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Generation of Energy by Vehicle Suspension System
-Suyog Dandge
Electricity is the most important type of energy. Electricity use is increasing every day. The majority of electricity is currently created using conventional fossil fuels; however, conventional power sources will get depleted during the next few decades. This project will generate electricity using non-conventional energy sources. Energy is generated here by compressing air. Vehicle electric appliances can have a substantial impact on conventional and hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) fuel economy and exhaust emissions, as well as EV range. Furthermore, current electric systems can reduce the fuel economy of high-economy vehicles by around 50% and the fuel economy of today's mid-sized vehicles by more than 20%, while also raising NO2 by about 80% and CO by 70%. Mechanical energy converts vibration energy created by vehicle movement on the road into electric energy. We know that traditional car suspension wastes a significant amount of energy by dissipating mechanical vibration energy as heat. The improvement of vibration attenuating performance as well as the reduction of energy dissipation have been the focus of regenerative suspensions in recent years. The goal of this research study is to use technological advancements to make electricity generation more sustainable, economical, and environmentally friendly. Read More...
Automobile Engineering |
India |
1-4 |
2 |
Analysis of Strength Properties of Porous Concrete
-Prof. Harsh Gupta ; Anubhav Pandey; Sandeep Kumar Sharma; Ankit Tiwari
The use of pervious concrete for the advancement of black-tops, vehicle parks and garages is getting celebrated. To make material specific for pervious strong, it is essential to guide testing to survey the introduction of this new sort of tip top concrete. Besides, carbon dioxide release from Portland solid creation is colossal and adds to a risky climatic devation which prompts heartbreaking ecological change. Thusly, it is fundamental breaking point the usage of Portland concrete in pervious concrete mixes by not entirely displacing the solid with mechanical result, for instance, fly trash and slag which have been used successfully as invaluable cementitious materials in essential concrete mixes. The middle strength pervious concrete is made by using customary cementitious materials, sums, and water. This strong is gone after for its properties, similar to thickness, porosity, compressive strength, water vulnerability and drying shrinkage. The principle property of pervious concrete is its water vulnerability. By and by, there is no standard exploratory procedure to choose to this property. A technique was in this manner advanced to choose the water permeability. Fly garbage is used as a reinforcing cementitious material to not entirely replace Portland concrete in pervious concrete works up to half by weight. To improve the affirmation of pervious strong, it is imperative to improve the surface. Due to the unsavory surface and more prominent void substance, it may be hard for pervious concrete for wide affirmation by the advancement business. As such, fine completed pervious mortar is made using cementitious materials, aggregate and water, and its properties are investigated. New sort of pervious black-top, a mix of pervious concrete and pervious mortar, is made and its properties are analyzed. Pervious concrete having thickness around 1800 kg/m3 shows the going with properties, porosity 0.32 to 0.36, 28-day compressive strength between 5.7 MPa and 10.1 MPa, water vulnerability between 9.2 mm/s and 17.3 mm/s, and 56-day drying shrinkage some place in the scope of 470 and 600 micro strain. The properties of pervious mortar having 0.35 water/solid extent with hand compaction are according to the accompanying; thickness of 1690 kg/m3, porosity of 0.34, 28-day compressive strength of 5.8 MPa, water permeability 2.6 mm/s, and 56-day drying shrinkage of 490 micro strain. Blend of pervious concrete and pervious mortar is attempted in thickness and water permeability. The thickness is around 1750 kg/m3, while the water vulnerability between 2.3 mm/s and 3.0 mm/s. Further assessment on the improvement of this structure to have adequate water vulnerability, strength and durability is recommended. In this assessment, Our point is to consider the effect of deficient superseding of cement with Silica rage powder by 2%, 3%, 4%, 5% and 6% by weight to take a gander at it by the compressive strength of M-25 assessment of strong using Destructive. In this assessment work it is contemplated that till 4% extension of silica rage strength of concrete is growing in both system yet after wards there is annihilation in the strength. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
5-9 |
3 |
Comparative Strength Properties of Cement on Partial Replacement with Nano Silica in Concrete
-Prof. Harsh Gupta ; Anubhav Pandey; Sandeep Kumar Sharma; Richa Mishra
Concrete is the material of present just as future. The wide utilization of it in structures, from structures to manufacturing plants, from scaffolds to air terminals, makes it quite possibly the most examined material of the 21st century. Because of the quick populace blast and the innovation blast to cook these requirements, there is an earnest need to improve the strength and solidness of cement. Out of the different materials utilized in the creation of solid, concrete assumes a significant part due its size and cement property. In this manner to improved the quality and properties of cement the system of concrete hydration must be concentrated appropriately and best reasonable idea has embraced. Distinctive cementitious materials known as advantageous materials are added to concrete so the improvement of properties should be possible. A portion of the materials are fly debris, impact heater slag, rice husk, silica exhaust and even microscopic organisms. Out Of the different advancements being used for development of cement, nano-innovation seems to be a promising methodology in improving the properties of cement. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
10-13 |
4 |
An Improved Channel Estimation and Coefficient of Smoothening Filtering based on BAT Optimization
-Ishfaq Ahmad War ; Ms. Shaveta Bala
The multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) can be combined with orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) to achieve better spectral efficiency and large data rates in advanced wireless communication systems. To reduce the system's complexity and estimate the characteristics of the channel, channel estimation algorithms play a significant role. It is an important factor to enhance the reliability and performance of the communication system. The channel estimation techniques are divided into three main categories, namely Pilot-aided Channel Estimation Techniques, Blind Channel Estimation, and Decision Directed Channel Estimation (DDCE) Techniques. In this paper, we have presented MIMO-OFDM system and channel estimation techniques followed by a literature survey conducted in order to better understand the channel estimation techniques. The performance of various channel estimation techniques presented by researchers in the literature survey is evaluated in terms of attenuation factor, delay, etc. The scope of advancements in these channel estimation algorithms is still there. These algorithms can be combined with advanced schemes in order to enhance their performance and improve the communication system. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
