underground Cable Fault Detection and Distance Locator
-Vishnu Kanth .T ; Mrs.Karthika.C; Shankar.A.S; Ranjith Kumar.M.N; Theepananthesh.C
The cable (electrical) runs underground¬ instead of overhead lines. In electrical cables when the fault occurs in underground it’s very hard to find the exact location of the fault process of particular repairing area in cable. From now there is a lot of ideas have been implemented to find the fault in cable wire. Our proposed system detects the exact location in the cable and with the help of Wireless-Fidelity it’s serially communicated towards web page in base station. Till now the problem occurs in underground cables are big problem till now. The average error in absolute locating incipient faults of underground cables are 7.37%, 3.65% and 4.67% respectively. But it’s very difficult to find the faulty location or exact location manually. When losses occurred in wire, they suddenly affect the efficiency of the cable. But the task is to find or detect the fault in underground cable. In order to fill those gaps, we proposed a system which detects an exact location of the fault and notifies through the means of Wireless-Fidelity module it’s serially communicated towards the server. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
464-466 |
127 |
Design, Modification and Fabrication of Lift Table
-Dave Marmik ; More Kaushik; Bhandari Shubham; Dwivedi Ajay; Chauhan Sanjaykumar
Scissor lift design is used because of its ergonomics as compared to other heavy lifting devices available in the market. The scissor lift can be used in combination with any of applications such as pneumatic, hydraulic, mechanical, etc. Such lifts can be used for various purposes like maintenance and many material handling operations. It can be of mechanical, pneumatic or hydraulic type. Lift tables may incorporate rotating platforms (manual or powered); tilt platforms, etc., as a part of the design. We should use different types lift tables to do different operations like rotating, tilting and to move a job to another platform. We will try to design and fabricate the single scissor lift table for multi-purpose use. The aim of this project is design and to fabricate a single scissor lift table which operates efficiently and consistently and it should be compact and cost effective. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
467-471 |
128 |
Bus Tracking System using IoT
-Akshaykumar R. Chavan ; Rakesh D. Kumbhar; Nitin R. Zinzurke
Due to increase in population the burden on public transportation is increased. So the remote user needs a smart system which provides the information about the bus; the information such as a current location of the bus and route between the stops. To overcome all the problems of our traditional transportation, we introduced our proposed system called as “Bus Tracking System Using IoTâ€. This system is based on a newly evolved concept of IoT. We implemented a Raspberry pie kit along with a GPS receiver into the bus which sends the current location of the bus to the server and also we have an android application for showing that location on map. Raspberry pi is low cost device with the higher performance. Now a day’s most of the peoples are familiar with android smartphones. The remote users can easily access the location and route information from anywhere and reach to their stops before the arrival time of the bus. It reduces the waiting time of the users or passengers for their buses. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
472-475 |
129 |
Review Paper on Electric Bike Frame
-Mr. Harshal Bhore ; Dhanashri Jadhav; Dhiraj Bhosale; Manisha Garale
Currently the human being race requires the elevated knowledge which bud vase explains the nearby and probable complexity. Relic petroleum overload is the major predicament at the present time. Considering presented rate of discussion of fossil fuels resolution let its life up to after those five decades cleanly Unwanted environmental is the red indication for not to use more fossil fuel any more. Premium option for the vehicle fuels to offer the mobility &transport to accept is sustainable electrical bike. Future e-bike is the best technical occupation as an imaginative solution for the better world and upcoming generation. E-bike comprises the features similar to high mobility effectiveness, compact, electrically powered, happy riding knowledge, and light weight vehicle. E-bike is the most flexible potential vehicle method in mind its incentive. Read More...
