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Tollgate Billing and Security of Vehicle Using RFID


T. Mahaboob Rasool , BITS, Proddatur, A.P. India ,India; M. L. S. N. Murthy, BITS, Proddatur, A.P. India ,India; V. Anjaneyulu, BITS, Proddatur, A.P. India ,India; M. Balamunaiah, BITS, Proddatur, A.P. India ,India


Tollgate billing, RFID, Authentication, GSM.


This paper deals with an improved from of tollgate billing system. An efficient utilization of communication link between RF modems over a wireless channel to facilitate vehicle monitoring, vehicle authentication and automated toll collection on the highways is proposed. The system is implemented to automatically register vehicles getting on or of a motorway or highway, cutting the amount of time for playing toll in large queues. In this we are using active RFID tag. Which takes power supply from vehicle battery itself? Mainly concentrate on the security of the vehicle and authentication process whether the driver is correct person or not to use the vehicle. In this paper we are proposing 3 solutions for authentication of vehicle. They are 1. GSM technology 2. Using finger prints 3. Password through passive RFID technology

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV1I12098
Published in: Volume : 1, Issue : 12
Publication Date: 01/03/2014
Page(s): 2837-2839

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