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Effect of Polypropylene Fiber for Cement Concrete Road on Rigid Pavement
-Anshu Srivastava ; Mr. Vishal Rawat
СоnÑrete hаs the lаrgest vоlume in Ñ€resent time ÑоnstruÑtiоn аnd it is exÑ€eÑted thаt there will be nо оther substitute fоr ÑоnÑrete in the uÑ€Ñоming time. SinÑe suÑh аs high vоlumes оf ÑоnÑrete аre being used fоr newly ÑоnstruÑtiоn wоrk, it is Ñ€eremÑ€tоry tо Ñ€rоduÑe better quаlity оf ÑоnÑrete thаt will be lоng lаsting with inÑreаse meÑhаniÑаl Ñ€rорerties tо bооst the serviÑe life оf аny struÑture. Hоwever fine ÑоnÑrete Ñаn generаte using аutоmаtiоn аnd Ñоntrоlled envirоnment. It is nоt feаsible tо аlter its inherent breаkаble essenÑe аnd the need оf аny tensile strength. In this Ñоnditiоn, fibre reinfоrÑed ÑоnÑrete (FRС) lооk tо be а feаsible аlternаtive. In this reseаrÑh study mаin fоÑus оn the Ñ€rаÑtiÑаbility оf using роlyÑ€rорylene fibers аs subоrdinаte reinfоrÑement tо ÑоnÑrete tо Ñhаnge its brittle nаture. ÐÑÑоrdingly, vаriоus Ñ€erÑentаges оf роlyÑ€rорylene fibers were Ñ€ut intо ÑоnÑrete аnd а sequenÑe оf lаb exÑ€eriments were Ñоntrоl tо exÑ€lоre the use оf роlyÑ€rорylene FRС in rigid раvements. ÐutоmаtiÑ Ñ€rорerties оf ÑоnÑrete suÑh аs ÑоmÑ€ressive strength, flexurаl strength аnd the аbility tо withstаnd weаr, Ñ€ressure, оr dаmаge, Ñ€rорerty suÑh аs аbrаsiоn resistаnÑe. In this study fibre dоse оf 0.1% - 0.3% by vоlume wаs intrоduÑed tо the ÑоnÑrete. Fibre Ñоntent 0.2% - 0.3% wаs fоund signifiÑаnt tо enhаnÑe the Ñ€rорerty оf ÑоnÑrete. Read More...
Transportation Engineering |
India |
1-4 |
2 |
Analysis of Waste Bamboo Fiber for Improving Engineering Properties of Soil
-Achintya Srivastava ; Mr. Vishal Rawat
Fоr sоil imÑ€rоvement, а methоd using Ñ€lаnt fiber hаs been used sinÑe аnÑient times. In reÑent yeаrs, the ÑоnstruÑtiоn methоd using Ñ€lаnt fiber hаs аttrаÑted аttentiоn аs а grоund imÑ€rоvement teÑhnоlоgy with less envirоnmentаl lоаd. In this wоrk, the sоil imÑ€rоvement effeÑt using wаste bаmbоо fiber wаs exÑ€erimentаlly exаmined. The liquid limit аnd Ñ€lаstiÑ limit оf the mixed sоil tended tо inÑreаse with inÑreаsing bаmbоо fiber Ñоntent аnd there wаs nо Ñhаnge in the Ñ€lаstiÑity index оf the mixed sоil by the differenÑe оf bаmbоо fiber Ñоntent. Ðs а result frоm the ÑоmраÑtiоn test аnd unÑоnfined ÑоmÑ€ressiоn test, it wаs reveаled thаt mixing оf bаmbоо fiber resulted in а reduÑtiоn оf sоil mаteriаl required fоr ÑоnstruÑtiоn аnd inÑreаsing in strength. The mаximum ÑоmÑ€ressive stress оf the bаmbоо fiber mixed sоil аt the mixing rаtiо оf 0%, 1%, 3% аnd 5% were 115, 108, 130 аnd 152 kN/m2, resÑ€eÑtively. Ðs the sоil with fiber shоwed the lоwer stiffness аnd higher strength thаn thаt withоut fiber in the dry regiоn, it Ñаn be judged thаt the аdditiоn оf fiber brоught duÑtility tо the sоil. Ðnd it wаs fоund thаt the deÑreаse in the stiff- ness оf the sÑ€eÑimen due tо the inÑreаse оf wаter Ñоntent wаs suррressed by the аdditiоn оf the bаmbоо fiber. Frоm the results оf the оbservаtiоn with the digitаl miÑrоsÑорe, it wаs оbserved thаt the twо-lаyer struÑture Ñоnsisting оf the mаin relаtively thiÑk fibrоus struÑture аnd the seÑоndаry Ñарillаry fibrоus struÑture were fоrmed. Thus, it wаs fоund thаt the ÑоmÑ€lex struÑture оf the bаmbоо fiber is deeÑ€ly invоlved in the strength оf the mixed sоil. Read More...
