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1 |
Parking Facilities and the Built Environment: Impacts on Pedestrian Movement
-Ravi Kumar Saravakota ; Shanagam Naveen Kumar
Pedestrian movement and behaviour depend on plentiful factors, among which are crossing of the lane in mid- block, movement on footpaths and at unsignalized intersections. While the previous has attracted significant research exertions for decades the later, pedestrian risk has newly become subject to collective research interest. Evidence from the 2018/19 Andhra Pradesh Police Data, is considered with further geographical context data. From this impact of parking and pedestrian movement where there is an enormous exchange of traffic c all day while controlling for various urban settings, and population density were analysed. In this study the walking ability of the pedestrians on the footpath instigated due to the impact of parking and built environment was analysed. From the study, therefore parking is an essential part of an urban developers toolbox. Providing a parking lot and collection of parking fees can be useful when stopping limit is bounteous, the pedestrian moment gets nearly multiplied. Partial access to parking at side of footpaths, mid-block and, intersections can reduce the time-lapse moment of pedestrians. The main theme of this thesis is to drive a decrease in walkability index with the provision of expanding strolling separation to the pedestrians, particularly in thickly developed zones. Read More...
Transportation Engineering |
India |
1-6 |
2 |
Waste Stabilization Pond for Rural Areas
-Rohit P. Deshmukh ; Dr. Arif Khan
In this research, we study the suitability of Waste Stabilization Ponds for treating waste water in rural areas. Waste generated in rural areas is commonly discharged into environment without any prior treatment. For treating waste water WWTP have two methods which are mechanical and natural. All the WWTP units taken as mechanical method of treating wastes, but the natural methods has proved to be more effective & less expansive. Waste stabilization ponds taken as natural methods which are we effectively used in rural areas to reduce environmental pollution. A good design and construction of waste stabilization ponds are needed to grow application of waste water purification & environmental regulations. In that study, we see types, application, design parameters, advantages and disadvantages of WSP. Read More...
Environmental Engineering |
India |
7-10 |
3 |
Manufacturing of Composite Material - A Case Study
-Roopesh Kumar ; Dr. K. Shridhar; Dr. Rajesh Purohit
This paper presents a brief introduction of composite materials followed by history, fabrication techniques, advantages and applications. A composite material (also called a composition material) is a material made from two or more constituent materials with significantly different physical or chemical properties that, when combined, produce a material with characteristics different from the individual components. The individual components remain separate and distinct within the finished structure. The new material may be preferred for many reasons: common examples include materials which are stronger, lighter, or less expensive when compared to traditional materials. More recently, researchers have also begun to actively include sensing, actuation, computation and communication into composites.[1] which are known as Robotic Materials. As the composite materials possess great properties, they are substituting various other conventional materials therefore, the research on composite materials must be developed further. Read More...
Production Engineering |
India |
11-14 |
4 |
Experimental Evaluation of Waste Glass Powder as a Partial Replacement of Cement in Concrete
-Abrar Ahmad Malik ; Suhail Ashaq
Cement manufacturing industry is one of the carbon-dioxide emitting sources besides deforestation and burning of fossil fuels. The global warming is caused by the emission of green-house gases, such as CO2, to the atmosphere. Among the greenhouse gases, CO2 contributes about 65% of global warming. The global cement industry contributes about 7% of greenhouse gas emission to the earth’s atmosphere. In order to address environmental effects associated with cement manufacturing, there is a need to develop alternative binders to make concrete. Consequently extensive research is ongoing into the use of cement replacements, using many waste materials and industrial by products. Efforts have been made in the concrete industry to use waste glass as partial replacement of coarse or fine aggregates and cement. In this study, finely powdered waste glasses will be used as a partial replacement of cement in concrete and compared it with conventional concrete. This work examines the possibility of using Glass powder as a partial replacement of cement for new concrete. Glass powder will be partially replaced as 5%,10%, 20%, 30% and 40% and tested for its compressive, Tensile and flexural strength up to 28 days of age and will be compared with those of conventional concrete. Glass powder will be used as cement replacement material up to particle size less than 75μm to prevent alkali silica reaction. For study of size effect of glass powder the powder is divided into two grades one is glass powder having size less than 75 micron and another is glass powder having particle size ranges from 75 micron to 150 micron. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
15-19 |
5 |
Enhancement of Flexural Strength of RC Beam by Using Kevlar Fabric
-Suyash B.Walunj ; Shubham G.Padekar; Nilesh P.Patil; Swity P.Baviskar; Rashmi Vishvakarma
The use of composite materials in infrastructure repair is still in its infancy. As such, most of the currently available solutions employ relatively dated composites technology and many of the early difficulties experienced in the aerospace, automotive and marine markets have been seen in the early implementation of composites for infrastructure strengthening. This project examines the benefits derived from using aerospace grade materials (Kevlar fabric) in infrastructure repair. It demonstrates that, the use of appropriately engineered repair strategies incorporating high quality pre-impregnated composite materials can provide substantial strength and stiffness improvements to conventional steel reinforced concrete beams. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
20-23 |
6 |
Study on Evaluation of Waste Glass Powder as a Partial Replacement of Cement in Concrete-A Review
-Abrar Ahmad Malik ; Sumit Sharma
Cement manufacturing industry is one of the carbon-dioxide emitting sources besides deforestation and burning of fossil fuels. The global warming is caused by the emission of green-house gases, such as CO2, to the atmosphere. Among the greenhouse gases, CO2 contributes about 65% of global warming. The global cement industry contributes about 7% of greenhouse gas emission to the earth’s atmosphere. In order to address environmental effects associated with cement manufacturing, there is a need to develop alternative binders to make concrete. Consequently extensive research is on going into the use of cement replacements, using many waste materials and industrial by products. Efforts have been made in the concrete industry to use waste glass as partial replacement of coarse or fine aggregates and cement. In this study, finely powdered waste glasses will be used as a partial replacement of cement in concrete and compared it with conventional concrete. This work examines the possibility of using Glass powder as a partial replacement of cement for new concrete. Glass powder will be partially replaced as 5%,10%, 20%, 30% and 40% and tested for its compressive, Tensile and flexural strength up to 28 days of age and will be compared with those of conventional concrete. Glass powder will be used as cement replacement material up to particle size less than 75μm to prevent alkali silica reaction. For study of size effect of glass powder the powder is divided into two grades one is glass powder having size less than 75 micron and another is glass powder having particle size ranges from 75 micron to 150 micron. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
24-30 |
7 |
Seismic Analysis of Sustainable Timber Structures-Dhajji-Dewari- Houses In Kashmir
-Ubaid Gani ; Suhail Ashaq
Earthquakes are the most destructive natural calamities which lead to a huge loss of life, property and economy. On 8 October, 2005, a magnitude 7.4 on righter scale earthquake took place the Kashmir valley (A Himalayan disputed region administered in parts by India and Pakistan), also the other areas affected were parts of India, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Around 90 thousand people died because of this earthquake, and an approximate 40 lakh people were left shelter less. The Kashmir earthquake took place at 9:25 am (IST) and was epicentered about 19 kilometers NE of Muzafarabad, which is the capital town of Pakistan-ruled Kashmir. Kashmir valley is situated at the fault line of the Indian
ï€ To perform Response Spectrum Analysis Using IS 1893-2000 code for Zone-V on different timber framed wall (Dhajji-Dewari) models in SAP-2000.
ï€ To perform Response Spectrum Analysis Using IS 1893-2000 code for Zone-V on a single story house with different configurations of timber framed (Dhajji-Dewari) walls (Box Type Structure Model) in SAP 2000.
