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1 |
Solar Radiation Predictions Using Conventional Neural Network in Machine Learning
-Dr.K.Venkatasalam ; P.Keerthi; K. Kiruthika; R.Krishnaveni
The contribution of photo voltaic electricity manufacturing is continuously will increase to the electrical strength grid. Renewable power forecasting enhance the accuracy and appreciably accelerated by using creating greater photo voltaic gadget forecasting fashions the use of numerical climate predictions. In this, we talk about the improvement of a computer gaining knowledge of primarily based combining a couple of meteorological fashions to enhance the accuracy of photo voltaic energy forecasting. The gadget prediction which are consisting of severa atmospheric based totally on satellite tv for pc imagery as properly as numerical climate prediction products. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1-4 |
2 |
Improving the Strength of Ferrocement Panels Using Suger cane Fibres
-Akash Mahajan ; Ritee Sakle; Ritesh Mahajan; Yash Chandelkar ; Prof. Manish Gandhi
Ferro cement is a form of reinforced concrete that differs from conventional reinforced or prestressed concrete primarily by the manner in which the reinforcing elements are dispersed and arranged. It consists of closely spaced, multiple layers of mesh or fine rods completely embedded in cement mortar. This paper describes the various experiments conclusions and remarks drawn by the authors. The result obtained are going to help in the project work to investigate the behaviour of Ferro-cement panels for various parameters and loading. This is useful to find solutions by searching new design techniques and method of construction. Compressive strength of mortar was taken into account. The Ferro cement panel consisted of two thin Ferro cement layers reinforced with palm and sugarcane fibers. Steel wires were used to tie the two layers of iron meshes together. A total of 1:3 sandwich panel was casted. The proposed panels are lighter in weight relative to the conventional brick walls. This kind of lightweight construction process would lead the construction industries for having a green and earthquake resilient environment. Two Different Layers will be used in our project the one was Palm fibers with Ferro cement panel and sugarcane fiber With Ferro cement Panel of 150mm Thickness. These have been used in the aerospace industry for many years and more recently they are being used as load bearing members in naval structures. Presently, it has gained attention to be used as an effective structural form in the building and construction industries. Banana fiber reinforcement increases biodegradability, reduces cost and decreases environmental pollution and hazards. Ferro cement has been regarded as highly versatile construction material possessing unique properties of strength and serviceability. Its advantageous properties such as strength, toughness, water tightness, lightness, durability, fire resistance, and environmental stability cannot be matched by any other thin construction material. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
5-8 |
3 |
Home Adaptation Security
-Srinivas V ; Vetrivel K; Suresh N; Saraswathi M
As several home appliances, such as air conditioners, heaters, and refrigerators, were connecting to the Internet, they became targets of cyber-attacks, which cause serious problems such as compromising safety and even harming users. We have proposed a method to detect such attacks based on user behaviour based on adaptive learning capabilities of system. This method models user behaviour as sequences of user events including operation of home devices and other monitored activities. Considering users behave depending on the condition of the home such as climatic temperature, our method learns event sequences for each condition. To mitigate the impact of events of other users in the home included in the monitored sequence, our method generates multiple event sequences by removing some events and learning the frequently observed sequences. In this project, we also discuss the effectiveness of our method by comparing with a method learning users’ behaviour by Hidden Markov Models. We have utilized tools such as Arduino IDE and Pycharm those which provided software support for the project and helps us to process real time data with more resolution and accuracy incorporated convincingly. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
9-12 |
4 |
P. Falciparum Associated Malaria and Its Vaccine Development
-Rajan Malhotra ; Shivani Thakur; Priya Chouhan ; Deepali Sehgal; Anchal Banswal
Abstract—The malaria is a deadly kind of disease and its occurrence is also high in some of the countries like Africa (94%) and lowest in India and Uganda (4%). Almost 290 million people are infected with this disease every year and 4 lakh deaths every year had been reported globally. A pathogen is responsible for its spread namely P. falciparum, which is the deadly one out of all the 3 existing species. Person suffering from malaria can be treated with anti-malarial drugs such as chloroquine and Artemisinin based combination therapies. The option of vaccine is also available with the trade name Mosquirix; it is given by intra muscular mode of administration. Read More...
Microbiology |
India |
13-14 |
5 |
Artificial Sand
-Mr. Murchite Prajyot Sukumar ; Mr. Alatekar Pranav Prakash; Mr. Mane Raj Mahadev ; Mr. Nigave Sammed Raju ; Mr. Shinde Shreyash Sachin
Now a days good natural sand is not easily available, it should be transport from long distance. Hence resources are also exhausting very rapidly. So it is a need of the time to find some substitute to natural sand. The artificial sand is the best option for replace the natural sand. The artificial sand produced by proper machines. Artificial sand is a term use for aggregate materials less than 4.75 mm and which are processed from crushed rock or gravel. In this project the study of artificial sand is carry in which compressive strength of concrete, silt content, study sieve analysis are carried with comparison of natural sand. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
15-16 |
6 |
Online Transaction Fraud Detection using Python & Backlogging on E-Commerce
-Oz Ibrahim Ali Zahir Asan Oh ; Prof. Radhika Mundhada; Sohel Maneri; Sunny Prajapati; Azhar Momin
Transaction fraud imposes serious threats to e-commerce shopping. As the online transaction is becoming more well known the types of online transaction frauds associated with this are likewise rising which affects the money related industry. This fraud detection system has the ability to restrict and hinder the transaction performed by the attacker from a genuine user's credit card details. To overcome these problems, this system here is developed for the transactions higher than the customer's current transaction limit. During registration, we take the required data which is efficient to detect fraudulent user action. The details of items purchased by any Individual transaction are generally not known to any Fraud Detection System (FDS) running at the bank that issues credit cards to the cardholders. BLA (Behavior and Location Analysis) is implemented for addressing this problem. A FDS runs at a credit card giving bank. Each approaching transaction is submitted to the FDS for verification. FDS receives the card details and transaction value to verify, whether the transaction is genuine or not. The types of products that are purchased in that transaction are not known to the FDS. The bank declines the transaction if FDS affirms the transaction to be a fraud. User spending patterns and geographical area is used to verify the identity. In the event that any surprising pattern is detected, the system requires re-verification. Based on previous information of that user, the system recognizes uncommon patterns in the payment procedure. After 3 invalid attempts, the system will hinder the user. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
17-22 |
7 |
Character Recognition and Language Translation with Optical Character Recognition
-Dnyanada Mangesh Padwal ; Tejashree Mahtre; Roshan Chavan
In our day to day life the people are facing many problems in understand the languages. For example, people in different states speak different languages they might not understand or speak other state language at that time this OCR Website will help them. Existing system, having a separate application for each and every process like camera, Google translator and Optical Character Recognition (OCR) text scanner. But, people expect the application consists of all the three facilities together. So this proposed web application provides a new idea to the people to translate the other language text into their known language. This application contains three steps. 1.Take a choose image of the unknown language text which you want to translate( printed material), 2.Tessaract is an open source Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology, which is used to extract the text from the image then Google API and Bing API is used for translation of language. 3. The translated text is generated in PDF format. This paper presents details about translation in terms of a web application that accepts image document as an input, where input document is a user define image file containing text in any language available in the Python-tesseract library and does its exact translation in any supported languages using Google Translator (i. e Googletrans). Using the computational power the individual elements like text, images, and special characters can be distinguished. OCR-Optical Character Recognizer does the work. Read More...
