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201 |
Prevention of Transformer Overloading using Programmable Logic Controller
-Pooja Talmale ; Pratik Teppalwar; Ankit Naitam; Santoshi R. Gawande
This paper is based on open loop distribution system for industries means the loads are connected to two feeders and any section of the feeder can be isolated without interruption. Thus, the average outage time is reduced to the time required to locate the fault and do necessary switching the service. In this paper, the automation is suggested with the help of programmable logic controller and the switching is performed automatically with help of ladder logic. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
936-938 |
202 |
Fabrication of Pneumatic Metal Sheet Cutting machine
-Tushar Saxena ; Rishu Tomar; Abhishek Tiwari; Arun Kumar; Abdul Gani
The main objective of this work is to tell the importance of Pneumatics in our world. So we have proposed a machine which can cut sheets of metal (Aluminium) of different width with the help of Pneumatic. The main objective of this project is to fabricate a machine which can reduce human effort, achieve good surface finish, reduce process time and is cost efficient. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
939-942 |
203 |
5-Level Symmetrical Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter with Level Shifted PWM Techniques
-Sachin Kundanlal Kapadiya ; Arpan Patel; Kaumil Shah
This paper aims to extend knowledge about the performance of Multicarrier Based Level Shifted Pulse Width Modulation Using Symmetrical Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter. Multilevel Inverters are having more importance in renewable energy applications. Multilevel inverter utilization has been increased since the last decade due to the drastic improvement in the harmonic profile and increased power rating of MLI made them highly popular and high-power applications. Due to the abilities to synthesize waveforms with better harmonic spectrum these inverters are suitable various High-Voltage and High-Power Applications. Asymmetrical type Multilevel Inverter is used for reducing the number of DC sources, Gate Drive Circuits and Bridges. Among the carrier-based pulse width modulation (PWM) techniques, phase-shifted PWM(PS-PWM) is preferred for cascaded H-Bridge (CHB) Multilevel inverters. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
943-946 |
204 |
Control Analysis of Active Front End Converter
-Vibha B. Patel ; Karan R. Thawani
nonlinear load on the power system where at any time its current is not proportional in magnitude and phase to the voltage. It caused the poor power factor and generating the Harmonics at the load site. To mitigate this problem, we use an Active front end converter (AFE). By using Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) technique. This paper represents the main objective of AFE to regulate the DC output voltage and improve the load side power factor. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
947-951 |
205 |
Blood Bank System
-Ms. P.V.Shitole ; Dnyaneshwari Chaugule; Prachi Gorde; Utkarsha Gawade; Bhargavi Pajgade
There is a need to handle the blood bag systematically that is received from the available blood bank resource or the blood donation events. It is important to take the responsibility of the received blood bag as it is going to be source of saving life of a human being. By using this app the one who is need can easily search the blood banks related information of blood type, date of blood donation , available blood group and much more. After the search of information the app will help to find the accurate information about donor easily, as expected to be faster and reliable. The main aim is to improve and spread the study of online blood bank management system. Keeping the view of all the computing technology and the work of distributed client server this project has been developed. The available agent at the organization is to provide the information related to donating of blood. The one who is ready to donate the blood can go and visit the organization or register online. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
952-954 |
206 |
Advance Solar Panel Maintenance System
-Fayyaz Pathan ; Nehal Sone; Bhavik Bhende; Sumit Gawande; Pranali Dongre
As Solar Industry in India is a very fast developing in India. The manufacturing industries of solar panel is growing very rapidly. This paper presents the practical problems and its solution methods occurs after installation of solar panel in country like India like accumulation of dust in panel module and problem related to other environmental factors like rain, wind, temperature and pollution. Due to above mention problems the efficiency of power generation of panel may be reduced up to 50%. So an Arduino Uno based system is developed which is able to monitor the panel and operate a cleaning system as per the cleaning requirement of the panel. Also GPS and GSM system is employed for getting the information related to maintenance requirements of the panel. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
955-958 |
207 |
Emotion Based Music Player
-Ms. P. V. Shitole ; Omkar Kawade; Akshay Athavale; Prathmesh Kamble; Hemant Chavan
As the music has the high impact on the human brain activity the recent studies has proved that human respond and react to music and has high impact on human body. The average human being listens to music that they love for four hours in a day based on their mood and interest. This project helps the user to suggest songs based on their mood and capturing their facial expression. Non- verbal is a form of facial expression. This field is an interdisciplinary computer vision that has a high level of understanding of videos, digital images. The computer vision components in this system helps to determine the emotions of the user through facial expression. When the user’s emotion is recognized, it provides the playlist to the user, this reduces the time to search of playlist to the user manually. It also keep the track of user details like name, number. When the user suggest the need about the intrest level and recognized the playlist every time. The songs which are never played by the user are automatically deleted and modified as the user intrest. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
959-962 |
208 |
A Survey on Modelling Simulation And Performance Evaluation of Solar P-V Wind Hybrid Energy System
-Ms.Manjusha Patel ; Mr.Pradeep Patel
This paper describes the Simulation and analysis of hybrid energy system consisting of wind and solar PV system .The wind and solar PV system are connected to the common load through DCIDC Boost converter. Generally, in low radiation PV array system inverter gives the lower voltage than the rated voltage which affects the power quality. It is overcome by using Battery Energy Storage System. In the stand-alone mode the converter needs to maintain constant voltage and frequency regardless of load imbalance or the quality of the current, which can be highly distorted, if the load is nonlinear. The modeling and simulation of hybrid system along with the PI controllers are done using MA TLAB/SIMULINK. Simulation results show that the proposed hybrid system has the potential to meet the electricity demand of an isolated system. Read More...
