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Paranormal Games and Their Effect on Human Brain


Tumula Mani Kota Rajasekhar , APISERO


Paranormal, Parapsychologists, Haunt, Rituals, Pocession, Exorcism


From many years, humans are being haunted by a plenty of unsolved questions. Though some of the questions were termed as solved, there is still some dark area left in them. Paranormal Science is one of such unsolved topics which is haunting mankind from many years. There were many paranormal instances in history which cannot be explained by science. Though scientists argue that paranormal science is not logically proved, a doubt will always be there in their mind. Many people consider this topic as a trash, but there are some fascinating facts and proofs in history which makes that trash a hidden treasure yet to be unlocked. Even in the most developed countries like America, around 45-50% of the people believe in the existence of paranormal entities. But “Do ghosts really exist?” This is another multi-million-dollar question, there are many people who dedicated their lives to find the answer to this question. Such people were termed as parapsychologists. According to these parapsychologists, ghosts are technically defined as a mysterious energy, which contains electromagnetic field around them. So, the people who want to find them generally use some customised electronic gadgets in their investigations. There were numerous scientific theories which explains about the existence of the unknown entities, along with them, there are many evidences which proves the existence of paranormal creatures, simply termed as ghosts. But there is another interesting question here, “Can we contact them?” Most of the people believe that it is possible. Talking to dead is considered as a ritual in many parts of the world. Even many games were invented to perform this process. Though these games were considered as a funny thing by many people, there were instances that people got effected by playing these games. In this paper, we are going to discuss about some of such games and their effect on humans and also the hidden theories and facts behind those games. Along with the games, we are going to discuss some real-life scenarios and also a strange phenomenon known as Pocession along with different stages involved in it.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV11I40210
Published in: Volume : 11, Issue : 4
Publication Date: 01/07/2023
Page(s): 132-137

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