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Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT)-Driven and Ai-Enabled Framework for Smart Manufacturing System
-Ajay Kumar ; Abhishek Pandey; Md. Amir Khusru Akhtar; Ravi Prakash Srivastava
Artificial intelligence and the industrial internet of things have evolved the product manufacturing process, illuminating production and stability. Machine design and Industry 4.0 make use of IIoT applicants. Participating in AI and IIoT technologies to develop manufacturing machines that adhere to Industry 4.0 standards is a challenge. The above mentioned method is being used to plan an autonomous design machine and a smart manufacturing atmosphere. The internet of things (IoT) connects all the digital interfaces, process of data analysis, physical world control. As a result, a significant increase in productivity might be noticeable that improves the quality of life of humans. The world has evolved and everything is connected in this present time and digitised. The internet of things is expected to change the way of life and work method. The industrial IoT is confronted with the challenge of safety issues and privacy issues. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1-5 |
2 |
Study and Suggestions on Major Issues in Kokan Region
-Darshana Dinanath Bhonkar ; Vaishali M Parave; Mahendra N Prasad; Sumit S Pugaonkar; Prof. Dadasaheb .P. Hipparkar
This study found that major problems are electricity planning, precautions of cyclone management, water supply planning, and transportation. Planning is the most important factor of any sector, if we go through the good plan then we get the best result of any kind of project. Hence that is the main reason for selecting this project. There are many technologies used in different countries that can be implemented in the Konkan region. The objective of this study is to study electricity planning in the Konkan region and to study electricity planning in the Konkan region from the civil engineering point of view. This project proposes an innovative method to produce electricity. Cost Comparison and Mitigation of Power Line Installation for underground and overhead. This project addresses a comparative analysis of cyclone management between Japan and India. This study helps in the understanding of how to protect and minimize the loss of lives and property or infrastructure from the cyclone, to minimize the suffering of people due to cyclones, and to develop efficient cyclones response and relief mechanisms in the state. This can be achieved by coordinating and promoting productive partnerships with all other agencies related to cyclone management. This study performed rainfall Water analysis in the Konkan region. Then measured the availability of groundwater in a Watershed by certain tests performed on sources of groundwater such as pumping tests. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
6-8 |
3 |
Effective Strategies and Tools for Outcome Based Education in Technical Institute in India
-Mr. Laxman P. Khose ; Mr. Vinayak W. Bembrekar
Since, teaching involves imparting knowledge whereas learning involves acquiring knowledge. Outcome-based methods have been adopted in education systems around the world, at multiple levels. This paper presents case studies of outcome-based education in technical institute of different parts of engineering background. The outcomes, change process and implementation of the outcome-based approach are described. Variation in the extent to which each Technical Education has implemented outcome-based education is discussed and key points for successful implementation are highlighted. This paper is based on the effective teaching learning process using outcome based approach. Read More...
Techonology |
India |
9-10 |
4 |
A Study on the Properties of Concrete Using Marble and Granite Waste as Coarse Aggregates - A Review
-MD Tauheed ; Diksha Rani; Zahid Hamid Dar
Today we are facing an important consumption and a growing need for aggregates because of the growth in industrial production, this situation has led to a fast decrease of available resources. On the other hand, a high volume of marble production has generated a considerable amount of waste materials. Leaving the waste materials to the nature directly can cause serious environmental problems therefore it is necessary to reuse marble waste. Marble has been commonly used as a building material since the ancient times. The industry’s disposal of the marble powder material, consisting of very fine powder, today constitutes one of the environmental problems around the world. In the building industry, Marble/Granite has been commonly used for various purposes like flooring, cladding etc, as a building material since the ancient times. Marble/Granite stone industry generates both solid waste and stone slurry. The focus of this study was on the use of waste marble as coarse aggregates in concrete. Because of continual depletion of quarries aggregates, construction materials are more and more judged by their ecological characteristics. The lack of technology and unscientific methods of quarrying marble in India has generated a huge quantity of waste of this valuable. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
11-14 |
5 |
System for Risk Assessment in Oil and Gas Pipelines Laying Process in Single Ditch Based On Quantitative Risk Analysis
-Himanshu Chugh ; Nisha Kushwaha
In view of the vegetation reduction caused by the continuous construction of oil and gas pipelines, the pipelines have been designed to be laid in one ditch to reduce land occupation. However, owing to the small spacing between the pipelines, the fault correlation between pipelines has been proven to increase the potential hazard of adjacent pipelines and routing environments. The neglect of failure correlation in existing risk assessment methods leads to inaccurate results, which will lead to errors in maintenance decisions. Therefore, this paper proposed a risk assessment system for pipelines using this laying method. In the risk assessment, pipelines laid in one ditch (PLOD) were regarded as a series system relative to the routing environment. Therefore, by combining the reliability theory of the engineering system with mathematical induction, a functional relationship between the overall risk of the pipeline system and the risk of each pipeline was obtained. In addition, the probability of failure of each pipeline in the system was calculated using fuzzy set theory combined with Fault Tree analysis. Event tree analysis was used to classify all possible consequences of pipeline failures and then aggregated the results in monetary terms to assess the severity of the failure consequences. Finally, we combined the two parts into a butterfly diagram to implement risk management and pipeline control. Meanwhile, risk acceptance criteria and pipeline maintenance guidelines for risk analysis have been formulated. The system provides a complete risk assessment system for pipeline systems buried in a single trench, including risk identification, risk assessment and risk analysis methods essential to ensure the safety of pipelines and the environment when using this installation. Read More...