14-18 |
5 |
Design & Fabrication of Advanced Motorized Water Pump Using Scotch Yoke Mechanism
-Vinayak Shivaji Powar ; Arjun Morje; Sonu Lad; Sarvesh Mandalkar; Manthan Kinalekar
In this the concept of Motorized Water Pump using Scotch Yoke Mechanism which is mainly carried out for production based industries. We have developed a conceptual model of a water pump which would be capable of giving high discharge along with high pressure and it should be economically efficient. This pump gives maximum discharge at the same time with high pressure. Scotch Yoke mechanism is operated by motor and it is running with the help of current. The reciprocating motion of the plunger is utilized for the pumping action. The plunger is reciprocated with the help of cam plate. By this action the water is pumped with very high pressure. It is designed as a portable one which can be used in agricultural fields. Since this machine uses very less human effort and it is cheap. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
19-21 |
6 |
Analysis over the Improvement in Abrasive Jet Machining
-Jitendra kumar
Generally the abrasive jet machining process is used for the materials which are insulator of electric and heat and which are brittle also. Here to obtain the particular shaped cavity in the material, a jet of air and abrasive is impacted fastely. By this the material is removed in many number of small particles. Here the effectiveness of the abrasive jet machining process depends on the various factors as type of abrasive used, hardness of the workpiece material, velocity of jet, pipe nozzle crossectional area and position related to the workpiece etc. So by improving these factors we can improve the effectiveness of the abrasive jet machining process sufficiently. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
22-23 |
7 |
Seasonal Variation Physiochemical Parameters of River
-Jinay Jaydas Nate ; Prachiti Nitin Pawar; Sanket Machchhindra Patil
The assessment of seasonal variation of the physiochemical quality of water of Savitri and Kundalika River was investigated. The water samples were collected by 15 days from January to February for the physiochemical parameters. The test like Water temperature, pH, Turbidity, Alkalinity, Total dissolved solid, Total hardness, COD, BOD, DO etc., are recorded and this parameters were compared with MPCB and CPCB results. These parameters were compared with water quality standards to indicate probable pollution in the river and gives proper treatment to the water. An attempts has been made to explain the effect of seasonal changes on physiochemical characteristics of river water. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
24-26 |
8 |
Vehicle Accident Spotting and Rescue System Using Internet Of Things
-Anamika ; Adarsh Raj; Abhinav; Ankit Kr. Pandey; Rajesh Dhaka
As we know today’s world is approaching towards the increasing number of automobile users. This increase in number of users are causing to rapidly increase in number of accidents occurring in this real world. To recover from these accidents we came through this project which mainly consists of GPS, Arduino, GSM, Accelerometer and ultrasonic Sensor. The key point of this project is Sensors and accelerometer will detect the vehicle position and Location coordinates will be spotted by the GPS, further Global sim module will deliver a text to a smart phone. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
27-29 |
9 |
An e-Commerce Web Application using Maven Software Libraries with Just an Autonomous Number of co Labeling Strategy: Overview
-Pandurang Shinde ; Monika Rokade; Sunil Khatal
According to recent studies, the Maven ecosystem has about 2 million library assets, including source code, byte code, and documentation. Several websites provide customizable views of the ecosystem to aid developers in dealing with this data. Views that organize related libraries into categories, for example, or views that show all libraries that have been labeled with tags matching to coarse-grained library features. Both category-based and tag-based views are available on the MVN Repository overlay website. Unfortunately, a number of libraries have not been classified or have missing tags. Some preliminary efforts to automating Maven library categorization. Agile and DevOps both have the potential to improve the IT industry's ability to meet business objectives. Agile is evolutionary, allowing teams to successfully prioritise work and feature and create a prototype that raises software development process visibility. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
30-31 |
10 |
Performance Analysis of Solar Based Water Purification System Using Reflector
-Dhruvin Goti ; Ritul Kukadiya; Chetan Mayani; Bhavin Gambhava; Prof. Kailas Sakpal
There is almost no water left on earth that is safe to drink without purification after 20-25 years from today. This is a seemingly bold statement, but it is unfortunately true. Only 1% of Earth's water is in a fresh, liquid state, and nearly all of this is polluted by both diseases and toxic chemicals. For this reason, purification of water supplies is extremely important. Keeping these things in mind, we have devised a model which will convert the dirty/saline water into pure/potable water using the renewable source of energy (i.e. solar energy). The basic modes of the heat transfer involved are radiation, convection and conduction. The results are obtained by evaporation of the dirty/saline water and fetching it out as pure/drinkable water. Water is fundamental to human life on earth for survival and good health. Access to safe water is a major challenge in many communities in developing countries. As word population and social-economy growth societies are challenged to provide fresh water to meet those needs for all of their people. Growing demands of fresh water resource are creating and argent need to developed self-sustained system to meet the demand of fresh water. Among the available purification technologies, renewable energy technologies operate on basic principles of solar water distillation. The sun's energy heat increases the rate of evaporation. As the water evaporates, water vapour rise and condenses on the glass surface for collection. This process removes impurities such as salts and heavy metals as well as eliminates microbiological organisms. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
32-34 |
11 |
Effect of Aging on Verbal Fluency in Malayalam Speakers
-Reshma K Joy ; Dr.Reeny Roy
The present study aimed to find the effect of ageing and gender on verbal fluency in Malayalam speak-ers. A total of 90 participants from three age groups including (20-30, 60-75,>75) years were taken for the study. Each group consist of cognitively unimpaired 15 males and 15 females. Subjects were administered with Semantic and phonemic verbal fluency test .Each subject was asked to produce as many words as possible within 1 minute time period for the given tasks. Verbal mental tracking test were also per-formed with word memory test by asking the sub-jects to recall the list of given 10 words within 1 minute regardless of order. Result of the study showed significant differences between age groups for all the given task. Study didn’t found any gender significance. Study concludes that verbal fluency scores decreases as the age increases. Read More...