Electrical Power System |
India |
963-965 |
209 |
A Survey on Development of a Modelling and Simulation Method for Residential Electricity Consumption Analysis in a Community Micro-grid System
-Ms.Shikha Rajput ; Mr.Pradeep Patel
There is an increasing number of micro-grid applications for power system networks at different voltage levels. Community micro-grid systems are also being encouraged in order to increase energy efficiency, reduce electricity bills, and alleviate the reliability problem with respect to power delivery for local residential users. Understanding electricity information can help in effective management and control of various energy sources operated in community micro-grid systems. This paper thus aims to develop a simulation-based electricity analysis scheme for a real community micro-grid configuration using a proposed modelling methodology, simulation mechanisms, and a power balancing control strategy under the MATLAB environment. Simulation results considering different weather conditions report the observed performance of electricity analysis. In addition, calculations of electricity bills depending on two electricity rates are discussed, representing the benefits of electricity bill reduction when electricity users accepted the power supply from community micro-grid systems. Read More...
Electrical Power System |
India |
966-969 |
210 |
A Survey on Implementation of Digital System for College Management
-Pagar Sachin Bhaurao ; Pagar Sachin Bhaurao; Shaikh Asif Iqbal; Gaikwad Tanaji Balaji
As we know that the demand of current era is “DIGITISATION†so we focused on technical basis in an innovative way of making campus digitized. The major aim of project is to ease the hectic schedule of student, faculty department by using IoT system. The basic idea is to have three systems namely Timetable section, Alert section and Security section. A Digital Campus system will allow teachers to automate all work teachers want to do on regular basis using one card. With the help of IoT, we develop Smartphone application on android phone to monitor and record all the data. The major aim of project is to ease the hectic schedule of student, faculty department by using IoT system. The basic idea is to have three systems namely Timetable section, Alert section and Security section. The timetable section has included teacher & student leave system. Alert system includes alert to student and teachers about the lecture and the security alerts of lab. Security system has RFID tag based system allows only teacher entry in Lab and secures component in the Lab. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
970-971 |
211 |
Hybrid Energy Generation and Power Monitoring Over IOT
-Hema Kuthe ; Pooja Dhamdar; Yamini Padole; Sadafsamrin Siddiqui; Jaya Dhodare
Among the race in the countries of the world, Energy consumptions and power requirement is one of the most vital things in the world. Due to increase in the power consumption. Conventional energy resources depleting day by day. Owing to considering this and also issue of the global warming and pollution, important of the non-conventional energy resources is increasing. The principal objective of this project is rural electrification via hybrid system which includes wind and solar energy. Our intension is to design a wind turbine compact enough to be installed on roof tops. So, we decided to design a vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) over horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT). Advantages of VAWT over HAWT are compact for same electricity generation, less noise, easy for installation and maintenance and reacts to wind from all directions .The motto of the project is to produce the energy in an eco-friendly way by using renewable sources of energy and to gain maximum intensity with solar and vertical axis wind turbine for maximum power generation. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
972-974 |
212 |
Analyze Significant Factors Causing Delay of Construction Project Management
-Akash Pandey ; Manoj Sharma; B.P.Mudgal
The objective of this research is to review the project management of construction projects in India. Construction sector is taken into account as an important sector in today’s economy, thanks to the event in construction which is happening within the world generally and therefore the India. The development sector features a great importance not only to the economic and social life, but also to the requirements and inspiration of the local culture. This study stressed on many aspects on the topic of project management in terms of problems and impediments, and suggested solutions through this research, so as to motivate and develop the management of the projects. The researcher used mainly qualitative method and partly quantitative methods to finish the research add the study. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
975-981 |
213 |
Swarm Robotics
-Vavilala Sruthakeerthi ; Tulluru Supriya; Singapogu Sharon; Veernapu Ramya
Swarm Robotics is the study in which large numbers of simple robots are deployed to perform complex tasks in a simple way. These groups of robots form a swarm. Since these robot swarms can move to farther distances, it is important to have a pervasive networking environment for communications among robots, administrators, and mobile users. For this purpose, we propose to build a wireless mesh network as the wireless backbone within the areas of special interest. One or more robots can get connected with a nearby mesh router and access the remote server. Within each swarm, a self-organizing mobile ad hoc network is formed. So the major components in designing a swarm robot is Arduino UNO, RF Transmitter and Encoder module, L293D Motor driver circuit, DC motors. The applications are the swarms of robots of different sizes could be sent to different danger prone areas where workers cannot reach safely, to detect the presence of life via infra-red sensors. On the other hand, swarm robotics can be suited to tasks that demand cheap designs, for instance mining or agricultural foraging tasks. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
982-984 |
214 |
Customer Attitude towards Beauty Parlor
-Sarita Shivaji Pansare ; Varsha Mahavarkar; Rashmi Haryan; Harshada Wadte
Beauty parlour management system may be a web-based salon management application with their planning practicality. during this system user will review salons and stylist on-line and may create appointment on-line it additionally could also be a offline. during this system beauty shop owner will create their account on-line and provides details of the services they provide and additionally describe the stylist data. User will review the salons and their services they provide and additionally describe the stylist data. User will review the salons and their services mistreatment his system and may create appointment with favorite stylist on-line. User may cancel appointments on-line. User may write and reviews regarding the salons or stylist. this technique helps each the client and therefore the salon. client will simply notice best salons in their vicinity and may check the review of different client of that salon on-line. It helps him to require call of taking the services of explicit salons. Beauty parlour is that the one in all the popular industries in our country. because the discarding unit financial gain is growing and other people have gotten a lot of involved regarding their beauty and health day by day, the contribution of their income within the professional hands and fingernails care sector I additionally magnified considerably. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
985-986 |
215 |
3D Secure Authentication Mechanism for Payment Gateway
-Pardeep Kumar ; Kiran Kumar
In this paper the attempt of studying a Secure Gateway in payment system for Electronic transaction is made. The current research and development shows that the electronic payment system for such an electronic transaction is to be secure for participants such as Payment Gateway Server, Bank Servers and Merchant Servers, on Internet. The security architecture of such systems are designed by using various Security Protocols and Techniques, not only to safeguard but eliminate the fraud that occurs in such a transaction with stolen credit card/debit card payment information and customer information. Electronic commerce involves the tremendous exchange of some form of money for trade of goods and services over the Internet, and it is evident from the studies that the Internet is an insecure and unreliable media in many ways in such a trade. The primary goal of this paper is to review the asymmetric key crypto-system methodology that uses Security Protocol, the Secure Communication Tunnel Techniques that protect conventional transaction data such as account numbers, Card number, amount and other information, and to finally provide secure implementation for such an electronic transaction on the Internet. Read More...