Transportation Engineering |
India |
5-10 |
3 |
Seismic Behaviour of Multistorey Shear Wall Frame versus Braced Concrete Frames
-Anil Kumar Singh ; Mr. Vishal Rawat
It is observed that there is a need the study of structural systems for R.C.C framed structure, which resist the lateral loads due to seismic effect. Safety and minimum damage level of a structure could be the prime requirement of tall buildings. To meet these requirements, the structure should have adequate lateral strength, lateral stiffness and sufficient ductility. Among the various structural systems, shear wall frame or braced concrete frame could be a point of choice for designer. Therefore, it attracts to review and observe the behaviour of these structural systems under seismic effect. Hence, it is proposed to study the dynamic behaviour of reinforced concrete frame with and without shear wall and concrete braced frame. The purpose of this study is to compare the seismic response of above structural systems. Axial forces and moments in members and floor displacements will be compared. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
11-14 |
4 |
Redevelopment of Pen Bus Stand
-Siddhesh V Dambe ; Namrata Vijay Mokal; Deepak N Shah; Adesh Tudilkar; Y. R. Galinde
The implementation of the act rectified matters to an extent. Thus continued the state of affairs till 1948, when the then Bombay State Government, with the late Morarji Desai as the home minister, started its own state road transport service, called State Transport Bombay. And the first blue and silver-topped bus took off from Pune to Ahmednagar. The driver and conductor used to wear khaki uniforms and peak caps. There were 10 makes of buses in use then - Chevrolet, Fort, Bedford, Seddon, Studebaker, Morris Commercial, Albion, Leyland, Commer and Fiat. In 1950, a Road Transport Corporation Act was passed by the Central Government and it delegated powers to states to form their individual road transport corporations with the Central Government contributing one-third of the capital. The Bombay State Road Transport Corporation (BSRTC) thus came into being, later changing its name to MSRTC with the re- organization of the state. The MSRTC has decided to introduce a concept of redeveloping of bus station along with commercial complex. As many as six stations were identified for the first phase. The concept, is now, being extended to other cities. MSRTC officials said that the project of redevelopment aims at providing high standard amenities for passengers. Gates, parking spaces for auto rickshaws and private vehicles, provision of passenger facilities such as waiting space and toilets etc. In addition to this, the complex of bus station will have commercial establishments. MSRTC's investment in the project is in the form of land only, which will be made available for development the successful bidder. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
15-17 |
5 |
Mind Reading Computer
-Piyush Diwakar Mishra ; Rushikesh Atmaram Thombare
Mind studying is the way to realize or discover the other’s mental states. The easiest way for thought studying can be performed with the aid of simply looking and appreciation the facial expressions. For instance the smile can provide us an expression of happiness. But nowadays, it can also be viable that now not solely one humans can apprehend the other’s mental state however also a laptop might recognize the mental states of the people. This paper describes the ways how a computer would possibly speculate the mental kingdom of a human and thus becomes the thought reading computer. This paper emphasizes on the ways by using which a pc may speculate the mental state, First method is by Facial Expression Analysis (FEA) and the second by the usage of a Futuristic Headband. The machine would possibly be able to react to instructions just by way of say, shifting a dot across a TV screen. So a long way the S.R.I, computer has been taught to recognize the seven distinct commands—Up, Down, Left, Right, Slow, Fast and Stop. Read More...
B.Sc IT |
India |
18-20 |
6 |
Application of Machine Learning in enhancing the Scope of Optical Coherence Tomography for Glaucoma Diagnosis
-Saptarshi Mukherjee ; Jayanti Chaudhary; Abhishek Mandal
An early diagnosis of glaucoma is essential to limit its unwanted progression. OCT is an important tool which provides a means of obtaining objective measurements of the optic nerve which is highly useful in the process of ascertaining the diagnosis of glaucoma. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) scan aided by machine learning (ML) algorithms can assist in this process. The purpose of this study is to review the scope of simultaneous utilization of OCT and ML in the diagnosis of glaucoma. This is a prospective study based on assessing the literature review of the subject under question. The incorporation of ML into OCT is certainly helpful in the predictive elimination of some of the patients based on the past database analysis. Nevertheless, it is important to remain prudent while comparing measurements to the normative database of OCT as the database itself may not be able to reflect the true optometric parameters of the patients being evaluated. Owing to a considerable risk of artifacts, it is always prudent to review an entire OCT scan for the purpose of isolating computational errors. Advanced ML algorithms are capable of acting upon the pre-defined criteria programmed into the system. With this assistance from artificial intelligence, OCT scans can safely diagnose the majority of people with a kind of disease. Read More...
Optometry |
India |
21-25 |
7 |
Utilization of Automation Technique for Developing an Automatic Floor Cleaning Machine for Cleaning purpose as well as Sanitizing of Floor
-Shahrukh Khan ; Ratan Kumar; Saiful Islam; Pankaj Kumar
India is one of the most populate country around the world, that’s why we are looking forward to the automation for reducing human effort as well as reducing the price of the product. The cleaning system which is semi-automatic available in market are having the very high cost which is not affordable for common persons and the rural areas which are not developed as cities. So we are developed an automatic floor cleaning machine which is used for cleaning and sanitizing the surface of the floor by the minimum utilization of the water as well the sanitizing liquid. The Automatic floor cleaning machine is generally accommodate and grown with keeping in mind the condition of higher prices of the cleaning system of Indian market. The system is equipped with microcontroller devices for controlling the flow of the system and sensors for controlling the system by avoiding the obstacles in the path for cleaning of floor. This system generally developed for the cleaning of large surface areas in minimum time period. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
26-29 |
8 |
Impact of Global Warming on Indian Economy
-Anjali Sharma
Over the period of last two decades more attention has been given to global warming, and the only and vital reason is the increase in the Earth's temperature that is an alarming issue for the survival of life on Earth. Our nation is may be a long way from melting polar ice caps, but the impact of climate change will affect the economy unfavourably on account of climate change. As per a study by Lehman Brothers the GDP of India would dip by 5% for each two degree temperature rise. India is one of the fastest growing economies and the third largest pollution emitting country in the world, but has always held the responsibility of climate change on developed countries for their historical emissions. According to the Global Climate Risk Index of 2018, published by German Watch, a non-profit performing various operations on North-South equity and preservation of livelihoods, India is at 12th most endangered nation in terms of climate change impacts. Annually, it observes an average of 3,570 deaths due to climate-related events, and the expenditure of climate change impact it will pay is estimated to run into trillions of dollars in the upcoming times. Therefore, present paper will focus on alarming situation raised by global warming and its impact on Indian economy. Further paper explores what India is doing to curb the situation and what ought to be. Read More...
