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Android application for college organization


Dani Akshay Milind , Jaihind College of engineering,kuran,pune; Mule Sandhya Kiran, Jaihind College of engineering,kuran,pune; Naik Ritesh Ramesh, Jaihind College of engineering,kuran,pune; Prof. Gunjal S.D., Jaihind College of engineering,kuran,pune


Mobile App, College Organization, Data Security, Armstrong Numbers, Authentication, Cryptography


As the development of technology is increasing rapidly, the use of mobile phones have also been increased in our day to day life. Today’s scenario is that mobiles are very useful in everybody’s day to day life. Mobile phones are being used everywhere, hence for educational institute we propose an application that will eliminate the role of manual notice board which we see in educational institute. As often seen that student avoids reading notice board frequently. Thus we are developing a system that will display all the notice board content on it. This paper focuses on penetration of mobile apps. For security purpose to secure the authentication of user, to maintain integrity we are using the Armstrong number to encrypt the data with cryptography.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV3I80154
Published in: Volume : 3, Issue : 8
Publication Date: 01/11/2015
Page(s): 280-282

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