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51 |
Review on Structural Analysis of Suspension Pin used in Automobile Chassis
-Vinit Soni ; Sankalp Verma
Suspension pin is a component for chassis of commercial vehicle used for shifting fork mounting. The current work studies the various researches conducted in optimizing design and material of automobile chassis using numerical and experimental techniques. The study also includes manufacturing process involved, stresses and application of FEA software in analysis of automobile chassis. Read More...
M.Tech. Mechanical Engineering (Production and Industrial Engineering) |
India |
229-232 |
52 |
Review on Transmission Rail used in Automobiles
-Vanika Verma ; Sankalp Verma
Transmission rail is a component for transmission assembly of commercial vehicle used for shifting fork mounting. The current work studies the various researches conducted in optimizing design and material of transmission rail using numerical and experimental techniques. The study also includes manufacturing process involved, stresses and application of FEA software in analysis of transmission rail. Read More...
M.E. Product Design and Development (Mechanical) |
India |
233-235 |
53 |
Healthcare Search with QA
-Soukhya Chaugule ; Vedika Sadaphal; Sweety More; Prof. Swapna Bhavsar
To lead a decent life, healthcare is extremely important. But it’s very difficult to get the consultation with the doctor just in case of any health issues. The proposed idea is to make a medical chatbot using AI which will diagnose the disease and gives basic details about the disease before consulting a doctor. To reduce the healthcare costs and improve accessibility to medical knowledge the medical chatbot is developed. Certain chatbots acts as a medical reference books, which helps the patient know more about their disease and helps for the improvement of their health. Users are able to acquire the benefits of a chatbot, only when it can diagnose all quite diseases and gives necessary information. A text-to-text diagnosis bot engages patients in conversation about their medical issues and provides a customized diagnosis as per their symptoms. Hence, people will have an information about their health and have the proper treatment. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
236-240 |
54 |
IoT based Farm Environment Invigilator using ESP8266
-Meetkumar Bhaskarbhai Thakar
As we have decided to make our final year project which can really help or contribute something to agriculture issues. Hence we have started visiting various agriculture places and by observation on this stream we came to know that the farmers have the sufficient land area suitable for cultivation but they doesnot have the proper cognition or guideline that which type of soil & weather parameters are required for particular crop. So measure all soil & weather related parameters like temperature, moisture, humidity and PH or nutrition information and also conceive a respective database. Then it should be able to compare the acquired database with reference database i.e. required for proper growth of our crop & also according to which it must be able also take further required action. At final all the details will be sent to the farmers mobile with the help of WIFI Modem & farmer. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
241-244 |
55 |
Hazard Operability Study for Chemical Industry
-Krishanakant Tripathi ; Nisha Kushwaha
This paper deals with the Hazard Operability Study (HAZOP) for Chemical processing plant. Chemical industry has potential source to cause fire, explosion, human injury and property loss due their numerous process operation. Chemical industry has greater risk of fire and explosion due to handling and processing of various hazardous flammable and reactive chemicals. To bring down this risk into the acceptable level there are various risk reduction techniques are used in chemicals industry like, Failure Mode Effective Analysis, Fault Tree Analysis, Event Tree Analysis, HAZOP, Checklist, inspection, Audit, and What if Analysis. HAZOP is the most appropriable method to bring down the process risk in chemical industry. This paper describes HAZOP techniques to prevent human and property losses in the operation and management of chemical process plant. The overall methodology presented in this paper allows systematic identification of hazards as well as quantification of the risks associated with the operation of chemical process plants. This aids the selection and prioritization of necessary strategies for accident prevention, reduction and limiting their consequences. This paper can be used for improving plant safety performance as well as to reduce human and property losses. A Hazard and operability study (HAZOP) is structured and systematic examination of a planned or existing process or operation in order to identify and evaluate problems that may represent risks to personnel or equipment or prevent efficient operation. Read More...
M.Tech Health Safety and Environment |
India |
245-250 |
56 |
Permeable Pavements
-Aman Negi ; Vikram Kaintura
Over the past few years cities and suburbs have become larger and densely populated, areas to be covered by vegetation has now been replaced by the Infrastructure, parking lots and walkways the absence of these natural surfaces has greatly disrupted the cycle of water the excessive use of impervious coverings has left cities with the challenge of managing increased run of volumes Bank erosion, Flooding and water clogging. Today these problems post consider of the risks to the sustainable development of cities and suburbs areas its a serious matter that require immediate attention and reliable solution. Permeable Pavements is a simple and lasting solution that imitates the original hydrological characteristic of soil its primary function allows runoff water pass through it directly into the ground being filtered by different layers of aggregate prior to returning it into the soil this helps reduce the volume of runoff rainwater that reduces the strain on the rainwater management system the reduced amount of volume helps to avoid overloads and flooding. It improves water quality and helps ground water recharge and also reduces the heat island effect and can be used where vegetation is not suitable. Permeable Pavements is a comprehensive resource for the proper design, construction and maintenance of permeable pavement systems that provide a transportation surface and a best management practice for storm water and urban runoff. A cornerstone for low impact development (LID) and sustainable site design, permeable pavements are considered a green infrastructure practice. They offer many environmental benefits, from reduced storm water runoff and improved water quality to better site design and enhanced safety of paved surfaces. Commonly used for walkways, driveways, patios, and low-volume roadways as well as recreational areas, parking lots, and plazas, permeable pavements are appropriate for many different land uses, particularly in highly urbanized locations. This volume synthesizes todays knowledge of the technology, drawing from academia, industry, and the engineering and science communities. It presents an overview of typical permeable pavement systems and reviews the design considerations. Detailed design, construction, use, and performance information is provided for porous asphalt, pervious concrete, permeable interlocking concrete pavement, and grid pavements. Fact sheets and checklists help to successfully incorporate permeable pavement systems into design projects. Additional chapters summarize emerging technologies, maintenance considerations, hydrologic design approaches, key components for specification writing, and key areas for additional research. Appendixes include a fact sheet clarifying information on common concerns, as well as data tables summarizing water quality treatment performance and costs. Permeable pavements is an essential reference for engineers, planners, landscape architects, municipalities, transportation agencies, regulatory agencies, and property owners planning to implement this best management practice for stormwater and urban runoff. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
251-256 |
57 |
Machine Learning Techniques to Detect and Classify Ransomware
-Pooja N ; Pavithra S; Shreya S; Sharmili S
The system mainly focuses on the malware where it is a type of malicious software called ransomware designed in such a way to block access to a computer system until a sum of money is paid. The automatic classification system which has high-performance, high accuracy and efficiency based on multi-feature selection fusion of machine learning is proposed in this project. The manual heuristic inspection of malware analysis is not considered to be effective and efficient when it is compared against the high spreading rate of malware which is a serious threat. Hence, using machine learning techniques the automated behavior based malware detection is considered to be a profound solution. The classifiers used in this project are K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), Random Forests, and Decision Tree. Since, many antiviruses have heavy impact on the user system and sometimes they are not able to detect new emerging harmful threats like ransomware and on the other hand, light weight antiviruses are not so effective in detecting and preventing malwares. As the data security with no heavy impact on the user system is our main concern. Our model can be a cloud based malware classification model. Therefore, without installing any third party application on user system, we can test and predict whether any suspicious file is a malware or not. Read More...