Economics |
India |
30-31 |
9 |
A Review Paper on Highway Failure and their Maintenance
-Atul Kumar ; Asst.Prof. Anjali Mishra
There are so many reasons for bituminous pavement failures. The level of correction in the existing surf ace will extend the life of maintenance works and strengthening the layer as well. According to my study, there are mainly 2 parameters i have figured out which are: - pavement cracking and surface defects on the pavement. While other di stresses have been excluded including these parameters while stepping for maintenance part. With the study of maintenance techniques, there are various methods we are going to adopting for pavement protection which will help to increasing the life of the pavement and failure delay. The motive of this study was to analyze and evaluate the various causes of pavement defects, and provision of remedies to improve the various failures of the surface. Based on the past researches of researchers, various techniques has been studied with their measures which are helpful for increasing the life of serviceability. This case study attempts to identify the various parameters that affect the performance of the flexible pavement and by rid off this problem by applying the remedial measures over the particular stretch. LUCKNOW main gate to Rama-mandi was chosen as a case study. It is a pursuit towards a study of the road condition of Punjab with respect to varying soil, traffic and climatic conditions, periodic performance evaluation of selected roads of representative types and development of distress prediction models for roads of Punjab. To achieve this aim, we divide the entire area into no. of sample units. By taking the measurement of each part, we measured the various type of defects, corresponding to that we found out pavement condition Index (PCI). A PCI is a numerical index which tells us about the condition of the road as per its range that is 0 to 100 which was coming out to be very poor. Testing was done to know the reason of the pavement failures and we found out that the most of the pavement was damaged by alligator cracks by repetitive heavily loading of the vehicles and surface defects. Pavement also damaged due to poor drainage and inadequate designing and poor quality of material. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
32-41 |
10 |
Parametric Study of different shape of RCC Silo with Considering the Height to lateral Dimension Ratio
-Prashant Nagar ; Lavina Talawale
This research gives an insight into the effects on the behaviour of reinforced cement concrete (RCC) silos of the ratio of height to side dimension. In accordance with Janssen's theory according to IS: 4995 (Part I and Part II), we calculate various load and structural parameters. Analysis of silo by RSM. Analysis of silo. For seismic zone V as per IS: 1893 (part-I):2016 the considered silos are studied. The rectangular silo square is a model and is analysed in STAAD Pro. Results are achieved in the form of lateral displacement and base shear for the various height to diameter ratios. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
42-47 |
11 |
Study on High Rise Building by Providing Floating Column and Shear Wall using ETABS
-Shinde Suraj Vitthal
Conventional R.C frame structure and floating column structure with and without shear wall are modelled and analyzed for the different combinations of static loading with multistoried building. The comparison is made between the Regular and irregular conventional floating column structure and RC frame structure of 15 storey without shear wall and with shear wall at different location. The main objective of the analysis is to study best and Economical structure in regular and irregular structure in RC framed structure and floating column structure with and without shear wall at different location. The analysis is carried out using ETABs 2017 software Present work also provides a good source of information on various parameters like storey displacement, storey drift, time period. This study will help to find economical high rise Building structures. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
48-50 |
12 |
Microbial Fuel Cell for Energy Generation from Waste Water Treatment
-Harshad S. Nilekar ; Pankaj P. Belose; Rohit G.Waghmare; Prof. Ms.Yadav D.P
Energy problem is a global issue that has a serious effect on many countries in the world. In order to overcome energy crisis and the output pollution of the generation, it is suggested to use the Microbial Fuel Cell (M.F.C). M.F.Cs are devices that use bacteria as a catalyst to oxidize organic and inorganic matters and generate electric current along with waste water treatment which plays an important role in environmental benefit in water recourses . The application of microbial fuel cell (MFC) for electricity generation has been developing recently. This research explores the application of MFC in generating electricity using wastewater The wastewater has been performed for The maximum current, voltage, We investigated the simultaneous production of electrical power and wastewater sludge recycling by microbial fuel cells (MFC). The constructed MFC were comprised of two chambers, each with an approximate volume of 500 ml to 1 liter, which were connected by salt bridge. The Graphitic rod anode was placed in one chamber, which was filled with wastewater sludge. Graphitic & Aluminum mix alloy strip as cathode was placed in the other chamber and filled with an electrolyte.. Cotton rope was selected as the material for PEM with agar powder & salt solution. The fuel cell model were designed to accommodate a voltage increase & measured by multimeter. Also we observed required parameters for waste water as PH, TDS, Temperature, Colour, Odour. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
51-53 |
13 |
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
-Pratik Bapurao Gedam
Cloud Computing is a recently emerged model which is becoming popular among almost all enterprises. It involves the concept of on demand services which means using the cloud resources on demand and we can scale the resources as per demand. Cloud computing undoubtedly provides unending benefits and is a cost effective model. The major concern in this model is Security in cloud. This is the reason of many enterprises of not preferring the cloud computing. This paper provides the review of security research in the field of cloud security. After security research we have presented the working of AWS (Amazon Web Service) cloud computing. AWS is the most trusted provider of cloud computing which not only provides the excellent cloud security but also provides excellent cloud services. The main aim of this paper is to make cloud computing security as a core operation and not an add on operation. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
54-60 |
14 |
Seismic Performance of Flat Slab in Multistory Construction with Varying L/B Ratio
-Vedant Pathak ; Lavina Talawale
We consider four cases in this paper: a simple flat slab providing shear wall at the lift core, a simple flat slab providing shear wall at the lift core and at highly Stressed Section, a flat slab with drop providing shear wall at the lift core, and a flat slab with drop providing shear wall at the lift core and at highly Stressed Section on a 12-story residential building in Seismic Zone four, and we vary the flat slab. Using STAAD Pro V8i to evaluate analysis parameters such as Node Displacement, Shear Forces in the Column, Compressive and Tensile Stresses, Storey Drift, Von Mis Stress, as well as principal stress values. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
61-63 |
15 |
Build & Deploy AI Messenger Chatbot using IBM Watson
-Atishya Mahesh Jain
A chatbot is a program that simulates human conversation. A chatbot is a kind of AI that can be deployed through any messaging platform like WhatsApp, Messenger or your website over the Internet, and is able to perform a number of actions, like interacting with the customers, generating leads and providing our customers with all the necessary information. Communicating with customers through live chat interfaces has become an increasingly popular means to provide real-time customer service in many e-commerce settings. Today, human chat service agents are frequently replaced by conversational software agents or chatbots, which are systems designed to communicate with human users by means of natural language often based on artificial intelligence. In this paper we will learn to build and deploy AI messenger Chatbot using IBM Watson. Read More...
Artificial intelligence |
India |
64-70 |
16 |
Analysis on Engine Thermal Losses Due to Combustion of Different Fuel Blends on CI Engine
-Nagmani Upadhyay ; Dr. Sanjay Chhalotre
At the present time we are suffering from a lack of conventional fuel source at very high rates and also increasing environmental pollution has prompted extensive research in alternative fuels and engine design. This experimental research is an attempt towards finding the enhancement percentage on engine thermal losses after combustion of different fuels blends like Ethanol and Methanol. This research deals with performance analysis of single cylinder diesel engines using different fuel blends as well as in-depth analysis of engine heat losses in various sub-systems which reduces the engine as well as engine component life. The test fuel used was ethanol blended and methanol blended with diesel as well. The blending was done in ethanol and methanol and diesel volume percentages. The results of the combustion analysis of the blended fuel were similar to the results of the diesel fuel. This experiment is very helpful to improving thermal efficiency with blended fuel with low cost also. Read More...
