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Dynamic Formulation of Stiffness Matrix for Free Vibration Analysis
-Roundal Vijay Baburao ; Dr. Kashinath Haribhau Munde
The Wittrick–Williams algorithm is used as the solution technique when applying the dynamic stiffness matrix to compute the natural frequencies and mode shapes. This paper aims at the study of free vibration analysis investigated with the help of dynamic stiffness method. Research Papers having algorithm for computing natural frequencies of Elastic Structures and Dynamic Stiffness formulation are reviewed for free vibration analysis. Different paper discusses algorithm for determining the natural undamped frequencies of vibration of any linearly elastic structure. Finite Element Method is an approximate method, results of which cannot be guaranteed but it generally converges to the exact solution with increasing number of elements. Dynamic stiffness method retains all features of FEM but it is more accurate solution compared to FEM. Both techniques have different techniques where FEM uses linear Eigen Value problems and DSM uses non-linear Eigen Value problems which are solved by Wittrick–Williams algorithm. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1-5 |
2 |
Methodology for Dynamic Stiffness Matrix Formulation for Free Vibration Analysis
-Roundal Vijay Baburao ; Dr. Kashinath Haribhau Munde
This paper presents in general methodology for research, which incorporates methodology espoused for completing work and different periods of this investigation. Research methodology is way through which scientists need to lead their objectives. It shows way through which definition of issue as well as objective is completed. This proposed work as well as strategy section additionally shows how research result toward end will be acquired in accordance with meeting target of study. This section thus talks about exploration techniques that were utilized during research cycle. It incorporates research methodology of investigation from research strategy to result dissemination to outcome scattering. Subtleties of work done in each stage alongside apparatuses, procedures as well as models utilized have likewise been canvassed in detail here. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
6-9 |
3 |
Analysis and Optimization of a Connecting Rod
-Mr. Gorane Prathamesh S. ; Dr. Kashinath H. Munde
In the modern market the demand of the light weight vehicle is more so as to have good aesthetic view with speed and power. In the same process it is challenge to the modern design is to lower the weight of the vehicle. In the vehicle there are many important components such as engine, piston, crankshaft, connecting rod, valves etc. Connecting Rod is such a product which is a critical part of an Internal Combustion Engine. It is an intermediate link or a part or a member between the Crankshaft and the Piston. Piston needs to convert reciprocating motion into rotary motion. The piston pin exerts a push force whereas crank pin receives a pull force. Connecting rod is mainly responsible for transferring the power from the piston to Crankshaft. Connecting rod is manufactured in bulk quantity. Different materials are used to manufacture the Connecting rod. Steel, Alloy Steel and aluminum is the commonly used material for Connecting rod. This paper reviews the design methods used for connecting rod by various researchers, which can be seen from the following sections of the paper. This is an assessment of the current methodology for designing of a complex component such as connecting rod. Finally results are discussed. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
10-13 |
4 |
Finite Element Analysis of Optimized Connecting RoD
-Mr. Gorane Prathamesh S. ; Dr. Kashinath H. Munde
The main objective of this study was to explore weight reduction optimization for connecting rod. It contains a detailed report on load analysis. Therefore, in this study it deals with two subjects, Tensile & compressive load first and stress analysis of the connecting rod and, optimization for weight second. This paper deals with the static and fatigue analysis of the existing design of automotive connecting rod which is having 0.1277 kg of mass. Theoretical fatigue factor of safety of this design is 2.8. The critical area of the connecting rod is the crank end (big end). But this design is having fatigue life nearly equal to 1E008 cycle which is high and can be considered as infinite life. So by studying the connecting rod geometry we can remove some amount of material from it. That means we can modify this existing design to get sufficient life. Sufficient life means in the range of E006 cycles. After the modification in the design the mass of optimized connecting rod is 0.1127 kg. In the same process we have optimized the geometry of the connecting rod. While doing so we have modified the ‘I’ section of existing design. Because of which there will be increase in the stress at the critical location, but this increase in the stress tends to factor of safety of 2.1 and having fatigue life of 1E006which satisfying general criteria of E006 cycles. So by design modification we are offering sufficient life with 0.015 kg mass saving (13.30% weight reduction) with respect to existing design. Experimental validation is done on optimized connecting rod by testing the same on Universal Testing machine which gives the same braking load which is shown by FEA. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
14-17 |
5 |
Plasma arc Cutting Parameters Using Taguchi Method
-Chirag Kishor Kolambe ; Sambhaji.V.Sagare
In this paper, we have tested on a plasma arc cutting machine but by using the Taguchi method. This machine is accurate, high finishing. This process is very cheap than another process like laser cutting. In the market, this process has a high demand. In this paper, we will go to study the Cutting Speed and Arc Gap and another import factor in this process are using the Taguchi method by using Minitab 17. We went Analysis Taguchi Analysis: surface roughness, kerf versus speed, ... ideas, air gap. By using this method ANOVO we will find General Linear Model: surface roughness versus speed, ... ides, air gap In this research we will use Mild Steel E350. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
18-20 |
6 |
Study on Ambient Air Quility of Satna City M.P.
-Sadhana Chaurasia ; Arvind Singh yadav; Aman kumar gupta; Ashok Kumar Tiwari
Current research work is aimed for assessment of ambient air quality of Satna city. The objective of the study is to know the air quality of Satna city in residential, commercial and industrial area. The monitoring and estimation of PM2.5, PM10, Sox, & NOx was done at all the selected station. Significant variation was observed in distribution of particulate matter as the concentration of PM10 varied from 75.72-213.95 µg/m3 while PM2.5 was recorded 44.32-81.5 µg/m3 NOx & Sox were found within permissible limit at all the stations. After air samples analysis the results were compared with maximum permissible limit as per guidelines provided by Central Pollution Control Board New Delhi (CPCB) for National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS). Read More...
Environmental Science & Technology |
India |
21-23 |
7 |
An Experimental Study on Strength Behaviour of Concrete Using Rice Husk Ash and Coconut Shell for Various Structures
-Rahul Shrivastava ; P.C. Diwan
Concrete is a very wide issue in the civil engineering area. Modification of concrete is very essential for eco-friendly environment for present scenario. So using agricultural waste in concrete to modify the concrete and to reduce problems of waste disposal and land use to waste. The agricultural wastes which are employed in this project are Coconut shell and Rise husk ash. Coconut shells are by-products of coconut oil production. Coconut shells are used in the production of activated carbon due to hardness and high C content. Concrete using Coconut Shell aggregates resulted in acceptable strength required for structural concrete. Coconut Shell may offer it as a coarse aggregate as well as a potential building material in the area of construction industries and this would solve the environmental problem of thinning out the generation of solid wastes simultaneously. The Coconut Shell-cement composite is compatible and no pre-treatment is demanded.
