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1 |
Effect of Sterliant and Establishment of Contamination Free In Vitro Culture of Chia (Salvia Hispanica)
-Tausif Khan
Plant tissue culture is very important for our future because Plant tissue culture broadly refers to the in vitro cultivation of all plants parts, whether a single cell, tissue or organ under aseptic condition .The under lying principles involved in plant tissue culture are very simple. Firstly, a plant part from the intact plant & its inner organ/inner tissue is isolated. Secondly, it is necessary to provide the plant part with an appropriate environment in which it can express its intrinsic or induced potential . This means that a suitable culture medium & proper culture conditions must be provided finalily ,the above procedures must be carried out aseptically. Read More...
Biotechnology |
India |
1-5 |
2 |
Incorporation of Waste Plastic in Manufacturing of Bricks Along With Quarry Gravel and M-Sand
-Konathala Ratnakar ; Dr. N. Victor Babu
There is extensive lopsidedness in the regular struc-ture materials; there is an incredible interest in on-going past years. In quarries while removing the lateritic stone with assistance of cutting machines which produces 15-20% of soil squanders which represents an issue of removal and using the quarry squander? The amount of plastic waste in city strong waste assortment is extending quickly ,the pace of extension is twofold for like clockwork .since it is non-biodegradable which stay on earth for a very long time without debasement and it is an extraordinary test in discarding waste plastics ,it is likewise risk in recurrent reusing of plastic waste it represents a threat of being changed to a cancer-causing materials and just a limited quantity of pet jugs are reused, it has a numerous decent qualities like flexibility , hardness, oppose to synthetic ,water impacts. As of late, the regular sand is supplanted by the m-sand .M-sand is likewise utilized in com-bination of plastic and soil, in this work an en-deavor has been made to produce of blocks by utilizing the waste plastic in scope of 60-80% by weight of lateritic quarry squander and m-sand blend. The blocks fabricated have the properties like flawless and in any event, getting done with irrelevant water ingestion and which fulfills the compressive solidarity somewhat. The primary goal of this work is to build up a productive meth-od to successfully use the waste plastic which is incredible danger for the environmental equilibri-um. Plastic has various utilizations, plastics do pre-sent removal issues. The rationale being decrease of ecological related perils from plastic. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
6-11 |
3 |
A Thorough Survey on Efficient Facial Expression Detection in De-Stressing Zone through Machine Learning Approaches
-Mrs.Rupali Parte ; Amruta Lohar; Asiya Shaikh; Pratiksha Lole; Yogita Surve
The detection of the facial expression is extremely difficult for the computer to perform as it lacks the effective evolutionary understanding that is achieved by the human brain. The large scale research in image processing has been led to considerable increase in the computational and time complexities. There is a lack of a prescribed approach that integrates the diverse Internet of Things platform with the machine learning paradigm to achieve skin detection for facial expression identification. The machine learning approaches are highly useful in the determination of the facial expression. The facial expression detection approaches utilize the following techniques to detect the face and the expression, patch based detection methods, feature based geometric methods, local or global based techniques, edge based facial area recognition and the texture based techniques. These approaches are able to extract the features of the facial images, which is a complex procedure that can be highly taxing for the hardware in use. These large complexities can be manages with high efficiency through The prominent approaches have been useful in achieving the goals through the various techniques for the facial expression detection, such as, RFID based, neural networks and mood sensitivity based approaches. the implementing of the machine learning techniques. There have been multiple researches for the purposes of enabling human emotion detection through facial expressions have been elaborated effectively for the purpose of achieving our approach. The methodology for this system utilizes skin detection and Recurrent Neural Networks along with decision tree for effective emotion identification. The approach will be elaborated further in the upcoming editions of this research. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
12-15 |
4 |
Emoji Creation With Image Dataset using Deep Learning
-Anchana K ; Priya das R; Sharvanthi priya N; Ramya D; Krishna Rupa P
Emojis or avatars are ways in which to point nonverbal cues. These cues became a vital a part of on-line chatting, product review, whole feeling, and lots of additional. It conjointly cause increasing information science analysis dedicated to emoji-driven storytelling. With advancements in pc vision and deep learning, it is currently potential to sight human emotions from pictures. During this deep learning project, we are going to classify human facial expressions to filter and map corresponding emojis or avatars. Read More...
Computer Science And Information Technology |
India |
16-18 |
5 |
A New Hybrid Multi-Level Voltage-Source Converter with DC Fault Blocking Capability
-P.Devi Priya ; N.Mekala
This paper clarifies the working standards, supported by simulation results, of another converter topology proposed for HVDC application, called the Alternate Arm Converter (AAC). It is hybrid between the multilevel converter, as a result of the presence of H-bridge cells, and the 2-level converter, as chief switches in each arm. This converter can create a multi-level AC voltage and, since its heaps of cells comprise of H-connect cells rather than halfbridge cells, they can produce higher AC voltage than the DC terminal voltage. This permits the AAC to work at an ideal point, called the "sweet spot", where the AC and DC energy streams equivalent. The chief switches in the AAC are answerable for rotating the conduction time of each arm, prompting a critical decrease in the quantity of cells in the stacks. Moreover, the AAC can keep control of the current in the stage reactor even if there should arise an occurrence of a DC-side deficiency and backing the AC lattice, through a STATCOM mode. Recreation results and misfortune counts are introduced in this paper to help the asserted highlights of the AAC. Read More...
Power Electronics |
India |
19-23 |
6 |
Review of Network Survey Vehicle For Road Condition Measurement
-Shachi Kant Jha ; Ankit Sethi
The assessment of road condition is an essential part of a road management system for development of road rehabilitation strategies. Nowadays, road condition assessment is gradually being automated by using various imaging systems using Artificial Intelligence technique. However, the processing of the collected road visual data is still being done manually or semi-automatically in India. There are thousands of kilometers of raw video data of highways collected using Network Survey Vehicles under the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (MORTH). The extraction of data from the Network Survey Vehicle is very crucial process which require a highly skilled person to analyze the same. Read More...
