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1 |
A Female Safety Mobile Application: FemsApp
-Jay Hiray ; Shubham Nikam; Kalpesh Gaikwad; Sanket Patil; Smita K Thakare
Women's safety may be a concern of skyrocketing urgency in India and alternative countries. The first issue in handling these cases by the police lies in constraints pre- emanation them from responding quickly to calls of distress. These constraints embrace not knowing the placement of the crime and not knowing the crime is happening at all: at the victim's finish, reaching the police assuredly and discreetly may be a challenge. To assist with removing those constraints, this project introduces an associate application that has ladies with a reliable thanks for placing associate emergency decision. In today's world, people's use of smartphones has hyperbolic speedily, and hence, a smartphone will be used expeditiously for private security or numerous alternative protection functions. The monstrous incident that incensed the whole nation has wakened the US to travel for the security problems. Then several recent apps are developed to produce security systems for ladies via their phones. The user will quickly and discreetly trigger the Image and Video capturing operation by pressing the quantity up button. A message containing the user's geographical location, furthermore as contact details of a pre-selected list of emergency contacts, is instantly sent to the chosen contacts. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
1-3 |
2 |
An Investigative Analysis on Recycled Aggregate Concrete Using PP Fibers
-Prof. Harsh Gupta ; Prakash Gautam
In this paper we have examined about the utilization of Recycled Aggregate Concrete in the substantial and the impacts on its compressive strength by dynamically supplanting the Natural Aggregate (NA) by Recycled Aggregate. It is the test concentrate on of Recycled Aggregate Concrete (RAC) when it is contrasted and the Natural Aggregate because of its properties. Shapes having measurement 150x150x150 mm3 were casted utilizing Recycled Aggregate by supplanting the Natural Aggregate by 0%, 25%, half and 75% and relating consequences of compressive qualities and rigidity were noted. The compressive strength and elasticity were noted by squashing the shape and chamber in the wake of relieving at 7, 14 and 28 days individually with water concrete proportion of 0.5 and proportion blend of M20 and it was discovered that exhibition of cements with 0% and 25% substitution of Natural Aggregate by Recycled Aggregate were very like ordinary cement however with half and 75% substitution, the strength of coming about concrete was diminished. The Recycled Aggregate cement can be utilized in low ascent structure, asphalt plan, waste design, street development and so forth this fill additionally resolve natural issues raised because of unloading of destruction trash and development squander. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
4-8 |
3 |
Study on Utilization of Sugarcane Bagasse Residue in Concrete
-Prof. Harsh Gupta ; Satish Pandey
Ordinary Portland cement is recognized as a major construction material through our the world. Many researchers all over the world are focusing on utilizing the industrial or agricultural waste material industrial waste such as blast furnace slag fly ash and silica fume are used as replacement of cement and RHA and baggage ash are agricultural waste replaced by cement when agricultural waste is buried under controlled condition that gives good properties like amorphous silica pozzolonic properties etc. Therefore, it is possible use sugar cane baggage ash as cement replacement to improve strength. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
9-14 |
4 |
Facial Expression Recognition Using Deep Learning Techniques
-Paras Singh
Our facial expressions play an important role in everyday communication between people. This automatic detection of facial expressions has long been studied for potential applications in various fields such as service robots, driver fatigue monitoring, and intelligent training systems. With the advent of human-computer interaction (HCI) systems such as social robots, visual interactive games, and data-driven animations, facial expression recognition (FER) has become a popular research area in recent years. Facial expressions convey 55% of messages conveyed, more than those conveyed by a combination of voice and language [5]. Face, voice, EEG and even text can be used to perform emotion recognition. Of these properties, facial expression is one of the most important for a number of reasons. It contains many useful features for recognizing emotions, it stands out, and it is easy to collect a large set of face data compared to other emotion recognition features. Facial expressions can be divided into six categories: anger, disgust, fear, surprise, sadness, and happiness. More recently, deep learning, especially Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), can be used to extract and train many features for proper face recognition systems. However, most of the clues come from different parts of the face, such as the mouth, nose, and eyes, while other parts, such as the hair, ears, and forehead, play a small role in the output. This means that, ideally, the machine learning system should focus only on the important parts of the face and be less sensitive to other areas of the face. In this paper, we propose a deep learning-based facial expression recognition framework that considers only important facial features and ignores other non-critical areas of the face. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
15-19 |
5 |
Transforming the Digital Workers Experience Intelligently
-Shivangi Santosh Shelke ; Prof. Monika D. Rokade
Employee expectations change dramatically due to the increase in digital work and work over the past few years. This study underscores the growing role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Human Resources (HR) in designing advanced digital worker knowledge. A collection of popular AI applications such as chatbots and visual assistants in human resource development, career development, and employee engagement is provided with their definitions. Estimates of their organization implementation, including concerns related to potential benefits, are listed. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
20-22 |
6 |
Voice Assistant Based on AI
-Saurabh Prakash Tohake ; Monika D. Rokade
In day-to-day life the voice assistant is become a part in daily life. We know various type of voice assistant are used such as Alexa (Amazon), Siri by Apple, also google assistant are used in daily life. This paper gives the idea about voice assistant which is based on AI system. The system is inspiration of virtual assistant based on many various types of windows system such as Siri by Apple, Cortina etc. It has been to perform various task by creating well-defined command. This paper focus on day-to-day life activities such as general human conversation, google searching, searching a song, video, exam details, medicine details, health recordation based on symptoms, news searching etc. The user command is analyzed and then give the optimal solution on it. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
23-24 |
7 |
The Data Encryption Standards
-Vivek ; Dr. Hemlata