Thermal Engineering |
India |
71-75 |
17 |
Automatic Pneumatic Bumper with Safety Control System
-Suyog Dandge
Nowadays vehicle accidents is the major problem. This system is based on the automatic bumper activation system is known as “Automatic pneumatic bumper with safety control systemâ€. This system is assembled on four wheeler vehicle. This provide safety for vehicle as well as victims after accident. When vehicle meets with an accident the major possible damage is due to the burning of engine. The burning of engine happens due to the leakage of fuel after the accident. Basically engine runs on three flows, which are fuel flow, carburetor flow, and battery flow. If we cut any one of these three flows engine stops working. This burning of engine after accident can be avoided by blocking the engine. In this system pneumatic cylinders are mounted inside the bumper. When obstacle hits the car pneumatic circuit completes and gives feedback to the control unit. Then the control unit cuts any one of three flows. This total cycle completes within the fraction of second. In this way the safety of driver and other victims is improved to very large scale by decreasing possibility of burning of engine. Read More...
Automobile Engineering |
India |
76-79 |
18 |
A Review Paper on Pavement Surface Unevenness Evaluation
-Mohit Kumar Rawat ; Asst. Prof. Anjali Mishra
The interaction between road pavement and vehicle tyre influences many factors, directly or indirectly related to safety and efficiency of road exercise. The geometry of a paved road surface is usually described by means of specific characteristics or properties like texture, the evenness or the roughness and deflection and these interaction effects determined some functional performance of pavement that are related to the correct and the reliable use of road infrastructure especially in terms of users safety and comfort. For these reasons it is important to be able to determine or measure the pavement surface unevenness conditions in order accurately developed the design and construction activities as well as to plan and realized the most appropriate pavement management and evaluation program when the infrastructures are subjected to the wear due to traffic and environmental actions. Pavement evaluation is a technique of assessing the condition of a pavement, both structurally and from the point of view of surface characteristics relatives and their economic evaluation. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
80-88 |
19 |
A Review of the Effect of Artificial Roughness on Heat Transfer and Friction Characteristics of a Solar Air Heater
-Mayank Kumar Dwivedi ; Manish Choudhary
This study examines the method of intentionally producing roughness with repeated-ribs, or simply rib roughness, on the absorber plate of a solar air heater (SAH). Rib roughness might be transverse, circular, triangular, or rectangular, among other things. These ribs are thoroughly inspected to determine whether there has been any advancement in design and, as a result, whether there has been any change in results. Many of the elements that can influence SAH efficiency have been explored in this article. This review focuses on the physics of heat transfer and fluid movement along these ribs. Recent advances in SAH repeated-rib roughness have been comprehensively examined. Read More...
Renewable Energy |
India |
89-95 |
20 |
A Review Paper on Advanced Pavement Design
-Aditya Kumar ; Anjali Mishra
This paper summarizes the evaluation of roughness of pavement streches to maintain it with low fund and judicially guidelines by proper prioritization techniques. Paper contains the methodical approach to inhence the quality of pavement streches long term researches over the roughness model prediction, clustering techniques , prioritization techniques categories it as an advanced pavement. Servicebility and distress parameters of the pavement surface are most interrelated part to inhence the riding efficiency of the vehicles. The data interpretation for roughness index also a most relevent part of this paper. The identification of the homogeneous road steches though a uniquely formulated clustering techniques and developing methodology to find the optimum number of pavement streches. It deals the practical network level pavement management strategy using the outcome of the above stages and develop a user friendly computer interface further the user agencies. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
96-106 |
21 |
Student Performance Prediction: A UI based Performance Predictor
-Mohammed Adnan ; Umar Farooq; Shoaib Ahmed; Mohammed Azeem Sharif
As the competitive environment prevails among educational organizations, the challenge is to elevate the quality of education through data mining. Student's performance is a concerning factor to the higher education. In this project, one of a machine learning technique have been used to build a regressor that can predict the upcoming semester marks of students. A model is put forward to predict in which the algorithm implemented is a Supervised machine learning algorithm called Decision tree. The importance of different attributes is considered, in order to determine which of these are correlated with student marks prediction. Some of the features are selected to predict the immediate next semesters marks of a student. Features like semester scores, attendance, marks obtained from 10th and 12th exams, study time and other aspects were selected to conduct this work. Due to early prediction and solution, better results can be expected in the finals. Students can view their accuracy of passing in further studies. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
107-110 |
22 |
Design and Thermal Analysis of Double Tube Heat Exchanger with Circular and Hexagonal Tube Geometries on Same Cross Section Area
-Borse Pooja Rajendra ; Devendra Singh Sikarwar; Dheeraj Shriwas
In many industries Heat Exchangers are used for the purpose of enhancing the heat transfer Co-efficient. It deals with different types of Fluids and also different conditions. This Research studies the heat transfer enhancement technique, to find out the some new technique for enhancement of heat transfer rate. The heat exchanger is an important component in many industries, to lower the energy consumption rate with increased heat transfer rate. In industry, the tube in tube heat exchangers are used as condensers, vaporizers, sub-coolers, heat recovery exchangers, crystallizers etc.Much work has been done on tube with fins, corrugated tube, insertion in tubes baffle arrangement and nano-fluid used, but the performance can also be increased by changing the tube geometry, which was designed to increase the performance of the heat exchanger. In this research work, a double tube heat exchanger of circular and hexagonal tube is modeled and numerical simulations as well as CFD simulation have been done to enhance the performance of heat exchanger. Analytical result of hexagonal tube heat Exchanger validate by the CFD results and found that 0.059% variation in temp, which is acceptable. Comparison of CFD simulation done for Double tube heat Exchanger of Circular and hexagonal tube have been done and found that the Hexagonal tube geometry is better heat transfer than existing circular double tube heat exchanger. Read More...
Thermal Engineering |
India |
111-118 |
23 |
Analysis of Genetic Algorithm in Infinite Monkey Problem
-Mayur Garg ; Isha Negi; Deepti Gupta
Revolutionary enhancements have been made in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. One of the key aspects of the latter is to solve problems of which little is known in advance. Such problems encompasses a very broad search space and it is, more often than not, tedious to design a situation specific algorithm. In such cases, adaptive methods such as Evolutionary algorithms are preferred. One of the most widespread used evolutionary algorithms is Genetic Algorithms. Genetic algorithms mimic the processes involved in natural selection and evolution to repeatedly improve on its solution and arrive at an optimal or near optimal result. Genetic algorithms, or evolutionary algorithms in general, are extensively used to solve many search and optimisation problems specially NP-hard problems where it is computationally infeasible to arrive at an optimal solution but quite often a near optimal solution is sufficient. Other problems which can be solved by genetic algorithms include problems where it is unclear as to how an algorithm must be designed to solve it. Such problems such as the designing character movement in games can be tackled by Genetic algorithms as long as we can define a fitness function to evaluate the effectiveness of our result. In the suggested system, we have aimed to implement Genetic Algorithms to tackle the Infinite Monkey Problem. We have aimed to understand the basic functioning of the simple Genetic Algorithm used and have expected to find a correlation of various parameters in the Genetic Algorithm used such as the Length of the input string, Size of the population, Mutation Rate, Elitism and Scoring pattern with the associated efficiency of the algorithm in arriving at a solution by varying these parameters in a suitable range. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
119-123 |
24 |
A Critical Review on Performance and Evaluation of High Performing Approx Multipliers
-Rupal Khamesra ; Dr. Vijendra Maurya
In digital system designs one of the most impactful and current trend is approximate computing which demonstrates better trade-off between circuit performance in terms of power and speed. This paper provides a critical review on speed and power performance of approx multipliers. The comparative aspect from different authors shows that there approximate circuit’s shows better and improved performance metrics for target precision. Approximate multipliers are also considered suitable mainly for their error tolerance and resilience capacities which can neglect slight extent of accuracy by improving energy efficiency and performance. This type of multipliers has small values of mean error distance and thus the generated errors have insignificant magnitude. It has been shown that as compare to exact multipliers, approx multipliers can achieve equivalent processing accuracy along with considerable improvements in terms of performance and power. Read More...
