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Voice Controlled Wheelchair with Home Appliances Control for Physically Handicapped People


Patil Arundhati , BVCOEW SPPU PUNE; Patil Nilima, BVCOEW SPPU PUNE; Munje Limbabai, BVCOEW SPPU PUNE; Prof.S.L.Kore, BVCOEW SPPU PUNE


Wheelchair, Physically Handicapped


The system is designed to control a wheelchair using the voice of consumer. The objective of this project is to facilitate the movement of people who are disabled or handicapped and elderly people who are not able to move well. The result of this design will allow certain people to live a life with less dependence on others. Speech recognition technology is a key which may provide a new way of human interaction with machines or tools. Thus the problem that they are faced can be solved by using speech recognition technology to move the wheelchair. This can be realized with used the microphone as an intermediary.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV3I1626
Published in: Volume : 3, Issue : 1
Publication Date: 01/04/2015
Page(s): 1314-1316

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