The Data Encryption Standard (DES) was developed by an IBM team around 1974 and adopted as a national standard in 1877. Since that time, many cryptanalysts have attempted to find shortcuts for breaking the system. We show some of the safeguards against differential cryptanalysis that were built into the system from the beginning, with the result that more than 10 5 bytes of chosen plaintext are required for this attack to succeed. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
25-26 |
8 |
Experimental Study on Properties of Concrete by Using Expanded Polystyrene Beads (EPS) as a Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregate
-Prabhunath B.Kulkarni ; G.N.Shete
This experimental investigation uses Expanded Polystyrene Beads (EPS Beads) as a partial replacement for coarse aggregate, sand, cement, coarse aggregate, and water as performance indicators for concrete workability and strength. The significance of this alternative stone replacement in reducing EPS waste that is difficult to lapse and avoiding waste of trash that can be transformed to something that may be used in future technological development. In addition to decreasing environmental damage, it also saves money by using the Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle principle. Concrete is the most frequently utilised building material on the planet. I'm using waste product Expanded polystyrene beads to build eco-friendly light weight concrete to solve environmental issues including waste product deposition, recycling, and reuse. The optimum outcome is obtained by using conventional proportionate mixing of EPS beads in concrete in place of aggregate. As the world becomes more environmentally conscious, more attention is being paid to the qualities of waste and finding ways to reuse its valuable component parts as secondary raw materials in other industries. Green construction is becoming a more important global problem and a key approach to conserve biodiversity and limit the amount of waste that ends up in landfills. The effects of replacing coarse aggregate with 0,5 %, 10% and 15% waste EPS Beads in concrete are investigated. To ensure the success of this investigation, coarse aggregate, cement, sand, water, and EPS beads with a diameter of not more than 20mm will be employed. In addition, four trial mixes must be made: 1) ordinary concrete, 2) concrete with addition of original form of EPS Beads. These samples are compared with Ordinary Concrete with VSI Sand. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
27-30 |
9 |
Bibliometric Analysis of Symmetric Encryption
-Manmohan Kumar ; Dr. Hemlata
In toady world If we talk about Internet of things (IoT), then it became main part of any individual life. It connects people with physical world, so the research in this area is very active and important. For good research any body needs previous analysis and Symmetric Encryption is one of the parts of Internet of Things and its analysis is very important in this type of research. In this paper, I deal with the “Bibliometric Analysis of a searchable Symmetric encryption†scheme. In this I add the data of year 2015-2021. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
31-35 |
10 |
ChaCha20 with Poly a Faster and Secure approach to Encryption of Data in HADOOP
-Kaushal D Patel ; Parth Wadhwa
Now, the world is going to become more increase digital. As every person using the internet today. A large amount of data get generated day to day. We are not creating a website in Data mining. We are developing a new approach to secure data. So Data security is an important thing for an organization and unauthorized users. Data security is used for detect the hackers, stolen data, and information. Data security prevents unauthorized users from viewing, updates or modifying the database. Data in map-reduce are non-secured and can be easily captured. So data should be encrypted before sending to a map-reduce algorithm to increase to the security of data. Our approach is to secure data by encrypting it with ChaCha20 with a poly encryption algorithm which is found to be very strong and less time-consuming. It is also found to be better than the current RSA algorithm. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
36-41 |
11 |
Hazard Identification and Risk Informed Performance Based Design Approach Used in Automobile Industry
-Sandeep Patidar ; Nisha Kushwah
The purpose of the research is to examine strategic issues related to employees Safety and health. Some organizations replace withdrawn security plans and more innovation. Some safety plans also have rewards Employees who avoid accidents. The research helps maintain proper safety standard. This will also help the manufacturing industry to ensure Employees take protective measures to prevent unsafe practices. Every organization should develop and implement a security policy. This procedure adopted naturally depends on the size of the company. The number of factories it operates, the nature of the industry it is engaged in, it uses the production technology, and the attitude of the top management. After clarifying its safety policy, the manufacturing organization should establish a safety plan whose main goal should be to reduce the number of risk factors that can lead to accidents and development Safe working habits of employees. Read More...
Health,Safety and Environment |
India |
42-45 |
12 |
Analysis over the Improvements in Punching or Piercing Process
-Jitendra kumar
Now a days the sheet metal operations have the important place in production industries. The required size holes, rectangles etc. are cut directly by using punching machines but as well as the thickness of the sheet is increased it becomes difficult to cut it properly in exact size with required quality. If some important changes are provided in material structure of the metal or alloy of the sheet, in the design of the hole to be cut and in the punching process we can cut the thick sheets also by using normal force applied. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
46-48 |
13 |
Analysis over the Effect of Various Factors Responsible for Drilling Process
-Jitendra kumar
Drilling is an important machining operation and mostly used to assemble the various parts to each other. But sometimes the drilling operation becomes very critical due to hardness of metal or alloy, due to difficult design of product, due to brittleness of material, due to more ductility and due to change in physical conditions as change in temperature etc. Some problems may be solved till a limit but some problems are uncontrollable. But it is also critical to maintain the machining conditions in opposite situations. To solve such type critical situations we have to think separately and have to search the solution practically sometimes. By providing some changes as technique of operation, workpiece material structure, drill geometry and machining parameters etc. the drilling operation may be obtained easily with good surface finish. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
49-50 |
14 |
Analysis over the Factors which Effect the Boundary Layer Formation
-Jitendra kumar
We know that boundary layer is formed when any obstacle is placed at the way of fluid flow. If the fluid is flowing through the channel where the one or more partitions are provided then the number of boundary layers are formed and further these layers develop the turbulent flow. By this the overall flow of fluid becomes turbulence mixed. So to avoid the turbulence and eddies in the flow the boundary layer formation and its separation should be limited as far as possible. For this we can use the various type physical and geometrical changes. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
