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A Research Paper On Experimental Investigations of Mechanical Properties of Composite Material used for Manufacturing Industry Application
-Mr. Amit Rajiv Malekar ; Prof. Patil R. M.
In this research composite material is manufactured by using hand layup method and mechanical properties are investigated. By using natural fibers with the epoxy and graphite fibers, the mechanical properties of the composite material show better results. The advantage of composite materials over conventional materials are largely from their higher specific strength, stiffness and fatigue characteristics, which enables structural design to be more versatile. By definition, composite materials consist of two or more constituents with physically separable phases. Tensile strength and bending strength after testing found is very high as compared other composite material with natural fibers. At the end it is found that, this graphite/epoxy/coconut coir composite material is feasible for the mechanical application. Also it is found that tensile and bending strength is high. Fiber-reinforced polymer composites have played a dominant role for a long time in a variety of applications for their high specific strength and modulus. The fiber which serves as a reinforcement in reinforced plastics may be synthetic or natural. Past studies show that only synthetic fibers such as glass, carbon etc., have been used in fiber-reinforced plastics. Although glass and other synthetic fiber-reinforced plastics possess high specific strength, their fields of application are very limited because of their inherent higher cost of production. In this connection, an investigation has been carried out to make use of coconut coir, a natural fiber abundantly available in India. Natural fibers are not only strong and lightweight but also relatively very cheap. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1-13 |
2 |
Study and Implementation of Image Compression Using Inexact Computing
-Manila Jain ; Ritu Shrivastava
This paper suggests a new method for digital image processing; it focuses on inexact computation to solve some of the problems associated with discrete cosine transformation (DCT) compression. The suggested approach has three stages of processing; the first stage uses estimated DCT for image compression to remove all computing intensive floating-point multiplication and to perform DCT processing with integer additions and, in some situations, logical right / left shift. The second level also decreases the volume of data (from the first level) that need to be processed by extracting the frequencies that cannot be sensed by human senses. Finally, in order to minimize power consumption and latency, the third stage incorporates inexact circuit level adders for computing the DCT. For measurement, a collection of structured images is compressed using the proposed three-level system. Different figures of merits are compared to existing compression methods; an error analysis is also pursued confirming the simulation results. Results shows methods which is best suited for image compression, while maintaining acceptable accuracy levels for image processing applications. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
14-18 |
3 |
IoT Based Smart Gardening Using Mobile Application
-Rhitik Rakesh Sharma
Using the thought of IOT they create sensors to speak with one another that square measure powerful in automation. The vital side of this example is that it saves price and ensures safety. When folks tried to form plantings and started their own garden, they were cautious in maintenance solely in their starting stages. As days prolong because of lack of maintenance the plants get destroyed. This example can facilitate folks to mechanically monitor the parameters and guarantee maintenance of the garden. Users also will be able to management the water system to the garden remotely. It plays a significant role and is a decent companion for plants. IOT provides solutions for numerous issues and it permits things to be detected or controlled remotely in network infrastructure. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
19-21 |
4 |
Application of IoT in Sports and Physical Education
-Dr. Kishore Mukhopadhyay
IoT has had a notable impact on gaming as well. Social distancing during quarantine has made it difficult for us to play outdoor sports. However, the second-best thing to playing outdoor games is playing indoor games, especially mobile and console games. IoT has made it possible for online and mobile games to be played solo or with a group of people from across the room or anywhere across the globe. By creating “smart sportsman,†i.e., network-connected players, it’s not just their coaches and team management who can get real-time insights into an athlete’s performance, but even fans can know how their favorite athlete is performing. With the evolution and development of Internet of Things into Internet of Everything, concepts such as Cloud Computing, Future Internet, Big Data, Robotics, and Semantics will be even more investigated and impact many more sectors and we hope that this is only the beginning. The present article deals with the various application and useage of Iot in the field of physical education and sports. Read More...
Physical Education |
India |
22-26 |
5 |
Artificial Intelligence in Cancer Treatment
-Sarthak Jalindar Sarjine
Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that unit programmed to assume like humans and mimic their actions. The term can also be applied to any machine that exhibits traits related to an individual's mind like learning and problem-solving. AI is remodelling the observe of drugs. It's serving to doctors diagnose patients a lot of accurately, build predictions concerning patients future health, and suggest higher treatments. This Specialization can provide you with sensible expertise in applying machine learning to concrete issues in medication. The online survey was taken to attain the proposed hypothesis. With the help of quantitative analysis proposed hypothesis is accepted. Read More...
Computer Science and Information Technology |
India |
27-29 |
6 |
Climate Prediction and Forecasting using Datamining
-Blessy Beena Sunny
The weather conditions are changing continuously and the entire world is suffers from the changing Clemet and their side effects. Therefore pattern on changing weather conditions are required to observe. With this aim the proposed work is intended to investigate about the weather condition pattern and their forecasting model. On the other hand data mining technique enables us to analyze the data and extract the valuable patterns from the data. Therefore in order to understand fluctuating patterns of the weather conditions the data mining based predictive model is reported in this work. The proposed data model analyze the historical weather data and identify the significant on the data. These identified patterns from the historical data enable us to approximate the upcoming weather conditions and their outcomes. To design and develop such an accurate data model a number of techniques are reviewed and most promising approaches are collected. Read More...
Master of Computer Application |
India |
30-33 |
7 |
Exoplanets: The Next Stop for Human Future Settlement
-Zafera Amtul Khader ; Dhanush Salunke
The traditional planetary science faced challenges upon the discovery of thousands of planets which are not same as the planets present in our solar system. These planets which are outside our solar system are called as exoplanets. These planets are different as they revolve around stars and not the sun. The search and discovery of exoplanets has changed our perspective, understanding of the cosmos, and have given us new hope to find a habitable planet other than the earth. Exoplanets are very interesting to study, are also very diverse in terms of their size, temperature, atmospheres, and their distance from earth. Scientists are observing and monitoring the exoplanets from various ground observatories that gives them unprecedented opportunities to probe and study the atmosphere and surfaces of potentially habitable exoplanets for existence of life. Different kinds of problems will arise in future as we go further in exploring these exoplanets, for this many advance technologies are being developed by different space organizations. In this paper we are going to study a viable list of exoplanets and select the best one for hosting life. The benefits of settling life on other planets is also discussed. The scope of this paper also includes a comparative study of the temperatures, atmospheres of various exoplanets to identify a suitable exoplanet for future life settlement. Read More...