Electrical and Mechanical Engineering |
India |
476-478 |
130 |
Strength and Durability Behaviour of Nano Silica on High Performance Concrete
-Peddinti Haragopal ; Gunturi Akesh Varma; Bora Suguna; Allada Ravindra; Sekharamahanti Sandeep
Nanosilica is a fine convergent material of 10-9 m size. Due to its fineness, stiffness gets increased and cracks get reduced. As Nano silica is fine, the mechanical strength will be increased and the durability will also be increased. Nano silica will reduce the pores compared to nominal concrete specimens. In this to study strength and durability behavior of M50 High Performance Concrete with Nano silica as admixture partially replacing cement by 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%. Specimens are cured for 14 and 28 days respectively. In standard environment, after this curing period a test to analyze the strength and durability as carried out. The strength and durability start shown in increasing trend with increase in the quantity of Nano silica. The Nano silica addition reduces the pore amount and makes the concrete denser in micro structure level, which in turn increases the strength and durability. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
479-481 |
131 |
Early Detection of Lung Cancer Using Deep Learning
-Manoj M ; Reeja R Rajan; Ramya T V
Lung Cancer detection at an earlier stage has become a very important and needy one for a human being. Early detection helps several patients with the best chance of recovery. The features which are used for the detection of Lung Cancer are collected from the Computed Tomography (CT scan) images. Deep Learning is an emerging technique that allows us to increase the accuracy of the result. In this paper, we have implemented cancer detection using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). It shows promising results in terms of accuracy (94%) while comparing with other techniques. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
482-486 |
132 |
Attendance Monitoring System using Fingerprint Sensor
-Apeksha Navaniya ; Shweta Vaidya; Vaishanavi Godbole
In this paper, the attendance monitoring system based on fingerprint sensor is presented. Among the salient aims of implementing a fingerprint feature into a portable attendance system is security and portability. The circuit of this device is strategically constructed to have an independent source of energy to be operated, as well as its miniature design which made it more efficient in term of its portable capability. Rather than recording the attendance in writing or queuing in front of class equipped with fixed fingerprint or smart card reader. This paper introduces a fingerprint based biometric attendance system which addresses the weaknesses of the existing paper based attendance method or long time queuing. In addition, our biometric fingerprint based system is encrypted which preserves data integrity. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
487-490 |
133 |
Unsubstantiated Anthropological Motion Exploration for Smart Mobile Robots
-Manoj M ; Reeja R Rajan; Ramya T V
The victory of smart mobile robots functioning and co-operating with persons in day-to-day living atmospheres depends on their capability to simplify and learn anthropological activities, and acquire mutual understanding of a detected scene. In this paper we aim to identify anthropological activities being executed in real-life atmospheres from enduring surveillance from an independent mobile robot. For our purposes, a anthropological doings is deï¬ned to be a varying spatial conï¬guration of an individuals body cooperating with main items that deliver some functionality inside an atmosphere. To ease the perceptual restrictions of a movable robot, controlled by its concealed and missing sensory modalities, possibly loud graphic comments are charted into an abstract qualitative cosmos in order to specify outlines invariant to precise quantifiable positions within the physical biosphere. A number of qualitative spatial-temporal illustrations are used to seizure different aspects of the associations among the anthropological focus and their atmosphere. Analogously to statistics recovery on text volumes, a reproductive probabilistic method is used to improve latent, semantically-meaningful ideas in the encrypted opinions in an unsubstantiated method. The slight amounts of ideas exposed are considered as anthropological motion modules, yielding the robot a low-dimensional understanding of visually detected multifaceted acts. As a final point, dissimilarity inference is used to assist incremental and continuous updating of such ideas that permits the mobile robot to proficiently study and update its models of anthropological motion over period ensuing in effective life-long learning. Read More...
