Dynamic Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Framed Structures with Infill wall |
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Keywords: |
Masonry infill (MI), Mainstone R.J formulae, Equivalent Static Force Method |
Abstract |
Masonry infill (MI) panels have been used as a means to strengthening existing moment resting frames and there is evidence that they improved the performance of structures under severe earthquake loading. In this paper dynamic analysis has been performed using Equivalent lateral force, Response spectrum for different reinforced concrete (RC) frame building models that include bare frame, infilled frame and different percentages of opening in infilled frame. The results of bare frame, infilled frame and different percentages of opening in infilled frame are discussed and conclusions are made.The opening size of the infill has a significant influence on the Modal period, displacement storey drift and maximum storey acceleration, and base shear. Generally they increase as the opening size increases. The base shear decreases as the opening size increases. In modelling the masonry infill panels the Equivalent diagonal Strut method is used and the software ETABS is used for the analysis of all the frame models. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV3I90352 Published in: Volume : 3, Issue : 9 Publication Date: 01/12/2015 Page(s): 1137-1142 |
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