India |
124-125 |
25 |
A Literature Review on Performance and Power of Wireless Communication Systems based on FPGA Systems
-Rupal Khamesra ; Dr. Vijendra Maurya
This paper provides a literature review to evaluate the performance characteristics and power consumptions characteristics of wireless communication systems which are implemented in FPGA (Field programmable gate array). With growing design complexities analysis of performance and power becomes a critical issue. The paper reviews two methodologies of high level system modeling and low level characterization steps. It has been also analyzed that power estimation results can easily be influenced by taking time activity of components into consideration. The paper also aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of the system by using suggested methodologies throughout various domain particular use cases which emphasis on base band processing of hardware in domain of wireless communication. In comparison with existing low level vender tools of FPGA speed up factor can be obtained and it is possible to achieve highest relative error of less than 5%. Read More...
India |
126-127 |
26 |
Analysis of Augmented Reality Interactive E-Learning
-Dr. Amarjeet Singh ; Dr. Nagaraj Cholli
Over the last decade, quick advancement of innovation has yielded better approaches to create applications for learning. Augmented Reality (AR) as an instructive medium is getting progressively open to youthful understudies at grade school and expert students the same. It is another medium, consolidating perspectives from omnipresent figuring, unmistakable processing, and social registering. This medium offers exceptional affordances, joining physical and virtual universes, with ceaseless and understood user control of the perspective and intelligence. This paper gives short acquaintances with the innovation of Augmented Reality and E-Learning. Model applications, key advancements of AR are talked about inside the setting of training. This paper reports a methodical audit of writing on enlarged reality in training, the primary finding being the arrangement of progressing research in AR in instruction and the recognizable proof of advantages and weaknesses of AR for E-Learning.` Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
128-133 |
27 |
Internet of Things (IOT): Research Challenges and Future Applications
-Arinjay Panwar
One of the main centre of attention in Information Technology is Internet of Things (IoT). IoT will transform the real world objects into intelligent virtual objects and will unify everything in our world under a common infrastructure, giving us not only control of things around us, but also keeping us informed of the every current state of the things. With the Internet of Things (IoT) gradually evolving as the subsequent phase of the evolution of the Internet, it becomes extremely important to recognize the various potential domains for application of IoT, and the research challenges that are associated with the applications of IoT in almost every domain. Even though the current IoT enabling technologies have greatly improved in the recent years, there are still numerous problems that require immediate attention as it is everyday evolving technology and can bring drastic change in our day to day lives. The fact that IoT is so expansive and affects practically all areas of our lives, makes it a significant research topic for studies in various fields. The main objective of this paper provides an overview about IoT, its architecture, applications and highlighting the challenges of IoT and the recent research directions to solve them. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
134-140 |
28 |
Development of Bricks from Waste Materials
-Prof. Mallikarjun ; Md Abdul Mudassir; Md Majeed; Mohammed Omar farooq Ahmed; Azharuddin
Bricks are a widely used construction and building material around the world. Conventional bricks are produced from clay with high temperature kiln firing or from ordinary Portland cement (OPC) concrete, and thus contain high embodied energy and have large carbon footprint. In many areas of the world, there is already a shortage of natural source material for production of the conventional bricks. For environmental protection and sustainable development, extensive research has been conducted on production of bricks from waste materials. This paper presents a state-of-the-art review of research on utilization of waste materials to produce bricks. Read More...
Chemical Engineering |
India |
141-146 |
29 |
Microbial Nanotechnology and Potential Biotechnological Applications
-Hitashi Kalra
Nanotechnology deals with materials 1 to 100 nm in length and nanoparticles are considered to be the building blocks for nanotechnology. Nanoparticles have been used by numerous industries and humankind for thousands of years but there has been a recent resurgence in this field because of the ability to synthesize and manipulate such materials. Nanoparticles though can be synthesized by chemical and physical methods but these methods suffer from major drawbacks. Green synthesis including the use of microbes for nanoparticles is an emerging field. Diverse group of microbes have been reported to synthesize nanoparticles. Nanoparticles possess a vast range of applications. They are being utilized in the food industry, biomedicine, agriculture and environment. Thus, nanotechnology has the potential to revolutionize agriculture and food systems. It is a unique field of science which can create usable end products for the marketplace with the primary goal of reducing harmful effects on human health and the environment. Read More...
Biotechnology |
India |
147-150 |
30 |
Security on Modern Network System
-Prof.Nimesh Vaidya ; Prof. Deep Joshi
Security is a fundamental component in the computing and networking technology. The first and foremost thing of every network designing, planning, building, and operating a network is the importance of a strong security policy. Network security has become more important to personal computer users, organizations, and the military. With the advent of the internet, security became a major concern. The internet structure itself allowed for many security threats to occur. Network security is becoming of great importance because of intellectual property that can be easily acquired through the internet. There are different kinds of attack that can be when sent across the network. By knowing the attack methods, allows for the appropriate security to emerge. Many businesses secure themselves from the internet by means of firewalls and encryption mechanisms. There is a large amount of personal, commercial, military, and government information on networking infrastructures worldwide and all of these required different security mechanisms. In this paper, we are trying to study most different kinds of attacks along with various different kinds of security mechanism that can be applied according to the need and architecture of the network. Read More...
