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1 |
Compact Wet Waste Decomposer Machine
-Amey Dhanraj Ambekar ; Rahul Ghatage; Abhay Kr. Pandey; Aman Shaikh; Sagar Kadu
Composting is the biological degradation of organic waste by microorganisms, present in our environment, under suitable conditions. Population living in urban areas is expected to increase from 4 billion to 5.5 billion, from 2006 to 2026, representing 54% and 65% of total world population, respectively. Household wet biodegradable waste (HWBW) forms a major portion of municipal solid waste (MSW) in developing nations that will add more pressure on already overburdened municipal solid waste (MSW) management systems of such cities. It is estimated that around 60 percent of the MSW is biodegradable, even then it is openly dumped, land filled and burnt which causes environmental degradation and harmful disease. Composting is the most appropriate economical solution to overcome this problem of municipal waste management. Its recycling at the source of generation can not only reduce waste transportation costs but also prevent harmful air emissions. This study aims at design of compact compost machine for Indian household kitchen or medium size farming, which is hassle free, with no odours issues and ergonomic in nature. Designed compost machine consists of composting chamber with a grinding blade, attached to shaft propelled by DC motors, air filter setup and a compost collection chamber. Simple mechanism allows the user to maintain cleanliness, operate the machine easily. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1-4 |
2 |
Security System for Android Phone
-Mande Pooja Arun ; Prof: Monika. D.Rokade
Todays each and every person needs and large requirements of smart phones. the scope of smart phones increase in different areas of the mobile world. Now days the very fast and rapid growth of smart phones in different area and these android phone security threads are working upon infrastructure and securing which supports distributed services and other online interfaces. In these paper we are discuss about protected android application on android phones the objective of these system is which can secure customers android devices. these huge amount of data and information security methodology of smart phone is a like quite novel. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
5-7 |
3 |
Automatic Car Washer and Dryer System
-Juganu Govind Binnar ; Hrushikesh S.Pore; Pawle N. Sachin; Pragati P. Dukale
We are making Automatic car washing system .this system is fully automated with different stages of foaming, washing, drying and brushing. In this system we uses large quantity of water, thus water recycling plant is also an integral part of the automatic car washing system but at this level we are only presented the car washing only. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
8-11 |
4 |
Review Paper on Types of Motors in Electric Vehicles
-Harshal Bhore ; Nikhil Potekar; Aniket Kadam; Digvijay Nerlekar; Shreyas Shinde
Electric vehicles with higher energy efficiency, low maintenance cost and pollution free operation, are offering great alternative to popular conventional IC engine vehicles. Also, with the advancement in technology, electric vehicle manufacturers are able to overcome the traditional drawbacks of electric vehicles, making it more and more suitable for modern day transportation. A motor in an electric vehicle provides the necessary force for the propulsion of a vehicle, which makes it the heart of electric vehicles. Different types of electric motors are compared on the basis of certain parameters which should be considered for selecting a particular motor type for electric vehicle application. Comparison is tabulated for some parameters. Also, characteristic graphs of different motors are included at some points. Read More...
Automobile Engineering |
India |
12-14 |
5 |
Hands Free Corona Virus Fighter
-Pratyush Patel ; Sonu Yadav; Saras Singh
Viruses such as COVID-19 are transferrable through touch and contact. There are WHO guidelines to regularly wash hands with soap or sanitize hands regularly to reduce the risk of infection. Dispensing of sanitizer and liquid soap from bottle and storage would require manual intervention. In this paper we propose a novel design of touch-less sanitizer machine [1] and touch-less soap dispenser machine [1] to reduce the risk due to contact. The system can sense the proximity with the help of infrared sensor and sends signal to the microcontroller. The controller processes the sensor data & actuates the pump and the solenoid valve. The sanitizer liquid dispenses through mist nozzle. The devices like mobile phones, electronic car keys, TV and AC remotes, paper currencies etc. cannot be washed with soap nor can be sanitized. In this paper we propose a novel design of touch-less mobile controlled UVC [2] disinfecting chamber to disinfect such liquid sensitive devices from corona virus using UVC radiation in closed chamber. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
15-18 |
6 |
Energy Efficient Routing Approach for Industrial IoT Networks
-Pragathi P Pai ; Rachitha T; Saba Kausar; Prashanth S B
The “Internet of Things†describes a vision where objects become part of the Internet: where every object is uniquely identified, and accessible to the network, its position and status known, where services and intelligence are added to the expanded Internet, fusing the digital and physical world, ultimately impacting on our professional, personal, and social environments. In this paper, the complete design and implementation concepts of WSN have been applied to industrial parameters monitoring wherein environmental parameters are measured in remote locations and made available to the end users by making use of IPv6 technology for constrained devices. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
19-21 |
7 |
Design of Agitator Gear
-Rahul Harichandra Gaikwad ; Prof. Mahesh S. Deshmukh; Amol Balu Sonawane; Deepak Uttam Bhagwat; Kalyani Shriram Jadhav
A worm wheel or worm gear is a cylindrical gear with flanks cut in such a way as to ensure contact with the flanks of the worm gear. The worm wheel is analogous to a nut that fits on the screw thread of the worm. If the worm is restrained axially within its housing and if the worm is rotated, the worm gear will also rotate. In a worm and wheel gear set rotary power can be transmitted between nonparallel and nonintersecting shafts. Worm and wheel gears are widely used for nonparallel, nonintersecting, right angle gear drive system applications where a high transmission gearing ratio is required. In comparison to other gear, belt, and chain transmission elements, worm and wheel gear sets tend to offer a more compact solution. In certain configurations, a worm and wheel gear set can provide sufficiently high friction to be self-locking. This can be a desirable feature if a defined position is required for a gear train, if it is not braked or unpowered. Introduction A worm gear is a cylindrical helical gear with one or more threads and resembles a screw thread. Read More...