Engineering |
India |
23-25 |
8 |
Post- Tensioning Slab
-Ms. Kalyani Snehal Goutam ; Ms.Mujawar Ziya Mushir; Ms.Khade Sakshi Vinesh ; Ms.Durugade Sujata Dinakar
According to nowadays construction procedures of high rise buildings Post tension slabs and Flat slabs are both important cases of structure. PT slabs are able to carry almost all amount of dead load due to its tensioned tendons, which helps to carry out live load acting on slab and makes it’s safer than conventional slabs. On the other hand Flat slabs with drop panels are having advantages like reduced building height, ease of formwork and faster construction procedure. Combination of Post-tensioned slab and Flat slab will be much more effective than usual slabs. These types of slabs also have advantages over conventional as per recent projects like high rise structures and long span frames as those are safe as per designing and give an aesthetic view for commercial or residential projects. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
26-27 |
9 |
-Rushab Shende ; Vaibhav Nandgave
Plastic is one of the most important and daily required things. Plastic helps us a lot such as we use plastic to brush are teeth, we use plastic to fix bone, and in many more. Since plastic is very cheap and light in weight it is therefore mostly preferred thing. The paper basically is showing the possibility of obtaining fuel from the plastic materials waste recycling and also the comparison of the obtained results with those specific to commercial diesel fuels. This concept of recycling is a priority in countries with an important technological breakthrough and having at the same time major concern related to environment protection. If processing is rigorously controlled by the pyrolysis of plastic polymeric materials following the thermal degradation reaction one can obtain at the final:
1) A gaseous blend which contains saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons.
2) A liquid that contains a mixture of saturated and unsaturated and unsaturated hydrocarbon.
3) A solid residue that contains mainly carbon.
The liquid phase having properties close to the diesel fuel that can be used as fuel for Diesel engines
Fuel Engineering |
India |
28-30 |
10 |
Design of Swipt and Power Transfer Scheme for SR-DCSK Communication Systems
-S.Arunkumar ; S. Karthikeyan.,ME
A brief reference differential chaos shift keying gadget (SR-DCSK) has been proposed to overcome the dominant drawbacks associated to low statistics charge and power effectivity fondness of traditional DCSK systems. The truth that terminals on a community have a restrained battery capability and are in determined want to excessive power effectivity transmission schemes compels us to address these vital challenges. In this paper, we advocate an SR-DCSK machine that performs simultaneous wi-fi facts and strength switch (SWIPT). This promising plan exploits the saved time won from the reality that reference sign period of SR-DCSK scheme occupies much less than 1/2 of the bit period to transmit a signal. The purpose of this device is to enable receivers to operate besides being outfitted with any exterior strength supply. Furthermore, at the receiver side, an RF-to-dc conversion is first performed, observed by way of information healing except the want to any channel estimator. Closed-form expressions of multiple-input single-output SR-DCSK SWIPT system, such as ergodic rate, harvesting time, electricity shortage, and information outage as nicely as precise and approximate bit error charge possibilities are derived underneath Rayleigh fading channel and are validated by using simulation. Our effects exhibit that the proposed answer saves strength except sacrificing the non-coherent trend of the machine or decreasing the fee in contrast to traditional DCSK, whilst retaining the graph simple. Read More...
Communication Systems |
India |
31-34 |
11 |
Green House Monitoring System
-Gayathri Devi.M ; Arun.A; Aswini.T; Suryaprakash.K; Gokila.P
In this work, we have proposed a framework that can gather the data identified with greenhouse environment and yield status and control the system automatically in view of the gathered data. By throatily observing periodic conditions, this study has the reason for securing connection between sensors flags and reference estimations. Control programming will give information finding of ongoing show. Through long time running and functional utilizing, the framework has been demonstrated that it has numerous points of interest. To monitor the environment inside greenhouse different parameters have been considered such as light, temperature, humidity, soil moisture etc. using different sensors like DHT22 temperature and humidity Sensor, LDR, grove-moisture sensor etc. which will be interfaced with microcontroller. It is a closed loop system that will execute control action to adjust temperature, humidity, light intensity and soil moisture if any unwanted errors (high/low) occur. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
35-37 |
12 |
How E-Learning Help Students during the Covid-19 Pandemic
-Abdullahi Haji Sidi
This research describes why E- learning is useful for students and also for teachers. It’s possible today that the internet made easier for millions of students from different parts of the world who search to learn knowledge meet their teacher in the internet and share educational system. Teachers provide courses of all sorts of education and some students get benefit from those sources through using zoom applications and other Google products application such us :Google duo, Google meet, Google class room and many others. These applications play great role via medium transmission between instructors and learners thus, it provides screen sharing calls and video conferencing to make Easy and better sharing knowledge. E-learning is more effective when animation are presented such as : audio, video demonist ruction that can be illustrated featuring with maximum clarity and highly Internet speed. Teachers and students share knowledge and practices with the help of multimedia electronic library. Today we have thousands or even millions more opportunities and resources to create access of e-learning education to those provide direct and indirect teaching skills, trainings, materials and tools. Read More...