B.E. Information Science and Engineering |
India |
257-262 |
58 |
Study of Distinct Approach of Speed Control Methods of Induction Motor
-Manvendra Singh Rathore
This paper gives the comparative study among various techniques used to control the speed of three phase induction motor .In Industry, more than half of the total electrical energy produced is consumed by electric motor. Among several types of electric motors, three phase induction machines occupy a prominent place. Indeed, at least 80% of industrial control system uses induction motors, which have gradually taken the place of DC machines because of their good performance reliability, simple construction, lower cost and simple maintenance. In the past they have been used as constant speed motors as traditional speed control methods have been less efficient than speed control methods for DC motor. However, DC motors require commutator and brushes which are hazardous and require maintenance. In order to achieve maximum torque and efficiency speed control of induction motor is important. So this paper presents the analysis of some of the advance speed control methods of induction motor. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
263-265 |
59 |
Impact Assessment of Land use Land Cover Change on Sediment Yield using Swat Model: A Review
-Dhananjaya Singh Chauhan
Land and water are the two most important resources of the world and these resources must be preserved and maintained carefully for environmental protection and ecological balance. Prime soil resources of the world are finite, non-renewable and susceptible to degradation through misuse and mismanagement. In India, out of a total geographical area of 328 M ha, an estimated 175 M ha of land, constituting an area of 53% suffers from deleterious effect of soil erosion and other forms of land degradation and with the increasing population pressure, misuse of natural resources, faulty land and water management practices, the problem of land degradation will further aggravate. Land use change within an area has not only an impact on numerous hydrologic landscape functions but also affects the habitat quality and thus the biodiversity of a landscape. Read More...
Water Resource Engineering |
India |
266-271 |
60 |
Performance Analysis of Solar Based Flat Plate Collector
-Armaan Mishra ; Neelam Khandelwal; Deepika; Ayushi Rajpoot; Ankur Gupta
This paper describes the performance analysis of solar based flat plate collector. Flat plate collector (FPC) is widely to heat water in the home for bathing, washing and heating, and can even be used to heat outdoor swimming pools and hot tubs. The Flat plate collector (FPC) is a kind of a heat exchanger which transforms solar radiation into heat energy which is then used to transfer the heat to the Fluid flowing through the pipe. The system is designed with dimensions 100*100cm in such a way the water flows from inlet to outlet through pipe of length as 14m with the serpentine configuration in order to have a steady flow of water through the pipe. The water flows through the pipe by natural circulation. The main components of FPC are Absorber Plate, Glazing Cover and Thermal Insulation. The aim of this study is to evaluate the optimum mass flow rate of water at the efficiency is maximum. The efficiency of the FPC decreases with an increase in mass flow rate of water. The test was conducted for three flow rates 0.5L/min, 1L/min and 1.5L/min. It was found out that the maximum efficiency is when the fluid flows at the rate of L/min because if the fluid flows slower then it gets more time to absorb the heat. A test setup is fabricated and experiments conducted to study these aspects under laboratory conditions. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
272-275 |
61 |
Study on the Stress-Strain Behaviour of High Strength Glass Fibre Reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete under Axial Compression with & without Confinement
-Abhishek Goswami ; Nitish Jauhari
A self-compacting concrete (SCC) is the one that can be placed in the form and can go through obstructions by its weight and without the need for vibration. Although there are visible signs of its gradual acceptance in the Middle East through its limited use in construction, it has yet to explore the feasibility and applicability of SCC in new construction. The contributing factors to this reluctance appear to be lack any supportive evidence obits suitability with local marginal aggregates and the harsh environmental conditions. Concrete is a vital ingredient in infrastructure development with its versatile and extensive applications. It is the most widely used construction material because of its mouldability into any required structural form and shape due to its fluid behavior at an early age. However, there is a limit to the fluid behavior of normal fresh concrete. Thorough compaction, using vibration, is normally essential for achieving the required strength and durability of concrete. Inadequate compaction of concrete results in a large number of voids, affecting performance and long-term durability of structures. Self-compacting concrete (SCC) provides a solution to these problems. As the use of Concrete becomes more widespread the specifications of concrete-like durability, quality, and compactness of concrete becomes more important. Self -Compacting Concrete is a recently developed concept in which the ingredients of the concrete mix are proportioned in such a way that it can flow under its weight to fill the formwork and passes through the congested reinforcement without segregation and self-consolidate without any mechanical vibration. Self–Compacting Concrete (SCC) is a very fluid concreter and a homogeneous mixture that solves most of the problems related to ordinary concrete. This specification helps the execution of construction components under high compression of reinforcement. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
276-285 |
62 |
3d Printed Polylactic Acid Mould for Human Bone Fracture Healing
-Praveen Kumar R ; Dr. M. Sekar
This paper is focused on use of 3d printing technology for the application of bone fracture healing inside of plater of Paris, the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) files of the human hand have been collected in the form of Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine format. The MRI files have been segmented by using 3D slicer software for creating the negative mould of the human hand and saved in stereolethography file format. In order to generate the G-code for 3D printing machine, the STL file has been sliced in to N number of layers, then 3D printed human hand mould has been fabricated by using Fusion Deposition Modeling machine. Read More...