Design |
India |
22-23 |
8 |
Development of an Online Printing Press Website Production and Sales Management System Using C#
-Deepak Sharma ; Poonam vengurlekar; Harshal Bankar; Aditya Patil; Raj Devender
In today's outgrowing and tremendously increasing latest technologies, e-commerce brings an ease in today's life style. People now-a-days seek for a faster delivery along with a quality product where which when failed to get can switch to other options. Availability of "N" number of websites brings out a competition in the cat race of market value. "Printing Press", an e-commerce printing website, prints visiting cards, wedding cards, brochure, flyer, etc... Which can be ordered online by few simple procedural steps? Delivery will be done subjected to a specific time period most probably after a week of working days respected to Mumbai location. One can register and order minimal as well as a bulk as per the customer requirement Content to be printed should be uploaded by the customer through the website in ".PDF" format as per keeping the size of item in mind One can contact the printing press via mail or contact shared in "About us" page. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
24-27 |
9 |
Power Generation Using Rooftop Ventilator
-Shreyash Nilesh Kothari ; Pranav Raosaheb Patil; Chinmay Dhondiram Chavan; Shrinivas Mahavir Chougule
This paper presents an innovative method of generating electricity by using roof ventilator. This paper deals with design and construction of the model. Presently there is technological development of applying wind energy for electricity generation. Roof Top Ventilator works on principle of natural convention. The main function of roof ventilator is to exhaust the hot air from industries, warehouse, buildings, houses, etc. And intake atmospheric air/ fresh air. Ventilation & lighting, both purposes are served by this model simultaneously which is important for improving working conditions of employees in factory. Such ecofriendly models are recommended for upcoming factories in order to mitigate effects of vitiated atmosphere because of lack of ventilation & lighting. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
28-29 |
10 |
Design and Fabrication of SPM for Easier Sheet Metal Operations
-Amol Indrajit Nimbalkar ; Sagar Gorakh Nikam; Mahesh Kailas Sonawane; Javed Salim Shaha
The aim of this paper is to integrate the mechanical system of hydraulic press with hydraulic system to facilitate the ease of operation to manufacture the smaller parts in a bulk. In the present scenario, time constrain is a crucial part for completion of any production process. Thus with the aid of atomization, the production time can be reduced as well as higher degree of accuracy can be achieved as the human efforts will be alleviated. Thus an attempt has been made to provide the smooth and rapid functioning of press work with the help of hydraulic system. Power press has been used for sheet metal operation such as Punching ,Blanking ,Bending Embossing, notching, shearing etc. such type of arrangement are used in power press for the operation .a special purpose machine can fulfill the work of power press with greater efficiency. Suchan special purpose machine can designed to operation Multistation on a single worktable. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
28-29 |
11 |
Driver Distraction Estimation Through AdaBoost and IOT
-Parte Rupali ; Kulkarni Ajay; Patil Kunal; Sangamnerkar Rohit; Wadekar Shubham
The safety of the roads is highly important for the purpose of reducing the fatalities and casualties that are caused due to it. Extensive study shows that most of the mishaps caused on the road are due to driver distraction or alcohol intoxication that can lead to impaired driving and reaction times which can be a recipe for disaster on the road. The obstacles on the road also play an important part in leading to collisions which can be an unforeseen scenario that can be easily prevented through the use of effective methodologies. Most of the predominant researchers utilize in invasive approach for the purpose of driver distraction detection which does more harm than good. Therefore for the purpose of achieving an effective driver distraction driver intoxication and obstacle detection an effective methodology has been elaborated in this research article. The proposed methodology utilizes ultrasonic sensors along with the use of image processing techniques strengthened by adaboost and decision tree approach for effective and accurate driver distraction detection along with driver intoxication as well as obstacle detection. The approach has been effectively experimented on to achieve the performance metrics which indicates a satisfactory performance of the approach. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
30-35 |
12 |
Experimental Study of Design Parameters of Structural Layer on Flexible Pavement Using Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen
-Aman Khare ; Rakesh Sakale; Hirendra Pratap Singh
The utilization of Crumb Rubber i.e. the rubber obtained from the waste tires of vehicles in the construction of flexible pavement is gaining importance day by day. It is also significance mentioning that, the modifier raw-material has been sourced from disposed crumb rubber. This not only allows us to collect modifier raw material at very low cost, but also provides a solution towards ecological menace posed by increased use of rubber. In the present study, an attempt has been made to use Crumb Rubber, blended using wet process. Marshal method of Bituminous mix design was carried out for varying percentages i.e. 8%, 10%, 12% and 14% of Crumb Rubber to determine the different mix design characteristics. The Dense Bituminous Macadam (DBM) mix was prepared using Marshall Method of bituminous mix design. The DBM was prepared with conventional VG-30 grade bitumen, VG10 grade bitumen added with varying percentages of Crumb Rubber. Marshall’s mix design was carried out by changing the modified bitumen content at constant optimum rubber content and subsequent tests have been performed to determine the different mix design characteristics and for conventional bitumen (VG-30). This has resulted in much improved characteristics when compared with straight run bitumen and improve the strength of the pavement Modified Bitumen is one of the important construction materials for construction of flexible pavements. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
36-42 |
13 |
Gasoline Direct Injection System in Single Cylinder Engine
-Sanjiv Sharma ; Swanand S. Kirpekar ; Pranav Naidu ; Sudesh Acharya; Swapnil Chavan
This project focus on the development of a single cylinder direct fuel injection engine. This project done by converting the base of the single cylinder internal combustion engine into single cylinder direct fuel injection engine. Due to the less of findings and production of a fuel injection system for a single cylinder engine, it will give us a great advantage to analyze this type of engine. We will compare its effectiveness in terms of power output produce, heat produce, fuel efficiency, maintenance cost and also its fuel emission between fuel injection system and internal combustion engine. A single cylinder internal combustion motorcycle engine will be used in this project. Read More...
Automobile Engineering |
India |
43-47 |
14 |
Farmer Friendly MATLAB Based Automatic Silkworm Eggs Counting System
-Nehal Gautam Patil ; Prof. Nagama Sheikh; Prof. Rohini Pochhi
Sericulture is art of rearing silkworm for production of cocoons. Production and timely supply of superior quality silkworm seed is essential to sustain sericulture as a commercial crop in competition with other cash crops. Sericulture in India is practiced both in temperate and tropical zones. The silkworm seed production is an important activity of sericulture. This involves the rearing of parent seed crops for the production of seed of silkworms known as Disease Free Lyings (DFLs). To find out the laying capability of the month and hatching percentage, counting silkworm eggs is essential during silkworm rearing. Similarly, it is important to count silkworm eggs accurately so that farmers can pay accordingly and they will not suffer any loss while buying. The manual counting of silkworm eggs is very tedious work and involves chances of errors and damage to the eggs. Also as it's in large number, it takes a lot of time to count it manually. So there is a need to develop some fast and automatic methods to count the number of silkworm eggs. This paper presents an image processing technique that calculates the number of eggs and displays it on LCD for ease. For displaying count on LCD we are using Arduino UNO as controller. Read More...
