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Impact of Pollution on the Ecology of Wetland in South Western Part of Bangladesh


Bidhan Chandra Biswas , Research Scholar(Assistant professor,) university of Kalyani,W.B. India; Ashis Kumar Panigrahi, Dept. of Zoology,university of Kalyani,W.B. India


Wetland, Pollution, Biodiversity and Management


Water resources provide numerous benefits with minimum care and attention. Katparabaor is a very significant oxbow lake situated in Jhenidah and Chuadanga, South western part of Bangladesh. It is an essential source of natural assets which manifest vital role in aquaculture, fisheries, bio diversity maintenance, water recycling, livelihood of the rural mass, rearing of animal husbandry .The ecology of the wetland is seriously degraded due to the anthropogenic disturbances.. Unplanned developments and rapid growth of population, the wetland received large amount of pollutants from agricultural and domestic sources, huge siltation from farm practices adversely affect the water quality as well as the diversity of flora and fauna .Fish is the main source of protein of the rural mass and wetlands provide huge number of fishes to mitigate the demand of protein. But unfortunately the production of native fishes in open water sources is declining day by day. Priority should be given to save the wetland by adopting sustainable management of aquaculture strategies.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV2I12185
Published in: Volume : 2, Issue : 12
Publication Date: 01/03/2015
Page(s): 896-899

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