Web Scalability: Using Server Virtualization, Caching and Load Balancing |
Author(s): |
Ibad Ibrahim Mirsinge , AIKTC School of Engineering; Shabab Tulve , AIKTC School of Engineering; Amit Patil, AIKTC School of Engineering; Asma Siddique, AIKTC School of Engineering; Prashant Lokhande, AIKTC School of Engineering |
Keywords: |
Scaling, Web Server Scaling, Caching, Load Balancer, Application Level Scaling, Scalability |
Abstract |
Web applications are the main source of information exchange of businesses over the globe. The main problem over the globe about the web applications is the service of the particular server. As a server has its own capacity to handle some amount of particular clients, there is always a possibility the number of Clients may get increased, at this time most of servers are unable to respond. This paper gives a purposed solution for Servers to handle more clients even when its capacity exceeds without scaling it horizontally that is (without increasing hardware). Management of clients requests on a web Server is managed In order to increase the capacity on a server and hence it gets capable to handle more clients. Architecture for scaling web servers is uses application level scaling which makes it flexible to be applied on any other servers. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV3I90485 Published in: Volume : 3, Issue : 9 Publication Date: 01/12/2015 Page(s): 1061-1064 |
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