Computer Applications |
India |
38-41 |
13 |
Smart Car Parking System Using IoT
-Boopalan K ; Ajay Kumar L; Ajith Kumar A; Praveen Raj T; Nagarasan M
The main objective is to avoid cramming in car parking area by implementing an efficient car parking system along with a user-friendly application for an ease of use. Normally at public places such as multiplex theatres, market areas, hospitals, function-halls, offices and shopping malls, one experiences the discomfort in looking out for a vacant parking slot, though it’s a paid facility with an attendant/ security guard. The parking management system is proposed to demonstrate hazel free parking. The proposed system uses infrared transmitter-receiver pairs that remotely communicate the status of parking occupancy to the Arduino uno and displays the vacant slots on the display at the entrance of the parking so that the user gets to know the availability /unavailability of parking space prior to his/her entry into the parking place. Implementation involves minimal human interaction and provides a seamless parking experience thereby reducing a lot of time wasted by the user in parking his/her vehicle. Read More...
Engineering Sciences |
India |
42-44 |
14 |
Seismic Analysis of RC Framed Structures Using ETABS Software
-Syed Afzal Hussain ; M.Mallikarjuna; K.Shammad Basha
Under seismic loading for the soft storey structure, the columns will fail due to the formation of plastic hinges and thus the mitigation of it is necessary and under heavy vibrations, the structure will experience excessive movements, feeling uncomfortable. Traditionally, the soft storey effect is reduced by shear walls, bracings and excessive movements by isolators and dampers. In the present investigation, a G + 10 storied building subjected to seismic loading was studied for equivalent static, response spectrum, non – linear time history (El Centro) method carried out in ETABS software. The parameters of displacement, storey drifts, base shear, storey stiffness, time period, peak accelerations and velocities to determine the structural performance. The performance of the structure was determined with struts under soft storey effect and vibrational control. Here, these effects are reduced by the shear walls, bracings, cross sectional increase in soft storey columns and TMD, analyzed with struts modelled using Den Hartog for TMD and Mainstone for Struts. The study show the comparison of the parameters, which revel that all the models perform better when compared to conventional frame. The results revealed that maximum displacement, drift and base shear are drastically reduced for TMD, and soft storey and displacements are moderately reduced for shear walls and bracings. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
45-49 |
15 |
Automatic Bottle Filling System
-Mohammed Muneer Naseer Ahmed Ansari ; Shaikh Asjad Ahmed ; Yahya Sayyed ; Abdullah Ansari ; Rahul V. Awathankar
This project is aimed at automatic bottle filling system. This project will automatically sense the bottle and filled it properly by using IR sensor. The bottle on the designated portion of conveyor belt and passes it to the water pump to fill the bottles. The overall system is liberated from human intervention. The system is comprehensive and efficient. The bottle filling system serves as an interdisciplinary engineering design. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
50-51 |
16 |
Prediction of Runoff in Ungauged Basin Using Snyder Method
-A. T. Gavhane ; A. D. Londhe ; S. S. Nikam
Drainage basins in the most parts of world are either partially gauged or completely ungauged. Prediction in ungauged basins is a serious challenge in hydrologic sciences, and there is still abundant work required to realize strong and reliable predictions for such basins. Errors in the prediction of hydrological parameters are seen due to unavailability of sufficient discharge data. In this research work Sub-basin of Kundalika River has been taken as the study area. Firstly we created the DEM by using the ArcGIS technique. To derive SUH we are used traditional synthetic unit hydrograph like Snyder’s method. After modeling we developed the unit hydrograph of basin and we predict the discharge of basin. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
52-55 |
17 |
Experimental Investigation on Light Weight Cellular Concrete
-Padmapriya.M ; Arun.R; Lokesh.E; Nagoorpitchai.K
The usage of Cellular Light-weight Concrete gives a prospective solution to building construction industry. In this paper, an attempt is made to study on cellular lightweight concrete, and recommend as it can be used in construction industry. Lightweight foamed concrete is recently acceptable for use in low strength capacity for building and civil construction purposes as a result of its peculiar features such as low thermal conductivity, low self-weight and self-compacting features hence its high workability. It does not contain coarse aggregate and can be regarded as an aerated mortar. The main objective of this work is to study the Compressive strength and Split tensile strength of the concrete by various combinations of fine aggregate, fly ash and foam at the ages of 7 and 28 days. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
56-59 |
18 |
Performance of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell with Flow Field Designs - Review
-G.Dhanush Kumaar ; M.Muthukumar; D.Akilan; P.Arun Kumar; A.K.Arun Prasath
The Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) uses a polymer membrane as the electrolyte instead of a liquid. This type of cell is very light and the solid membrane makes fabrication of the cell easier. The performance of the PEMFC is affected by design and operating parameters. In this project, the performance of the PEMFC is improved with a novel flow field. The flow field is a thin layer of the metal plate in which the gas flows into the cell. In fuel cells, the flow field plates are designed to provide an adequate amount of the reactants (hydrogen and oxygen) to the Gas Diffusion Layer (GDL) and catalyst surface while minimizing pressure drop. The most popular channel configurations for PEMFCs are serpentine, parallel, and interdigitated flow. The objective of this work is to investigate and analyze the design of the flow field. Read More...