Health,Safety and Environment Engineering |
India |
15-20 |
6 |
Car Overspeed detection using Arduino Uno and IR sensor
-Chaitanya Ramesh Aher ; Ritesh Ganesh Bansod; Parth Anand Jadhav; Dnyaneshwar Balaji Galphade; Sujata Sanjiv More
Major causes of accidents and killing many peoples due to over speeding of vehicles to overcome this problem we designed a proposed System. Project aims is to provide reliable system to detect the speed of vehicle using IR Sensors & display the vehicle speed on LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) & also the system gives the alert through Buzzer if the sensor detects over speed of vehicle. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
21-22 |
7 |
Analytical Study on Intz Water Tank Varying Height to Diameter Ratio of Cylindrical Wall
-Himanshu Sharma ; Mr. Mayur Singi
Intz tank is an important overhead water storage tank, there for it is necessary that it should be constructed keeping in view its economy. The main aims of this paper are hydrostatic analysis of Intze water tank ,To obtain economical design of tank, the parametric study must needed, for this purpose we can vary the proportion of container such as, staging container diameter ratio, height of cylindrical wall to diameter ratio and horizontal angle of dome have been varied as well as no of column for design of staging .To achieve this objective 4 different depth to diameter ratio of Intze tank consider for analysis on staad pro software and comparative results obtained in term of principal and Von mises stresses on cylindrical wall. Maximum shear force and bending moment on beams and node displacement. For the parametric study of Intze tank horizontal angle of conical dome should be 45°, ratio of height of cylindrical wall to diameter ratio should be kept 0.5, 0.8, 1 and 1.5. with constant volume and height of staging. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
23-27 |
8 |
Effect of Irregularities on Seismic Demand of Multistorey Structure
-Chitranjan Patidar ; Mayur Singi
During an earthquake, failure of structure starts off-evolved at factors of weak spot. This weak point arises due to discontinuity in mass, stiffness, and geometry of structure. The systems having this discontinuity are termed as irregular systems. Irregular structures contribute a massive portion of city infrastructure. Structure irregularities are one of the essential motives of failures of systems during earthquakes. The effect of vertically irregularities within the seismic overall performance of systems will become vital. Peak-wise changes in stiffness and mass render the dynamic traits of those buildings exceptional from the ordinary building. The irregularity within the building structures may be due to irregular distributions in their mass, strength, and stiffness along the height of building. Whilst such buildings are built in high seismic zones, the analysis and design turn into more complexes. Response spectrum analysis results provides a more realistic behaviour of structure response and Different shapes Re-entrant Plan irregularity (i.e. C, T and Cross Shape) is considered with geometric vertical irregularity ratios (L2/L1) of the model buildings are changed to obtain different model. 9 different models for each number of storeys having same floor dimensions up to the 5th floor but different from 6th to top floor, ratio is created for use in the analyses. Vertical geometric irregularity ratio is determined by dividing base width to the top width of two adjacent setbacks in one direction in the building. Vertical irregularity ratio changes from 200% to 600% percent in the models. Analysis in seismic zone V is carried out. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
28-32 |
9 |
A Study of Fuel Briquettes Made From Residual Biomass in Rural Area
-Patel Atul Kumar ; Mr. Sanjay Gautam
This paper presents the study of processing wood husk, cow dung, paper waste with and without binders into biomass briquettes for heating purposes. Briquettes were produced by handmade mold using ingredients that were available in vicinity using little to no money. Briquettes are handy to use. They do not take too much to store and burn rate is extra stable and contained than loose biomass. This analysis focuses on to understand some of their combustion characteristics and the relationship to the briquette design and manufacture process. These results indicate that briquettes with sufficient physical and mechanical characteristics could be produced from all biomass available at room temperature with and without a binder but without binder it is more fragile. If fresh cow dung is used it works as binder and you hardly need any extra binder. This could enhance the existing technology for recycling agricultural residues such as wood husk, cow dung, millet straws etc especially in rural areas. The production process for converting all biomass ingredients to briquettes begins with harvesting, then chopping and lastly drying all done manually. This followed by two separate processes; carbonization and semi decomposition. The decision by the community to use any biomass as fuel depends on its abundance and not on cost or amount of heat generated, thus the choice of biomass as alternative energy could be based on its abundance and not its calorific value. Read More...
Thermal Engineering |
India |
33-36 |
10 |
A Review on Challenges Faced by E-Commerce Seller
-Priyanka Shiwarkar ; Pranita Dayare; Pooja Kariya; Dimpal Kapgate; Nitesh Hatwar
E-commerce has made great strides in providing convenient, fast and secure shopping experience for consumers. However, there is still a significant portion of shoppers whose security fears impact how they spend their money online. In the online marketplace, one area of growing interest is that of product returns. While most retail stores offer return policies, some offer more lenient return policies than others. A trend towards more liberalized or lenient returns policies is evident in the fashion e-commerce business. This paper focus on various problems faced by a ecommerce seller. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
37-38 |
11 |
Sustainable Cascade Model for Conversion of Wind Energy Using Medium Frequency Transformer
-Anil Rohidas Chavan ; Prof. J.R. Hanumant; Prof. Y.P.Sushir
The natural variables that must be considered for offshore wind turbine design making wind energy generation effective in open water is a challenging prospect. Globally installed wind-generation capacity onshore and offshore has increased by a factor of almost 75 in the past two decades, jumping from 7.5 gigawatts (GW) in 1997 to some 700 GW by 2020. On the global market, offshore wind energy capacity reached over 3 gigawatts in 2010 and has increased to about 34 gigawatts in 2020 which is approximately only 5% of the total Wind Energy generated. But the innovation is moving forward, and the increasing demand for low-cost and productive wind vitality is as of now driving developments forward. The greatest trouble with off shore wind turbine plan isn't the genuine turbine. Inland turbines can generally be duplicated for seaward utilize. The issue is that a few standard plan alternatives are restrictively costly to utilize in profound water, particularly with different wind turbines. Numerous establishment arrangements common with inland applications don't scale well for deep water applications. There's assortment within the way offshore turbines are set up. A few are built on subsea towers; others are coasting or semi-submersible and secured. It all depends on the perfect area to capture wind. There's a lot of discussion right now on how to revolutionize the design of these foundations to more effectively tap the potential of the offshore market. Cheaper structures lower the overall cost of the energy produced and make projects possible. The displayed setup comprises of a medium-voltage permanent magnet synchronous generator that's associated to a low-cost detached rectifier, an MFT-based cascaded converter, and a coastal current source inverter. Separated from satisfying conventional control targets (maximum power point tracking, dc-link current control, and reactive power regulation), this work endeavors to guarantee equally dispersed control and voltage sharing among the constituent modules given the cascaded structure of the MFT-based converter. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
