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A Review on Road Traffic Models for Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)


Pardeep Mittal , Lovely Professional University Jalandhar


Microscopic, Mesoscopic, Macroscopic, Dispersion, Gaussian, METANET models


Traffic flow models seek to describe the interaction of vehicles with their drivers and the infrastructure. Almost all the models directly or indirectly characterize the relationship among the traffic variables: the position, the speed, the flow, and the density of vehicles. These relationships can be based on either the behavior of individual vehicles in a traffic network in relation to the dynamics of other vehicles, the overall characteristics of the flow of vehicles in a traffic network, or a combination of the behavior of individual vehicles in a traffic network and the overall traffic flow characteristics. This paper describes the different models for automatic Traffic control system.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV3I100629
Published in: Volume : 3, Issue : 10
Publication Date: 01/01/2016
Page(s): 848-850

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