Software Systems |
India |
987-993 |
216 |
Smart Solar Lamp
-Ranjeet I. Thakur ; Sagar S. Khade; Shubham B. Dengre; Prof. Sandeep Mude
This research aims at designing an advanced development to save energy of household lights. Solar energy is a renewable source of energy, which is long-lasting and eco-friendly. It can be easily handled and also economic in long term. It is most essential for the system to be automatic, then it is easy to conserve energy as well as to maximize the efficiency of the system. Comfort and safety is one of the biggest requirement in our life, but many real system fails to provide safety and comfort that is required. We are designing such a system which will sense the light and motion as per the requirement and then the whole circuitry will be activated. The lamp consists of following main parts – Solar panel, Led light, PIR sensor (motion detector sensor), LDR, Battery, Burglar alarm. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
994-995 |
217 |
A Survey on Solar Powered Irrigation System
-Chaithanya S ; Ashwini C S; Varsha R; Praveena K S
In this paper the irrigation systems to support people who are involved in agriculture in terms of effective utilization of natural resources like solar energy and water resource is reviewed. Various irrigation systems based on Internet of Things, solar power, sensors and embedded controller are discussed. By using smart irrigation system people can overcome from the problems of scarcity of electricity and water wastage. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
996-997 |
218 |
Analysis of Dissimilar Metal Welding of 1020 Mild Steel and 304 Stainless Steel
-Sakib Ahmad Siddiqui ; Ayush Shukla
opining of divergent metals has discovered its utilization widely in power age, electronic, atomic reactors, petrochemical and concoction enterprises primarily to get customized properties in a segment and decrease in weight. Anyway productive welding of disparate metals has represented a significant test because of contrast in thermo-mechanical and synthetic properties of the materials to be joined under a typical welding condition. This causes a precarious slope of the thermo-mechanical properties along the weld. An assortment of issues come up in disparate welding like breaking, huge weld leftover anxieties, relocation of molecules during welding causing pressure focus on one side of the weld, compressive and tractable warm burdens, stress erosion splitting, and so on. Weld lingering pressure and warm pressure have been investigated for unique metal welding of 304 treated steel to 1020 mellow steel accepting 302 tempered steel as the filler metal. Likewise taking strain created as a file the powerlessness of the welded joint to pressure erosion splitting have been considered. It is discovered that when the filler metal is supplanted by Inconel 625 critical improvement is acquired in the welded joint as far as decrease in pressure created and stress consumption splitting. Additionally the issue of carbon relocation is disposed of by the utilization of Inconel 625 as a weld filler metal because of the obstruction of nickel-based composites to any carbon dissemination through them. Read More...
Production Engineering |
India |
998-1010 |
219 |
DC Nanogrid with Battery System
-Sheetal Patel ; Kaumil Shah; Alpesh Desai
The nanogrid is a small scale power system that consists of renewable and non-renewable power resources that supply power to nearby loads. The performance of the nanogrid is not totally satisfactory as large over shoot may occur in the output voltage, and current disturbances may occur at load side. Also power electronics system can become unstable when the source interface converters are connected to load interface converters rather than separate loads.A nanogrid is a standalone system that uses renewable and non-renewable sources to supply power to local loads. A nanogrid is similar to the microgrid concept, but smaller in size than a microgrid. It has a capacity in the order of 2-20 kW. However, there are some considerations to improve the system response and extend the functionality of the DBS towards AC loads and harmonics mitigation. Read More...
M.Tech EE(Power System) |
India |
1011-1015 |
220 |
Deepfake Video Detection using Neural Networks
-Abhijit Hanumant Jadhav ; Abhishek Patange; Hitendra Patil; Jay Patel; Manjushri Mahajan
In recent months, free deep learning-based software tools has facilitated the creation of credible face exchanges in videos that leave few traces of manipulation, in what they are known as "DeepFake"(DF) videos. Manipulations of digital videos have been demonstrated for several decades through the good use of visual effects, recent advances in deep learning have led to a drastic increase in the realism of fake content and the accessibility in which it can be created. These so-called AI-synthesized media (popularly referred to as DF).Creating the DF using the Artificially intelligent tools are simple task. But, when it comes to detection of these DF, it is major challenge. Because training the algorithm to spot the DF is not simple. We have taken a step forward in detecting the DF using Convolutional Neural Network and Recurrent neural Network. System uses a convolutional Neural network (CNN) to extract features at the frame level. These features are used to train a recurrent neural network (RNN) which learns to classify if a video has been subject to manipulation or not and able to detect the temporal inconsistencies between frames introduced by the DF creation tools. Expected result against a large set of fake videos collected from standard data set. We show how our system can be competitive result in this task results in using a simple architecture. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1016-1019 |
221 |
Comparative Analysis of Three Phase Multilevel Topologies
-Hiren S. Darji ; Parth A. Patel
Multilevel inverter have drawn tremendous interest in power industry since last decade. This paper presents the Simulation and analysis of the Three Multilevel topologies such as Diode clamped or Neutral point clamped (NPCMLI) Multilevel Inverter ,Flying capacitor Multilevel inverter(FCMLI) and Cascaded H bridge Multilevel inverter(CHBMLI) for Three phase Five level. The Comparison based on THD analysis in the output voltage. In this paper, Multilevel inverter topologies are controlled by Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation. The Comparative Simulation Results have been obtained in MATLAB/ Simulink. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1020-1024 |
222 |
FLAS Compound used in Masonry Cement: A Review
-Shivam Sureka ; Sumant Kumar Verma; Sooraj Kumar Gupt; Vimlendra Pratap; Santosh Kumar
Masonry cement is the compound which is form by lime components with cement, it is gives the better workability, less shrinkage and good finish in plastering and concrete work. The property of masonry cement will be increased by the use of FLAS compound and also reduce the cost of cement. In this compound lime is easy available in market, aluminium silicate is the chemical admixture, fly ash and surkhi is waste material which utilize in masonry cement to increase the binding property and reduce cost of cement. Cement is a binding material and very essential part of construction and the requirement of cement are too high in developing as well as developed countries. In India various housing scheme launched by the central government and state government for low income group. All of these factors gradually increase the demand of cement. The requirement of fine and course aggregate can be fulfill by C&D waste and other broken solid waste but the there is not any other alternative of cement. In this paper we have tries to reduce the cost of cement from the addition of Fly ash, lime, Aluminium Silicate, and Surkhi i.e. FLAS. It is reduce the much cost of the cement. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1025-1027 |