39-41 |
12 |
IoT Base Garbage Collector
-Durgesh Kailas Talwande ; Vaibhav Ajay Chavan; Sandeep Yashwant Pagade; Parshuram Mangesh Kathale; Jadhav Mohan Shaligram
For people some smart cites provide essential service to have comfort and quality life. In cities there are many suitable practices are taken. Generation of huge solid waste is due to increase in population in urban and rural areas .Land water & air is polluted due to improper disposal IOT based smart gadgets is introduced to improve the cleanliness. In smart cities we clean the garbage using technology like cloud storage & IOT. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
40-41 |
13 |
Multi Vendor Ecommerce Web Application for Goods
-Saurabh Bauddh ; Sanya Pandey
E-commerce can be a development within a modern business. E-commerce means trading electronically. E-commerce involves the buying and selling of products and services, or the transfer of funds or data, by system, especially the net. E-commerce can be a paradigm shift that influences both retailers and customers. Instead e-commerce is very different to spice up existing business processes. It leads to a complete transformation of the traditional way of doing business. This important change in the business model is proving amazing growth worldwide and India is no exception. Great internet penetration has added to the growth of E-commerce and especially beginners are increasingly using this option as a differentiated business model. In addition E-Commerce has a huge impact on the environment. Although the model is widely used in the current business environment but the selection has not been fully evaluated. Current research and analysis has been done to define the status of E-Commerce websites, analyzing E styles.-Commerce. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
42-44 |
14 |
Analysis of Flat Slab Diagrid Building
-Deepesh Choudhary ; Mayur Singi
High-rise buildings may place a premium on structural safety and the lowest possible level of harm. The structure must have sufficient lateral ductility to meet these requirements. This thesis examines the analysis and design of a 16-story flat slab diagrid building with a plan size of 18 m x 18 m. For modelling and analysis of structural members, the Staad professional software system is used. All structural members are designed in accordance with IS 456:2000, considering all possible load combinations. Seismic load is treated as a dynamic load in accordance with IS1893-2016 and is used in the structure's analysis and design. For a 16-story building, the load distribution in a diagrid system is also investigated. Similarly, diagrid buildings with and without flat slabs are analysed and designed, and the results are compared to conventional buildings. For seismic zone III, analysis values are compared in terms of Moment, Shear force, Displacement, Drift, and the economic aspect. The main goal of this thesis is to investigate the dynamic behaviour of buildings in seismic zone III, specifically diagrid and conventional frames. The parameters in both types of buildings are assumed to be the same for comparison purposes under the same seismic zone. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
45-50 |
15 |
Parametric Analysis of Steel Through Truss- Two Lane Highway Bridge
-Yash Yadav ; Mr. Vinay Deulkar
Combination of steel and concrete structures called composite structures are widely used in bridge engineering. There are many advantages of combining these two-material and bringing the structure as a composite structure. The composite bridge leads to a high span to depth ratio, minimizes the deck slab deflection, and maximizes the bridge stiffness ratio. In this paper we are studying a single Span Steel truss bridge with a 300mm thick concrete deck slab. The goal of this research is to regulate the design aspects of variable parameters by varying the height to span ratio (H/L) of the truss bridge type and monitoring the deflection of the deck slab. The stringer beam flange's thickness is the variable parameter considered for an effective H/L ratio during the Steel Bridge review. Steel through-truss (composite bridge) analysis has been done by using Structural Analysis Program software (SAP2000). IRC Class AA tracked vehicle load and wind load is considered for analysis. Read More...
Transportation Engineering |
India |
51-55 |
16 |
Fifth Generation Wireless Technology
-Mr.Bhaskar B.Dhuri ; Mr.Babli A.Shirodkar; Ms.Naveena M.bhat; Prof.Prashant D. Kate; Prof.Dhandekar R.C.
After the up rise of 4G wireless mobile technology takes place; researchers, mobile operator industries representative, academic institutions have started to look into the advancement (technological) towards 5G communication networks due to some main demands that are meliorated data rates, better capacity, minimized latency and better QoS (Quality of Service). To established the 5G mobile communication technological foundation, various research works or projects entailing main mobile infrastructure manufacturers, academia and international mobile network operators have been introduced recently. Nevertheless, 5G mobile services to be made available for use, their architecture, and their performance have not been evidently explicated. In this paper, we represent thorough overview of 5G the next generation mobile technology. We mainly throws light on 5G network architecture, 5G radio spectrum, ultra-dense radio access networks (UDRAN), traffic offloading of mobile, cognitive radio (CR), software defined radio (SDR), software defined networking (SDN), mixed infrastructure, and 5G network impact on the society. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
56-61 |
17 |
Analytical Approach to Determine Chemical Contamination at Workplace by Using DMS Technique
-Ranu Kumar ; Nisha Kushwaha
Chemical exposure is a major occupational health and safety (OHS) concern in chemical industry. Management of chemical exposure requires the combined efforts of EHS specialists, including industrial hygienists, and occupational health specialist. This paper is dedicated for workplace chemicals monitoring to assess the chemical exposure in chemical industry during their routine and non-routine operation. Chemical monitoring at workplace is as legal requirement for industry those who engaged in chemical business. In order to understand the chemical exposure, chemical identification is primary requirement in which safety data sheet is preferred to identify the hazardous properties of particular chemical. Once the hazardous properties is identified then exposure limit which is defined by local and other authority such as factories act, OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health Administration) prescribed limit will be utilized. Monitoring mechanism depends on the type of chemicals, state of chemical, handling of chemical, duration and its properties which will enable us to exact chemical exposure in the workplace. Once the contamination is assessed then evaluation part comes into the picture to verify whether exposure is safe or not with respect to its safe exposure limits. If chemical exposure is beyond the safe exposure limit then appropriate control measure in form of hierarchy of risk control methodology will be adopted or if the exposure limit is below safe exposure limit then no need to take any other control measures however it depends on the process operation which one is taken into the consideration if it is regular or routine operation then it will be appropriate or otherwise emergency case scenario can also be taken into the account. Read More...