M.E Mechanical Engineering (Design) |
India |
286-290 |
63 |
MAC Centralized Routing Protocol for Energy Preserving Secure Measure against Wormhole Attack in Wireless Sensor Networks
-V.Sowmitha ; V.Prakasham; V.Gopinath
A wireless sensor network comprises of sensors having independent wireless communication with the capacity to detect their encompassing conditions and a capacity to interface with the Web through a base station. Much of the time, sensors are spatially dispersed and, subsequently, must have a minimal cost; for this reason, they have constrained batteries, computational capacity, and memory size. Sensors limited capacity to actualize common safety measures makes them powerless against different kinds of assaults. Additionally, their applications are sensitive to postpone or packets defilement, e.g., woods fire detection, disaster alleviation activities, and bunches of different applications. Consequently, improving security is mandatory. There are different types of assaults focusing on diverse network layers. One type is a wormhole attack that is an unsafe and effortlessly sent attack that objective the routing layer. In this paper, we present a lightweight multi-hop routing protocol for 802.15.4 WSN that plans to limit the vitality utilization and furthermore to recognize the wormhole attacks. Recreation results demonstrate that our MAC Centralized Routing Protocol (MCRP) beats other existing comparative protocols. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
291-297 |
64 |
Design and Fabrication of Indexing Setup for Industrial Drill Jig
-Shubham Mahajan ; Ankit Thakre; Niket Tank; Sagar Karade
An automatic indexing drill jig has been designed and fabricated and installed in a drilling machine. It is a supporting device which holds the work, guides the tool and also locating work piece in its position during machining/drilling process. The main purpose of indexing drill jig is to eliminate the process of marking on the work piece according to the dimensions provided before machining the component and thus the high accuracy is achieved. Drill jig can also perform operations like ream and tap at a sufficient speed and with required accuracy as compared to the process of creating holes conventionally by hand. The role of operator to maintain the accuracy in the process is replaced by the drill jig because of its capability for guiding, clamping and locating of tool and work piece respectively according to the need. The automation in the drill jig is incorporated to make the work easy and accurate. By automation process the advantages like reduction in human errors and idle time is reduced, which increases the production rate. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
298-300 |
65 |
Antiderailment and Health Facility System
-Bharat Pandey ; Deepak Kumar Mishra; Devdutt Saxena; Shubham Joshi
ADHF system is advancement in the existing system of the Indian Railways. Railways is facing a no. of derailments cases which causes loss of property along with the loss of lives of people which cannot be refurbished by money. This project focuses not only on the certain factors causing the rail accidents but also focuses on the health of the travelling passengers as well. The very interesting part of this project is that all the modules can be implemented on large scale means they are directly applicable on the live trains and tracks. Read More...
Advanced Electronics and Communication Engineering |
India |
301-304 |
66 |
Black Hole Attack Eradication by Scheduled Base Station using Leach Protocol
-S.Rajesh ; Dr.A.N.Jayanthi; J.Mala
Wireless sensor networks are the one of the major areas of research. In which ,a guaranteed Unique routing protocol is a difficult task in mobile ad hoc networks due to the lack of primary authorization, knot mobility, widespread changes in topology, with restricted availability of resources. Wireless sensor networks are suitable for crisis situations like Natural disasters or Military applications and also used for monitoring temperature, humidity, e-house monitoring, precise agricultural production, Intelligent transportation service and intelligent home appliances. However wireless sensor networks are prone to a variety of likely attacks which disturbs the normal operation of the network. Therefore the data transfer between the nodes from the base station must require security from black-hole attack in the MANET which is a malicious node that attracts the data packets by falsely advertising a fresh route to the destination. There are lots of mechanisms have been proposed to thwart the black hole attack but none of them proves to be efficient. In this paper, LEACH routing protocol is used for the detection and prevention of black-hole attack in WSN has been anticipated. In this base station observe the divergence between the numbers of data packets received and forwarded by the node. A security signal is passed from base station to the node if irregular state exists during transmission. The examination of the system performance has been improved in terms of Packet Delivery Ratio, Detection Rate (DR) and Throughput and simulation results obtained using ns2 simulator. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
305-307 |
67 |
A Brief Review of Application of Machine Learning Techniques for Intrusion Detection
-Akshita Sharma Mishra ; Dr. Archana Thakur
With the increased importance of Network in our lives and ever increasing network traffic and vulnerability of networks and increasing security threats in network, it has become critically important to detect threats in real time and save our systems and data from any type of damage. Based on literature, this review provides the details of recent advancements in the field of Intrusion detection, using Machine Learning approaches. We have used CICIDS 2017 dataset, which consist of benign and recent attacks, which are widespread now a day. The supervise methods used are decision tress classifier, naïve bayes classifier, k-nearest neighbor and support vector machines. Read More...
Machine Learning |
India |
308-311 |
68 |
Bluetooth Wheel Chair
-Abhishek Kumar
The effective design of Bluetooth wheel chair for disables person is to reduce the transferring time inside the home. There are salient features which are added with the design of chair to improve the performance of the existing design. The distance between the front and rear axle distance can be adjustable for threaded rod and fixed bolt. The vertical height also adjustable for with respect to our requirement. The adjustable threaded rods are rotated with respect to the battery operated servo motor. The battery is rechargeable and the sliding tray, number of boxes are used to protect the various things in tray and boxes such as laptops, books, water bottles and mobile phones. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
312-314 |
69 |
Design and Fabrication of Weight Operated Material Handling Device
-Maghade Vishal Ashokrao ; Wagh Devendra Vijay; Kothwal Vinod Gorakshnath; Palghadmal Harshada Babasaheb
Material taking care of hardware is the media of transportation of material starting with one area then onto the next in a business space. Each material dealing with framework requires some sort of outer vitality for its working; while some customary material taking care of gadgets require labor for its activity. As per mechanical survey the force which has been used for creation out of which 32 to 35% of intensity is just used for material taking care of during the creation which is superfluously squandered and thus the all-out expense of definite item increments. So on the off chance that we need to diminish the all-out expense just as the superfluous force utilization, it is possible that we need to lessen material taking care of or pursue elective material dealing with. As the primary choice has a few constraints we are going after for elective material dealing with framework so we have built up this material taking care of gadget which acquires the drive to push ahead by the possible vitality of the heap to be conveyed. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
315-319 |
70 |
Movie Piracy Prevention using Automated Infrared Transmitter Screen
-Shwetha S ; Sanju D J; Yogalakshmi H R; Tejaswini B V; Spandana S
Cinema is great entertainment for people in todays life. To entertain people, filmmakers invest heavily in cinemas. Their effort is destroyed by a few people piracy and film contention. He fanned it by capturing the video in the cell phone camera and uploading it to his website or selling it to the person who continues it. In this study, a technical method is used to avoid false video and cinema recording. An invisible light is projected from the screen to the entire audience that is on the camera lens which is sensitive to infrared light rays and to camera operation. There is a technical method for the anti-piracy system for the film industry, which uses the steganographic technique in MATLAB and will provide a screen, your IR will be disabled and immediate registration will be carried out, but your GSM will not be invited and will be interested in the application. Location of piracy via GPS. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
320-322 |
71 |
FPGA based Medical Image Fusion on Spartan Kit for Lung Disease Detection
-Pragya Kamble ; Snehal Chitmalwar; Prince Kumar; Hrishikesh Pawar
The objective of this project is FPGA Based Image fusion technique to analyze Medical images like X-rays of the human bodies to diagnose various diseases. The best information on denser tissue having less distortion is provided by CT well known as Computed Tomography as for medical diagnosis. The information on the soft tissues with more distortion is better provided by MRI that is Magnetic Resonance Image. The basic idea of combining medical images from different equipment become very important with different types of equipment output and medical images in clinical applications. As it would get difficult to extract all the information from the single image, these experiments show that more clear and useful information could be extracted from the combined images in order to get the clear images. To convert images into pixel-format files and to observe simulation results, we here use MATLAB. In order to implement this paper, XPS and VB are needed. To obtain fused image here, first we need to select hardware and software components then by adding source and header files and converting into bit streams, we finally download into Spartan3 FPGA Image Processing Kit in Xilinx Platform Studio. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
323-326 |
72 |
An AI based Face Recognition System to Mark the Attendance of the Student using CNN Algorithm.