M.Tech |
India |
48-51 |
15 |
Resources, Cost Planning and Time Delays in Assembly Building
-Shahana Sherin P ; A Sabareesh
The Indian construction industry is an integral part of country's economy and its growth and a conduit for a substantial part of India's development investment. The industry plays a pivotal role in developing the country's infrastructure, a pre-requisite for high levels of economic growth. Therefore there is a requirement of a certain techniques such for the total management of projects. The current study consists of the computer based Project Management software Primavera for the Planning, Scheduling and Allocation of resources for assembly buildings. Delays are a major concern in such projects even after a perfect planning. It is loss of time and money. This study also identifies the factors of delays and a model for future construction. Read More...
Construction & Management |
India |
52-54 |
16 |
A Research Paper on Firebase Authentication
-Ranganath Manohar Rane ; Sandesh Suresh Kadam
In today’s world most apps require some type of user identification. For this, they must provide the facility to sign up new users, sign in existing users, manage account details, and keep all of this data secure. It’s a very difficult and time-consuming process. From user experience perspective, it is also very difficult to get right information .Users tend to hesitate to give out information that is confidential such as their user name, password, security questions, and anything else that should they don’t to be leaked or cause any sort of damage to them. As a result, they generally prefer using credentials that they have already provided to a third party, and having that third party manage the sign-in for them, so for example, if they have a Facebook account, they use Facebook to verify to your app that they are who they say they are, without needing to give you their information also. With Firebase Authentication, you can outsource your entire authentication system to Firebase so that you can concentrate on building great features for your app. Firebase Authentication makes it easier to get your users signed-in without having to understand the complexities behind implementing your own authentication system. It offers a straightforward getting started experience, optional UX components designed to minimize user friction, and is built on open standards and backed by Google infrastructure. Read More...
Master of Computer Applications |
India |
55-56 |
17 |
Effect of Polypropylene Fiber on Fresh and Hardened Properties of Concrete
-Abrar Hussain ; Proff Dr Fareed Ahmed Memon; Yasir Khan
This research allocates with the effect of Polypropylene fiber on the fresh and hardened properties of concrete. The polypropylene fiber is synthetic fiber it is good in high tensile strength, great in modulus of elasticity and it is also good in bonding after add into concrete. In this research work Polypropylene fiber of 19mm is used in mix of concrete. Compressive strength test, split tensile strength test were performed and the results were examined statistically. Specimen having polypropylene fiber of 0.1%, 0.2%, and 0.03% are prepared and tested in this research. Furthermore the compressive strength and split tensile strength of concrete with mix of polypropylene fiber, 0.1% and 0.2% increased and at the 0.3% it increased little both in compressive strength and split tensile strength. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
Pakistan |
57-59 |
18 |
Survey Paper on a Systematic Review of Block chain In Healthcare: Frameworks, Prototypes, and Implementations
-Himani H Mulay ; Sareeka G Joshi
In today’s life healthcare security is most vital issue. Blockchain is one among distributed architecture during which it consists in several sectors like healthcare. In block-chain technology, each page during a ledger of healthcare data forms a block. That block has an impact on subsequent block or page through cryptographic hashing .Electronic Health Records(EHR) systems mainly used for securely exchanging the health related information which is primarily trustless and challenging. In other words, when a block is completed, it creates a singular secure code, which connects into subsequent page or block or node, creating a sequence of blocks, i.e. block-chain. In proposed system medical data got to store in secure manner. This work is meant using block chain concept and key-based cryptographic technique. It stores the hash values within the sort of the tables of data and files on the block-chain, validates other copies by running a hashing technique algorithm, then compares the information stored within the block-chain, any interfere with the information are going to be quickly found, because the first hash tables are stored on many nodes. Proposed system describes the knowledge about on storing data of healthcare system. This technique will work on consensus mechanism while adding data in blockchain. This technique will find malicious user’s and inform to owner. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
60-62 |
19 |
Durability study of Conventional Alccofine Concrete with utilization of Pond ash as the Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate
-Mukesh Kumar Gautam ; Ajay Sharma; Ayush Madan
The Thermal power plants discharge waste materials as by-products which altogether are threat to environment. Disposal of them is a huge problem now-a-days. It consumes large part of land and also has many environmental hazards. In this study, an experimental work has been done on the M-40 grade of concrete with pond ash as a replacement of fine aggregate using different percentages of Alccofine. Nine concrete mixes named as C1, C2, C3, G1, G2, G3, G4, G5 & G6 were prepared with different replacement ratios (10, 12.5 and 15 percent) of pond ash and adding 2.5 and 5 percent Alccofine was used instead of cement. It is concluded that optimum replacement of fine aggregate in M-40 grade of concrete is achieved at 12.5% pond ash using 5% Alccofine after 28 days of curing. This study will be helpful to make reasonable and inexpensive concrete using of pond ash. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
63-65 |
20 |
Design and Assembly of fixture
-Ajay Rajesh Sane ; Siddhant Vinay Magdum; Ajeem Aniskhan Makandar; Abhishek Anil Kumar Rukade; P.J. Patil
Jigs and fixture are the special production tool which make the standard machine tool, more versatile to work as specialized machine tools. They are normally used in large scale production by semi-skilled operations; however they are also use in small scale. Fixture is a clamping device used to locate and holds components which is to be machined. Fixture position component accurately and holds component rigidly and prevent movement during working in order to impact greater productivity an part accuracy. Fixture is required in various industries according to their applications. This can be achieved by selecting the optimal location of fixture elements such as a locator and clamp. The fixture setup of component is done manually. to reduce the manual efforts the fixtures are used. Smoothness and accuracy is achieved by using of fixture. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering (Design) |
India |
66-68 |
21 |