Science |
India |
34-38 |
8 |
Analysis of Natural Convection Flow through Square Cavity by Computational Fluid Dynamic Analysis
-Himanshu Mehta ; Dr. Shailesh Gupta; R. Kumar
Laminar natural convection of air into inner rectangular cavity with localized heating from vertical side wall has been investigated by using computation fluid dynamic analysis in ansys. The square cavity consists of two adiabatic top and bottom wall and air filled closed two dimensional geometry. Two stage investigations have been performed to find out the variation in the result between different approaches. The inclination angle of the enclosure was keep constant at 90°, and the effect of heat transfer was investigated over the range 103-Ra-106. Correlations of average Nusselt number based on the CFD results are presented for vertical cases. Solutions are obtained for several Rayleigh numbers with Prandtl number Pr = 0.70 and aspect ratio 1.The Pressure-Velocity Coupling Method used with Non-Iterative Time Advancement (NITA) scheme used to solve the problem. The distribution of temperature and stream function are taken as a function of thermal and geometrical output parameter for given problem. Read More...
Heat Power Engineering |
India |
39-43 |
9 |
A Brief Discussion about Re-Entry Vehicles
-Dhanush Salunke
A re-entry vehicle is the segment of rocket which comes back on the earth’s surface through its atmosphere. This vehicle is highly affected by Earth’s gravity. Atmosphere also affects it while coming towards surface of earth. It is also affected by Atmospheric drag compression in atmosphere. While re-entry metals are highly heated and there are chances of melting of that metals then, Thermal Barrier Coating (TBC) is applied to resist large temperature gradients. Also, the reentry vehicles need thermal coating which is generally recognized as Thermal Protection System (TPS).Here we will be discussing the challenges faced while re-entry of that vehicle, attractive vehicle shapes, materials used in vehicles to prevent aerodynamic heating, also types of reentry vehicles and their analysis in brief. Read More...
Aerospace Engineering |
India |
44-47 |
10 |
Study of the Effect of Curing With Fresh Water and Salt Water on Structural Strength of Concrete
-Sagar Salunke ; J N Vyas
The modern era is focusing on the taming, sustainability and recycling of the resources by imparting innovative techniques and methodologies. Keeping this in view, a study was conducted on the strength of concrete after preparing and curing with different types of water for structural use. This work deals with the study of various effects of preparing and curing with salt water on properties of strength of concrete such as compressive strength, tensile strength and flexural strength with respect to fresh water. This study indicated that the strength of concrete of the mixtures prepared using salt water was comparable with the strength of the control mixture. Also, the water absorption of concrete is not affected when salt water was used. The study also indicates that the initial and final setting time of cement was same as that of Potable water and Secondary Treated salt Water but decreased for Primary Treated salt Water, for compressive strength it was increased in Secondary Treated Waste Water and salt waste water at longer duration, for tensile and flexural strength tests was same results so, there was no any improvement in tensile and flexural strength by using Secondary Treated salt Water. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
48-52 |
11 |
Facial Expression Recognition using Raspberry Pi
-Shristi Verma ; Sampada Massey
The goal of this article is to provide an easier human-machine interaction routine when user authentication is needed through face detection and recognition. With the aid of a regular web camera, a machine is able to detect and recognize a person’s face; a custom login screen with the ability to filter user access based on the users’ facial features will be developed. The objectives of this thesis are to provide a set of detection algorithms that can be later packaged in an easily portable framework amongst the different processor architectures we see in machines (computers) today. This project is devoted to build an e-camera which is a facial expression recognition system based on Raspberry Pi from a live Pi Camera feed and get results in real time processing. Although computer vision and facial expression recognition technology have made significant progress in recent years with many professional systems available for real-world applications, it still gains strong interest to implement such a system on a smaller device at a reasonable price such as a single-board computer. The proposed system combines image pre-processing and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to build the facial expression recognition model. In pre-processing, the HaarCascade is implemented for face detection. Moreover, 68 facial landmarks are collected for expression feature extraction. Then, CNN is used for training and testing of face expressions classification. The trained CNN model is saved in Raspberry Pi for real-time facial expression recognition. All the computing algorithms are performed on the eCamera. Only the face expression recognition results are delivered to users. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
53-57 |
12 |
Voice Assistance using Python
-Subhash Mani Kaushal ; Dr. Megha Mishra; Dr. Vishnu Kumar Mishra
Artificial intelligence technologies are beginning to be actively used in human life, this is facilitated by the appearance and wide dissemination of cloud computing. Autonomous devices are becoming smarter in their way to interact with both a human and themselves. New capacities lead to creation of various systems for integration of smart things into Social Networks of the Internet of Things. One of the relevant trends in artificial intelligence is the technology of recognizing the natural language of a human. New insights in this topic can lead to new means of natural human-machine interaction, in which the machine would learn how to understand human’s language, adjusting and interacting in it. One of such tools is voice assistant, which can be integrated into many other intelligent systems. In this paper, the principles of the functioning of voice assistants are described, its main shortcomings and limitations are given. The method of creating a local voice assistant without using python is described, which allows to significantly expand the applicability of such devices in the future. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
58-60 |
13 |
A Research Paper on Study the Need of Designing a Special Purpose Machine to Improve the Production of Engine Block
-Mr. Abhijit Rajiv Malekar ; Dr. Mugale U. S.; Prof. Rawat U. M.
Special purpose machine tools are designed and manufactured for specific jobs and such never produced in bulk such machines are finding increasing use in industries the techniques for designing such machine would obviously be quite different from those used for mass produced machine. A very keen judgment is essential for success of such machines. A special purpose machine is needed to be designed and manufactured at a Company which found beneficial in increasing production quantity & reducing manpower. The company sponsored the project to be undertaken and need of SPM machine is to be studied under this sponsorship. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
61-73 |
14 |
Fake News Detection: A Review
-Disha Shetty ; Disha Gite; Affreen Parveen
Social media is a boon for the people who want to share information, news, opinions, etc. with the world. It is considered one of the fastest mediums to transfer information. On one click, the entire world can access the information. But it also has some cons. Information can be manipulated and uploaded on social media. It can be used to mislead people which can be dangerous for the human race. This manipulated information can spread quickly and can make it difficult to control the situation. Machine learning algorithms may help to identify truth and detect fake information. The results may not be 100% accurate but it helps to maximize the proximity. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
74-75 |
15 |
Student Grade Analysis and Prediction using Machine Learning Algorithms
-Syed Abubakar S ; Dr. A. Rengarajan
The potential to predict the overall performance aim of the students is very essential to improve their training skills. It has come to be a useful information that can be used for various purposes. For example, a blueprint can be utilized for the development of a standard education. This paper proposes the utility of records mining techniques to predict the closing grades of students primarily based on their important data. In the experimental studies, three data mining strategies had been operating on two academic datasets related to arithmetic lesson and Portuguese language lesson. The results validated the success of data mining getting to know the methods during the prediction of student’s performances. Read More...
