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Virtual Exercise Using Kinect Sensor


Hitesh Sanjay Shukla , GES RHS collage of engg; Hitesh Shukla, GES RHS collage of engg; Dinesh Cholake, GES RHS collage of engg; Sagar Mutha, GES RHS collage of engg


Virtual Physical Therapy, Serious Games, Kinect, Rehabilitation, Computer Game, Interface Video Games, Middleware, Interactive Technologies, Motion Captured Information, Movement Recognition


Proposed system presents the event of a virtual trainer to be used by physiotherapists and patients in exercise based mostly physical therapy programs. System permits a expert to tailor exercise necessities to the specific wants and challenges of individual patients. Patients will choose completely different programs and follow a lecturer avatar to perform recorded exercises supported their wants. The Microsoft Kinect should be implementing as a way to trace user’s body movements. This allows immersive and natural interaction between the user and virtual tuition world. most significantly, the recorded skeletal joint information facilitates quantitative chemical analysis and feedback of patient’s body movements. Preliminary study shows the potential of using Kinect as a coffee price resolution for virtual physical therapy coaching reception or clinic settings. Most patients requiring neuro rehabilitation continue coaching reception while not direction of their therapists. They need troubles like loss of motivation, routine problem, and lack of a guide to execute a task. System proposes to support these patients with Associate in Nursing application that follows the Magic Mirror paradigm, employing a Natural computer programme and Microsoft Kinect.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV3I120122
Published in: Volume : 3, Issue : 12
Publication Date: 01/03/2016
Page(s): 135-137

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