Fuel Engineering |
India |
60-68 |
19 |
Detection of Fake Profiles on Online Matrimony Sites
-Sneha Bhumeshwar Perla ; Balram Cahurasiya; Tejal Sarvade
Our paper focuses on the automation of the task in the field of matrimonial website. In our paper we created and demonstrated an idea to automate the task such as verifying profile, validating the documents provided by users and detection of fake profiles. This features are implemented with the help of Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning algorithms combined together to avoid any intervention of humans in the task and provide a fully automated website. In this paper we represented our idea for detection of fake profiles on online matrimony sites by using machine learning and deep learning. We created a website of matrimony and on login page user has to upload a document and by OCR (optical character reorganization) with the help of this the data is extracted from image document and matches with data given by user. By using machine learning by anomaly detection the user is genuine or not we can find. Due to lack of labelled examples for in-genuine users, we solve the above problem as anomaly detection problem. In this thesis, we use autoencoder which is widely used algorithm for anomaly detection. We capture user’s behavior, proï¬le information and edit history to predict him/her as in-genuine or genuine proï¬le. We then treat this problem as a reconstruction task using autoencoder which is trained on a set of genuine proï¬les features. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
69-71 |
20 |
Internet of Things and BigData
-Akshatha R ; Anuja A V
IoT connects devices, humans, places, or even abstract items like events. Driven by clever sensors, effective embedded microelectronics, high-pace connectivity and the standards of the internet, IoT is on the point of disrupting today’s fee chains. The explosive growth within the extensive type of gadgets related to the Internet of Things (IoT) and the exponential increase in records intake only replicate how the growth of large records flawlessly overlaps with that of IoT. With the rapid development of the Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data technology have emerged as a critical statistics analytics device to carry the know-how inside IoT infrastructures to higher meet the motive of the IoT systems and support crucial choice making. Big Data, characterized by high volume, excessive speed and a excessive style of formats, is a end result of and also a driving pressure for IoT. This paper, based totally on overview of related literature, affords a summary of the inherent possibilities in adopting IoT and massive facts. It moreover discusses the similarities and variations amongst Big Data generation applied in first-rate IoT domains, shows how fantastic Big Data generation applied in a single IoT area can be re-utilized in another IoT area, and develop a conceptual framework to outline the critical Big Data technology throughout all the reviewed IoT domains. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
72-74 |
21 |
Experimental Study on Behaviour of Brick by Using Quartz and Wood Ash
-Nithishkumar.S ; Asif Moideen.T.T; Sivakumar.M; Sreedas.T
In this project work has been made to study the behaviour of brick by taking proportions of Wood ash, Cement, M-Sand and Quartz powder. In this project work takes four mix materials in two trails as Wood ash, Cement, M-Sand and Quartz are taking a percentage of 10%, 30%, 10% and 50% respectively and another one of 25%, 25%, 20% and 30% respectively. After casting the bricks are allowed to tests such as Compressive strength test, water absorption test were performed for the Quartz waste brick. The results show the variation of Compressive strength for brick at dry condition. The different dry and curing ages are 4 days, 7 days. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
75-77 |
22 |
Pollution of River Gomti At Lucknow City Area
-Dr Sudhir K Srivastava
Water Quality of Gomti River is mainly affected by Sewage / Domestic Wastes and industrial wastes disposal in to the river. Apart from Mohan Mekin there are many Chiken cloth colouring units disposing colour dyes to the river Gomti. The washing of cloths near Gomti River increases detergents wastes. Also due to Religion, that is Temple’s flowers, Idol submersion during Durga Puja, Ganesh Puja etc Cattle’s bathing are also polluting the river water. Use of Plastics and their disposal in the river is creating havoc. A long duration study of water quality data of Gomti River in summer season average for the period 1997 to 2008.depicted that most of the chemical parameters are increasing. The chemical data of metal/ trace elements reveals that all the metal ions are within permissible limit of drinking water except the iron content, which is higher than its maximum permissible limit of 1.0 mg/l set by BIS. Read More...
Environmental Science & Technology |
India |
78-81 |
23 |
The Effect of Floating Column Locations in RC Multistorey Building with Shear Wall Subjected to Seismic Load
-Akshay Gajbhiye ; Aswin C.P
In modern multistorey building construction, irregularities like the soft storey, vertical and plan irregularities, floating columns etc are very common. Building with an open ground storey for parking is a common feature that results in floating columns. Floating columns provide column free space and a good aesthetic architectural view of the building. floating column means the end of any vertical element that rests on the beam which leads to discontinuity of columns such that the path of load distribution in multi-storey buildings is disturbed. The use of a floating column also tends to increase the moment in the column, storey shear etc which highly undesirable in seismically active areas. So, the study of the best location where the floating column needs to be provided to reduce the impact due to seismic loads is of primordial importance. Shear wall is a vertical member which is provided from foundation to top storey. In this study shear wall is used in the direction of orientation so that it provides additional strength and stiffness to the buildings. In the present analysis, 8 models are studied. The first model considers a multi-storeyed building without any shear wall and floating column. Other models analysed are with shear wall and by varying the location of floating columns. The analysis and design are done by V8i SS6 version software and the method used is response spectrum analysis in earthquake zone 4. The effect of floating column location on parameters such as Base shear, Displacement, Maximum moment, storey shear and percentage of steel reinforcement are discussed. The comparison of results of different models is also carried out in detail using graphs and bar charts in this study. The suitable location for providing a floating column with the shear wall is also discussed. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
82-86 |
24 |
Online Education System
Online education is the most recent form of modern education in which the child can travel several miles and sit in front of the blackboard and instead of studying, can sit in a virtual class by sitting at home with his teacher via the internet. Only children with a good internet connection, such as a Smartphone, laptop, or computer, can participate in this education. Students preparing for competitive exams today, in addition to schools, colleges, and other institutions, are unable to attend coaching institutes; however, online education has made their path easier. They will now be able to study at home for competitive examinations. Many degree examinations and their syllabuses are also available online. Students can write to the teacher and present their concerns or questions. Today, many institutions offer online services for major services such as civil service, engineering, and medical, law, and so on. In today's world, we're leaving the house can be difficult, online education is an excellent option. This can not only give impetus to the disrupted education system, but it can also increase the experiences of the teacher and student in a more appealing way. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
87-89 |
25 |
Virtual Assistant for Healthcare
-Neha Mahesh Patankar ; Prachiti Anand Pilankar; Snehal Mahendra Rasal
Hospitals most widely used means by which a sick person gets medical check-ups, disease diagnosis and treatment recommendation. This has been a practice by almost all a people over a world. People consider it as the a most reliable means to check their health status. The proposed system is to create an alternative to this conventional method of visiting a hospital and making an appointment with a doctor to get diagnosis. This research intends to apply the concepts of natural language processing and machine learning to create a chatbot application. People can interact with thea chatbot just like they do with another human and through a series of queries, chatbot will identify a symptoms of a user and thereby, predicts a disease and recommends treatment. This system can be of great use to people in conducting daily check-ups, makes people awareit of their health status and encourages people to make proper measures to remain healthy. According to this research, such a system is not widely used and people are less awareit of it. Executing this proposed framework can help people avoid atime-consuming method of visiting hospitals by using this free of cost application, wherever they are. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
90-96 |
26 |
IOT Technology based Air Quality Monitoring System
-Animesh Sharma ; Aanchal Sharma; Alifiyah Shahid; Kavita Namdev
The paper deals with measuring the air quality using the Arduino Atmel 8-bit AVR microcontroller. This system was designed to monitor and analyze air quality in real-time and generate the analyzed report for the users. Read More...