Speech Language Pathology |
India |
35-40 |
12 |
Effect of Using Treated Crumb Rubber Aggregate as a Partial Replacement to Fine Aggregate on Hardened State Properties
-Shahbaz Ashraf Rather ; Sumit Sharma
Unwanted noise is a significant factor in traffic corridor planning, architecture, and development. Architects, structural experts, and traffic designers are looking for innovative methods of minimizing or substantially reducing noise levels. The challenge is to achieve necessary levels of sound while preserving and improving the visual experience at the same time. At the other hand, rubber waste, especially waste from scrap tyres, is one of the most unmanageable. A very serious ecological issue today is its conservation and use. The dissertation work namely addition of various percentages of scrap rubber by weight of cement in concrete was. Carried forward to its logical end using an analytical and experimental approach. The majority of the projected results were subsequently attained by exploring various milestones such as findings from literature survey, identification of relevant gaps to accomplish the work, validity of the tests, results and discussions to provide an. efficient basis. Of the subject for implementing its applications for a coherent use in future prospects. Some of the highlights are mentioned below: The overall analysis and emphasis of this research work is an eco-friendly approach and at the. Same is techno-economical from. The commercial point of view the depleing trend of the natural. Source like the aggregates can be reduced to a greater extends by making it sustainable for the judicious use of future generation and reduces various problems associate with environment. The research work shall be further explored by increasing the percentage of rubber as aggregate. The commercial implications in promoting the implementation of this dissertation work can be little bit on higher side, but the saving of environmental degradation and large land fill area can be considered as the pay back assets. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
41-44 |
13 |
Analysis over the Modification of the Cylindrical Grinding Process
-Jitendra kumar
For finishing of the cylindrical products, cylindrical grinding machine is generally used. Generally for grinding the hard metal or alloy soft grinding wheel is used while for grinding the soft metal or alloy hard grinding wheel is used. For this it is required to change the grinding wheel again and again as well as the metal or alloy to be ground is changed. Due to changing the grinding wheel again and again the mounting errors chances are increased and extra time is also wasted. Now to avoid these problems we can use the split type grinding wheel. Besides it by providing some improvements in working steps we can increase the utility of any particular grinding wheel so that it may grind the maximum type metals, alloys and other materials. By this the diversity will be reduced and standardization will be improved sufficiently. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
45-48 |
14 |
Analysis and Risk Assessment during Welding Project for High-speed Railway Tracks
-Sushobhit Kumar ; Nisha Kushwaha
Rail roads are immense systems and are the superb strategy for transportation in various countries. As it is solidly associated with explorer and cargo transportation, it has high risk similar to living spirits and cost of assets. New progressions and better security standards are ceaselessly introduced and simultaneously setbacks do occur. There will reliably be some peril related with accidents and effects anyway it might be diminished by end of the fundamental drivers. These causes require a convincing upkeep procedure to administer upgrade of examination repeat or possibly improvement in capacity and capability. An unequivocal examination of the distortions which emerge both on the moving stock and rail establishment is crucial for work out the right upkeep strategy. Disclosure and correction of rail gives up are huge issues for all rail players all through the planet. A piece of the distortions joins obliterated rails, weld issues, internal blemishes, wrinkles and moving contact shortcoming (RCF) began issues like surface breaks, head checks, squats, spalling and shelling. If undetected or conceivably untreated these distortions can incite rail breaks and crashes. There are challenges to the establishment upkeep people to perform practical examination and sagacious change decisions. If these issues are tended to properly, examination and amendment decisions can decrease anticipated risk of rail breaks and crashes. In spite of reliable undertakings made by all rail overseers all through the planet to decrease costs, a huge proportion of rail course spending plan is spent on appraisal and upkeep of rails. It is seen that the critical cost as a result of crash diminishes with development in survey, oil and crushing expenses. The test is to diminish the upkeep cost which includes examination, oil and pulverizing costs and all the while thwart a rising in massive cost in view of crash. Danger appraisal has transformed into a huge limit for the organization to pick an unrivalled and viable course of action that could meet the monetary objectives concerning re-energizing, replacement and survey repeat of rails and wheels. As such, before progress of any model or any observational relationship related with danger, information on peril the board gadgets is required. This audit bases on fostering a fundamental data required for developing such a relationship. The fact is to diminish costs and risks related to rail movement by practical decisions related to rail examination, crushing, oils, remedies and rail replacements. Different sorts of rail defects and debasement measures have been thought of. From the composing audit and studies done by the essayist, it is unraveled that there is a necessity for better assumption for rail gives up all through some unclear time span reliant upon working conditions and emotionally supportive networks. The issues and troubles related to rail upkeep are spread out for extra investigation around here. The emotionally supportive network followed by NE Railways is moreover depicted. Read More...
Industrial Safety Engineering |
India |
49-54 |
15 |
Automated Drip Irrigation System Based on Micro controller
-Vaibhav Anil Mhatre ; Divyashree P. Yadav; Hrushikesh Rajendra Mhatre; Roshan Sanjay Tondilkar; Riddhi Vilas Patil
With this project, we achieved successful results by testing out the questions asked at the beginning of the paper. The purpose of the smart irrigation system for large or small scale and make it smarter and more effective. Different sensors (Soil Moisture, Light, Temperature, level, rain, flow) with different another device |(water pump, Battery, LCD, Solenoid valve) have been used to make this project. Using Arduino proved profitable, it is able to serve numbers of different sensors, at the same time and the markets offer various type and sizes of sensors. Arduino boards are another device. Furthermore, two woody tables and three sheets of foam have been used in the project. Several of design criteria had used in this system. The sensors used was perfect in detecting and sending signals to Arduino, to control the water pump and to open the solenoid valve, it has been tasted indoor as it is on the farm. The purpose of screen monitor is to show the flow for each line, which shows if there is any passing of water in pipes. Also, if it is raining the system will not work in order to save the water. The mobile application is to control the system remotely. Which allow a user to monitor the whole system and if there is any problem or passing of water user can switch off the system through this application. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
55-61 |
16 |
Comprehensive Study on Fresh and Hardened Behaviour of Sintered Fly Ash Aggregate based Lightweight Self-Consolidating Concrete
-N Ramanjaneyulu ; Prof.V.Bhaskar Desai; Prof.M.V.Seshagiri Rao
The goal of this study is to see if sintered fly ash aggregate (SFA) can be used as a partial replacement for natural coarse aggregate (NCA) in the creation of long-lasting structural lightweight concrete (LWC). In this case, natural aggregates are partially replaced by sintered fly ash aggregates, with 0 percent, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, and 30% of the volume being replaced by sintered fly ash aggregates. To find out how well it performs, In the current study, 40MPa concrete was produced and different Fresh characteristics were tested (Viz., L-Box and T500) Compressive strength and split tensile strength are examples of mechanical characteristics, as are durability attributes (like water absorption test and permeability). According to the findings, replacing sintered fly ash aggregates has a detrimental impact on fresh characteristics. However, the combination with 20% sintered fly ash particles has excellent strength and durability. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
62-66 |
17 |
Study on Fly Ash Based Geopolymer Concrete
-Md Zainul Haque ; Dr. Jitu Kujur