Coconut Shell concrete has better workability because of the smooth surface on single position of the scales. The impact resistance of Coconut Shell concrete is high when compared with conventional concrete. Moisture retaining and water taking up capacity of Coconut Shell are more compared to conventional aggregate. Cost reduction of 40% can be achieved if coconut shells are used to replace gravel in concrete. The measure of cement content may be more when Coconut Shell is applied as an conglomeration in the production of concrete compared to conventional aggregate concrete. Thus cement can also be substituted by rice husk ash, which is an agricultural waste to cause it a low cost material. Rice husk ash (RHA) is a byproduct from the combustion of rice straw. This husk contains about 75 % organic volatile matter and the balance 25 % of the weightiness of this husk is converted into ash during the dismissal process, is known as rice husk ash (RHA). This RHA in turn contains around 85 % - 90 % amorphous silica. Thus Rise husk is replaced partially by cement and Coconut shell is replaced by aggregate in various dimensions.
Then the concrete specimen is compared with testing on 7th, 14th, and the 28th day with water cement ratio of 0.5. Compressive strength, tensile strength, workability, etc. Will be shown in the event. Granting to the results of RHA molds and coconut shell molds the ratios are formed from using RHA and coconut shell together in concrete. This concrete can be used in roads, embankments, garden flooring, etc. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
24-31 |
8 |
The Zubair Rayleigh Distribution
-K. Sai Swathi ; CH.V. Aruna; G. V. S. R. Anjaneyulu
In this paper, we introduce a new two parameter Zubair Rayleigh Distribution. A new method has been proposed to introduce an extra parameter to a family of distributions for more flexibility. The proposed family may be named as Zubair Rayleigh Distribution. Zubair Ahmad(2018), introduced The Zubair-G Family of Distributions method to add an additional parameter to a family of distributions to increase flexibility in given family The recommended distribution reveals Probability density function, Cumulative distribution function, Hazard function, Survival function, reverse hazard function and Cumulative Hazard function. Read More...
Statistics |
India |
32-33 |
9 |
Performance Based Bio diesel Production Using Cashew Nut Shell Oil as an Alternative Fuel
-Smita Kirtiwar ; Dr. Ashok More; Mrs. Pragati More
Currently, the higher Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from fossil fuels has made the policy makers, investors and researchers to think more of the substitution of fossil fuels to save the planet. As an alternative to conventional Petro-diesel fuel, biodiesel has shown great potential due to lower emissions of harmful gases. There are four primary ways to make biodiesel, direct use and blending, micro-emulsions, thermal cracking (pyrolysis) and transesterification. The utilization of liquid fuels such as biodiesel produced from Cashew Nut Shell Oil by transesterification process represents one of the most promising options as an alternative to conventional fossil fuels. In this paper, the extraction of oil from Cashew Nut Shells which are agro-waste from the Cashew Nut processing factories was done. Also, the extracted oil for further processes by transesterification to extract biodiesel from it using methanol (CH3OH) and potassium hydro-xide (KOH) was done. Oil content in Cashew Nut shell was approximately 35.5% by wt. Physical properties of produced biodiesel was tested. Recovery of high-quality glycerol from biodiesel is an option to be considered to lower the cost of biodiesel. Read More...
Environmental Engineering |
India |
34-37 |
10 |
Deep learning Performance with Random Forest HTM Cortical Learning and TenzorFlow Library
-Betty Mary Jacob ; Deepthy S; Simi Elizabeth Jacob; Ajeesh S; Nisha Mohan P.M
Merged version from Random Forest and HTM Cortical Learning Algorithm. The methodology for improving the performance of Deep learning depends on the concept of minimizing the mean absolute percentage mistake which is an indication of the high performance of the forecast procedure. In addition to the overlap duty cycle which its high percentage is an indication of the speed of the processing operation of the classifier. The outcomes depict that the proposed set of rules reduces the absolute percent mistakes by using half of the value. And increase the percentage of the overlap duty cycle with 30%. Deep learning has achieved success in the field of Computer Vision, Speech and Audio Processing, and Natural Language Processing. It has the strong learning ability that can improve utilization of datasets for the feature extraction compared to traditional Machine learning Algorithm. Different is the essential building block for creating a deep Neural Different. The different model is the more general computational model. It analyzes the unsupervised data, making it a valuable tool for data analytics. A key task of this paper is to develop and analyze learning algorithm. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
38-40 |
11 |
Ambiguity With Building Data Science Profession Team Roles and The Need for a Framework
-Nisha Mohan P.M ; Deepthy S; Simi Elizabeth Jacob; Vidya Vijayan; Betty Mary Jacob
Data Science requires a multi-disciplinary approach with a link to Big Data and data driven technologies. The paper provides how the proposed EDSF can be used for designing effective Data Science and reports the experience of implementing EDSF. The benefits of well-defined roles and then discusses the lack of standardized roles within the data science community. It reports on five case studies exploring five different attempts to define a standard set of roles. These case studies explore the usage of roles from an industry perspective as well as from national standard big data committee efforts. These case studies to explore the use of data science roles within online job. Some roles appeared, such as data specialist and data engineer, no role was used across all five case studies. Hence, the paper by noting the need to create a data science workforce framework that could be used by students, employers, and academic institutions. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
41-43 |
12 |
PLC Based Water Level Control System
-Virendra Patel ; Dr. Shivangini Morya
A PLC is a digital computer used for automation of electromechanical processes and industry purpose. This is a very most important for automation that this type project safe a water and any type of boiler automation system at which some time. I have used Siemens plc for water level control system. In this type plc is a very simple programming language so that this project used a four float switch sensor. Two float switch sensor is used a upper tank and two float switch sensor is used bottom tank. It is on this platform that the need to minimize or check water wastage arouse. Water is a free gift of nature but due to its indispensability to human existence; it should be conserved for the purpose of constant availability or sufficiency. Moreover, in order to take a good care of this problem of wastage, there is need for the construction of water level controller this will guide against unnecessary wastage of water, for it will make a reasonable quantity of water to be used a any time. In this project, effort has been made to construct a water controller that is capable of controlling the electric water pumping motor operation in regard switching on or off at predetermined level of water in the storage tanks or reservoirs. This project also gives the clarity of advantage of using an automatic method of controlling level over human or manual control method. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
44-47 |
13 |
Assessment of Hydrogeological Characteristics for the State of Bihar, India Using Digital Elevation Model
-Amit Kumar ; Ramanand; Maya; Faiz Ahmad Siddiqui
In this study an attempt has been made to assess the hydrogeological characteristics of the Bihar State, India. We determined stream order, flow direction, slope, hill shade, drainage density, form factor and rainfall variability in the study area. In order to calculate these parameters, Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) elevation, gridded rainfall data, and, Geographical Information System (GIS) have been used. The drainage density of the study area varies from 0.4724 to 0.5663 which indicates that the presence of permeable subsoil and coarse texture. Strahler’s stream ordering system were followed and found that stream order of the study area varies up to 9. Slope of the study area is found between 00 and 750. The study also reveals that streams generally flows in north- south direction with total number of stream varies from 786 to 6723. The average stream length of all segments is 131.63km. Bihar gets maximum rainfall in northern parts in comparison to other parts and also suffers to frequent flooding. Read More...