Network Security |
India |
151-155 |
31 |
Enhancement in the Production of Lignin Peroxidase through Physical and Chemical Mutation from a Bacterial Isolate
-Vikash Kumar Rana ; Jawaid Ahsan; Pallavi Sharma; Chitranshu Pandey
Because of the bacterial genome's flexibility, interest in new ligninolytic bacteria has remained high. The difficulty to commercialize the bio-catalytic process of lignin breakdown by bacteria is one of the consequences of this scenario. As a result, using model lignin compounds Remazol Brilliant Blue R (RBBR) used as the substrate for the screening and decolorization of dye indicates the positive result, while Bergey's manual was used to identify bacterial strains with significant ligninolytic and peroxidase producing capabilities. As a result of the scarcity of knowledge on organisms with such potentials, the possibilities for commercial use of these test bacterial strains. Read More...
Biotechnology |
India |
156-162 |
32 |
Estimation of Parameters of Pert Distribution by Using Maximum Likelihood Method of Estimation
-K.Srinivasa Rao ; N. Viswam; G. V. S. R. Anjaneyulu
The objective of this paper is to estimate the parameters and also construct an Optimal Grouped sample within the absence of prior knowledge or guess values of parameters. In this heuristic algorithm, the Maximum Likelihood Estimator Method is used to find out Estimates the parameters of PERT Distribution. We also compare equispaced and unequispaced Optimally Constructed Grouped data by the method of an Asymptotically Relative Efficiency. We also computed Average Estimate (AE), Variance (VAR), variance (STD), Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD), Mean Square Error (MSE), Simulated Error (SE) and Relative Absolute Bias (RAB) for both the parameters under grouped sample based on 1000 simulations to assess the performance of the estimators. Read More...
Statistics |
India |
163-171 |
33 |
Study and Analysis of Peltier Thermoelectric Module
-Vijay Singh Parihar ; Mukesh Saini; Shiv Shankar Bauri; Sandeep Jhamb
Refrigerator and air conditioning system is the most electric energy-consuming device. In this system, there are many problems like many rotating and moving parts consist in the system which produce vibrations and noise. The major disadvantage of traditional refrigeration uses the working fluid which is the increase in global warming by the emission of harmful gases. This type of refrigeration system is not eco-friendly. For this reason, many scientists and researchers have developed other refrigeration systems. Thermoelectric refrigeration is one of the most techniques which are producing the refrigeration effect. In thermoelectric refrigeration is used the thermoelectric module is also known as the Peltier module. The major advantage of thermoelectric refrigeration is the lack of moving parts, no working fluid, very long life, small size, and flexible in use. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
172-174 |
34 |
A Research Paper on Advanced Pavement Design
-Aditya Kumar ; Anjali Mishra
This paper summarizes the evaluation of roughness of pavement streches to maintain it with low fund and judicially guidelines by proper prioritization techniques. Paper contains the methodical approach to inhence the quality of pavement streches long term researches over the roughness model prediction, clustering techniques , prioritization techniques categories it as an advanced pavement. Servicebility and distress parameters of the pavement surface are most interrelated part to inhence the riding efficiency of the vehicles. The data interpretation for roughness index also a most relevent part of this paper. The identification of the homogeneous road steches though a uniquely formulated clustering techniques and developing methodology to find the optimum number of pavement streches. It deals the practical network level pavement management strategy using the outcome of the above stages and develop a user friendly computer interface further the user agencies. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
175-183 |
35 |
Interactive Real-Time Augmented Reality for Probabilistic Analysis of Indian COVID-19 Data
-Nikhil Anvekar ; Sudhir Shinde
Augmented Reality applications, such as those seen on smartphones, are prevalent in our daily lives. This augmented reality software has applications in entertainment, engineering, medicine, and education. The major goal of this project is to raise awareness of areas where corona has been positive and their associated outcomes in a digital format that provides an immersive experience for the user to witness real-time corona instances in a virtual format with an actual environment. This project is for Android devices, and the goal of the software is to track Covid-19 data and display it in digital form using augmented reality. India is now dealing with viral outbreak control issues and has maintained its growth pace. Predictions for infected persons over the following 30 days may be made using exponential and polynomial regression modelling. Read More...
Computer Science And Engineering |
India |
184-186 |
36 |
Evaluation of Ecofriendly Corrosion Inhibitors in Construction Steel
-Thair Abass ; R.C.Chhipa; Saurabh Singh
The Mass Loss Measurements method as explained in this paper has been used to analytically study the corrosion inhibitive effect of seeds of arid zone cultivated plant Azadirachta indica on corrosion behaviour of mild steel in various acidic media like hydrochloric acid and sulphuric acid of varying strengths viz. 0.5N, 1.0N and 2.0N. The results obtained from accurate and precise scientific and analytical experimental observations by Mass Loss Measurements method. Consumption conduct and an adequacy to battle erosion of gentle steel in different centralization of hydrochloric corrosive with and without inhibitor for the seeds of normally happening plant Azadirachta indica has been considered diagnostically and the outcomes are portrayed in the tables 1 to 6. Likewise the impact of this inhibitor on the erosion pace of gentle steel with different consumption inhibitor (seed remove) focus (0.12%, 0.24%, 0.36%, 0.48% and 0.60%) and change in corrosive quality utilizing mass misfortune estimations have been talked about. The outcomes uncovered that seeds separate viably decrease the consumption pace of mellow steel in corrosive arrangements by showing most elevated restraint viability up to 91.42% and 91.17% in 1.0N HCl (68 hours presentation time) for gentle steel individually with acidic concentrates of seeds of developed parched zone plant Azadirachta indica in inhibitor grouping of 0.60% and hence can be securely utilized without hydrogen harm, lethal impacts, contamination and destructiveness to human wellbeing. As per table 1 to 6, it is seen that the seeds concentrate of Azadirachta indica shows most elevated hindrance adequacy i.e., 91.42% (in 1.0 N HCl, 24 hours). Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
187-190 |
37 |
Experimental Analysis on Effect of Variable Aspects of Polypropylene Fibre on Reinforced Concrete Strength
-Deepak Baranwal ; M.C. Paliwal
Concrete is very weak in tension, has low ductility and very little resistance capacity to cracking. Fibres in a cementitious composite play a key role in reducing these issues. As a result, adding fibres to concrete enhances and strengthens its resilience, and these issues may be solved by using polypropylene-fibre. Replacement of cement and sand are the present issue in the current construction scenario, because of higher cost and environment pollutants. Polypropylene fibres are industrial by-product produced from manufacturing of plastics. Use of this plastic waste fibre does not just lower the cost of construction but also helps to reduce the impact on environment by consuming the material generally considered as waste product. Then, Initially the material tests such as time for the first and last settings, consistency, fineness modulus, compressive strength, specific gravity test for cement, sieve analysis, specific gravity, water absorption, silt content, bulk density, void ratio, test for coarse and fine aggregate are conducted and then, the compatibility of the Polypropylene fibre with the conventional material is tested using basic material testing. On the basis of properties & availability of polypropylene fibre (from various sources like plastic waste) in Bhopal region as well as in other places of India, a feasible way to use this waste product is evaluated without affecting strength characteristics of concrete. This dissertation represents the results of an experimental Analysis to investigate the impact on which Cement is partially replaced. Read More...