Body & Organs of the Web Development
-Sukhmanjeet Kaur
Web development is all about building websites and maintaining them, it’s the work that happen behind the screen to make a website look elegant quick work performance and gives well experience to the client. It is the worldwide famous field and gives immense opportunities to the people to get their hands in this beautiful field of developing innovative sites. The field of web development is divided in two parts front-end (client side) and back-end (server side). This report will present the information about how to make the website, what best tools do we need to have to make it beautiful and impressive to attract the clients. So, let’s get deep into this paper and enhance the knowledge about web development. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
69-72 |
22 |
Energy Generation from Exhaust Hot Gases
-Achare Meghal Keshav ; Shringare Yogesh Laxman ; Deore Aniket Samadhan; Nandkishor Bhaskar Sonawane
Now a days in automobile new innovating concept are being developed .In this project by using power from vehicle exhaust for generation electricity which can be store in battery for the later consumption .In this project we are demonstrating a concept of generating power in a moving vehicle by usage of turbines. Here we are placing a turbine in a path of exhaust in a silencer. An engine is also placed in chassis of vehicle. The turbine is connected to dynamo, which is used to generate power .Depending upon air flow turbine start to rotating, and then dynamo also start to rotate. A dynamo is a device which is used to convert the kinetic energy into electrical energy. The generator power is stored in battery. It can be stored in the battery after rectification. The rectified voltage can be inverted and can be used in various form of utilities. The battery power can be consumed for the user comfort. Air blowers generally use centrifugal force to propel air forward. Inside a centrifugal air blower is a wheel with small blades on the circumference and casing to direct the flow of air into the center of wheel and out towards the edge. The design of blade will affect how the air propelled and how efficient the air blower is. The setup use of silencer setup, turbine and DC generator. The energy obtain is store in battery. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
73-76 |
23 |
Prediction and Analysis of Indian Premier League Using Machine Learning
-Mr. Shivshant Vinayak Patil ; Miss. Shivani Vijaykumar Ambarge; Mrs. Sneha Pravin Madnaik; Mr. Rushikesh Shripad Pandit
Cricket is one of famous sport in world. It contain large set of statistical data. IPL is played in 20 - 20 format. This game is very unpredictable. IPL match analysis is a ML based approach where the data sets and previous stats are trained in all dimensions covering all important factors such as: season, city, date, toss_winner, toss_decision, result, win_by_run, win_by_wicket, player_of_match etc. It focuses on measuring the outcome of Indian Premier League (IPL) matches by applying the existing data mining algorithms to the balanced as well as imbalanced dataset. This model is very much popular in analysing and predicting modeling.
The eight founding franchises were the Mumbai Indians, the Chennai Super Kings, the Royal Challengers Bangalore, the Deccan Chargers (based in Hyderabad), the Delhi Daredevils, the Punjab XI Kings (Mohali), the Kolkata Knight Riders, and the Rajasthan Royals (Jaipur). In late 2010 two franchises, Rajasthan and Punjab, were expelled from the league by the BCCI for breeches of ownership policy, but they were later reinstated in time for the 2011 tournament.
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
77-79 |
24 |
Design and Manufacture of Tunnel Checking Machine
-Vikhe Satyajit Rajendra ; Yogita patil; Shinde Chetan Bhausaheb; Hingmire Sumit Rajendra; Kapdi Yogesh Dilip
The basic aim of the machine is to ensure that the buts are present at the part at their positions. This is typically done by with the help of sensors or physically, sensors are quite expensive so the method we use is that with electrical conductivity. Electrical conductivity in sense of positive and negative terminals with the circuit and indicating lights. The machine is fully automatic as it checks the presence of buts by self and shows it. Until the operator fix the part on stand after that the machine operate itself. It is basic combination assembly of Pneumatics, circuit board, mechanical frame, metallic and non metallic material; basically it is combination and made up with them. For automatic working of machine it has Delta PLC DI-DO-25 25 programmed. For checking the job positive supply is given to the backlite plate and negative is taken from Tunnel, 24V DC supply is given to the circuit as it is sufficient and safe to operating. The job is mounted on not metallic hubs and clamped with the pneumatics. The backlite plate made up of Nylon has Silver plated Copper bushes as the overall plate will not conducted and definite part will conducted. Tunnel has 21 buts on it welded the aim of the is to check whether they are present or not. To show they are present or not there is 22 LED lights on electric panel. If the buts are all presents all LED lights will be green, if some buts are absent the definite numbered light will Red. The part is OK and all buts are present the machine will stamp it OK mark and unlocks the fixture. If the part is. NOT OK in this case operator will turn the panel on. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
80-82 |
25 |
A Review on Intelligent Transport System
-Yagnik H. Bhatiya ; Aakash J. Poojari
Transport condition in most Indian metropolitan cities is hurriedly deteriorating because of the increasing travel requirement and insufficient transportation system. Indian cities are facing multiple issues such as severe overcrowding; polluted air quality; increasing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the transport sector; increasing road accidents; and an exploding expansion in the number of private vehicles. Intelligent Transport Systems are transport systems that apply modern information technologies to make batter the operation of transport networks. Many forms and variations of Intelligent Transport System are in use extensively in developed countries. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
83-86 |
26 |
Application of Floating Rafter and Wetland System
-R.A. Binayake ; Dnyaneshwari Latpate; Komal Rathod; Sakshi Diwate; Pradnya Budhwant
Floating Treatment Wetlands (FTWs) are an innovative variant of the more traditional constructed wetland and pond technologies that offer great potential for treatment of urban storm waters .This case study provides are view of the FTW concept, structure and function, and discusses some of the potential advantages of this emerging technology for stormwater applications. FTWs are a hybrid between a pond and a wetland they behave hydraulically similar to a stormwater detention pond, whilst imparting similar treatment processes to that of a wetland. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
87-90 |
27 |
Comparative Study of Steel Bracing and Its Effects on Irregular Building under Seismic Load
-Pattewar Manik Hemant ; Prof. Upase K. S.