Master of Computer Application |
India |
76-78 |
16 |
A New and Efficient Electrolysis Dry Cell Design for Industrial Applications
-Hakan Kaplan ; Gülbahar Bilgiç; Mükerrem şahin
In this study, the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) was performed with dry cell to produce hydrogen gas. A new and efficient dry cell was designed to generate HHO gas (also is called as hydroxy or oxyhydrogen). The water electrolysis cell is bound to a strong electrolyte, which may be alkaline and acidic. KOH is an alkaline type solution which has higher decomposition rate, so it has been selected for experiments. Electrodes used in the dry cell are an important part of hydrogen production. Shape and numbers of them affect the cell efficiency. In order to achieve more efficient rate of hydrogen production, the magnetic field is applied to the electrolysis cells. A magnetic field has been added to the system by permanent magnets to increase hydrogen production. With the effect of the Lorentz force, the rate of electrolysis in the system has increased, as a result of which hydrogen production has also increased. This study investigates power consumption changing with the magnetic field. Applying magnetic field shows the decreasing the power consumption. To evaluate the system efficiency, MMW (milliliter/minute/watt) value is considered. In terms of MMW result, our cell is more effective. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
Turkey |
79-83 |
17 |
Fuzzy Logic Shunt Active Power Filter for Grid Connected Solar Photovoltaic System
-Ankita Soni ; Shobhna Jain
The requirement of renewable energy has become a critical topic in modern days, due to increasing problem like global warming & other environmental issues. Any solar cell will supply maximum power at maximum power point. Moreover, the locus of MPP changes over a various range that depends on the PV array temperature & insolation intensity. Aging of PV cells also affect the MPP locus. Thus PV module has the ability to find highest power point MPP of the PV array and maximum value at which power can be tracked is maintained constant by using P &O method. This DC output power is inverted through power electronic converter into 3-phase AC and coupled with AC utility grid. However these high frequency switching converters will inject additional harmonics in the system, which are increasing with variable insolation. Moreover, presence of non linear load in system will further inject harmonic current and as a consequence, there is a violation of IEEE-519 power quality standard (limits), and chances of damage or breakdown of power system equipment may increase. Shunt active power filter is the prominent solution against nonlinear loads, current harmonics and power quality problems. As a solution, fuzzy logic based Shunt Active Power Filter (FLC-SAPF) is proposed. Indirect current control scheme based on hysteresis controller has been used for controlling of active filter. The FLC-SAPF will eliminates harmonics thus it can lowers THD below 5%. The effect of sudden change in non linear load and variation in solar insolation should also taken into consideration. The whole system is modelled and simulated using MATLAB/SIMULINK environment. Read More...
Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
India |
84-93 |
18 |
Sesmic Performance of Multistoried Building with Diaphragm Discontinuity
-Mohini R Bhanawse ; Y P Pawar; Mohini R Bhanawse
Now a day’s many of structures are destructed totally or partially due to effect of earthquake. So it is very essential to determine the seismic response of each building. In multistoried building damages due to earthquake generally initiates at locations where there is presence of structural weaknesses. The major reasons of failure of structure during the earthquake are irregularities. Buildings with opening in slab re subjected to damages due to action of the lateral loads. There are many multistoried buildings provided with opening for the purpose of stair cases, lighting, architectural features or shafts. Openings are provided at various locations such as center, at corners end and at periphery with building having various shaped columns. This opening in diaphragms causes stresses at discontinues joints with building element. The effects of opening in slab were investigated. Therefore diaphragms are required to be designed as a part of the seismic force-resisting system of every new building as they distribute lateral forces to the vertical elements of lateral force resisting system. Diaphragms acts different according to configuration of the building and type of load acting on it. Concrete diaphragms having different elements which plays important role in resisting lateral forces. In this thesis an attempt is made to try to know the seismic performance of multistoried building with diaphragm discontinuity by comparing with seismic performance of multistoried building without diaphragm opening. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
94-97 |
19 |
Experimental Study on Compressive Strength of M20 Grade Concrete with Partial Replacement of Cement by Metakaolin and Quarry Dust Powder
-Indrapal Singh Dhurvey ; Vipin Kumar Tiwari
Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) is conventionally used as the primary binder to produce concrete. In the world, Cement consumption has increased exponentially since 1926 and is continuing to increase because of its scale of consumption and manufacturing. Cement production in 2003 was approximately1.2 billion tonnes and this was expected to grow to about 4.42 billion tonnes/year by 2021. This reflects global developments and population growth in infrastructure and the excellent strength and durability properties that concrete provides. In the present study Metakaolin and Quarry dust powder used as a partial replacement of cement. In this study, two Mix’s was carried out first(Mix-1) is a partial replacement of cement by Metakaolin as 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%. And second (Mix-2) is Quarry dust powder as the partial replacement of cement by varying percentage of 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%. For analyzing the suitability of these wastes like Quarry dust powder and Metakaolin in the concrete of M20 grade mix. The compressive strength test for 7 days and 28 days cube has been conducted for all mixes. In this research, the effect of partial replacement of cement by Metakaolin and Quarry dust powder in the design concrete mix has been studied. Based on experimental studies cube specimens have been designed. The optimum percentage of cement replacing with Metakaolin and Quarry dust powder was determined to be 20% for compressive strength. The tests were conducted to study the compressive strength of concrete after finalizing the optimum mix. On comparing the results, it has been found that compressive strength increases on varying percentage replacement of cement by metakaolin and compressive strength decrease on varying percentage replacement of cement by Quarry dust powder. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
98-103 |
20 |
Smart Healthcare System Using IoT
-Pooja Prajapati ; Saurabh Suman
As we as a whole realize that web of things make our life simpler. Along these lines, we have chosen to make a web of things based medical services venture for individuals who give them all the individual data about their wellbeing on their portable and they can check their all authentic wellbeing information. The best piece of this undertaking is that it tends to be utilized by everybody and make our wellbeing the executives simpler than accessible frameworks. Android applications help an individual to get to the snippet of data whenever anyplace in the versatile just and it is anything but difficult to convey a portable. It will set aside a ton of cash of client which will be spent on relieving of any infection, by giving early notice of wellbeing disorder. The iot based medical services framework for the older is least expensive medical services gadget dependent on the iot stage for the patients and specialists. It gives an answer for estimation of body boundaries like ecg, climate temperature, dampness, and heartbeat. It additionally recognizes the body state of the patients. The portable application for the patient and specialists contain an extremely straightforward gui interface for perusing all the boundaries in the versatile or at anyplace on the planet by utilizing web connectivity. This framework likewise produces a ready when it necessitated that implies at the hour of any basic conditions and warnings about the drugs, conditions and so on Catchphrase iot (web of things), improvement sheets, Medical care, Arduino, emergency application, sensors. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
