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Pooja Raval, Bhavik Patel, Vishal Patel and Palak Patel. "Study of Vernacular Houses of Chanasma Region in Gujarat." International Journal for Scientific Research and Development [Conference 5 : Habitat Conclave 2016] (2016): 1-9.
Kaninik Baradi. "3D Printing as a Construction Process for Structural Members." International Journal for Scientific Research and Development [Conference 5 : Habitat Conclave 2016] (2016): 10-16.
Anal Sheth and Dhiraj Santdasani. "Solar Electric Bus: Benefits and Costs." International Journal for Scientific Research and Development [Conference 5 : Habitat Conclave 2016] (2016): 17-22.
Ashish Shakuniya, Shweta Prasad and Swati Bhute. "Urban Infrastructure Issues and Solutions." International Journal for Scientific Research and Development [Conference 5 : Habitat Conclave 2016] (2016): 23-27.
Jil Tushar Sheth, Kinara Patel and Prof. Dipsha Shah. "Solid Waste Management: A Case Study of Ahmedabad." International Journal for Scientific Research and Development [Conference 5 : Habitat Conclave 2016] (2016): 28-34.
Jil Tushar Sheth, Kinara Patel and Dipsha Shah. "Analysis of Construction and Demolition Waste Management Policies from Sustainability Perspective." International Journal for Scientific Research and Development [Conference 5 : Habitat Conclave 2016] (2016): 35-39.
N. H. Patel and Dr.V.M.Patel. "Inland Water Transportation Opportunities and Challenges in India." International Journal for Scientific Research and Development [Conference 5 : Habitat Conclave 2016] (2016): 40-42.
Krishna Nadoda, Ruta Patel and Aastha Shah. "Solar Applications in the Development of Smart Cities in India." International Journal for Scientific Research and Development [Conference 5 : Habitat Conclave 2016] (2016): 43-49.
Sirat Toor. "City Advancement through Smart Citizenship." International Journal for Scientific Research and Development [Conference 5 : Habitat Conclave 2016] (2016): 50-51.
GediyaRiddhi, Patel Rutu J and Manisha Tiwari. "Noise Pollution Mitigation for Smart Cities." International Journal for Scientific Research and Development [Conference 5 : Habitat Conclave 2016] (2016): 52-56.
Nausheen. "Dense City and Search for Sustainability." International Journal for Scientific Research and Development [Conference 5 : Habitat Conclave 2016] (2016): 57-59.
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