In practical Civil engineering work, we classify high rise building as regular shaped (symmetrical) and irregular shaped (unsymmetrical) building. The introduction of irregularity in structure create complex while it’s design. Also its behavior varies under different kind of loadings and other integral design factor. So it is very important to study behavior of unsymmetrical buildings with respect to different kind of loading and other design parameter. Usually Plus shape, C-shape, L-shape, H-shape etc. building can be seen. Among them, we are going to have a comparative study of plus shape, C-shape and L-shape unsymmetrical building. When a high rise building is constructed it is subjected to various loads like dead load, live load, seismic load, wind load, snow load etc. These different types of loadings cause lateral or torsional deflections. Seismic loading must be taken into account for the design of high rise buildings. It can resist base shear, story drift and story displacement as well. In this comparative study we are going to analysis a high rise building with seismic load. For seismic analysis we are going to use zone IV using equivalent static analysis method as per IS 1983:2002 for G+15 building. Karthik Reddy studied a 16 storey regular building with 62 m/s wind speed and zone II seismic activity and found that x bracing arrangement is more suitable. Kartik K. M. noticed that irregular buildings show in increase in storey drift, lateral displacement but reduction in base shear, inverse for regular building. Loveneesh Sharma realized that L shape building shows poor resistance to the lateral forces with minimum swaying of columns requiring almost equal cost for heavy mass transfer. Masood Ahmed Shariff discovered cross bracing shows minimum lateral displacement and storey shear for the irregular multi storey building. The main parameter which are to be considered for seismic analysis of a high rise structure include structural stiffness, storey drift etc. These parameters can be achieved with the help of bracing systems. Bracing is useful to resist base shear of the high rise building. There are X shape, V shape, K shape, Diagonal shape bracing commonly can be seen. In this comparative study we are comparing X shape and diagonal shape steel bracing. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
91-103 |
28 |
Research and Implementation Multilevel Authentication and Protection System Using AI System for Better Cyber Security
-Kamble Namrata Dayanand ; Sunita Waghmare; Radhika Phatak; Shivani Bhadake
A vision-based human–computer interface is presented in the paper. The interface detects voluntary eye blinks and interprets them as control commands. The employed image processing methods include Haar-like features for automatic face detection, and template matching based eye tracking and eye-blink detection. Interface performance was tested by 49 users (of which 12 were with physical disabilities). Test results indicate interface usefulness in offering an alternative mean of communication with computers. The users entered English and Polish text (with average time of less than 12s per character) and were able to browse the Internet. The interface is based on a notebook equipped with a typical web camera and requires no extra light sources. The interface application is available on-line as open-source software. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
104-107 |
29 |
College Enquiry Chat Bot Using Python
-Shilpa Katore ; Shruti Kale; Priya Shid; Prof. Bharati Kudale
This project is focusing on creating a chatbot to be used by students to get their queries responded easily from the college website. The College Enquiry Chatbot has the capacity to make friendly conversations; respond to the course and faculty details; answer the frequently asked questions; and give the timings, address, contacts, and events information of the. To build the chatbot, Most of the existing chatbots lack empathy and fail to accommodate anything outside of the script. In order to address these problems, the College Enquiry Chatbot extends the implementation of the chatbots by. Although sentimental analysis correctly recognizes the user's query as positive, negative and neutral, the system was partially successful in adding empathy to the chatbot. It is because the system requires more rigorous training data to handle all queries which are off-script. However, for such queries, active learning helps to improve the chatbot via performance since it correctly understands the user's questions, asks clarifying questions, and then retrains the system to give the response what the user intends to get. The future work includes training the chatbot with more varied data; increasing the scope of the chatbot by adding a speech recognition feature so that users can speak to get responses; and including integration with multiple channels such as phone call, SMS, and various social media platforms. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
108-111 |
30 |
Conveyor Pulleys with Advancement in End Disc Design, Keyless Connection & Direct Drive Arrangement
-Ramkrushna Chaudhari ; Dr. A. G. Thakur
Today, in most of material handling industries, the conveying capacity and need of material increasing rapidly. Belt conveyors are essential equipment for transferring the material from one place to targeted place and conveyor pulleys are the heart of conveyor system. Due to this need of reliable conveyor pulleys increasing day by day. Different type of conveyor pulleys are used along the conveyor based on their function. Here the agenda is on modification of present conveyor pulley design by eliminating the most common causes of catastrophic fatigue failure which are used for high tension application in mining industry. The focus during the research is on advancement of end disc design, elimination keyed connection in between shaft and hub. Another advancement is to use of direct drive system for drive pulleys. This is achieved by continuous advancement and well planned standardized process to cater the need of mining application. These modified conveyor pulleys are best suitable for high capacity, high tension long distance conveyors used in mining industry. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering Design |
India |
112-117 |
31 |
Generating Image from Text
-Asmita Kadam ; Dr.Prof.D.A.Nikam; Prajakta Kalyani; Titiksha Ingale; Snehal Chougule
Generating photo-realistic images from text is an important problem and has tremendous applications, including photo-editing, computer-aided design, etc[5]. Recently, Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) has shown promising results in synthesizing real-world images.[3] Conditioned on given text descriptions, conditional GANs are able to generate images that are highly related to the text meanings. Synthesizing images from text descriptions is a challenging problem in computer vision and has many practical applications. Although Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have shown remarkable success in various tasks, they have modelled image- generation of general objects in everyday-life[3]. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
118-120 |
32 |
Design and Analysis of MIMO Antenna with Improved Bandwidth and Isolation
-Afshan Iram ; Ramesh Patil
The Multiple-InputMultiple-Output (MIMO) technology plays a crucial role by improving the data rate and wide coverage. With MIMO technology the number of antennas increases, as the number increases the placement of antennas in a stipulated space with shared ground plane leads to increase of mutual coupling. As the spacing between two antennas is highly reduced, it causes mutual coupling and fluctuates the desired result. Therefore, degrades the performance of MIMO antenna. To maintain isolation between the antennas is a challenge for WLAN applications. The design and simulation work are carried under AWR software. Patch design is made on Rogers 6035 substrate with 3.5 dielectric constant and 0.51 thickness. The overall dimension of the proposed 2X2 WLAN MIMO antennas are 16 x 38 x 0.51 mm³. The measured bandwidth of 540MHz (4.71-5.25GHz) with better return loss of –40 dB and isolation of -40dB for 2X2 antennas are achieved. The measured bandwidth, realized gain and radiation efficiency, envelope correlation coefficient for 2X2 MIMO antenna is analysed and achieved at 5GHz frequency. The results show that it could be a decent choice for the WLAN applications. Read More...