223 |
Smart Ration Shop using IoT
-Dharini Shree K ; Sowmiya S; Swethini Priyaa K; Vishnu Priya G; Devika T
Ration shop also called as the fair price shop is used for supplying goods like Rice, wheat, oil and other required items for human survival. These goods are supplied for fair price for the poor people and so the name. The people in the nearby area are not aware of the presence of the goods which are provided at a particular day due to improper communication and also some people who are in far places from the shop are unaware of the working time of shop. Because of this, they are standing in queues in case of more rush and some people come at times when the shop is closed. In order to avoid this, we have found a new solution. The people will get the details about the stocks which are supplied for a particular day and also the working time. These messages reach them through normal messages in mobile phones. These are done by sending the messages to the customer’s mobile phone by using Internet of Things (IoT) with the help of GSM Module. The Arduino UNO is used to connect the data’s to GSM and also collect the data’s and send it as message through IoT. These messages are sent to the higher officials in order to avoid any malfunctioning that may occur. By using this technique, they can minimize their precious time by standing in queues and the people will know about the product which is provided at a particular moment or a day. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1028-1031 |
224 |
Improvement of Voltage Profile in Power System Network using STATCOM and UPFC
-Parth A. Patel ; Hiren S. Darji
With increasing load demand day by day, voltage stability problem increasing. To provide continuous reliable power supply to the end consumer it is required to maintain voltage level during power transmission. So it is important to analyze the power system network with respect to voltage stability. This paper covered the how STATCOM and UPFC type facts devices useful to maintain the voltage instability during overload situation and reduced the power losses. For this simulation is carried out using Power System analysis Toolbox (PSAT) on IEEE 14 bus system to find out the week bus during different overloading situation. The continuation Power Flow (CPF) method is used to to find out weakest bus of the power system network. Based on simulation the conclusion is derived for which FACTS device is suitable for overloading situation. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1032-1036 |
225 |
Online Library Management System Through Android Application
-Uma M Bhokare ; Rohan V Chavan; Sulekha S Jadhav; Prajkta M Sawant; Ankita B Jaymali
Now a days everything is accomplished or thought to be accessed through internet so that do not need to waste time and face any inconvenience. Using internet, the getting of knowledge has been easier. The concept of sharing knowledge is centralized in a library, which plays a vital role in the dissemination of knowledge and spiritual civilization. The level of maintaining a library is closely related to the quality of teaching in institute. With the increasing of number of students in institute, maintaining a library using the old management methods is too much complex and time consuming and hardly possible to adapt to the development of times. To overcome this situation appeared in most of the middle level countries like India, students develop an online library management system application. The main features of this software application are user interactive graphical representation of the total number of books requested, books uploaded, yearly books count etc. Besides, notifications and reports are viewed instantly for corresponding users. Another thing is that using this software, user could find out books searching by any one of these: title, author’s name, subject, publication, series, That is, the developed online library management software application would meet the needs of the growing students and teachers demand. With wide application of management system, information data grows rapidly. On one hand, people have a large number of information resources. On the other hand, the time cost and difficulty of people finding the proper information increases. In recent years, recommendation system attracts the attention of many researchers including management science, informatics and physics. From the application of recommendation system to library management system, the paper analyzes the key technology, makes application research on book recommendation system based on content filtering and collaborative filtering, and proposes collaborative filtering algorithm which is an improved recommendation algorithm. From the perspective of system application and design, the paper designs the structure, function module and user interface of book recommendation system. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1037-1038 |
226 |
Review of DC & AC with Simultaneous Outputs
-Pranjali B. Kamble ; Shubhangi S. Ambekar; Raksha Hiraman Kamble; Manisha Subodh Paunikar
Now-a-days with inadequacy in electrical energy & continuously enlarging fuel cost, leads to investigation on the Non-Conventional energy sources. This paper presents a stand-alone hybrid Solar-Wind energy system for applications in isolated areas. The wind & solar system are connected to the common load through Boost Derived Hybrid Converter. The modeling and simulation of hybrid system are done using MATLAB /SIMULINK. The performance of the hybrid system is evaluated under different speeds & different irradiation levels. Simulation results show that the proposed hybrid system has the potential to meet the demand of an isolated area such as Islands. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1039-1041 |
227 |
Electricity Generation From Dairy Effluent Using Environment-Friendly Doubled Chambered Microbic Fuel Cell-Literature Review
-Ankur Murani ; Nimisha Patel; Maitrik Kapupara
The pollution is increase greatly thanks to the increasing in demand of individuals and industrial waste, thanks to that an oversized gap between energy demand and convenience of fuel. High energy demand of typical material treatment systems square measure exacting for the selection treatment technology, which may be worth effective and want less energy for its economical operation. Microbic Fuel Cells (MFCs) give a completely unique bioprocessing strategy to provide property energy and sewer water treatment. It produces electricity and underneath bound conditions. MFC with saline catholyte was utilized in this laboratory scale study. Salt-bridge of dimensions of five cm length and a pair of cm diameter was utilized in a plastic MFC unit with electrodes factory-made to constant dimensions (5×5). Dairy farm waste water was used because the substrate, with its organism because the accelerator. The twin divided MFC was operated at temperature. Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) created from Agar NaCl Salt Bridge was utilized. The study was meted out in 3 experiments. Within the initial experiment, the utmost voltage of 0.36 V and current of 0.35 A was generated. In experiment two and three the utmost voltages were 0.42 V, 0.46 V and most current were 0.36 A and 0.42 A severally were obtained per litre of the dairy farm sewer water. The MFC was operated for seven days whereas the performance was monitored each one unit of time. The most aspects of MFC analysis square measure to provide the price of treatment in addition as simplifying operational or practical conditions. MFCs will be ensuing generation of electric cell technology and so would possibly play a vital role in energy conservation, electricity generation, bio-hydrogen production, biosensors and sewer water treatment in addition as in alternate fuel utilization mistreatment microbes to get electricity. Read More...