-Sukanya R ; Riza ur Rehaman; D R Nagamani
At present, attendance marking system involves manual attendance it is tedious and time-consuming, it is inherently vulnerable to proxies and manual errors. The proposed system will work on face recognition where each student in the class will be photographed and their details will be stored in a server. The teacher can then record the attendance by just clicking some pictures of the classroom. The system will recognize the faces and verify the presence or absence of each student. Face recognition, attendance system and biometric system which enrols the unique and permanent facial fine points of students and records them in the database as stencils. The face recognition, attendance system is an accurate technology for managing attendance as it hardly gives errors in proper environment with good quality of dataset. The face detection is done through OpenCV Haar cascade and its dlib to detect facial landmarks, face recognition is done through convolution neural network. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
327-332 |
73 |
Green Building Technology Application in Construction
-Himanshu Chanyal ; Vikram Kaintura
A green building, which is also known as a sustainable building is designed to meet some objectives such as occupant health; using energy, water, and other resources more efficiently; and reducing the overall impact to the environment. It is an opportunity to use the resources efficiently while creating healthier buildings that improve human health, build a better environment, and provide cost savings. All the development projects lead to over-consumption of natural resources. The government should support the green construction in each part of the country, and put the rules or policy that can be understood easier. To promote the green construction in the firms that apply the green construction should be given the incentives with various kinds to continue their green development. Read More...
M- Tech in Project Management |
India |
333-338 |
74 |
App for Marketing Launch of New Products
-Pranay Rane ; Prof. Kishore Sakure; Vishal Pawar; Harshad Jadhav; Rahul Shinde
During the last few years brands have taken a tremendous advantage of the characteristics offered by mobile marketing, which include the possibility of sending promotions, to notify user about launching of product, to notify about experiential marketing activities, sending relevant advertising and actions that seek the faithfulness of consumers. Through mobile app development, mobile marketing has become an opportunity for products to maintain an interactive and meaningful communication with their users, in order to enhance loyalty and positioning particularly in the batch of younger users. So, the main idea is to design an app which will provide a platform where companies can launch their product and can get reviews about the product before launching it. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
339-341 |
75 |
Design and Development of Variable Speed Belt Polishing Machine
-Gore Tushar Ramesh ; Palve Nilesh Babasaheb; Kurhe Ganesh Sambhaji; Gavhane Saurabh Eknath
Polishing is one of the oldest processing method used to generate smooth and shiny surface. This smoothness is obtained by rubbing the surface with the polishing particles with a rotating disk. Polishing particles removes small elements of the surface and make them smooth. In a bar polishing machine polishing wheel spins at high speed in a plane perpendicular to the surface to be machined. The depth of cut is governed by the sliding motion of cutter carrier. In this machine three motors are used, one is used for spin the tool and other two are used for sliding tool post in two directions. The tool is travel in three directions (X, Y, Z direction). The 0.25HP and 1550 rpm motor is used for the rotating the tool. The tool used for polishing is Flap disc with 80 and 120 grade. Flat shaped square or rectangular solid as well as drilled work piece are polished by this machine. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
342-343 |
76 |
Stress Strain Analysis for Prediction of Fatigue Cracking and Rutting in Flexible Pavements
-Saurabh Ravikant Mahajan
Many studies in the past have been focusing on the behavior of asphalt pavement systems through stress strain approach. This approach has been mainly adopted to arrive at optimum pavement design and to improve its lifespan. This study has focused on the stress strain analysis of flexible pavements using KENPAVETM software. The stress and strain values have been used further to obtain number of repetitions for permanent deformation and fatigue cracking considering the criteria given in IRC: 37-2018. This study has been performed for a three-layered asphalt pavement system subjected to Type-3 vehicle given in IRC: 3-1983. This study may help to arrive at cost effective pavement maintenance strategies and increase the service life of asphalt pavements. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
344-345 |
77 |
To Study the Effect of Addition of Nano Ni Particles as Catalyst on Microstructure and Properties of MgO C Refractory
-Durgesh Rai
Magnesia-carbon (MgO-C) refractory bricks have been used in the slag line of ladles due to its superior slag penetration resistance and excellent thermal shock resistance at high temperatures. However, the life of this bricks has become limited on prolonged use due to its poor oxidation resistance as well as low strength at high temperatures. Thus, the physical and chemical properties of MgO-C refractories could be improved by the use of nanotechnology and addition of suitable additives nano range. Metallic nano-Ni particles has been recognized as one of the most effective nanomaterial to be used in MgO-C refractory as it has large surface area and density which lead to the development of various in-situ ceramic phases in the refractories which enhances its properties. Hence, the present work deals with the improvement of the physical and chemical properties of MgOC refractories with the addition of nano-Ni particle as catalyst. In this work, a set of experiments was carried out in order to standardize amount of nano-Ni addition in MgO-C refractory system. Here nano sized metallic Nickel particles are added in different amount (2,4,6 and 8 wt.%) in MgO-C refractory with fixed content of graphite (12 wt.%) and antioxidants B4C and metallic aluminum powder each (1wt.%). So that only the effect of nano-Ni variation in the MgO-C refractories can be evaluated. Total five compositions has been made by varying the composition of nano-Ni from (0-8 wt.%) and then compare the properties of nano-Ni added MgO-C brick with the conventional MgO- C brick, which contain 12wt.% graphite only, there is no nickel added in it. Out of the different samples containing nano-Ni in MgO-C brick, MC6 sample (containing 6 wt.% nano-Ni) exhibits better compaction, so has high bulk density (BD), cold crushing strength (CCS) and hot modulus of rupture (HMOR). Read More...