Industrial Safety Engineering |
India |
62-64 |
18 |
Analysis over the Techniques to Improve the Surface Finish during Turning Operation
-Jitendra kumar
Now a days we are busy to save the time and money in machining processes also. Means wastage of time and money should be reduced as far as possible in machining operations. Like in a machining operation if the good surface finish is also obtained at the end time, then utility of surface finishing operation may be reduced till a maximum limit. Besides it the number of machines required in plant is also reduced. By this the overall cost of the enterprise is also reduced. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
65-67 |
19 |
Analysis over the Deformation and Force Applied in Drop Forging
-Jitendra kumar
In drop forging a lot of force is required to obtain the required shape of product in accurate size. Here the impact force applied (Fi) mainly depends on the density (Ï) of material to be deformed, volume of the product to be deformed (V), flowability (μ) of material to be deformed, temperature (T) of material and time (t) etc. Besides it here the impact force applied also depends on the hardness and softness of the material to be deformed. To obtain the soft and well defined structure of the material the heat treatment processes like annealing, normalizing may be used. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
68-69 |
20 |
Design and Fabrication of Electromagnetic Breaking System
-Vinayak W Bembrekar ; Laxman Khose
The current Eddy Braking slows down the moving object by creating eddy currents using electromagnetic suspensions that create resistance. Under normal circumstances if the speed of the car is too high, the brakes do not provide that number of high brakes and will lead to slipping and wear on the car. Due to these shortcomings of standard brakes, a simple and effective method of the 'current eddy brake' brake system emerges. The current Eddy is one of the most prominent features of electromagnetic induction. Or it looks like a lot of technical problems because the changing environment has something important to offer. It is an uncomplicated way to brake cars including trains. Since it is a non-controversial binding, the occasional change in the binding material is reduced. The Embedded Eddy Current brake has been used on cars, braking will be more efficient than the current brake cost and the brake costs on cars can be reduced to a large expansion. And the toxic odour caused by collision brakes during traffic can be reduced. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
70-72 |
21 |
Study of Various Mechanisms for Operating Elevator-A Brief Overview
-Arbaz Zubair Khan ; Mehbub Ali A Shaikh; Salman Jamir Shaikh; Rohit Ashok Urmode; Kedar M Kulkarni
The elevator should be developed, which will be worked without any kind of fuel or any kind of alternative energy sources. According to the survey, there is a very big problem with electricity in rural areas. In such areas there is need to develop an elevator which will work without electricity. According to the various reports and studies the strength of the worm gears is more than that of the spur gears. So the use of the worm gears in lift should be done. The efficiency and strength of the 2 kg of worm gear is equal to the lifting of 120kg. There is need to use the worm gears for further modification & development of Existing Elevator Mechanism. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
73-76 |
22 |
A Review Study on Thermal Behaviour of Multi Point Cutting Tool in Drilling Machine with Different Parameters
-Mayur ; Neeraj Kumar
As we know that Drilling is one of the most established machining process that have been extensively applied in manufacturing process. The most essential aspect need to study which simultaneously affects both cutting tool and work piece properties means their performances is the cutting temperature (Tc) which generates between tool bit and chip. The tool tip temperature or cutting tool temperature affects sensitivity of hole, surface roughness and tool wear. In this study review is placed on different experiments and researches encountered before on this topic. And analysis is done on based of different studies or previous researches. The review will help in estimation of tool life and wear of cutting tool. Main focus is on the thermal behavior of multipoint cutting tool tip with the varying cutting speed, feed rate, radius and cutting time also. But review of temperature distribution on angle point tool and oil mist lubrication is also done through previous studies. In this review work it is found that cutting speed; feed rate and radius of tool increases the tool tip temperature but remains constant in cutting time after a slight difference in starting time. Read More...
Manufacturing Technology |
India |
77-80 |
23 |
Electrical Power Analysis in Arc Welding Process
-Naveen Kumar ; Neeraj Kumar
If proper precautions are not taken then welding a metal arc by hand can be a dangerous practice. An electric arc opens between the electrode and the metal to be connected consists the welding process. In addition to the prejudiced risks of burns and flamation of the eyes, which is corrected by using personal protective equipment, the operator is also be at risk of electric shock at open parts of the welding circuit, both the electrode and the work piece. Additionally, welding current, by deviation from the desired path, can also play part on local heating of other places, with risks of causing fires or any explosions. Due to the high current required for arc welding equipment, operators are also exposed to strong magnetic fields. This paper seeks to clarify the issues mentioned above, mainly because the risks associated with electric shocks may not be known to burners and their managers. Read More...
Manufacturing Technology |
India |
81-83 |
24 |
GSM Based Wireless Controlled Solar Powered Microwave Oven
-Pushpendra Singh ; Atul Dwivedi; Raushan Kumar Pandey; Aneep Kumar
It is basically known that Microwave oven is controlled with a switch that regulates the electricity to electrical devices. As a reason of the latest technological advances, automation & wireless control of devices has becoming more popular. It shows the construction & working of the device to wirelessly control the Microwave Oven based on GSM networking, 8051microcontroller, Arduino & Solar panel. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
84-87 |
25 |
The Improvement of the Strength of Conventional Concrete using Recycled Plastic Bottles
-Mayank Rathore ; Hirendra Pratap Singh; R. C. Patil; Rakesh Sakale
In our modern lifestyle surrounded with plastics &plastics waste. My thesis work is based on the possibility of using plastic bottles in nominal concrete and concrete blocks in civil engineering construction. My works based on the Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) which is waste product of plastic. PET bottles are used to storing juice, beer, carbonated and non-carbonated drinks. The main parameters were examining like cost per unit, need, volume, color, size, shape etc. PET have the wide range of application in recycling post-consumer, PET is sporadic. In the atmosphere PET explore ecological in balance. To come out for this problem adopting the principle of reuse B and C by Romans. Waste product of PET present physically in to fiber pellet and flakey for partial replacement of aggregates. This research intends to consolidate addressing building construction systems. PET as partial replacement of aggregate in concrete manufacturing which can helps in minimizing the environmental pollution issue. PET as partial replacement of aggregates up to 25% for concrete manufacturing. PET without significant reduction in physically and mechanical properties compared to normal concrete of same grade. Result concluded based on lab test for identification of mechanical properties like compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexural strength done after 7 days, 14 days and 28 days of curing. Concrete mixed design and experiment were done using relevant Indian Standard. The combination of 20% PET shown the optimum performance in terms of mechanical strength. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
88-93 |
26 |
Workability and Strength Properties of Nylon Fiber Reinforced Concrete
-Zahid Ali Bhat ; Ajay Bhukal