Master of Science |
India |
48-51 |
14 |
Experimental Analysis of Effect of Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticles on Wear Properties and Micro Hardness of Dental Composites
-Madhumita Abhay Joshi ; Dr. Umesh V.Hambire
Wear is a very natural and inevitable phenomenon .considering human teeth, wear of human teeth is the concern. Natural ageing, chemicals in food, chewing and biting action causes wear over the whole life span of human. While selecting the restorative material, wear resistance and microhardness are the two basic propertites which are to be prioritized amongst other mechanical properties of dental restorative materials. In this study two different restorative materials are taken under study. The influence of incorporation of Hydroxyapatite nano particles into dental composite has been studied here. the wear loss and microhardness of dental composites are investigated at different percentages of hydroxyapatite using a reciprocating tribometer and digital microhardness tester respectively. Frictional force, coefficient of friction is taken into account for comparison. The results show that as percentage of Hydroxyapatite increases, wear resistance and microhardness also increases. From the results it can be concluded that hydroxyapatite contributes to the hardness and wear resistance of dental composite. Read More...
Production Engg. |
India |
52-54 |
15 |
Six Axis Material Handling Robot (Production Increased Process)
-Dholariya Ravikumar Keshubhai
Moving materials utilize time and space. Material handling is a necessary, but wasteful and expensive activity in manufacturing and distributing. Material handling is a specialized activity for a modern manufacturing concern. It has been estimated that about 60-70% of the cost production is spent in material handling activities. Insufficient material handling accounts for additional costs in two main ways: idle time and cost of labour. Effective material handling solutions can reduce a production or distribution cost by significant amounts. The technology of pneumatics has gained tremendous importance in the field of workplace rationalization and automation from old-fashioned timber works and coal mines to modern machine shops and space robots. Certain characteristics of Servo motor have made this medium quite suitable for used in modern manufacturing and production industries. Servo Motor through rotate360 degree words: Robotic Arm, Material Handling System, Pneumatics, robotics arm rotates. Read More...
Advance Manufacturing System |
India |
55-58 |
16 |
Development of High Strength Concrete Using Quarry Dust as Fine Aggregate
-Omendra Kumar ; Anuj Verma - Assistant Professor
High strength and high-performance concrete are being widely used now days all over the world. In the developed countries use of high-strength concrete in the structures today has resulted in both technical, economical advantages. In high strength concrete, it is necessary to reduce the water-cement ratio and which in general increases the cement content. To overcome low workability problems different kinds of pozzolanic mineral admixtures and super-plasticizers are used to achieve the required workability. At the same time decrease of ingredient concrete and their cost are increasing day by day demanding the promotion of utilization of suitable waste materials as an alternative. Particularly substitute to conventional sand in concrete are given prime importance due to many social-economical and budget-oriented problems. The present work deals with the development of quarry dust concrete with total replacement of conventional sand with quarry dust and the study is made with systematic views with sequential steps. The suitability of quarry dust as alternative materials for the river sand in concrete manufacturing is studied. The grade of concrete is M25 or M30 was prepared with 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, and 80% partial replacement of sand with quarry dust. The physical properties of quarry dust namely specific gravity; water absorption; silt content; and fineness modulus were measured using standard tests. This was followed by compression, split tensile, and bending tests on cubes, cylinders, and RC beams respectively to study the strength of concrete made of quarry rock dust. The results were compared with conventional concrete (0%). The results showed that with an increasing proportion of quarry dust, the strength increased to a peak value (at 40%) followed by a subsequent drop in strength and a decreased workability. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
59-61 |
17 |
Decision Tree Manipulation of Machine Learning Procedure In Underwriting Task
-Deepthy S ; Ajeesh S; Simi Elizabeth Jacob; Vidya Vijayan; Nisha Mohan P.M
Decision tree manipulation is one of the useful approaches for extracting classification knowledge. The most popular dynamic knowledge used in the decision tree generation is the minimum entropy. This dynamic knowledge has a serious disadvantage-the poor generalization capability. Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a classification technique of machine learning based on statistical learning theory. It has good generalization. Considering the relationship between the classification margin of support vector machine (SVM) and the generalization capability, the large margin of SVM can be used as the dynamic knowledge of decision tree, in order to improve its generalization capability. Comparing with the binary decision tree using the minimum entropy as the dynamic knowledge, the task show that the generalization capability has been improved by using the new dynamic. Then the in complete database of insurance company is mined by the data mining’s association rule procedure. Thirdly the Support Vector Machine (SVM) is applied to the underwriting task to classify the applicants. Finally the directions for improving this procedure is pointed out. The procedure proposed in this paper has promising future in underwriting task. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
62-63 |
18 |
Prediction of Cutting Forces during Hard Turning of AISI 52100 Steel Using Regression Analysis and Artificial Neural Networks
-Malik Umair Mushtaq ; Er. Mukesh Kumar
The measuring of cutting forces in hrad turning is an important factor. The cutting force of a certain material represents the machinibility of such materail, it also reflects how quickly a tool can wear and also the vibrations that can occur during machining. So it is clear that for condition monitoring aswell as for process optimization, the measurement of cutting forces becomes fundamental. This Paper deals with a prediction of Cutting forces in a Hard turning process of AISI 52100 steel with the help of regression models and artificial neural networks. The objective of this dissertation is to develop artificial neural networks and multiple regression models to predict the cutting forces developed during hard turning of A.I.S.I 52100 steel using PCBN cutting tools. In this research, a hard turning model was developed to evaluate the effect of machining parameters and nose radius of cutting tool on the cutting force. The model was authenticated by comparing the cutting forces with the experimental results. In this ANN was used which is a network of artificial neurons (sometimes called perceptron) inspired by the biological neural networks that constitute human brain. The artificial neuron that constitutes the neural network is a simplified mathematical representation of the real neuron found in human brains. The experiments are planned based on taguchi design and measured cutting forces were compared with the predicted forces in order to validate the feasibility of the proposed design. The percentage contribution of each process parameter had been analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Read More...