M.Tech in Ceramic Engineering |
India |
346-349 |
78 |
Design and Modification by Change in Geometry of Nozzle Tip
-Ayoniza Raghubinayam ; Prakash Singh; Chetanya Sharma; Narendra Dalia
This experiment is in concern to get optimum jet force and efficiency from different cross-sectional nozzles. The experiment has been performed on nozzles with different cross-sections. But the point that is key for this experiment is we have taken different tip shapes of nozzles but same cross-sectional areas and also flow rate. Rectangular, circular, elliptical, square, triangular are the cross-sections chosen to perform this experiment. The edges of the nozzle tips are hemispherical finished to avoid losses, due to irregular edges. Also key point for this hemispheric edge finish is to protect the edges of nozzles from if any sudden high flow passes from the tip as because we have taken the nozzles with same conversion but they differs from their tip cross-sections. The conversion is as made such that it converse from 20mm to 14mm in span of 50mm length. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
350-353 |
79 |
A Review Paper on Renewable Energy Scenario in India
-Mrs. Devangi J Jain ; Jigar J Jain
India is the one of the fastest growing country in terms of population. Indian population count is reached to more than 135 crore in 2020. There will be a significant energy scarcity and electricity deficits. From last decade, India’s energy consumption has been increasing at a relative fast rate due to industrial and population growth. It is expected that India’s nominal GDP may exceed day by day as compare to developed countries. The estimate for 2020 compares to 5 percent economic growth in 2019. India have good opportunities to explore renewable energy. The main challenge is that how this renewable energy can be exploited effectively from the sources. As demand is increasing day by day of such extent that there are logical apprehensions that severe shortages may occur. Increasing demand and to meet demand with supply by current position there should be power Cut-off and Load Shading in Rural and Urban area. As per our PM vision to have installed capacity of renewable energy to be 175 GW by 2022 achieving it with Green Environment friendly nonconventional Energy Source as option is big Challenge. Currently India is at 5th position in overall installed renewable energy capacity. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
354-357 |
80 |
Design and Optimization of Linear Actuators
-Pawar Hemant Jetharam ; Saptarshi Sinha; Pratik Talsaniya; Kshatriya Latesh J
The Linear Actuators is a device which is used to orient a payload towards the sun. Payload can be photovoltaic panels, reflector, lenses or other devices. In concentrated photovoltaic and concentrated solar thermal application are used. These trackers are used to enables the optical components in the concentrated photovoltaic and concentrated solar thermal systems. The optics in concentrated solar application accept the direct components of sunlight and therefore must be oriented appropriately to collect the energy. Conversion of sun energy into another form is highly complex. For this purpose, Photo-Voltaic Panel are used which convert it into Direct Current (D.C). Convention fixed panel extract maximum energy from 12 noon to 2 noon which result is less efficiency. Therefore, building a automatic solar tracker is need for an hour. PV panels face perpendicular to the direction of sun rays to extract maximum energy and efficiency which is fulfilled by linear actuators. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
358-362 |
81 |
Utilization and Characterization of Jhama Coal
-Ravi Mehrotra ; Puspraj Singh; Shasikant Jaiswal; Rohit Maurya; Sanjay Kumar
Natural coke is a kind of fossil fuel with calorific value of 18–28 MJ/ kg. There are abundant natural coke reserves in the world, but at present it is abandoned and needs research and development for its utilization. Thermogravimetric analysis (TG) can be done to investigate pyrolysis characteristics of natural coke. The effects of the heating rate, the final pyrolysis temperature, the particle diameter, and the operating pressure on the pyrolysis process of natural coke can be examined with pressurized thermogravimetry. Scan electron microscopy show that the natural coke at higher temperature has better porous structure, which is beneficial to volatilization, and a better reduction activity. Decrease in the particle size leads to more volatile release. The pressure has less effect on pyrolysis under lower temperature, while the effect becomes stronger when the temperature is higher than a given point. In Indian coalfields huge amounts of natural coke have been produced due to magmatic intrusions. Jharia Coalfield in eastern part of India alone contains approximately 2000 Mt of baked coking coal as a consequence of these intrusions in the form of discordant and concordant bodies. Natural coke is characterized by the presence of low volatile matter and high ash contents and organic constituents showing isotropy and anisotropy. Natural coke is smokeless because the volatile matter escaped off, it can be processed for gasification or can be used directly for domestic ovens and in blast furnace. Natural Coke may be used to make synthesis gas, a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen. Syngas; Water gas: a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen, made by passing steam over red-hot coke (or any carbon-based char), Producer gas: a mixture of carbon monoxide, hydrogen, and nitrogen, made by passing air or air-steam blast over red-hot coke (or any carbon-based char). Natural coke is also used for heat shielding in space craft’s when mixed with other materials. Jhama coal or Natural coke is excluded resources due to difficulty in mining and its low calorific value. Natural coke coexists with coal in the coal bed, but is discarded or left in the mine without scheduled exploitation because of lack of effective utilization technology, which would cause tremendous energy waste and harm to the environment. Therefore, considering the challenge of energy crisis sources, it is necessary to utilize it for power generation. But it can be used into blast furnace with blending it, in formation coke from bituminous coal in coke ovens. Gasification of Natural coke can be done in fluidized bed reactor with using suitable catalyst, to increase yield and heating value of product gas. Characterization of natural coke can be done by-proximate analysis, ultimate analysis and H.G.I (hardgroove grindability index), ash fusion temp, G.C.V. (gross calorific value), swelling index no. , dilation etc. Read More...