Transportation Engineering |
India |
24-26 |
7 |
Attendance Management System Based On the Cloud Web Application with the Function of Face Recognition
-M. Mohan Raj ; V. Vijayakumari; L. Tamilarasan; S. Vijay
The problem about checking attendant is the main problem of teacher in nowadays. In order to solve this problem, Many systems have been completely changed due to this evolve to achieve more accurate results. However, in my study, these study still lack of the efficiency about correct the face and students cannot verify or pose to edit the data when there is error in class. With this reason, this research aims to develop the facing attendant system to be more effective and the mechanic of the system which students can easily verify. The experiment of this research is to find the way to recognize the face by using the technique of Android Face Recognition with Deep Learning which can correctly recognize up to 97%. The database is connected to Attendance Management System web server by using cloud storage. The result on screen in real time on the application so that students can verify and check data. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
27-30 |
8 |
Protection Strategy of Multi-Terminal HVDC Grid work on MMC
-Shivani Konde ; Prof. Vaishali Chavhan
Multi-terminal versatile HVDC grids area unit needed because of the high penetration of renewable energy. However, protection issue remains a serious challenge. this can be mostly because of the low inductance in DC network compared to AC interconnection that typically leads to a unforeseen collapse within the DC voltage and speedy rise within the fault current so reaching damaging levels in few milliseconds. Therefore, faults in MT-HVDC system should be detected and cleared quickly before it reaches a harmful level; generally, four – 6ms (including electrical fuse gap time) following the origination of the fault. For this reason, transient primarily based protection techniques area unit ideal. The protection theme should be reliable and dependable. Transient primarily based protection algorithms utilize the upper frequency elements of the fault generated signal to find a fault, so creating it potential to find the fault whereas the fault current continues to be rising and well before the steady state. the normal protection algorithms developed for standard high voltage AC (HVAC) systems like distance protection area unit steady state primarily based and intrinsically not appropriate for the protection of MT-HVDC systems. Non-unit line protection devices which can operate at a spare speed and which can isolate solely the faulty section within the event of a fault area unit so needed to avoid a complete system failure throughout short. they are at risk of dc faults. to make sure their high reliableness and continuous operation, quick and selective protection schemes area unit indispensable. This project analyses the transient voltages within the case of dc line faults in standard structure device (MMC)-based HVDC grid. A MMC-based four terminal HVDC grid is sculptural mistreatment MATLAB, and in depth simulations area unit conducted to validate the effectiveness of the planned theme. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
31-34 |
9 |
To Prevent Shoulder Surfer Attack Using Illusion Pin Generation
-M. Mohan ; G.Jayakumar; S. Karthikeyan; Tamilvanan L; K.Hemalatha
A Personal Identification Number (PIN) is an arrangement of digits that affirms the character of an individual when it is effectively introduced. The development of PIN validation is an aftereffect of its constant utilization for quite a long time in a wide scope of regular daily existence applications, similar to cell phones and banking frameworks. PIN verification is defenseless to animal power or in any event, speculating assaults. IPIN utilizes the strategy of half breed pictures to mix two keypads with various digit orderings in such a manner, that the client who is near the gadget is seeing one keypad to enter her PIN, while the assailant who is taking a gander at the gadget from a greater distance is seeing just the other keypad. To beat houlder-riding assaults on verification plots by proposing Illusion PIN (IPIN), a PIN-put together validation strategy that works with respect to contact screen gadgets. The client's keypad is rearranged in each verification endeavor since the assailant may retain the spatial game plan of the squeezed digits. The perceivability calculation frames the center of our work and we might want to analyze whether it tends to be utilized to survey the perceivability of pictures other than cross breed keypads. Perceivability calculation could be utilized to survey the perceivability of general pictures, however its boundaries must be suitably tuned for the specific main job. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
35-36 |
10 |
A Review on Experimental Study of Fiber Reinforced Bendable Concrete With M-Sand
-Mr. Dhulappa B. Borkar ; Dr. Shriganesh S. Kadam
Reducing the brittle nature of concrete has opened a new world of possibilities to enhance the safety, durability and sustainability of the next generation of civil infrastructure. Tiny fibers partly account for its performance, and also the material is designed for maximum flexibility, because of its long life, the Engineered cementitious composite (ECC) is expected to cost less in the long run, as well. The ductile or bendable concrete is made of same ingredient as in regular concrete minus the coarse aggregate. It looks exactly like normal concrete, but under excessive strain, the ECC concrete allows, the specially coated network of fiber in cement to slide within the cement, thus avoiding the inflexibility that causes the brittleness and breakage. The key factor is that ECC is engineered, means to addition to reinforcing the concrete with micro scale fiber that acts as ligaments to bond concrete more tightly. As this is the special type of concrete there are no defined codes for it and also it is rarely developed in INDIA hence no Indian codes can be found related to this, thus for this reason the parameters needed are to be obtained using trial and error method. This project includes different sets of test such as compaction factor test, bulk density, compressive strength test, flexural test sieve analysis etc. To determine the best possible water-cement and sand-cement ratio compression test was practiced and also gives us the compressive strength of concrete specimen. Finally, the flexural strength of concrete is determined by performing the flexural test on the specimen /member. Later on, all the data is analyzed and future prediction for flexural strength. Also, the ECC is compared with conventional concrete with regards to its weight and cost parameters. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
37-39 |
11 |
CT And MRI Scan Using Discrete Wavelet Transform Algorithm in Fusion Technique
-R. Oviya ; K. Hemalatha; U. Ajitha; P. Snega; C. Kaviyanjali
Most of previous image fusion methods aim at obtaining as many as information from the different modality images. The fusion criterion is to minimize different error between the fused image and the input images. With respect to the medical diagnosis, the edges and outlines of the interested objects is more important than other information. How to preserve the edge like features is worthy of investigating for medical image fusion. The image with higher contrast contains more edge-like features. We proposed a new medical image fusion scheme based on an improved discrete wavelet coefficient contrast. Multimodality medical image fusion has drawn lots of attention with the increasing rate at which multimodality medical images are available in many clinic application fields. Radiotherapy plan, for instance, often benefits from the complementary information in images of different modalities. Dose calculation is based on the computed tomography (CT) data, while tumor outline is often better performed in the corresponding magnetic resonance (MR) image. CT provides the better information on denser tissue with less distortion, while MRI offers better information on soft tissue with more distortion. With more available multimodality medical images in clinic application, the idea of encompassing different image information comes up very important, and medical image fusion has been emerging as a new and promising research area. The goal of image fusion is to obtain useful complementary information from multimodality images as much as possible. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
40-41 |
12 |
Credit Card Fraud Detection System
-Prem Suryawanshi ; Pavan Zadbuke; Shruti Gaikwad; Shweta Gunnal; Mrs. Vrushali Kondhalkar
Credit card fraud is a highly problematic situation that has been plaguing banks and other credit institutions all across the globe. The criminals are being highly inventive in getting around the loopholes and the security protocols that have been designed by these institutions to prevent this kind of fraud. This has led to a lot of research being done on this topic which has been analyzed in depth in this survey article. The fraudulent transactions are highly difficult to detect due to the techniques used by the criminal that can effectively mark it as a legitimate transaction that goes unnoticed by the systems. To improve the effective detection of fraud on a credit card there is a need for an effective technique that utilizes machine learning approaches to improve the precision of the detection. For this purpose, an effective technique has been visualized through the implementation of the hidden Markov model and decision tree to achieve the fraud detection goals. This approach will be well defined in the future editions of this article. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
42-44 |
13 |
Advanced Concepts of Data Mining in Crime Investigation
-Gautham Krishna M ; Adithyan S; Vignesh G; Arun Padmanabhan
Crime analysis and prevention is a systematic way of identifying and analyzing popular patterns and methods. Our system can predict regions with the highest risk of crime. With the proliferation of computer programs, crime data analysts can help law enforcement speed up the process of solving crime. Using the data concept mining can extract previously unknown, useful information from random data. The data mining process that can help solve crime faster. Instead of focusing on the causes of crime as the crime scene of the offender, political hostility etc. we focus mainly on everyday criminal activities. Read More...