Internet of things (IoT) |
India |
97-99 |
27 |
Voltage Based Control of Induction Motor Using Advanced Voice Recognition & Command System
-Abhishek K Wath ; Mayur Deokate; Prof. G. H. Agrawal
It is difficult to work in dangerous environment in numerous of the businesses. Human can survive as it were certain sum of temperature, weight etc. To work in environment over a run will cause risk to human life. Thus the framework is planned to diminish hazard of human life as well is more precise and computerized to alter itself to commanded parameters. The framework has highlight of voice command-based control of IM Drive for mechanical purposes through strategy of voltage variety. Moreover, it has essential highlights of drive assurance based on warm and over current security of drives. Gadget is having closed input circle framework based on tachometer speed sensor to alter speed precisely and keep up it indeed in the event that stack shifts. The voice acknowledgment gadget utilized is Alexa by Amazon and it communicates to custom planned drive control through wi-fi utilizing Hub MCU. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
100-101 |
28 |
Prepaid Energy Meter Using GSM Module
-Rahul Barange ; Prof. Umar Siddiqui; Mangal Kumar; Sakir Khan; Arati Mahajan
It is realized that one of the defective subsystems adding to the tremendous budgetary loss in Power Supply Company is the conventional metering and charging framework. Mistakes get presented at each phase of charging the energy rates, similar to blunders with conventional meters, reading errors by human while noticing the consumed energy; and blunder during the preparation of paid and the due bills. The solution for this downside is a prepaid charging or billing framework of consumed energy. Most of the developing countries are shifting their conventional energy management practices to the modern one by replacing the old and conventional energy meters with the smart meters outfitted with the prepaid facility to quantify the power consumption so as to decrease the income deficits looked by utilities because of customer unwillingness to make consumed energy payments on time. Our proposed design embedded with Arduino and GSM technology is advancement over conventional energy meter, which enables consumer to effectively manage their electricity usage. The system performance is good with the acquired results. An earlier charging will undoubtedly get rid of the issues of unpaid bills and human mistakes in meter readings, along these lines guaranteeing justified income for the utility. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
102-105 |
29 |
Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
-Radhika Mundhada ; Pevekar Zainab Ashfaque; Inkar Rohit; Amit Kori; Rohitkumar Jaiswal
This research article provides an introduction to artificial intelligence, robotics, The early promise of the impact of machine intelligence did not involve the partitioning of the nascent field of Artificial Intelligence. The founders of AI envisioned the notion of embedded intelligence as being conjoined between perception, reasoning and actuation. Yet over the years the fields of AI and Robotics drifted apart. Practitioners of AI focused on problems and algorithms abstracted from the real world. Robotics, generally with a background in mechanical and electrical engineering, concentrated on sensor motor functions. That divergence is slowly being bridged with the maturity of both fields and with the growing interest in autonomous systems. This special issue brings together the state of the art and practice of the emergent field of integrated AI and Robotics, and highlights the key areas along which this current evolution of machine intelligence is heading. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
106-112 |
30 |
A Friend Recommendation System using Machine Learning Algorithm
-Khushboo Dawda ; Mr. Swarndeep Saket
Recommender systems are an important research area due to the various expansion possibilities that enhance the quality of the recommendations. In this paper we try to recommendation of friend on social network which friends recommendation friends to user based on their interest, their life style their status, their work and their activity on base social account like location, hast tag, challenges. here in our proposed access we are applying machine learning technique like clustering technique and KNN technique with collaboration clarification algorithm to get added accurateness in the results. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
113-117 |
31 |
P -N Junction Cooling Helmet Using Peltier Effect
-Gitanjali Jaydas Mokashi ; Mrunali Anand Kadam; Maithili Muralidhar Manjare
Human life is so precious and valuable, that it should not be compromised under any cost. The concern over the safety of Motorcyclist drivers has pushed for the invention of the equipment that can save lives. According to Statistics from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (2010),it is mentioned that nearly 70% of mortality in road accident occurred due to head injury. It is not that people are very negligent about their lives on road, but that they experience dozens of discomforts by wearing helmet. The most common discomfort is that, heavy sweat occurs due to excessive heat formation. This project deals with the development of cooling system for biker’s helmet using thermoelectric technology using Peltier module. This system consists mainly of a heat sink, aluminium passageway and Peltier coil. The prototype is fabricated and mounted onto biker’s head. Experiments are conducted on the prototype to analyze the performance of the cooling system during different intervals of time. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
118-121 |
32 |
A Review on Innovation and Technology to Make a Smart City
-Niralee Lakhana ; Darpan Parsaniya; Devangi Ghediya; Krunal Solanki; Darshan Parmar
Cities accommodate nearly 31% of India's current population and contribute 63% of GDP (Census 2011). Urban areas are expected to house 40% of India's population and contribute 75% of India's GDP by 2030. This requires comprehensive development of physical, institutional, social and economic infrastructure. All are important in improving the quality of life and attracting people and investment, setting in motion a virtuous cycle of growth and development. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
122-125 |
33 |
COVID-19 Detection Using Covolutional Neural Network
-Rajnandini Mohan Hajare ; Priyanka Rajendra Rasine; Manjiri Pradip ShirudKar; Manasi Pradeepkumar Gaikwad; Sachin M Kolekar