Fuel Engineering |
India |
363-367 |
82 |
Remote Monitoring DAQ for CNC Machines
-Karthik S ; Gokul Krishnan N; Praveen Kumar S
Real time monitoring system is the advanced technique used to monitor the current process of various machines. It provides the data to administrators with clear visualization into the data to the administrator, in this paper, we focus on CNC machines to monitor and communicate the data through visual insights. RTDM achieves automatic monitoring of data and provides constant data information, which can be analysed and reviewed, Major developing industries are lagging behind the monitoring process during their production. In order to increase the productivity on monitoring the CNC machines in various operations several parameters are used for this monitoring process to detect the stages such as operating time, ideal time and break down time of the CNC machines can be viewed and monitored at the current environment. In addition, these three timings are calculated as efficiency of CNC machines. For this process, various sensors are used to monitor the stage of operation such as temperature sensor; vibration sensor, limit switches and flow sensors can be used for continuous automation process in real time applications. Read More...
Industrial Automation Engineering |
India |
368-370 |
83 |
Performance Evaluation of Sandy Soil by using Waste Plastic Cups as Reinforcement
-Shashank Khare ; Pradeep kumar Roy; Mayank Gupta
Engineers from the past have endeavoured to find solution to many soil-related distresses such as settlement, slope failures, slides, and soil erosion. Reinforcement of soils can be done with different type of fibres, e.g. with natural material like Jute, Sisal, coir, palm etc. and synthetic material like as polypropylene, glass, nylon etc. Development of Geosynthetics over the years helped technologists in manufacturing various types of textiles to tackle from such kind of problems. This paper focused on use of waste plastic cup as reinforcement between the layers of a soil mass to increase bearing capacity of the soil. It had been used to improve engineering behaviour of soil mass and their results been reviewed. The main objective of soil reinforcement is to increase bearing capacity, improve stability, decrease settlement and lateral deformation under a square footing. The laboratory plate load test is performed and comparison is done of unreinforced sand and reinforced sand by the help of waste plastic cups. This study involves the investigation of the effect of waste plastic cups on sand for which a series laboratory plate load test have been performed with varying depth of placement, and varying the number of layers of waste plastic to increase the bearing capacity of sand and calculating the viii improvement factor of the sand. The laboratory test tank sand bed is prepared by soil rainfall technique and the size of test tank is taken as five times the width of the mild steel plate of size 200mm*200mm*20mm The size of test tank is 1000mm *1000mm *1000mm. It has been found that the ultimate bearing capacity of sand is increased upto depth 5 cm after that it decreases is increment in bearing capacity of sand reinforced with waste plastic cups twice in comparison to the unreinforced sand. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
371-375 |
84 |
Smart Stick Assistant
-Kshama Mohanrao Deshmukh ; Akshay Bardiya
Blind stick is an innovative stick designed for visually disabled people for improved navigation. The man has been suffering with diseases and weired. Visually challenged people are blind people who are very common and difficult to deal with in their way. The main aim of this paper is to the visually challenged people with a better navigation tool. This smart walking stick is more sophisticated than a traditional walking stick. It uses a microcontroller to detect an obstacles in front, left, right side, and also directs up-down to a person. It is based on ultrasonic sensors for distance measurement property. For obstacle indication, there is voice playback module which helps to mention a direction of obstacles around a visually challenged person by sensors. Along with this a receiver and a chargeable battery are placed on a stick to make it durable. This smart stick also include LDR which helps to detect a light in a dark area’s. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
376-380 |
85 |
Capability Enhancement of PV Connected Grid Tied System under the Condition of Fault
-Kaushal Kishor Thakur ; Vinay Pathak
There are numerous research available for inverter topologies to operate the PV system in sinusoidal synchronized manner. Another important issue for grid-tied PV systems is keeping the output voltage of the dc/ac converter within the given range for ac voltage protection when any abnormal operating condition occurs, such as fault. In this work, the behavior of a PV system under a fault is studied and ride–through control scheme is proposed which is able to support the grid. Furthermore, a continuous DC supply is maintained from PV system at the time of fault at grid side. Also the proposed control scheme is able to support the grid through the injection of reactive power. The control scheme makes use of a synchronous reference frame based PI controller. Read More...
| EE(Power System) |
India |
381-384 |
86 |
Educational Campus Stack Cloud Base Real Time System
-Sangram Valiba Shete ; Pranal Rajaram Koli; Sharayu Jalindar Titame; Rani Somnath Abhang; Dr. B. L. Gunjal
Smart Cities uses Information Communication Technology (ICT) to reinforce infrastructure parts, that provides automation and services of a city to become additional intelligent, interconnected ,communicable and efficient. Sensible field technologies harness the potential to advance everything from productivity to security measures to the operations of the buildings within which students live and study. In this project we presents a smart educational campus system with smart student authentication.A system uses the two applications, Web Application and Android Application. Web Application is use as small ERP system, and Android application mainly use for the marking attendance of the student with the help of external fingerprint device. Another important part of this project is analytics. The data is collected by past academic record of student. This data will be analyzed to provide reports on data regarding the performance of students and use of different services provided by college. In addition to overcome the disadvantages of the traditional system this fingerprint based system will add more efficiency. In earlier, traditional system consist registers and diaries to store the educational data, some human interventions are required to handle the traditional system, overcome that problems this system will work efficiently. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
385-389 |
87 |
Behaviour of Coconut Shell Aggregate (CSA) Concrete at Elevated Temperature
- A. S. J. Smith ; A. Ibrahim; M. J. Garba; B. Muhammad; S. M. Ishaq
This paper attempts to study the mechanical behaviour of coconut shell aggregate (CSA) concrete subjected to elevated temperatures when coconut shell (CS) is used to replace coarse aggregate at 0, 10, 20 and 40% in concrete. The coconut shell used was obtained by breaking the shells into smaller sizes of less than 20mm after the fibres were removed. In order to produce control concrete samples with a minimum compressive strength of 15N/mm2 at 28 days curing age, mix ratio of 1:2:4 and water-cement ratio of 0.55 were adopted alongside Absolute Volume Method (AVM) to prepare the concrete mix proportions for this research. The specific gravity of the concrete materials were determined as well as the workability of the fresh coconut shell aggregate concrete at various replacement using slump tests. Compressive strength of 48 samples prepared at various CSA replacements using 100mm x 100mm x 100mm cube mould and cured for 28 days was determined after 30 minutes exposure to temperatures of 100, 300 and 500oC. Splitting tensile strength of 18 samples prepared at various CSA replacements using 200mm x 300mm cylinder mould and cured for 28 days was also determined after 30 minutes exposure to 500oC temperature. The results of this study showed that at 10% replacement and 500oC temperature, CSA concrete exhibits good behaviour in compressive strength and splitting tensile strength as it retained 67.3% and 53.7% of its strength respectively; as well as having a higher strength reduction coefficient (Kc(θ)) of 0.673 in compressive strength compared to the 0.60 allowed for siliceous aggregates in BS EN 1992-1-2 [26]. However, slump results showed that CSA concrete has a very low workability. So, CSA can be used up to 10% to replace coarse aggregate in concrete to serve in non-load primary application areas. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
