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Parallel Universe: A Way to Travel in Time


Ekta Bajaj , Maharaja Agrasen College, Delhi University; Manish Kumar, Indira Gandhi National Open University


Observable universe, parallel universe, many worlds interpretation, many- worlds theory, quantum physics, WMAP, dark matter, dark energy, Hubble volume, cosmic horizon, horizon volume, multiverse, identical parallel universe, land universe, star ship, antimatter star ship, space–time curvature, Einstein-Rosen bridges, theory of general relativity, wormhole, time travel, teleportation, special theory of relativity, 4^th dimension, Einstein-Cartan-Sciama-Kibble Theory, Einstein-Cartan Theory, general relativity theory, fermionic matter, black hole, intrinsic angular momentum, gravitational effects, white hole


From the past centuries understanding our universe is brainstorming task, many scientists explained their ways and derived the laws of physics for understanding our universe but till now these laws are modifying. In modern times, a new theory suggests that apart from our universe there are another universes that are separated from our universe which can be identical to our universe. In this paper we are going to explain the facts behind our universe and our identical parallel universe, using a portal to travel in time with some modified concepts.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV3I100698
Published in: Volume : 3, Issue : 10
Publication Date: 01/01/2016
Page(s): 1057-1060

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