Geopolymer concrete is a new future construction material which cement is totally replaced by pozzolanic materials like fly ash and activated by highly alkaline solutions to act as a binder in the concrete mix. The use of Portland cement in concrete construction is under critical review due to high amount of carbon dioxide gas released to the atmosphere during the production of cement. In recent years, attempts to increase the utilization of fly ash to partially replace the use of Portland cement in concrete are gathering momentum. Most of this by-product material is currently dumped in landfills, creating a threat to the environment. Fly ash was chosen as the basic material to be activated by the geo polymerization process to be the concrete binder, to totally replace the use of Portland cement. The binder is the only difference to the ordinary Portland cement concrete. The sodium silicate solution's chemical composition was Na2O=15.53%, SiO2=31.87%, and water by mass was 52.6 % and sodium hydroxide solution 10M concentration maintain constant throughout the experiment. Water-to-geopolymer binder ratio of 0.4, alkaline solution-to-fly ash ratio of 0.4 and sodium silicate-to-sodium hydroxide ratio of 2 by mass were ï¬xed on the basis of workability and cube compressive strength. Workability of geopolymer concrete was measured by flow table apparatus and cubes of 150 mm side were cast and tested for compressive strength after speciï¬ed period of oven heating. The temperature of oven heating was maintained at 60 °C for 24 h duration and tested 7 days after heatingTo activate the Silicon and Aluminium content in fly ash, a combination of sodium hydroxide solution and sodium silicate solution was used Manufacturing process comprising material preparation, mixing, placing, compaction and curing is reported in the thesis. Naphthalene-based superplasticiser was found to be useful to improve the workability of fresh fly ash-based geopolymer concrete, as well as the addition of extra water. The main parameters affecting the compressive strength of hardened fly ash-based geopolymer concrete are the curing temperature and curing time, the molar H2O-to-Na2O ratio, and mixing time. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
67-73 |
18 |
Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Structure under Vibration Loading and Effect of Shear Reinforcement
-Priyanshu Shukla ; Vinay Kumar Singh Chandrakar
Many of the complex behaviors of reinforced cement concrete under shear and flexure are yet to be identified to employ this material advantageously and economically. The progress in the understanding and quantitative assessment of the behavior of member subjected to flexure and shear has been less spectacular. The fundamental nature of shear and diagonal tension strength is not yet clearly understood. So, further basic research should be encountered to determine the mechanism, which results in shear failure of reinforced concrete members. The study presents the study of the behavior of reinforced concrete structure under seismic (vibration) loading and the effect of shear reinforcement. The influence of variation of web reinforcement spacing (both vertical and horizontal) on the shear strength of Grid slab is investigated. The general trend in crack pattern, the load deflection characteristics and the mode of failure of grid slab R.C. structure under two-points loading are also investigated. Through the investigation, it is observed that under two-points loading system, diagonal cracks are usually the first cracks to be observed in the clear span of the slab. In this study we will compare Grid slab with PT slab in G+10 structure using analysis tool ETABS. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
74-76 |
19 |
Automatic E-Rationing System
-Rutvik Ravindra Nare ; Mohini Shinde; Rutuja Patil; Jarin Shikalgar; Rajesh Lomte
In today's era the ration card is vital thing. It is a very useful document which gives very fundamental information about the family members and annual income. Now-a-days the existing system has many drawbacks due to many crises such as cardholders not knowing when the shop is opened or closed, when the ration material will be available to that particular shop, customers even can't place any complaint to any higher authority, etc. To resolve these issues we have proposed “Automatic E-Rationing System(AERS)â€. This system will solve all above mentioned issues. Here we have proposed the system which has an Android application which provides all required information to cardholders and related complaints to related authorities. Also about the availability of the stock to that shop. Here we are using the RFID and GSM Technology for making systems work efficiently. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
77-81 |
20 |
Self-motivated Behavior of RC Surrounded Building using Lead Rubber Bearing
-Naveen Kirar ; Jyoti Yadav
The current paper describes a G + 7storey certified concrete construction found in zone V analyzed as an independent and stable foundation. Lead Rubber Bearing is used as an isolation system. Behavior that does not conform to any other system of segregation and over-formation is considered in the modeling. The behavior of design models under heavy loads is analyzed using ETABS. Major parameters are considered in this paper to compare the amount of response time in time, basic shear, and migration. Models are analyzed by response rate analysis by IS1893: 2002 and designs are developed using IS13301: 1992. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
82-86 |
21 |
Analysis of Structure and construction of the R.C.C. T-girder Bridge under Different types of IRC Class Loading
- Sushant Kumar Singh ; Jyoti Yadav
Reinforced concrete bridges with various uses are widely used in both road and rail bridges. The most common type of construction desk was used for short bridges. Spaces between 12 to 25 m T-Girder and slab desk are widely used. In the case of the T Girder type and deck slab, the slab span on both sides as it is cast in conjunction with the large girder and cross girder. The desktop is usually designed for 70 R loads or AA loaded wheel load. The IRC recommends that the AA class loading bridge should also be inspected for phase IRC loading. However, in general analysis, many important factors are ignored by various composers, which has shown that it does not make sense to pragmatic content. To check the loading capacity of the bridge, one needs to know the maximum bending time and power share attached to the beams or boxes of the bridge by carloads. This effect of heavy design load can be calculated in a standard way similar to the Courbon method. The main objective of this study was to analyze the maximum load capacity of the IRC Class AA (car tracked) and loads of the IRC Class A to calculate bending time values, shear strength, and distance deviation from 16 to 24 m. Large-scale structural analysis and scales were performed in the form of Corbon using MS Excel and using software. The bending time and shear force effects obtained by were less than 18 m spans compared to the results obtained by MS Excel and similarly over time. The safe design phase is achieved through deviation processes. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
87-91 |
22 |
A Survey Paper on -Structural Behaviour of Salts around the Pushover RC Bridges
-Saif Ahmad Ghazali ; Dr. Ajay swarup; Prof. Kamni Laheriya
In order to address this problem, the aims of the present structure was to carry out a seismic evaluation case study for an existing RC bridge using nonlinear static (pushover) analyze. Bridges extends horizontally with its two ends restrained and that makes the dynamic characteristics of bridges different from building. Modal analyze of a 3D bridge model reveals that it has many closely-spaced modes. Participating mass ratio for the higher modes is very high. Therefore, pushover analyze with single load pattern may not yield correct results for a bridge model. A 12-span existing RC bridge was selected for the case study. Standard pushover analyze using FEMA 356 displacement coefficient method and an improved upper bound pushover analyze method were used to analyse the building. Some of the analyze parameters were suitably modified to use in a bridge structure. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
92-94 |
23 |
A Work Paper on -Structural Behaviour of Salts around the Pushover RC Bridges
-Saif Ahmad Ghazali ; Dr. Ajay swarup; Prof. Kamni Laheriya
There are presently no comprehensive guidelines to assist the practicing structural engineer to evaluate existing bridges and suggest design and retrofit schemes. In order to address this problem, the aims of the present structure was to carry out a seismic evaluation case study for an existing RC bridge using nonlinear static (pushover) analyze. Bridges extends horizontally with its two ends restrained and that makes the dynamic characteristics of bridges different from building. Modal analyze of a 3D bridge model reveals that it has many closely-spaced modes. Participating mass ratio for the higher modes is very high. Therefore, pushover analyze with single load pattern may not yield correct results for a bridge model. A 12-span existing RC bridge was selected for the case study. Standard pushover analyze using FEMA 356 displacement coefficient method and an improved upper bound pushover analyze method were used to analyse the building. Some of the analyze parameters were suitably modified to use in a bridge structure. The evaluation results presented here shows that the selected bridge does not have the capacity to meet any of the desired performance level. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