Artificial intelligence |
India |
491-500 |
134 |
Spit Free India
-Rohini Jadhav ; Gauri Wadekar; Rohini Jadhav; Radhika Zalse; Tejasvi Kadam
India is most popular country in all over world. The purpose of our website is design to create awareness against spitting in public. Spitting in public places causes Serious and harmful diseases like TB and Swine Flu. We are not just promoting awareness but also trying to find innovative and feasible solution for people’s spitting habits. TB, swine flu, pneumonia and corona virus are the most dangerous respiratory infections which causes due to spitting in public places. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
501-503 |
135 |
Design of Stormwater Drainage (Hatkeshwar Circle-Ahmedabad)
-Darshan S Patel ; Ishan A Gor; Deep B Soni
In India throughout time of year the waterlogging of stormwater may be a major facet to trot out. The dearth of providing smart system may be a major supply of waterlogging on roads, canals etc. that end in flooding of that specific space inflicting issues like road blockage and traffic issue throughout its peak hours. Urbanization causes it, because of its impermeable structure development across cities. Countless rupees spend on the development of stormwater drains in mega cities to stop flooding throughout rains. The area that we’ve study for our project is Hatkeshwar circle, C.T.M., Ahmedabad. This can be one amongst the prime place in Ahmedabad. This present work of suggestion of drainage designing is done through past year rainfall data and it is based on different software like, Google Earth pro, Surfer, GPS Visualizer, Quickgrid & SWMM(Storm-Water Management Model), to design complete drainage work to finish the problem of water-logging due to stromwater at Hatkeshwar, C.T.M., Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
504-507 |
136 |
Assistance for Blind People
-Mekala Harika ; Muppavarapu Navya; Polisetty Maheswari; Ameena Khandker
Visually challenged humans need help to navigate through the contemporary dynamic international and continuously face many obstacles inside the process. With an intention to not to let physical challenges avoid their boom and render them independence, to an extent, this paper proposes a simple and economical device for the visually challenged. This device is composed of a hat (with a digital camera attached) and headphones. The device warns the wearer if there is any person is approaching, via a voice message, and publicizes if the said individual is familiar (with name) or unknown. This enables the wearer investigate his/her surroundings. The hat is convenient to apply without any complications and is affordable, which can be used by humans with partial vision as well. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
508-512 |
137 |
Review of Solar Powered Stirling Engine For Generating Electricity
-Pragati Nandanwar ; Shubham Zade; Sangharsh Warke; Sagar Bhaisare
Solar Power Stirling engine have great potential in countries with huge amount of solar radiation. It has ability to utilize effectively any burner fuel, such as wood, rice husk, straw, agricultural west and other readily available and cheap combustibles. The Stirling engine that operates by cyclic compression and expansion of air or other gas, the working fluid, at different temperature level such that there is net conversion of heat energy to mechanical work. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
513-514 |
138 |
Android Based ERP System for Construction
-Gaurav Anil Abhangrao ; Pratiksha Ghoderao; Manisha Ramayne; Nitin Dhamale
Dales Online is an android application which is efficient for managing employee from remote location. This system makes the process of scheduling much straight forward and automated. By this system the superior or top level executive employee can fix the schedule of any employee working under him by allocating task online. Thus the top level management can easily fix the problem of scheduling, and even can change the appointment which is reflected immediately to the related employee avoiding direct contact of the employee resulting in saving lot of time and work cost. The system even has the option for only viewing the employee’s action. This system has many services which provide employer content of handling employee. This system contains functions like Project assignment and job follow-up, Meeting logger, Employee Tracker, Internal Planner, Message /Broadcast. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
515-516 |
139 |
A Review on Performance Analysis of Steel Concrete Composite Section
-Mali Ganesh Sukhadeo ; Pawar Yashwant Prabhakar
The use of composite structures is increasingly present in civil construction works. Steel-concrete composite beams, particularly, are structures consisting of two materials, a steel section located mainly in the tension region and a concrete section, located in the compression cross-sectional area, both connected by metal devices known as shear connectors. Double steel-concrete composite continuous beam is a new structural system developed on the basis of single steel concrete one, in which there is also a bottom reinforced concrete slab connected to a steel profile in the negative moment regions through the head studs, therefore with two interfaces. Ansys 19.2 computer program has been used to develop a three-dimensional nonlinear finite element model in order to investigate the fracture behaviours of continuous double steel-concrete composite beams, with emphasis on the beam slab interface. Three beam models with varying number of the steel sheets in concrete beam have been addressed. The associated constitutive results such as the ultimate loads, the maximum deflections, the interface slip and slip strain values are presented. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
517-523 |
140 |
Automatic Braking System with Smart Battery Charging Facility