Construction Project Management |
India |
191-196 |
38 |
The Emergency Ignition Termination System for Two-Wheelers
-Hemant Purushottam Chavan ; Raj Ghanshyam Sonar ; Kunal Bhagwat Jondhale
Two Wheelers are very affordable and economic option for transport. Owning two wheelers, there has been an increase in the count of two wheelers mainly on roads of India. It is recorded that increase in number of accidents and fatality. Also there has been huge increase in the number of accidents. Many of this Accidents happen due to uncontrolled ignition of vehicle engine. This includes mainly moped scooters, electric bikes and geared two-wheelers. If an accident is happed it is good to be its engine is terminated to avoid over throttling and fire. In India most of the accidents happed include/caused due powered two-wheelers (PTWs). So it is essential to provide Safety systems for two wheelers. Keeping in mind the above problems, an integrated system was designed which will ensure the safety of riders as well as the pedestrian. The main purpose of this project is to make noticeable reduction in the number of two-wheeler accidents. This project contains of designing and fabrication and installation of impact sensing kit with a circuit to avoid running or over throttling of two wheeler in emergency accidental conditions. The integrated design consists of an actuator kit and circuit, a impact sensing device. The components are integrated and installed in such a way that after detecting impact of two-wheeler with the ground instantly the ignition of engine is cut-off and all the indicator lights start blinking as emergency or alarming lights. As soon as the two-wheeler is picked up the system is rebooted and the engine can be started again manually, the actuator will be retrieved automatically as the vehicle is picked up. Implementation of this system can reduce noticeable amount of accidents. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
197-201 |
39 |
On Some Topological praperties of New Paranormed Ciesaro Difference Sequence Space
-Rayees Ahmad
The sequence spsce introduced by Atlay and have studied its various properties. The aim of the present paper is to introduce the new generalized difference sequence space. We have shown new generalized difference sequence space to be complete and also have shown that it to be linearly isomorphic to the space ι(ρ). Also, investigations have been made for computing it is α-, β- and γ- duals and constructed its basis. Read More...
Mathematics |
India |
202-207 |
40 |
Shared Base Isolations for Seismic Safety of Buildings
-Naveen Kirar ; Jyoti Yadav
Hospital structures are of good relevance after any disaster this is certainly as natural as an earthquake. The architecture and components which are non-structural remain operational and safe after an earthquake. Therefore to mitigate the consequence of quake on the framework the bottom isolation method could be the option this is certainly well as being a seismic defensive system. The theory that is fundamental to the isolation system would be to lower the earthquake-caused inertia forces by enhancing the fundamental amount of the structure. The aim of this study could be the usage of High Damping Rubber Bearing (HDRB), Lead Rubber Bearing (LRB), and Friction Pendulum System (FPS) being a separate product and then to compare different variables between fixed base problem and base problem that is separated using ETAB pc software. The (G+5) story hospital building is employed being a test design in this study. The analytical result obtained period that is natural horizontal by acceleration and complete lateral forces or seismic base shear for fixed base building. Read More...
Civil Engineering (Construction Engineering and Management) |
India |
208-210 |
41 |
Closing of Madrasa and its Education in Assam Special Reference to Barak Velley
-Haydor Uddin
Barak Valley consists of three districts, they are: Cachar, Karimganj and Hailakandi. Of them, the latter two districts have a Muslim majority while the first one has 40% Muslim population. In brief, South Assam is popularly known as Barak Valley named after the river Barak which flows across the region from east to the west. Madrasa education system in Assam is a parallel system of education that contributes to a great extent in the socio-economic development of Assam by imparting education to a community which constitutes around 34.2% of the total population of Assam. However, this running education system has many advantages and limitations means strength and weaknesses So, author analyzed these all in this article. And also, this article deals with the closing of government Madrasa in Assam at a glance and its cause and effect. This research article is an attempt to have an overview on Madrasa education system in Barak Velley, Assam with scrutinizing prevailing conditions means closing of government Madrasa education in Assam. This article is prepared on the basis of the field visit and after analyzing relevant documentary and previous literature on the said subject. Read More...
Contemporary Jurisprudence |
India |
211-214 |
42 |
Rice Yield Prediction Using CNN Deep learning algorithm
-Surujmoni Thakuria ; Daya Shankar Pandey
Rice is one of the staple food sources of the world. Be that as it may, the creation of rice is hampered by different sorts of paddy illnesses. One of the principle illnesses of paddy is leaf infection. For the most part, it is extremely tedious and arduous for ranchers of distant regions to distinguish paddy leaf sicknesses because of inaccessibility of specialists. However specialists are accessible in certain spaces, sickness location is performed by unaided eye which causes unseemly acknowledgment here and there. A mechanized framework can limit these issues. In this paper, a programmed framework is proposed for analysis two normal paddy leaf illnesses (Leaf impact, and Bacterial curse) and pesticides or potentially composts are educated by the seriousness with respect to the sicknesses. The kind of paddy leaf illnesses is perceived by CNN. After acknowledgment, the prescient cure is proposed that can help horticulture related individuals and associations to make fitting moves against these sicknesses. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
215-217 |
43 |
Design and Fabrication of Valve Lapping Machine for IC engine
-Vinayak Shivaji Powar ; Mahadev Parsekar ; Mayuresh Tamboskar; Avinash Gawade; Arbaz karol
Automobile maintenance is a major area in the industry of automobile and also a major income to the business. In present, Internal Combustion engine maintenance can be stated as a very important section in automobile maintenance and the valve lapping process that is subjected in this thesis is done during IC engine maintenance. The current methods used in most automobile maintenance businesses for valve lapping process are not effective and consume a lot of working hours. 'Valve lapping Machine for Internal Combustion Engines' is a machine designed to overcome these problems by minimizing the human involvement in the process. The thesis consist of the background in designing the machine, methodologies used, results obtained by data analysis in order to optimize the design and design of the valve lapping machine. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
218-220 |
44 |
Strategies for Sustainable Stormwater Management in Urban Environments: Case examples from Asia
-Shruti Sidhu
The rapid urbanization has laid a lot of stress on the water-based infrastructure of cities. The built environment is dominated by impervious landscapes of buildings and road networks. Cities tend to be supported by drainage systems which are unable to cater to the changing climatic conditions. The need for a shift from these outdated approaches to more nature-based solutions is most prominent for the current times and cannot be overlooked. Nature based solutions have shown tremendous benefits in enhancing biodiversity, resiliency and revitalising dilapidated landscapes. The intent of this paper is to give insights into the strategies applied for management and utilization of stormwater in Asian context which are predominantly nature based and have made the settlement more adaptable to climate change. The cases of Wuhan Sponge City, South Korea and Singapore were taken for the study for their adoption of integrated strategies within the local context and urban level to mitigate the challenges of urban flooding as a result of climate change. Read More...