95-98 |
24 |
Structural Analysis of Laminated Composite Plates with Finite Element Method (ANSYS 13.0)
-Shahid Akbal ; Dr. Ajay swarup; Prof. Kamni Laheriya
The present research is an experimental and numerical investigation on parametric study of vibration and buckling characteristics of industry driven woven fiber Glail. Carbon/epoxy hybrid composite panels. The effects of lamination sequence on the natural frequencies of vibration and buckling strength of the hybrid panels were studied in this investigation. The panels are cast using hand lay-up technique. The vibration study is carried out using B&K FFT analyzer, accelerometer, and impact hammer excitation. The PULSE Lab software is used to convert the responses from time domain to frequency domain and obtain the Frequency Response Function (FRF). The FRF spectrum and the coherences are studied to obtain a clear understanding of the vibration characteristics of the specimens. Buckling tests are conducted using INSTRON 1195 to obtain the critical buckling load for various lamination sequences. The experimental results are compared with the numerical predictions using the FEM based software package ANSYS 13.0. A very good agreement was observed between the experimental and ANSYS results. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
99-102 |
25 |
To Study the Speech Rate and Fluency on Bilingual Children
-Athira. T. A ; Dr.Reeny Roy
The present study aimed to study the speech rate and fluency on bilingual children. Children aged seven years old from second grade, eight years old from third grade, nine-year-olds from fourth grade and ten-year-old children among the fifth grade will be taken for the study. Narrative speech was elicited through "cookie theft" picture. The picture had shown to each participant and they would be requested to describe as much as possible about it, in their L1 and L2. Results of the current study revealed 1). speech rate is more in L1 than L2). 2)The fluency (total locution time, number of pauses, number of repetition) is greater for Malayalam(L1) compared to English(L2).3). No overall significant gender effect. It was concluded that the speech rate and fluency are more on Malayalam(L1) than English(L2), and there is no significant gender difference. The study concludes that the children are more proficient in their first language than the second language in terms of speech rate and fluency. Read More...
Speech Language Pathology |
India |
103-108 |
26 |
Urban Redevelopment along Metro Using Land Re-Adjustment as a Tool
-Tikam Singh
The land is a limited and non-renewable resource. So it should be put to the most judicious use. The rapid urban population growth is creating an increased demand for land and a higher demand for serviced land in urban areas. The constitution of India grants the right to acquire hold and dispose of property to every Indian citizen. It, however, allows the state to impose restrictions on property and its acquisition in public interest. Different states like Haryana, M.P., U.P., Punjab and TamilNadu have formulated Land Supply Models Keeping in focus the land requirements for urban poor. In this research, explaining different urban land management techniques and land management models used along metro rail in different region of India. Redevelopment is an improvement, which ensures that residents of a community are empowered to improve their quality of life and environment as a result of local planning area. Land readjustment is an essential tool used for the re-organization of urban areas. It aims to convert unplanned parcels into suitable forms of development plots for public and private use according to town planning requirements. Hence, land readjustment method maintains great opportunities to the solution of Land-Use problems (Urban Sprawl, Unplanned Settlement, Urban Density and Urban Sprawl etc.) in urban-fringe areas. Also including other aspects of community development such as design, preservation of historic assets, public spaces, and promotion of environmental justice, environmental remediation and even issues that enhance the level of social services provided to neighbourhood residents. Based on this model, we are trying to explain that instead of settling new cities/towns, we need to focus to develop or improve the existing area only and make that area habitable, then perhaps we will be able to use the land properly. Read More...
Architecture & Planning |
India |
109-112 |
27 |
Stabilization of Red Soil by Using Walnut Shell Powder, Walnut Shell Ash and Rice Husk Ash
-Malik Basit Ahmad ; Ajay Bhukal
Because of the poor quality connected with it and the reduction in the type of index and engineering qualities of the soil, soil stabilization is now an unavoidable activity. It has been improved with the help of reinforcing the environment. Red soil, often known as red earth, is made mostly of kaolinite clay, as well as slit and fine sand. The presence of significant levels of iron oxide gives it its red hue. It has a lower humus concentration and is less clayey and saltier. This soil is acidic and incapable of retaining moisture. The amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, and lime in the soil is quite low. Using walnut shell powder, walnut shell ash, and rice husk ash, this study evaluates the advancement of workability, compressibility, and compaction characteristics, as well as the physical features of highly plastic clayey soil. The treatment of Red Soil with RHA, Walnut Shell Powder, and Walnut Shell Ash resulted in an overall decrease in MDD and an increase in OMC as the RHA content increased. Because cement is more expensive than RHA, construction costs may be reduced. Stabilizers such as rice husk ash, walnut shell powder, and walnut shell ash are useful and efficient. The use of these stabilizers will improve the strength of Red Soil. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
113-117 |
28 |
Self Purification of River Betwa
-Prabhanshu Mishra ; Dr. Rajeev Jain
The self-purification ability of a resurgence stream has been investigated by taking samples along the course of a channeled tract made up of a first part at (3.3 km) and a second at concrete (7.2 km). The study has been conducted by statistically processing pre-existent data, acquired monthly by analyzing waters at the beginning and at the end of the whole river for 6 months, and by performing specific experiments (recent data) to evaluate differently the self-purification capacity of the river betwa. A significant abatement of concentrations has been observed from historicdata for ammonium, phosphates, turbidity, heavy metals and bacteria. From the recent data, all these parameters seem to decrease in the beaten soil tract. For other parameters, e.g. pH, dissolved oxygen, chlorides, fluorides, sodium, and sulfates, a significant increase was observed fromthe historic data. Generalizations presented in this paper represent, in systematized form, the basic elements of the qualitative theory of water self-purification in freshwater ecosystems. Recommendations are given for maintaining water quality and sustainable development of water resources. Water pollution caused by organic matter is a major global problem which requires continuous evaluation. Multivariate statistical analysis was applied to assess spatial and temporal changes caused by natural and anthropogenic phenomena along Betwa River. Cluster analysis (CA), principal component analysis (PCA) and analysis of variance (ANOVA) were applied to a data set collected throughout a period of 6 months, which monitored physical, chemical and biological parameters. Content of dissolved oxygen in water and biochemical oxygen demand in a watercourse are indicators of pollution caused by organic matter. The mean water temperature of 23.6 oC at the time of this case study which was one of the coldest periods in the year placed the DO saturation pointat 8.58mg/L. At higher temperatures which at times go above 30 oC, the DO at saturation is expected to be lower than 8.58 mg/L. If we see the different parameters, the pH value is decreasing as the mason is raining as the velocity of the river increases. From all the 3 stations we found the pH level is low at the 3rd station i.e. 7.015 in summer and 5.121 in rainy season. It means the river is becoming less acidic when we move toward 1st to 3rd station. Apart from DO all the values are getting decrease when we move toward 1st to 3rd station but DO value get increase more in rainy then summer. All the values are given in table 1a. The k2 values ranged from 0.11/day to 0.30/day. All the k2 values were observed to be below 0.34/day, and the further details are given in the table 1b. The f values range from 0.7 to 2.2. Based on FAIR’S table of values for f = k2 / k1, the lower value of 0.7 corresponds to the value for sluggish stream of poor reaeration potential whereas the higher value of 2.2 shows flowing streams of normal velocity possessing moderate reaeration potential. We observed that variation in the depth, flow of the river addition of organic waste near station C with f value 0.7 might havebeen the cause of increase in deoxygenation rate, and the further details are given in the table 1c. Read More...
