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Conference Proceedings 

National Conference on ‘Advances in

Computing and Communications’


It gives us immense pleasure to intimate you that, the department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, Bidar, Karnataka, is organizing Two days National Level Conference on  ‘Advances in Computing and Communications’ (NCACC-2016) in collaboration with International Journal of Scientific Research and Development (IJSRD) on 22nd and 23rd  October-2016. The aim of NCACC-2016 is to provide a platform for researchers and practitioners, in all areas of evolutionary computing and communication engineering to discuss the full spectrum of current theoretical developments, emerging technologies, and innovative applications of computing and communications in solving complex real life problems. 


Best Paper Award: Outstanding papers presented at NCACC-2016 will be awarded with certificate and cash prize.


All accepted papers from NCACC-2016 will be published in International Journal for Scientific Research & Development (IJSRD). Impact Factor of IJSRD is 2.39.


 Last date of submission: 22nd September 2016.

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Organized by

Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, Bidar, Karnataka
Mailoor Road, Bidar - 585 403
Karnataka, India 
Phone: 08482-226949, 235214 


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