Mechanical Engg |
India |
64-68 |
19 |
Multi Solar Grid Connectivity
-Akash Kumar Gupta ; Pulkit Tiwari
Photo voltaic systems are widely operated in grid-connected and a stand-alone mode of operations. Power fluctuation is the nature phenomena in the solar PV based energy generation system. In the grid-connected condition when solar radiation is insufï¬cient and unable to meet load demand, the energy is accessed from grid via net meter which makes more reliability in the consumer ends. Some renewable energy projects are large scale, but renewable technologies are also suited to rural and remote areas in developing countries, where energy is crucial to human development. Microgrids are the frameworks that incorporate distributed generation (DG) units, energy storage systems (ESS) and loads, controllable burdens on a low voltage system which can work in either stand-alone mode or grid-connected model. In grid-connected mode, the microgrid alters power equalization of free market activity by obtaining power from the main network or offering energy to the grid to boost operational advantages. The advantage is reduction of cost with respect to generation-based subordinate administrations including decreased requirement for electricity storage equipments, and power generation cost, for fuel and wear. Furthermore, energy storage can give the greater part of the subordinate administrations and the same energy storage unit can be utilized for other purposes. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
69-73 |
20 |
Photovoltaic Monitoring System with Transformer less Grid Connectivity
-Ankit Kumar Prajapati ; Pulkit Tiwari
Amongst the renewable source of energy, the photovoltaic power systems are gaining popularity, with heavy demand in energy sector and to reduce environmental pollution around caused due to excess use non-renewable source of energy. Transformerless inverter topologies are introduced for small scale grid connected PV system due to their high efficiency, lower cost, and high power density. However, leakage current is the main concern in these inverters which needs to be addressed carefully. The leakage current increases the total harmonic distortion (THD) of the grid current, electromagnetic interference, and system losses, and it causes personal safety problems. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
74-77 |
21 |
Analysis of 40% Blend of Different Biodiesel on Tribological Property of IC Engine Components
-Dr. Venkata Sundar Rao K ; Dr. Shreeprakash B
In diesel engine, only air is compressed by the piston and the fuel is injected into the chamber towards the end of the compression stroke. Friction, wear and lubrication are the fields of interest in the study of tribology. The friction is the resistance offered by one solid body to the motion of other solid body. When two mating surfaces moving under the force, the actual material removal takes place and hence results in reduction in the material. This leads to the error in operation. Lubrication is the act of protection against friction and is essential for minimized sliding friction. Analysis is carried out using the different blends of biodiesel considered for the experiments to investigate the variation of surface roughness (Ra) value (in microns) for the IC engine components. The blend of 60% Diesel + 40% Hippe oil has better lubrication properties exhibited as compared to diesel and other biodiesel blends considered. Read More...
Engineering |
India |
78-79 |
22 |
Voltage Stabilization of Hybrid Vehicle
-Nawaz Sharif ; Bhupendra Kumar
Battery electric vehicle (BEV) is one such form of alternative transportation that has the potential to become the most commercially successful technology amongst the numerous technologies proposed by researchers across the globe. BEVs use electric energy, stored in the form of chemical energy, to drive the vehicle, or share a considerable amount of power demand with the conventional internal combustion engine. Depending upon the degree of power shared, the BEVs are classified into Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs), which partly rely on the internal combustion engine, and Electric Vehicles (EVs) that are completely void of any form petroleum consumption. The voltage generated in such systems has a large noise parameter. In this project we have developed a hybrid electric vehicle system with voltage stabilization using the proportional integral controller. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
80-85 |
23 |
Pushover Analysis of Multi-Storeyed Structure in Using SAP 2000 Software
-M C Paliwal ; Bablu Mansuri
Seismic Excitations are the most devastating natural hazards in terms of life and property loss of any region. About 60% of the land area of our country is likely to damaging levels of seismic hazard. The response of the structure during earthquake greatly depends on the size, geometry and shape of the structure. The earthquake investigators repeatedly confirm that the irregular structure suffer more damage than the regular structure. The present study is to evaluate the seismic performance of G+6 RCC building frame subjected to earthquake forces. The structures are modelled and analysed using SAP 2000 software. Comparison of seismic response of the structure in terms of base shear and displacement along with the location of the plastic hinges at the performance point of all the models are considered. Based on the above response parameters, the results and conclusions are drawn. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
86-89 |
24 |
Assessing Air Quality of Urban and Industrial Area A Review
-Jitendra Kumar ; Shail Kumari; Sanny
In developing countries rapid industrialization, urbanization and vehicular traffic leads to the deterioration of air quality. It is an appropriate time for taking necessary step to check air pollution. Due to increase deforestation and pollution level in developing country, researchers need to find perfect plant species for plantation in polluted area. Air Pollution Tolerance Index (APTI) and Anticipated performance index (API) are the green technologies to assess impact of air pollution on different plant species, to decrease the air pollution by growing high tolerant plants species near industries and road side, to indicate the air pollution by plants with high tolerance index and to develop the green belt. This kind of initiative is very imperative to optimize environmental problem especially in urban and industrial localities with the help of plants, selected on the basis of their APTI and API value. Read More...