51-52 |
15 |
Experimental Investigation on Properties of Concrete by Using Different Types of Water
-Vishal G Birle ; Prof. G.N.Shete
The impact of several types of mixing water on the compressive, flexural, and tensile strength of concrete was explored in this study. The research focused on the impact of varied water quality on concrete compressive strength. The investigation focused on a concrete mix of M30 grade with a water cement ratio of 0.4. Water samples were obtained from several sources on campus, including bore well water, waste water, well water, sea water, and mineral water (packed drinking water), and utilised to cast 150mm×150mm×150mm concrete cubes and 150mm×150mm×750mm concrete beams. The cured cubes and beam were crushed after 7 and 28 days to determine compressive, flexural, and tensile strength The results revealed that the compressive strength of concrete cubes formed using mineral water, tap water, well water, and waste water increased with time and had little fluctuation. The effects of other contaminants, such as silt and suspended particles, on concrete strength were also looked at. Chemical analysis was performed on water samples from five different sources to determine their chemical composition. These water samples were used to make 150mm cube samples. The cubes were put through a compressive strength test, and the results were analysed statistically. The findings revealed that the kind of water used in concrete mixing had a considerable influence on the final concrete's compressive, flexural, and tensile strength. It ended by recommending that if tap water is inadequate, river water may be utilised for mixing. Other attributes like durability and shrinkage, on the other hand, should be addressed before usage. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
53-56 |
16 |
Application of Only Argon in GTAW and Its Effects
-N. Yadagiri ; K.Pavan Kalyan; P. Sai Kiran; T. Sai Krishna
Welding is one amongst the foremost celebrated ancient fabrication processes wherever one metal is thawed so as to affix 2 different items of metal. A weld joint nothing however the concretion of metals made by heating them to an acceptable temperature with or without the appliance of pressure and filler material. Its widespread applications embody construction, automotive industries, construction industries, mechanical industries, etc. though welding is employed in such an oversized quantity of industries, it comes with its own set of disadvantages. One such defect is incomplete fusion wherever the liquefied metal from the electrode doesn't choose the groove thereby inflicting the weld joint to appear somewhat distorted. Our aim here is to look at the results of applying the pure chemical element in GTAW method that LED to incomplete fusion and the way this defect has a bearing on the standard of the weld. The operation procedure includes the choice of materials, execution of fastening, testing of welds and analysing the consequences on weld joint in Gas wolfram Arc fastening. By this we square measure in a position to conclude the consequences of applying solely chemical element in GTAW. GTAW demands a gas that is still inert, even at elevated temperatures. chemical element will keep inert, eleven at high temperatures. It produces straightforward begin, maintains a stable arc and helps to stay the wolfram conductor clean. It keeps the welds clean and pure. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
57-59 |
17 |
Influence of (Argon and Co2) Mixture on Gtaw Weld Joint
-N.Yadagiri ; Pulukuri Hema Sudharsana Chari; Sabavath Pavan Nayaka; Dheeravath Babulal
Welding plays a completely critical position in the fabrication enterprise and the affable of fabrication. As welding blights can generally affect performance, early discovery and correction are important to make sure that weld can deliver out their asked purpose for icing the quality of welding joint. The high ideal of this design is to “Impact OF80/20 (Argon/ Co2) GAS IN GTAWâ€. Colorful rate of feasts are used to observe the influence of feasts during the welding operation. A non-Destructive test has been used to find the blights in the welding of rate of feasts (80/20) argon and Co2. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
60-61 |
18 |
Potholes Patching A Review on Materials Testing and Procedure for Repair
-Himayoon Bashir ; Adil Hussain Geelani; Aosungkum Aier; Masood Alam; Dr. Shiva Kumar G
Road development is considered one of the most important processes for improving the nation in terms of economical development. The main concern in today’s world is to reduce the number of potholes that are an annoyance to road users and potentially a dangerous hazard on the roadway which is causing frequent accidents leading to loss of life as well as loss of property. The materials used for the filling of potholes are Cold Mix Asphalt and Hot Mix Asphalt depending on the condition of traffic. Certain tests can be adopted on the aggregates and the mix to find the optimum materials and asphalt mixtures that can be used for pothole patching. Utilization of these mixtures and making use of proper methods to fill the potholes efficiently and effectively. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
62-65 |
19 |
A Review on EEG Signal Analysis
-Pooja J. Kulkarni
Electroencephalogram (EEG) is a tool which is used to monitor the electrical activity of the brain. EEG signals identify brain simulations accurately so that we can get correct information from the brain. This information can be used to classify with different mental tasks. It is very much useful in brain-disease diagnosis and assessment of various brain diseases. The raw data collected from the electrical activity generated in the brain undergoes through various steps, namely: signal acquisition, data preprocessing, feature extraction, and classification. This paper presents the different methods and algorithms which are used in each of the above mentioned processes. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
66-70 |
20 |
Assessment of Ground Water Quality near Municipal Solid Waste Dumping Site Area Vijayapur Karnataka India
-Prof.P.Shabesha ; Chanabasava Madikeshwar; Aditya R Halli; Shrinivas Biradarpatil; Mayur Kallolli
In this project, analysis of various physico-chemical parameters is carrying out for assessment of ground water quality near municipal solid waste dumping site area. Some samples are collecting from different locations near solid waste dumping site area indi road vijayapur. These water samples are collecting from sampling points of different bore wells near around dumping site. and will conduct various physico-chemical parameters test (pH, alkalinity, sulphate, nitrate, total hardness, dissolved oxygen, lead content, total solids, total dissolved solids, suspended solids, electrical conductivity, turbidity.) etc. For geo-referencing of study area, Toposheet No E43W11 (56D/11) OF Vijayapur Municipal Solid waste dumping site area – Latitude 16.853336 and Longitude 75.742966 of The quality of ground water assessment in the study area based on water quality index model. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
71-73 |
21 |
A Web Based Womens Safety System by Using Voice Recognition
-Sanap Jagruti s. ; Dayma Payal S.; Patil Pradip A.; Kudake Shubhangi S.; Suryawanshi Pooja D.