104-109 |
21 |
Biodiesel: A New Alternative Fuel and Energy Source
-Atharva Prasanna Bagewadi
Due to depletion in Fossil Fuel new alternative energy sources are becoming popular. Electric Vehicles and Equipment are becoming more recognized. The new alternative fuels will provide a bridge between the traditional fossil fuel to the electric equipment and automation. Biodiesel is now looked upon as an alternative energy source since it is mainly produced from vegetable oils and animal fats. Also, because it is non- toxic by nature. Energy generation and Pollution reduction are the two main concerned reasons for Biodiesel distribution and development worldwide. Complete [1] substitution of petroleum derived fuels with biofuels or biodiesels is impossible. Use of biodiesel along with the petroleum fuels is possible and will also help in prolonging the depletion of the fossil fuels. Corrosion, carbon deposition and wear and tear of the fuel supply part of an engine system are some of the challenges we need to overcome. The best solution for this is to come up with a different Engine System which is compatible for Biodiesel. Here, we will discuss all the possible factor comparing the traditional petroleum fuel with the biodiesel. Also, we will discuss the advantages, disadvantage and some production methods for biodiesel. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
110-113 |
22 |
A Survey on Image Security Using Visual Cryptography
-Mohd Farrukh Khan ; Kamal Niwaria; Dr. Bharti Chourasia
Information are being transferred through open channels and the security of those information has been prime ϲonϲerns. Apart from many conventional ϲryptographiϲ schemes, visual ϲryptographiϲ techniques have also been in use for data and information security. Visual Cryptography is a secret sharing scheme as it breaks an original image into image shares such that, when the shares are stacked on one another, a hidden secret image is revealed. The Visual cryptography Scheme is a secure method that encrypts a secret document or image by breaking it into image shares. A unique property of Visual cryptography Scheme is that one can visually decode the secret image by superimposing shares without computation. Even to make the visual cryptography image shares more secure, public key encryption shame is applied. Public key encryption technique makes image shares so secure that it becomes very hard for a third party to decode the secret image information without having required data that is a private key. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
114-116 |
23 |
Robotics in Healthcare
-Gopal Ramdev Yadav
With the fast development within the Artificial Intelligence & Robotics Surgery, we have all the items of technology which is able to facilitate countries in tending and it’s simply a matter of our time once this technology items are integrated to rework our approach of living. Robotics deals with programmed machines designed to try and do labour intensive work and to create their approach easier. In healthcare, like most other fields, the industry has adopted an increasing number of robotic systems that occupy a variety of functions. Robots are currently engaged in such tasks as patient monitoring and evaluation, medical supplies delivery, prescription fulfillment, and in the capacity of performing diagnostics and surgery. The scope of robotics in healthcare will take on a more practical role in the broad mission of providing care, particularly where service delivery gaps are present. The online survey was taken to attain the proposed hypothesis. With the help of quantitative analysis the proposed hypothesis is accepted. Read More...
Computer Science and Information Technology |
India |
117-120 |
24 |
Genetic Algorithm with Logistic Regression for Detection of Credit Card Fraud
-Akash Prasad
Credit card frauds are increasing day by day due which many big companies and certain organisation suffers a huge amount loss to due such frauds. Due to such increasing frauds certain researchers has started different Machine learning algorithms to analyse various transaction of credit card details to detect the fraudulent transactions. In this Research paper we have develop a novel technique in which we analyse the certain credit card transactions details of the merchants and extract certain features. In this model we have use the logistic regression to analyse the datasets and using genetic algorithm we have train our model and we got best and optimized results. Read More...
B.Sc IT |
India |
121-126 |
25 |
An Overview of DDoS Attack Detection in Cloud Computing
-Shaikh Md Muzammil
Cloud computing is an emerging technology in today’s raising scenario. One of the major threats to Cloud security is Distributed Denial of Service Attack (DDoS) or simply Denial of service attack (DoS) in the virtual machines. Here, the DoS attack is overcome using hop-count filtering methodology and sequence number encoding strategy and DDoS is a combination of DOS attack where multiple compromised systems, are infected with a Trojan and their target is a single system and their result is inflicting a Denial of Service (DoS) attack. In this paper, a complete survey and analysis of various Distributed Denial of Service Attack detection and prevention technique is studied and discussed so that on the basis of problems surfaced, a new, renewed and efficient technique is implemented for the detection and prevention of Distributed Denial of Service Attack especially in Cloud Computing System. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
127-130 |
26 |
-Pratik Vilas Patil ; Pratik Maruti Wavdhane; Shubham Chandrabhan Chaudhari; Yogesh .M. Halde
India is the land of agriculture and about 70% of people depend on it. Therefore, there is a need to develop an efficient and economical sprayer pump. The project topic is Walker Sprayer Pump, which is designed in such a way that it can spray the fertilizers or pesticides by the movement of our legs. When we generally walk, we move our legs up and down so by this movement or motion of the leg’s pesticides can be sprayed on a farm. It has two merged pistons and cylinder So when the legs move (when we walk) the nut connected to the bell crank also rotate because of bearing and when the bell crank rotate it tends to reciprocate the piston in the cylinder and by the suction and compression fertilizer can be spray with high pressure in the farm. This sprayer reduces the hand power required at the time of spraying and reduces the problem of fuel or energy required to run the sprayer in an electrical pump. The main objective of this paper is to generate a low-cost, environment-friendly, efficient sprayer pump for India’s poor range farmers and reduce the required efforts. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
131-134 |
27 |
Research Study on Earthquake Detector
-Abhishek Laxman Kadli
An earthquake detector is based, which can notify an alarm various seconds before the coming of the major disturbance of an earthquake, and which can be simply modified for sensitivity. For identifying local earth vibrations of at few a pre-set dangerous acceleration level that make up a specific danger, a detector is assumed that reacts to shaking motion of an acceleration level in the middle of one-half or one-eighth the predator stored dangerous acceleration level to identifying P-waves that comes way the destructive S-waves, and which causes an loud alarm upon such observation. In one pointer, two mercury-based switches are produced with their ways of reactivity both flat but squared, the switches being produced on a circuit board that can be inclined to alter their reactivities. In separate detector, a beam technology includes a highly flat beam that has an interior end hold on a mount and an exterior end that holds a weight, and causes an electrical line specified the importance of beam de flection. The beam technology can be set up by a plunder of piezoelectric material which causes a voltage relying on laser deflection. Read More...
