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Hybrid Security Approach For Outsource Data Access in Mobile Cloud Environments


Arivumathi I , Kongunadu college of engineering and technology; Niranjana A, Kongunadu college of engineering and technology


Mobile cloud computing, Privacy Preserving, Cryptographic approach, Secure storage network


In mobile cloud computing (MCC), mobile devices can be rely on cloud computing and resources are stored to perform computationally various operations such as searching, mining and accessing the files in secure manner. During the file access in secure network, there are no efficient cryptographic algorithms. For secure the files in cloud, various cryptographic approaches are used but most of them increase the computational cost of file storage. Thus a new technique is required to develop which efficiently used for data storage and data access. Therefore the presented work is intended to find an approach by which the security in file hosting and management can play an important role. Therefore, we give techniques and algorithms for secured access in mobile cloud environment. So we can provide three tier architecture that includes MD5 (Message Digest) algorithm, Advance encryption standard algorithm and Elliptic curve cryptography algorithm. These algorithms can be implementing in real time mobile cloud environment and an experimental result proves with minimal performance degradation.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV3I90593
Published in: Volume : 3, Issue : 9
Publication Date: 01/12/2015
Page(s): 1070-1073

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