-Shivani Jotiram Lohar ; Vaishnavi Vijay Khedkar; Amina Raju Mujawar
To ensure safe driving process, the braking system was designed and applied on a car. No. of the accidents are increases day by day due to the delay of the driver to hit the brake, so here braking system is developed such that when it is active it can apply brake depending upon the object sensed by the ultrasonic sensor and speed of vehicle which is sensed by inductive proximity sensor. The microcontroller is used to control the braking condition of the vehicle .It will based on the detection pulse information to push the brake pedal and apply brake to the car stupendously for safety purpose. Along with it, a mechanism for energy generation is developed to charge the battery. In present, vehicles are often equipped with active safety systems to reduce the risk of accidents, many of which occur in the urban environment. Similarly, this system is useful for the emergency situation. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
524-526 |
141 |
Student Attendance Monitoring System using Fingerprint Recognition
-Rutvik Ravindra Nare ; Tejas Arun Pacharne; Adesh Raju Thombre
Our paper aims at designing a “Student Attendance Monitoring System Using Fingerprint. Recognition which could effectively manage attendance of scholars at the institute. Attendance is marked after student identification. For student identification, a fingerprint recognition based identification system is employed. Fingerprints are considered to be the most effective and fastest method for biometric identification. They are secure to use, unique for each person and do not change in ones lifetime. Fingerprint recognition could be a mature field today, but still identifying individuals from a collection of enrolled fingerprints could be a time taking process. It absolutely was our responsibility to enhance the fingerprint identification system for implementation on large databases. During this project, many new algorithms are used. Using this algorithm, we have developed an identification system which is quicker in implementation than the other available today within the market. Although we are using fingerprint identification systems for student identification purposes in our project, the matching results are so good that it could perform okay on large database. Nowadays accurate personal identification is becoming more and more important. Usual means smart cards, password etc. have shown their limits. Currently fingerprint recognition is that the most generally used technique for private identification. The use of ink and paper to induce a picture from a finger was used for an extended time, but technological advances have enabled to automate the acquisition stage by means of fingerprint identification system. The proposed automated attendance system supported finger recognition was tested on class of student fingerprint database and achieved significant results for taking an attendance of the code of the department of computer engineering. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
527-530 |
142 |
Design and Fabrication of Semi-Automatic Coil Winding Machine
-Prof. Ajay D. Dighe ; Girme Aditya Ram; Kotkar Aniket Prabhakar; Dharam Aniket Sunil; Hinge Divya Sunil
The paper presents the detailed study & analysis of the method for the development of automatic transformer winding machines. The paper includes brief study of literature related to the controller, stepper & induction motor. The literature review on controller includes the comparative study of controlling angle of stepper motor & its working. The different parameters required for the selection of induction motor are presented in systematic manner. Further it deals with methodology for the design which is required for implementation. As there is no any existing method of implementation, we are proposing our own new method which is best suitable & feasible for implementation. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
531-533 |
143 |
Real Time Change Point Detection of a Patient in Smart Home using SEP Algorithm
-Akili Venkata Kavya ; K.Elavarasi; Kowsalya S; Vijaya Bharathy S
Change Point Detection (CPD) is that the matter of discovering time points at which the behaviour of a statistic changes abruptly. we detect some actions nonparametric change point detection algorithm called SEP, which uses Separation distance as a divergence measure to detect change points in high-dimensional statistic. Through experiments on artificial and real-world datasets, we demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed method compared with existing method. Change points are abrupt variations in statistic data. Such abrupt changes may represent transitions that occur between states. Detection of change points is useful in modelling and prediction of your time series and is found in application areas like medical condition monitoring, global action detection, speech and image analysis, and act analysis. This survey article enumerates, categorizes, and compares many of the methods that are proposed to detect change points in statistic. The methods examined include both supervised and unsupervised algorithms that are introduced and evaluated. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
534-537 |
144 |
Does Economic Growth Cause Environmental Degradation? Evidence from Asia Pacific Region
-Dr. T. Rajasekar
The baseline of this present research work tries to response the fundamental question of “does economic growth cause environmental degradationâ€. The empirical research findings show that there exists a long term effect of environmental degradation, energy usage and economic development of Asia – Pacific regions. The study also suggested that, there is an immediate need of adopting the environmental safety measures like renewable sources of energy, greenery concepts to reduce their environmental degradation. Read More...