B.Sc IT |
India |
135-137 |
28 |
Study of the Effect of Curing With Fresh Water and Salt Water on Structural Strength of Concrete
-Sagar Salunke ; J N Vyas
The modern era is focusing on the taming, sustainability and recycling of the resources by imparting innovative techniques and methodologies. Keeping this in view, a study was conducted on the strength of concrete after preparing and curing with different types of water for structural use. This work deals with the study of various effects of preparing and curing with salt water on properties of strength of concrete such as compressive strength, tensile strength and flexural strength with respect to fresh water. This study indicated that the strength of concrete of the mixtures prepared using salt water was comparable with the strength of the control mixture. Also, the water absorption of concrete is not affected when salt water was used. The study also indicates that the initial and final setting time of cement was same as that of Potable water and Secondary Treated salt Water but decreased for Primary Treated salt Water, for compressive strength it was increased in Secondary Treated Waste Water and salt waste water at longer duration, for tensile and flexural strength tests was same results so, there was no any improvement in tensile and flexural strength by using Secondary Treated salt Water. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
138-141 |
29 |
Performance Based Study on R.C Framed Structure by Considering Stiffness of Slab Subjected To Seismic Load
-Pediveeti Sai Kumar ; G.Pavan Kumar
Till recent times to predict the exact capacity of the R.C structure with considering stiffness of slab, need to depend on non-linear static analysis .To Model the Complex behavior of reinforced concrete analytically in its non-linear zone is difficult. This has led Engineers in the past to rely heavily on empirical formulas which were derived from numerous experiments for the design of reinforced concrete structures for structural design and assessment of reinforced concrete structures including force redistribution This analysis of the nonlinear response of R.C Structures to be carried out in routine fashion, it helps in the investigation behavior and the cracks pattern. R.C Structure with considering stiffness of slab Skeleton framing system, composed of only reinforced concrete columns, beams and slabs, have been adopted in analysis for many framed buildings. Generally, flexural stiffness of slabs is ignored and the floor load is transferred as uniformly distributed load on to the supporting beams in the conventional analysis of bare frame structures. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
142-146 |
30 |
Design of Ducting System for the Commercial Mall and Evaluating its Flow Conditions
-B.Phanindra Kumar ; M. Sravan Kumar; K. Raviteja; P. Vasudev
Our project explains about the design of the ducting system and evaluating the flow conditions for a commercial mall. The design of ducting which plays a key role in the HVAC system which intern produces a superior design that facilitates the proper air distribution through the conditioned spaces based on the layout of building design. In this project calculations were done by using the Revit software. Theoretical calculations are done by use of MCquay duct sizer and thermodynamic formulae in order to extract the dimensions of the duct (length, width, height, thickness) and the parameters like Volume flow rate, Velocity, Pressure drop are determined. The design work done in SOLIDWORKS software. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
147-151 |
31 |
Vibration Control of a Frames Structure Using Tuned Mass Damper
-Jandala Kasim Peera ; MALLIKARJUNA
The need for high rise structures in construction and real estate industry is increasing all over the world. These structures are light weight and flexible, which have low value of damping, which in turn makes them vulnerable to unwanted vibration. This creates problem to serviceability requirement of the structure and also reduce structural integrity with possibilities of failure. Current trends use several techniques to reduce earthquake and wind induced structural vibration. Tuned mass damper (TMD) is widely used for controlling structural vibration under wind load but its effectiveness to reduce earthquake induced vibration is an emerging technique. To study the effectiveness of tuned mass damper to reduce translation structural vibration, a numerical study is proposed. In total three type of models, i.e., shear building with single TMD, 2D frame with single TMD and 2D frame with double TMD are considered. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
152-156 |
32 |
Multistory Building of Regular and Irregular Configuration Under Earthquake Conditions
-Veera Hari Prasad ; M.Deepak
The shape of a building plays a vital role in the behavior of the building in a lateral loading condition. As the building moves its center of gravity also moves depending upon the displacements. Irregular buildings may have its center of gravity away from its centroid which may have negative consequences in lateral loads. Thus the behaviour of a multi-story building of regular and irregular configuration under earth quake is complex and it varies of wind loads are assumed to act simultaneously with earth quake loads. In this paper a residential of G+13multi story building is studied for earth quake and wind load using ETABS. Assuming that material property is linear static and dynamic analysis are performed. These analysis are carried out by considering different seismic zones and for each zone the behavior is analysed. The seismic zones considered are taken from V. Different response like story drift, displacements base shear are plotted for different zones. Winds are assumed to be on medium scale. Cyclonic winds are not considered for this paper. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
157-163 |
33 |
Experimental Investigation of Strength and Durability of Concrete by Partial Replacement of Cement with Glass Powder and Fine Aggregate with Copper Slag
-Kamble Pavan Balbhim ; Prof. V.G. Patwari
This experimental study is to investigate the effect of using glass powder as replacement of cement and copper slag as a replacement of fine aggregate on the strength and durability properties of concrete. The importance of this alternatively glass powder and copper slag replacement is to reduce wastage of the locally available waste products and to reuse it in construction industry. In the present study experimental investigation has been carried out on M30 grade concrete is used and tests were conducted for various percentage replacement of cement with glass powder and fine aggregate with copper slag in concrete. The results obtained were compared with those of conventional concrete made with ordinary Portland cement (53 Grade) and fine aggregate. The use of glass powder and copper slag in concrete provides potential atmosphere likewise as economic advantages for all connected industries, notably in areas where ever a substantial quantity of glass powder and copper slag is created. This study reviews the characteristics of glass powder and copper slag and its effect on the engineering properties of M30 grade concrete. Now a day’s use of glass powder and copper slag as substitute for cement and fine aggregate is to increase the strength of cement concrete. The Glass Powder and copper slag was replaced by 0%, 10%, 15% & 20% for 7 & 28 days for Cubes for Compressive strength and beams are casting for flexural Strength and other properties like compacting factor and slump were also determined for four mixes of concrete. There are two trial mixes to be made i.e. 1) Ordinary Concrete, 2) Concrete with addition of glass powder and copper slag for M-30 grade of concrete. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
164-168 |
34 |
Effect of Infill Walls on Response of Multi Storey Reinforced Concrete Structure
-Sagar Ukarde ; Prof. Shaikh.A.N
The present research work investigates the seismic
