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Modified LAEEBA Routing in WBAN


Sheth Mahammed Ovesh I. , Geetanjali Institute of Technical Studies, Udaipur; Assoc. Prof. Ajay Kumar Sharma, Geetanjali Institute of Technical Studies, Udaipur




This paper modifies the LAEEBA protocol to enhance the performance of the protocol. Eight sensor nodes are deployed on a human body; having equal power and computation capabilities. Sink node is placed at waist. Different nodes are used to measure various activities like Glucose level etc. In the LAEEBA protocol all the nodes are active at every time, but the total usage period of few nodes is very less depending upon the disease covered. This leads to the wastage of the energy. This work uses the Sleep state to save the energy. The sink node will remain active all the times and the other node are in the sleep state. The node which gets selected for the transmission will change its state to the active state; other nodes will remain in the sleep state. The simulation results show that the proposed technique is better than the existing technique. The comparison is done by using the PDR, E2E Delay and throughput. The delay gets decreased and the throughput gets increased. The PDR in the proposed algorithm is greater than the existing algorithm so the proposed algorithm is better than the existing algorithm.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV2I8212
Published in: Volume : 2, Issue : 8
Publication Date: 01/11/2014
Page(s): 348-351

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