Environmental Management |
India |
538-542 |
145 |
Design and Fabrication of Agro Spraying Drone
-Achal Banduji Kalamkar ; A.N.Madne; Achal Kalamkar; Abhishek Dharmadhikari; Shubham Durutkar
The present study describes the design and fabrication of agro spraying drone which is a main source of income in India is agriculture. The production rate of crops in agriculture is based on different parameters like temperature, humidity, rain, etc. Which are natural aspect and not in farmers control. The field of agriculture is also depends on some of aspect like pests, disease, fertilizers, etc. which can be control by giving proper action towards crops. Pesticides may increase the efficiency of crops but it also effects on human health. So the main focus of this project is to design agriculture (UAV) for spraying pesticides. The use of pesticides in agriculture is very much important to agriculture and it will be simple if we use intelligent machines such as drone using new technologies. This paper gives the idea about drone used to reduce human efforts in various operations of agriculture like spraying of UREA, fertilizers, etc. This paper explain the development of hexa copter UAV and the spraying mechanism. In this paper we also discuss combination of sprayer module to hexa copter system. The discussed system involves designing a prototype which uses simple cost productive equipment like BLDC motor, Arduino, ESC wires, carbon fibar blade, etc. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
543-544 |
146 |
A Confidentiality conserving De-duplication of Encrypted Information through Cloud
-Kowsalyabharathi.R ; Ramya.S; Rajakumari.A ; Vijayakumari.V
To diminish the enrolling time and response time between Token sales and response, File move or download requesting and results. It reduces the proportion of additional room in circulated capacity. To make sure about the protection of data differential affirmed duplicate check is used. It presents this endorsed duplicate check in creamer cloud structure. The mutt cloud configuration proposes about both the open cloud and the private cloud. In order to give more prominent security, the private cloud is outfitted with stunned check. Types of progress in dispersed figuring are provoking a promising future for Collaborative Cloud Computing (CCC). To reduce the preparing time and response time between Token sales and response, File move or download requesting and results. Where all-inclusive disseminated scattered cloud resources having a spot with different affiliations or individuals (i.e., components) are aggregately used in a supportive method to give administrations. The records are taken care of in the cloud. That is every client enrolls a data key to encode the data that he intends to store in the cloud. It portrays a computationally unassuming methodology for making all log segments created. Going before the logging machines exchange off boundless for the attacker to scrutinize and moreover hard to intangibly modify or destroy. That is every client calculates a data key to encode the data that he hopes to store in the cloud. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
545-547 |
147 |
Smart and Interactive Mirror Using Pi
-Yogita Sawant ; Abhishek M. Chougule; Shraddha V. Jadhav; Pranali R. Heralage; Gouri R. Fatale
A Smart mirror combines the uses of a conventional mirror with a digital aspect to bring updated information to the user directly on the two way mirror. A two-way mirror is an electronic display (monitor) behind the mirror glass. The display can show to viewer different types of information, such as weather, time, date, newsfeed and social media notifications (Facebook and twitter) with latest updates. Smart mirrors are not available as a commercial right now. Many members of the DIY community have taken on the challenge of building their own mirror. There are five main components of Smart mirror: the raspberry pi, two-way mirror, monitor, PIR sensor and a laptop. We have designed and built our own prototypes Smart mirrors. Day by day, the technology is advancing, there is a chance to develop a structure that could give continuous updates such as weather, news feed, and important notification on mirror while doing daily activities. This project work deals with design and development of a Smart mirror using Raspberry pi fulfilled with advanced feature of internet of things (IOT). Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
