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Analysis And Optimization Of Connecting Rod By Using FEM


Jaysukh N. Likhiya , Nobel Group of Institution-Junagadh , Gujarat ; Kevin M. Vyas, Nobel Group of Institution-Junagadh , Gujarat


connecting rod, ANSYS, Pro E Creo


In the automobile industry connecting rod has high volume production. And connecting rod has a complex geometry also. Two major problems that arise in last many years are pollution and fuel crisis. This two problems can be reduce by reduce the weight of the moving part of IC engine. Among the various moving part of IC engine here choose connecting rod for research and reduce its by weight optimization technique. After the study of connecting rod conclude that mostly connecting rod fails at the piston end eyes. So we can modify the design of piston end by design optimization and by this we can reduce the failure rate of connecting rode. To improve the efficiency of IC engine we can reduce the weight of connecting rod by various optimization technique like topology optimization, material optimization etc. Material used for make the connecting rod in current is mostly forged steel. Because forged steel has high compressive strength. It can withstand against the high compressive stress that can produce by gas pressure in IC engine. But forged steel has high density. So weight of the forged steel also high. So if we find another material that has high compressive strength but less density than we can improve the efficiency of engine. Modeling of existing connecting rod is done by Pro E Creo 5.0 software. This model used for analysis of rod also. Static analysis is done by using ANSYS 14.5 software. Theoretical calculation of stress generated in connecting rod is done by using ranking formula. And after this comparisation of both result do. Both results are nearly same.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV2I12283
Published in: Volume : 2, Issue : 12
Publication Date: 01/03/2015
Page(s): 829-832

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