Data Mining |
India |
45-47 |
14 |
Development of Solar Energy in India: A Spatio Temporal Analysis
Solar energy an environmental friendly renewable energy resource that can replace our traditional fossil fuel energy resources has developing rapidly in recent years. No greenhouse gas emissions are released into the atmosphere when you use solar panels to create electricity and because the sun provides more energy than we'll ever need, electricity from solar power is a very important energy source in the move to clean energy production. This article aims to analyse the development trend of solar energy in India and the spatial distribution of solarenergy plants and production in India. Read More...
Geography |
India |
48-52 |
15 |
Design and Implementation of Single Stage Boost Inverter for Renewable Applications
-Kuralarasi.N ; Thirumurugan V
Inverters are a big a part of a sophisticated electrical force framework, as they convert DC electrical into AC electric-power. In sure applications, inverters with electrical protection (confined inverters) are likeable thanks to the necessity for coming up with opportunity, security, and completely different reasons. Be that as it may, each conventional isolated inverter has a portion of the accompanying disadvantages: hard-switching in semiconductor devices, high circling current, helpless transformer usage, and high intricacy. Inverters are a big a part of a sophisticated electrical force framework, as they convert DC electrical into AC electric-power. In sure applications, inverters with electrical protection (confined inverters) are liked as a result of the need for coming up with opportunity, security, and completely different reasons An inverter addicted to associate degree series resonant device is by all accounts a solution on the grounds that the arrangement resonant device is thought for being easy and highly efficient. Nonetheless, there still can't seem to be a legitimate balance strategy for it. Consequently, the principle involvement of this exposition is to propose a cross breed balance technique. With the projected technique, the electrical converter will work with high productivity. Besides, the exhausting switching is all around stifled, which suggests a high frequency, compact design is conceivable. On the other hand the idea of the projected strategy, this paper in addition incorporates an influence loss model, associate degree instrumentation set up system, and analytic comparisons with completely different techniques. Also, a processed thanks to deal with management the electrical converter is proposed. Read More...
EE(Power System) |
India |
53-57 |
16 |
A Review on: A Design of Traffic Powered Wind Turbine
-Mahesh Mittha ; Prathamesh Malvankar; Amruta Dange; Omkar Padwal; Reshma Patil
The objective of the project is to design a wind turbine to recapture wind energy from vehicles on the highway. Wind energy is considered the fastest growing clean energy source however; it is limited by variable natural wind. Highways can provide a considerable amount of wind to drive a turbine due to high vehicle traffic. This energy is unused. Extensive research on wind patterns is required to determine the average velocity of the wind created by oncoming vehicles. The wind turbines will be placed on the medians therefore fluid flow from both sides of the highway will be considered in the design. Using all of the collected data, existing streetlights on the medians can be fitted with these wind turbines. Additionally, since the wind source will fluctuate, a storage system for the power generated will be designed to distribute and maintain a constant source of power. Ideally, the turbine can be used globally as an unlimited power source for streetlights and other public amenities. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
58-62 |
17 |
A Study on Demolished Concrete by Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregate
-Ponna Ashok ; M. Mallikarjuna
There is a large amount of demolished waste generated every year in India and other developing countries. Demolished waste includes concrete blocks that can be recycled into stone aggregates through pre-screening, crushing, screening, and separating of aggregates. In order to promote the reuse of construction waste, it is necessary to achieve the three basic concepts: (1) Assurance of safety and quality, (2) Decrease of environmental impact, (3) Decrease of cost-effectiveness of construction. The experimental investigations are carried out to evaluate the effect of partial replacement of coarse aggregate by demolished waste on compressive strength and workability of demolished concrete. We have taken demolished concrete (recycled aggregates) in the ratio of 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% by the weight of the coarse aggregates. The concrete cubes were casted by that recycled aggregates then further tests were conducted such as workability, compressive strength on that demolished concrete. Therefore, the test results obtained are found to be comparable with standard or conventional concrete. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
63-70 |
18 |
EERS: Energy-Efficient Renewable Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks
-S. Kawsalya ; Dr. A. Kalaivani; M. Vijayakumar; P. Boopathy; V.Visalakshi
We analyze unequal energy utilization in a broad class of many-to-one sensor networks in this article. All sensor nodes in a many-to-one sensor network generate constant bit rate (CBR) data and send it to a single sink through multi-hop transmissions. This sensor network has a wide range of possible applications, including environmental monitoring and data collection. Based on the observation that sensor nodes near the sink would relay more traffic than other nodes in the outer sub-regions, our study confirms that nodes in the inner rings have much higher energy consumption rates (ECR) and thus have much shorter predicted lifetimes. We suggest an energy-efficient renewable scheme (EERS) to save energy based on the overall energy usage review. We argue that the basic advantages provided by developments in WSN technology can be put to good use for local distributed intelligence and control. The collected experimental data is analyzed to gain insight into the characteristics of the proposed solution. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
71-74 |
19 |
A Reliable Data Sharing Ownership Using Blowfish Algorithm in Cloud
-R.Priya ; P.Divyabarathi; B.M.Nifla Begum; M.Gayathri
Cloud storage platforms promise a convenient way for users to share files and engage in collaborations, yet they require all files to have a single owner who unilaterally makes access control decisions. Existing clouds are, thus, agnostic to the notion of shared ownership. This can be significant limitation in much collaboration because, for example, one owner can delete files and revoke access without consulting the other collaborators. In this project, a Blowfish algorithm is proposed which is a symmetric encryption algorithm, meaning that it uses the same secret key to both encrypt and decrypt messages. Proposed Blowfish is also a block cipher, meaning that it divides a message up into fixed length blocks during encryption and decryption. Here, first formally define a notion of shared ownership within a file access control model. Then propose two possible instantiations of our proposed shared ownership model. Unlike Commune, Comrade requires that the cloud is able to translate access control decisions that reach consensus in the block chain into storage access control rules, thus requiring minor modifications to existing clouds. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