In today's world it is very unsafe to travel alone, especially for women. Since lots of unexpected and shameful incidents are happening around the globe. Problems may come from anywhere and anytime, as women are also growing equally like men so for that purpose they have to travel alone at night where ever they go, they have to travel alone in public transport and solve this problem of women so they also should not feel any fear regarding their safety. This report represents an android application which will serve the purpose to rescue the women from unsafe conditions. As we all know that nowadays every individual carry their own smartphones and the uses of web apps have been increased rapidly so it is better to have such a web application which will provide a safe environment in public transport. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
74-76 |
22 |
Comparative Analysis on Inclined Column by Using STAAD Pro Under Lateral Loads at Different Positions
-Gautam Kumar ; Deepak Kumar Bandewar
Advances in construction technology, materials, structural systems and analytical methods for analysis and design facilitated the growth of high rise buildings. Structural design of high rise buildings is governed by lateral loads due to wind or earthquake. Lateral load resistance of structure is provided by interior structural system or exterior structural system. Usually shear wall core, braced frame and their combination with frames are interior system, where lateral load is resisted by centrally located elements. While framed tube, braced tube structural system resist lateral loads by elements provided on periphery of structure. It is very important that the selected structural system is such that the structural elements are utilized effectively while satisfying design requirements. Recently Inclined columns structural system is adopted in tall buildings due to its structural efficiency and flexibility in architectural planning. Compared to closely spaced vertical columns in framed tube. Inclined column should be placed at the exterior surface of the building. Due to inclined columns lateral loads are resisted by axial action of the diagonal compared to bending of vertical columns in framed structure. Inclined column structures generally do not require core because lateral shear can be carried by the diagonals on the periphery of building. Analysis and design of G+5 storey building is presented. A regular floor plan of 12 m × 12 m size is considered. Staad pro software is used for modelling and analysis of structural members. All structural members are designed as per IS 456:2000 considering all load combinations. Dynamic along wind and across wind are considered for analysis and design of the structure. Load distribution in system is also studied for G+5 storey building. Similarly, analysis and design of G+5 storey vertical column structures is carried out with and without weak storey. Comparison of analysis results in terms of time period, top storey displacement and inter-storey drift will be presented in this study with or without inclined column in frame structure. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
77-90 |
23 |
Experimental Study of Stabilised Soil Blocks Using Cement and Lime
-Bipul Vivek ; Deepak Kumar Bandewar
India is a developing country and in various developing countries like India economical construction along with economical construction material plays a vital role in the development of country. Waste material in construction can play tremendous role to make it economical and durable due to some of its specific properties relevant to construction materials. This dissertation shows comparative and experimental study on utilization of cement and lime in soil blocks in a very small quantity. Soil samples are taken from various selected places randomly. In this project cement and lime are added in soil by weight of soil in the various proportions of possible combinations. Compressive strength test is performed on soil blocks and their result is being evaluated and compared. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
91-98 |
24 |
Structure Optimization Valuation for Steel Trusses Using STADD Pro Tool
-Yamank Sahu ; Deepak Kumar Bandewar; Sachin Jat
The requirement of this study arises where sometimes it is difficult for taking too much time to choose an effective and economical truss shape or truss geometry during the design period. Now a day, our study about the steel structures, steel trusses make one of the major structural systems, which require for accurate and reasonable design. The shape and configuration mainly depend upon the span of trusses and a variety of loads. We have proposed to optimize the steel truss pattern for increase structural efficiency. Long span structures are needed to resist lateral forces over the span length without vertical members at the mid spans, for such structures truss arrangement is more beneficial to distribute tension and compression of each members. We have tested the considered models using Staad.Pro .The designed steel truss structures are analyzed for increasing structural efficiency. The present investigation will encourage the utilization of steel truss arrangement for long span structures which may be cost effective, easy and fast in assembling. and concluded that in truss arrangement howe type truss is comparatively best suitable whereas in terms of sections beam section is more resistible and economical. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
99-114 |
25 |
Analysis of Wind Power Generation System in Micro-Grid by using DSTATCOM
-Puja Shinde ; Dr. Pawan C. Tapre; Mr. Amit M. Solanki
This paper work presents an improved control strategy for a DC Grid based multiple parallel wind power system by eliminating the necessity for voltage and frequency synchronization. The Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator is considered in this paper since it doesn't require a dc excitation framework that will expand the plan many-sided quality of the control equipment. Separate controllers are proposed for the inverter when grid is in grid-connected and islanded modes of operation. Model predictive control algorithm is employed for the higher transient performance with reference to the change within the operating condition for the inverter operation. A separate controller has been developed for the turbine to take care of the constant power and to mitigate the variation error. Performance of the proposed micro grid in grid connected operation for inverter failure, connection of AC/DC Grid and also islanded mode of operation is evaluated. Read More...
Electrical Power System |
India |
115-119 |
26 |
Driver Drowsiness Detection
-Akash Sanjay Sherkar ; Dipak Vishnu Daigavhane; Dhananjay Uttam Ugale; Akshay Somanath Sonawane; Prof. Pravin M. Tambe
Driver fatigue is one of the major causes of accidents in the world. In recent years driver fatigue is one of the major causes of vehicle accidents in the world. A direct way of measuring driver fatigue is measuring the state of the driver i.e. drowsiness. So it is very important to detect the drowsiness of the driver to save life and property. This project is aimed towards developing a prototype of drowsiness detection system. This system is a real time system which captures image continuously and measures the state of the eye according to the specified algorithm and gives warning if required. Many of the accidents occur due to drowsiness of drivers. It is one of the critical causes of roadways accidents now-a-days. Latest statistics say that many of the accidents were caused because of drowsiness of drivers. Vehicle accidents due to drowsiness in drivers are causing death to thousands of lives. More than 30% accidents occur due to drowsiness. For the prevention of this, a system is required which detects the drowsiness and alerts the driver which saves the life. In this project, we present a scheme for driver drowsiness detection. In this, the driver is continuously monitored through webcam. This model uses image processing techniques which mainly focuses on face and eyes of the driver. Raspberry-pi processor is used for image processing. Image processing techniques such as Harcascade frontal face and Face landmark shake predictor are used for acquiring details of given eye object and further processing. This proposed system is used for Driver & Road safety system. In this system web cam capture driver face image. Then, face detection is employed to locate the regions of the driver's eyes, which are used as the templates for eye tracking in subsequent frames. The tracked eye's images are used for drowsiness detection in order to generate warning alarms. The proposed approach has three phases: Face, Eye detection and drowsiness detection. The role of image processing is to recognize the face of the driver and then extracts the image of the eyes of the driver for detection of drowsiness. The Haar face detection algorithm takes captured frames of image as input and then the detected face as output. It can be concluded this approach is a low cost and effective solution to reduce the number of accidents due to driver's Drowsiness to increase the transportation safety. We are developed drowsiness detection systems that recognize signs of possible drowsiness, alerting the driver to their condition. Though there are several methods for measuring the drowsiness but this approach is completely non-intrusive which does not affect the driver in any way, hence giving the exact condition of the driver. For detection of drowsiness the per closure value of eye is considered. So when the closure of eye exceeds a certain amount then the driver is identified to be sleepy. For implementing this system several OpenCv libraries are used including Haar-cascade. The entire system is implemented using Raspberry-Pi. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
120-124 |
27 |
The Function of AI, Machine Learning, and Big Data in Digital Twinning: Methodical Review, Difficulty and Scope.