Presence of fibers in a fibre-reinforced concrete has been associated with its better shrinkage, durability, and toughness characteristics. Such a concrete by virtue of its relatively improved properties has found its application in structures where permeability and/or toughness have an important role to play; e.g. water retaining structures, and airfield pavements etc. Steel fibers are the commonly used fibers for the production of such a concrete, however, recently synthetic fibers like polypropylene, polyethylene, polyolefin, and nylon have attracted the attention of many concrete technologists around the world for their relatively lightweight, better dispersion characteristics, and good tensile strength. In the present study, nylon fibers have been incorporated in the concrete mix to assess their effect on its workability and strength characteristic. Nylon is stable at relatively high temperatures, in addition to being relatively inert, and resistant to a wide variety of chemicals, thus making it a potential candidate for its incorporation in concrete. Concrete mixes containing different percentages of nylon fibers; viz. 0.2, 0.3, and 0.4 by volume of concrete mix, in addition to the control mix, have been prepared and it has been observed that the addition of nylon fibers has a marginal effect on the compressive strength of concrete, however, the flexural strength improves to an appreciable extent, thereby making it a potential candidate for its application in concrete pavements. Moreover, addition of nylon fibers decreases the workability of the concrete, therefore, proper measures should be taken while designing such a concrete mix, giving due consideration to the required workability. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
94-99 |
27 |
A Mini Review of Multi Nozzle Jet Spray Condenser
-Mohan Prasad ; Nilesh Sharma
A multi-nozzle jet spray condenser has been designed and analyzed to fulfil the requirements of vacuum problem in Sugar & pharmaceutical industries. Formerly, Sugar Factory was used counter current condensers to create vacuum for all last effect evaporators and pans. Due to its high energy conception and lack of automation, it has been replaced with Multi Jet condensers since 2008 G.C. Multi Nozzle Jet Spray Condenser performs the dual function of ejection and condensation, resulting in overall efficiency. A single jet condenser has been using by this industry which gives an efficiency of around 59%. To overcome this multi-nozzle jet spray condenser has been used which gives around 20% more efficiency compared to single jet. MATLAB software has been used to design the multi-nozzle jet spray condenser and to find out the vacuum generated. Data has been taken from the sugar section of the industry, and analysis has been carried out to find out the suitable condenser capacity design and performance evaluation. Read More...
Thermal Engineering |
India |
100-101 |
28 |
Production Analysis and Management of Ready Mix Concrete
-Lukeshwar Sahu ; Piyush Das
Infrastructure improvement extensively spreading throughout the India because of this the massive quantity of concrete required. But the mail difficulty of pleasurable this want is exertions availability and area for availability for concreting. Many time because of negligence of exertions the first-rate of concrete will now no longer reap additionally there's a scarcity of area for solid in web page production in metro cities. Because of this the RMC concrete use extensively throughout the country. But those vegetation faces lot of issues due to those issues the capability of plant hampers. To triumph over this powerful production control is required. The Indian Construction enterprise has been historically Labour oriented. The tempo of mechanization within side the beyond become very sluggish because of the supply of reasonably-priced and considerable labour, loss of capital funding and rather fragmented nature of the development sector. The liberalization of Indian economic system began out from 1989 and paved the manner for massive-scale investments in infrastructure, business and agriculture sectors. The mega initiatives required velocity and first-rate of production well suited with global standards. It caused partial mechanization of production enterprise and introduction of Ready combined concrete in India is the final results of this improvement. The Ready Mixed Concrete in India on business foundation began out in 1994 and has done approximately 2% conversion from the web page-combined concrete via way of means of the year 2001. It is heartening that the acceptability of Ready combined concrete is growing aleven though at a sluggish tempo. The access of overseas corporations and most important Indian cement manufacturers on this subject are probably to offer vital enhance to this enterprise within side the future. The boom possibilities of Ready-combined concrete are enormous, furnished needful guide is given via way of means of the regulatory authorities, purchasers and choice makers. n this Study the special take a look at of RMC plant first of all done then Divide the capabilities of RMC plant in unique sections then Prepare the special questionnaires for every phase and circulated on unique RMC vegetation to apprehend problems dealing with at the same time as running the RMC vegetation Then Prepare the special remedial plan for every phase to triumph over the problems. Also put together the tick list for every for clean capacity of RMC plant. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
102-107 |
29 |
Improved Secondary Control For Optimal THD of Parallel Connected DGs in Islanded Microgrid
-Manikonda Udayakumar Raju ; Dr K.Balaji Nanda Kumar Reddy
This study proposes a two-layer various leveled control to realize ideal complete symphonious contortion (THD) pay in various transports of equal associated inverters in islanded miniature matrices which had not been concentrated up until this point. The proposed auxiliary layer is utilized to acknowledge THD pay of touchy burden transport (SLB) and make disseminated generators (DGs) convey the remunerating endeavors between them as per their evaluated limit. It is important that further developing THD at the SLB can prompt an increment in THD at nearby transports as well as DG terminals. Albeit the THD restrictions of these transports are not quite as severe as the THD impediment of SLB, it is important to control them inside their permitted range. This significant issue isn't very much contemplated in the writing. A clever correlative part is planned and added to the optional control to tune the remuneration piece of every DG while the THD constraints in DG terminals and neighborhood transports are thought of. The proposed strategy realizes a staggered voltage quality control in multi-transport islanded microgrids with equal DGs through a basic yet powerful arrangement. Moreover, considering the DGs top current limit is added to the regulator and a technique for ascertaining this pinnacle esteem is proposed. Read More...
Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
India |
108-114 |
30 |
Bidirectional DC-DC Converter with Grid Connected Multi-Array PV/Batteries
-Kritika Sahu ; Anand V. Bakshi
The suggested system is designed to meet load demand, control power flow from various sources, inject excess power into the grid, and charge the battery from the grid as needed. To capture electricity from PV and manage battery charging and discharging, a bidirectional buck-boost converter is employed. For ac load feeding and grid interface, a single-phase full bridge bidirectional converter is utilized. In comparison to existing grid-connected hybrid systems, the suggested converter architecture features fewer power conversion stages, fewer components, and lower losses. This increases the system's efficiency and dependability. A bi-directional photovoltaic battery-based multi-array dc to dc converter for residential usage is suggested. The suggested method is an elegant approach to connect numerous arrays to a grid utilizing PV sources to get the most energy out of them. A standard full-bridge inverter is used after a unique multi-input transformer coupled bidirectional dc-dc converter. A flexible control method is provided for higher PV power consumption, battery capacities without affecting battery life, and power flow management in a grid-connected PV battery-based system serving ac loads. To determine the scheme's feasibility, detailed simulation studies are conducted. The experimental results are consistent with models and support the demonstration of the system's capacity to function in either grid feeding or stand-alone mode. The suggested arrangement can provide uninterruptible power to ac loads while also ensuring that surplus solar electricity is discharged into the grid. Read More...