Digital Communication Networking |
India |
121-125 |
33 |
Survey on Product Recommendation System Using Hybrid Collaborative Filtering
-Mr. Atish Ashok Kurade ; Miss. Sadiya Arshad Khan ; Miss. Misba Sajid Inamdar; Miss. Aakanksha Pramod Kole; Dr. Prof. Deepali Avinash Nikam
In today's world, people with their trend to shop their daily needs in e-commerce sites and here the product recommendation takes a major role in every e-commerce site to overcome their failures. It is one kind of marketing process by which we can advertise for many products and make the customers feel comfort while purchasing into the sites. Recommender systems or recommendation systems are a subset of information filtering system that used to anticipate the "evaluation" or "preference" that user would feed to an item. In recent years E-commerce applications are widely using a Recommender system. Generally the most popular Ecommerce sites are probably music, news, books, research articles, and products. Product recommendation helps to satisfy customers as one of the useful applications of electronic commerce. Recommending the right products to right customers enhances the customer's utility and firm profitability. Different types of customers have different interests, so we should first segment customers into groups and recommend the right product to users. The recommendations are based on processing product information received from consumers as part of their input. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
126-130 |
34 |
Implementation of PV MPPT with Regulated Load Power Controller for DC-DC Boost Converter
-R.Vishnu ; Prof. Dr. S. Jaganathan
Photovoltaic power generation system (PV system) is a device which changes the solar power into the electricity by solar cells and the principle of the solar cells is the use of semiconductor materials electronics characteristics of P- V conversion. PV system and its application is a profound research project, facing the 21st century, which gathers the utilization of green renewable energy, improve the ecological environment, ameliorate people's living conditions as integral whole will be of great benefits to economy , politics, coupled with society, and also contains rich academic studies value and the basic theory issues. In real time when a single charged solar cell is connected with a voltmeter and checked the voltage shown will be around 6 volt. But when a led lamp is connected to the solar cell, the lamp glows but the voltage in the voltmeter reduces to 3 volt. In this paper with a help of a booster converter we implement the MPPT algorithm Determine how the panels should be arranged in terms of the number of series-connected strings and the number of panels per string to achieve the required power rating and to operate the solar PV system in the voltage control mode. Read More...
Power Electronics |
India |
131-135 |
35 |
Crack Analysis of Composite Beam Using Vibration Analysis Method: A Review
-Aman Tiwari ; Ravindra Raj
Composites are one of the popular materials because of their variable applications going from the aviation to the farming items. They very often experience vibration during functioning. Various examinations showed that presence of Crack in composite constructions is one of the significant reasons for disappointments in composite laminate designs. Recognizing deformities in constructions and its members is a significant perspective in deciding about their maintenance and complete substitution. Inability to identify the shortcomings has different outcomes, and at times may prompt a disastrous failure. The present research work revealed scientific and experimental examinations on the impacts of a crack on the cantilever bar with rectangular section. The goal of this review is to measure and to decide the degree of the damage magnitude and location of cracks. In analytical examination, finite element method (FEA) programming was utilized in designing the model. The outcomes showed that, by checking the difference in the natural recurrence (frequency) it is a simple and reasonable method to demonstrate the damage intensity and size. But for small crack depth, the natural frequencies are not a decent damage locator. Mode shapes showed great affectability to recognize the damage extent for every crack parameters. The aim of this paper is to review the literatures on the impact of vibration on composite structures exposed to various limit conditions. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
136-137 |
36 |
Crack Analysis of Composite Beam Using Vibration Analysis Method
-Aman Tiwari ; Ravindra Raj
This study is an examination of the impacts of crack on the dynamical properties of a cantilever composite bar, made of graphite fiber fortified polyamide. The analysis is done using finite element and the component mode synthesis techniques are utilized to prototype the model. The cantilever composite bar is divided into a few segments from the crack areas. Stiffness diminishes because of cracks as derived from the crack mechanics hypothesis as the inverse of the compliance matrix determined with the legitimate stress intensity factors and strain energy discharge rate expressions. The impacts of the area and depth of the cracks, and the volume fraction and direction of the fiber on the natural frequencies and mode states of the bar with transverse non-spreading open cracks, are investigated. The conclusions of the examination are that the current strategy is sufficient for the vibration investigation of cracked cantilever composite bars, and by utilizing the drop in the natural frequencies and the change in the mode shapes, the presence and nature of cracks in a design can be distinguished. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
138-140 |
37 |
A Novel Approach to Predict Heart Disease
-Dayashankar Yadav ; Amit Singh; Ankush Gupta; Amrit Suman; Kumud Saxena
According to a recent survey by WHO Organization every year 17.5 million people die each year. It shall increase to 70 million by the year 2030. The medical professionals that have been working in the field of heart disease have their own limitations and they can also save the lives of many people by predicting the chances of heart rate disease up to 65% accuracy. Seeing the current epidemic scenario doctors need a support system for better and precise prediction of heart diseases. Machine Learning opens many possible doors for better prediction of heart related diseases. Paper provides a lot of information about state of art methods in Machine learning and deep learning. An analytical comparison has been provided to help the new researchers working in this field. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