ï€ To perform Response Spectrum Analysis Using IS 1893-2000 code for Zone-V on a double story house with different configurations of timber framed (Dhajji-Dewari) walls (Box Type Structure Model) in SAP 2000.
ï€ To determine Top Maximum Deflection in the models (both walls and houses).
ï€ To determine Maximum Base Shear in the models (both walls and houses).
ï€ To determine Time period of all the models.
ï€ To determine the mechanism of the Dhajji-Dewari that make it seismic resistant.
ï€ Comparison of results for Timber braced Dhajji-Dewari with conventional Lintel banded masonry box type houses.
Civil Engineering |
India |
31-35 |
8 |
A Review on Utilization of Exhaust Emission of Automobiles for Power Generation
-Mr.Manoj kumar Yadav ; Arun Kumar Dwivedi; Harshita Sharma; Abhishek Pandey; Mohd Maroof Ahmad
Environmental problems in previous years have given rise to global warming acid rain and climate change. Power generation techniques have played a major role in disturbing the equilibrium of environment. This problem has led the researcher to think about new sources of power generation as well as the energy management in vehicles. We are facing a very serious and upcoming threat, the lack of natural resources either fuel since we can’t generate a new energy resource but we can reuse or recycle the energy resources. Here in this study of electrical power generation we are trying to explore the primary techniques and principles behind the conversion of kinetic energy of IC engines exhaust gas to the rotary motion and by analysis presenting the charging of battery by using bike exhaust gas. The experimental investigation shows the conversion of kinetic energy of exhaust into electrical energy via mechanical energy. Read More...
Automobile Engineering |
India |
36-37 |
9 |
An Experimental Investigation of Performance and Exhaust Emission Characteristics by Addition of HHO Gas in IC Engine
-Rushikesh Tanaji Shinde ; Prathamesh Prabhakar Mali; Rohit Sanjay Nikam; Nilkanth Nivas Desavale; Sushant Dilip Gavali
In this project, the main objective is to study alternative fuels which will benefit to enhance the engine’s economic and performance characteristics. The advantage of using alternative fuels for internal combustion engine is among other a long-term renewable and less polluting fuel, non-toxic, odorless, and has wide range flammability. Alternative fuel is important and it should be fossil one. Actually, we spend one third of our income for our vehicle fueling and the vehicle gives harmful decomposed material like CO, NOx, HC, WCBSFC, etc. in the form of smoke. These materials are all affects the engine performance, and pollutes the environment. While crossing a gas or diesel operated car we can feel the small of the respective fuels, it should that the fuel is not completely burnt. It is explicit that we waste fuel and pollute the atmosphere. To avoid these drawbacks, the HHO has Polymorphism that it is acts differently – before burning, while burning, and after burning. Before burning of Hydrogen, which is a lightest gas with one proton and one electron and more efficient fuel three times of the explosive power then camper to fuel gas and five times than petrol. Actually, the hydrogen requires little bit of energy of ignition to produce wide level of tremendous flammable temperature in the speed of lightning and there is no chance to compare with other fuels in this world. As a result of fact, it increases the engine performance, torque, and millage and minimize the fuel consumption. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
38-46 |
10 |
Experimental Investigation on Biofuel Made from Jatropha Seeds
-Mohammad Abrar Ul Haque ; Neeraj Kumar
It has been found by using Jatropha with pure diesel IC engine can run with optimum performance. It is also found from the experiments that 30 B Jatropha has good result as compared to 30 B mustard oil in Brake power v/s BSFC. India has gone biggest importer of edible oil so it is not favour to use mustard as bio diesel. Blending of mustard cost as higher than the cost of blending of Jatropha biodiesel. In the engine test rig tests were carried out using diesel and biodiesel to find out the effect of various blends on the performance of the engine. Investigations are carried out on the engine mainly to the effect of brake specific fuel consumption, bake thermal efficiency and exhaust gas temperature. From the experimental analysis it was found that the blends of the Jatropha oil with diesel could be successfully used with acceptable performance on 20 B. On the result of this study properties of Jatropha oil suggest that it can be used directly as C.I. engine fuel. It is possible to run diesel engine with mustard and Jatropha Carcus bio-diesel blends. Brake thermal efficiency is higher for neat diesel at all loads and lowers for blends of bio-diesel and difference of brake thermal efficiency between neat diesel and blended bio-diesel decreases as load increases. Fuel consumption is nearly same for neat diesel and blended diesel at all BMEP and have lower value at all BMEP for neat diesel. BSFC for bio-diesel increases for higher blending of bio-diesel, because of the lower heating value of bio- diesel as compared to diesel fuel. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
47-49 |
11 |
Water Pollution-Sources, Effects and Control
-Mr. Rushabh R. Mandavagde ; Prof. Arif Khan
The data regarding water pollution and human health was obtained and compiled through a thorough review of various published research articles of international reputed journal and relevant books. Water covers about 70% Earth’s surface. Safe drinking water is a basic need for all humans. The WHO reports that 80% diseases are waterborne. Industrialization, discharge of domestic waste, radioactive waste, population growth, excessive use of pesticides, fertilizers and leakage from water tanks are major sources of water pollution. These wastes have negative effects on human health. Different chemicals have different affects depending on their locations and kinds. Bacterial, viral and parasitic diseases like typhoid, cholera, encephalitis, poliomyelitis, hepatitis, skin infection and gastrointestinal are spreading through polluted water. It is recommended to examine the water quality on regular basis to avoid its destructive effects on human health. Domestic and agriculture waste should not be disposed of without treating. Read More...
Environment Engineering |
India |
50-56 |
12 |
Computer Based Functional Literacy in ICT among Teachers and their Epistemological Understanding
-Shraddha Dwivedi
The rapid growth of ICT enables the teachers more affordable in learning that satisfies their professional growth. The implementation of ICT in schools by teachers is in the forefront of education reforms locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. The development of economy and education at global level is based on the education system of that nation, where ICT plays very important role. U.S.A., Japan, Finland and other countries believe that the development of education system is based on ICT. Currently, the development of ICT has led to a widespread attention of using ICT to advance the educational goals. This is in part driven by the belief that ICT can play an important role in adapting the approaches from traditional to constructive and the shaping of education. Recent developments across the world have moved from the mind set of using ICT as a teaching and learning aid, but of shaping the delivery of contents and bringing about the changes in education from education in the industrial society to education in the information society. The effective use of ICT may be the key reason in the intellectual growth of teachers along with schools. Teachers, using ICT in teaching make their class more constructive and learners’ learning-oriented. In the age of digitalization, most of the teachers remain untouched from the ICT devices in the Indian context. Despite having 6.5% computer literacy, India is the second largest internet user. Besides these the computer based functional literacy rate among teachers is very low. There are not only several possibilities in improving the quality of education by the use of ICT but also many challenges in achieving the goal of the education in Indian education system. For making the education more innovative and more constructive, the understanding about the implementation of ICT devices is very essential. To support traditional teaching method there are several ICT based pedagogical tools. What are the beliefs (personal conception), regarding the use of those ICT based pedagogical tools? The personal conception about the use of ICT is the personal epistemology (Epistemological Understanding) of the teachers. Teaching with ICT, teachers’ beliefs about knowledge and knowing (epistemic beliefs or personal epistemology) for ICT use may play an important role in the classrooms, which is the part of computer based functional literacy. Several variables affect ICT understanding among teachers. The scrappy growth of information and communication technology (ICT) has created a huge challenge for education. Like other developing countries India is also facing some challenges regarding the use of ICT by teachers. Several teaching ads make the classroom very effective and productive but the success of ICT implementation depends on related challenges. Identification of the challenges can help in improving the teaching and learning outcomes. This paper made a sincere effort to comprehend the epistemological understanding (epistemic beliefs) of ICT among teachers. This paper also throws the light upon the possibilities and challenges regarding the use of ICT in Indian education system. Read More...