The increasing number of cases of confirmed coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in China is striking. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relation between chest CT findings and the clinical conditions of COVID-19 pneumonia. Among those who develop symptoms, most (about 80%) recover from the disease without needing hospital treatment. About 15% become seriously ill and require oxygen and 5% become critically ill and need intensive care. Complications leading to death may include respiratory failure, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), sepsis and septic shock, thromboembolism, and/or multiorgan failure, including injury of the heart, liver or kidneys. In rare situations, children can develop a severe inflammatory syndrome a few weeks after infection. Proposed method not only detects the availability of NOVEL CORONA but also it tracks the treatment progress. In Second generation, number of architectures or algorithms is present for classification problem. In other languages we have to start from scratch, but for MATLAB and Python this is another case. Simply calling those functions and changing the input argument, you test. Due to available built in commands, design and development time get reduced. With minimal Mathematics behind deep learning, we can design and test various architectures of neural network. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
126-129 |
34 |
Fabrication and Analysis of Solar Power Air Cooler
-Jasani Yagneshbhai ; Jenish Dhameliya
The present air cooling methods are evaporative coolers, air conditioning, fans and dehumidifiers. But running these products need a source called electricity. The producing of electricity is ultimately responsible for hot and humid conditions i.e. global warming. In hot and humid conditions the need to feel relaxed and comfortable has become one of few needs and for this purpose utilization of systems like air-conditioning and refrigeration has increased rapidly. These systems are most of the time not suitable for villages due to longer power cut durations and high cost of products. Solar power systems being considered as one of the path towards more sustainable energy systems, considering solar-cooling systems in villages would comprise of many attractive features. This technology can efficiently serve large latent loads and greatly improve indoor air quality by allowing more ventilation while tightly controlling humidity. Despite increasing performance and mandatory energy efficiency requirements, peak electricity demand is growing and there is currently no prevalent solar air cooling technology suited to residential application especially for villages, schools and offices. This project reviews solar powered air cooler for residential and industrial applications. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
130-136 |
35 |
Experimental Study on Partially Replacement of Coarse Aggregate by Using Rubber
-Nandhagopal.R ; Selvakumar.V; Benseer Kormath.U
Now a days, rubber is produced excessively worldwide every year. It cannot be discharge off easily in the environment as its decomposition takes much time and also produces environmental pollution. In such a case the reuse of rubber would be a better choice. In order to reuse rubber wastes, it was added to concrete as coarse aggregate and its different properties like compressive strength, tensile strength, ductility etc. were investigated and compared with ordinary concrete. As a result it was found that rubberized concrete is durable, less ductile, has greater crack resistance but has a low compressive strength when compared with ordinary concrete. The compressive strength of rubberized concrete can be increased by adding some amount of silica to it. The recycled rubber tire waste is a promising material in the construction industry and the sole reason for this is the lightweight of the resulting concrete. When the rubber tire is incorporated in it as an aggregate replacement. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
137-140 |
36 |
Review on Real Time Face Mask and Social Distancing Detection System
-Bhagyashri Borikar ; Miss. Garima Rai; Prof. Mahvash Iram Khan ; Miss. Anjali Kharapkar; Miss. Chetana Likhar
The rapid spread of Covid-19 is become a pandemic and has created abrupt changes in society. Outdoor work in industries, institutes, etc. is stuck up. The present study is focused on the real-time face mask detection and social distancing monitoring system. The first part is related to the colour image dataset creation and the second part is associated with detecting the face mask and safe distancing between human bodies detection. In both parts using a deep learning solution that uses OpenCV and Tensor Flow to train the model and the latter, two truth values are formed and labelled. For each labelled value, the relevant parameters are evaluated and finally, a one truth value of passed input frame is created, based on the trained model result is created. Using this mechanism, face mask detection and safe distance among people is calculated. For this purpose, the pretrained Multi-Task-Cascaded Convolutional Neural network model is used. Read More...
Information Science and Engineering |
India |
140-142 |
37 |
A Review Paper on Green Building Research
-Prof. P. M. Thorat ; Mr. Sugam Sarawagi; Mr. Siddesh Azankar; Mr. Mahesh Fund
Since the 21st century, the concept of green building has been gradually popularized and implemented in more countries, which has become a popular direction in the area of sustainability in the building industry. Over the past few decades, many scholars and experts have done extensive research on green building. The purpose of this paper is to systematically analyze and visualize the status quo of green building. Therefore, based on Web of Science (WoS), this paper analyzed the existing knowledge system of green building using Cite Space, identified keywords related to green building and their frequency of occurrence using the function of keyword co-occurrence analysis, recognized five clusters using the function of cluster analysis, and explored the knowledge evolution pattern of green building using citation bursts analysis in order to reveal how research related to green building has evolved over time. On the basis of aforementioned keywords, clusters, and citation bursts analysis, this paper has built a knowledge graph for green building. This paper can help readers to better understand the status quo and development trend of green building and to easier recognize the shortcomings in the development of green building, so as to provide a promising direction for future research. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
143-146 |
38 |
Implementation Of a XOR Based Vedic Multiplier For Area, Delay And Power Minimization
-Shruthy Bastian ; Bency Varghese A; Rachana M K
Nowadays, most widely used in different types of processors and other digital circuits are adders. In the VLSI design low power and area efficient high-speed circuits are most substantial area of research. One of the fast adders which has less area and reduced power consumption is Carry Select Adder. In this 32-bit carry select adder has been presented using modified XOR based full adder to reduce circuit complexity, area and delay. The modified full adder design needed only two XOR gates and one multiplexer. The modified 32-bit carry select adder gives better result than conventional carry select adder with respect to area, power consumption and delay. Using this modified 32 bit CSA a Vedic multiplier is developed. The software used is XILINIX ISE simulator. Implemented using VHDL module. Read More...