548-550 |
148 |
Smart Bus Pass and Ticket System
-Dr. G. Selvavinayagam ; D. Dayana; M. Kowsalya; N. Anushiya
PTC Registration and Renewal is a continuous task which is helpful for the travelers who are confronting issues with the present manual work of transport pass Registration and restoration. It additionally expands the legitimacy time frame, habitually Warns to the travelers before culmination of his/her legitimacy period by sending sms. His/her Renewal or Registration should be possible utilizing an online installment or even by utilizing Visa. Administrator individuals can likewise get to the application utilizing their login and they will determine some hint or message to the travelers. This online transport pass registration application will assist travelers with sparing their time and restoration transport goes without remaining in a line for a considerable length of time close to counters. At first travelers need to enlist with the application by submitting subtleties of traveler name, address, portable number, and required subtleties and submit it through on the web. They will check your subtleties and afterward traveler need to login utilizing portable number and passcode. At that point the travelers need to indicate their course and they have to book their buspass. You can even restoration utilizing Mastercard or other wire move strategies. Travelers the individuals who travel now and again can utilize QR code which is put close to the transport driver and they can do their installment. This framework is completely actualized utilizing the portable application. Read More...
Computer Science and Information Technology |
India |
551-554 |
149 |
Sign Language to Speech for Dumb and Deaf People
-Shubham Ashok Yadav ; Niranjan Ekanath Gajare; Akash Laman Sartape
Voice and Language is the main thing for human to communicate with each other. Due to hearing ability we can understand thoughts of each other. Even nowadays we can give commands using voice recognition. But what if one absolutely cannot hear anything and eventually cannot speak. So, The Sign Language is used as main communicating tool for hearing impaired and mute people, and it also to ensure an independent life for them, the automatic interpretation of sign language is an extensive research area. With the use of technology such as image processing and artificial intelligence, many techniques and algorithms have been developed in this area. Every sign language recognition system is trained for recognizing the signs and converting them into respective speech. The proposed system aims to provide speech to speechless, in this paper the double handed Indian Sign Language is captured as a series of images and it is processed with the help of Python and then it is converted to speech and text. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
555-557 |
150 |
Use of Broken Solid Waste as an Adulterant in Concrete
-Shashwat Tiwari ; Sumant kumar Verma; Sumit Kumar Tiwari; Nitish Kumar; Shivendra Singh
At this time India is a fastest growing country in the world. In a developing nation the prime requirement is the infrastructure for the industries and offices. Any kind of infrastructure development the basic requirement is the Coarse Aggregate, fine aggregate, cement and water. Aggregate is the natural resource and it is rapidly decreasing due to overexploitation. There has the substitute of aggregate which fulfill the high demand of aggregate. Broken solid waste has fulfilled the aggregate demand in concrete structures. Due to increasing urbanization and modernization demolish the existing building and rapidly build the good looking and attractive houses and building for living and other purposes. Fortunately broken solid waste is freely and easily available around us, and Broken Solid Waste is used as an adulterant in concrete. In concrete construction aggregate partially or fully replaced with broken solid waste. In some constituents of broken solid waste is give more strength than aggregate, like granite and marble are given high strength than aggregate so it has to be fully replace with broken solid waste. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
558-561 |