141-143 |
38 |
Mobile Operated Robotic Medical Trolly
-Bhushan Rajendra Yeola ; Nilesh Vijay Ladwanshi; Pankaj Ramchandra Bharte; Chetan Sbhash Chavan
Operating theatre or ward is a place in a hospital where surgical operations are conducted on patients by surgeons or ward boys. In the Operating theatre or ward, the surgical equipment is placed on stainless steel table or on surgical instrument tray. However, during the operation accidents can occur where the surgical tools placed near to the surgeon could be accidentally be hit by them during the surgical operation. This may cause the surgical tools to fall on the floor which may lead to injuries. Hence, this project presents an automatic medical trolley for surgeons or ward boys to grab operating tools easily. This trolly also help to collect the garbage and offer the foor and medicines to the patients. This trolley can be controlled remotely using IOT by any person. The proposed system is implemented for automatic medical trolley movement using Arduino Uno R3. The invention provides an automatic medical trolley which comprises automatic guidance, a wireless controller, an obstacle avoiding detection device, a touch screen controller via smart phone, an IP camera, a trolley, an integrated power supply and a processor. The trolley with stainless steel shelves is ideal for use in clinical environments and operation theatres. Medical equipment is loaded in the trolley, the wireless remote drives the trolley to move forwards and backwards. Automatic visual guidance is achieved via an IP camera attached to the trolley and a touch screen controller via a smart phone. A large amount of space and a large number of materials are saved, the workload of medical workers will be greatly relieved, and the working efficiency will be improved. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
144-146 |
39 |
Planning and Designing of Earthquake Resistance Residential Building
-Virendra Kumar Yadav ; Ankit Yadav; Shubham Chauhan; Shubham Rai; Mohd. Nuruzzama
Earthquakes is caused because of the movement of tectonic plate that cause strain and unforeseen unleash of this strain energy cause earthquake. seismal activity is common in most elements of the globe. The past earthquake occurred experiences have incontestable vast loss of life and building stock, moving the social and economic. we all know that it's impractical to forestall associate degree earthquake, at least we will scale back the harm by making the buildings earthquake resistant. With the advancement in our understanding of the earthquakes, most of the countries have mandated the incorporation of seismal provisions in building style. within the event of associate degree earthquake, the seismal waves originating from the main focus is transmitted all told the doable directions. These shock waves propagate within the variety of body waves and surface waves through the earth's interior and, area unit extremely random in nature. These ground motions cause structures to vibrate and induce inertia forces within the structural parts. within the absence of seismal style, the building will fall and cause destruction. The seismal style aims to primarily guarantee life safety and secures the practicality of the building. In style it's essential to adopt earthquakeâ€safe construction practices for the economical seismal performance of a building. No region within the whole of India may be thought of as earthquake free. The paper aims to form associate degree awareness regarding the earthquakeâ€safe buildings in varied seismal zones. the foremost common building encountered within the recent years area unit the instant resisting frame (RC frame), moment resisting frames. This study investigates the development practices adopted for these common building. Any construction project to begin with starts with planning of the building or structure followed by layout then Design and Analysis of the structure. This project involves the planning, layout, design and analysis of a residential building located in Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh. The layout of the proposed residential building is based on a plot of size 10m x 20m. Residential house is of 2BHK configuration. All the drafting was done using AutoCAD. Also, these drawings made on AutoCAD also served as a base for transfer of the structure for analysis and design into STAAD Pro. The analysis and design of the entire structure has been completed using STAAD pro. The results include the various forces acting on various members as well various schedules for various members. Also using the software, we got the concrete take-off as well as the weight of the various reinforcement bars. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
147-154 |
40 |
Design of Compact Monopole Antenna for Wireless Communication Applications
-Pramod V Rampur ; Pratheeka K Hobalidar; Rakshitha S R; Spoorthi H S; Vandana B R
In this paper a monopole antenna is designed using HFSS for wireless applications. The designed antenna consists of partial ground plane on the opposite side of the radiator. The antenna performance parameters are plotted and studied. The designed antenna is suitable for satellite applications. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
155-157 |
41 |
Analysis of Hazards, Risk and Safety Environment in Railways with Reference to Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Limited
-Ankur Mishra ; Nisha Kushwaha; Pravin Tathod
Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Ltd. (DFCCIL) has been given a mandate to construct, maintain and operate Dedicated Rail Freight Corridors across the country. To begin with, the Government of India has entrusted DFCCIL with construction, maintenance and operation of Eastern Corridor between Sanehwal near Ludhiana to Dankuni in West Bengal and Western Corridor connecting Dadri in Uttar Pradesh to Jawaharlal Nehru Port (JNPT) in Mumbai. The Corporate Plan, to the construction of DFCs, is a “work-in-progressâ€. DFCCIL undertakes the challenge of building one of the largest rail transport infrastructure initiatives post-independence. The primary objective of this study is to provide an improved method for rail safety appraisal at “railway-highway†grade crossings through the development and application of suitable safety risk scores (called ‘Safety Risk Index’) with a combination of both accident frequency and accidental consequences prediction models generated for crossings, and also by using these safety risk scores to identify the worst or most dangerous locations. Read More...