VLSI Design |
India |
147-151 |
39 |
Attendance Management System by Using QR Code
-Aishwarya Godbole ; Pooja Bodkhe; Pratiksha Kulkarni; Rupali Thorat; Prof. S.M.Kolekar
Smartphones are becoming more preferred companions to users than desktops, personal computers, or laptops. Knowing that smartphones are most popular with users at the age of around 23, using smartphones to speed up the process of taking attendance by the college. Attendance is an important factor for both teachers and students. There a different method of maintaining attendance from a manual system where attendance is marked in sheets to automated attendance such as biometrics. All the techniques have some disadvantages in maintaining attendance. The automated attendance is time concerned i.e. the teacher should update their attendance before the time else they will lose their salary. The system would save lecturing time and hence enhance the educational process. This paper proposes a system that is based on a QR code to record teacher and student campus IN /OUT time, the second part is to give thumb notification to add attendance during or at the beginning of each lecture. The proposed of this paper is to use mobile phones for updating the student and teachers' attendance. This paper uses a mobile application that is developed using flutter technology where a smartphone scans the QR code which acts as a user ID and for user verification. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
152-154 |
40 |
A Review on Geosynthetics in Civil Engineering
-Akshay Dobariya ; Vishal Gyanchandani; Piyush Danger; ShaktiSinh Solanki; Darshan Parmar
Geo-synthetics Are Synthetics Products Used to Stabilize Terrain. They Are Generally Polymeric Products Used To Solve Civil Engineering Problems. This Includes Eight Main product categories; Geo-textiles, Geo-grids, Geo-nets, Geo-membranes, Geo-synthetics clay liners, Geo-foam, Geo-cells and Geo-composites. These Products Have a Wide Range of Applications And Are Currently Used In Many Civil, Geotechnical, Transportation, And Private Development Applications Including Rods, Rail rods, Retaining Structures, And Agriculture. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
155-156 |
41 |
A Brief Review: Biomaterials
-Ms. Krishna Debnath
Biomaterials in the form of implants (sutures, bone plates, joint replacements, etc.) and medical devices (pacemakers, artificial hearts, blood tubes, etc.) are widely used to replace and/or restore the function of traumatized or degenerated tissues or organs, and thus improve the quality of life of the patients. The first and foremost requirement for the choice of the biomaterial is its acceptability by the human body. A biomaterial used for implant should possess some important properties in order to long-term usage in the body without rejection. The most common classes of materials used as biomedical materials are Metals, Polymers, Ceramics, and Composite. These four classes are used singly and in combination to form most of the implantation devices available today. This review should be of value to researchers who are interested in the state of the art of biomaterial evaluation and selection of biomaterials. Read More...
Material Science and Technology |
India |
157-159 |
42 |
Smart and Automatic Industrial Drive with Cleaning, Lubrication and Advance Hydrocaron Cooling System
-Kalyani Pise ; Shruti Dange; Mayur Fande; Mr.Kirti Dhenge
As some industrial motor and generators has continuous longterm operation may be in years hence, like any piece of industrial equipment it needs maintenance, scheduled periodic visual inspections for optimal machine performance. The project aims for design of motor with on board system which will be capable of self-lubrication and cleaning itself while in running condition automatically, also as cooling plays major role in durability, rating and efficiency of drive hence to remove heating spots problem the device will be equipped with latest hydrocarbon cooling system as well as provision for liquid coolant based forced cooling system. Also, device is to be equipped with automatic lubrication system for lubrication of most stressed parts of an industrial drive which are subject to regular wear & tear which may lead to failure of device. Complete system is autonomous & runs its operation as per set standards as well as demand-based requirement for efficient run of drive using microcontroller & sensors. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
160-161 |
43 |
Biofuel Production from Banana Peels
-Harshit Paliwal ; Rajkumar Tayde; Nayan Mahajan; Jayshri Tayde; Prof. Manish Gandhi
The high price of different biodiesels and the need for many of their raw ingredients as food materials are the main constraints to be overcome when seeking the best potential alternative fuels to petro-diesel. Apart from that, some properties like high density, viscosity and acid value along with low cloud and pour points preclude their use in compression ignition (CI) engines as these properties can cause serious damage to the parts of the engine and reduce engine life. In this experiment, biodiesel was produced from the oil of unused algae by a two-step ‘acid esterification followed by transesterification’ procedure. Taguchi’s method was applied to design the experiment, and a L25 orthogonal array was prepared to optimize the biodiesel production procedure. The optimized conditions for transesterification were: methanol to oil molar ratio of 6:1, catalyst (KOH) concentration of 2.5 wt%, reaction time of 90 min and reaction temperature of 50 _C, achieving a biodiesel production of 89.7% with free fatty acid content of 0.25%. It was found that the CI engine emitted less CO, CO2 and hydrocarbon and higher NOx using algal biodiesel than that using petro-diesel. All properties of the algal biodiesel were within the limit of ASTM standards. Today, biodiesel, a renewable, non-toxic and environmentally friendly fuel, is attracting increasing attention worldwide as an alternative to fossil fuel. In the present study, waste biomass-derived banana peel ash served as a heterogeneous catalyst for converting soybean oil into biodiesel at room temperature. The catalyst was well-characterized using IR, XRD, XRF, XPS, SEM, EDX, TEM, TGA and BET analysis techniques to assess its chemical composition, structure and morphology. The TEM-EDX, XPS and XRF analyses revealed the presence of several alkali metals and alkaline earth metals, which probably provide the basic sites for the transesterification reactions to produce biodiesel. A high biodiesel yield of 98.95% was achieved under the optimized reaction conditions. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
162-165 |
44 |
Design and Fabrication of Adjustable Multipurpose Sprinkler for Agricultural Use
-Suryabhan Ashok Patil ; Kiran P. Suryawanshi; Swapnil V. Kasar; Bhushan A. Burkule; Naresh A Jadhav
Sprinklers are most important equipment for irrigation. In latest sprinkler there is simple installation of sprinkler. Only on sprinkler is use for plantation and its rotate 360˚. So, what happen again and again that area is sprinkled with water so the wastage of water is more it is a disadvantage for farmers. The purpose of installation of project is to reduce the wastage of water. Now a day’s farmers are facing problem because of pesticides. We neglect the interference of human during operation. Water as well as pesticides can be spray with the help of this sprinkler. Sprinkler system is very old method from many year ago and having long history since many years and their method of sprinkler system are changed in this decade. So, the main focus of this project is to minimize cost of system, safety of farmers, less water more crops benefit) for farmers. Read More...