response of reinforced concrete (RC) frame building considering the effect of modeling masonry infill (MI) walls. The seismic behavior of a 10-storey RC frame building, considering and ignoring the effect of masonry, is numerically investigated using response spectrum (RS) analysis. The considered herein building is designed as a moment resisting frame (MRF) system following the IS 1893:2016 requirements. Two developed models in terms of bare frame and infill walls frame are used in the study. Equivalent diagonal strut methodology is used to represent the behavior of infill walls, whilst the well-known software package ETABS is used for implementing all frame models and performing the analysis. The results of the numerical simulations such as, displacements, and internal forces for the bare frame as well as the infill wall frame are presented in a comparative way. The results of the study indicate that the interaction between infill walls and frames significantly change the responses of buildings during earthquakes compared to the results of bare frame building model.
Civil Engineering |
India |
169-172 |
35 |
Role of Masonry Infill Wall on the Seismic Behaviour of Typical Ten Storey Building
-Sagar Ukarde ; Prof. Shaikh.A.N
Masonry infill walls are used as partition in reinforced concrete frames and are considered as a non-engineering structure for design and analysis purposes. The goal of this study is to compare different response parameters such as displacement, and bending moment and shear force in corner column of multi-storey RC frame structure with considering stiffness of infill wall and without considering stiffness of infill wall. For this purpose, a Ten-storey building is selected, which is supposed to be situated on Medium soil type and seismic zone III according to the IS 1893:2016. Openings are neglected in the building. Equivalent static method is used to check the behavior of building during earthquake using ETAB-2015. To find the width of compression struts IS 1893:2016 is used. The results are compared and shown in the form of graphs. It is concluded that the masonry infill walls may have significant effects on the seismic response of the reinforced concrete frame structures, therefore, stiffness of infill walls need to be considered during the design and analysis of the building. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
173-176 |
36 |
An Experimental Analysis of Sugarcane Bagasse Ash Concrete by Partial Replacement of Cement
-Bidve Mahesh Shivkanth ; Prof.V.G.Patwari
With increasing demand and consumption of cement, researchers and scientist are in search of developing alternate binders that are eco-friendly and contribute towards waste management. Cement industry creating environmental problem by emission of CO2 during manufacturing of cement. Sugar-cane bagasse is a fibrous waste-product of the sugar refining industry, along with ethanol vapour. This waste product (Sugar-cane Bagasse ash) is already causing serious environmental pollution, which calls for urgent ways of handling the waste. Bagasse ash mainly contains aluminium ion and silica. This experimental and analytical study investigates the strength performance of concrete using Ordinary Portland cement and Sugarcane Bagasse Ash. Bagasse ash has been chemically and physically characterized, and partially replaced in the various percentages by weight of cement in concrete. The result shows that the strength of concrete increased as percentage of bagasse ash replacement increased up to certain percentage. Beyond that optimum level the strength of concrete begins to decrease drastically. India produces around 24-25 MEGATON of sugar these days and also same is approximately the estimated sugar cane bagasse ash (SCBA) produce of India. Therefore it is essential that a useful method of utilization of this sugr factory waste should be found and gainfully used. As the demand and consumption of cement raising, researchers and scientist are in search of developing alternates binders that are eco friendly and contribute towards waste management It has limited life span and after use it s either stock piled or sent to landfills. In these project bagasse ash has been chemically and physically characterized and partially replaced in the ratio of 0%,7%,14% and 21% by weight of cement fresh concrete that is slump cone test were undertaken as well as hardened concrete test is compressive strength and Flexural Strength at the age of 7 and 28 days was obtained. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
177-180 |
37 |
Experimental Study of Preload Decay in Threaded Fasteners Application
-Mr. Tejas Mukund Nesarikar ; Prof. U. M. Rawat
The Nut and bolt assembly used in various mechanical applications are to be studied to find out decay happening due to vibrations applied to it. In this project I aim to study various combinations of threaded fasteners used in particular application such that decay due to vibrations could be explored. A significant advantage of a bolted joint over other joint types, such as welded and riveted joints, is that they are capable of being dismantled. This feature however, can cause problems if it unintentionally occurs as a result of operational conditions. Such unintentional loosening, frequently called vibrational loosening. It is important for the Designer to be aware of the bolt loosening mechanisms which can operate in order to design reliable joints. This research describes the dissertation work of studying the behavior of loosening mechanism considering the bolt preload decay. After review of literature it was concluded in this review that the most occurring root cause of loosening is side sliding of the nut or bolt head relative to the fastened joint, resulting in the relative motion occurring within the threads. If this does not occur or can be prevented, then the loosening of bolts can be reduced. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering Design |
India |
181-189 |
38 |
Content-Based Anti Spam Detection Using ML and NLP
-Prayag Gavshinde ; Raghav Agrawal; Rishi Somani ; Sambhav Jain; Dr. Asif Ali
Spam filtering is a widely discussed and studied topic In the field of pattern classification. Emails, SMS as well social media comments can be filtered as spam and not spam based on many features like frequency or occurrence of few words than content, the length of the e-mail, SMS, or the domain from which it is being sent. Based on these basic characteristics, researchers have come up with many techniques to identify content as spam and non-spam content. In this project, we aim to implement and evaluate three major e-mail spam filtering algorithms. They are, Naïve Bayes method, k-Nearest Neighbors, and Support Vector Machines. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
190-193 |
39 |
Image Scene Understanding - Object Detection in Aerial Images using Convolutional Neural Networks
-Prof. Nisha Patil ; Shivam Gulve; Niketan Bothe
This paper reviews and analyses the approaches concerning information updating from colored aerial photographs with the aim to transmit a detailed database of symbolic information about the objects detected in the aerial images fed to the system. Detecting objects in aerial images is obstructed/challenged by multiple problems such as variance of objects, undetermined obstructions and cluttered background. This paper, analyses the use of Convolutional Neural Networks and its features from multiple layers to perform robust aerial object detection. An image classification-based approach is used to localize the region-of-interest (ROIs) of multiple aspect ratios and further classify them into positive or negative SVM classifiers. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
194-197 |
40 |
IoT Based Low Cost Smart Dustbin
-Nikhil Tripathi