-Bhor Shital Kisan ; Monika D. Rokade
Digital twinning is one of the pinnacle ten technology within side the previous couple of years, because of its excessive overall performance within side the commercial sector. Integration of huge information analytics and intelligence / device learning strategies with virtual twinning, in addition complements its fee and studies potential with new possibilities and specific demanding situations. To date, many clinical fashions had been evolved and utilized in reference to this evolving topic. However, there'
s no systematic assessment of virtual integration, particularly focusing at the function of AI-ML and huge information, to manual pupils and enterprise on destiny improvement. Twin of any tangible object, a good way to direct, develop, and preserve the simple method of the frame virtual twins (DTs) or DT-primarily based totally packages for numerous commercial applications, highlighting the present day kingdom of the art. We have made a scientific assessment at the understanding of digital literature in lots of fields, similarly to the prevailing copyright on this field. Also, we've got diagnosed improvement gear which can assist one-of-a-kind tiers of virtual twinning. In addition, we've got designed a massive information-pushed and integrated reference structure that leads builders to a whole DT-enabled system. Finally, we highlighted the studies electricity of AI-ML in virtual integration with the aid of using exposing present day demanding situations and possibilities. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
125-129 |
28 |
Analysis of Mutation Testing using PIT and MuClipse
-Anamika Frederick ; Prateek Singh; Vineesh Cutting
Mutation testing is an extraordinary testing technique to introduce faults in original program [11] to enhance the robustness of the code and to create better test cases. Special mutant operators are used to create large number of mutants. The result produced must be different from the original program [6]. Mutation testing requires large number of mutants [1] to be tested against the test cases being generated [6]. Thus, automatic generation of mutants are preferred to reduce the overall cost. This paper represents an efficient and simplified analysis for generating mutants using PIT tool over MuClipse tool using Eclipse IDE environment for reducing cost which is a complex problem in any software testing. Read More...
Computer Science And Engineering |
India |
130-133 |
29 |
College Notes Gallery
-Prashant Bharatram Tarone ; Chetan Anil Masram; Vaibhav Bandu Sute; Prajwal Ganesh Bagade
College Notes Gallery is a web based notes sharing and management system which helps students and teachers to share their notes online effectively. It reduces the wasting of time in manually distributing notes to each individual. It greatly overcomes the lack of availability and converts the manual old school paperwork to a fully automated and managed online system. College Notes Gallery allows it's users to securely register and log in to their individual accounts and create, read, update, delete notes according to their needs. It provides notes to everyone in a very secure manner. Multiple users can work in this system at the same time under centralized supervision by administrator. It is a very useful notes management system for Colleges, Schools and other Institutes to manage and share their notes in an secure, efficient and effective manner. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
134-135 |
30 |
Design and Development of Special Purpose Welding Machine
-Ashish Jadhav ; Aditya Kadam; Suyash Garud; Abhishek Kadam; Nilesh Dhumal
In this project, we will be doing Design, Analysis & Manufacturing automation for circular parts welding with uniform weld structure using PLC. We will be designing & manufacturing the turntable, which will be rotating at specific required speed de-pending upon the requirement of fillet material to be added. Further, the electrode nozzle is kept stationary, which will be in contact with the surface of components to be welded. Hence, in this project, a detailed design for converting the convention-al MIG welding (ARC) machine into an automated circular component-welding machine has been proposed. Along with this main modification the existing MIG welding machine – (a stationary downward ARG – HEAD which has provisions for hor-izontal and upward movements) is to be modified into portable robotic welding machine. Read More...
Engineering |
India |
136-138 |
31 |
Flow Analysis of A Helicopter Main Rotor With Gurney Flaps
-Inayat Rasool ; Sabir Husen; Dhanuja M; Dhruvadeep R
The helicopter is a revolutionary machine which is developed with a high degree of complexity and remarkable capabilities when comparing with a fixed wing aircrafts. Bell 212 is a medium utility helicopter with 15 seats capacity of one pilot and 14 passengers. It has twin engine and a two bladed main rotor and two blade tail rotor. Main rotor diameter is 14.69m (48ft). Max thickness 12% at 30% chord (C). Chord length of the NACA (National Committee for Aeronautics) 0012 is 23.38 inches. A 1:1 main rotor of bell 212 was designed in ANSYS design modeler was used to generate computational mesh and subsequent computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations were performed mainly with ANSYS Fluent. Gurney flaps are micro tabs which are used for lift enhancement by attaching it at the end of the trailing edge of the airfoil. The gurney flap height of 3% of the chord and thickness of 0.33% C at 45 º angle is used for its efficient lift increment. The project work is been analyzed with two cases, forward flight for determining coefficient of lift (CL) and drag (CD) and hovering flight for thrust has been performed. The two cases of flight has been analyzed for both main rotor with and without gurney flaps and compared to determine the better results. It is expected to increase the coefficient of lift to drag ratio with gurney flaps attached to overall span of the helicopter main rotor. Read More...