Education |
India |
57-60 |
13 |
Ensemble Classifiers Based on Random Forest to Improve Accuracy for Prediction
-Rupali Lohar ; Vijay kumar Verma
Random Forests are an ensemble learning method (also thought of as a form of nearest neighbor predictor) for classification and regression that construct a number of decision trees at training time and outputting the class that is the mode of the classes output by individual trees. Random Forests are a combination of tree predictors where each tree depends on the values of a random vector sampled independently with the same distribution for all trees in the forest. The basic principle is that a group of “weak learners†can come together to form a “strong learnerâ€. Random Forests are a wonderful tool for making predictions considering they do not over fit because of the law of large numbers. Introducing the right kind of randomness makes them accurate classifiers and repressors. Single decision trees often have high variance or high bias. Random Forests attempts to mitigate the problems of high variance and high bias by averaging to find a natural balance between the two extremes. Considering that Random Forests have few parameters to tune and can be used simply with default parameter settings, they are a simple tool to use without having a model or to produce a reasonable model fast and efficiently. In this paper e proposed an efficient ensemble classifiers based on random forest using boosting and bagging. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
61-65 |
14 |
PID Based Automatic Generation Control of Two Area System
-Kulsoom Bano ; Javed Jamshed Korai; Fazal Ur Rehman Soomro; Ghulam Abbas
The Power System consists of Power System Generation, Power System Transmission, Power System Distribution and Power System Utilization. Power System plays a vital role in human’s daily lives .Power system has great influences and global impact on how the world operates. For the good performance of the Power System Some control operation are needed at every part. In an Interrelated Electrical System, the load variation occurs, Frequency and tie-line power interchange exhibit a great dissimilarity , in order to get the objective of variance in Electrical frequency and tie-line power flow to zero ,a complementary control action which is used to achieve selected generating units this control action is callled Automatic Generation control .This paper presents Power system analysis, control and methodology for comparing the response at various load values and illuminate the effectiveness of Proportional-integral derivative controller and get results on MATLAB/Simulink and analyze the system stability and system Control. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
Pakistan |
66-73 |
15 |
Compressive Strength of Concrete by Partial Replacement of Cement Using Granite Powder and Rice Husk Ash
-Bonda Rohan ; Pilla Ravi; Jagarapu Prasad; Kolanati Suresh
Granite powder, one of the by-products in the granite stone crushing process, not being used for any applications other than filling up low lying areas is identified as a replacement material for cement in concrete. The quantities have been utilized and the rest has been unscrupulously dumped resulting in environmental problems. Presently, all the processing units are disposing this industrial waste by dumping it in open yards, that nearly occupying 25% of the total area of the industry. The reduction in waste generation by manufacturing value-added products from the granite stone waste will boost up the economy of the granite stone industry. The utilization of granite powder in high performance concrete could turn this waste material into a valuable resource with the added benefit of preserving the environment. Rice husk ash is found to be superior to other supplementary materials like slag, silica fume and fly ash. Due to its high pozzolanic activity, both strength and durability of concrete are enriched. Unlike other industrial by-products rice husk ash has to be produced out of the raw agricultural waste, husk. The increasing demand for producing durable construction materials is the outcome of the fast polluting environment. Supplementary cementitious materials prove to be effective to meet most of the requirements of durable concrete. In the present experimental investigation M40 grade concrete has been chosen as reference concrete specimen. Cement was partially replaced by granite powder with 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30% and Rice husk ash was partial replaced by 5%,10%,15%,20%,25% and also in the combination of Granite powder and Rice husk ash was also partially replaced by cement in concrete. Compressive strength (cubes) was compared those of concrete made with natural aggregates. specific gravity of the materials was also studied .The test result indicates that it is possible to manufacture concrete containing with granite powder and rice husk ash with characteristics similar to those of cement concrete provided that percentage of granite powder and Rice husk ash is limited to 15% and combination of Granite powder and rice husk ash is partially replaced by cement is limited to 10% and 15% respectively. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
74-76 |
16 |
An Analysis of Quality in Software Development
-Umakant Singh ; Kamal Kant
This paper describes software quality, software quality criteria definitions and CISQ’s (Consortium for IT Software Quality) quality model and provides the relevant matter about the requirements of quality in software field. What is the role of basic quality attributes to develop the software business and IT industries, is described. There is direct impact of measurement techniques on software development and how can we improve the quality of business using software quality is also mentioned. Quality in fact aids easy and high productivity, which has brought software metrics to the forefront. Today there are many software quality modes to improve the quality of software but which model is suitable for our project is very important. Read More...
Computer Science And Information Technology |
India |
77-80 |
17 |
A Similar Report on Different Sorts of Operating Systems Framework
-Akash kumar Dash
An operating systems working framework carries amazing advantages to PC programming and programming improvement. Without a working framework, each application would need to incorporate its own UI, just as the complete code expected to deal with all low-level usefulness of the basic PC, for example, plate stockpiling, network interfaces, etc. Considering the huge swath of fundamental equipment accessible, this would incomprehensibly swell the size of each application and make programming improvement impractical. The OS recognizes and arranges physical and intelligent gadgets for administration and normally records them in a normalized structure, for example, Windows Registry. Gadget makers occasionally fix and update drivers, and the OS should refresh them to guarantee best gadget execution and security. At the point when gadgets are supplanted, the OS additionally introduces and arranges new drivers. A working framework is answerable for recognizing the right printer and introducing the fitting printer drivers so an application needs to just settle on decisions to the printer without utilizing codes or orders that are explicit to that printer that is the working frameworks activity. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
81-85 |
18 |
To Study the Impact of Acid Attack and Sulphate Attack On Various Properties of MDP
-Siddharth Baravliya ; Lavina Talawale
The strength of concrete is determined by using the slump cone test and strength test of MDP-10 CONCRETE. The average compressive strength for MDP-0, MDP-5, MDP- 10, MDP-15 and MDP-20 concrete mixes were found to be 23.36, 24.59, 26.37, 25.19 AND 23.70 respectively for 7 days. Similarly, compressive strength obtained for 28 days was 34.81, 36.59, 38.37, 37.93 and 37.19 respectively indicating the maximum strength of MDP-10 concrete mix. The compressive &flexural strength also determine for M40 with mix sand mix basalt stone Equivalent down basalt dust stone, glass powder foundry sand using whose is the toughest material of stone and also available easily cheapest materials, samples were prepared by varying percentage 20, 30, 40, 50% of foundry sand as a part of the replacement of fine aggregates in mix design are prepared in different proportions. Cubes and beams are cast for determining compressive and flexural strengths respectively at 7 and 28 days but as same (BSD, GP+FS) 5+15, 10+20, 15+25 and 20+30% as respectively at 7 and 28 days. And compare to all condition Relationship between compressive strength and flexural strength is presented. The results clearly indicate the compressive strength of the 28 days material is higher as compared to 7 days material. We can say that age of concrete. The figure shows that the M20 with concrete with different dust compressive strength for the 7 & 28 days. The results clearly indicate the strength of the material is decreased with an increase in sand percentage in concrete. 40 % gives good result of concrete. The figure shows that the M20 material beams tested in the flexural test for the 7- & 28-days material. The flexural strength results clearly indicate the strength of the beam also 30% gives good result is higher than the other percentage mix of all waste dust material. To require more compaction required good workmanship and not bonding with each other. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
86-90 |
19 |
Study on Biofuel Made From Jatropha Seeds
-Mohammad Abrar Ul Haque ; Neeraj Kumar
It has been found by using Jatropha with pure diesel IC engine can run with optimum performance. It is also found from the experiments that 30 B Jatropha has good result as compared to 30 B mustard oil in Brake power v/s BSFC. India has gone biggest importer of edible oil so it is not favour to use mustard as bio diesel. Blending of mustard cost as higher than the cost of blending of Jatropha biodiesel. In the engine test rig tests were carried out using diesel and biodiesel to find out the effect of various blends on the performance of the engine. Investigations are carried out on the engine mainly to the effect of brake specific fuel consumption, bake thermal efficiency and exhaust gas temperature. From the experimental analysis it was found that the blends of the Jatropha oil with diesel could be successfully used with acceptable performance on 20 B. On the result of this study properties of Jatropha oil suggest that it can be used directly as C.I. engine fuel. It is possible to run diesel engine with mustard and Jatropha Carcus bio-diesel blends. Brake thermal efficiency is higher for neat diesel at all loads and lowers for blends of bio-diesel and difference of brake thermal efficiency between neat diesel and blended bio-diesel decreases as load increases. Fuel consumption is nearly same for neat diesel and blended diesel at all BMEP and have lower value at all BMEP for neat diesel. BSFC for bio-diesel increases for higher blending of bio-diesel, because of the lower heating value of bio- diesel as compared to diesel fuel. Read More...