Aa we know our pm Narendra Modi told about "SWATCH BHARAT MISSION†and Swatch Bharat Mission is a national campaign by city and town to clean street and infrastructure of country. Continuous growth in technology and industrialization there is a rapid increase in the type of volume of garbage being generated. The increase in waste in India is very high. In a year the garbage is generate 65 million of tones of we know the garbage is generated is more but we can control our daily life wastage by recycling papers, metals and plastic etc. Wet waste can easily decompose. This dust bin is divided in two parts which are follow: One is sensor and Second part is mechanical part. the sensor is used to identify which garbage it is and the mechanical part is a main part because, that part has ton store all sorted garbage. In this paper a dust bin which can sort all the garbage using ultrasonic sensor using Arduino board and other components. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
198-201 |
41 |
Review Paper on Ransomware A Brief Study- Creation, Prevention and Awareness
-Rhishav Kanjilal
Ransomware is a term used to describe a class of malware that is used to digitally extort victims into payment of a specific fee. At its root can be divided into two major types of this form of digital extorter, then subdivided by their families. Those that encrypt, obfuscate, or refuse access to files, and those that block access or lock users out of the systems themselves, are the two main types of ransomware. These risks are not limited to any specific geography or operating system, and any number of devices may be subject to action. This kind of exploitation via ransomware is at risk for anything from your Android devices, iOS systems, or Windows systems. The method of compromise of the system could be different depending on the target, and the final behaviour taken will be constrained by the capacity of the system itself, but many extorters often follow identifiable patterns. The purpose of this paper is to provide a better understanding of ransomware attacks to the masses who are not accustomed to the technicalities of a ransomware: how does the attack happen or how is the file created. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
202-208 |
42 |
IoT Based Smart Agriculture System Using Sensor and Arduino Mega
-Sujeet Nandakumar Deshmukh ; Abhijit T Somnathe
Smart agriculture is an rising concept, because IOT sensor are talented of providing information about crop growing field and then act upon based on the user input. Most of Indian land area is agriculture land. Agriculture play major role of India country’s economical improvement. Water source is necessary and important part of human life. Water automatic irrigation system is the one of the best method to supply the water to agriculture land. It is very important to helping the saving water in that area were lack of rain, it is help to growing plant of crops, maintain the water level of the soil. These systems are enhancing the farming field as well as improve the quality of soil. Water scarcity is the main problem for the planet growing headily. The farmer is suffering for lack of water due to this reason automatic water irrigation system is important. Farmer are used more pesticides and fertilizers for growing the plant, due to these increasing the acidity of soil level. Therefore that reason the ph value of the soil is increasing. In the modern techniques are used in agriculture system there are used moisture sensor and ph sensor check the value of the soil and according to that the message is send to the farmer. The moisture sensor sense the water level of the soil and ph sensor is sense the acidity of soil. Smart agriculture is a growing concept, because IOT sensor is capable of Providing information about agriculture field to the farmer mobile phones or computer system. The IOT is fully based upon the new technology, in the IOT technology internet is maim part of the IOT. These sensor readings are sent wirelessly to the cloud over the internet using ESP8266. Thing Speak, IOT Geek, etc. are various IOT cloud platforms on hand on which the readings are displayed, visualized and stored strongly. In this way, sensors reading are stored digitally and is easily accessed and analyzed by the farmer remotely from any part of the world regardless of place, time and device. Read More...
Electronics Engineering |
India |
209-215 |
43 |
A Research on Designing the use of Industrial Engineering Tool to Improve Productivity
-Mr. Kalburge Noor ; Dr. U. S. Mugale; Prof. U. M. Rawat
This project aims to design a combination of various industrial engineering tools to study productivity of a manufacturing and assembly line. The motive is to conduct a study of plant and conclude various parameters affecting the productivity of a product such that improvement in productivity is achieved at the end. As concern of my area of interest in the field of design and industrial Engineering I choose this project offered by company. This type of study project concept is important since the productivity improvement by study project is the hidden benefits of the organization. To improve the ergonomically conditions of the working places, the associate space for movement, the mental condition of associate can improve by such type of study projects. And the results of this type of projects are become a lifelong benefit of the organization. The communication gap between the management and associate can be minimizing by such type of projects. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
216-220 |
44 |
Vehicle Speed Detection Using IR Sensor
-Tarun Upreti
This paper shows the use of IOT based Vehicle Speed Detection. Vehicle Speed Detection is used to detect the speed of the running vehicle with the help of video and image processing techniques. We use camera to capture and analyzed the speed of the vehicle in real time. We detect the vehicle speed with the help of Arduino and IR sensor. Speeding is one of the major factor of all fatal motor vehicle crashes and accident. So, This system is designed to reduce the road accidents in the development of the vehicle speed detector system by using an IR sensor, Camera, 16x2LCD, buzzer, LED and Arduino UNO. In this system we don’t need any human work to record the vehicle speed and informs the nearest authorities about the driver and get punished for it. This system aims to record and capture the name plate of the vehicle and send it to the RTO through server, so the person can get punished for over speeding. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
221-223 |
45 |
Evaluation and Analysis of M20 Grade Concrete Blended With Nonperforming Battery Cells As a Replacement of Coarse Aggregate
-Danish Hashan ; Anjani Kumar Dwivedi; Neetu Singh
E-wastes are emerging as a tremendous source of various health hazards as well as environmental problems. With the up rise in number of consumers in the global digital market scenario and the flurry of modern electrical products, the e-waste being generated has been growing leaps and bounds. Battery is an e-waste, with production of several tons per year. Batteries are mostly sent to landfill with high management cost. Further due to poor infrastructure for disposal, the various types of batteries which contain very toxic metals in it are dumped over landfill which pollutes the soil, ground water as well as surface water sources. The study intended to look out for a path to use these spent battery cells in the concrete as a coarse aggregate so that the burden of the management of the gigantic amount of e-wastes can be relieved a bit. In the following study, the focus was upon the consumption of the spent e-waste AA battery cells used in households for the purpose of making M20 grade of concrete by replacing the natural coarse aggregate by 5% and 10% of it. The results revealed that as we increase the amount of replacement of the spent battery cells, there is a decrease in the strength of the concrete. But the decrease is small for up to the range of 10% of the replacement. The parameters tested were the compressive strength and the split tensile strength of the M20 grade of concrete. The test also concluded that the self-weight of the concrete decreases with respect to the control mix as the percentage replacement increases. Read More...
