An Internal Intrusion Approach And Self Protection For Generating Synthetic Log File Using Forensic Techniques |
Author(s): |
Inamdar SabaAfrin Ghayasuddin , Jaihind College Of Engg.Kuran; Khutan Geeta Nivrutti, JJaihind College Of Engg.Kuran; Varpe Pallavi Subhash, JJaihind College Of Engg.Kuran; Prof.S.K.Said, Jaihind College Of Engg.Kuran |
Keywords: |
Intrusion Detection Systems, Digital Forensic, Logs, Cryptography |
Abstract |
In today’s technology, there are new attacks are emerging everyday due to that the system makes the insecure even the system wrapped with number of security measures. To detect the intrusion, an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is used. To detect the intrusion and respond in timely manner is its prime function. In other words, IDS function is limited to detection as well as response. The IDS is unable to capture the state of the system when an intrusion is detected. So that, in original form, it fails to preserve the evidences against the attack. New security strategy is very much needed to maintain the completeness and reliability of evidence for later examination. In this research work, there proposed an automated Digital Forensic Technique with Intrusion Detection System. It sends an alert message to capture the state of the system, to administrator followed by invoke the digital forensic tool Once an IDS detects an intrusion. To prove the damage Captured image can used as evidence in the court of law. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV3I80146 Published in: Volume : 3, Issue : 8 Publication Date: 01/11/2015 Page(s): 323-325 |
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