Aeronautical Engineering |
India |
139-144 |
32 |
The Impact assessment of shear Wall Position on Plan Irregular Structure Seismic Response
-Mayank Singh Sawner ; Prof. Mayur Singi
During seismic excitation, the behaviour of regular and irregular shape buildings is totally different. When earthquake hits the building, the damages in building which have lack of symmetry are more severe than regular shape building. The lack of symmetry in a building act as the weakness point during earthquake excitation, so in building damages starts at that point. Building Plans with re-entrant corner forms are a most useful set of building shapes for urban sites, particularly for residential apartments and hotels, which enable large plan areas to be accommodated in relatively compact form, yet still provide a high percentage of perimeter rooms with access to air and light. + -shaped, L-shaped and C- shaped buildings with re-entrant corners are common for school buildings to accommodate spaces for playgrounds and assembly areas. But these configurations pose a great deficiency in the seismic behaviour of the structure. Most of the building codes recognize re-entrant corners as one of the serious irregularities in buildings but no vital recommendations for proper evaluation of these structures yet or incorporation way of retrofit strategies leads to accurate design methods. The objective is to study the seismic behaviour of multi-story buildings having in plan irregularity with re-entrant corners. Main objective is To study the behaviour of multi-storied buildings of height 30m, 45m, 60m having re-entrant corners of two plan areas having plan irregularities about 30% and 36% under static and dynamic load and find out the optimize location of shear wall. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
145-149 |
33 |
Review Paper on Study and Design of Railway Line to Connect Wardha-Yavatmal-Nanded District
-Pawan S. Patil ; Prof. Pranay P. Deogade ; Laxmikant S. Madane; Rushikesh D. lakade; Surbhi H kohade
In this project we have aim to join rural area of Yavatmal District to surrounding urban area like Wardha & Nanded. This project led to overall development of Yavatmal District and smooth transportation between three major Districts, this rout provides direct connectivity between Nagpur and other District in Vidarbha Region & Marathwada Region. Present study is use to provide service gap in terms of expectation of passengers & service delivered by train, for that we are trying various three routs of railways by joining the villages by considering various aspect like time duration, location, regional importance and tourist spots. After all study we are finalized the rout which fulfill maximum aspects This route gives ease of transportation, comfortable & cheapest service as compare to other travelling facility like good transport, food facility, tourism & Service Parking lots of operation other service. As Yavatmal District known as Cotton City of Maharashtra and District has many Sugar and various Industries. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
150-153 |
34 |
Ergonomic Hazards and Control Measures among Sewing Machine Operators
-Rajkumar T ; Dr Subrata Das
The workplace has the potential to negatively impact employees; performance in a variety of ways, including dissatisfaction, exhaustion, frustration, minor or serious injuries that limit worker; capacity to complete everyday duties, and even death in extreme situations. Ergonomics, often known as human factors engineering, aims to match the job to the worker rather than the worker to the job. The role of ergonomics in textile sewing machine operators was investigated in this research. In a group of twenty people, individual and work-related risk factors in the development of occupational musculoskeletal problems were investigated primarily in the sewing sector. Musculoskeletal diseases are one of the most common causes of decreased productivity in today’s workplace. The situation is supposedly far worse in developing countries, with many industries reporting terrible conditions. Additionally, in developing countries, there may be a major lack of understanding of ergonomics issues, education and training programmes, and accreditation. So this study adopted a descriptive cross sectional design in which textile sewing machine operators were analyzed using REBA method. Read More...
Industrial Safety Engineering |
India |
154-157 |
35 |
Advance Treatment of Wastewater Generated During Biodiesel Production
-Rahul M. Prajapati
Biodiesel is having a great importance recently due to lack of available conventional energy resources. To complete the demand of energy it is required to find alternative energy source that serve the energy need and emit lower pollutants. This work involves production of biodiesel by alkali catalysed transesterification process and generation of wastewater by wet washing and treatment of wastewater. The wastewater involves various components like soaps, salts, catalyst, methanol, glycerol etc. By applying Advance treatment technique, we can reduce biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), oil and grease, total dissolve solids (TDS), total suspended solids (TSS), chloride, ammoniacal nitrogen, total solids (TS) etc. In this work, UV/H2O2, Fenton reaction and Photo-Fenton method are applied for wastewater treatment and the results are compared. Read More...
Chemical Engineering |
India |
164-167 |
36 |
A Reliable Technique for Data Encryption Using Symmetric Approach
-Priya Dagar ; Mugdha Monga; Sachin Pannu
Today almost sixty percent of the world is on internet, with online data exchange becoming the most common way of transferring information with each other, it brings with itself a number of security risks to the said data. As per the Identity Theft Resource Centre, up until October, the number of publicly documented data breaches has already exceeded the total for 2020, putting 2021 on track to be a record year. To combat this pressing issue and achieve data security in the most efficient manner our research paper has proposed a model to achieve the same using encryption. It is one of the most reliable approaches to prevent the interference from intruder using a key. The symmetric approach uses a single key which is encrypted by the sender and later decrypted by the receiver. The key is generated using some basic operation such as decimal to binary conversion and vice versa, one's compliment, swapping, concatenation etc. This method encrypts the data and transforms it efficiently, making it difficult to be decoded by an unauthorized user. As it is a very convenient technique, it can easily be used in a number of modern applications to safely store and transfer sensitive data. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
168-171 |
37 |
Online Food Ordering System
-Aryan Jain ; Arnav Tyagi ; Arsh Ali ; Ayush Singh
Online food ordering system is mainly designed primarily function for use in the food delivery industry. By this method different hotels, restaurants and cafés can increase their food orders and getting a proper platform for them to deliver the food. The customers can select any food at any quantity and order it from different sources and have various payment methods in it like COD, online transaction and many more with it. One of the major problems with existing application are that they are not providing that comfort and safety to the customer that we are giving them with this system. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
172-175 |
38 |
Determine Randomness of the Data based on the Size and Number of Runs for Large Sample
-Ranjan Kumawat ; Mr. Rahul Pawar
Wald-Wolfowitz Run test of randomness is a statistical test that is used to know the randomness in data. Run test of randomness assumes that the mean and variance are constant and the probability is independent. The Run Test is actually one of the most interesting statistical tests ever and it is so easy to understand, or even the easiest. There is a risk of selection bias when collecting a sample using consecutive sampling for an ordered population. No assurance that the sequence of data generated will be random because there is no mechanism to ensure random selection. In the proposed work we have taken more 1000 populations which have been vaccinated with corona vaccine for Covid-19 from 10 different vaccination center data from 10 different. We used run test to check the randomness between male and female. We applied properties of run test to check the randomness of data .First we taken 500 person’s data in with 330 Male and 170 female and the numbers of runs are 237. Similarly for second population we have taken 1000 persons data in which 453 Male and 547 Female and number of runs are 512. We calculate z statistics we found in both the cases the calculated z statistics value with run test we found in both the cases the calculated value is less than the critical z value of tabulated can say that both the sample have taken have randomness. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
