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Survey Paper on Graphical Password Authentication System In Terms of Usability and Security Attribute


Dnyaneshwari Waghmare , Sinhgad Institute of Technology and Science; Prajwal Tangawar, Sinhgad Institute of Technology and Science; Zeenat Shaikh, Sinhgad Institute of Technology and Science; Sakshi Randive, Sinhgad Institute of Technology and Science; Prof. Sujata Mali, Sinhgad Institute of Technology and Science


Graphical Password, Authentication System, Security Attribute


In today's digital era, safeguarding computer systems and information is a paramount challenge. The primary goal is to ensure that only authorized individuals have access to the systems and data. Authorization can't occur without authentication. For this authentication various techniques are available. Among them the most popular and easy is the password technique. A password is a way to control access to computers or information, ensuring that only those with permission can view or use them. The traditional approach involves using textual passwords (alphanumeric), but these can be vulnerable to different types of attacks. In response to these weaknesses, a graphical password technique has been developed as a more secure alternative. As name suggests in this technique images (pictures) are used as a password instead of text.[3] Graphical passwords are an alternative to alphanumeric passwords in which users click on images to authenticate themselves rather than type alphanumeric strings [1]. The graphical password systems, a replacement for the conventional alphanumeric username and password authentication mechanism, are the subject of this article. The latter has been shown to have serious disadvantages, such as users' propensity to select simple passwords or forget difficult ones. Images are used as passwords in graphic password systems, and this page gives a thorough description of the approaches currently being used in this field. The methods are divided into two groups: approaches based on detection and those based on memory [4]. A novel option in password security is the use of graphic-based passwords, and there is a rising preference for such a method. Research in human psychology indicates that people tend to find it simpler to recall images compared to words. The graphical password scheme involves two key elements: security and usability. This study undertakes a thorough examination of the existing Recognition-Based graphical password schemes.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV11I110064
Published in: Volume : 11, Issue : 11
Publication Date: 01/02/2024
Page(s): 69-73

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