75-80 |
20 |
Energy Efficiency Automatic Light Controller
-Mugilan S ; Divya S; Subathra R; Sujitha N; Gokila P
This paper proposes energy efficient automatic light controller. The main objective is to design an energy efficient ESP32 based system which gets turned on and off automatically depending on the ambient lighting .This system consists of LDR (light depending resistor), IR sensor (infrared sensor) and a set of the light emitting diode (LED) module. The system was programmed automatically turn ON/OFF during the night time or given limited time. Detection of moving bodies that can control the street light efficiently by using sensors ON/OFF whenever it is required. This system is based on the concept of IOT (Internet of Things). Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
81-83 |
21 |
Tweets Emotion Interpretation Data Application
-Kodamagulla Kausthub ; Kurukunda Sreenath Reddy
Twitter is a social media platform where one can express his/her views by tweeting about the current and also various issues and events happening in our society. The tweets limit is 280 characters. Twiiter has been very influential in making people understand and also express their views among the activities happening in and around our societies. Twitter is so powerful that it has majorly influenced various events happening around the world. This paper mainly relates to the problem of emotion analysis in case of various tweets. We basically analyze the tweet emotion and accordingly are displayed and visualized using streamlit library. It mainly divides tweets into positive, negative and neutral emotion. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
84-86 |
22 |
Dynamic Concealment in Recital Visual Block chain
-R. Preethi ; R. Umapathy; K.Sathiyasorna; G.Bindhu
Banking and technology are very closely associated and innovations have changed banking drastically over the period of time. The digital innovations in the banking sector started with the introduction of money that replaced the barter system and then the gradual replacement of wax seal with digital signatures. One such disruptive innovation which is changing the banking sector globally is Blockchain Technology (BCT). Blockchain is shared distributed ledger which stores business transaction to a permanent unbreakable chain which can be viewed by the parties in a transaction. Blockchain technology has the potential to disrupt the ï¬nancial business applications as it provides permanent and tamper proof recording of transactions in a distributed network. It can be widely applied in digital currency, trade finance, KYC and cross border remittances, etc. Although the potential of blockchain is enormous, it has various limitations of security, privacy and scalability which need to be addressed. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
87-89 |
23 |
Housing Market and Transformation in Urban Villages, Bhopal
-Rishav Jain ; R. C. Patil
This thesis is majorly focuses on the situation of the urban villages of Bhopal. Urban villages have evolved and transformed over the period of time and still has intact culture and tradition of villages but developing themselves in the race of urbanization. The housing market in these urban villages of Bhopal is attracting majority classes of people to find an accommodation in the city. They are hubs for students, newly migrated, single working males and females and labor class. Urban villages plays very important role in the functioning of the city by providing the accommodation to the people of Bhopal as well as migrating people. The density of urban villages is much higher than other colonies and gradually increasing. Urban villages covered the 38.3% land of the Bhopal city but provide the accommodation to more than 60% of people. These urban villages are surviving and degrading due to the:
- Commercial activities in and around the settlements.
- Affordable and cheaper accommodation for everyone, providing housing for low-income group, single families and students.
- PG's for students and transformation of houses.
- Increase in density and multi-story constructions and thus lack of light and
- ventilation, open spaces, parking space, unhygienic conditions and increased load on infrastructure.
- Haphazard growth and unplanned settlements.
- Variety of people with different standards of living.
- Social interaction and sense of security.
- Developing slum like conditions.
- Role of small builders is increasing in sale and purchase and rental accommodations.
Urban growth in India has faced unpredicted pressure and urbanization marks its impact at every part of our environment. Increasing migration, major shifts to tertiary occupation and increasing stress on limited resources are some of the many challenges.
Civil Engineering |
India |
90-98 |
24 |
Deep Monument Asymmetric Allocation for Breakdown Prediction
-Ameer Basha H ; Dhivakar R; Rohan Robello Paul A
An imbalanced classification problem is an example of a classification problem where the distribution of examples across the known classes is biased or skewed. The distribution can vary from a slight bias to a severe imbalance where there is one example in the minority class for hundreds, thousands, or millions of examples in the majority class or classes. Imbalanced classifications pose a challenge for predictive modelling as most of the machine learning algorithms used for classification were designed around the assumption of an equal number of examples for each class. This results in models that have poor predictive performance, specifically for the minority class. This is a problem because typically, the minority class is more important and therefore the problem is more sensitive to classification errors for the minority class than the majority class. We proposed a model which handles the imbalanced data and to predict the fault occurrences and their solution to rectify the fault as well as updating the new pipeline failure data in the model. In the industry fault rectification requires much amount of time and effort, finding the error is also a tedious process. This will reduce the cost and time efficiency in the oil and gas production industries. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
99-103 |
25 |
Design of Water Treatment Plant for Chikkamagaluru Town
-Shruthi C G ; Dr.N.S.Sathisha; Suhas M.H; Samartha Gowda G.S; Pooja B.T
In our present study an attempt is carried out to design a water treatment plant for Chikkamagaluru town Water available on the surface of earth as various sources contains lots of impurities in it which has to be brought to the permissible standards prior to its distribution, the objective is attained by subjecting water to various treatments in water treatment plant. After performing water quality analysis collected from Yagachi reservoir and using population data of chikkamagaluru town the various water treatment units like Reservoir Intake, Cascade Aerator, Circular Sedimentation Tank, Clariflocculator and Rapid Sand Filter, Disinfection unit have been designed. Read More...