M.Tech Power System Engineering |
India |
115-118 |
31 |
Data Chunks Deployment Aggrandizement for Hybrid Cloud Storage System
-K.Shanthi ; Dr.Maruthi Chezian
“Hybrid Cloud Storage†(HCS) is a widely adopted framework that combines the functionality of public and private cloud storage models to provide storage services. This kind of storage is especially ideal for organizations that seek to reduce the cost of their storage infrastructure with the use of “Public Cloud Storage†as a backend to on-premises primary storage. Despite the higher performance, the hybrid cloud has latency issues, related to the distance and bandwidth of the public storage, which may cause a significant drop in the performance of the storage systems during data transfer. This issue can become a major problem when one or more private storage nodes fail. In this paper, we propose a new framework for optimizing the data uploading process that is currently used with hybrid cloud storage systems. The optimization is concerned with spreading the data over the multiple storages in the HCS system according to some predefined objective functions. Furthermore, we also used Network Coding technics for minimizing data transfer latency between the receiver (private storages) and transmitter nodes. Read More...
Computer Applications |
India |
119-123 |
32 |
Deep Learning Facial Expression Recognition for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
-Himani Patel ; Prajakta Bhondave ; Sneha Gawali; Rohan Lambole ; Hariom Ambore
Facial Emotion Detection is a method of recognizing human emotions by analyzing facial expressions. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a severe neurobehavioral condition Autistic people have a tendency to act in the same way over and over. They aren't ready to engage in social interaction. This syndrome affects people's ability to recognize emotions. It is vital to train children at a young age, during childhood, in order to develop their ability to recognize emotions. Image processing and machine learning techniques are used to check in autistic children's emotions. Emotions are classified using machine learning algorithms. It is vital to teach them at a young age, preferably throughout childhood. This study shows how to use and implement the Convolutional Neural Network's fundamental design to teach youngsters with ASD how to recognize human emotions. Such is a validated using an existing dataset from the literature, and an accuracy of 72% percent was attained. Read More...
Engineering |
India |
124-126 |
33 |
Rotating Solar Panel Using Arduino
-Vaibhav Bhivsane ; Akash Chavan; Yuvraj Jadhav; Sharad Pawar
In this paper, a sunlight based global positioning framework utilizing Arduino is planned and constructed. This framework gathers free energy from the un and stores it in the battery and afterward changes this energy over to the separate rotating current. Its makes the energy usable in ordinary homes as a free power source. This framework is intended to respond to its current circumstance in the briefest measure of time. Any mistakes at programming and equipment will be controlled or disposed of. Our framework is tried for its constant responsiveness, dependability, solidness and wellbeing. Our framework is intended to be impervious to climate, temperature and some minor mechanical burdens. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
127-128 |
34 |
Finding Missing Person Using Machine Learning (Criminal Identification)
-Deshpande Mitali Pravin ; Akhil Kumar; Jamge Neha Gangadhar
In practise, fingerprint identification is used to identify criminals in Malaysia. However, this method of identification is limited because most criminals nowadays are becoming more adept at avoiding leaving their thumbprint on the scene. Cameras, particularly CCTV cameras, have been put in numerous public and private spaces to provide surveillance operations since the emergence of security technology. CCTV footage can be used to identify suspects on the scene. The law, however, enforces thumbprint identification due to restricted software designed to automatically detect the similarities between photos in the tape and recorded photos of criminals. An automatic facial recognition system for criminal databases was proposed in this study using the well-known Python programming language. This technology will be able to automatically detect and recognise faces. If there is no thumbprint on the scene, this will aid law enforcement in detecting or recognising the suspect. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
129-131 |
35 |
Determination of Deltamethrin & Dimethoate in Tea Soil
-Shivani Jaggi Guleria ; Dr Adarsh Shanker
Tea plantations prefers to grow best in acidic soil conditions and they are subjected to ravages of insects, mites, plant pathogens, nematodes, caterpillar, termites and beetles. Pesticide is an important agricultural input for controlling array of pest complex in tea crop. The pesticides during its spray on tea bushes can enter the ecosystem by leaching into soil. An experiment was undertaken to assess the behaviour of deltamethrin and dimethoate in tea soil followed by its comparative laboratory study. The results for dimethoate revealed that residue decline during wet season (not detected on 5th day after spray) could be due to moist soil while during dry season (0.31-0.04-Treatment 1 and 0.60-0.06- Treatment (2 on 7th day) the loss in dimethoate concentration from the soil surface could be attributed to evaporation from dry soil surface. For deltamethrin the sunlight might have accelerated the decline during dry season (1.02-0.05-T1 and 1.95-0.28-T2 on 3rd day after spray).Further, during wet season, the residue loss was 0.19-0.06-T1 and 0.30-0.10-T2) high soil water partitioning indicated a relatively low potential for loss due to volatilization. The results obtained in field studies were further confirmed by laboratory studies which explained the effect of temperature, photo degradation and soil pH on the pesticide under study. Read More...
Environmental Science & Technology |
India |
132-137 |
36 |
Study of Performance Evaluation of Uaa5 Reactor for Sugar Industry Effluent Treatment at Specific Temperature
-Dr. Paulomi B. Vyas ; Dixan P Christian
Sugar industry waste water was treated in a laboratory model UASB reactor seeded with domestic waste water collected from septic tank sludge. Two different studies were carried out at Phase 1: maintained psicrophilic temperature (20-28℃) condition during October -November and Phase II: maintained mesophilic temperature (30-40℃) condition during April to June for COD reduction. In the phase I, the average varying influent COD applied over the model are 2114,2543,3341,4028 and 4520 mg/L with flow rates for each average influent COD are 4.80, 9.60, 14 40, 19.20 and 24.00 lid. It was found successful with 84.06% COD removal under the operating conditions of OLR at 0.034 kg COD/kg VSS day, VLR at 0.760 kg COD/m3 day and HRT at 5.21 days. In the phase II the average varying influent COD of 2065, 2508, 3332, 4033 and 4512mg/L were applied with same flow rates. The experimental work on UASBR model is found successful with 91.86 % COD removal under the operating conditions of OLR at 0.031 kg COD/kg VSS day, VLR at 0.764 kg COD/m3day and HRT at 5.21 days. Read More...