Applied Science |
India |
1042-1046 |
228 |
Task Scheduling using Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm
-Suvalakshmi B P ; Soumiya M V; Suganthi M; Ranjani D
Ant colony algorithm is a multi-agent algorithm that can be used to solve optimization problems. In this paper an ant colony optimization algorithm is used as in for travelling sales man problem and quadratic assignment problem. The cost and performance of the problems can be optimized using ant colony optimization for any real time application. Read More...
Computer Science And Information Technology |
India |
1047-1049 |
229 |
Analysis and Design of Multistorey Residential Building (G+7) by using ETABS Software
-Kata Neelima ; Ashish Kumar; Paila Uday Kumar
As per latest predictions more than 20% of the current Indian population is going to shift to town / cities in upcoming years. But due to space constraints in the cities multi storey apartments play a major role in the urban infra-structure development. The main object of this current study is to Analysis and design of a multi-storeyed residential apartment (G+7) which is situated in Visakhapatnam city. ‘ETABS’ software is used for the analysis & design purpose and ‘Auto Cad’ is used for detailing and preparation of drawings for this project. Finally optimized structure is obtained and the same is shown in the prepared final drawings. And Foundation loads are obtained from the analysis at the bottom of columns and will be used for the further scope of foundation design. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1050-1052 |
230 |
Automatic Load Sharing and Distribution of Transformer Based on Micro Controller
-Ms. Madhuri Suresh Sahu ; Mr. Surya Sahu; Mr. Nohish Ramteke; Mrs. Vedanti B. Hardas
The transformer is a static device, which converts power from one level to another level. The aim of the project is to protect the transformer under overload conditions by load sharing. Due to overload on the transformer, the efficiency drops. The micro controller compares the load on the first transformer with a reference value. When the load exceeds the reference value, the second transformer will share the extra load. Therefore, the two transformers work efficiently and the damage is prevented. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1053-1054 |
231 |
Crop Monitoring System
-Shruti Suvarna ; Yash Agarwal; Keyur Chotai; Silviya D’Monte
Farmers in agricultural nations like India, still rely on their intuition and use techniques that are over a century old for cultivating crops. It is also a fact that income of farmers are not increasing to survive in current scenario and it is not possible for them to afford technologies that are not cheap. That is why we require an application that helps them in real world, to inform them about which crop is suitable to grow on what type of land by using algorithms to predict the crop based on parameters like moisture, temperature, etc. This can be determined either by collecting details of land which is asked during the registration done by the farmer or by getting more precise results with the help of IOT based method along with detection of weeds using Convolutional neural network in specific site of crops. Both methods can be used together for achieving efficient results. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1055-1057 |
232 |
Consumer Perception towards Modern and Traditional Retailers and Impact of Modern Retailers on Traditional Retailers
-Babita Kalita
Marketing can be defined as a strategy for identifying the customers, satisfying the customers and keeping the customers for long time. Retail sale is the final proof of a product ensuring the success of a product by properly promoting and presenting the product to the final consumer. The retailing environment in India has seen a tremendous growth in the size with market dominance of the large organised players and increased retail concentration. India tops in the list of emerging market for organised retailer since its organised retailing is expanding and modernizing rapidly in line with India’s economic growth, liberating government regulation, increasing number of double income family, changing lifestyles and facilitating some attracting consumer services. But the organised retailing impacts turnover, sales and profit of traditional retailing badly. Therefore some types of initiatives, creativity and new strategy are required for future existence the researcher wants to study consumer preferences towards both types of retailers and impact of organised retailing on traditional retailing and provide some measures for future existence traditional retailing. Read More...
Economics |
India |
1058-1064 |
233 |
Design and Development of Agriculture Solar Machine
-Shubham Anil Shinde ; Prof. Deepak B.Dukale; Pratik R. Shinde; Hitesh A. Shedulkar; Akshay N. Shirsat
Agricultural machines deployed for agriculture purposes. In this regard here is a demo model of such equipment, which performs the operation very effectively. Such types of machines which are used in the agricultural fields, are called as agribots. Here in this module we have designed a machine which can be a semi-automatic or fully automatic which can run on solar system to perform plugging digging, seeding and mulching in the field or greenhouse. By the development of these bot lots of manual labor will also be decreased. The development and the fabrication of the robot which can dig the soil, put the seeds, leveler to close the mud and these whole systems of the robot work with the battery and the solar power. More than 40% of the population in the world chooses agriculture as the primary occupation, in recent years the development of the autonomous vehicles in the agriculture has experienced increased interest. In the field of agricultural autonomous vehicle, a concept is been developed to investigate if multiple small autonomous machine could be more efficient than traditional large tractors and human forces. Keeping the above ideology in mind, a unit with the following feature is designed: Ploughing is one of the first steps in farming. During this process we till the land and make it ready for the seed sowing. By tilling we mean that a plough will be used which will have teeth’s like structure at the end and will be able to turn the top layer of soil down and vice-versa. Seed sowing comes next where the seeds need to be put in ground at regular intervals and these needs to be controlled automatically. Limiting the flow of seeds from the seeds chamber is typically doing this. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1065-1069 |
234 |
Uncertain Method to Kill Covid-19
-Harshit Ahuja
COVID-19 Became a global threat in the beginning months of year 2020. According to the data till “17 MARCH, 2020" 162 countries and Territories around the world have reported a total of 1,86,677 confirmed cases and a death toll of 7,471 deaths
Three Things Not Liked By COVID-19.
ï€ High Temperature (can survive up to 4-10°C, feels uncomfortable at 22-250C, & dies at 30-35°C range).
ï€ Humidity
ï€ Sun Light
Important Question: Is There Any Hit & Trial Method To Remove/Kill COVID-19.