Environment Engineering |
India |
104-107 |
26 |
Impact of Artificial Intelligence & Robotics on Human Life & Industries
-Mohit Mhamunkar ; Ankita Chaudhary
Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. Robotics is the intersection of science, engineering and technology that produces machines, called robots that substitute for human actions. This article concentrates on the basics of AI & Robotics terminology and the impact caused by them. Read More...
Computer Applications |
India |
108-111 |
27 |
Hand Gesture Recognition Using OpenCV
-Sandhiya V ; Parvathi M; Raaga Sudha GK
Hand signal acknowledgment is extremely for human-PC collaboration. In this work, we present a novel continuous strategy for hand motion recognition. The proposed framework is vision based, which uses AI procedures and contributions from a PC webcam. Vision based motion acknowledgment following and motion acknowledgment In our system, the hand area is separated from the foundation with the foundation deduction strategy. At that point, fingers are fragmented in order to identify and perceive the fingers. At long last, a standard classifier is applied to foresee the names of hand gestures. The investigates the informational collection of 1500 pictures show that our calculation performs well and is profoundly efficient. Moreover, our strategy shows preferable execution over a condition of-craftsmanship technique on another informational index of hand gestures. We apply haarcascade calculation to distinguish the hand motions. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
112-117 |
28 |
Significance and Application of Safety Maturity Assessment Tool in Automotive Industries to Access the Risk and Its Management
-Shushil Kumar ; Nisha Kushwaha; Pravin Tathod
Risks that go unaddressed can lead to missed production targets, safety accidents, and vehicle recalls in automotive manufacturing operations. Safety risks, aging properties, and security threats can have a negative effect on a company, including workers, profits, plants, intellectual property (IP), quality of vehicles, and customers. They also risk tarnishing the name and credibility of an organization, potentially to the point that they erode the trust or loyalty of customers. Risk management efforts should concentrate on where more issues can be handled in order to avoid hitting this point: the infrastructure for industrial automation. It is possible to approach better risk management by concentrating on four main areas: safety, quality, obsolescence, and security. Read More...
Industrial Safety Engineering |
India |
118-123 |
29 |
Design and Application of Bubble Barrier to Prevent the Pollutant in Water Bodies
-Prof.Sachin Vanjari ; Harshal Sanjay Gurav; Hardik Kirit Pandya; Krunal Pramod Parab; Suswam Sujit Rikame
Around the world the awareness is growing for the increasing of the plastic waste in our ocean and it is highly dangerous for our ecosystem and for the health of our own. The total majority of the plastic in the ocean i.e., (80%-90%) of waste comes from the Land, via rivers and canals. The plastic waste is thrown into the water and transported directly straight to sea without any barrier to stop it from mixing it in sea. Currently barrier system that are available usually not only block the plastic but also, they block ships and aquatic life, therefore they are not so good to fix the waste problem. In Amsterdam, Netherland group of engineers found the solution to not only stop the waste but also oxygenate the water and without having the ship traffic to occur, this project is called “The Great Bubble Barrierâ€. It uses a bubble barrier: a bubble made barrier of compress air. The bubble acts as barrier and stop the waste to flow through it before reaching into the oceans. The bubble produce does not harm any marine life it is easy to go through it for them and also the ship traffic due to bubble barrier is none. Due to air bubble it’s also reduce the CO2 contain in the water which makes the ecosystem and aquatic life was water bodies great. It also recovers a valuable resource and brings it back into the plastic value chain, reducing the need for virgin plastic materials in the future. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
124-126 |
30 |
Comparative Analysis of Green Concrete with Conventional Concrete
-Nachiket Garg ; Dr J N Vyas
In today's modern world there has been enormous development in the field of “Concrete Technologyâ€. With this development, there has also been enormous use of concrete in our day today life. Concrete mainly comprises of cement, sand and aggregate as its main constituents, which when mixed with water in correct proportion gives a by product called as “Concreteâ€. The excess use of concrete has led to the environmental impact in terms of resources utilization as well as in terms of pollution. To overcome these impacts the concept of “Green Concrete†came into existence. Green concrete is a recent form to the existing types of concrete which resembles the conventional concrete but its manufacturing or handling of this concrete requires minimum amount of heat energy and causes the lowest harm to the surrounding environment. Since it deals into uses of the recycled aggregates and materials, it also reduces the extra load in landfills and mitigates the wastage of aggregates. Thus, the net CO2 emissions are reduced. The reuse of materials also contributes intensively to economy. Green concrete can be considered elemental to sustainable development since it is eco-friendly in nature. One of the methods for manufacturing of green concrete involves reduction of amount of cement in the mix, which added to the reduction the total cement consumption. The use of waste materials also solves the problem of disposing the excessive amount of industrial wastes. Green Concrete is a concrete in which one or more of its constituents are replaced by a resource saving material, which ultimately has reduced environmental impacts in terms of both, resource utilization and pollution impacts together. This paper discusses the importance of Green Concrete in the present day context and highlights its merits over conventional concrete which otherwise posing a serious threat to the environment through global warming. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
127-132 |
31 |
Seismic Analysis of Vertically Irregular Structure in Different Seismic Zones as Per IS 1893:2016
-Chitransh Sharma ; Rahul Sharma
Generally, buildings are designed taking into account only the gravity loads. Also, the current design seismic codes are not fully practiced while designing a building. Hence, a higher degree of damage may be expected during an earthquake if the seismic resistance of the building is inadequate. This work is concerned with the effects of various vertical irregularities on the seismic response of a structure. The objective of the project is to carry out the seismic analysis of vertically irregular RC building frames in different seismic zones as per IS 1893:2016. Comparison of the results of analysis of irregular structures with regular structure was done. The scope of the project also includes the evaluation of response of structures subjected to high, low and intermediate frequency content earthquakes using equivalent static analysis. Three types of irregularities namely mass irregularity, stiffness irregularity and vertical geometry irregularity were considered. The mass irregular structures were observed to experience larger base shear than similar regular structures. The stiffness irregular structure experienced lesser base shear and has larger inter-storey drifts. The absolute displacements obtained from static analysis of geometry irregular structure at respective nodes were found to be greater than that in case of regular structure for upper stories but gradually as we moved