China |
390-393 |
88 |
A Review on Metal and Polymer Matrix Composites
-Amandeep Kaur ; Sushil Bhatia; Dr. Harpal Singh
adopted from the previous years to prevent the structures from degradation and damaging. Till a date so many strengthening techniques have been introduced such as improving the cementitious properties by adding the various types of composites, steel fibers or by wrapping the damaged element with steel plates or Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) plates act as a reinforcing the structural element. This paper throws the review of strengthening of RC beams wrapped with various types of Polymer Matrix Composites (PMC) such as Glass and Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers (GFRP/CFRP) also the assessment on structural properties of newly developed material Metal Matrix Composites (MMC) are critically reviewed. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
394-397 |
89 |
Investigation on Mechanical Properties of Aluminium Hybrid Metal Matrix Composites- AL7075 with SiC and Coconut shell fly Ash
-Vijay Rengaraj P ; Balasubramani S; Raj Kumar M; Shree Hari G; Sibi Mayuran K
Aluminium has been widely used in the present period in engineering applications owing to its light weight, less corrosion properties and its abundance. Out of various series of aluminium, Al 7075 has a huge number of applications especially in the aerospace and defense industries all over the world. The fabrication of composite material by liquid metallurgy technique of stir casting process and experimentally investigating its various mechanical properties is the main focus area of the project. The Base material used for the fabrication of composite is Al7075 and reinforcements such as silicon carbide and coconut shell fly ash powders. The proportions of silicon carbide vary from 3, 6, 9 and 12% and constant proportion of fly ash powder at 3%. The melted composites are poured into rectangular dies. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
398-404 |
90 |
Password Based Circuit Breaker for Lineman Protection using Microcontroller 8051
- Hemanth Kumar M.H.
Electrical line man safety in power systems is a major concern. Therefore, a new concept of password-based system has been introduced. Fatal electrical accidents while repairing the power line to the line man are increasing day by day. The accidents occur due to the lack of communication and coordination between the maintenance staff and the electric substation staff. Therefore, to ensure safety of lineman, password-based circuit breakers can be installed. If certain sections of the line need to be repaired then a password has to be entered through a matrix keypad to switch the circuit breaker ON/OFF. When the line is repaired, the lineman again enters the password, if the password is matched with the circuit breaker, then it will turn ON/OFF particular section of the line during maintenance, without any external interference from substation staff and can thus, help in saving human lives. Read More...
Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
India |
405-407 |
91 |
Object Detection in Live Video using Computer Vision and Deep Learning
-R. Akshay ; M. Akshaya
Deep learning and Computer vision have been a very powerful technology in the field of Artficial Intelligence and Image Processing. Deep learning algorithms are very powerful in computing various data in the field of analytics to recognize various data like speech, audio, video, image, text and other data. In the proposed project the detection of object in live video streaming using computer vision and deep learning is employed to dectect object with better accuracy. The Single Shot multi box Detection algorithm provides platform to extend the scope of the project. The processed data has wide scope and application in field of data analytics and science. Read More...
Computer Science And Information Technology |
India |
408-411 |
92 |
IOT Based Under Ground Fault Detection
-Anup Y S ; Sukruth; Spoorthi N
IOT based totally underground cable line fault detection system is useful for find out faults and its region in very easy way .Underground cables were extensively used with the development of strength system grid .Underground cables are susceptible to a wide type of faults because of underground situations, wear and tear, rodents .Detecting fault source is difficult due to the fact whole line is to be dug in order to test fault at cable line. The repairmen understand precisely which component has fault and most effective that vicinity is to be dug to stumble on the fault supply. It saves numerous time, cash and permits to carrier underground cable lines faster. We use IOT technology that permits the government to reveal and take a look at faults over internet the usage of Android App. The device detects fault with the assist of potential divider community laid throughout the cable. When a fault gets created in a cable line, a particular voltage receives generated as in line with the resistors community combination. This voltage is sensed through the microcontroller and is up to date to the person. The data conveyed to the consumer is the gap to which that voltage corresponds to. The microcontroller detects the fault cable line data and presentations this information over LCD show, it transfers this facts over net to display on line in a Android App. Android App to broaden the web system that hyperlinks with the machine to display the cable faults online. Read More...
Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
India |
412-415 |
93 |
Effluent BOD Analysis of Selected Tannery Industries in Hazaribagh Area
-Md. Zobair Alam ; Rifat Ullah Ronak
The aim of this project is to find the Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) of the wastewater generated from the tanneries of Hazaribagh and the mixture of tannerys wastewater with Buriganga river water. Hazaribagh is a principal area of Dhaka Metro bounded by Buriganga River on the west and Bangladeshs largest leather processing zone is situated here. Hazaribagh area, widely known for its tannery industry, has been listed among the highest 10 polluted places on earth. The tanneries use backdated processing methods and dump toxic wastes including the cancer-causing toxin hexavalent chromium, into Dhakas mainstream Buriganga. The settlements of tannery workers have developed around the contaminated streams, ponds and canals. Workers and residents of Hazaribagh also face a number of less severe but common health problems of skin and respiratory diseases every day as well as acid burns, rashes, dizziness and nausea. Informal leather recyclers who burn scraps of leather to produce a number of consumer products also heavily pollute the air. Tanneries discharge the effluents and wastes into the river system causing an outsized area of acid sludge alongside the flood protection embankment and therefore the liquid wastes are dumped in the river through flood control regulator-cum-sluice. During dry season dissolved oxygen in the river water is nil because of heavy pollution and no fish or other aquatic animals can live in this condition. Many experimental results showed that tannery wastewater has a very high concentration of organic matter, solids, sulphates, sulphide and chromium in tannery effluent. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
Bangladesh |
416-420 |
94 |
Criminal Face Recognition using Raspberry Pi
-Gajanan Mule ; Shubham Gome; Rushikesh Londhe; Ankush Tarale; Prof. Nutan Borkar
This paper presents a real time face recognition using an automated surveillance camera. The present paper discusses about the detection of criminals with the help of the various devices and software. OpenCV (open source computer vision) is the major software that is being used in our present work. For detecting faces we are using various algorithms like Haar cascade, linear SVM, deep neural network etc. The main method that we have proposed in our work is, if any person comes in front of the camera, first it will look for potential matches that we have already stored in our system. If the module finds a match, then it continues to record until any person comes. If the face is recognized, then the criminal’s face will be captured and a snap shot will be sent to the admin’s email. The device is developed using Raspberry Pi b+ with 1.4 GHz quad core processor, raspberry pi camera module. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
421-423 |
95 |
Secure Image Sharing using Visual Cryptography, Watermarking Technique and AES Algorithm
-Sayali Prashant Dumbre ; Butte Dhananjay B.; Borude Prakash B.; Prof. Khatal Sunil S.