Environmental Science & Technology |
India |
90-93 |
25 |
Performance and Analysis of Al2O3 Nano-fluid, Water in Radiator
-Pranav Jayvant Mule ; Rahul Navnath Nalawade
In radiators and thermal exchangers, nanofluids are suitable substitutes for cooling fluid. To increase the radiator's efficiency, materials with higher thermal properties are required. One of the methods for rising heat transfer in radiators is the use of nanofluids. The cooling of the car radiator was explored by the use of nanofluids in this study. Results of the research indicated that the used nanofluids can increase heat transfer up to 50%. Reduction in size and weight of the radiators are among the achievements of this research. In addition to reducing the production cost, better designation of cars is possible when the radiator becomes smaller in size. Better cooling, on the other hand, has beneficial effects on fuel consumption and lowers the amount of fuel consumption. In heat transfer fluids that are normally water or ethylene glycol, nanofluids are formed by stable dispersion of nanoparticles. A system similar to a car radiator cooling system was developed and produced in this study. By varying the amount of Al2O3 nano particles blended with base fluid water, three different concentrations of nano-fluid 0.5%, 1%, 1.5% (by vol.) were obtained. The size of nanoparticle used was 100 nm. Nanofluid (2 to 8 mixture of water to Al2O3) was used instead of radiator cooling fluid. –Al2O3- WATER is used as nanoparticles in this project. Al2O3- water nanofluids consisting of 20±2 nm diameter particles at three different particle mass concentrations of 1%, 3% and 5% are used as the working fluid. The fluid inlet temperature was varying from 40°C to 75°C to find the optimum inlet condition. Results demonstrate that increasing coolant flow rate can improve the heat transfer performance. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
94-98 |
26 |
Analysis and Design of Composite Girder with Curve for DFC Loading with STADD Pro
-Rajan Kumar ; Vikesh Singh
Composite concrete structures are where different materials are bonded to the concrete to form a combined structural shape. The most common example is when a reinforced concrete deck slab is poured on top of a prefabricated beam. The beams are usually concrete girders or steel beams. Here we design a composite girder length 31.9 m (c/c of bearing) with 2.34° curve for DFC loading according to RDSO drawing with 0° curve. In this design we analysis self-weight and live load manually and SIDL, WC and Construction load from Stadd Pro software. Generally, when I observed that in curve bending moment changes in every point but in straight girder, bending moment change after some intervals. When we use curved girder we fabricate in curve and also increase that property. At construction stage all the loads (green concrete weight of slab, self-weight of girder, weight of shuttering) will be taken by non-composite section - only steel girder. Superimposed dead load and live loads are to be taken care of by the composite section. The cross girders / cross bracings shall be analysed and designed as simply supported members to avoid complicated connection details. In case of dead load, superimposed dead load and live load analysis, composite section properties of girders have been determined considering concrete as uncracked. I am changing the curved girder into the straight girder for that cases we provide two extra end stiffener and increase the grade of concrete. That causes our designed will be safe. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
99-103 |
27 |
Experiment Investigation on Use of Vegetable Oils as I.C. Engine Fuels- A Review
-Chinmay Mandal
The mounting industrialization and motorization of the planet has led to a vertical rise for the demand of petroleum products. Petroleum based fuels are obtained from limited reserves. These finite reserves are highly intense in certain regions of the planet. Therefore, those countries not having these resources are facing a foreign exchange crisis, mainly due to the import of crude oil. Hence, it is necessary to look for alternative fuels, which can be produced from materials available within the country. In addition, the use of vegetable oil as fuel is less polluting than petroleum fuels. This paper reviews the production and characterization of vegetable oil as well as the experimental work carried out in various countries in this field. In addition, the scope and challenge being faced in this area of research are clearly described. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
104-105 |
28 |
Future of Electric Vehicle in India Challenges and Opportunity
-Vikram Yadav
Electric cars are a modern form of transport that has no climate, noise emissions and environmentally sustainable means of transport. India is the biggest market for electric vehicles and government aims to become a nation for electric vehicles by 2030 is an optimistic initiative, and this study is conducted to evaluate people's acceptability of electric vehicles and their effect on the automotive industry. In this study we tried to find the views of citizens and their knowledge of the electric car, to resolve certain electric vehicle limitations and will embrace them wholeheartedly. FAME scheme to increase the adoption of electric vehicles by masses was initiated by the government of India. The modelling assessment spans the duration from 2010 to 2050 and analyses potential demand for the EV in Indian under three scenario: i) a "test" scenario, which involves the continuity of the current EV policies as illustrated by India's Expected Nationally Defined Contribution (INDC); The study of scenarios determines penetration of Evs and its co-benefits and co-costs. The joint advantages are local air quality, domestic energy protection and CO2 emissions in India whilst the co-cost (risk) of procurement of battery and battery reprocessing and disposal raw materials. Read More...
Managment |
India |
106-109 |
29 |
TPM Implementation and OEE Evaluation in Manufacturing Industries an Empirical Study
-K. Mallikharjuna Rao ; Dr. Geeta S. Lathkar
Total Productive Maintenance is practical technique aimed at maximizing the effectiveness of facility that we use within our organization .Total productive maintenance establishes a system of productive maintenance, covering the entire life cycle of equipment, covers all department, involves participation of all employees from top to bottom and promotes small group autonomous activities. During high growth era companies are making technical progress in automation and centralization of the plants, which needs large amount of manual work to maintain the automation systems. The strategy of maintaining the equipment of a plant is crucial for the effectiveness of manufacturing. And, as the competitive environment in the world continues to increase the pace, our project work intends to help companies to look for new strategies to save on costs, develop employees to face future challenges and bring about a new culture at work place. To carry out successful implementation of our work, firstly, literature review was done thoroughly to understand the underlying concepts of TPM. Further, empirical study was conducted about the sophisticated Printing Press machines & Packaging machines based on real time data and analysis was done to obtain achievable results. Finally questionnaires were distributed to evaluate information on successful implementation of TPM in the industry. Results obtained through the empirical study reveals the varying trends in the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) and Total Productivity of the machines taken up for the study. The average values of OEE were found to lie between the ranges of 15% to 60% against world class standards of 85% and Total Productivity (TP) varies between 0.09 to 0.34. The results highlight the major causes resulting in the downtime and decrease in the productivity. A comparative study between World Class industries where TPM has been implemented and industries which do not follow. TPM identifies the various problems leading to decrease in the overall efficiency of the industry and provides valuable suggestions focusing on the benefits and methodology for implementing TPM in industries. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
110-118 |
30 |
Comparative Analysis of Eccentrically Loaded Footing Using Sap2000 - A Literature Review
-Ravi Prakash Nagar ; Rahul Sharma
If a foundation subjected to lateral loads and moments in addition to vertical loads, eccentricity in loading results. The point of application of the resultant of all loads would lie outside the geometric centre of the footing, resulting in eccentricity in loading. The eccentricity e is measured from the centre of footing to the point of application normal to the axis of footing. The maximum eccentricity normally allowed is B/6 where B is the width of the footing. The basic problem is to determine the effect of eccentricity on the ultimate bearing capacity of footing. When a footing is subjected to an eccentric vertical load, it tilts towards the side of the eccentricity and the contact pressure increases on the side of the tilt and decreases on the opposite side. When the vertical load Qultreaches the ultimate load, there will be a failure of the supporting soil on the side of eccentricity. As a consequence, settlement of the footing will be associated with tilting of the base towards the side of eccentricity. If the eccentricity is very miniature, the load required to create this type of failure is about alike to the load obligatory for produce a proportioned general shear failure. Failure occurs due to intense radial shear on the side of the plane of symmetry, while the deformation in the zone of radial shear on the other side is still insignificant. For these grounds, the failure is always related with a heave on that face towards which the footing tilts. The footing is designed as rigid structure therefore the actual pressure distribution below footing for concentric loaded footing is considered as uniform ( P/A ) where P is the total load transferred to footing & A is are of the footing. In case of eccentrically loaded footing the base pressure does not remain uniform for full length/width of the footing. The maximum pressure given by Pmax = (P/A+ M/I*y), this value exceeds the ultimate bearing capacity of soil, ultimate thus the underneath soil yields. This Yielding of soil causes redistribution of soil Pressure. This process continuous till a stable base pressure diagram is developed (Bowles 1992), a number of reference which results in uniform pressure diagram with restricted width of the footing. The footing is designed for ultimate pressure diagram. The actual pressure diagram is not uniform as per this assumption in the soil media as proved analytically and experimentally too. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
119-123 |
31 |
Review of Comparison of Shell and Tube Type Heat Exchanger by Experimental and CFD Analysis
-Pushpendra Kumar Yadu ; Sudhir Singh Rajput
These paper is based on the review of the previous paper published on titled of comparison of shell and tube type heat exchanger by experimental and CFD analysis. Analysis has been perform in two different phases, in first phase we prepare one setup of shell and tube type heat exchanger with brass tube for shell and cold water for straight copper tube of 500 mm for hot water due to its good thermal conductivity. After the experimental study a computational fluid dynamic analysis was perform by creating a virtual model in CFD environment. The CFD model has created according to the physical parameter of experimental setup and same boundary condition has provided to analysis the performance of heat exchanger. The solution obtained for each combination of velocity and temperature input and corresponding output is stored in the form of solution table and graph. After the CFD analysis a comparative study has been performed to know the effectiveness of heat exchanger. Read More...