Environmental Management |
India |
224-228 |
46 |
Water Quality Monitoring System Based on IOT
-Abhishek Bantesh Yadav
Water pollution is one of the biggest fears for the green globalization. In order to ensure the safe supply of the drinking water the quality needs to be monitor in real time. In this paper we present a design and development of a low cost system for real time monitoring of the water quality in IOT(internet of things).The system consist of several sensors is used to measuring physical and chemical parameters of the water. The parameters such as temperature, PH, turbidity, flow sensor of the water can be measured. The measured values from the sensors can be processed by the core controller. The Arduino model can be used as a core controller. Finally, the sensor data can be viewed on internet using WI-FI system. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
229-233 |
47 |
Road Safety Audit of Rural Roads at Gujarat State
-Mavani Neel V
Road safety audit is formal procedure for assessing potential and safety performance in the provision of new road schemes, the improvement and rehabilitation of existing road and in maintenance of roads. The role of auditor is to provide independent advice in the form of recommendation. The primary role of auditing identifying the potential problems of a highway project by conducting the site inspection and collecting data. Road Safety Audit is a relatively straightforward process. For smaller projects some of the steps shown may be brief, but the sequence of the steps will still apply. Responsibility for the planning, design and construction of the project always remains with the road authority and the implementation team. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
234-236 |
48 |
A Investigational Study on Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregate and Fine Aggregate with Steel Slag and Eco-Sand
-Saurabh Subhash Utage ; Prof. Gundappa Shete
Now a days, Concrete is the 2nd highest using material in the world. In concrete we use all-natural materials like coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, water and binder which is called cement. Due to continuous utilization of coarse aggregate and fine aggregates for concrete we are facing different problems like lack of availability of these materials due to this the price of natural materials are increasing rapidly. To overcome this problem many researchers are finding the replacement for coarse aggregate and fine aggregate, through the study it is found that a by product of steel making called as steel slag having properties similarly to the coarse aggregate can be used as partial replacement of coarse aggregate, this steel slag is used because when the steelmaking process is going through Electric Arc Furnace(EAF) due to this process the steel slag have a strong strength properties. And Eco-Sand is a by product of ACC Cement which is manufactured in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. The Eco-Sand having micro particles due to this the mixture of concrete becomes strong and workable, due to very micro particles the eco-Sand fill the air voids in concrete and hence it gives better strength. Now using this two materials as partial replacement of carse aggregate and fine aggregate we form a new concrete. The main moto of project is to increase the strength of the normal concrete by replacing coarse aggregate to Steel Slag and fine aggregate to Eco-Sand. Here coarse aggregate is partially replaced to Steel Slag in 10%,20% and 30%, and fine aggregate is replaced to Eco-Sand in 25% permanently. After conducting various tests on replaced concrete we can conclude that replaced concrete gives high slump value, compression value ,flexural value and tensile value. For making concrete we used a M30 GRADE of concrete and all the results are noted and compared with the conventional concrete and thus the replaced concrete gives better compressive strength more than (30mpa) than conventional concrete, and flexural strength, tensile strength are noted, and studied. From the tests results a Particular mix of 30% of Steel Slag to coarse aggregate and 25% Eco-Sand to fine aggregate gives the maximum strength. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
237-241 |
49 |
A Study on Dyson Spheres and Dyson Swarms
-Saksham Bhala ; Daryl Goldwyn
Humanity has advanced considerably since the beginning, finding new ways to make life easier, but these advancements generally require increasing amounts of energy. A Dyson Sphere is a conceptual megastructure that a technologically superior civilisation might construct around a star to intercept most of the star’s light and convert it to useful energy. This energy can be used by a civilisation to solve its energy crisis in order to develop further. It could also serve as the largest and the cleanest source of energy ever developed. The idea of a Dyson sphere, which was introduced by Freeman Dyson, will initiate our transition to the next stage of human civilization i.e. The Kardashev Type II Civilisation – which can utilize and control the entire energy of its planetary system’s star. The Dyson Sphere was first envisioned as a giant shell encompassing the entirety of a star; however, this design poses few hindrances, which will be elaborated further in the paper. The hindrance led to the designing of Dyson Swarm, which is an alternative that solves most of the problems of the Dyson Sphere. It is a dense arrangement of independent constructions, such as solar captors, that orbit the star as a single layer. The scope of our study also includes the process of making a Dyson Swarm. Read More...
Physics |
India |
242-245 |
50 |
A Smart Anti-Theft System for Vehicle Security
-Abhishek Shivpujan Yadav
In Modern Days, the vechicle security is so important to protected toward the theft. Nowadays, the vechicle is a important assest of our home but stolen of vehicles is also increases day by day. Because of all this things, we made smart anti-theft security for vehicle by using GSM and GSP. the vibration sensor and sound sensor present on board, when exceeded some predefined value, will trigger the microcontroller to operate the relay driver which controls the engine ignition system of the vehicle. The owner can lock or unlock his/her vehicle with the help of SMS. This complete system is designed taking in consideration the low range vehicles to provide them extreme security. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
246-248 |