176-179 |
39 |
Strategies to Optimize Auxiliary Power Consumption in Coal Based Thermal Power Plant
-Vivek Kumar Mishra ; Dr. R.K. Mandloi
In the present scenario total installed electricity generation capacity of India is 388849 MW, out of which 201995 MW generated by Coal & 6620 MW is generated by Lignite (1). Almost 50% of total energy generated is consumed by the industries alone .Auxiliary power in coal fired power station accounts for 7% to 12% of the gross generated power at the full plant load. This AP can be optimized by 4.5% to 9% for the same capacity range (2). The reason of excessive AP consumption is outdated technology, poor operation and maintenance, internal leakage, ingress of foreign material into equipment, ageing of equipment. Apart from this coal quality, amount of steam to be generated, load variation also affects the AP requirements. Higher AP consumption creates significant gap in power generated and power supplied to grid, due to which not only government norms are violated but it also accounts loss to the generating company. To compensate AP consumed within plant there is two methods. First is minimizing the electricity consumption and second is more power generation. The second method is not cost effective. This paper discusses in details the maintenance strategy and some design aspects to improve the AP consumption. Read More...
Industrial Tribology & Maintenance Engineering |
India |
180-182 |
40 |
Stress Analysis of RCC Intz Type Elevated Storage Reservoir with Discrete Modelling by Using ANSYS
-Avinash M. Thorat
the present study focuses on the nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete Intz type elevated storage reservoir (ESR). In this study component wise static analysis with tank full condition is carried out. Means the components of the RCC Intz type ESR like top dome, top ring beam, cylindrical tank wall, bottom ring beam, conical dome slab bottom spherical dome, bottom circular girder, supporting frame with columns and braces and footings are modelled and static analysis by considering all the design loads is carried out in order to find maximum stresses produced in the tank components. Concrete is modelled using SOLID65 element and reinforcement is modelled using LINK180 element. Also discrete type of modelling technique is used in order to model rebar in the concrete. For modelling and analysis Ansys Mechanical apdl software is used. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
183-187 |
41 |
Metaverse - The Rise of a New World
-Ankita Chaudhary ; Mohit Rajendra Mhamunkar
Metaverse is an interconnected network of 3D virtual realistic worlds which was developed with the purpose of social interaction. The Metaverse is the future of social media and connection, and the very manifestation of how people are going to interact with other social beings. The following virtual world is still developing daily until it reaches its full capability. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
188-190 |
42 |
Stabilization of Soil with the Help of Lime Contain
-Srivastav Monika Yogeshkishore ; Praneet Madhav; Shikha Pal
Expansive soils are problematic because of the behaviour of their clay mineral ingredient, which causes them to shrink and swell. Because of their shrink-swell characteristics, expansive soils are unsuitable for direct engineering applications in their native state. Various methods and technologies have been utilised to stabilise the soil in order to make it more suitable for construction. The additives and techniques used to stabilise expansive soils will be investigated in this study to see how effective they are at improving the engineering attributes of the soils. The microstructural interaction, chemical process, economic implications, nanotechnology use, waste reuse, and sustainability were then examined. Three kinds of concerns were highlighted regarding the appropriate applicability of developing trends in expansive soil stabilisation, namely geoenvironmental, standardisation, and optimisation issues. In order to ensure that expanding soil stabilisation is efficient, techniques such as predictive modelling and exploring methodologies such as maintainability analysis of structures, multiple regression analysis, dimensional analysis, and artificial intelligence technology were presented. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
191-193 |
43 |
Cloud Deployment Model
-Richa Shailendra Pathak
Cloud computing has become the embraced of the computer world. Cloud Computation is the process of creating a virtual computing environment. Deployment in the cloud provides organizations with flexible and scalable virtual computing resources. A cloud deployment model is the type of architecture in which a cloud system is deployed. These models differ in terms of administration, ownership, access control, and security protocols. This paper describes the different types of cloud computing service models and deployment models. There are six types of Deployment Models, from them five are main: Private Cloud, Public Cloud, Hybrid Cloud, Community Cloud, Inter-Cloud. Inter-Cloud has two types of clouds: Federated Clouds, Multi-clouds. The cloud deployment model identifies the specific type of cloud environment based on ownership, scale, and access, as well as the cloud’s nature and purpose. The location of the servers you’re utilizing and who controls them are defined by a cloud deployment model. It specifies how your cloud infrastructure will look, what you can change, and whether you will be given services or will have to create everything yourself. Relationships between the infrastructure and your users are also defined by cloud deployment types. Different types of cloud computing deployment models are: Public cloud, Private cloud, Hybrid cloud, Community cloud, Multi-cloud. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
194-199 |
44 |
E-Debitum: Software Debt Management
-Thorat Rahul Sanjay ; Monika Rokade
This paper condenses previous work in the concept of a new software Energy metric: Energy Debt. This metric is an expression of meaning costs in relation to the use of force over time, of preference in the implementation of faulty software over strong power as an effective but time-consuming process. This paper describes how to use a SonarQube tool called E-Debitum to calculate power credit for Android apps in all versions. This plugin employs powerful, well-defined capabilities, as well as an expandable scent catalogue based on the current bright green system erature, with each fragrance describing potential energy savings. Finally, the E-Debitum test was confirmed in three popular Android apps with different releases, displaying how their energy debt fluctuates across all emissions. IDEAS FOR CCS: Software and its engineering; independent analysis; software performance. WORDS ARE ESSENTIAL: Green Software, Energy Credits, and Code Analysis. THE ACM REFERENCE FORMAT IS: Daniel Maia, Marco Couto, Joo Saraiva, and Rui Pereira contributed to the ACM reference format. Debitum: Software Debt Management, 2020. At the 35th IEEE / ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering Workshops (ASEW ཐ), Visual Event, Australia, September 21-25, 2020. 8 pages, ACM, New York, NY, USA. https:s// Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
200-204 |
45 |
Pollution and Vegetable Contamination: A Review of the Impact of Various Pollutants
-Kalpana Singh
Environmental pollution nowadays is a big concern. Anthropogenic activities have altered the environment significantly throughout the world like mining, industry and agriculture. This causes an increase in the Lead (Pb), Cadmium (Cd), Arsenic (As) content of soil and water, thus contaminating them. The increased uptake of these metals by plants influences the natural contents of vegetables and thus poses serious health impacts. Air pollutants like sulphur dioxide, ozone and peroxyacetyl nitrate also cause significant injury to plants and vegetables depending on the concentration and duration of exposure. In this paper, we present a review of the influence of these pollutants on vegetable content and hence their impact on human health. Read More...