Thermal Engineering |
India |
124-127 |
32 |
To Study and Implementation of Image Compression Using Inexact Computing
-Manila Jain ; Ritu Shrivastava
This paper suggests a new method for digital image processing; it focuses on incorrect computation to solve some of the problems associated with discrete cosine transformation (DCT) compression. The suggested system has three stages of processing; the first stage uses estimated DCT for image compression to remove all computing intensive floating-point multiplication and to perform DCT processing with integer additions and, in some situations, logical right / left changes. The second level also decreases the volume of data (from the first level) that need to be processed by extracting the frequencies that cannot be sensed by human senses. Finally, in order to minimize power consumption and latency, the third stage incorporates incorrect circuit level adders for computing the DCT. For measurement, a collection of structured images is compressed using the proposed three-level system. Different figures of merits (such as energy consumption, delay, power-signal-to-noise-ratio, average-difference, and absolute-maximum-difference) are compared to existing compression methods; an error analysis is also pursued confirming the simulation results. Results show very good improvements in reduction for energy and delay, while maintaining acceptable accuracy levels for image processing applications. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
128-133 |
33 |
A Hybrid (Solar & Wind) Energy System for Domestic Application
-Ms.Manjusha Patel ; Prof.H.K.Tandon
Nowadays various essential things or object compulsory for the human life such as electricity, water, energy, foods etc. electricity is one of them without this we can’t imagine human life so smoothly, there are various sources are available to generate or produce the electricity such as non-renewable energy sources and renewable energy sources. The permanent increase in the energy demand is considered as one of the most critical issue nowadays. Besides, as conventional power sources are limited and have adverse effects on the planet, has necessitated an imperative search for renewable energy which causes no pollution of the earth. Majority of the residential PV systems work in the grid connected mode, in which excess power is injected to the grid during the day time and power is received from the grid at night. However, in remote areas where the grid extension is not feasible, HRESs are used in the standalone mode for individual houses or in micro grids (MGs) where several houses are connected to form a small power grid The Dynamic performance of the proposed hybrid system is tested under different environmental conditions such as changes of solar irradiance and wind speed. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
134-140 |
34 |
RSA Encryption Algorithm for Secured Grid Computing Data Transmissions
-S.Ramya ; Dr.T.Kokilavani
RSA encryption algorithm is a public key encryption technique and is considered as the most secure way of encryption and it is used for a long time. Our delicate data is placed in another infrastructure such as in the Grid Computing environment and the security worries increases with that. At that time, it is difficult to be guaranteed that our data is in the safe place. Thus, authentication has become the most important factor relating to this. There are many ways that has been discussed in the grid computing on the safe, efficient and scalable authentication that are either virtual centric or resource centric. Most of the grid computing uses public key infrastructure to secure the identification, but the exposure factor are still cannot be avoid. In order to satisfy the security need of grid computing environment, we design an alternative authentication mechanism using RSA encryption algorithm to secure the user identification. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
141-144 |
35 |
Strength Enhancement and Experiment on Conventional Leaf Spring Wrapping By Composite Material
-Mr. Juber M Latif ; Ambaprasad M.Naniwadekar
The oldest vehicle suspension gadgets currently in active use are potentially leaf springs. The key focus of the current scenario was the strengthening of car suppliers. In order to maximize strength, improved material, refining architecture and enhancing production processes can be accomplished primarily. The extra material for leaf spring is included in this dissertation. The new Leaf spring is used, which consists of composite material and increases strength. A vibration study of composite leaf spring with non-linear parameters is the main objective of the research. Composite Leaf Spring is carried out here in contrast to the Steel Leaf Spring, free and force vibration analysis. The nonlinear study of vibration is done. CATIA and ANSYS tools for this purpose were used respectively for three-dimensional modelling and analysis. Compared with experimental Findings, the virtual results. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering Design |
India |
145-148 |
36 |
Design and Development of Audio Interfaced Humanoid Robot
-Priyanka Trivedi ; Prajakta Tare; Rachana Dharashive
In this project, the main objective is to let the student make their own project based on their own idea. We are going to make a chatbot to perform no. of tasks automatically. A chatbot performs a task automatically with the intention of interacting with humans while bots perform automated tasks often behind the scenes, a chatbot must engage in the exchange of information such as checking flight times or listing openings for reservations It is a conventional agent used to interact with the user on some particular topics in understandable language. Normally, any chatbot comprises of the ability to reply to answers to some particular fields and questions set according to it. In order to achieve rapport in human-robot interaction, it is important to express a reactive emotion that matches with the user’s mental state. The study of speech emotion recognition has advanced greatly over recent years. In particular, it has become possible to infer users’ emotion from their voice. Speech emotion recognition is still a challenging problem because some emotions also depend much on text information. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
149-153 |
37 |
A Comprehensive Report on Lathe Transmission System
-Faraz Ahmad Khan ; Ram Krishna Rathore
In lathe's in order to acquire adequate machining operation effective transmission system is required with proper wide range of speed option (step or step down). Generally, in lathe transmission system, a combination of gear trains is there which increases or decreases the of spindle shaft which is been coupled with the transmission system. To increase the life of the lathe transmission system against fatigue failure, which occurs because of repetitive tensile stresses at the root of the gear tooth of transmission system is a quite challenging task. The inability of gears is very sudden against fatigue loading without giving any indications of failure. Many researchers gave practical ways for improving the gear design of transmission system like, the use of advanced material, harden the gear surface by heat treatment and carburization, improve the surface finish by shot penning method, changing the pressure angle, use asymmetric gear tooth, modify the shape of root fillet curve, etc. In this paper a comprehensive report has been presented which reveals the significant contribution of various researchers in improving the technology of Lathe transmission system or gear train. Read More...