Manufacturing Technology |
India |
91-93 |
20 |
Study On Sustainable Timber Structures (Seismic Analysis)-Dhajji-Dewari Houses in Kashmir-A Review
-Ubaid Gani ; Sumit Sharma
Earthquakes are the most destructive natural calamities which lead to a huge loss of life, property and economy. On 8 October, 2005, a magnitude 7.4 on righter scale earthquake took place the Kashmir valley (A Himalayan disputed region administered in parts by India and Pakistan), also the other areas affected were parts of India, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Around 90 thousand people died because of this earthquake, and an approximate 40 lakh people were left shelter less. The Kashmir earthquake took place at 9:25 am (IST) and was epicentered about 19 kilometers NE of Muzafarabad, which is the capital town of Pakistan-ruled Kashmir. Kashmir valley is situated at the fault line of the Indian
To perform Response Spectrum Analysis Using IS 1893-2000 code for Zone-V on different timber framed wall (Dhajji-Dewari) models in SAP-2000.
To perform Response Spectrum Analysis Using IS 1893-2000 code for Zone-V on a single story house with different configurations of timber framed (Dhajji-Dewari) walls (Box Type Structure Model) in SAP 2000.
To perform Response Spectrum Analysis Using IS 1893-2000 code for Zone-V on a double story house with different configurations of timber framed (Dhajji-Dewari) walls (Box Type Structure Model) in SAP 2000.
To determine Top Maximum Deflection in the models (both walls and houses).
To determine Maximum Base Shear in the models (both walls and houses).
To determine Time period of all the models.
To determine the mechanism of the Dhajji-Dewari that make it seismic resistant.
Comparison of results for Timber braced Dhajji-Dewari with conventional Lintel banded masonry box type houses.
Structural Engineering |
India |
94-97 |
21 |
Behavior of Reinforcing Bars and Concrete of RCC Structure Exposed to Fire
-Sanjeev ; Er. Sumit Sharma; Er. Sohail
In this modern era, most of the buildings all over the world are made up of RCC. The increasing incidents of fire in buildings have increased the importance of assessment; repairs and rehabilitation of such buildings as these buildings are very costly. This field needs special expertise in many areas viz. concrete technology, structural engineering, material testing, and repairs and maintenance etc. A continuous effort through research and development programmes all over the world is being made in this specialized field. This topic gives us immense pleasure as we deal with the real life problems in this research. In this research, we gain the knowledge which is being used as a strategy for the rehabilitation of fire damaged buildings and by conducting proper assessment procedures by non-destructive techniques. In this research, we did various experiments so as to find out the effect of fire on the reinforcing bars in RCC buildings by taking 6 samples at 110°, 310°,610°,900° each for 3 hours. After heating the samples, they are cooled quickly by quenching in water and normally by air cooling. It is seen that there is a change in the mechanical properties of samples which are studied under universal testing machine (UTM) and for close look at reinforcing bars in a fire damaged structure, scanning electron microscope (SEM) is used. From conclusions, it is seen that most of the fire damaged RCC are restorable. The mechanical properties of all common building materials decrease with the elevation of temperature. The behavior of a RCC in fire conditions is governed by properties of constituent materials, concrete and steel at high temperature. Both concrete and steel undergo considerable change in their strength, physical properties, and stiffness by the effects of heating. It is also seen that above 900°C some of these changes are not recoverable after subsequent cooling. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
98-103 |
22 |
Partial Replacement of Cement with Fly ash and Addition of Banana fibre in Concrete
-Sahil Kumar ; Suhail Ashaq
Concrete is one of the materials that are widely used in construction all around the world. This material is widely used because it has several benefits such as more durable, energy-efficient, low maintenance, affordability, fire-resistance, excellent thermal mass and also versatility. My research is conducted to determine the properties of concrete, compressive strength, flexural strength and tensile strength of concrete, to produce good cementious material by using banana fiber. Agriculture waste material can help to increase the strength of concrete. The source of natural fiber are found in plant and they are readily environmental friendly and cheap. In addition, natural fiber ash has an excellent potential to improve the performance of concrete. In my study, compressive strength test was conducted to know the strength of concrete with three different temperatures. Banana trunk is cut layer by layer and bum in furnace with four different percentage compositions of banana fiber and fly ash. A total of 12 cubes with 150 mm x 150 mm x 150mm were used to determine the strength of concrete using banana fiber ash. All this specimens is cure for 7, 28 and 90 days using water curing method. 0.5% to 2% of banana fiber ash is added with fly ash 0-20% by weight. The materials use in my study is banana fiber ash, sand, cement, coarse aggregate, and water. The result analysis shows, the mix with 10% replacement of cement with fly ash achieved the maximum value of splitting tensile strength of 2.4 and 3.2 N/mm2 corresponding to 28 and 90 days of curing periods respectively. It was also concluded that specimen containing 10% replacement of cement with fly ash recorded increase in compressive strength of 27 N/mm2& 29 N/mm2 over the control specimen at 28 and 90 days of curing respectively. Specimens with 10% and 20% replacement of cement with fly ash achieved higher flexural strength than the plain concrete. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
104-111 |
23 |
Study on Experimental Investigation on Behaviour of Waste Foundry Sand Concrete
-Shubham Khajuria ; Sumit Kumar
Ease concrete generation by supplanting of fine sand with Foundry sand is another pattern and makes successfully utilization of Waste foundry sand as designing material by diminishing transfer and contamination issue. Waste foundry sand is waste material which seems to have the possibility to mostly supplant customary sand as fine aggregates in concrete, giving a reusing open door for them. With the quick advancement of development industry prompting extreme normal asset utilization and the crumbling of the earth, the logical inconsistency between the supportable improvement of development industry and the deficiency of assets will turn out to be increasingly serious. In the meantime, a lot of strong waste is created during the time spent development of new structures each year. The overall utilization of sand as fine aggregates in concrete generation is high and a few creating nations have experienced some strain in the supply of common sand with the end goal to meet the expanding needs of infrastructural improvement lately. To defeat the pressure and request of stream sand, analysts and professionals in the development businesses have distinguished a few choices. Natural river sand takes millions of years for its formation and is not renewable. As a substitute to natural sand, Artificial (Manufactured) sand is used as a complete replacement. The investigation centers around giving strength as equivalent as customary concrete. Test prompts the investigation of strength parameters as beam. Trial additionally prompts the exploration of synthetic and restricting properties of concrete. The present specialized report centers around exploring qualities of cement with halfway supplanting of fine total with Foundry Sand. In this study, The Sand is replaced with foundary sand by 15 %, 30 % and 45 % replacement. As per IS: 10262-1982 mix design was prepared for M25 grade and same design was used in preparation of test samples. After curing for 24hrs the samples were demoulded and subjected to compressive strength test and tensile split test for 7and 28 days. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
112-115 |
24 |
Review of Statistical Process Control Analysis
-Gautamee Shrikant Mule ; Sunil Karidkar
Broad support for operations is one of the key challenges of modern production organizations’ competitive advantage. Statistical Process Control (SPC) is an essential part of support services; using statistical techniques for monitoring and controlling production processes and products. Application of SPC however needs some mathematical knowledge and comprehension. This paper deals with all the literature review analysis and their point of view regarding SPC analysis and some requirement and advantage of SPC analysis. Read More...