to lower stories displacements in both structures tended to converge. Lower stiffness results in higher displacements of upper stories. In case of a mass irregular structure, analysis gives slightly higher displacement for upper stories than that in regular structures whereas as we move down lower stories show higher displacements as compared to that in regular structures. When analysis was done for regular as well as stiffness irregular structure, it was found that displacements of upper stories did not vary much from each other but as we moved down to lower stories the absolute displacement in case of soft storey were higher compared to respective stories in regular structure. Tall structures were found to have low natural frequency hence their response was found to be maximum in a low frequency earthquake. It is because low natural frequency of tall structures subjected to low frequency earthquake leads to resonance resulting in larger displacements. If a high rise structure (low natural frequency) is subjected to high frequency ground motion then it results in small displacements. Similarly, if a low rise structure (high natural frequency) is subjected to high frequency ground motion it results in larger displacements whereas small displacements occur when the high rise structure is subjected to low frequency ground motion. The analysis proves that irregularities are harmful for the structures and it is important to have simpler and regular shapes of frames as well as uniform load distribution around the building. Therefore, as far as possible irregularities in a building must be avoided. But, if irregularities have to be introduced for any reason, they must be designed properly following the conditions of IS 13920:1993. The complex shaped buildings are now days getting popular, but they carry a risk of sustaining damages during earthquakes. Therefore, such buildings should be designed properly taking care of their dynamic behaviour. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
133-143 |
32 |
Haze Removal Techniques in Image Processing
-J.Sumitha ; J.Miruthula; N.Nikhila
This paper presents literature survey on varied haze removal techniques. Haze causes issues in varied pc vision and image process primarily based applications because it diminishes the scene's visibility. The air lightweight and attenuation are two main phenomena answerable for haze formation. Haze detection and elimination may be a difficult task for raising the standard of digital pictures. In general, these pictures area unit taken at an extended distance from the visual device to give scene. Some climatical outcomes like haze, fog, smoke, dirt etc lower the excellence of the received image. The aim of the paper is to explore varied strategies used for efficiently removing haze from digital pictures. This paper lands up with the short comings of the prevailing strategies. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
144-146 |
33 |
Smart House Automation System through Internet of Things
-Awate Dipali Kailas ; Prof.Rokade.M.D
In this paper, we have shown you how to make your home a centrifuge by using sensors using a wireless network in the present age we are trying to explain how we can control the lights, fan, T.V in the house using an automated system. It uses a very simple graphical user interface that is easy for the user to understand. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
147-149 |
34 |
Blood Collection in Blood Bank (Phlebotomy)
-Ajit Pal Singh
If any one needs blood for transfusion, he must have blood donors. There is as yet no acceptable alternative source of blood. We must obtain blood from living and healthy blood donors, who may be relatives of the patients needing blood. There are generally two types of preferred donation one is relatives and other is volunteer blood donors. Some times many NGO's organize blood donation camps, but still the need of blood is high. Mostly healthy people can donate blood without any ill effects. There are certain things which would make a donor unsuitable, however, and in order to keep blood as a safe and harmless procedure, we must screen our donors to be sure they are suitable for donation. There are two basic principles behind all donor screening, 1) The donation must be safe and harmless to the donor, 2) The blood donated must not be harmful to the patients who will receive it, and should be helpful to the recipient. Read More...
Medical Lab Technology |
India |
150-153 |
35 |
A New Construction of Variance-Sum Third Order Slope Rotatable Designs
-Bandi Guravaiah ; O.V.Raja Sekharam; G.V.S.R.Anjaneyulu
Response Surface Methodology (RSM) is a collection of mathematical and statistical techniques useful for analyzing experiments where the yield is believed to be influenced by one or more controllable factors. Box and Hunter (1957) introduced rotatable designs in order to explore the response surfaces. The analogue of Box-Hunter rotatability criterion is a requirement that the variance of ∂ŷ(x)/∂xi be constant on circles (v=2), spheres (v=3) or hyperspheres (v ≥ 4) at the design origin. These estimates of the derivatives would then be equally reliable for all points (x1,x2,...,xv) equidistant from the design origin. This property is called as slope rotatability (Hader and Park (1978)). Anjaneyulu et al (1995-2000) introduced Third Order Slope Rotatable Designs. Anjaneyulu et al(2004) introduced and established that TOSRD(OAD) has the additional interesting property that the sum of the variance of estimates of slopes in all axial directions at any point is a function of the distance of the point from the design origin. In this paper we made an attempt to construct Variance-Sum Third Order Slope Rotatable in four levels. Read More...
Statistics |
India |
154-158 |
36 |
Experimental Study of High Strength Concrete Using Admixture Metakaolin (MKA)
-Mr. Danis Meman ; Mr. Bhavesh Kumar Jha
High-strength concrete (HSC) is now widely used in the construction industry all over the world. Mix design is a process of choosing the mixture of ingredients necessary to meet expected properties of fresh and hardened concrete. The fine aggregate should filled all the voids in the coarse aggregate, and the cement paste should fulfill all the voids in the fine aggregate, according to the principle. Concrete is stronger because the aggregate has less voids. Trial and error can be used to determine the percentage of fine to coarse aggregate that provides the maximum weight of combined aggregate. Choosing the right proportions of traditional concrete ingredients (cement, sand, and aggregate) as well as the required inclusions of Chemical admixture (one or more) and Mineral admixture (one or more) can be difficult when designing high strength concrete (grades M 65 and above) (one or more). Mineral admixtures in concrete improve not only the strength but also the longevity of the concrete. The aim of this study is to develop a design mix for high strength concrete with a distinctive compressive strength of 65 N/mm2 in accordance with IS 456:2000 and IS 10262:2019. High strength concrete can be made with a low water to cementious ratio. The compressive strength are investigating finding the optimum use of mineral admixture Metakaolin (MKA) of levels 10,12.5,15,17.5 and 20 % at 7 days and 28 days of curing.. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
159-163 |
37 |
Smart Monitoring System for Asthma Patients
-Vasanthi S K ; Shwetha R; Sravanthi S; Trephena Patricia A