Production Engineering |
India |
165-168 |
38 |
A Comprehensive Review on Advancement and Failure of Cutting Tool
-Judhisti ; Ram Krishna Rathore
In present times, with the advancement in the modern machining process with the implication of all the sophisticated equipment and techniques the forming of a metal chips will remain the same. In the metal manufacturing process machining is an important parameter to acquire good dimensional precision, near net shape and even for aesthetic requirements also. Many researchers and scientists are still working in the field of improving the cutting efficiency of a cutting tool to achieve mirror like surface finish. They also worked in the era of exploring the life of cutting tool in order to optimize the rate of the production and to reduce the cost of production, which is highly acceptable to the manufacturing Industry. In this paper a comprehensive review has been presented which focus on cutting tool advancement and failure. Read More...
Production Engineering |
India |
169-173 |
39 |
Effect of Varying Jet Velocity on Wetting Delay and Rewetting Velocity through CFD Analysis
-Monika Siyal ; Chitranjan Agrawal; B.L. Salvi; S. Jindal
In this research paper CFD analysis is carried out of a hot horizontal surface. A horizontal hot plate of 0.25mm thickness at 450â—¦C initial temperature has been quenched by round water jet of 3mm diameter. The Reynolds number is between 3370-24556. The water jet of 3mm diameter impinges normal to the test section of steel. The investigations are made up to 20mm downstream location in upper sides of the stagnation point. It has been observed that during transient cooling, the wetting front velocity increases with the rise in jet velocity and wetting delay decreases with the rise in jet velocity. However rewetting velocity reduces drastically for the extreme downstream locations away from the stagnation point. And wetting delay increases drastically with the rise in jet velocity. Read More...
Mechanical CAD-CAM |
India |
174-178 |
40 |
A Survey on Lab Automation System Using IoT
-Ms.Dhanashree Sunil Jaykar ; Prof. V.G.Chavan
The Internet of Things connects everyday objects intelligently to the internet to enable communication between things and people. The devices can be any physical object like smart-phones, sensors and actuators. For the objects to collect and exchange data electronics, software, sensors and network connectivity is embedded into them. IoT has made a huge impact in the way people live, work and communicate. Main objective of IoT is to manage and control physical objects around us in a more intelligent and meaningful manner and also improve quality of life by providing cost effective living including safety, security and entertainment. Lab Automation System (LAS) using Raspberry pi that employs wireless communication, which provide the user with remote control of lights, fans, and appliances within their lab. The system will automatically change on the basis of sensors’ data. This system is designed with low cost and expanded in lab to control variety of devices. This system will reduce human effort for maintaining lab and also save energy. Read More...
Computer Science And Engineering |
India |
179-181 |
41 |
Waste Plastic Use in Paver Block
-Ashish D. Lanjewar ; Sandip T. Kumbhare; Shubham R. Khapekar; Bhushan I. Gate; Vilas S. Pingare
Plastic is a non-bio-degradable substance which takes thousands of years to decompose that creates land as well as water pollution to the environment. The quantity of plastic waste in Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) is expanding rapidly. It is estimated that the rate of usage is double for every 10 years. Plastics are rapidly growing segment of the municipal solid waste. Disposal of waste materials including waste plastic bags has become a serious problem. Amount of waste plastic bags being accumulated in 21st century has created big challenges for their disposal. The waste plastics in house hold is large and increases with time. In each country waste consumption is different, since it is unaffected by socioeconomic characteristics and waste management programs, but the level of plastics in waste consumption is high. In order to overcome this issue, we have to use it in effective way. This project is about recycling waste plastics into pavement blocks and study their characteristics. Pavement blocks are perfect materials on the pathways and streets for simple laying and finishing. Here the strength properties of pavement blocks comprising of waste plastics and the design considerations for pavement block incorporating waste plastic bags is presented. It will be a boon to modern society and environment. The main aim is to use the plastic nature in construction fields with limited additions. It will be definitely a cost economical and can be applied in different form. Polyethylene (PE) bags are cleaned and added with fine aggregate at various ratios to obtain high strength bricks that possess thermal and sound insulation properties. This is one of the best ways to avoid the accumulation of plastic waste. It also helps to conserve energy, reduce the overall cost of construction and hence in this project, an attempt made to manufacture the plastic sand bricks by utilizing the waste plastics. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
182-184 |
42 |
Review on Packet Sniffer Tools
-Keshav Kumar Ladda
Packet sniffing is a strategy for tapping every packet as it streams over the network; i.e., it is a procedure where a end users sniffs information that is of different users on the network. Packet sniffers can work as an authoritative tool or for pernicious purposes. It relies upon the end users purpose. Organization administration use them for checking and approving organization network traffic. Packet sniffers are simple applications. There are programs used to catch packets that traverse the organization network layer (TCP/IP). (Essentially, the packets are recovered from the organizations network layer and the information is deciphered.) Packet sniffers are utilities that can be effectively utilized for network administration. Simultaneously, it can likewise be utilized for detestable exercises. Notwithstanding, a client can utilize various methods to distinguish sniffers on the network and shield the information from sniffers. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
185-198 |
43 |
A Review Study of Cutting Forces during Hard Turning of AISI 52100 Steel
-Malik Umair Mushtaq ; Er. Mukesh Kumar
In the present work an attempt has been made to investigate the effect of the turning parameters on the forces developed during hard turning of AISI 52100 steel with PCBN cutting tools. The experiments are devised using Taguchi L27 orthogonal array and analysis is carried out using MINITAB 14 software. The effect of individual parameters is discussed with main effects plot. The contribution of parameters on the response is estimated by conducting ANOVA. From the results it is observed that influencing parameters are in the order of nose radius, depth of cut, speed and feed. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
199-201 |
44 |
Different Approach to Software Testing Techniques
-Shwetha C H