Engineering |
India |
138-142 |
37 |
Develop an Efficient Algorithm to Recognize and Detect Indian Currency from Image by using MATLAB
-Megha Sontakke ; L.M.Deshpande
There is Great technological advancement in printing and scanning industry made counterfeiting problem to grow more vigorously. As a result, counterfeit currency affects the economy and reduces the value of original money. Thus it is most needed to detect the fake currency. Most of the former methods are based on hardware and image processing techniques. Finding counterfeit currencies with these methods is less efficient and time consuming. To overcome the above problem, we have proposed the detection of counterfeit currency using a deep convolution neural network. Our work identifies the fake currency by examining the currency images. The transfer learned convolution neural network is trained with two thousand, five hundred, two hundred and fifty Indian currency note data sets to learn the feature map of the currencies. Once the feature map is learn the network is ready for identifying the fake currency in real time. The proposed approach efficiently identifies the forgery currencies of 2000, 500, 200, and 50 with less time consumption. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
143-145 |
38 |
Resistivity Methods for Application of Groundwater Exploration
-Neelam Devi ; Sukhdeep
Electrical Resistivity Method (ERM) is used to categorize the sub-surfaces of large areas to retrieve best optimal values in terms of high data coverage and more sustainability with less cost and time consumption. It can be applied in the application areas to explore more ground water coverage in depth. In past, conservative methods such as excavation and test boring are used for the assessment of ground water exploration. In this paper assessment of application of ERM in groundwater exploration has been performed. Read More...
Geography |
India |
146-148 |
39 |
A Review Paper on Factor Affecting Cost Overrun for Flyover Bridge Construction
-Patel Kiran Kumar ; Nimita Gujar
Construction duration and the cost of project at the closing date are the two important criteria to describe a construction project as successful. Most civil engineering large projects, regularly, have delays and cost overruns. Also most of the construction projects are facing with low quality, and health and safety accidents during construction. A questionnaire was undertaken to investigate factor affecting cost overrun for construction. In this project the result of the questionnaire was summarized and discussed. Major factors affecting the success of a construction project categories in the questionnaire and they were ranked with respect to the frequency and importance indices separately. It was obtained that, inadequate contractor experience, poor supervision and site management, shortage of skilled labour, financial difficulties of contractor were the most important causes of delay, cost overrun, low quality, and health & safety problems on the construction sites. Read More...
Civil Engineering (Construction Engineering and Management) |
India |
149-151 |
40 |
Developed a Secure Internet of Things System using Web Services and Low Power Single Board Computers
-Gupta Akshay Dukhantee ; Prof.Monika D.Rokade
Internet of Things (IoT) systems are becoming more and more popular they are widely used, making them a high target for both hijackers and crackers. From the reach of sensitivity knowledge of using them as bots in complex attacks, I various benefits after using a different security risk makes the security of IoT devices one of the most challenging desideratum for online security experts. In this paper, we will propose a new IoT system, designed to validate five data principles: privacy, integrity, availability, confirmation and authorization. The new features are both use of web-based communication and culture flexible data application structure. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
152-154 |
41 |
Use of Computer Image Processing Technology in Web Design
-Omkar Sambhaji Rokade ; Monika D. Rokade
Computer image processing technology is an important part of web design, which can effectively enhance the appeal and artistic feel of a web page. With the passage of time, the influence of the network on people's lives is becoming greater, and the structure of the web is also becoming more and more of a concern for people. The use of computer image processing technology in web design can make a web page more attractive and efficient. With the continuous development of the current public attention in network broadcasting, it provides favorable conditions for the integration of technology and network development. The use of computer image processing in web design can enhance the art and attractiveness of web pages, and achieve the purpose of network marketing by stimulating people's interests, which can greatly promote industry development. This paper analyzes web design image processing technology and computer image processing technology in web design applications, for reference purposes only. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
155-157 |
42 |
Performance Evaluation of Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
-Ayushi Arzare
In this paper, we have compared several levels of redundant array of independent or inexpensive disk (RAID) and a brief of redundant array of distributed disk (RADD) in the storage environment. RAID was originally developed at a time when HARD DISK was still very expensive and less reliable than they are today. We will discuss architecture and utilities of each technique or levels like RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 2, RAID 3, RAID 4, RAID 5 and RAID 6 based on our literature review. We have discussed the performance of various levels and also established the formulae for calculating the capacity of different level or identified the various factors impacting the disk drive performance and issues for improving the functioning of the storage infrastructure. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
158-161 |
43 |
Cloud Data Security Update Update Computer
-Sonone Anuradha Deoman ; Prof.Monika D.Rokde
Every organization wants to do the same safety limits as they already use their own internal data / resources. It is obligatory to understand too discover data protection challenges before outsourcing data security on cloud computing. In the current study we are present to discuss the impact of security on cloud computing which covers all the challenges associated with it. Every organization wants to do the same safety limits as they already use their own internal data / resources. It is obligatory to understand too discover data protection challenges before outsourcing data security on cloud computing. In the current study we are present to discuss the impact of security on cloud computing which covers all the challenges associated with it. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
162-165 |
44 |
IOT Base Fire Evacuation System
-Shivkanya Angad Padole ; Pratiksha Uttamrao sargar; Nikhil Vilas Jadhav; Mayur Anil Shinde; Manaswini Parlikar
To study crop recommendation fertilization as per the weather condition of the rural farmers as the main in our country, the paper took towns and villages of Hua County as the study area, took recommendation fertilization of wheat, maize and peanut as the study object, designed model components of crop balance fertilization by using Object-Oriented technique, and developed the decision-making system about crop recommendation fertilization based on ArcGIS Server at village scale. The decision-making system realized farmland nutrient management and fertilization recommendations decision-making according to soil output capacity, agricultural production level and crop target yield. It was successfully applied in crop production in Hua County. The research results show that the system has the characteristic of better expansibility than before, and it is significantly simple and practical to reduce crop production cost and increase agricultural production efficiency, which provides technical support for crop fertilization decision-making and is significant to improve agricultural ecological environment and increase the comprehensive production capacity of farmland. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
166-167 |
45 |
Simplified Approach For Moving Object Detection And Segmentation Using Background Subtraction
-Raman Anilpant Kedar ; Romal Rajendra Gaikwad; Rathod Nishanth Nayak
Object motion detection and tracking has emerged as one of the most important study areas in image processing and computer vision. This has a variety of uses in surveillance video, including indoor and outdoor security, traffic control, safe railroad crossing, behaviour identification during spot activities, and video compression. This paper pro- poses a basic yet reliable moving object identification and segmentation technique. For moving object recognition and segmentation, a differencing and summing approach (DST) was applied. When compared to typical object identification and segmentation approaches, this method is straightforward and computationally simple. The results of the experiments reveal that the proposed strategy is effective at recognizing and segmenting moving items in both an indoor and an outdoor setting with a static background. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
168-170 |
46 |
Waste Water Treatment by Root Zone Technology
-Vijaya Sunil Honrao ; Prof.D.C.Poul
The urban water bodies in tropical developing countries are the worst victim of domestic waste water / sewage, basically because of the widening gap between the increasing waste water generation and unavailability of commensuration economical resources to address the issue through conventional technologies. Hence, biological machines may prove to be a novel tool for sustainable management of water bodies. Root zone being natural biological system operating solely on solar energy is low cost and almost negligible operation and maintenance. Present study was aimed to evaluate the water quality of inlet and outlet water discharged from the home and after coming to the Constructed wetland it will be treated by roots of Taro plant. Different physical, chemical and biological parameters were evaluated for the assessment of water quality. Physical parameters such pH, temperature, conductivity, were significantly decreased. While in case of COD, pH, BOD, DO, reduction was about 90% in the treated water. Results revealed that there is significant. Read More...