Physics |
India |
1070-1074 |
235 |
Irrigation System Controller using Artificial Neural Network
-Jegadeeswaran T A ; Bharani S; Ajay S; Suganya Devi C R; Abinaya M
Irrigation structures are as old as guy itself seeing that agriculture is the career of civilized humanity. To irrigate huge regions of vegetation is a laborious task. In order to conquer this hassle many irrigation scheduling techniques have been developed which might be in particular based on tracking the soil, crop and weather conditions. Irrigation scheduling engrossed when to irrigate and what sort of water to be implemented. The coronary heart of a computerized irrigation machine (constant charge or variable fee) is its control unit: as it controls irrigation time and water flow. Intelligent control primarily based irrigation is necessitated to maximize the efficiency and manufacturing. Existing technologies vary from water stability or take a look at book technique to state-of-the-art sensor-based totally systems. Most of the irrigation structures use ON/OFF controllers. These controllers cannot supply greatest effects for varying time delays and varying gadget parameters. This paper offers Artificial Neural Network (ANN) based shrewd manipulate gadget for effective irrigation scheduling. The proposed Artificial Neural Network (ANN) based controller is prototyped using MATLAB. The input parameters like air temperature, soil moisture, radiations and humidity are modeled. Then the usage of appropriate technique, ecological situations, evapotranspiration and kind of crop, the amount of water needed for irrigation is anticipated and then related effects are simulated. Read More...
Artificial Intelligence |
India |
1075-1078 |
236 |
A Review on Automatic Robotic System for on-the-Road Painting
-Abhijeet Hore ; Akash Dhengale; Radhika Bhure ; Ruchika Jaiswar; Vaishnvi Aglawe
The main purpose of an automatic robotic system on-the-road is to navigate the road and painting of the road as per the requirement. The process of the development of an automatic robotic system is shown in this paper. The automatic robotic system has two main functions i.e. the autonomous mobile road navigation system and automatic road mark painting. The objective of this paper is on the painting system which is merged with the mobile platform and accomplish within the same computing environment. This paper will achieve its task by using automatic navigation components and an airless spray system for the painting. The process of painting will be done continuously and the robot will navigate it. The result of such a system is it will minimize the human error and time needed to complete a painting. It reduces the blocking of the road during painting and also diminishes the possibility of faded marks. As it does not include human intrusion the error will reach up to zero approximately. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
1079-1081 |
237 |
Translucent Concrete
-Shubham Chakrawal ; Ujjwal Saha ; Ankit Srivastav; Shubhankar Yadav; Vishwavijay Singh
The concrete made up of least cement water and aggregate for the used in construction industries, infrastructure and so on. In this way translucent concrete with light transmission property arrived due to insert optical fibre in it. As we know that concrete has greyish color and its high density which not admit passage of light through it. As can be imagined, concrete has a specific property of being transparent will permit a better passage of light between construction and its natural ambience, creating circumstances that are better and more naturally lit. Light is conducted through the fibre from one end to the other. This results into a certain light pattern on the other surface, depending on the fibre structure. Optical fibres transmit light so effectively that there is virtually no loss of light conducted through the fibres. It is one of the newest, most functional and revolutionary element green construction material. Our paper deal with transparent or translucent concrete blocks and also give the uses and advantages in the field of smart construction. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1082-1084 |
238 |
Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Concrete Incorporating used Foundry
-Suraj Shivaji Shinde ; Mayur Bansode; Tejas Awad
Now a days good quality natural river sand is not readily available, is to be transported from a long distance. These resources are also exhausting very rapidly. So there is a need to find alternative to natural river sand. Natural river sand takes millions of years for its formation and is not renewable. As a substitute to natural sand, artificial sand is used as a complete replacement. In this project the behavior of concrete is assured by partially replacing the natural sand with foundry sand which is a waste product from machine industries. The experimental work is mainly concern with the study of mechanical properties like compressive strength, split tensile strength and as well as flexural strength of concrete by partial replacement of artificial sand by foundry sad as fine aggregate. Tests over carried out on cubes, cylinders to studies the mechanical properties of concrete using foundries and compare with concrete with natural sand as fine aggregate. Artificial sand was replaced with three percentages (0 %, 10 %, 20% & 30 %) of Waste Foundry Sand by weight. Compression test, splitting tensile strength test and flexural strength test were carried out to evaluate the strength properties of concrete at the age of 7 &28 days. Test results showed a nominal increasing strength and durability properties of concrete by the addition of waste foundry sand as a partial replacement of natural sand. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1085-1087 |
239 |
Design and Analysis of Four-Port MIMO Antenna with Dual-Band Rejection Characteristics
-Routhu Charishma ; Yadla Gowthami; Yeddu Sri Lakshmi; Yalavarthi Roopa Sree Sai
The combination of (ultra-wideband) UWB and multi input-multi-output (MIMO) significantly improves the date rate transmission capacity, spectrum efficiency and overall quality of the communication link in comparison to single antenna systems. The proposed MIMO antenna is comprised of four identical elliptical shaped monopole radiators that are placed orthogonal to each other. A second order Koch fractal geometry is applied at the edges of the ground patch to minimize the overall ize of the ground plane without changing its peripheral dimension and without compromising the lower frequency response. Further, in order to eliminate the undesired resonant bands (3.5 and 5.5 GHz) from UWB, an elliptical complementary split ring resonator (CSRR) is introduced in the monopole radiator. In order to reduce the inert-element coupling in the proposed MIMO antenna, a different approach (of slotted edge substrate) is used as a substitute of traditional decoupling stub/elements. In the entire operating band of 3 to 13.5 GHz, inter-element isolation more than 22 dB and envelope correlation coefficient (ECC) less than 0.008 are obtained. The measured parameters of the fabricated prototype antenna are found to be satisfied with the simulated results. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1088-1091 |
240 |
Planning Strategy for Integrated Watershed Management in the Upper Jiadhal River Basin, North-East India
-Chandra Kumar Dutta
The environment and related problems of both the basins (upper and lower basins of Jiadhal river) are different but interrelated. Thus, Integrated Watershed Management is the key to cope up with natural hazards including land and water degradation and accelerated soil erosion, floods, siltation and sedimentation. Integrated watershed management includes the integration of many scattered programs of soil conservation, afforestation, minor irrigation, crop production, tree plantation, fodder development and other development activities into a well prepared watershed project. These are mainly based on climate, land, water and plant resources on the one hand and man and animal resources on the other. It offers hope for bringing about sustained natural resources development. The study area selected for the study is a part of Upper basin of Jiadhal drainage basin, which is a phenomenal river system with huge sediment carrying capacity and intensive flood frequencies making it havoc for the inhabitants of the areas it drained. The phenomenon of siltation by sediments brought down by the river system from the upper basin is the real cause of the situation of the degradation of the agricultural land use pattern as well as the socio- economy of the population dwells in the lower Jiadhal Basin. This paper concerns comprehensive watershed management proposed plans for the sustainable development through the study of environmental geomorphology of the upper Jiadhal River Basin, north-east India. Read More...