Industrial Safety Engineering |
India |
158-165 |
42 |
Design and Manufacturing of Twist Removing and Straightening Mechanism for Pipe
-Padavi Mayur Sudhir ; Mayuresh.M.Salavi; Pratik.N.Damodar; Pratik.P.Mali; Prof.(Dr).A.D.Dongare
The other straightening machines which are bulky and sometimes it is not easy to move that machine from one line to another line. But this torque head i.e. twist removing machine is less bulky compared to conventional machining, which we can move to one line to another line. Also we have less effort to move that machine In conventional machining system for particular diameter of pipe a separate machine is used for straightening of pipes but in this torque head machine variable diameter of pipe can be straight by using different diameter of rollers. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
166-168 |
43 |
Image Caption Generator Using Deep Neural Networks
-Apoorva Jain ; Rajan Puri; Ishu Singhal; Ms. Garima Singh
In this era, image captioning has become one of the foremost wide needed tools. Moreover, there are intrinsic applications that generate and supply a caption for a particular image, all these things are done with the assistance of deep neural network models. The method of generating a description of an image is termed image captioning. It needs recognizing the important objects, their attributes, and therefore the relationships among the objects in a picture. It generates syntactically and semantically correct sentences. In this paper, we tend to present a deep learning model to describe an image and generate captions using computer vision and machine translation. So, we consistently analyze deep neural networks based mostly on image caption generation methodology. With a picture because of the input, the tactic will output an English sentence describing the content within the image. We analyze 3 elements of the method: convolutional neural network (CNN), recurrent neural network (RNN) and sentence generation. Initially, the input image is born-again to a grayscale image that's processed through the Convolution Neural Network (CNN) to properly determine the objects. Objects within the image area unit are properly identified, that is then converted to text messages. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
169-172 |
44 |
Review Paper on Comparative Analysis of T-Beam Along with Deck Slab by Courbons Method and STAAD Pro
-Ashwani Kumar Pandey ; Mohd Zain; Rakesh Varma
Bridge design is crucial because it entails a great deal of difficulty in terms of analyzing loads and load distribution on structural components. The new programme STAAD Pro V8i version was used to analyses a simple T-beam bridge using IRC loadings and the logical method approach. The main goal of this project is to study the T-beam of the bridge, as well as the deck slab, using Courbon's method and calculating the values of bending moment, shear force, and deflection and to compare the manual results with those obtained using the programme STAAD Pro V8i. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
173-178 |
45 |
Design and Manufacturing of Adjustable Belt Grinder for Grinding of Any Shape of Object
-Shreya Sawant ; Mr. Shubham Patil ; Mr.Ranjit Shedage; Ms. Sanjana Shenolikar; Prof. Mr.S.S.Kadam
The machine we designed and fabricated is used for grinding any shape of object like circular, rectangular and polygon. In our project the work abrasive belt is used to grinding the material. The abrasive belt is rotated by single phase induction motor. Hence our project namely adjustable belt grinder. In this project we use aluminum oxide belt. The aluminum oxide belt grind any material like wood, stainless steel, cast iron, glass etc. As per material specification we can also vary speed with the help of the VFD.VFD stands for variable frequency drive. A variable frequency drive is a type of motor controller that drives an electric motor by varying the frequency and voltage of its power supply. They are used for controlling the speed of an AC motor. The abrasive belt grinding can reduce the surface roughness of work piece and accuracy of meanwhile. Aluminium oxide belt with high stock removal cleaning and polishing is effectual. The abrasive belt grinding as compared to wheel grinding have more efficient with efficiency and parameter range. It is conclude that aluminum oxide belt hardness makes it suitable for use as an abrasive and as a component in cutting tools with significant proportion. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
179-181 |
46 |
An Assessment of the Technical Efficiency of Construction Firms
-Amrutha Parveen ; R Gnanasigamani
This paper evaluates the technical efficiency ratios (ER) using data envelopment analysis (DEA) technique of construction industry. The analysis is based on input-output data over the observation period. The results show an overall increasing trend of the technical efficiency at the average annual rate of 0.83% in the subperiods. Furthermore, the factors affecting the technical efficiency level and its growth have been identified. The higher technical efficiency ratios would come from the construction firms with less intensive capital, larger size, lower degree of subcontracting and lower proportion of intermediate input consumption. Read More...
Civil (Construction & Management) |
India |
182-184 |
47 |
A Far-Reaching Data Set and Experimental Learn About Docker Images Throw on Docker Hub
-Mr. Pandurang Shinde ; Prof. Monika Rokade; Prof. Sunil Khatal
Docker is a free and open application development and execution platform. Docker separates your applications from your infrastructure, allowing you to swiftly release software. You can manage your infrastructure in the same way that you control your applications using Docker. You may drastically minimise the time between writing code and executing it in production by utilising Docker's approaches for shipping, testing, and deploying code quickly. Docker is one of the most widely used containerization systems. Research looked into many parts of the Docker ecosystem, but it mostly focused on Dockerfiles from GitHub, which limited the types of questions that could be addressed and did not look into evolution. In this study, we aggregate data from Docker Hub, GitHub, and Bitbucket to construct a more recent and complete data set. Read More...
Computer Science And Engineering |
India |
185-188 |
48 |
Virtual Traffic Police
-Anunaya G ; Bharath P; Hema Bai L
In the new evolving world, traffic rule violations have become a central issue for majority of the developing countries. The number of vehicles on the road is fast increasing, and the number of traffic offences is expanding at an exponential rate. Managing traffic violation offences has always been a time-consuming and risky task. Even while traffic management has gotten more computerised, it is still a difficult challenge to solve, because of this various plate formats, sizes, rotations, and non-uniform lighting are used during picture acquisition. circumstances. The main goal of this project is to properly and cost-effectively control traffic regulation breaches. The proposed model includes an automated system which uses camera to capture video and presents Automatic Number Plate Recognition techniques for plate localisation and character recognition, as well as other image alteration techniques that make it faster and easier to recognise the number plates. The message-based module is used to warn the car owners about their traffic rule infraction after recognising the vehicle number from the number plate. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
189-191 |
49 |
Rocker Bogie Mechanism with Stair Climbing
-Mr.Vipul Tukaram Sutar ; Prof.Nishigandh Udaysinh Dhumal; Mr.Avinash Arun Sonwalkar; Mr.Pratik Rajendra Shinde; Miss.Madhuri Hanmant Bankar
The Rocker-Bogie Mobility system was designed to be used at slow speeds. It is capable of overcoming obstacles that are on the order of the size of a wheel. However, when surmounting a sizable obstacle, the vehicles motion effectively stops while the front wheel climbs the obstacle. This paper demonstrate the Rocker Bogie Mechanism and its traction control using a micro controller. The model here represent simplest yet effective way of rocker bogie traction system, which can be used in every application dealing uneven terrain surface. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
192-196 |
50 |
Abnormal Traffic Monitoring Using Cloud Computing
-Divya Kakasaheb Naikwadi ; Prof.Khatal Sunil; Prof.Rokade Monika
Every packet on the internet represents a traffic, and in addition to normal traffic, there are many abnormal traffic, and the abnormal traffic may bring huge security risks to the security and the normal use of the network. Therefore, timely detection and processing of the abnormal network traffic is of great significance for ensuring the network security. At present, all kinds of research foundations for the abnormal network traffic are based on "Flow" which is the main basis for the network data traffic monitoring and the security judgment. The "Flow" is defined as an access request packet from the source access device to the target access device. This one-way propagated data packets can be uniquely identified and determined by the address and the port number of the source device and the target device. Because Hadoop allows the users to perform efficient, reliable, and scalable distributed program development without any foundation, therefore, this paper proposes to monitor the abnormal traffic of the cloud computing platform based on Hadoop, which can also solve many network data storage and anomaly monitoring problems.` Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
197-200 |