Production Engg. |
India |
116-119 |
25 |
Bending Investigation of High Capacity Reinforced Concrete Beams
-Nasib Ul Islam Zarger ; Suhail Ashaq
It is known that cement possesses the property of adhesion and is a substance that can fuse with other materials to solidify and get stiffen even independently. During ancient times, the binders used were of conventional type, such as sugarcane byproduct, silica dust, residual ash, to name a few. In the present world, cement is the main folder material. Aggregate generally represents 75% to 85% of the volume of concrete and this mainly consists of fine aggregate and coarse aggregate, though it is generally considered inert filler, which has little impact on the properties of the finished concrete. The proposed work is primarily aimed at improving the strength and durability properties of cement while maintaining the ecological balance. Therefore, utilizing the fact that when factory made derivatives such as silica dust, residual ash, and furnace steel residue derivatives are being used to fabricate an exclusive mixture of concrete mixes, for the early fabrication of high-capacity concrete, the percent rate of substitution is ideal for dual and ternary mixes. In addition to binary and ternary combinations to find out the bending properties of high capacity reinforced concrete beams, it can also be used with supplied factory made derivatives. The proposed research work utilizes the aforementioned ingredients that supply methodical and monetary payback, along with enhancing the strength and durability characteristics of concrete. The results seem to be very encouraging in case of SFC1, RAC1 and SSAC1 with 4.68, 1.53 and 13.68 % outperforming the other CC blends. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
120-125 |
26 |
Improvement the Efficiency of Rotary Cotton Seed Dryer: A Review
-Akshay Anasane ; Prof. Amol Pitale
It is the mechanical process and oldest method in in chemical, agricultural industry and it is also important in process industry. This technology in the processing of cotton seeds for withdrawing the cotton, cottonseed oil. Requirement of process is that practically 25 to 30% moisture is available in cotton seeds with weight so that the requirement is to reduce excessive moisture is only up to 8 to 9%. For completing the above motive, the Rotary cottonseed dryer is used in main industries. The Rotary dryer is basically dependent on performance of Dryer, variable mass flow rate of oil because this Rotary dryer is prefer in oil medium for better working and improve heating efficiency specific energy consumption and effective new efficiency. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
126-129 |
27 |
Improvement the Efficiency of Rotary Cotton Seed Dryer
-Akshay Anasane ; Prof. Amol Pitale
In a simple manner drying means remove the excessive solvent. Generally drying is a net movement of mass travel from one location to another that means drying is a mass transfer process and they remove water or another solvent by evaporation process from three phases like solid, liquid and semi solid. Drying is may be an old technology in a process industry and in the process of cotton seeds for removing the cottonseed oil and then produce cotton seeds in powder form for other use. As per cotton seed types or quality, the cotton seeds contain 25-30% of moisture by weight and it should be dried approximately or practically 8-9% of moisture is achieve. For fulfill the above purpose, the heating type of dryer is used that is called Rotary cotton seed dryer and performance and effect of the driver is only depends on mass flow rate of oil (used as oil medium) inlet temperature, ratio of volume changes to the moisture content changes above the shrinkage limit (shrinkage ratio), specific energy consumption and fresh efficiency. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
130-133 |
28 |
Study on Exposure of Reinforcing Bars and Concrete to Fire - A Review
-Sanjeev ; Er. Sumit Sharma; Er. Sohail
In this modern era, most of the buildings all over the world are made up of RCC. The increasing incidents of fire in buildings have increased the importance of assessment; repairs and rehabilitation of such buildings as these buildings are very costly. This field needs special expertise in many areas viz. concrete technology, structural engineering, material testing, and repairs and maintenance etc. A continuous effort through research and development programmes all over the world is being made in this specialized field. This topic gives us immense pleasure as we deal with the real life problems in this research. In this research, we gain the knowledge which is being used as a strategy for the rehabilitation of fire damaged buildings and by conducting proper assessment procedures by non-destructive techniques. In this research, we did various experiments so as to find out the effect of fire on the reinforcing bars in RCC buildings by taking 6 samples at 110°, 310°,610°,900° each for 3 hours. After heating the samples, they are cooled quickly by quenching in water and normally by air cooling. It is seen that there is a change in the mechanical properties of samples which are studied under universal testing machine (UTM) and for close look at reinforcing bars in a fire damaged structure, scanning electron microscope (SEM) is used. From conclusions, it is seen that most of the fire damaged RCC are restorable. The mechanical properties of all common building materials decrease with the elevation of temperature. The behavior of a RCC in fire conditions is governed by properties of constituent materials, concrete and steel at high temperature. Both concrete and steel undergo considerable change in their strength, physical properties, and stiffness by the effects of heating. It is also seen that above 900°C some of these changes are not recoverable after subsequent cooling. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
134-141 |
29 |
Design and Analysis of Rear Drive Axle of Go-Kart
-Shubham Singh
Go-Kart is a light weight, single seater, low cost, four wheeler, and open cabin vehicle without any suspension and differential gear box. It is generally powered with single cylinder IC engine of maximum capacity of 135 CC. It is very simple in construction and equipped with semi floating, solid rear axle that subjected to the static and dynamic loading. This paper is mainly focus on the design of rear drive axle of the go kart and its various possible load conditions. The rear axle of go-kart is very crucial part because it is responsible for the kart motion and also bear a large fraction of total load. This study helps to design the rear solid axle of the go-kart for the safe functioning during operation and also a deep understanding about various loading scenarios. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
142-146 |
30 |
Heart Disease Prediction Techniques: A Review
-Mr.Vijayandra Ashok Yeole ; Hemant Gupta
In the recent 10 years, heart disease has become the leading reason behind death within the world, that is calculable by the word Health Organization (WHO). Many sorts of cardiovascular disease square measure increasing day by day because of genetic drawback, method of life, Blood pressure, cholesterol level, heart rate etc. Therefore, diagnosing of the illness plays a very important role within the bar of heart issues connected. Researchers found other ways to investigate it. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
147-149 |
31 |
Static Analysis of Chassis Frame of Battery-Operated Three-wheeler
-Akshay Ashok Sutar ; Sanjay D. Yadav
Battery operated three-wheeler or electric tricycle is raising commercial and passenger transport form in India. The Chassis refers to the lower body of the vehicle. The chassis frame is one of the principal part of an automobile usually made up of steel material. It serves as a backbone to vehicle which supports the all major parts of an automobile. The chassis frame should have enough strength to withstand against the various loads like static load, Inertia load, loads due to acceleration and braking. Also, chassis frame is to have adequate bending stiffness and torsional stiffness for better handling characteristics. This paper presents static analysis of chassis frame of L5 category battery operated three-wheeler. The chassis is modeled by using CATIA V5R20 software and the static analysis (FEA) is performed in ANSYS software. The parameters checked in static analysis are the deformation of chassis frame under maximum loading and maximum induced equivalent stress under static condition. Read More...