Engineering |
India |
166-170 |
45 |
Haze Removal from Single Image Using Image Processing
-Maheriya Sagar Jitendrabhai ; Prof .Pooja Thakar
We have determined that Out of doors pictures might suffer from haze, and therefore the clearness of the image is greatly lost. The haze removal that is understood as dehazing is a crucial issue. during this paper, we are going to propose quick haze removal methodology, that is associate rising version of associate existing methodology victimisation dark channel previous proposed by He et al.. In our projected methodology we ted to consider ablycut back the machine time by rising the tactic to estimate dark channel. Exiting method dark channel estimation methodology uses a down-sampled image and don't need any soft-matting method. Experiments with haze picture shown during this treatise we going to attempt cut back and important methodology is quicker and suitable quality level compared with the present dark channel methodology. Read More...
Electronics & Telecommunication |
India |
171-175 |
46 |
Case Study on Water Distribution System of Village Dawalikhurd, Burhanpur M. P
-Rajkumar Mahajan ; Sanju Palekar ; Rupali Jaware; Ishwar Magar ; Prof. Swapnil Navgrahe
This paper concerns for the design of rural water distribution systems in developing countries. Most of population of India is staying in rural area. At end of nineteen century community is not getting water at their resident in the village. But water is basic need of human being and it is directly effete on human health. Indian government is decided to provide safe, regular and adequate water to the community at their resident. This paper is helpful to water supply engineers are facing the problem of designing new distribution network in haphazard developed rural area. For designing of best economical water distribution system LOOP version 4 heuristic software is used with a case study. Design procedure satisfied all constraints with a minimum total cost. The constraints include residual nodal pressure, velocity of flow in pipe, pipe material, reservoir level, peak factor and available commercial pipe diameters. In investigation, it is found that water distribution network cost occupied almost 70% of the total cost of water supply system. Extensive research has been done to minimize cost through optimization in design of water distribution network. In addition to the simulation tool, optimization techniques to identify the least cost design of distribution systems, while achieving the most equitable distribution of water have been developed. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
176-179 |
47 |
Comparative Analysis for the Seismic Response of an Irregular Building With Floating Column and an Irregular Building Without Floating Column
-Martin Wombeogo ; Dr.Monica Maholtra
The study is done to check the earthquake resistance of an irregular building with floating in comparison to an irregular building without floating and also the behavior of the two buildings during earthquake excitations and how safe they are in earthquake-prone areas. Analysis on these building models where carried out using the non-linear push over method of analysis to study the story responses of the building under earthquake excitations. A modal analysis was also carried out to check the period of vibrations for each building type. The analysis was carried with the extended three-dimensional analysis of building systems (ETABs) software. The results plotted are the story responses obtained after analysis, that is, the story drift, story displacement, story shears, overturning moments and story stiffness. The story drift and story displacements obtained show a higher drift and displacement in the building with floating column than the building without floating column. The periods of vibration for the two building models remained the same indicating that the presence or absence of a floating column does not affect the period of vibrations. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
180-187 |
48 |
Experimental Investigation to Enhance the Performance of Heat Exchanger Used In Silica Plant to Recovery Waste Heat
-Sahil A. Patel ; Arvind K. gothwal; Maheshkumar J. Patel
Hot water plays an import role in modem life. The consumption of hot water represents a significant part of the nation's energy consumption. One way of reducing the energy Consumption involved, and hence the cost of that energy, is to reclaim heat from the waste Warm water that is discharged to the sewer each day. The potential for economic waste water heat recovery depends on both the quantity available and whether the quality fits the requirement of the heating load. To recover heat from waste Water in residential and commercial buildings is hard to achieve in quality because of its low temperature range. Nevertheless, efforts to recycle this waste energy could result in Significant energy savings. The objective of this research was to develop a multiple heat exchanger for a waste water heat recovery system. The advantage of the system proposed in this work is that it not only provides useful energy transfer during simultaneous flow of cold supply and warm drain water but also has the ability to store recovered energy at the hot water for later use. While this concept is not new, the design of the heat exchanger proposed for the present study is significantly different from those used previously. Measurements of hot water usage and waste water temperature and flow rates were obtained for a potential application of the proposed exchanger. Read More...
Thermal Engineering |
India |
188-190 |
49 |
Number Plate Recognition Using Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
-Ruchita Patel ; Saket J. Swarndeep
In this modern era, everything is done digitally. We can witness the currently our traffic signals have a camera built-in, that captures traffic rule violators. My research base on this method. I proposed a system to detect number plate and then transfer it to text to offer many possible features to the owner and cops. I used image processing to detect number plates and then detected number plate pass-through from the OCR. For OCR I used Tesseract OCR. After We get the number plate in text string format. We can offer nearest gas station, nearest emergency helpline, safety on the highway, may reduce car theft cases, Owner details to cops. Read More...
Computer Science And Engineering |
India |
191-196 |
50 |
Online Buying and Selling Platform Using JSP and Servlet
-Sanjana Agrawal ; Sayli Devkar; Asma Zarreen Ansari; Prof. Prithviraj Nikam
Online Buying and Selling Platform provide a platform for people with skills to sell their work online. This project provides a way for people like carpenters who make wooden craft and others who must have faced problems finding their financial stability during this period of pandemic. Local shopkeepers or business owners who have faced lack of business during pandemic situation can also sell their project online. Customers can buy various products according to their need. There are various products which are offered, some of them are, Art and Craft products, Home accessories, Clothes, Electronics and many more. This project is based on Java technology. JSP and Servlet are used in this project. JSP(Java Server Pages) and Servlet are technologies involved in advance java. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
197-199 |