A Survey Paper On Data Confidentiatity And Security in Cloud Computing Using KIST Algorithm |
Author(s): |
Vasant Namdeo Dhatrak. , Sanghavi College of Engg., Nashik; Jeevan Rameshchandra Heda, Sanghavi College of Engg., Nashik; Adesh Vasant Bhabad., Sanghavi College of Engg., Nashik; Gaurav Prasad Shahane., Sanghavi College of Engg., Nashik; Bajirao Subhash Shirole., Sanghavi College of Engg., Nashik |
Keywords: |
Cloud storage, Security, Confidentiality, Cryptography, KIST Algorithm, Encryption, Decryption, Fraud Detection |
Abstract |
Now days rapidly increased use of cloud computing in the many organization and IT industries and provides latest software solution with minimum cost. So the cloud computing give us number of benefits with minimum cost and of data accessibility through Internet. The ensuring security risks of the cloud computing is the main factor in the cloud computing environment, The evolving essence is Cloud computing, that is beneficial in cost effective parts, such as capability inflexible computing, decreasing the time period to market and insufficient computing power. By using the complete ability of cloud computing, data are transmitted, processed and stored on the outside cloud service providers. The fact is that, the owner of the data is feeling extremely unconfident to locate their data outer to their own control. Security and Confidentiality of data stored in the cloud are key setbacks in the area of Cloud Computing. Security and Confidentiality are the key issues for cloud storage. This paper proposes a KIST encryption algorithm to concentrate on the security and Confidentiality issues in cloud storage and also compressed cipher text data in order to protect the data stored in the cloud. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV3I100619 Published in: Volume : 3, Issue : 10 Publication Date: 01/01/2016 Page(s): 766-768 |
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