Automobile Engineering |
India |
150-153 |
32 |
Seismic Performance of Multystoried Building with Diaphragm Discontinuity
-Mohini R Bhanwase ; Y.P. Pawar
Now a day’s many of structures are destructed totally or partially due to effect of earthquake. So it is very essential to determine the seismic response of each building. In multistoried building damages due to earthquake generally initiates at locations where there is presence of structural weaknesses. The major reasons of failure of structure during the earthquake are irregularities. Buildings with opening in slab re subjected to damages due to action of the lateral loads. There are many multistoried buildings provided with opening for the purpose of stair cases, lighting, architectural features or shafts. Openings are provided at various locations such as center, at corners end and at periphery with building having various shaped columns. This opening in diaphragms causes stresses at discontinues joints with building element. The effects of opening in slab were investigated. Therefore diaphragms are required to be designed as a part of the seismic force-resisting system of every new building as they distribute lateral forces to the vertical elements of lateral force resisting system. Diaphragms acts different according to configuration of the building and type of load acting on it. Concrete diaphragms having different elements which plays important role in resisting lateral forces. In this thesis an attempt is made to try to know the seismic performance of multistoried building with diaphragm discontinuity by comparing with seismic performance of multistoried building without diaphragm opening. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
154-156 |
33 |
Effects of Work Piece Characteristics on Wire Electrical Discharge Machining Process
-Partha Sarathi Basak
Extensive experiments were carried out to correlate cutting speed in WEDM process with wire diameter and work piece characteristics. It is evident that higher melting point and latent heat of fusion of materials reduces cutting speed. Powder compact materials like graphite and WC show very low cutting speed due to presence of pores. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
157-159 |
34 |
Microstrip Rectangular Patch Antenna
-Renu Kumari ; Vijeta
In telecommunication, a microstrip antenna normally way an antenna fabricated the usage of photolithographic strategies on a published circuit board. This paintings analyzes the overall performance enhancement of microstrip patch antenna via way of means of reading the numerous papers. The antennas are separated the usage of the distinctive antenna parameters like Radiation pattern, Gain, Return loss, Directivity and Radiation pattern.This paper characteristic the layout of Microstrip Patch Antenna and indicates the numerous feeding strategies this is microstrip feed line and coaxial probe feed. These antennas are designed on a skinny dielectric substrate for the numerous software of microstrip antenna. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
160-163 |
35 |
Study on Partial Replacement of Cement with Flyash and Addition of Bananafibre in Concrete
-Sahil Kumar ; Er. Sumit Kumar
Concrete is one of the materials that are widely used in construction all around the world. This material is widely used because it has several benefits such as more durable, energy-efficient, low maintenance, affordability, fire-resistance, excellent thermal mass and also versatility. My research is conducted to determine the properties of concrete, compressive strength, flexural strength and tensile strength of concrete, to produce good cementious material by using banana fiber. Agriculture waste material can help to increase the strength of concrete. The source of natural fiber are found in plant and they are readily environmental friendly and cheap. In addition, natural fiber ash has an excellent potential to improve the performance of concrete. In my study, compressive strength test was conducted to know the strength of concrete with three different temperatures. Banana trunk is cut layer by layer and bum in furnace with four different percentage compositions of banana fiber and fly ash. A total of 12 cubes with 150 mm x 150 mm x 150mm were used to determine the strength of concrete using banana fiber ash. All this specimens is cure for 7, 28 and 90 days using water curing method. 0.5% to 2% of banana fiber ash is added with fly ash 0-20% by weight. The materials use in my study is banana fiber ash, sand, cement, coarse aggregate, and water. The result analysis shows, the mix with 10% replacement of cement with fly ash achieved the maximum value of splitting tensile strength of 2.4 and 3.2 N/mm2 corresponding to 28 and 90 days of curing periods respectively. It was also concluded that specimen containing 10% replacement of cement with fly ash recorded increase in compressive strength of 27 N/mm2& 29 N/mm2 over the control specimen at 28 and 90 days of curing respectively. Specimens with 10% and 20% replacement of cement with fly ash achieved higher flexural strength than the plain concrete. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
164-166 |
36 |
Experimental Investigation on Behaviour of Waste Foundry Sand Concrete
-Shubham Khajuria ; Suhail Ashaq
Ease concrete generation by supplanting of fine sand with Foundry sand is another pattern and makes successfully utilization of Waste foundry sand as designing material by diminishing transfer and contamination issue. Waste foundry sand is waste material which seems to have the possibility to mostly supplant customary sand as fine aggregates in concrete, giving a reusing open door for them. With the quick advancement of development industry prompting extreme normal asset utilization and the crumbling of the earth, the logical inconsistency between the supportable improvement of development industry and the deficiency of assets will turn out to be increasingly serious. In the meantime, a lot of strong waste is created during the time spent development of new structures each year. The overall utilization of sand as fine aggregates in concrete generation is high and a few creating nations have experienced some strain in the supply of common sand with the end goal to meet the expanding needs of infrastructural improvement lately. To defeat the pressure and request of stream sand, analysts and professionals in the development businesses have distinguished a few choices. Natural river sand takes millions of years for its formation and is not renewable. As a substitute to natural sand, Artificial (Manufactured) sand is used as a complete replacement. The investigation centers around giving strength as equivalent as customary concrete. Test prompts the investigation of strength parameters as beam. Trial additionally prompts the exploration of synthetic and restricting properties of concrete. The present specialized report centers around exploring qualities of cement with halfway supplanting of fine total with Foundry Sand. In this study, The Sand is replaced with foundary sand by 15 %, 30 % and 45 % replacement. As per IS: 10262-1982 mix design was prepared for M25 grade and same design was used in preparation of test samples. After curing for 24hrs the samples were demoulded and subjected to compressive strength test and tensile split test for 7and 28 days. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
166-173 |
37 |
Improve Characteristics of Patch Antenna with Fractal Geometry
-Renu Kumari ; Vijeta