Environmental Management |
India |
1092-1096 |
241 |
Review: Different Techniques for Transformer Inrush Current Protection
-Prajakta P. Dhokane ; Prof.N.V.Jumale
Transformer is one among the vital components of electric power system. Transformers are invariably protected by using differential protection. But the differential protection sometime may malfunction thanks to inrush current whenever a transformer is energized. Several methods like per-phase method, cross blocking method, percent average blocking method and Harmonic sharing method are already alive. With the day to day increase of the facility and therefore the increasing rate of industrialization. The quantity of power to be developed and therefore the safety of the facility transformers have increased manifolds. For optimum results it is required to possess nearly a no fault operation of power transformer. The target of this work is to present a controller or method which could predict the unwanted outages during a small interval of your time and with accuracy. The controllers like PI, PID are in use in industries over a decade and located to be very useful also. But during this case these controllers are not found to offer reliable results thanks to the oscillating and non – periodic nature of the facility transients. This paper is reviewing the various past technologies for transformer inrush current protection. This paper are going to be considerably useful for future researcher and students those curious about field of transformer protection system. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1097-1102 |
242 |
Enhancing Electric Power Quality in Distribution System with STATCOM
-Chapala Shravani
In addition to the increase in the types and capacities of electrical loads, problems with the quality of power, in particular reactive power and harmonics, are the serious threats to the safe operation of the network. Linear / non-linear loads are one of the main causes of deterioration in the quality of energy in transmission lines. High non-linearity and time-varying operation cause harmonic distortion and voltage fluctuations. As an important member of FACT, the distributed synchronous static compensator (DSTATCOM) is widely used as an advanced dynamic bypass compensator to control reactive power in transmission and distribution systems. Utilities such as households, businesses and industries face many PQ problems in the form of voltage dips, increases and fluctuations or fluctuations in voltage. This paper describes the implementation of a distributed static compensator (DSTATCOM) using a PWM-based control algorithm for harmonic rejection. This custom power devices used to estimate and mitigate voltage sag, swell, voltage fluctuations, and reactive power limits for various utility load conditions. D-STATCOM has been adopted as a compensation device because it is known for its flexibility, easy implementation, dynamic load compensation and multifunctional operation. The D-STATCOM model is shunted with a three-phase source which provides a constant and variable load developed using Simulink. The simulated results show that D-STATCOM can be considered as a viable solution to solve the problems of voltage dips, swelling and variation. A control algorithm based on PWM control is used to extract the basic active and reactive power components from the load current to derive the reference compensation current through STATCOM. The performance of the three-phase three - phase system using DSTATCOM was checked for harmonic rejection using a MATLAB / SIMULINK simulation model. Read More...
Electrical Power Engineering |
India |
1103-1108 |
243 |
Characterization of Textile Wastewater and Treatment by Chemical Coagulation
-Ms.A. Dhanalakshmi ; Mr.M.Dhivakar; Mr.G.Baskar Singh
This study focused on the quality of textile dyeing effluent by analyze the physico-chemical parameters such as color, pH, total hardness, biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total dissolved solids (TDS), total suspended solids (TSS), the effluent. The results of the analysis were correlated with the water quality standards of BIS (Bureau of Indian Standard) & National Environmental quality standard (NEQS).Also this paper included the case study of textile dyeing industry, Madurai district, Tamilnadu. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1109-1113 |
244 |
F2C Farmers Trading Portal
-Gouri Dnyandev Karape ; Arpita Narayan Lokhande; Aparna Sanjay Mane; Madhura Shrikant Kulkarni
In this modern era, the traditional way is still used by farmers to sell the products. For farmers, the product sales and its marketing is less profitable due to the interference of agents and middlemen. Also, they are unaware of the other buyers like caterers, hotels, exporters, retail supermarkets, etc. We aim to design a location-based F2C (Farm to Customer) trading portal for agricultural produce. Our platform takes up the opportunity to revolutionize life for farmers through a mobile app and web app substantially designed for farmers residing in rural areas of India. It is a single step platform for farmers where the information about crop prices and selling their produce are all included in one application. Using the platform, farmer can analyze current market situation and pictorial representation of daily sale evaluating his profit. This platform will provide transparent farmer to customer communication. This application will maximize profit of farmer who often sell their produce to local traders. Also, customers will be provided with variety of choices for his desired product and will be recommended related products based on customer behavior using KNN (K-Nearest Neighbor) algorithm. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1114-1118 |
245 |
Static Structural Analysis of a Four-Wheeler Disc Brake Using Different Materials on ANSYS
-Vinit Kumar Mishra ; Ranjeet Kumar; Dr. R.S. Sikarwar
Braking system is an important component in any automobile. Whenever any automobile is in moving condition, we need some system to stop or decelerate the vehicle as & when rush appears or pits appear in the road. Braking system is employed for this vary role. Brakes of different types but for study I have considered disc brake rotor here. Vehicle to be selected is an Audi TT Mk3 Coupe. Conventionally Gray cast iron has been used for manufacturing the disc brake rotors but it is accompanied by a large weight which in turn increases the overall weight of vehicle. This increased weight increases the losses occurring in the vehicle during movement. It also reduces the brake efficiency. To counter these two problems, we must go for some other materials which can have lower weight & higher tensile strength, compressive strength etc. In this particular study six different materials have been tried & tested. These materials are Aluminium wrought, Aluminium alloy, aluminium alloy NL, carbon fibre, carbon epoxy UD, Carbon E-Glass epoxy UD. These materials have been analysed for equivalent (von-Mises) stress, total deformation, maximum principal stress & stress intensity. In the end a comparative analysis has been presented. In order to develop the model of disc brake rotor for conducting analytical solution in software, CATIA V5-6 R2017 software will be used to develop the model & ANSYS 19.2 will be used to analyse the model. Read More...
