Analysis of Risky Factors Causing Cost overrun in Construction Projects |
Author(s): |
Nayak Atul D. , SNPIT & RC, Umrakh; Vadkel Saurav R., SNPIT & RC, Umrakh; Miss Nimita A. Tijore, SNPIT & RC, Umrakh; Mr. Rushabh A. Shah, SNPIT & RC, Umrakh |
Keywords: |
Cost Overrun, Risk Factors, Risk Management |
Abstract |
Construction industries play an important role in economic growth and development of any country. In the Construction industry cost overrun is the major problems occur because of some risky factors. Because of these factors the construction work cannot completed at stipulated time, within budget. To minimize the effect of that risk on cost overruns, we have to be aware of the fact that which risk affect the cost overruns in how much quantum so for that we have to give particular ranking pattern so we can easily reduce the effect of that risk and we can complete the project with our satisfactorily requirement. In this paper we shown that understanding of the project management constrain for the cost overruns and the studied one case study of identified most Risky factors causes of cost overrun in construction projects and their remedies. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV2I8194 Published in: Volume : 2, Issue : 8 Publication Date: 01/11/2014 Page(s): 375-378 |
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