A microstrip antennas include more than one patches in a two-dimensional array. The antenna is typically related to the transmitter or receiver via foil microstrip transmission lines. The radio frequency modern-day is applied (or in receiving antennas the obtained sign is produced) among the antenna and floor plane. Microstrip antennas have end up very famous in latest a long time because of their skinny planar profile which may be included into the surfaces of customer products, plane and missiles; their ease of fabrication the usage of revealed circuit techniques; the benefit of integrating the antenna at the equal board with the relaxation of the circuit, and the opportunity of including lively gadgets which includes microwave incorporated circuits to the antenna itself to make lively antennas. This paintings explores the overall performance enhancement of microstrip patch antenna via way of means of analyzing the numerous papers. The antennas are analyzed the usage of the exclusive antenna parameters like Radiation pattern, Gain, Return loss, Directivity and Radiation pattern. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
174-177 |
38 |
Bank Loan Personal Modelling Using Classification Algorithms of Machine Learning
-Duggirala Akhil
Bank Loan is a major burden worldwide in the 21st century. Human services are overpowering national and corporate spending plans because of asymptomatic loans including education loans, business loans, etc. Consequently, there is an urgent requirement for early solution of such loans balances and finding the persons who are capable of buying the personal loan. The information which is collected is by data analysis of banks is utilizing by applying different blends of calculations and algorithms for the early-stage prediction of whether the person is able to pay the loan or the customer is liable to take personal loan. Machine Learning is one of the slanting innovations utilized in numerical circles far and wide in many fields. In this research, we compared the accuracy of machine learning algorithms that could be used for predictive analysis of loan clearance and predicting overall risks associated with it. The proposed experiment is based on a standard machine learning algorithms such as Logistic Regression, K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), Random Forest, Support Vector Machine (SVM), Decision Tree and Gradient Boosting. Most of the entities in this world are related in one or another way, at times finding a relationship between entities can help you make valuable decisions. Likewise, I will attempt to utilize this information as a model that predicts the person is able to pay the loan amount or not. Moreover, the data analysis is carried out in Python using Google Colab in order to validate the accuracy of all the Algorithms. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
178-183 |
39 |
A Review on Performance Affecting Parameters of a Waste Composting Machine
-Mr.Manoj kumar Yadav ; Arun Kumar Dwivedi
Waste management has become a serious environmental issue all over the world in paste few years. Most of the urban areas are facing this and bio gas. Adequate temperature and humidity may increase the conversion efficiency of a waste composting problem. It is observed that people residing in these areas are highly suffering with respiratory diseases in comparison to other areas. Proper management of waste material is the only solution of the problem. Method used for managing the waste is called composting. It is the process in which waste material on heating produces biological products like fertilizers machine. This paper includes a study of various parameters affecting the performance of composting machines. The purpose is to make an echo-friendly atmosphere with minimum hazardous wastes. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
184-185 |
40 |
Fuzzy Logic Based MPPT Control in Solar System
-Sakshi Jagtap ; Roshni Rahangdale
In the modern world, renewable energy is used regularly to increase the importance in the wake of the after effects of consuming conventional sources of energy. These unconventional sources of energy are virtually unlimited power sources and are environment friendly. So, Solar PV energy is the best among all the renewable energy technologies. There has been tremendous growth becasue of the easy availability of relatively efficient and low cost PV modules. In many application renewable energy system are broadly used, especially the use of a photovoltaic power energy panel, because it provides clean, easy and endless energy. To obtain the maximum value, it is necessary to calculate how to keep the system running at the MPP. This method is called the process of Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT). Read More...
EE (Power System) |
India |
186-189 |
41 |
Strength and Cost Comparison of Normal and High Volume Fly Ash Concrete
-Khushwant Rana ; Suhail Ashaq
with the growing urbanisation and development the demand of concrete does not seem to go dormant in the future. But due to limited supply of non-renewable constituents of concrete they are needed to be preserved for the future generations, so there is utmost necessity of using supplementary waste materials in concrete With advancement in science and technology it is made possible that the waste materials like fly ash, lime stone quarry fine, silica fume, blast furnace slag etc can be used as a supplement. Here we will study the effect of replacing cement with Fly Ash on strength and economy of concrete. In this present study first of all the need, scope and advantages of using High Volume Fly Ash Concrete is discussed .The existing records of research on use of Fly Ash in concrete is followed by the tests conducted on Aggregates like Sieve Analysis, Impact Value, Water Absorption Test etc. The properties of various materials used are also discussed. After that comes experimental programme which includes tests done on concrete samples casted in the study of grade M40 and M25 in which cement is replaced by Fly Ash in different percentages (28%,50% and 70%) and the strength characteristics of High-Volume Fly Ash Concrete is checked. Last portion of this study deals with the various observations made during the tests and results obtained after it based on which interpretations are made regarding the cost of the various concrete mix used in the study and conclusion are drawn based on which we can decide whether substituting cement with is suitable for a given project or not. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
190-198 |
42 |
Workout Analysis Using Deep Learning
-Neelay Jayantbharti Goswami ; Jainesh Ketan Desai; Keyur Navinbhai Kalavadiya
Doing exercise is really crucial for maintaining healthy lifestyle. Presently due to influence of various social media platforms a lot of people wish to achieve a better physique, but a lot of people tend to perform exercises incorrectly which results into damaging muscles where sometime damages caused becomes irreversible to overcome. In the present research, we used the deep learning's CNN algorithm to estimate the human pose and with the use of simple mathematical equation we can check whether the person practicing the exercise correctly or not. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
199-201 |
43 |
A Review Study of High Capacity RCC Beams on Bending
-Nasib Ul Islam Zarger ; Sumit Sharma
Undeniably, concrete is the most significant material for construction of structures across the globe for all types of frameworks and is the long lasting material due to its properties. In the past few decades, fabrication of high performance concrete(HPC) has attracted the attention of many researchers worldwide. High performance concrete is that concrete in which the working of concrete is better to that of ordinary concrete in terms of durability and strength properties. This research article derived its motivation from the fact that fabrication of HPC with factory made derivatives not only ensures high strength and durability but also is eco-friendly in nature. As a result, the principle admixtures used in this research are: Silica Dust, Residual ash and Steel Slag Aggregate. A range of tests (tests of Resistance of acid, test for Resistance of salt, sulphate and tests of water absorption)have been performed to observe the properties of admixtures prepared. Results show that SFSSAC, RASSAC, SFRAC and SFRASSAC admixture outperforms the other CC blend and seems to be very promising in the near future. Read More...