M. Tech in Mechanical Engineering Design |
India |
1119-1124 |
246 |
Static Structural Analysis of a Flywheel-Shaft Assembly using Shrink Fitting for Static & Dynamic Conditions
-Yejvander Thakur ; Ranjeet Kumar; Dr. R.S. Sikarwar
In this study I have analysed the behaviour of rotating Shaft/ Heavy Disk, due to centrifugal force & contact pressure due to shrink fit via Finite element method and analytical analysis. I also found in my study there is risk and challenge mitigation is always there because to mount flywheel over a shaft we require need to heat flywheel to achieve the required shrink for mounting the flywheel on the shaft higher temperature is required which leads to temperature gradient and control method of doing this activity but at the same time higher deformation which then tends to nonuniformity in the flywheel inside diameter so required uniform contact between shaft and flywheel is difficult to achieve, higher shrink also increase the tangential stresses in the flywheel which leads to failure of the flywheel and vice versa also higher runaway or maximum speed of rotor leads to a gap between shaft and flywheel. To achieve all this required parameter, I have done so many permutations and combinations then I have concluded with a solution using the finite element method which is further validated by hand calculation. I have solely focused in centrifugal stresses and total radial deformation on all type of heavy disc/flywheel whose results are validated by analytical calculation and finite element method results. I have also studied the critical speeds, as we know a rotor spinning /rotating generates a gyroscopic couple, which is an end product of polar mass moment of inertia and the angular velocity which is resulting the couple in the direction following the right-hand cork screw rule. Inertia and gyroscopic torques or couple makes the bending moment jump along the heavy disc or flywheel. Read More...
M.Tech in Machine Design |
India |
1125-1129 |
247 |
Comparative Analysis of the Suspension System of Automobile using Different Materials on ANSYS- A Review
-Rajeev Singh ; Ranjeet Kumar; Dr. R.S. Sikarwar
Suspension system plays an important role in any automobile. Suspension system counters the jerk & pits whenever we run the vehicle on the road. Suspension system for the cars and trucks is made up of leaf spring. In leaf spring we have 5-6 leaves of any metal normally cast iron placed one over other in order to counter the jerk during traction. Now since the Leaf spring is made up of cast iron, it consists of a lot of weight which affects the efficiency of traction adversely. Because of its weight it can carry several other factors which are significant in reducing the speed & efficiency of the vehicle. So, to counter this adverse effect a new kind of composite materials are being tried now a days so that the overall weight reduction may be achieved with ease. The variety of composite materials includes Carbon epoxy, E-glass Epoxy carbon, Carbon fibre etc. These materials are quite lighter in weight than the cast iron so we need to check them for other type of responses except weight. Hence, we need to compare the cast iron with these composite materials. For the comparison a cast iron leaf spring will be designed using mathematical formulae & then this design will be validated using ANSYS 19.2 workbench. After validating the mathematically calculated results with ANSYS 19.2 results we will go for composite material leaf springs & similar kind of analysis will be run on these materials too. Read More...
M.Tech in Machine Design |
India |
1130-1135 |
248 |
Vehicle to Vehicle Communication
-Snehal Santosh Kulkarni ; Nilesh Deotale; Minal Lodha; Rohini Gaikwad; Shrdha Raut
As we race toward fully autonomous vehicles, we are started to know that the only expensive car on the road which can communicate with other cars and objects it’s nearby like traditional traffic cones. . In this system, if one vehicle driver notices something problem with other vehicle then he/she can use vehicles number to communicate with other vehicle driver. To help resolve this issue, vehicle notification mechanism is required for the vehicles in front of us to get informed regarding any damage or malfunctioning of the vehicle from other users. This device includes of a system that makes use of Third Party Acknowledgment mechanism for notifying the vehicle driver or owner regarding vehicle damage. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1136-1138 |
249 |
Impact of Quality of Work Life on Employee Satisfaction at Private Organization
-Amit Miglani
The research purpose is to determine the impact of quality of work life, on employee satisfaction. Quality of work life refers to the favorableness or unfavourableness of job environment for the people working in an organization. There is direct relationship between the work life and employee productivity. Objective is to know the overall quality of work life in the organization and its impact on employees work life. The study identifies Promotion, Salary, Recognition and leave are important factors that affecting quality of work life. The reveals that qualitative work life leads to improves the employees’ satisfaction, which results increased productivity in the organization. Research design used is descriptive in nature. The data collection instrument is a primary data that collected through questionnaire. In the research 100 respondents were taken on the basis of random sampling. Employees are satisfied with the working condition of the company. Majority of employees are motivated through the promotion and participative decision making style. From the study the company has to focus on the respect to employees at work place and to secure job of employee in company, reward for the target completed, so the company can continuously do growth in future. Read More...
Management |
India |
1139-1143 |
250 |
Music Genre Classification
-Dhruv Singh ; Kunal Samant; Shreyas Sureshkumar; Sahil Shaikh; Smita Dandge
Classifying music ï¬les as indicated by their classification is a difficult errand in the territory of music data recovery (MIR). Right now, analyze the exhibition of two classes of models. The ï¬rst is a profound learning approach wherein a CNN model is prepared start to finish, to foresee the class name of a sound sign, exclusively utilizing its spectrogram. The subsequent methodology uses hand-made highlights, both from the time space and recurrence area. We train four conventional AI classiï¬ers with these highlights and look at their presentation. The highlights that contribute the most towards this classiï¬cation task are identiï¬ed. The examinations are directed on the Audio set dataset and we report an AUC estimation of 0.894 for a troupe classiï¬er which joins the two proposed approaches. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1144-1145 |