Environment Engineering |
India |
118-123 |
29 |
Numerical Analysis of Solar Thermo-Chemical Reactor With Variable Length And Porosity Using CFD
-Mithlesh Kumar Chedar ; Prof. Saumitra Sharma
Solar thermochemical processes make use of concentrated solar radiation as the energy source of high-temperature, which drives endothermic reactions aimed at the production of chemical fuels. In this paper, the main objective is to study the effect of various parameters on the working of thermochemical reactor. The parameters which are studied here are porosity, velocity and length of the porous material. The results from these parameters concluded that high porosity enhances the working of thermochemical reactor and velocity must be kept low for the better results. Read More...
Industrial Design |
India |
124-129 |
30 |
Different Mulberry Varieties of Silk
-Sanket Kuge ; Varsha Patil; Rushikesh Dhumal; Sammed patil
In this paper, the different varieties of silk are described such as Dupion, Charkha, Chinnon, Plain, Crepe, Chiffon, Tabby, Organza, Satin, Matka, Murshidabad silk along with their important properties. Then finally usefulness of the paper is stated in conclusions. Read More...
Textile Engineering |
India |
130-133 |
31 |
Experimental Analysis of through Type Steel Bridge by using SAP2000
-Om Verma ; Lavina Talwale
Steel bridges are widely used around the world in different structural forms with different span length, such as highway bridges, railway bridges, and footbridges. The main advantages of structural steel over other construction materials are its strength, ductility, easy fabrication, and rapid construction. It has a much higher strength in both tension and compression than concrete, and relatively good strength to cost ratio and stiffness to weight ratio. Steel is a versatile and effective material that provides efficient and sustainable solutions for bridge construction, particularly for long span bridges or bridges requiring enhanced seismic performance. The structural steel for steel bridges should be selected according to the required material properties or the stress state where used, environmental conditions at the construction site, corrosion protection method, construction method, etc. (JSCE, 2007). The physical properties of structural steel such as strength, ductility, toughness, weldability, weather resistance, chemical composition, shape, size, and surface characteristics are important factors for designing and construction of steel bridges. Three categories of structural steel are often used for steel bridge construction including carbon steel, high strength steels, and heat-treated carbon steels (Kumar and Kumar, 2014). The analysis of a single span two lane composite bridge is carried out. The scope of this study is to confine to the design aspect related to variable parameters.Vary the Height to Span Ratio (H/L) of Through truss bridge and check the deflation of Deck slab. Depth of web, thickness of web, width of flange are the variable parameters considered during the design of Stringers of Steel Bridge by using SAP2000 v14 the bridge models are subjected to the IRC class AA Tracked loading system and concluded that with the increase in shear force, bending moment and deflection in the girder and variation of stresses in slab. In this study, 10 different bridge span lengths 40m, 60m, 80m, 100m and 1200m were studied for different H/L ratio for IRC loading. Thickness of stringer beam also vary 16mm to 30mm for parametric study. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
134-136 |
32 |
A Review on Ordinary Concrete Mix Design and Geopolymer Concrete by Using Bamboo as a Reinforced Material
-Shubhanshu Jain ; Thakur Ramji Ram Singh
Due to increase in growth of industrial sectors the power of requirement of the country is rapidly increasing. In India, the cement production has increased from 6.44% to 282.79 million tones over FY 2016. As discussed earlier, 1 tons of cement production liberates 1 tone of chemical carbon dioxide gas. Hence from the above charts, due to high cement production and emission of gas, the global carbon footprint will also increase. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
137-138 |
33 |
Experimental Investigation in Conventional Concrete Mix Design and Geopolymer Concrete by Using Bamboo as a Reinforced Material
-Shubhanshu Jain ; Thakur Ramji Ram Singh
In this thesis “green†refers to sustainable and environmental-friendly. Hence in this project the cement is replaced with fly ash 100%. Flexural strength of geopolymer concrete replace by 1% bamboo reinforced beam is more than unreinforced beam. The Flexural strength of M-35 grade of concrete increases with the increase in Bamboo Reinforcement compared with normal concrete. The values that are obtained increased at 3 days and 7 days of curing for increase from 1 to 4% of Bamboo Reinforcement replaced used. Use of bamboo as reinforced concrete is feasible and techno economic. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
139-140 |
34 |
Important Silkworm Diseases and Their Management
-Sanket Kuge ; Varsha Patil; Rushikesh Dhumal; Sammed patil
In this paper initially the introduction to various silkworm diseases is given. Then their Symptoms, Mode of transmission, Detection method, Preventive measure are mentioned. Finally, usefulness of the paper is stated in conclusions. Read More...
Textile Engineering |
India |
141-144 |
35 |
Analysis over the Improvements in Moulding and Casting Processes
-Jitendra kumar
We know that there are various type problems occurred in moulding and casting processes as well as the cast materials are changed and physical conditions are changed. In some cases of the materials the special type moulds are required with special type mould properties to perform the casting operation efficiently. Besides it the casting operation also may be improved by using some improvements in material structure, steps used in casting process and in other various technical factors like velocity, pressure and density etc. These improvements may be different-2 for different-2 type materials due to their different physical and material properties. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
145-147 |
36 |
Study and Review for Impact of IOT Ecosystem in Agriculture
-Iyer Anish Subramanian
Technologies related to Internet of Things (IoT) had been broadly used in lots of fields which includes home appliances, transportation, logistics, healthcare, smart cities, Agriculture, commercial automation. etc. Despite the belief human beings may also have concerning the rural process, the fact is that modern agriculture enterprise is data-centered, precise, and smarter than ever. The speedy emergence of the Internet-of-Things (IoT) primarily based totally technology redesigned nearly each enterprise including “smart agriculture†which moved the enterprise from statistical to quantitative approaches. Such innovative adjustments are shaking the present agriculture strategies and developing new possibilities alongside more than a few demanding situations. This research paper highlights the problems which will come in IOT devices used in agriculture, as well as the challenges expected to come when integrating this technology with the traditional farming practices. Read More...