M.Tech in Structural Engineering |
India |
202-207 |
44 |
A Review Study on Cost Comparison of Normal and High-Volume Fly Ash Concrete
-Khushwant Rana ; Suhail Ashaq
With the growing urbanisation and development the demand of concrete does not seem to go dormant in the future. But due to limited supply of non-renewable constituents of concrete they are needed to be preserved for the future generations, so there is utmost necessity of using supplementary waste materials in concrete With advancement in science and technology it is made possible that the waste materials like fly ash, lime stone quarry fine, silica fume, blast furnace slag etc can be used as a supplement. Here we will study the effect of replacing cement with Fly Ash on strength and economy of concrete. In this present study first of all the need, scope and advantages of using High Volume Fly Ash Concrete is discussed .The existing records of research on use of Fly Ash in concrete is followed by the tests conducted on Aggregates like Sieve Analysis, Impact Value, Water Absorption Test etc. The properties of various materials used are also discussed. After that comes experimental programme which includes tests done on concrete samples casted in the study of grade M40 and M25 in which cement is replaced by Fly Ash in different percentages (28%,50% and 70%) and the strength characteristics of High-Volume Fly Ash Concrete is checked. Last portion of this study deals with the various observations made during the tests and results obtained after it based on which interpretations are made regarding the cost of the various concrete mix used in the study and conclusion are drawn based on which we can decide whether substituting cement with is suitable for a given project or not. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
208-218 |
45 |
Design & Analysis of Autonomous Solar Photovoltaic Hybrid System using D STATCOM
-Shraddha Khagendra Shelke ; Dr H T Jadhav
This paper presents a control algorithm for isolated solar photo-voltaic (PV)-diesel-battery hybrid system with integrated D-STATCOM. The admittance-based control algorithm is used for load balancing, harmonics elimination, and reactive power compensation under three-phase four-wire linear and nonlinear lo ads. The PV array is controlled using a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithm to obtain the maximum power under unpredictable operating conditions. The battery energy storage system (BESS) is incorporated with diesel engine generator set for the coordinated load management and power flow within the system. Further, the proposed system with the help of D-STATCOM improves the power quality problems and decreases the total harmonic distraction. A four-leg voltage-source converter with BESS also provides neutral current compensation. The performance of the proposed standalone hybrid system with integrated D-STATCOM is studied under different loading conditions developed MATLAB/Simulation of the system. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
219-224 |
46 |
Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer Characteristics of Trapezoidal Channel with Sharp Edged Wavy Plate
-Mudasir Ahmad Wani ; Neeraj Kumar
Warmth move gadgets have been utilized for transformation and recuperation of warmth in numerous modern and homegrown applications. More than fifty years, there has been deliberate exertion to create plan of warmth exchanger that can bring about decrease in energy necessity just as material and other cost sparing. Warmth move upgrade strategies for the most part diminish the warm obstruction either by expanding the powerful warmth move surface region or by creating disturbance. Now and then these progressions are joined by an expansion in the required siphoning power which brings about greater expense. The adequacy of a warmth move improvement procedure is assessed by the Thermal Performance Factor which is a proportion of the adjustment in the warmth move rate to change in rubbing factor. Different kinds of additions are utilized in many warmth move improvement gadgets. Mathematical boundaries of the supplement in particular the width, length, turn proportion, curve heading, and so on influence the warmth move. The current work presents an examination on execution investigation and ideal plan of warmth exchangers and warmth exchanger organizations. The examination remembers a trial examination of steam buildup for plate heat exchangers, ideal plan of plate heat exchangers and plate-blade heat exchangers, and streamlining of warmth exchanger organizations. In the current investigation heat move qualities is tentatively examined, because of pragmatic significance of warmth move improvement a need is felt to break down in an agent component of warmth exchanger. The examination includes assurance of the warmth move qualities in a trapezoidal formed channel with a sharp edged wavy plate. The exploratory investigation gives genuine data of temperature conveyance alongside the impact of various boundaries on heat move improvement. In the current investigation endeavor will be made to recommend another strategy for heat move improvement utilizing a trapezoidal channel for heat move upgrade in the warmth exchangers. The test contraption comprise of a rectangular conduit which was comprised of compressed wood. The complete length of the channel is 1750 mm. the contraption comprise of four sections, initial segment is the channel area having length of 500 mm, width 200 mm, stature 120 mm. The aftereffects of this work uncover that the trapezoidal plate with a sharp edged wavy plat as an age of different impacts, for example, disturbance enlargement and distribution of stream is a valuable gadget for improving warmth move in heat exchangers. Read More...
Manufacturing Technology |
India |
225-228 |
47 |
Study of a Trapezoidal Channel with Sharp Edged Wavy Plate for Heat Transfer Characteristics- A Review
-Mudasir Ahmad Wani ; Beenu Grover
Warmth move gadgets have been utilized for transformation and recuperation of warmth in numerous modern and homegrown applications. More than fifty years, there has been deliberate exertion to create plan of warmth exchanger that can bring about decrease in energy necessity just as material and other cost sparing. Warmth move upgrade strategies for the most part diminish the warm obstruction either by expanding the powerful warmth move surface region or by creating disturbance. Now and then these progressions are joined by an expansion in the required siphoning power which brings about greater expense. The adequacy of a warmth move improvement procedure is assessed by the Thermal Performance Factor which is a proportion of the adjustment in the warmth move rate to change in rubbing factor. Different kinds of additions are utilized in many warmth move improvement gadgets. Mathematical boundaries of the supplement in particular the width, length, turn proportion, curve heading, and so on influence the warmth move. The current work presents an examination on execution investigation and ideal plan of warmth exchangers and warmth exchanger organizations. The examination remembers a trial examination of steam buildup for plate heat exchangers, ideal plan of plate heat exchangers and plate-blade heat exchangers, and streamlining of warmth exchanger organizations. In the current investigation heat move qualities is tentatively examined, because of pragmatic significance of warmth move improvement a need is felt to break down in an agent component of warmth exchanger. The examination includes assurance of the warmth move qualities in a trapezoidal formed channel with a sharp edged wavy plate. The exploratory investigation gives genuine data of temperature conveyance alongside the impact of various boundaries on heat move improvement. In the current investigation endeavor will be made to recommend another strategy for heat move improvement utilizing a trapezoidal channel for heat move upgrade in the warmth exchangers. The test contraption comprise of a rectangular conduit which was comprised of compressed wood. The complete length of the channel is 1750 mm. the contraption comprise of four sections, initial segment is the channel area having length of 500 mm, width 200 mm, stature 120 mm. The aftereffects of this work uncover that the trapezoidal plate with a sharp edged wavy plat as an age of different impacts, for example, disturbance enlargement and distribution of stream is a valuable gadget for improving warmth move in heat exchangers. Read More...
Manufacturing Technology |
India |
229-234 |
48 |
Crop Sensors for Agriculture
-Bharath Reddy Pasham
There have been numerous investigations and exploration done on examining the samples that can be seen in the yield creation and foreseeing information of comparable nature. To survive the imperfections of conventional horticulture, for example, enormous work and labor prerequisite, no real time data accumulation, little observing zone, Wireless Sensor Network based exactness horticulture, expectation for expanding crop yield is finished utilizing data mining strategies. These hubs sense the natural boundaries like temperature, dampness, pH, NPK values. Examination is done on detected information which is caught from field what is more, put away in worker for additional examination. Hence, there is a need for an exceptional model that does expectation of the harvest yield however utilizes these farming boundaries to give results that help improving the harvest yield. The farmer or scientist can do effective cultivating utilizing this innovation. Read More...
Computer Science and Information Technology |
India |
235-236 |
49 |
Building Information Modelling in Construction Industry: A Review
-Anuj Kumar Sharma ; Er.Suhail Ashaq
Due to numerous steps of construction industry and its complicated and extensive structure, errors and reworks often might happen in this section. As such, BIM (Building Information Modeling) is regarded as a beneficial tool in minimizing the waste and improving the efficiency of building construction. This paper reviews and summarizes a substantial amount of requisite information relating to BIM from the literature reviews between 2005 and 2012. It has discussed the concept, explained the history, planning and implementation process and the benefits of using BIM in construction industry. Furthermore, the application of BIM in construction process of two specific projects has been explained. Additionally, the importance of BIM for architects, engineers and construction industry has been taken into consideration. In other words ,BIM can be used by engineers ,architects, project managers ,etc. in order to achieve these goals :To decrease design errors, To reduce clash detection, To boost the integration of cost and time, To improve the integration of design and construction phase, To increase the collaboration between different construction sections and finally to improve recycling. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
237-242 |
50 |
Efficiency of Pre Engineered Steel Buildings & Conventional Steel Buildings
-Keshav Tyagi ; Sumit Sharma; Rajesh Gargi
In recent years, the concept of Pre-Engineered Building (PEB) has helped Engineers in optimizing cost and time. In this study, an industrial ware house of length 60.13m, width 29.648m, with clear height 6.096m and having Roof -Slope1:10 has been modeled , analyzed and designed by selecting built-up tapered section made up of various thicknesses in mode-1 and standard Indian sections like ISMB in model-2. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
243-244 |