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Mobile Voting System Using Advanced NFC Technology


Pooja Ranjane , NESGOI,pune; Punam Dhamale, NESGOI,pune; Varsharani Jagtap, NESGOI,pune; Shraddha Thorat, NESGOI,pune


Electronic voting system, NFC technology, Radio Frequency Identification


Electronic voting system are becoming popular with wide spread use of computer and embedded system. Security is the main important issue should be considered in such system. Mobile voting system is basically used for collecting and counting votes. In this technology include punch card, optical scan voting system. This paper proposes a new Mobile based voting system using advanced NFC technology, Voting is the process that allows the general public or the people to choose their leaders and articulate views on how they will be governed. This gives a comprehensive analysis of security with respect to NFC. This study deals with the use of information technology to handle electoral processes starting from voters and candidates registration to the actual casting and counting of ballots. Exploring mobile voting from a systems perspective can demonstrate the attributes of the current systems and the possible solutions for the voting process so any one can caste their vote from any place.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV2I8226
Published in: Volume : 2, Issue : 8
Publication Date: 01/11/2014
Page(s): 400-401

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