Management of asthma is challenging as it involves understanding the causes and avoiding issues that are many and varied from person to person. Moreover, it is difficult for physicians to constantly monitor the health of many patients and the natural causes at the same time; or to obtain sufficient information about the environment in which the patient lives. So our proposed system is aimed at developing the smart monitoring system for asthma patients. This system is based on constant measure of CO2 and dust level in atmosphere using sensors and the IOT model is used to push the notification in smart phone which notifies the level of CO2 and dust in atmosphere. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
164-166 |
38 |
A Review Study on Smart City and Satellite Town
-Omkar Jaywant Tate ; Said Rashid Bargir; Shivraj Sarjerao Koli; Akshad Adinath Majlekar
The purpose of this dissertation is to study planning, inception and evolution of a Satellite city. The study parameters considered include de-magnetization, inclusive environment and comprehensive development. On Design level, increase in awareness about urbanization issues is important as towns and cities are getting chaotic day by day. People have witnessed deterioration of cities as the time has lapsed. As the quality of life is at stake, there is a dire attention required on the planning aspects of the city that is continuously evolving. Growth of a city is both inevitable and irreversible as any city is meant for the people and shall grow with them. However this growth can certainly be directed and controlled. To holistically extend a city into a satellite, considerations on both the macro and the micro levels need to be addressed. The purpose of satellite cities is to provide a perfect balance between the population and resources, with respect to environment-friendly development. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
167-169 |
39 |
Effect of Temperature on Strength Properties of Geopolymer Concrete
-Polampalli Sunil Raj ; J Guru Jawahar
Generally ordinary Portland cement is using in concrete for construction. It results in the increase of cement demand. Production cement results in the emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) in equal amount from the industries. About 7% of world emission CO2 was produced from cement industries. Which shows serious effect on environment results in global warming and greenhouse effect etc. To overcome this issues replacing concrete with geopolymers which are rich in silica and alumina. Fly ash and GGBS based geopolymer concrete of different molarities (5M, 7M &9M) was casted. Sample cubes (150mmx150mmx150mm) of GPC were placed in oven immediately after demoulding for curing up to 20hrs duration. Cubes were cured at different temperatures (50oC, 60oC, 70oC, 80oC & 90oC) for a constant period. After curing in oven cubes moved room for normal curing period. Workability test, NDT, compressive strength test were performed. Workability decreases with increase in molarity of alkaline solution. Different molarity GPC has different optimum strength and optimum temperatures. The slump cone test was carried to review the workability of concrete. After curing period of seven days and 28 days the UPV test, rebound hammer test and compressive test were performed. Concluded that different molarity GPC attains maximum strength at different temperature conditions. Test results show that the 5M & 7M GPC has optimum temperature of 70C, optimum temperature of 9M GPC is 60C. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
170-174 |
40 |
Stock Information and Billing System
-Rathish R ; Karthikeyan J; Karthik B; Ganesh D; Sanchula Venkata Vamsi Krishna
Stock Information is a basic need for the Dealers and Sellers. Our web application helps for the identification of sufficient goods and commodities that ease the sellers and dealers to know the quantity and the price of the product. A QR code redirect us to the website where the stock info is provided briefly. We also designed a billing system that helps the customer to know their purchased items via receipt generator. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
175-176 |
41 |
Energy Generated by Fixed Ground Generation Airborne Wind System
-Sanket Survyawanshi ; Mihir Hemant Firke
Living in an era where technology is growing so fast one should not forget about maintaining the balance of the environment. Due to high demand in the production and mobility sector across the globe, it is now a challenging task to provide a source of energy along with a healthy environment and higher efficiency. The research on AWE’s started in the mid-seventies and It took a rapid boost in the last few decades. Various models for the AWE’s have been developed and tested by the researchers. In this paper, we have researched the Ground Generation Airborne wind energy system. Airborne wind energy can be produced in different ways but we have chosen the Ground generation Airborne system considering its high efficiency than other types. This paper comprises of Design, Objective, Calculation, and Methodology for the Ground generation AWES. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
177-178 |
42 |
-Sreeja S Nair ; Ajeesh.S; Dr.Smita C Thomas
The Idea of this project mainly deals with the combined techniques of AI and deep learning we have to combine Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential of detecting significant interactions in a dataset and also it is widely used in several clinical conditions to expect the results, treat, and diagnose. Artificial intelligence (AI) is being used or trialed for a variety of healthcare and research purposes, including detection of disease, management of chronic conditions, delivery of health services, and drug discovery. In this chapter, we will discuss the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in modern healthcare system and the challenges of this system in detail. Different types of artificial intelligence devices are described in this chapter with the help of working mechanism discussion. Alginate, a naturally available polymer found in the cell wall of the brown algae, is used in tissue engineering because of its biocompatibility, low cost, and easy gelation. It is composed of α-L-guluronic and β-D-manuronic acid. To improve the cell-material interaction and erratic degradation, alginate is blended with other polymers. Here, we discuss the relationship of artificial intelligence with alginate in tissue engineering fields. Machine learning (ML) builds the data investigative algorithms to extort characteristics from the data. Inputs to machine learning (ML) algorithms consist of patient 'characters' and occasionally therapeutic effects of concern. A patient's characters generally contain bottom line data, for example, gender, age, disease history, and also disease explicit data, for instance, gene expressions, analytical imaging, electrophysiological data (EP) test, objective test results, medication, and medical symptoms. In addition to the attributes of the patients medical results are frequently composed for medical investigation. Here we have to utlise these integrated technologies to diagonise covids in rapid growing regions. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
179-182 |
43 |
Inventory Management of Automobile Shop using ABC Analysis & EOQ Model
-Shripad Narale ; Rakesh Kodam; Narendra Sharma; Kishor Gorantala; Prof. Sanjeev Naik
In the day-to-day management of the firm, it's essential to manage the inventory so on maintain the proper supply of products at the proper time. Too much and too low inventories bring down the extent of profitability of a corporation. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a proper level of inventory. In this paper, we focus on the inventory management of an automobile spare part shop. This study aims to reduce inventory variable costs, spot the key factors that influence finished inventory management practices, investigate efficient and effective inventory management approaches. The methodology uses various Operations Research (OR) tools like ABC Analysis, EOQ models, safety stock & replenishment policies. Read More...