Internet of things (IoT) |
India |
148-152 |
37 |
Automatic Detection of Invasive Ductal Carcinoma with Convolution Neural Networks
-Shubham Popli ; Nakshtra Popli
A profound learning device for recognizing and imagining intrusive ductal carcinoma (IDC) tissue areas in bosom malignant growth entire slide pictures (WSI) is characterized in this article (BCa). Deep learning techniques incorporate computational dis-playing of the taking in measure and are gain from-information strategies. To get familiar with a progressive part-based portray-al, the CNN is prepared on countless picture patches (tissue locales) from WSI. Utilizing various models like VGG16, ResNet50, EfficientNetB0, and DenseNet121, the model helps us in accomplishing the best presentation. Read More...
Advanced Computing and Data Science |
India |
153-157 |
38 |
Seismic Analysis of L-Shape G+12 RCC Building with X-Bracing in Distinct Pattern and Effective Location
-Suryakant Pandey ; Mr. Aswin C.P.
There is a significant demand for large-scale high-rise apartment buildings in every city in this day and age of urbanisation, yet high-rise construction systems are exceedingly challenging to construct in any seismic zone due to the powerful and disruptive nature of seismic forces. Seismic forces provide the greatest danger of causing the most damage to high-rise structures. To fulfil this need, the Civil Engineering sector is continuously innovating new cutting-edge techniques. High-rise constructions are furnished with RCC or steel bracings to reduce the impacts of seismic and wind stresses. The major objective of this research is to establish the effective position and pattern of the RCC X-bracing system in an L-shaped multi-story building subjected to seismic forces. According to a prior reference study, X-bracing outperforms alternative bracing techniques. Analysis the seven types of frame models are taken – (1) Normal L-shape building without bracing, (2) X- bracing are provided at the face of L-shape building, (3) X-bracing are provided alternative pattern at the face of L-shape building from bottom to top floor, (4) X- bracing are provided zig-zag pattern at the face of L-shape building, (5) X-bracing are provided at the corner of L-shape building, (6) X-bracing are provided alternative pattern at the corner of L-shape building from bottom to the top floor, (7) X-bracing are provided zig-zag pattern at the corner of L-shape building. Developed and evaluated by response spectrum analysis method (Linear dynamic analysis) as per IS 1893-2000 using STAAD PRO V8i. In the present work G+12 storey, the L-shape frame structure is analyzed by using X-bracing. It is analyzed and the results of the Following Parameters are taken - (1) Peak storey shear, (2) Base shear, (3) Nodal displacement, (4) Maximum bending moment, (5) Total quantity of steel in the whole structure, (6) Total volume of concrete in the whole structure are evaluated and compared. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
158-166 |
39 |
Strengthening of Sub Grade Pavement by GGBS and sisal fiber and Minimize the Width of Flexible Pavement
-Shivangi Dwivedi ; Thakur Ramji Ram Singh
In this study effect of GGBS and sisal fiber on clayey soil is investigated. Different percentage of GGBS and sisal fiber is added to soil and its effect on various properties of soil is analyzed. Clayey soil shrinks and swells to a large extant with change in moisture content. Clayey soils are highly compressible and possess low shearing strength and very low bearing capacity. The locally available clayey soil collected from Govind Pura, Bhopal area and is used for experimental work. GGBS and sisal fiber has been used for soil stabilization. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
167-169 |
40 |
A Review on Strengthening of Pavement by Using GGBS and Sisal Fiber
-Shivangi Dwivedi ; Thakur Ramji Ram Singh
Soils vary from place to place and also their properties. Selection of such materials and methods for soil stabilization requires sound engineering judgement, therefore the best way to select suitable materials is testing of soil. The method and material selected for soil stabilization should be verified in laboratory before commencement of field construction. Nowadays various materials and techniques are being used for soil stabilization. The choice of particular material and method depends on properties of soil and type of construction also on cost and environmental considerations. There is need to look toward different industrial waste materials which are being produced in huge quantities. Soil stabilization using waste GGBS and sisal fiber is one of such method, which can be used to improve the geotechnical properties of soil. The amount of waste materials from different industries have been increasing day by day and disposal of such waste material in environmentally safer way is a matter of serious concern. These industrial wastes cause serious threats to environment and human health. As these materials cannot be disposed of properly and disposal of such materials is not economical. The problem of disposal of such material can be overcome by using these materials for soil stabilization. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
170-172 |
41 |
An Experimental Study on Fly Ash Based Concrete with Aluminium as Partial Replacement of Cement
-M.Shyam Sundar ; K Sai Abhinav; Dr J.Guru Jawahar; A.Anil
Concrete is one of the construction materials which is used on a large scale and it is generally includes Portland cement as the primary ingredient for making concrete. During concrete curing the heat generated is called heat of hydration. when water and cement react it will be an exothermic reaction. Keeping in view of the strength and durability of eco-friendly concrete, this investigation is mainly focused on the strength properties of M25 grade of concrete blended with fly ash and aluminum. In this study fly ash replacement level was kept at 25% and aluminium varied from 5% to 15% percentage. In this study, the parameters like unit weight, compressive strength and ultrasonic pulse velocity of concrete were studied after 7 and 28 days of curing. It is observed that the increase of aluminum increase the strength properties of concrete. It is due to the contribution of aluminum reaction in the concrete. The M25FA_AL15 attained almost strength properties of M25CC. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
173-175 |
42 |
Comparative Study and Punching Shear Behaviour of Flat Slab System
-Gaurav Gupta ; Vaishali Shah
Flat slabs are now a day’s becoming more popular and they are economical as compared to beam-column connections. RC frame buildings are commonly used for the construction. The use of flat slab building provides many advantages over RC frame building in terms of architectural tractability, use of the space, easier formwork under earthquake loads. In the present work flat slab building of G+8 storey building models are considered. The design of flat slab building with direct design method and also we have discussed the results obtained by performing Non-linear pushover analysis on flat slab building of various shapes and different types also by using software ETAB2015. To improve performance of building, it is necessary to analysis the seismic behavior of building, provision of flat slab with drop and without drop on the performance of these two types of buildings. As per IS 456:2000 codes provisions present work gives the information onthe parameters max strip moments, base shear, max storey displacement and storey drift. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
176-180 |
43 |
Effect of Secondary Refrigerants and Combination on Performance of Customized Central Cooling System
-Vivek Shankar ; Dr. Sanjay Chhalotre
This research mainly focuses on the energy saving measures in a customized cooling plant and no compromise had been made while maintaining the operating temperature as per requirements. After considering different geographical and thermal aspects of required cooling space various measurement and data had been collected. On the basis of all these factor and accordingly manufactures catalogue more tonnage requirement was there as compared to this customized one. It has been observed that combination of secondary refrigerant such as water and glycol produces more cooling effect in comparison with water alone. Comparison of energy consumption of water alone and water glycol combination has been performed using experimental setup in which secondary refrigerant is pre cooled with the help of primary refrigerant R134a before passing through cooling coils. The coefficient of performance of the combination is found to be higher than the water alone and hence provides better cooling. At the same time it also noted that energy consumption in the case of combination is slight less than the water alone and thus the combination refrigerants is better and cost effective in this case. Read More...
