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An Efficient Load Balance Routing for Wireless Sensor Network


Ms.K.Karthika , RatnaVel Subramaniam College of Engineering & Technology; Ms.D.Vetrithangam , RatnaVel Subramaniam College of Engineering & Technology


Heterogeneous wireless sensor networks, multipath routing, intrusion detection, reliability, security, energy conservation.


Redundancy Management of heterogeneous wireless sensor networks, utilizing multipath routing to answer user queries in the presence of unreliable and malicious nodes. The concept of redundancy management is to exploit the tradeoff between energy consumption vs. the gain in reliability, timeliness, and security to maximize the system useful lifetime. Formulate an optimization problem for dynamically determining the best redundancy level to apply multipath routing for intrusion tolerance. A voting-based distributed intrusion detection algorithm is applied to detect and evict malicious nodes. Develop a novel probability model to analyze the best redundancy level in terms of path redundancy and source redundancy, as well as the best intrusion detection settings in terms of the number of voter sand the intrusion invocation interval under which the lifetime of network is maximized. The coverage time for a clustered wireless sensor network by optimal balancing of power consumption among cluster heads. Clustering significantly reduces the energy consumption of individual sensors, but it also increases the communication burden on CHs. Two mechanisms are proposed for achieving balanced power consumption in the stochastic case: a routing-aware optimal cluster planning and a clustering-aware optimal random relay. A sleeping node mechanism is used in order to gain maximum energy.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV2I4095
Published in: Volume : 2, Issue : 4
Publication Date: 01/07/2014
Page(s): 167-171

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