Operation Research in Engineering |
India |
183-185 |
44 |
Comparative Study of G+15 Building Without Damper and With Tuned Mass Damper and Fluid Viscous Damper
-Yogeshwar Sahu ; Mr. Dushyant Sahu
Dampers are used to dissipate energy and also resist the movement of reinforcement cement concrete during the earthquake era. With the support of dampers, we can decrease the buckling and failure of columns and beams by increasing the structure's stiffness. High-rise buildings are damaged during earthquakes and great deformation occurs in high-rise buildings. Through using dampers, during the earthquake, we can reduce vibration of reinforcement cement concrete construction. In this study we have used different types of dampers to check the suitability of type of various dampers during earthquake. For the comparative analysis of different types of dampers used for multi-story cement concrete building reinforcement, empirical work is completed. We have used the Time History Method to evaluate G+15 storey building seismic behaviour with and without dampers. In both x and y directions, earthquake load is applied for analysis. ETABS 2018 version 18.1.1 software is used for the purpose of analysis by considering seismic zone V as per the IS1893:2002(part 1) code. In terms of different parameters such as maximum absolute displacement, absolute acceleration, absolute velocity, storey shear, storey drift, storey stiffness, Modal participation mass ratio the results of these tests are addressed. It is done to compare these different parameters. For the seismic energy dissipation different types of dampers are used. In this paper comparison between two different building of different bay size (5mx5m & 6mx6m) is used and comparative study with respect to various parameter i.e. (maximum absolute displacement, absolute acceleration, absolute velocity, storey shear, storey drift, storey stiffness, and Modal participation mass ratio) by using Tuned Mass Damper and Fluid Viscous Damper. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
186-193 |
45 |
Android Application for Women Safety
-Lokesh B ; Ajaybharathi K; Harshit Ram Reddy G; Raghavendhiran N; Sanjay A
This abstract is about an Android Application for the Safety of Women and this app can be simply activated by a long press on volume up key , whenever need arises. A long press on volume key this app identifies the location of places through GPS and sends a location and messages and call on the registered contact to help the one in dangerous situations. It captures audio and video of the user’s surroundings and sends it to the registered contacts along with an alert message. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
194-198 |
46 |
Hybrid-VANET-Enhanced Transportation Based on Identity-Based Signature Using IoT
-Sudhaa ; K.K.Kavitha
In the VANET systems, the leakage of some touchy information or conversation records will purpose heavy losses for lifestyles and property. Then, a greater safety stage is required in the VANET systems. Meanwhile, speedy computation powers are wanted through units with confined computing resources. Thus, a invulnerable and light-weight privacy-preserving protocol for VANETs is urgent. In this paper, we first advocate an identity-based signature that achieves enforceability in opposition to chosen-message assault besides random oracle. In order to limit the computational cost, we plan two invulnerable and environment friendly outsourcing algorithms for the exponential operations, the place a homomorphic mapping primarily based on matrices conjugate operation is used to obtain the protection of each exponent and base numbers. Furthermore, we assemble a privacy-preserving protocol for VANETs via the usage of outsourcing computing and the proposed IBS, the place a proxy re-signature scheme is introduced for authentications. In the VANET privacy-preserving protocol, TA authorizes RSU to act as an agent and RUS converts OBU's signature into TA's signature, which efficaciously hides the actual identification of car OBU. Read More...
Computer Applications |
India |
199-202 |
47 |
Analysis and Design of High Rise Residential building by Using ETABS
-Chevuru Venkatesh ; K.Sai Abhinav; A.Kalpana
From the ancient time we know earthquake is a disaster causing occasion. Up to date days constructions are fitting increasingly narrow and extra inclined to sway and consequently detrimental within the earthquake. Researchers and engineers have worked out within the past to make the constructions as earthquake resistant. After many functional reports it has proven that use of lateral load resisting methods in the constructing configuration has drastically increased the performance of the structure. In the present analysis, a residential building is analyzed with columns, columns with inverted v Bracings for G+14 building. The building is analyzed in both static & dynamic analysis and the results of Displacement, Storey shear, Moment, Base moment, Base shear were compared for different load combinations in static & dynamic analysis, results of critical load combination are noted. In dynamic analysis response spectrum method is carried out for the building. The building is analyzed in condition i.e,, in ZONE- 4 & 5 in three soils and the results of different heights are noted as stated above. A commercial package of ETABS 2013 has been utilized for analyzing residential building. The result has been compared using tables & graph to find out the most optimized solution. Concluding remark has been made on the basis of this analysis & comparison tables. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
203-208 |
48 |
Automation Technologies and Its Impact on Everyday Life
-Vaibhav Dhanaji Shende ; Dr. Aniruddha S Rumale
The intelligence is the prime determinant on which humans are both distinguished and considerably unique among all the creatures in this universe. With the advent of the field of Artificial Intelligence, the era of automation has revolutionized the human life. The AI may well be a modeling of the human intelligence. For humans are, to a first approximation, intelligent; they can perceive, act, learn, reason, and communicate successfully despite the enormous complexity of the tasks. Since humans react differently to the functioning of different automated systems, it is imperative to understand, what the impact of automation on human machine interaction is. The interaction between humans and fully automated facilities or machines is a key issue for the researchers in the field of Psychology, Robotics and Ergonomics. This paper focuses on few important aspects the automated systems on human behavior in different settings and examines the effects produced by them. This study is an evaluation of the effects of automation on the human behavior and to elucidate on both positive and negative impacts of automation on human behavior. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
209-213 |
49 |
IoT Based EB Billing Automation System
-Sandhiya. T ; Sudha. G; Kumudha. M; Divya. D
In this system an automatic meter reading system is designed using IOT Technology. The embedded micro controller is interfaced with the ESP8266 Module. This setup reads energy consumption data based on which the consumption data is calculated. This controller calculates the data and transfers that data to IOT Module. The IOT will provide the remote communication of the EB reading data to the remote EB server. The system or the EB sever generates the customer bill in every two months once as per government norms based on power usage of the customer. Then the used unit rate values are verified by EB official. According to the readings, the billing information also can be viewed by the authorized customer. If the bill due exceeds a particular period and customer doesn’t pay bill on-time, the power supply to the corresponding home can be disconnected by the authority by accessing the control provided on the server. Once the payment of bill is done the power supply is given to the customer through IOT server page. Power management concept is introduced, in which during the restriction mode only limited amount of power supply can be used by the customer. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
214-216 |
50 |
Network Attacks Detection Methods Based on Deep Learning Techniques
-Hrushikesh B. Ambre ; Prof. Monika D. Rokade
Data and application security is most essential in nowadays environment due to the advancement further as exchange of knowledge and communication techniques that generating new price extra services by completely different network threats. As a result, they developed numerous on-line services. However, cyber security threats are also growing because the contact points to the net are increasing. a big security issue nowadays is that the intrusion detection system (IDS). A Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) helps system directors notice violations of network security at intervals their operations. However, several issues arise once a strong and economical NIDS is developed for sudden and unpredictable attacks. During this work, a deep learning primarily based approach is to implement such a good and versatile NIDS. Through the performance check, it’s confirmed that the deep neural network is effective for NIDS. during this work,. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
217-221 |