Environmental Science & Technology |
India |
205-207 |
46 |
Seismic Analysis of Industrial Structure Using Bracings and Dampers
-Shireen Qureshi ; Deepak Kumar Bandewar
Resistance of structures against earthquake plays an extensive role in construction industry. A structure should consist of strength, stability and ductility to accommodate both horizontal and vertical loadings. Horizontal loading leads to the production of sway and further results in vibration and storey drift. Strength and stiffness are two major keys for any structure to resist gravity and lateral loads. Provision of bracings or dampers to any structure contributes to lateral stability. After assigning dampers or bracings, the general system changes to lateral load resisting system (LLRS). The present work involves in proposing the suitability of type of damper or bracing for controlling the seismic activity on industrial structures in respective seismic zones II of India. Industrial structures also associate high dead load as it provides residence to heavy sized members. Therefore, this is necessary to investigate seismic response of buildings with various bracings and dampers to control vibration, lateral displacement and storey drift. Natural time period, frequency, roof displacements are the major parameters considered for observing response of structures. Response spectrum analysis of 3D industrial structure with distinct concentric bracings and dampers using SAP 2000 will be carrying in this research under respective base shear. In this study it is concluded that with bracings and dampers we can resist structural stability and make structure economic. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
208-216 |
47 |
A Hydrological Study of Constructed Wetlands
-Dr Anil Vasant Shirgire
Constructed wetlands are wastewater treatment systems consisted of one or more treatment cells in a building designed and constructed to provide wastewater treatment. Constructed wetlands are classified into two types: free water surface (FWS) wetlands (also known as surface flow wetlands) closely resemble natural wetlands in appearance because they contain aquatic plants that are rooted in a soil layer on the bottom of the wetland and water flows through the leaves and stems of plants. Subsurface flow wetlands (SSF) or known as a vegetated submerged bed (VSB) systems do not resemble natural wetlands because they have no standing water. They contain a bed of media (such as crushed rock, small stones, gravel, sand, or soil) that has been planted with aquatic plants. When properly designed and operated, wastewater stays beneath the surface of the media, flows in contact with the roots and rhizomes of the plants, and is not visible or available to wildlife. Constructed wetlands are an appropriate technology for areas where inexpensive land is generally available and skilled labor is less available. In this paper, a study was done on covered types, characteristics, design variation and considerations, limitations, and the advantages and disadvantages of constructed wetlands. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
217-224 |
48 |
Planning and Designing of a 100 Bed Capacity Hospital
-Hawabi Samad Shaikh ; Samata Patil; Rutwik Sawant; Sharvani Chirekar; Pradnya Gawade
Hospitals are the most complex of building types. Each hospital is comprised of a wide range of services and functional units. These include diagnostic and treatment functions, such as clinical laboratories, imaging, emergency rooms, and surgery; hospitality functions, such as food service and housekeeping; and the fundamental patient care or bed-related function. This diversity is reflected in the breadth and specificity of regulations, codes, and oversight that govern hospital construction and operations. Each of the wide-ranging and constantly evolving functions of a hospital, including highly complicated mechanical, electrical, and telecommunications systems, requires specialized knowledge and expertise. No one person can reasonably have complete knowledge. The functional units within the hospital can have competing needs and priorities. Idealized scenarios and strongly-held individual preferences must be balanced against mandatory requirements and actual functional needs (internal traffic and relationship to other departments). Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
225-229 |
49 |
Analysis over the Development of Hydrogen Engine -1
-Jitendra kumar
We know that the storage of the various type fuels in the earth will be finished after some time in which the petroleum oil is used at large scale because petrol, diesel, kerosene etc. are obtained by this oil. So in future the transmission may be effected critically and other essential activities also may be affected critically. To solve this problem such type fuel is required which will be available till the end of earth. The hydrogen is the solution of this problem which will be available always on the earth. Generally it may be obtained by water in large quantity. There are various methods to obtain the hydrogen from the water like by chemical reactions, by electric decomposition etc. In which the electric decomposition method is mostly used because by using this method the hydrogen and oxygen both are separated in ratio 2:1 by volume clearly and easily. Now further in hydrogen engine these both type gases are required in ratio 2:1 again so it will be a recycling process through which the obtained heat energy will be used to run the engine. Here to use the hydrogen as a engine fuel the spark ignition engine will be used like petrol engine but here some modifications are required in working and structure of this type spark ignition engine. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
230-232 |
50 |
Analysis over the Improvement Due to Change in Design of Some Cutting Tools
-Jitendra kumar
We can obtain the better results in productivity, quality, reliability and machinability etc if some changes are provided in design of cutting tools. For this we may provide the basic changes in cutting tool profile as various cutting angles, cutting edges, cutting points etc. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
233-236 |