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A survey on Web based notification management system with android application


Lalit S. Jadhav , RMCET; Lalit S. Jadhav, RMCET; Sanket S. Jagushte, RMCET; Tejas R. Mhade, RMCET; Mangesh K. Gosavi, RMCET


Web based Notification Management System, Android Application


In recent years the Android Technology with web-services has brought many drastic changes in mobile application development field. The management of accurate and up-to-date information regarding a student’s academic career is difficult and time consuming task for the schools. Now-a-days the information to parents regarding their ward is provided through post cards, SMS or Email, but these techniques are very much hectic time inefficient and lengthy. Hence this application provides a solution through a simple interface for maintenance of student information. This application provides a generalized solution to monitor the various works that are carried out by a school for managing it. It helps parents to get detailed information regarding to their ward such as attendance, fees due, result, progress report, important notices, school’s event details, information about teachers etc. using the android application. It also contains query message option for parents so that parents can interact with the college faculty through this application. It also facilitate parents to gain all the notifications about the activities held in the college. Also SMS based mechanism is implemented to send notifications for those parents who don’t have an android mobile. Each individual parent will be get the details of his/her ward only.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV3I80210
Published in: Volume : 3, Issue : 8
Publication Date: 01/11/2015
Page(s): 395-397

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