Thermal Engineering |
India |
186-190 |
44 |
Quantitative Analysis of Brain Tumor using K- Means Clustering
-Surujmoni Thakuria ; Daya Shankar Pandey
Brain Tumor detection is one of the most crucial parts of saving human life. Human detection is prone to various errors. Segmentation of tumours from healthy brain tissue is one of the most critical requirements of Biomedical Image Processing. There has been a continuous development of tools to detect and process medical images. For this paper, an algorithm has been devised to detect tumours and tested on the BRATS brain tumour database from patients to determine if accuracy level is maintained for all test subjects using an interface of GUI in Matlab. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
191-192 |
45 |
Comparative Analysis of Flat Slab and Post-Tensioned Flat Slab Using SAFE
-Ramesh Kumar ; Jyoti Yadav
Because of modern construction methods, the post-tension slab is widely accepted in the commercial and residential sectors. Post-tensioned flat and behavioral slab research studies have been conducted in this thesis. Modeling and analysis of flat slab and PT flat slab were performed using SAFE. With post-tensioning 12.7 diameter and 9.5 diameters 7 ply high tensile steel strands were used for PT slab analysis. The 8m by 12m slab panel is modeled in different conditions and different structures are provided. The slab is divided into columns and columns. Drops are provided with a column line on a flat slab and a PT flat slab. The results are compared with a flat slab and a PT flat slab in terms of the twisting, piercing, moment, and stress. Prices for reinforcing steel, post-tensioning steel, concrete required for slab are calculated equally and the cost per square meter is presented in the form of a picture. All PT flat slab studies confirm that PT flat slab may be a better option compared to flat slab, in terms of project costs. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
193-196 |
46 |
Prediction of Electric Motor Temperature (PMSM) Motor Using Decision Tree
-Aryan Gupta
This paper proposes the need for the prediction of stator winding temperature of PMSM Motor. Today there is an increase in acceptance of PMSM as a motor for the choice in various applications such as Electric Vehicles etc. There should be an accurate monitoring of temperature of stator winding in order to avoid the increase in temperature and to make sure that the performance of the motor does not deteriorates. In this work, using the already existing dataset the decision tree are implemented to calculate their mean square error and to conclude which algorithm predicts the temperature accurately. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
197-198 |
47 |
An Experimental Study Of Comparison Between The Strength Of Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete And Conventional Concrete (M30 Grade)
-Mohmad Auyzab Parray ; Sumit Sharma
It is a recent advancement in the construction technology, since it is light in weight, therefore bringing economy in the construction. Steel is replaced by the glass fibre helps in avoiding structural deterioration and corrosion in reinforced concrete structures. Keeping in mind about the global environmental conditions, many alternatives are searched to increase the strength, durability, shrinkage characteristics and serviceability of concrete. Hence, here glass fibre is added and tests have been performed with varying percentage of 1%, 2% and 3% of cement by adding as an admixture. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
199-202 |
48 |
Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of the Direct Power Control of DFIG
-Faiyaz Alam ; Mr. Shashi Minz
large wind farms Consists doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) variable speed wind turbines. They have accurate models of doubly fed induction generator wind turbines and their associated control and protection circuits. The main aim of this paper is to study the theory and control for the doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) based wind turbine, and establish its model by using mathematical formulas. The work is done with the help of MATLAB software, which accurately show the simulation results. Read More...
Control System |
India |
203-208 |
49 |
Comparison of the VOC Emissions and Indoor Air Quality of Epoxy Coating Materials
-Seymen Dnmez ; Daniela Tesaov
There was an investigation into the influence of epoxy coating films on the composition of the VOC emissions and the primary aim of the research is to characterize the emissions of the volatile organic compound. It plans to recognize the effect of significant elements on the sum and substance of VOC discharged into indoor air.The Measurement of the emissions from the samples was tested in the small-space chamber. Collected samples of the emissions were analyzed by the gas chromatography in conjunction with mass spectrometer VOC emissions were analyzed by gas chromatograph Agilent GC 6890 N.The measurements have shown that the volatile organic compounds (VOC) from different types of epoxy coatings have been investigated. 35 different kinds of VOCs could be identified by the test. Compound groups occurring most often were Toluen, Methoxy, Propanol, Butoxy-Ethanol, Tetrachlorethylene, m,p-Xylen. The highest individual components were found such as Toluen and Methoxy. The outcomes have shown that epoxy coating material may contribute fundamentally to air pollution. Read More...
Engineering |
Czech Republic |
209-214 |
50 |
Behaviour of Calcareous (Calcium Carbonate) Sands with Increasing Particle Crushing Under Monotonous Loading
-Narish Kumar ; Saurbh Singh
Limestone deposits containing more than 50% calcium carbonate by weight are found mainly between latitudes 30oS and 30oN in coastal areas such as Florida, India, Puerto Rico and Australia. Many studies have focused on the behavior of sediments and the destruction of particles exposed to them. In marine construction, measured power in limestone was reported to be about 20% lower than predicted. Therefore, it is necessary to study the loading behavior of the limestone sands with the post-construction scenario. Limestone sands from Puerto Rico and Western Australia were chosen as materials for this study. The main objective is to study the static charge behavior in the lime sand, since it increases the degree of particle crushing. To do this, the physical properties are first determined. It has been established that lime sand has a high carbonate content, a high specific gravity, and a porous particle structure. In order to study the static stress behavior of unground lime sand, triaxial subwash tests are performed at various limiting pressures. Lime sand samples prepared with different particle contents are then tested with triaxial unground tests. Different particle contents are obtained with compressive loading (one-dimensional consolidation test) and transverse loading (triaxial consolidated drainage test and TruePath test). The impact of the loading mechanism on particle size reduction is also evaluated. The results of the Puerto Rico and Western Australia sand tests are analyzed and compared with each other. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
215-219 |