Water Resource Engineering |
India |
171-172 |
47 |
Human Cyber Physical Intelligence is a New Development Direction in Artificial Intelligence
-Rahul Sanjay Jadhav ; Prof. Monika D. Rokade
A significant variety of rising fields, such as informatics, social sciences, physics, and philosophy, are quickly increasing as a result of the fast development and broad use of artificial intelligence, spawning a new field of research: physical cyber intelligence (HCPI). The biological integration of the physical, information, and social environments is demonstrated by HCPI, also known as ternary fusion intelligence, which is one of the important indications and boundary subjects in the future development of artificial intelligence. This paper focuses on the roots of HCPI and explains the core idea, research material connected to the usage of ternary fusion cleverness, as this research is original in the field of artificial intelligence. The background and definition of HCPI are first presented; second, the interaction and standard aspects of HCPI are presented; and third, the relationship model and the HCPI system model are defined. On this foundation, this research examines near-term goals and HCPI technology. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
173-175 |
48 |
IoT Edge Computing System Architecture and Its Application
-Gunjal Nikita Dnyaneshwar ; Prof. Monika D.Rokade
As the number of devices connected to the Internet of Things (IoT) increases, the amount of data explodes. It therefore not only increases the bandwidth load for data transfer but also increases the computer load and storage of the cloud platform. At the same time, the standard computer paradigm-focused computer cloud cannot meet real-time requirements in most application situations. The emergence of edge computing can solve real-time data processing problems and network bandwidth activity in the current IoT environment. In this paper, based on IoT features, such as split data, multi-network, and limited power consumption, the edge-of-the-line computer system IoT is designed to better adapt to the IoT environment. Additionally, the use of critical cutting edge computer technologies such as virtualization, edge intelligence, computer outsourcing, collaborative editing and minimal services in IoT-downtime applications are explored in detail. Finally, the functions and applications of monitoring power consumption and efficiency in a central air-conditioning system are analyzed and summarized, which is a common edge computing system in the IoT context. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
176-180 |
49 |
Postponed Watermarking Based on CT Predictions Scan Images for Content Authentication once Copyright Protection
-Bhor Rutuja Bharat ; Prof.Monika D.Rokade
In the application of teleradiology, specialists from around the world, they exchange images of Computed Tomography (CT) and patient information for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. However, when these images are exchanged with social networks such as the Internet, two important issues are created: authentication of the content and copyright protection. In this paper, a watermarking system that introduces a high-volume watermarking of CT Scan images based on region of interest (ROI) and non-profit region watermarking (RONI) is introduced. The system inserts and removes confidential data from the CT scan image and restores the image to its original state at the end of the reception. After separating the host image from the ROI and RONI area, the scheme incorporates a weak watermark (FW) into the ROI to check for ROI integrity and a solid watermark (RW) on RONI to protect copyright. The youth of the proposed system is twofold. First, it takes advantage of the separation algorithm to avoid additional information about vertices that are usually required at the end of the reception to select the ROI. Second, it uses predictable retrieval-based watermarking to avoid further over-mapping of the area, which is often needed to reverse many of the proceeds of image tagging treatments. Experimental results show that the proposed system exceeds watermarking therapeutic methods recently reported in the literature in terms of embedded and invisible image volume. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
181-184 |
50 |
Lithium Ion Battery Variable Voltage Technology with Single Relay Control and Temperature Monitoring System
-Kumar Ayan Ghosh
Lithium ion batteries are one of the most commercially used batteries. They are widely used in different gadgets like mobile phones, laptops, electronic gauges and devices, Electric Vehicles and other consumer electronics, Electric Vehicles, Robotics and other devices concerns related to their safety and efficient operation still persists. In this work, we designed a lithium ion battery technology protected with battery management system (BMS) with inbuilt a radio frequency single relay channel controller that controls the power supply to external circuit, A voltage regulator with variable potentiometer that regulates the voltage output from 12 Volt to 35 Volt and digital voltmeter indicated the rated voltage supply. A battery SOC (State Of Charge) indicator for charging and discharging status of battery. We also developed temperature monitoring system that monitor the Li-Ion cell temperature during charging and discharging of battery. We expect the proposed strategy and technology improve battery capacity and prolong lifespan. This Lithium-ion battery have the characteristics of high-power density, long life, low self-discharge, low maintenance costs and low environmental impact. However, lithium has high reactivity, so there are technical limitations related to the safety of building batteries. Read More...
Electrical and Mechanical Engineering |
India |
185-187 |