Software testing has been considered as the most important and time-consuming part of software development life cycle. Around 60% of resources and money are cast-off for the testing of software. Testing is the process of identifying or catching defects in the software. Testing is used to confirm that product/software that has been manufactured by programmer is a quality product and to assure that the manufactured product is working according to the customer requirement specification. Testing can be manual or automated. There are many test techniques that help in detecting the bugs. So, in this paper we describe about the most commonly used testing methods and strategies for the error detection. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
202-205 |
45 |
An Overview of Analysis of Road Accidents using Data Mining Approach
-Prof. Yogita Narwadkar ; Aditya Joshi; Saurabh Kalelkar; Rohan Nalawade; Himanshu Nirmal
Road traffic accidents are one of the major reasons behind loss of human life on an enormous scale and have become a glaring concern in recent years. It is necessary to reduce the number of accidents in order to save valuable human lives. Our system uses a data mining approach for analysis of available road accident data. The system aims at forming clusters of states according to their fatality rate. Apriori algorithm is used to determine strong association rules to draw conclusions based on the factors influencing the accidents. Classification technique is involved in the analysis. The system can be useful for Road Transport and Maintenance Authorities, researchers, students and trip planners. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
206-208 |
46 |
Development of Biodegradable Food Packaging Materials Based on Vegetable Leaves in Benin: Case of the Musa Sapientum Species (Review)
-Abdou Raïmi Olayimika Ichola ALAKOUKO ; Guy Clarence SEMASSOU; Kouamy Victorin CHEGNIMONHAN
The development of biodegradable packaging is one of the environmental protection thematic. This paper presents a review of the various works relating to the development of food packaging based on the leaves of the Musa sapientum species. This review shows that Musa sapientum leaves are available, generate socio-economic benefits and have the chemical, physical, mechanical, antimicrobial and toxicity characteristics necessary for the development of biodegradable food packaging. There are also methods and standards for the manufacturing and mechanical characterisation of packaging materials based on vegetable leaves. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
Benin |
209-215 |
47 |
Numerical Simulations Analysis of three Geometric Shape Design for their Performance of Earthe Air Conditioning a Review
-Chaitanya Lanjewar ; Prof. Shumaila Sultan
The main view on our work of temperature maintains equilibrium condition in inside and outside EARTHE sink respectively. We have three geometric models such as pipe, spiral pipe and helical pipe to investigate the performance for efficiency of EARTHE air tube heat exchanger of natural air conditioning. For better performance and efficient efficiency, we need to have CFD solution for these three geometrical models to be investigate as its temperature, pressure, and velocity of flow and Reynolds number to be evaluated and achieved for best result in market and industry parameter side. The CFD investigation of linear pipe, spiral pipe and helical pipe of its thermal parameter to evaluate its performance and its geometrical requirement should meet conveniently. In summer EATHE for cooling purpose to betterment and less power consumption so we look after design meet and analysis of thermally for all three geometry of thermodynamic properties. If we chance linear parameters of pipe such as length and flow size to be optimized will get good result of efficiency and better performance and better CFD result expected. To getting good design result, we have to do CFD analysis on all three pipes (linear pipe, spiral pipe and helical pipe).For better CFD result, better Degree of freedom and assigned in a good way to all regions of boundary condition to get best analysis result. Read More...
Thermal Engineering |
India |
216-219 |
48 |
Nutrient Level Assessment of Soil from Agricultural Crop fields from Selective Villages
-V. N. Patil ; S. M. Subhedar; R. S. Patil; M.B. Chougule
Soil is the most essential component on earth and fertile soil is asset of agriculture system. Present day attempts are being made by agriculturists and farmers to maintain and enhance prolificacy of soil in different agro climatic conditions. Present work was carried out to assess major soil components playing vital role in soil productivity. Analysis of selective parameters such as N, P, K, Zn, Mn and Mg along with pH, Electrical conductivity (EC) and Oganic carbon (OC) of soil was carried out. Crops cultivated on lands were varying in types with different nutritional requirements. Samples of soil from agriculture fields in selective villages were taken and checked for different elements using standard methods. Paper discusses nutrient level with its attributions for elements present in excess than normal range. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
220-221 |
49 |
An analysis of Regional Disparities in the level of Agricultural Development in West Bengal, India: A Geographical overview
-Md Ali Jinnah ; Dr. Mumtaj Ahmad
Regional disparity is a very common term that is used to showing the development in any region. Agriculture plays a significant role in the development of the region. Though West Bengal is an agrarian state, the regional disparities in terms of agriculture are very high. Therefore, it is very important to highlight the disparities of agriculture and try to develop a less agricultural region. The present work is an attempt to identify the regional disparities in levels of agricultural development and their relationship in West Bengal during 2014-15. For the present study, secondary sources of data have been used which are collected from State Statistical Handbook, West Bengal; Economic Review, West Bengal; Agricultural census of West Bengal; Statistical Abstract, West Bengal. Besides, articles, research papers, synopsis, various published and unpublished data have also been taken into consideration. The level of agricultural development has been analyzed based on twelve (12) variables and is calculated the regional disparities in terms of agricultural development by using Z score, Composite Z score, and Karl Pearson’s correlation coefficient technique method. Read More...
Geography |
India |
222-228 |
50 |
Automatic Car Accident Detection using Smart Phone and GPS GSM
-Aniruddha prajapati
The advent of technique has also Increase the traffic road accident take place frequently which case huge loss of life because the poor emergency facilities our project provides the optimum solution to draw back. a sensor situated on the vehicle will detect it immediately and send to the massage to micro controller. The microcontroller then sends alert massage with the help of GSM MODEM including location to the police control room. Then the police can suddenly trace the location through the GPS MODEM and receiving the information, then the conforming location necessary action will be taken. if the person meets with a small accident or if there is no sensor thread to anyone life. then the alert massage can be terminated by the Driver by a switch provided to order to avoid wasting the valuable time of medical recuse team, our project is useful for detecting the accident with the help of sensor and GPS SMART PHONE. Keeping in mind the scope for improvement, we can add the wireless webcam and which help in capture the image and we can add the smart phone which help to receiving the massage at time of accident. We can improve the accuracy of accident detection compared to previous methods. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
229-231 |