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Conference Proceedings 

“Habitat Conclave 2016”

Youth Conclave


Paper presentation on

“Smart & Sustainable City”


In association with


IJSRD – International Journal for Scientific Research & Development

Gujarat Institute of Civil Engineers & Architects (GICEA) is organizing 4-day event named Habitat Conclave 2016 on 18th - 21st February 2016. Under Youth Conclave Paper Presentation on Smart & Sustainable city is being managed by IJSRD.  This event aims to cover the recent trends of research in the field of "Smart & Sustainable City".

Interested participants/Authors can prepare a paper/article showing their idea in the well managed format. They have to submit their article here. Innovative ideas will be selected and participants will be called for presentation during event.

Researchers working on Smart & Sustainable City development can submit their papers under following themes but not limited to.

(1)      Culture & heritage of Smart city                       

(2)      Green building and Smart Cities

(3)      Sustainable cities issues & solutions

(4)      Urban trends in Smart City Planning

(5)      Sustainable Smart Tourism

(6)      Urban Infrastructure issues and solutions

(7)      Sustainable Urban Environmental Design

(8)      Smart Urban Transportation Planning

(9)      National & Individual needs in smart cities

(10)   Smart, Urban, Congestion free Sustainable Mobility

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Organized by

Gujarat Institute of Civil Engineers & Architects

Nirman Bhavan, Opp. Law Garden, Ellisbridge, 
Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India - 380006.



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IJSRD Call for Papers & International Journal of Science