Architecture & Planning |
India |
221-227 |
45 |
Design and Analysis of Liquid Vapour Heat Exchanger for Refrigeration Application
-Salman Shaikh ; Sanjay Mitkari; Hanmant Saykar; Sameer Sayyad; Prasad Raje
Experimental analysis on vapour compression refrigeration (VCR) system with R-12 refrigerant was done and their results were recorded. The effects of the main parameters of performance analysis such as mass flow of refrigerant, degree of sub cooling and super heating on the refrigerating effect, coefficient of performance (COP) and power required to run the compressor for various evaporating temperatures, percentage increase in COP and percentage reduction of power required to run the compressor for VCR are dealt. Further th investigations are carried out by introducing shell and coil heat exchanger at the end of compressor. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering (Design) |
India |
228-230 |
46 |
The Effect of Information Technology on India and Global Economy
-Satyam Gupta ; Asalam Khan
Information technology (IT) is an example of a general-purpose technology that has the potential to play an important role in economic growth, as well as other dimensions of economic and social development. This paper reviews several interrelated aspects of the role of information technology in the evolution of India’s economy. It considers the unexpected success of India’s software export sector and the spillovers of this success into various IT enabled services, attempts to make IT and its benefits available to India’s rural masses, e-commerce for the country’s growing middle class, the use and impacts of IT in India’s manufacturing sector , various forms of e-governance, agriculture .in society use and impacts of IT in community, education ,health ,tourism, including internal systems as well as citizen interfaces. The paper concludes with an overall assessment of these different facets of IT in the context of the Indian economy. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
231-237 |
47 |
Identification of Water Logging In Mumbai Region Its Causes and Remidial Measures
-Chirag Dattaram Davrung ; Kamlesh B. Meshram; Ketan S. Shirsath; Sarvesh A. Patil; Ajit R. Tilatkar
Water logging in the urban area is not a new problem. But it's frequency is increasing. Increased urban development's not providing sufficient drainage, causes naturally large infrastructural problems for the city. Most of the time during the monsoon the water level in the river remains higher than the terrain inside the urban area. Hence, standard draining by gravity may not always be possible. It has been identified that improvement of the drainage system is one of the highest priority needs to Andheri subway & Bandra. These areas suffers from drainage congestions and water logging especially during rainy season. It creates an unhealthy environmental situation and causes inconvenience to the residents of these areas, including damages to the infrastructure, loss of business. It is observed that there is a lack of planned and adequate drainage network system in these areas. Essential requirements of a good drainage system have been stated. Different data to be collected from site for planning and design of road drainage system have been outlined. Hydrological and hydraulic considerations involved in proper drain design have been discussed. Some typical drainage drawing have been furnished. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
238-241 |
48 |
Investigation on Utilization of Fly Ash, Marble Dust and Stone Dust in OPC Concrete
-Rujman Ahad ; Sumit Sharma
Concrete has become an imperative construction material and it is now used in huge quantities than any other materials. In present time durability, economy, strength and sustainable development are the key issues for the development. Due to huge consumption of concrete in the world there is the shortage of natural sand and materials. It is the cause failure of project on given time period. For the fulfillment of the requirement s of the natural sand is partially or fully replacement by fly ash, marble dust and stone dust in concrete. Fly ash a waste produced by the thermal power plant is as such major environmental concern. In India fly ash generated in huge amount of quantity, so it can be easily available and economical and eco-friendly. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
242-245 |
49 |
A Review Paper on Damage Detection in Reinforced Concrete Beam Using Acoustic Emission Technique
-Rugved Jitendra ; Vaishali M Bogar
Evaluating the integrity of concrete structures is an essential procedure to ensure structural safety and durability. Structural assessment is the integral part of civil engineering When any structure is to be constructed it should be designed for 20-30 years lifespan. But after some year structural assessment is required for the structure. Structures can deteriorate in service as a result of heavy loads, fatigue and aging of the structures. Serviceability & performance of RC structure is hampered because of deterioration of concrete such as corrosion, poor construction aging, overloading, chemical reaction, natural disasters (Earthquake). Effect on structural capacity and durability because of damage propagation is time dependent process. Deterioration of existing concrete structures has raised the need for advanced non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques to determine the current structural state of the members and to assist in the evaluation of repairs. Non-destructive testing (NDT) is needed for localizing and characterizing the growing damage in existing structures and also for quality control of new structures. Visual inspection is a commonly used method however it is not suitable for early detection of damage and very dependent on the experience of the inspector. NDT is also required for testing new structures to ascertain safety and serviceability of the members prior to service. Among all the NDT test Acoustic Emission (AE) technique is used for real time damage detection in structure. Damage severity of reinforced concrete (RC) structure can be diagnosed using acoustic emission (AE) technique. With the help of AE technique corrosion can be detect in the structure. Detecting real time damage, locating the crack propagation in beam sample & with the help of RA value and Avg Frequency crack classification will be easier. Availability of data of Cumulative AE hits and Amplitude of signals help to detect corrosion in beam sample will be easy, these are the expected outcomes of study. Due to use of AE system periodic structural assessment will be automatically eliminated and it will help to reduce assessment cost. Nowadays AE system were already installed on massive structure such as bridges, dams, steel buildings etc. to detect real time damage and to rectify it on time. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
246-248 |
50 |
-Shivam Mohite
CRISPR is a specialized region of DNA with two distinct characteristics: the presence of nucleotide repeats and spacers. Repeated sequences of nucleotides are distributed throughout a CRISPR region. Spacers are bits of DNA that are interspaced among these repeated sequences. It allows researchers to easily alter DNA sequences and modify gene functions. It has many potential applications including correcting genetic defects, treating and preventing the spread of diseases, and improving crops. However, its promises also raise some ethical concerns. Read More...
Biotechnology |
India |
249-252 |