Secure communication is important in current world ,when we communicate and sharing information between two or more users then secure the communication is main challenge. Currently data security is very important over the network as well as electronic devices . currently we using many algorithms and cyber security techniques to improve the cyber and network security to protect high confidential information and data .In this paper mainly focusing on the image security over the network using visual cryptography and digital watermarking techniques. In this paper we selecting one image and apply encryption followed by digital watermarking. Here we first select highly confidential images like architectures , blueprint , design etc. ,after that we storing it on to cloud . after uploading of image is done on to cloud then we apply visual cryptography techniques for divide the images into multiple part known as shares. After that we encrypting each share individually using advanced encryption standard algorithm. When its done then apply digital watermarking for hiding the images using another image to each shares ,then the images are send to the second user . when encrypted image are send to second user at that time first check the user are right or wrong using watermarking technique and cryptography techniques ,if user are right user then first remove the watermarking ,then decrypting the each share and then original images are seen to the second user . If the user are not right person then the encrypted image are seen to that person. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
424-426 |
96 |
Enhancement of Tuber Crops Productivity using IOT and Sensor Data Logging
-Purva Pramod Chachane ; Mr. H. V. Takpire
India is particularly associate agricultural country. Agriculture is that the foremost significant occupation for the foremost of the Indian families. It plays important role within the event of agricultural country. In India, agriculture contributes concerning Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire of total gross domestic product and 100% of total exports. Water is main resource for Agriculture. Irrigation is one methodology to supply water however in some cases there will be ton of water wastage. So, during this regard to save water and time we have projected project titled automatic irrigation system victimization IoT. during this projected system we have a bent to ar victimization varied sensors like temperature, humidity, soil wetness sensors that senses the numerous parameters of the soil and supported soil wetness worth land gets mechanically irrigated by ON/OFF of the motor. These detected parameters and motor standing are visiting be displayed on user golem application. Read More...
Electrical Power Engineering |
India |
427-429 |
97 |
Accident Detection in Two Wheelers using Sensors
-Ketan Sanjay Mhasalkar ; Neha Sudhir Chinawalkar; Bhushan Raghunath Ladhe; Shreya Prashant Wasnik; A.M. Chakor
The main objective of this project is to design a smart two wheeler accident detection system to minimize road accidents for human safety. This vehicle enables parameters of sensing mechanism which will without any manual handling sends messages to personal contacts with the details of where the vehicle mate with an accident using GSM/GPRS system. Sensors senses multiple parameters and merge all the calculated results in the smart vehicle which is connected to microcontroller eventually detects any accident which had occur and then send text SMS with the help of GSM technology to the owner’s personal contacts as well as to local ambulance and police station. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
430-433 |
98 |
Experimental Study on Self-Healing Bacterial Concrete By using E-Coli Bacteria
-Mr. Megharaj Patil ; Mr. Pratik Jadhav; Mr. Aniket Khandare; Mr. Utkarsh Danawle ; Prof. Sneha Bhende
Concrete is an adaptable material having lowered tensile & shear strength. Basically concrete is brittle material and contains lots of micro-cracks present in the body. The elasticity of concrete is fairly constant at low stress levels but starts decreasing at higher stress levels as matrix starts cracking. Concrete has a very low coefficient of thermal expansion and concrete shrinks. All concrete structures will crack to some point, due to shrinkage and tension. Concrete which is under load of forces for long duration of time, creep of concrete may happen. Carbonate- producing bacteria have provide lots of benefits as a promising, natural, environmental friendly novel technique to improvement of concrete characteristics, considerable research has been conducted on utilizing microbial-induced carbonate precipitation to overcome several concrete problems such as crack repair, reduction and modification of porosity, and permeability. Furthermore, bacterial carbonate precipitation (bio deposition) has shown positive influences on compressive strength improvement of concrete, it also reduces water absorption and carbonation of concrete as an alternative surface treatment. As part of metabolism, some bacteria produces enzyme urease which catalyzes the hydrolysis of urea to generate carbonate ions without an associated production of protons which leads to CaCO3 precipitation in presence of calcium ions. Therefore, bacteria cells not only provide a nucleation site for CaCO3 precipitation in presence of calcium ions. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
434-438 |
99 |
Rainfall Prediction using Machine Learning
-Neha Jha ; Dhaval Patel; Ruchi Sanghavi; Divyesh Rana; Anali Shah
This paper introduces current supervised learning model which is based on machine learning algorithm for Rainfall prediction in India. Rainfall is always being a major issue across the world as it affects all the major factor on which the human being is depended. In current, Unpredictable and accurate rainfall prediction is very challenging task [1]. We applied linear regression algorithm of machine learning with the help of Python through Spyder in Anaconda Navigator to compare the accuracy of between training and test data. Our motive is to get the most accurate and a better rainfall prediction in result. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
439-442 |
100 |
Comparative Performance Evaluation of High Switching Frequency DC-DC Converters with Conventional Pi and Fuzzy Logic Controller
-M. Sethu Dinesh ; G.D.M.V. Kishan; P.Vijay; Ravindra Janga
This paper presents the improved performance of a fuzzy controller than a PI controller to control DC-DC Converter used in 24V DC Applications. The experimentation in fuzzy domain using five membership functions with the proposed input and output variables. A fuzzy controller can be implemented where linear control techniques fail. The experimental results of the considered converter using fuzzy control are evaluated in comparison with PI controller. All the analysis and simulations were performed using MATLAB software. The comparison of both the results indicate that the fuzzy controller is able to obtain better dynamic response. The results confirm the capability of the control methods in the improvement of the considered converter functioning. Read More...
Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
India |
443-448 |